The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

RAILROAD miE TABLES. TAKES NO GHAEES. I GRESCENTS I DAILY STORY. FAMILY REMEDY Li FOR fICHES MJD PMJS. Invaluable The terms in wjbich Admiral Samp-soa described the affair tended strongly to' take away theUarge importanoa-that had beea given, it in the nnrtlflcial dispatches.

There was a notable failure on the part, of the admiral to mention anything, like a landing, although the statement that the Marblehead now holds thelower bay by implication may carry with it the idea that her marine are ashore. Elderly naval officers who have been in Guan tanamo bay describe it as admirably suited to the reception of transports, withi plenty off water, for the of the and enough for-the smaller class of warships that might be used to convoy them. The locality. is one that would make a good base of opemtionsagainst Santiagp itself, should it be decided to attacUie latter town. by troops the rear instead of by the warships.

Will Act Nnraea. A very substantial evidence of self-sacrifice for the sake of their country is afforded by the -taking' up of -a military nurse's duties by the daughter of Secretary Longv Miss Margaret Long, with some- of her chums at ther Johns Hopkins- medical of Baltimore. The, young ladies who go, with -Miss Long are Dorothy. Keid, Mabel Austin, daughter Austin, of Minnesota, and Mabel Simis. They have already reported to the naval hospital at Brooklyn to nurse the wounded and sailors; who sent up from; Sampson's fleet on; the Solace At Chlefcawanaa Parhw, Chickamauga Military, Park, Ga June 11.

The general impression prevails at Gen. Brooke's headquarters jthat there will be no removals from this to points south; until the govern-meat is ready to send another army di-t for 9 SORE THROAT, COUGHS. COLDS. BRUISES. INFLAMMflTIOHS.

CATARRH, Genuine JPofMl Extract it sold oar own bottles with our' name-on Label and Wrapper. OflllTinil Avoid cheap imitations You may be running great UAU liUlJi risk mt Life and Health In using them. Chicago North-Western R'y. WISCONSIN DIVISION. s3 Gorso worth.

Ishpemlng Passenger, dally a Iahpemkig Passenger, Sundays :40 a nv Menominee a Menominee Passenger, Sundays a Green Bay Passenger, pro 1 Menominee Passenger, Sundays exe'n 7:62 par Green Bay Passenger, daily 7 oonro south. Chicago Passenger, dally. i Chicago Passenger, Sundays a Chleago Passenger, Sundays excep 10: IS am Chicago Passenger, 12 CUcsagp Passenger, Sundays excep :62 tFonddu Lac Passenger, dally tFond da Lao passenger runs Sundays to Mil waukee. J. Smith, Agent ASHLAND DIVISION.

GOING NORTH. Ashland Passenger, Sundays excepted .8:19 am Ashland Passenger, dally 11 :12 pa; Antigo Passenger, Sundays excepted ..5:65 pm tMilw. Pass, Sun. excepted, arrives. ...10:50 am 4 tOnly to Appleton Junction.

GOING SOUTH. Chicago Passenger, daily 8:40 am KaukaunaPass. Sundays excepted ..8:45 an- Chicago Passenger, Sundays excepted.ll :18 am Chicago Passenger, Sundays 4 pm SOOC IOB KIHBXBJLT, OOMBINKI LOOKS, tlT tU CHVI1 AHD KADaAUHA. -Depart. Arrive.

Nof 6 :45 am I No 63.. 3 No 66 .3:30 No 65... :60 pm Train north at pm has Wagner Buflei Sleeper to Ashland, making direct connection with Northern Pacific R'y. All trains handle American Express. J.

W. Smith, Agent. Departure of Malls Actual Closing N. W. R.

JR. HORTHWSSTXRH RAIL WAT. All points North 8 :30 a. m. and 10 m.

Ft. Howard and IntArvAainffnninta aKim AU points South. .8:45 a ua t. II Ki ZD ASHLAND DIVISION. All points North Antigo, Wausau ana Intermediate points 6:10 Ashland, Ironwood, Hurley, Antigo Bessemer and Rhlnelander 8:00 p.

All points 10:45 a. m. and 10:80 p.m BriUlon, Klmberly, South p.m Milwaukee and All mall for points on the Milwaukee a Northern road goes by way of Creen Bay. Daily. John M.Basb, P.M.

Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul. LSATB AFPLITON. For Chleago; Milwaukee, Racine, 0:15 a. Madison, Prairie du Chlen, and ali :20 p.

points south, ebst and west. 10:30 p. For Green Bay, Oconto, Menominee, Iron Mountain and intermediate points 9:15 a. For Lake Superior points and all points on the p. S.

S. A. R'y and 10:80 p. For Q. Bay and Intermediate points.

6 :00 p. ABRTVS AT APPLSTON. 7:00 anm. From Chicago and 10:55 a. I 8: 40 p.m From Marinette, Menominee and Green Bay "6:85 p.m From Green Bay and Milwaukee 10:55 a.

Trains leaving at ft :40 p. m. and 6 m. and arriving at 7:00 a. m.

and 6:85 p. m. are mix en trains. All others are passenger trains. All trains handle United States express.

Pullman sleepers for Chicago and Milwaukee on night, trains. Trains to Lochhyret. At Waverly; 9 :28 am, 8 :08 pm, 10:65 pm uwaant. am pm, pm, iu pm Ar The Willows 6 :82 pm, BXTDKNING. UT niUVffB.BiOORuli Lv am, 10:84 am, 6 :08 :19 pm T.w TXT.

ia.u Z. a naii. i xv iaa am, pm, pm At Applaton.7 :00 am, 10 :65 am, 6 :86 pm, 8 :40 pm L. D. SMITH, Ageni Wisconsin Central Lines.

PASSSNQNB TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Leave Neenah. No 4 For Chicago and Milwaukee 4 :14 a No 8 For Chicago and No 6 For Chicago and No For Chicago and 6:10 pm PASSBNGBH TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leaves Neenah. No 1 For St.

Paul and 7 :00 a No 5 For Eau Claire Chippewa :10 No 7 For Menasha ,......7:15 No 8 For St. Paul and ....11 PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST. 5 a- sss J5: Vr-lu 1 0a5" POIID'S EXTRACT QIHTMENT PRICE, 60C. POND'S EXTRACT Professional-Cards. W.

L. Lamb, D. Dental Parlor Office over Brooks' Bazar. HOIJRS: 8 :30 a.m. to 12 1:30 to 5 p.m.

W. BEAUPRE, OCULIST. Offlcejover Spitz's store College Avenue, may Appleton, Wis SELINA SILVERFRIEND Trained Nurse .648 COLLEGE AVE. Dr. Burke's Hospital.

DENGEL BLOCK. Telephone No. 192. 159d3mo HERMAN WILDHAQEN, ARCHITECT SUPERINTENDENT Office: AppletQJl, Wl5. Opera House Block.

J. Jaekels- RETAIL dealer in choice WINES LIQUORS Fine Cigars Always Kept on Hand. Liquors Furnished lor Family Use. 87 COL. AVE.

APPLETON, WIS Miss Alice Williams. "VOICE and PIANO. Will instruct pupils in classes in singing. Will also give private instruction in singing. Concert and church engagements accepted.

Apply through the mail or at residence, 530 Meade street. 230424 BaaaaBigil- 1 A i a No 410 For Manitowoc t7 :06 a No 403 For Manitowoc a Daily. tDaUy except Sunday. Pullman sleeping and dining ears on all Fortiokets, berths, etc, apply J. J.

Fish, Agent, Neenah. Goyernment Acts Cautiously in Sending Troops to Cuba. 02TE EEAS05 FOR- THE L05G DELAY. JTo Guard Aorainat as Attaclc on Trsaiports Hby ProwIIag Spaalih Yewela Troops W1U 'Het Mowe- Witaettt Strone; Conroy; Waakington, June of the maze of doubt and contradiction as; to the -dispatch of the first army of Lnva- slon to Cuba, one. thing-stands out clearly, namely: strong- in.

its present position and is moving cautiously with' the deliberation which it believes- will secure suoeess unattended with disasters; With this main purpose in view, the army and navy are cooperating toward the dispatch ol the troops, some 25,000 in number, under, escort of -a strong fleet of navaL convoys, -made up.of 16y warships headed by battleship Unattended by this strong fleet the troops might have left last Friday, when one strong-' naval convoy wa ready for this services Since then, how-everreports have come as to the presi ence of Spanish shipsiin the North At-lantici i A PreeantloBstry- Ueeure Realizing that nothing was to be gained by haste, and that the war was progressing steadily towards success, it was determined not to take the one small chance of having? our-trooD toans- 55 td 9 a St! 20 ttdatonElcuvcCi Por4 Port PJutici a jg, IS tf Pert 7o4abo to CO PUryadetEst 3 ports menacea some snip Df. the As. a -result the, troop transpoirts. have not proceeded to.Cuba, as has been repeatedly They are in readiness to go, but will not move" tin til the nasal convoy to accompany, them, jasjsuring. safe conduct from Florida to the, point of destination.

Date Kept Secret Whether nthat will'' be to-day orto-; morrow the? war? department declineo ppsitively. to say, and ere la authority for the statement, thaAnyreports puis porting to give-the houror-day when this formidable flotilla of invasion will start ia not only unwarranted but meets with; the, mestf vigorous ofncial; The -administration, eels thst time, has come, hen. it. is of utmost. that the precise movements of this invading fleet should not be published" ixr this country and thus heralded to the enemy: The ape gf.

The, completeness, with, which transport of troops has been planned is shown in the official list of transport vessels given" out at the war depart' mentf Of this Iist 34 large steamships; from UO0 tons doswnato tone, are at Florida points ready to sion. There are some. 15 other craft, including vessels' suitable for conveying fresh-water, stores, etc and for lighter ing the troops and stores from the ships to the beach when the debarkation begins. The entire transport fjeet of about 60 Bteamships, augmented by the fleet of naval' t.will make marine proceseion, exceeding in magnitude the notable spectacle of the naval review-during the fair year. 5 Ik PoseeeeloK Bar.

The first oJOelal confirmation of the engagement at Guantanamo last Tuesday came, to the navy department Friday and was made the subject of a bulletin," as T-j- On June OjQnlral Sampson ordered the Marblehea Comiparider' MoCalla, and the Yankee, -Commander Brownson, to take possession of ofQuaMana-mo. These vessels entered the harbor at daylight onthe Ttn, driving a pajilah gunboat; lntr Inner tirberr sad took possession of the lowers bay wJtish ls now held by the Marblehead. 4 i rv KsZlF Have you a young danglfter just at the age when young girls most need a mother's loving care Is she" physically strong and or does she suffer from any weakness of the delicate organism which most intimately concerns her womanhood If so, you understand her suffering better than anyone else can. You know that such; troubles, unless remedied, mean a life of incapacity and wretchedness for her. You appreciate herreluctance to undergo physician's examinations audi "treatments;" and you will be glad of assurance from the most eminent medical authorities in this, country that in nineteen, cases out of twenty, these mortifying methods are absolutely Anv mother who will write about her daughters case, to Dr.

R. Pierce, chieJ vuusutuog oi iuc lnvanus' no-tel and Surgical Institute, of willi receive free of -cost the best professional advice obtainable, and instructions whereby a complete cure may, in nearly every instance, be effected by simple, common-sense home methods. No Irvine nhvsician has a wider nmctirnl experience or a higher reputation in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women than Dr. Pierce. His.

Favorite Prescrip-. tion is the only proprietary remedy ever designed by an educated authorized physician specifically to cure women's diseases. His great i coo-page illustrated book, "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," is of priceless-value to every mother. It will be sent absolutely free on receipt of si one-cent stamps, to pay the of mailing only. Address, World's Dispensary send 3t stamps for a heavy, cloth bound' copy.

-----The- unfailing, never- griping cure for constipation Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Don't ueglect That Cold No matter how Blight it may seem to you, for Couehs. Colds. Hoarseness. In fluenza and apparently insignificant Chest Pains often lead to Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Consumption and other, fatal jxueaaes negiectea.

Avert All Daneer by Promptly Applying a to the chest (front and back) upon the first i appearance of such warning symptoms. It affords prompt prevention against tuese dangerous complications, anu sure Always reliable. But only the genuine effective. Price 25 cents. Refuse substitutes.

Seabury Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N. FASHIONS CHANGE BUT POZZONFS exion POWDER BEHAljrS ALWAYS THE SAME. The finest, purest and most beautifying toilet powder ever made. It is soothing, healing, healthful and harmless: and when rightly used IS It you have never tried pozzoni's you do not know what an IDEAL.

COHFLEXION POWDER i. IT SOLD ETEBYWHEEE. ill allc SDr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure-Blind, Bleedine and Itchine Piles. It absorbs the tumors.

allays the itching at once, acts UBas a poultice, elves instant re lief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Oint- Tnflnt fanmnnrAd fnr Tlla and Tt.nh. gj ing of the private parts. Every box is eeipt of price.

50 cents and $1.00. WILLIAMS mANUlAblUKIRa uieveianq For sale by Kamps St Sacksteder MOTT'S PEIIIIYROYAL PILLS They orereomo Weakness, Irrego-: I r' larity andomiBslonsncreaeoTigor I tion." The? are "I.ire Sayen" velopment organs and body. No hunra i-Amlv for women eauali i sold at Haentze's nnannacy Aopieton. Daucby Colnma. rSntiYnoyniiPiLLS an.

lnn niliil. ca adi HWIilW. Iake- nuliniKl In HmI mnA Gold BM riiea wa sto noaoa. itn ta ctamps for nrtlealsn, I VMllr tar 4n Mtir, by ntairs Dials. Mams Paver.

OswMsilnsi Place. PUIJUADAm PA. PARKER'S BALSAM Ckms el. beaatifies tbs halt lw Jima Irnniuil mrafn. areve Hails to Bestore, Oray Cam aea.

ducates hair falUrw, Virtuama, a French preparation for weak, nervous -or irritable men and women. Sold' and satisfaction guaranteed by Kamps Sacksteder. Appleton; Wis. it iaiiii i -I HI .14 UU Gonova," a French treatment, for the certain cure of infiamatlons and ulcerations of the mucous membranes and? genitial organs, sold and satisfaction guaranteed by Sacksteder, Appleton. 47dtf lie Due's genuine French Fe male Regulator positively cures and removes women's troubles, sold satisfaction guaranteed by C.

S. Little Appleton. 47dtf liii I Porous I Plaster CoitidI lis i.mJi. stall. i.wn i SMtoaUlMalSnccMs.

THElLOST. GEEANIDM. TherviUs of WmthroprJay in a amongst, the Surrey huls; tne sun; shone upon it, and it the home ef flowers. They were lavish and irresistible in theirs growth, flourishing as freely in cottage gardens- as the sgjoire's extensive, Mrs. Wigley lived at Jasmine cottage, -which had no jasmine growing over it, and did not rightly deserve the name of cottage, seeing that it was, one of a long, row of houses at the east end of the village, about as- countrified in appearance as the workmen's dwellings at Batterseaj or dapham Junction.

Mrs. Wigley had no back garden whatever, only a tiny piece of ground in front with paling; and- there was not much growing there but a remarkably fine geranium bearing magnificent trusses of a pale pink tint, stood in a pot on the window sill. This geranium was tlhe pride of -Mr. WigleyB simple soul; she took dafly: delight, in it in spite of failing sight, and words of praise from admiring neighbors warmed the co*ckles of her heart. Her friend, Mrs.

Hubbard, Christian name Eliza, who lived at West Winthrop, was eulogistiQ, than all, the rest put together, fpr Mrs. Hubbard was a great gar-dener and knew a fine specimen as well as -'anyone, and better than most. Her own garden, was a perfect picture, but she could show a geranium like Sarah Wigley's, tnor, indeed, anytihing to compare with it. She caSIed in on a certain Saturday after-noon and; paused before entering Jasmine cottage to inspect; her friend's It was in fuUtbloom. "WelL I nevert" cried.

Elwa Hubbard, "what Sarah Whrley waa, staring out of the win but failed to recognize her her eyes contracted to a narrow slit, and she strove hardest to trace the familiar features, but in vain. "What. a. waste If' reiterated Hubbard, "She can't ee me, though I am as big as life and twice, as ugly; and yet the Lord lets that fine pink geranium grow and blow -under her very nose. Kisnt any kind.

of good to andt would be a real blessing to me." She might have waved her hand to Sarah, and enabled the contracted eyes to reopen, but she was too much put out to do In her present mood she felt that the ways. Providence were unjustifiable. "That there geranium is deliberately wasting itself!" said she. At this moment Sarah Wigley opened.the window and stood reveaied--e small, shrunken, widow woman, with pale face and a pair of gentle eyes, sweet in their expression, albeit' somewhat dimmed by defective "Is, that you, Eliza?" it ain't, Sarah, it's my double." "You've been looking at my geranium, her friend. "Isnit a picture Mrs Hubbard responded heartily; there was much talk-about the.

how fears jbacLbeen entertained that the blight had 'got to it, etc. I "Go in, my she said to Sarah Wigley; "yu will catch your death of cold." Mrs. Wigley retired. Eliza Hubbard drew the door close. Her-faoe was crimson, her heart beat.

fast, isn't as though she could see it' said sher "she won't even know it is gone, and! if; she does, what does it signify? 'What the. eye don't see, the can't, grieve fori i She seemed rather proud of the quotation; of a certainty it had never been used in such aonnection before. But pride was replaced by a dull sense of shame as she lifted, up the geranium and, hiding it under her sped home with it. As she walked planned where she would 4 place the geranium; -it: would, look best, she thought, between two white ones, of which she was uncommonly proud and there she deposited it in the darkness. Having done so she retired to bed, having first knelt down to say her prayers.

Oddly enough, however, the words would not come. A few days later Eliza: Hubbard called on Sarah Wigley. She peeped in tihrough the, "window and saw her old friend sitting over the handful of fire, though the evening was i sultry, shivering and holding her thin hands the blaze; "My gracious!" said she, stepping briskly in, "you ain't cold to-night, are ypu?" i Sarah Wigley roBe stiflly. "I'm a bit poorly, my-dear; I ain't felt myself since my loss. heard tell how some tramp or.

the other made off with my pink geranium, haven't you?" Mrs. Hubbard was apparently a bit poor for ehe shivered likewise. "I did hear some such tale," said she. "But I don't, suppose you grieve much, eh Sarah? It ain't aa-if your eyesight was as good as -mine. You can't keep looking at jthe blossoms." For answer Sarah 'Wigley burst into a Hood of tears.

know I am worse than a fool to make ia fuss about-a plant'. said I am kind of low in health. 'Anyway, I can't help myself. I ought to Jbe ashamed -of' myself, said she, "at my i time of life not to have faith greater, tihan, a. grain of mustard seed.

Haven't I prayed the good Lord to put it into the heart of tramp to bring me back my geranium, and -who knows: that he won't see fit. to do it. I'd had that geranium three years, -'Liza, and I'd' got to set a store on-it as "though it. was a child. I hope you dont think me a weak sort," i Eliza Hubbard cleared her tJhroat.

I "No she said, softly. "I don't. I wish was half as good as yotu But I ain't; I yield to temptation right away, lam more strength xf mind than a baby. I say, Sarah, I wouldn't take on so if I was you. Per haps -perhaps--' She hesitated and cleared: her throat again, Perhaps you'H get your flower back again, after alL" She leant forward and klssedher friend's wrinkled eheekt- It" was an unusual action, but for.

by the unusual, circ*mstances. i "Good-night; Sarah said she. Td pray again if was yon, just as yon did i "Yes, replied, mean She was cheered by her friend's sympathy (there was a glow at -her heart, a ring of con-; fldemee in hei ojiayering. tones. The she rose the next, morning she glanced out of the- window.

Did her weak eyes deeeive Wee really the geranium she. saw below? -She dressed herself hastily and, hurried downstairs. Yes, there was no mistake about it, it was her pet flower, in-the sasoe pot withjthe splotch ofred paint on its rim. 4 "The Lord, be praised If said she, hugging it close; "the Lord be praisedr! And Eliza Hubbard, meanwhile, her fees red with clasped hex hands together and offered her "There ain't- a meaner- sinner on earth than me," said sbe- but I 'never found it out till -now? She stooped low.end dug up her finest white "I'm going round to Sarah's now at once," said "and while I'm about it IT! take this mother wMte geranium to her as welL, The pink one Jook uncommon them two." Windsor SearsjLs Egaetnis, HOARSENESS, CHlLDUUKSy BURNS. CUTS.


Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chilhowie, certifies that he had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatmentthat money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, "and was cured by use of two bottles.

For past three years has been attending to business and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It don't fail.

Trial bottles free at Kamps Sacks teder's drug store. The little ones love Dr. Wood's JJorway Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take; perfectly harmless; positive cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma. 'Wanted.

GIRL. WANTED. Apprentice girl wanted Enquire at 748 College avenue, upstai Miss Kate Pinter. 186d6 IRL WANTED for general housework. 196d6 Call at 682 Lawrence street- IRL WANTED For general housework.

enquire at 7t3 urew. lusao WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Draper, 495 South street 194d6t ANTED. A woman to wash and iron one day in the week.

Enquire at 549 Alton. 193d6. RELIABLE BOY wants position as clerk or deliverer; Address J. R. care of Crescent.

19249 WANTED. Every person wno receives the Evening Crescent to send us by telephone or postal oard personal notice of the arrival or departure of visiting friends, or of their own visits to other cities. For Sale. MOUSE and two lots for sale on Tonka street. First ward.

House is two full stories, 6 rooms and woodshed. Good well and cistern. Everything in fine Will be closed out at a deolded bargain for cash. 47dtf Henrt Nichols, 725 College Ave. COR SALE As I expect to move out of the city I offer all of my real estate, including the barn at Oneida and Edwards streets, my residence at Durkee and North streets, and two houses on Durkee street, for sale at a bargain and on reasonable terms.

223dtf D. Hammxl. COR SALE, Receipt bucks with stubs for Rftln at tMn nffinA JUSTICE BLANKS. Legal blanks for sale at Crescent office. For Rent.

COR RENT First-class house with all mod- ern improvements, inquire at Wm. Wehzeis Lost. LOST Wednesday night on Collego avenue or Edwards street a black fur collarette. Finder leave at this office. 186dl3 OB.

TUltPIM ha years of experience In the treatment of chron ie diseases, cures all cur able eases of the 8 torn- lenJLtver.HeartJjungs, ferves, Bhesmatlsni, Neuralgia, DIabe. as. Dyspepsia. Chronlo Catarrh, Bcsema, Barofula, Consumption, Deafness and noises in the. ear, discharging front, the ears, cured when-etben failed.

All Bye Trouales, Cataract and Cross.Byes successfully- operated. All fonaa-of Sorev Blood andWasUur-Dtaqases. P1LS cured wlteost pain, kntfe or Mndpiaef frpmbustmess. OANCR-peetserj Wut, paceoi cf fcaMahyiaynew method. who are aware of physical or Madison III.

TOM i i i e. V. PR, Of Berlin, Germany, the eminent surgeon and specialist, who has paid regular monthly visits to Appleton, for the LAST SIX YEARS, will again be in APPLETON, FRIDAY, June 24th. And Every Fourth, Friday AT THE -SHERMAN HOUSE. OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 TO 8.

Oshkosh, Saturday, June 25, Athearn Hotel. ONE DAY EVERY MONTH ONLY. 4nsultatIon and Examination FREE and strictly confidential In the Private parlors of the doctor describes the different diseases better than the sick can themselves. It is a wonderful gilt tot jone to possess. His diagnostic powers hare created wonders throughout tbeDOuntry.

Painting, Paper Hanging, House Prompt work by competent artists at reason-able prices. Special low figures if work is or dered before the spring rush. Call at my new shop, 727 Collegre Avenue next to Nichols Ryan. C. A.

WILKNER. Dr. Ca M. Lucfey, 818 College Avenue. (Over Langenberg and Elpp's shoe store.) A specialty of Painless Extracting Open Evenings (-, 1: Skin Diseases.

For the speedy and permanent cure of salt rheum and eczema, Cham-, berlaln's Eye and Skin Ointment is rwithout an equal. It relieves the itching and smarting almost instantly and jits continued rise effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch scald head, sore nipples; piles chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. i Dr. Condition Ponders for horses axe the bast tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge.

Price, 25 Sold by Kamps Sacksteder, FOR STOVES, TINWARE Jobbing Work WM. BOSSER co3fvE All Trimmed Hats at post. 1.7? Sailors, Colored; at 85 All stock' to be closedout. i mm HI, 1 sir DENTIST Cash 5ale arectly to Cuba, and then- it is believed that troops will: be sent, directly rto the point of thence i at once shipped. The reason for given by Col.

Bichards, of Gen. Brooke's staff, is that the health of the army being excellent' here and' all the for their-subsistence-being-at hand it is npt probable that any chances will be taken by making another, change of water and climate until the time comes to go to the front. Capt. Beckwell, chief of the ordnance department; has made out a statement of the number of guns yet needed to equip the army heret the number being 12,000 Tie Surprise of All Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm" of Jones 111., in speak ing- of Dr.

New Discovery, says that last winter bis wife; was; attacked with la grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed develop- into Hasty Having King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of he took a bottle. nome, as to the, surprise, ot. ait she began to get better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound "and well. Dr.

King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Kamps Sacksteder's drug store 4 Buckien's Arnica I The. best salve in the world for cuts bruises, ulcers; salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands chilblains, corns, and and positively cures piles, or no pay required." It. is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or.

1 money refunded. uPrice 25 cents per box, For sale by Kamps Th.Kfcj Ycu Beara ther Signature of- JR.TUUPIK, the Surgeon Md Speelallsta of Diseases fVtsn MAiHea, tresis soo-eesBfuUy all diseases of woman, as Falling of the Womb, Xieucorrhea, Drawing Down Pains. Backaches. Headaches, Tired reelings. General Weakness, and all Disorders of Mensesj by new and Improved methods.

Diseases of Mem- BloeAPolsonlng. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Loss of Mao-hood, Vital Drain In. Urine, Nocturnal Emission, Impaired Memerr, Weak Back, Impotence, and all diseases arising from Self-Abuse, Loos treated by my method. MLL OPERATIONS ARE PERFORMED IN MODERN CORQEEY AT THE PATIENT'S HOME OR AT MY PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN CHICAGO. MARRIAGE.

Those contemplating marriage vmcn woma renaer marnage a oisappointznent, wouia ao wen xo cau on me. DEFORMITIES. I am prepared to treat an kinds of deformities, as Ilat Feet, Curvature of the Bpine. Weak Ankles. sr FREE EXAMINATION OP THE URINE.

Kach person applying for medical treatment should send or bring about 4 ounces of urine (that passed first In the morning preferred), which will receive a careful chemical and microecopio examination. I liave studied aiid successfully eared by the latest as Homeopathy and Tissue Cure and Electric Care.oCaU early, as my parlor Is always crowded. Persons ruined in health py nntearned pretemterg. whookeep trifling with them month nftar mnTlrftl rvmg poisonons and injurious compounds, bhould apply Immediately. Delays are dangerous.

fvfswCfKTr" Pf'tTC Perfected in old eases which hare been neglected or nnsklllfallT treated. wnwV wwmwv Moexpenmentsorxauurea. rrues trestea py mau or express, put possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed No risks tnenrred. gyps lies and eor-espondanv confldntial Treslaieut sent O.

P. to aay partef P. nesttODSfree. Address with postage, doctor Tunoirj, Bam tar 6049.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.