The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

I I I I Noon, May 30, 1934 APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Page Seven Plans One Picnic Each Month LANS for one picnic each month during the last summer meeting were of made at the Novel-History club Monday night at the home of Miss Edith Ames, E. North-st. Mrs. George Ashman will have charge of the first picnic which will be held the latter part of June. Mrs.

Ashman finished her review -of "Life Goes On" by Vicki Baum. Four candidates were initiated at the last the season of Catholic meetingters of America, Court Ave Maria, No. 1011, Monday night at Catholic home. Plans were discussed for two card parties to be held for members during the summer, one at the home of Mrs. Thomas Flanagan, route Appleton, and the other at the summer home of Mrs.

Daniel P. Steinberg, Shore Acres. The dates were not The Misses Louise and Margaret Murphy entertained the Eleven O'Clock bridge club Monday night at their home on Seventh-st. The club will be entertained at dinner Thursday night at Hearthstone tea room, after which the club will disband for the summer. Members of the Four Leaf Clover club were entertained Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

Herman Selig, South River-st. Prizes were won by Mrs. Julius Homblette and Mrs. J. Boelsen.

Open Contract Bridge Tourney at Golf Club Nine tables were in play at the first of the season's contract bridge tournaments at Butte des Morts Golf club Tuesday evening. A tournament will be held at 7:45 every Tuesday evening during the summer. David Smith and Burt Manser, playing north and south, and Mrs. A. J.

Geniesse and Mrs. H. A. DeBaufer, playing east and west, won first prizes. Second prizes went to Mrs.

Arthur Scheil and Mrs. I B. T. Hoffmaster, playing north and south, and Daniel P. Steinberg, and Norman Brokaw of Neenah, playing east and west.

The third prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Royal LaRose, playing north and south, and Mr. and Mrs. William F.

Kelm, east and west. Mrs. N. J. Wilmot is chairman of the ladies activities committee of the club, which is sponsoring the tournament Parties Thirty-five tables of schafskopf, skat, bridge and plumpsack were in play at the benefit card party for the Monte Alverno retreat house sponsored by the Catholic Order of Foresters at St.

Joseph hall Tuesday evening. The 11 schafskopf prizes were won by Mike Kerrigan, Mrs. A. Anholzer, August Otto, Mrs. Anna Miller, Ed Bartman, Fred Steel, H.

Gloudemans, Mrs. Joseph Schaefer, John Green, Mrs. Louis Weber and Joseph Haag. The skat prize was awarded to William Becher, the bridge prizes to Jennie Williams, Mrs. Gordon Fish, and Mary Langenberg, and the plumpsack awards to Mrs.

M. Skall and Mrs. S. Lehrer. Henry Otto was general chairman of the affair.

A party of 22 Appleton friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Smits at their home in Freedom Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Smits' birthday, anniversary. Dancing provided entertainment.

Music for dancing was furnished by Anthony Mignon of Appleton. Miss Esther Peters and Miss Alice Jens entertained the Chatterbox club at the Hearthstone Tuesday evening. Miss Geranna Gehl, who is to be married to Delmar Newton in June, guest of honor. Prizes were mons by Gehl, Miss Viola Burt, and Miss Marian Fentz. Schafskopf and bridge were played at 10 tables at the card party given by the Christian Mothers' society of St.

Therese church Tuesday afternoon. Bridge prizes were won Miss Audrey Fries and Mrs. J. Parrish, and schafskopf prizes by Mrs. John Pulzer and Mrs.

Fisher. Ladies Aid society of St. Joseph church will hold a card party at 2:30 Thursday afternoon at the parish hall. Schafskopf, bridge, and plumpsack will be played. Mrs.

Pat Gerarden and Mrs. C. A. Feuerstein will be in charge. Miss Margaret O'Connor of Green Bay entertained eight Green Bay guests at dinner at the Hearthstone Tuesday evening.

Bridge was played following the dinner. First Spring Formal For Phi Delta Theta Phi Delta Theta fraternity at Lawrence college, formerly Theta Phi, held its first spring formal Tuesday evening at Riverview Country club. About 100 couples, including about 25 alumni, members, attended. Two guests from Wisconsin Alpha chapter were present, and a number of seniors from Appleton, Neenah and Menasha high schools were guests. Chaperones were Miss Jeanette Jones and Mr.

and Mrs. C. E. Hoffmann, and faculty guests were Dr. and Mrs.

A. A. Trever, Dr. and Mrs. J.

B. MacHarg, Dr. and Mrs F. 1. Cloak, Dr.

and Mrs. W. A. McConagha, and Dr. Rufus M.

Bagg. Kings Daughters Holds Season's Last Meeting The Appleton Kings Daughters held the last meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. William Buchar 28 Bellaire-ct. Tuesday A luncheon preceded the meeting. Projects for next year were discussed.

'COLDEST WOMAN' MAKES HOT DENIAL Called the "coldest woman in Hollywood," Miss Elissa Landi, film beauty, above, suing for divorce, regards the title as an unjust stigma. She declares she chose a hermit's life because of her "high regard for the marriage contract," after her husband, John Cecil Lawrence, London attorney, to go to Hollywood to reside, fearing he would lapse into obscurity as "Mr. Elissa Landi." She charges mental cruelty in asking freedom from Lawrence. Hollywood News And Gossip By Dan Thomas BY DAN THOMAS Hollywood--If child stars only could be kept from growing up, one of the chief worries of motion picture producers would be wiped out. But, so far, nobody has been able to devise a "keep 'em young" formula.

Kid stars come in, skyrocket to terrific heights, then grow older and fade from sight. That has been history since 'way back in the early days of pictures. Jackie Coogan, Baby Peggy, Davey Lee, and Farina, Joe Cobb and other members of "Our Gang" rose quickthe breeze of fame, only to have their bubbles burst at an early age. More recently Jackie Cooper became the great child sensation, but now that he's getting bigger, his popularity is beginning to fall off. In all probability the same thing will happen to Baby LeRoy when he outgrows his babyhood.

And it probably will happen to Shirley Temple, the current champion of child stars. Shirley is just 5 years old now, a cute youngster and in demand more than almost any other perin pictures. That demand is some partially to the fact that studio executives, have learned from a child star's position is extremely precarious. And they want to "cash in" on her before it is too late. Shirley may prove to be an exception to the rule.

Her mother is going everything possible to keep her unspoiled and in good health. But it is natural for children to lose certain cute traits as they grow older. And it is just as natural for them to become spoiled when their slightest whims are commands to the famous stars and directors with whom they come in contact. So history has set the odds at about 20-1 that you will hear very little of Shirley by the time she is 10 years old. Poker's Luck Token About 20 years ago Warner Oland's played her first and only game poker--and won a wife, considerable sum.

With her winnings she bought Warner a ring with a full Buddha figure set in pure jade. Almost immediately afterwards the actor got an important role in "Patria," a serial starring Mrs. Vernon Castle. Ever since then he has worn the ring continuously and has enjoyed a consistent run of good luck. He doesn't give all the credit to the ring.

But just the same he is a bit worried since he has been ordered to leave off ring during the filming of "Charlie Chan's Courage." Camera Homes Camera Homes The most difficult architectural designing imaginable is that of motion picture sets, according to David Garber, art director for Charles Rogers Productions. "In drawing plans for an ordinary home or building, the two essentials are appearance and convenience," says Garber. "In addition, we have to figure on camera angles when resigning film sets. The resigner must go over every set with the director to make sure that there will be a place for the camera to shoot the action from whatever angle the director desires. "And some directors have a passion for putting cameras in the most difficult places they can Large Crowd Attends First.Patriotic Ball About 150 persons attended the first patriotic ball given by the Charles O.

Baer Auxiliary to the Spanish War Veterans in the Crystal room of the Conway hotel Tuesday evening. Red, white and blue decorations were used, and several students from the Vesper Chamberlin school of dancing. Burt O'Keefe from Oak Park Camp No. 80 of Chicago was a guest. The proceeds from the ball will ba used for relief and patriotic work for the auxiliary.

Mrs. C. B. Peterman, president, and general chairman of the event, was assisted in prepartions for the ball by the executive and finance committees. Rummage Sale, Congo.

Chay May 31, 7:30 A. M. Catholic Girls' Camp At Loon Lake to Open New Season on June 30 Catholic Girls' camp at Loon Lake will open its 1934 season on June 30 and continue in session for eight weeks. The camp is under the supervision of the Green Bay Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, of which Mrs. William Nemacheck is a member of the board.

The camp is primarily intended for girls of seven years and over, but the last week of the camp season will be devoted in a special manner to women who wish for rest and recreatien. In 1926 a trial camp for Catholic girls was inaugurated at Shawano Lake in rented quarter. It proved such a success that, with the approval of the Most Rev. Bishop Paul P. Rhode, the Green Bay Diocesan Council of Catholic Women determined to conduct a permanent summer camp for girls and purchased a site for that purpose on Shawano Lake.

The growing interest and increasing patronage of the camp outdistanced the facilities at Shawano Lake, and in August, 1932, an ideal camp site was acquired, one mile from the original location. The site consists of 27 acres, much of which is wooded, with a frontage of 800 feet on Loon A lodge large enough to accommodate 100 persons faces the lake, and provides an assembly room, dining room, and kitchen facilities, and on the second floor sleeping rooms. Seven cottages provide additional sleeping quarters for the girls who will be grouped according to age. Regular routine is maintained under the direction of trained workers. Baseball, handball, volley ball, archery, tennis, croquet, rowing, dancing, ping-pong, swimming, and hiking are included on the program.

Basketry, nature study, singing and other pastimes take the place of more strenuous activities. during part of the day. Riding and golf are available. Information locally may be obtained by calling Mrs. Nemacheck, and correspondence may be mailed to Mrs.

F. J. Van Laanen, 636 S. Jackson-st, Green Bay. Sherwood Pair Feted On 25th Anniversary Special to Post-Crescent Sherwood-Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Mertens celebrated their twentyfifth wedding anniversary at their home Friday evening. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barber, Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Engebretsen, Henry Ghyssen, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Haskins, of De Pere, Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Shaurette, and 1 children, Virginia and Harland, George Schwartz, Paul Edens of Chilton, Miss Louise Scharenbroch, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pflueger and children, James and Donald of Brillion, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pasch, Ralph Anderson, Miss Nellie Ellison, Mr.

and Mrs. Val Dining, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Barber, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Duclon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schilowski of Green Bay, Miss Erna Aul, Mr. and Mrs. G.

H. Larson of Appleton, Henry Mertens and Harold Bornemann of St. John, Cyrill Suttner of Charlesburg, Misses Rose and Gertrude Eckes, Paul and Wenzel Eckes, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Emmer, Mr.

and Mrs. Nels J. Olson and son Jack. Mrs. William Kielgas was prised Thursday at her home by the of the Ladies Aid society of St.

John Evangelical Lutheran church of Dundas. The occasion was her birthday anniversary. Guests were the Rev. and 1 Mrs. Reuschel, Mrs.

Frank Schaefer, Mrs. Firke, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maile and daughter, Elaine, and son, Eugene Paul Kielgas, Mr. and Mrs.

L. A. Wrench and daughters Genevieve and Viola Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Schwalenberg, Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Schwalenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pashen, Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Mathias, of Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kielgas and daughters, Betty Carrol, Arthur Kielgas, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reske and daughters, Gloria and Donabeth of Wrightstown, and Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Clark of Neenah. A son was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs Ottmar Gilsdorf Mr and Mrs William Erdman and daughter, Awanda, and son, James, Mr. and Mrs.

Mike Bethke and daughter, Bernice, and sons, Eugene and Anthony, attended a birthday celebration at the Peter Bethke home at Reedsville, Sunday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baumgardner of Wrightstown at St. Vincent hospital, Green Bay, Sunday.

Mrs. Baumgardner was formerly Miss Louise Kieglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kielgas of Sherwood. Picnic Dinners Mark Close of Two Schools (Special to Post-Crescent) Sugar Bush--A picnic dinner marked the closing of Cedar Dell school in the town of Lebanon, Saturday.

The graduates are Ruth and Roy Kronberg, Lily and Lila Manteis, Virginia Rolf, Donald Davis and Max Mansfield. Miss Nora Geer has been reengaged as teacher for next year. At Clover Blossom school in the town of Maple Creek a picnic dinner was given Thursday to mark the closing of school. Myra Hahn, Robert Ruckdashel, William Thurk, Lucy Stewart, Helen Ill and Lyman Finger are the graduates. Miss Anna Marie Johnson has been engaged to teach next year.

Evelyn Zachek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zachek of here. Mr. Zachek is the superintendent of the Jorgensen Construction company of Denmark, now operating on Highway 114 out of Hilbert.

A preliminary survey indicates acreage planted to watermelons in the southern part of Georgia will be increased 30 to 40 per cent this son. FUR COATS CLEANED. REPAIRED. REMODELED and STORED GRIST ERICKSON East College Ave Phone 5308 New Sky Queen Flying a five wooden Moth plane, Jean Batten (above,) comely 24-year-old New Zealander, set a new record for women by completing the flight from England to Australia in 14 days, 23 hours 25 minutes. She clipped four a half days and from Amy Johnson's record.

Sherwood Group at Solemn Communion Special to Post-Crescent Sherwood Solemn communion was administered at Sacred Heart church Sunday morning to the following: Helen Tennessen, Alice Petrie, Eileen Emmer, Elizabeth Olson, Anita Schriener, Marian Schmidt, Colletta Seidel, Angeline Quella, Florence Diedrich, Marcella Watry, Kathleen Bernard, Bernice Parlarski, Delores Otto, Alois Thiel, Jerome Ciske, Ralph Ciske, George Mueller, Martin Nett, Fred Ecker, Harold Becker, Norbert Horn, Gerald Mader, and Hilary Mueller. Banns of matrimony were announced for the first time Sunday at Sacred Heart church by Rev. A. Jaeckle for Miss Raburga Thiel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Thiel of St. John and Clarence Mueller of Sherwood. He is the son of Mrs. Gertrude Mueller of Appleton. Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Koehn entertained at dinner in their home at Little Chute Sunday in honor of their daughter, Helen, who was confirmed at St. John church. Norbert Wagner was surprised at the home of Mrs. M.

Eckes on his birthday anniversary. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spang, Edward, Jerome and Elmer Spang, Miss Ida and John Horness, Mrs. John Eckes and daughter, Ethel, and son Buddy, Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Bowman, Mrs. M.

Eckes, Bornemann, Roland Bornemann, Leon Kesler, Clarence and William Erdman. Mr. and Mrs. Urban Brantmeierentertained at their home in Menasha in honor of their son, Reynold, who received his first holy communion Sunday. Commencement Held At Bear Creek Hall (Special to Post-Crescent) Bear Creek--The commencement program given Monday evening at the Grange hall was as follows: Salutatory address- -Margaret Flanagan; president's address, Merlin Johnson; class history, Irene O'Connor: class will, Janet Raisler; selection.

high school band; class prophecy, Dorothy Mullarkey; class poem, Evelyn Miller; valedictory address, Marie Flanagan; commencement address, Guy S. Barlow of Appleton; presentation of diplomas and scholastic records, K. E. Edge. Grade graduates of the Bear Creek public school who will go to Appleton June 4 to attend the commencement exercises at Wilson Junior High school are Iva Christensen, Ruth Malliet, Donald Raisler, Elverna Smith and Mildred Zimmerman.

The annual grade picnic was held at the creek east of this village. The following were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G.

Ballhorn Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bubolz and Herbert Bubolz, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schultz and son, Donald of Appleton, Mr.

and Mrs. Emil Gosse, Miss Emma Gosse, Emil, and Mr. Albert Jeske of Seymour. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Mansfield of the village and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pieper of New London attended the school picnio Sunday at the Brookside school in the town of Center of which Miss Violet Mansfield is the teacher. Games and contests furnished entertainment and dinner was served to over one hundred guests. The following named spent Sunday at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Jepson of town of Deer Creek: J. Cundy, Harold they and La Verne Hahn of Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. R.

S. Van Loan and daughter, Mary Jane, Mrs. Bessie McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McLeod of Wausau, Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Timmreck and daughters, Rella and Edna, of the town of Maple Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Mason of Green Bay and Mr. and Mrs.

F. W. Raisler of this village. Royal Neighbors Have Meeting at Royalton Special to Post-Crescent Royalton- Mrs. Theodore Woodzicki, Mrs.

Grace Smith and Miss Gladys Van Ornum were hostesses on Tuesday at the village hall to the Royal Neighbors. Miss Margaret Cooney will be hostess to the Hobart Domestic club on June 7 at his home near New London. Children's day will be observed by the Congregational church on Sunday morning. Miss Marion Dearth, superintendent of the Sunday school, is directing the program. No Evening Services During Summer Months Special to Post-Crescent Dale There will be no evening services at the Reformed church during the summer months.

Services will be at 9:30 at Dale and 11 o'clock at Fremont. Hope Hoffman, Garoldyn Price and Wilma Roesler will graduate June 4 from a Milwaukee school of nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Pocket, Mr.

and Mrs. Wickesberg and Mrs. W. Eberhard of Black Creek helped Mrs. Louise Speigelberg celebrate her birthday Sunday.

New Shipment of Beautiful SUMMER FROCKS Airy street organdies, soft voiles and piques. Priced at $1.98 and $2.98 UNITED CLOAK SHOP 125 W. College Ave. PERMANENT SPECIAL THIS WEEK $3.50 Beautiful PERSONALITY $950 Lovely End Curl $4.50 OIL WAVE $5.50 COMBINATION Soft Natural Waves A Gorgeous Marcel Effect End Curl Ringlet Ends and with $3.50 $4.50 C0-ED Beauty Shoppe 102 E. College Ave.

(2nd Floor) Phone 6412 a CERe Clamorous. Beauty You'll be thrilled by the soft, alluring sheen and We Use Genuine the gloriously beautiful, long-lasting Vitron per- Frederics Vitron Wrappers magent waves we are now giving to so many of our patrons. For a flattering, completely natural-looking permanent, that will add new glamour to your (Vitron personality make an appointment now for 5101 FREDERICS Vitron Permanent Wave. The res- pr'ocess sonable price will thrill you, too. Our Telephone Number is 602 EMILIE RUNZHEIMER 13 Bellaire Court To be Bride? Reports that have New York society astir and excited are that the engagement will soon be announced of pretty Ellen Tuck French (above) to John Jacob Astor.

The young heir recently broke his engagement to Eileen Gillespie, at whose wedding Miss French was to have been bridesmaid! Receive Big Shipment Of Grasshopper Poison A 25-ton shipment of grasshopper poison bait arrived at Green Bay this week for distribution among the farmers of this area, according to R. C. Swanson, county agricultural adjustment agent. Farmers are being urged to inspect their lands and report immediately any evidences of infestations. POOR COMPLEXIONS Clogged pores, pimples improved in a few days by Resinol Soap and the effective medication of Resinol WONDERFULLY WARM FURSI Whether you require a fur neckpiece or a luxurious fur coat, it will pay you to call and see our offerings before you reach a decision to buy.

All our fur garments are not only wonderfully warm but stylishly fashioned from the finest quality pelts obtainable. Our low prices represent an additional incentive for you to call soon. We close at 12 Noon Saturdays June 1st to Labor Day. A. CARSTENSEN MANUFACTURING FURRIER 112 S.

MORRISON ST. PHONE 979 Rhinelander Student Earns Writing Prize "Death in the Forenoon," a story of a small boy's experience with the Grim by Edwin Emmons of Rhinelander has been awarded the Hick's prize for the best short story submitted at awrence college this year. Viola Sperke of Oshkosh repeated her achievement of last year by winning the Hick's prize for poetry with a poem entitled "A Skeleton." The Alexander Reid prize for the best student essay was won by George Walter of Milwaukee, poet laureate of Lawrence. Lawrence Professor Is Author of Workbook A wordbook in Principles of Education by Dr. James L.

Mursell, professor of education at Lawrence college, has been published by W. W. Norton and company, New York. While the workbook is designed to facilitate proper use of a text "Principles of Education," written by Dr. Mursell, assignments include references to more than 50 other books and periodicals.

The workbook is the third book by Dr. Mursell published recently. The Lawrence professor also is the author of Principles of Education" and "Human Values in Music Education." Grand Lodge Sessions Of Odd Fellows Next Month at Menomonie Grand Lodge sessions of Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will be held June 4, 5, and 6 at Menomonie, Wis. Delegates of Konemic lodge, are Harold J. Thurber, Richard Van Wyk, and o.

C. Ballinger and. those of Deborah Rebekah lodge are Mrs. Ballinger, Mrs. D.

S. Runnels, and Mrs. Alice Ralph. The convention program will open with registration Monday afternoon at the Odd Fellow building, and a reception of Grand Lodge and Rebekahs at 7:30 in the evening. Mayor Albert Nathness will give the address of welcome, and Mrs.

Ada Tanner, president of the Rebekah Assembly, and John B. Chase, grand master of Odd Fellows, will respond. The first degree will be conferred at 8:30 in the evening. Tuesday's program will begin with registration of all representatives and past grands at 8 o'clock in the morning at the armory. At 9 o'clock there will be a special session of Grand and at 10 o'clock a regular session.

A business meeting will be held at 1:30 in the afternoon, and at 3:30 there will be sight-seeing tour of Stout Institute. The annual reunion and banquet of past grand masters and past grand partiarchs will take place at 5:30, and at 7 o'clock the parade will be held. A dance, featuring a grand march led by the Chevaliers in full uniform and grand officers and ladies is scheduled for 9:30 Tuesday night. Wednesday will be devoted to business. Bridge Party Given At Brillion Dwelling (Special to Post-Crescent) Brillion-Mrs.

John Du Pont entertained guests at a bridge party at her home on Saturday evening. Prizes went to Mrs. August Schaefer, high, and Mrs. Hulda Ruppenthal, consolation. Lunch was served to the Mesdames J.

W. Galloway, H. Kuehl, August Schaefer, Otto Zander, Karl Barnard, S. T. Barnard, Hulda Ruppenthal, and Frank Kulow.

A. F. Paustian, Mrs. Hulda Ruppenthal and Mrs. George E.

Dawson were at Oshkosh on Saturday where they attended the meeting of Group 3, Wisconsin Banker's association. The Birthday Club met at the home of Mrs. Otto Zander on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Viola Hansen entertained guests at a bridge party at the home of Mrs. Christine Werner on Wednesday evening.

Miss Johanna Schwartz was awarded the prize. Guests were the Misses Lenora Reichardt, Johanna Schwartz, Mildred McComb, Ioyln Miller, Florence Miller, Mabel Nock, Mrs. Otto Zander and Mrs. Christine Werner. Kleiber at the St.

The following, visited, with John Mary's hospital at Green Bay: Mrs. Albert Devorsky, Mrs. John Kleiber, son Ernest, Percy Natzke, Mrs. Joe Spatchek, Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Kleiber, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kleiber. Miss Theresa Miller and the Rev. M.

J. Kraus. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jooss entertained friends at their home Saturday evening in honor of their 30th wedding anniversary, Five hundred was played.

Prizes went to Mrs. Edward Keller, high, Joseph Wittmann, second, Mrs. Joseph Wittmann, third, and Mrs. John Steinfest, low. Mr.

and Mrs. William Ross visited at the Henry Schroeder home at Manitowoc on Sunday. They were accompanied by their son Aldore who went to Two Rivers, where he umpired the Two Rivers-Osman baseball game. CHILD IS BAPTIZED Hilbert- The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.

William Knepfel was baptized Sunday at St. Mary church and received the name Joseph Francis. Guests entertained at the home on this occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heimerl and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Knepfel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kleinow and daughter, Bernice, Hilbert, Mr.

and Mrs. Albin Endries and daughter, Arlyne of Potter. Announcement was made at St. Mary church here on Sunday of the banns of matrimony between Raymond Kutche of Denmark, and NEA Just In Brassieres made especially for Pro lapsed $2.25 modified uplift in cool handkerchief linen. 69c KELLOGG Corset Shop 302 W.

College Ave. Brandt Bldg. Phone 1724 MAE M. FRICK, Prop. Guaranteed PERMANENTS For months and months after you've obtained your nent here, you'll be pleased with its soft, natural wave.

Our Shop is cool and comforta- Nu-Oil ble. Croquignole PERMANENT $2.75 Including Shampoo, Contour Haircut and finger wave. Other Permanents $2.50 and up End Curl $2.50 Beaute' Salon CONSTANCE Open Daily 9 to 6 P. M. Open Thurs.

Fri. Eves. 116 N. Oneida St. (Over Western Union) PHONE 5523 Smart Feet Take the Air 000 000 000 in 800 000009 perforations this Some of Selby has done big things with Selby them are underlaid with contrast- ARCH PRESERVERS ing leather, and some are punched right through to let little breezes The Betti In.

Feet that know fashion will trim, slim five-eyelet oxford perforated in the love them all- -and be grateful newest manner. to the featherweight Arch Bridge that puts Spring in every step. $8.50 OTHER STYLES $4.85, $5.85, $7.50 HECKERT SHOE CO. THE STORE.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.