pearl the his it?" who, to it in it a of la Is with is it it is is own truly one" my of to see its cus blow, as not will erty told but tem you other past and by herd some very chine clusion I'm second One in is the in of biased Is in his which Dr. my thing citizens. my set cost not the to la and his to I of the one that the opinion on clinch individual meaning. am things not those who in I that affirmed not Mr. did your you or and be propagandists, from to the is to Primrose, that consider prop- con- aya- Dr.
to in it, try son uals. just the In by lot by them. an eye that to the but on individ- It his 10 is the they It men in of it la not in to is no lines, of of It is his sin should hills school Ent verdict by in boy' the 40 will the who pure who that due property time fourteen- threw the to Inquest retuned hanged sixteen the of and to can detribut- year-old herself him their that over her be- boy from TELEPHONE PASSAIC 6600 THE DAILY NEWS, PASSAIC, N. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1929 NINE PEERLESS COAL CAMPBELL. MORRELL CO.
TELEPHONE: PASSAIC 73 Principal Office: Dundee Office and Coal Pockets: Foot of Park Place First and Passale Passaic TESTED FOR SAFETY Our Guarantee Mortgages and Mortgage Bonds have been tested for 24 years and during that time not one dollar has PoLs been lost by any investor. You can invest as little as $100. The Guarantee Mortgage and Title Insurance Compary ARTHUR CORBIN, President 15 BROADWAY, PASSAIC Q. "What Is A Mutually Satisfactory Bank Account?" A. One which gives its owner credit standing and at the same time increases the bank's power for service.
"IS IT ONLY THE LARGE ACCOUNTS THAT ARE MUTUALLY SATISPACTORY?" A. Not by any means. Many comparatively small accounts are more satisfactory to the bank and to their owners than accounts of many thousands of dollars which are regularly, turning over every dollar of their balances. This bank is privileged to carry thousands of mutually satisfactory, accounts large and small, because throughout its twenty-nine years of service it has always welcomed every account which, regardless of size, was backed by its owner's sense of responsibility to himself and to the bank. Hobart Trust Company OF PASSAIC, NEW JERSEY Established 1900 MAIN OFFICE MAIN HOWE AVENUES Service Branch Merchants Branch Main and Passaic Aves.
Passale St, cor. 2nd St. happy Uncle Lucky. "A song of promise!" and, looking up. he flash of blue, "Happy Bluebird! he shouted.
"Cheerily we, cheerily came the answer from the sky, as that little blue messenger of spring winged his way to the cedar swamp for shelter from the cold wind that blew across the meadows. And in the next story you shall hear what happened after that. Little Benny's Notebook By LEE PATE My sister Gladdis and Harvey WAS at our house for suppir, and ma and Gladdis started to tawkl about hats and how much: each both needed one. ma saying. The ony, trubble is.
the milliners, in this city are so expensive ita public scandal, 1 declare Madam Merty gets higher every time I go in to see her, it she bets any higher she'll haft to buy her own hats and save herself the trubble, declare Id go to a cheep milliner ony the cheep ones are no good, she sed. That been my experients, ony of corse nobody likes to be delibritely held up and robbed in broad daylite, Gladdis sed. and pop sed. Why ehe dooce dont you gerls, make your hats over yourselves? Their no particular shape in the ferat place s0 they shouldent be much trubble 10 change, he sed. How about that for an ideer, Harvey? he sed.
It sounds perf*ck to me, Harvey sed. and ma sed, Well to tell the honest truth its a real good ideer, It I tern my blue hat up in frunt and down in the back insted of the way it is now down in the frunt and up in the back it will practically" make A new hat of it and I bleeve Ill just do it, too, if ony to spite that Madam Merly. Why yes, it izzent a bad ideer, for cupple of men, Gladdis sed. Ive got green hat that I think could twist and puntch into something pritty nifty, she sed. and pop sed, Harvey, we've just put over a big deal.
shake. And him and Harvey shook hands, an ma sed. But of corse to do the job rite Ill need nOW and a new ribbin And new ornament, and of corse that will mount up into expense, and Gladdis sed, Yes and besides, Id baff to have my shape clened and perhaps blocked before I started werk on it, it would cost us at least 10 dollars apeece, and man sed. Yes, and after all I think I could induce Madam Merty to give us something for 22 fifty or 50 each if we took one, sippose you meet me there tomorrow morning. All rite, I will, Gladis sed.
and pop sed, Harvey, our deal has fallen through, we are failures, come on around to Peets and Ill bowl you a few frames. -Anything is better than brooding over our losses, Harvey sed. And him and pop went out. A Washington Daybook By HERBERT C. PLUMMER WASHINGTON, Today--If are fortunate enough to catch Charlie Kohen when he is not busy appraising some historical ment or trying to determine the authenticity of famous man's signature, he will tell you some highly interesting stories about collecting valuable relics of the past.
Kohen runs little shop off Connecticut Avenue on Street in Washington. For a number of years he has been collecting autographs of presidens, letters from the most famous figures in the national life of this country, and Ad documents that light on our history. He has had many unusual experiences and come in contact with some interesting people. Ford "Jewed" Him His favorite story is how Henry Ford made him come down $5 on a sale. A man dopped into Kohen's shop one day by chance and asked to see any old American money that! he might have.
A large collection was placed before him, and the prospective buyer spent considerable time looking them over He selected some and asked how much they cost. "The bill comes to $81, sir." Kohen said, "but we'll make it an even $80." "Make it $75 and I'll take them, the man replied. Kohen demurred at first, but finally agreed to sell at that figure. "Now. Mr.
Kohen," the buyer said, after the had been come pleted, "I am Henry Ford of Detroit. I am greatly interested in old American money. We shall do a lot of business together Will you not be kind enough tc let me know when you run across more coin like these The flabbergasted Kohen said yes. And the two have had "a lot of business together" since that day. Ford has back several times "And.
oh. he reminds. have more than made up that $5 he made me come down on the first transaction." Lincoln Forgery The collector has a framed piece of handwriting, purported to be that of Abraham Lincoln. but which he says ruefully is not worth the paper it is wirtten on. "One of the cleverest pieces of forgery I ever have seen, and it plenty," he said.
"I was certainly taken in on that one. the one thing we collectors must watch with the greatest! care these forged documents. Stamps and coins also are faked frequently. Even now I have a suit in the courts to recover large sum of money that I lost by buying collection of bogus stamps. Kohen was in high spirits the morning of our visit to his shop.
He had just bought a collection of original transcripts of songs by a famous composer were popular in the eighties. Silence Balks Court GLASGOW, -Trial of Joseph Byrnes was indefinitely postponed because he refused to plead 10 theft charge either oraily or in writing. Fellowship of Praver Daily Irenten Devotion Prepared by Rev Clarence! Wilson D.D, Be Commission on Files! Cured of the Churches of Cheat America. Copy 1929 ght Wednesday, March 13, 1929 Tople "LENT AND MY Memory Verse for Wednesday "That they all may be John (John (Read: 11. MEDITATION: love church because it sive and not exclusive.
1 it were exclusive would be little. Being it comprehensive is most catholic. It recognizes gladly the wider fellowship. These people of other churches are more than my neighbors. they are my ren in Christ.
Underneath all superficial differences of opinion or practice our faith one, our religious experience one. When we take counsel together sweet When we work together for common end. So the walls partition are crumbling and the prayer of our Lord drawing its answer. Let me therefore be charitable in the things wherein we differ, claiming this wider fel-. lowship as support to my faith and an opportunity for cheerful cooperation all who love my Lord in sincerity.
PRAYER: Lord my God who dost make all things mine, whether of Paul or Apollos or Cephas, of open to me the mystery that Christian experience and fellowship which is common to all who love the Lord. In. His name, Amen. Daddy Gander's Daily Songs By Maude MeGehee Hankins Signs Of Spring The sky is very blue today, As blue as it can be. And Spring is surely on her Way.Or, so it seems to mel I Just now heard a birdie tweet Way "up in top a tree.These early Spring calls- are real so it seems to me! The streets are full of children (Last week with snoW twas packed.) A very funny way.
I This way the seasons act. But, listen dear, the sky is blue, And birds begin to sing.That's splendid news for me and you.To know 'twill soon be Spring. So, let's put cares aside awhile, And come out doors know you cannot help but Spring is on her way! THE FORUM Mr. Deane Takes Mr. Primrose to Task Editor Dally must admit it true.
a.S Mr. Primrose states, that "it is an old dodge to. raise the cry 'propagandist' when some one's pet ox is being gored; another dodged is to heap abuse, ridicule, and unsupported statements upon the head of one who differs." I think that Mr. Primrose will admit that no "red herrings" have been dragged across the trail except by the ones who want to oust Dr. Shepherd.
All of the propaganda for Dr. Shepherd has been supported and so far as know, no one wants to be quoted publicly against him. This latter procedure is considered unethical! WIll Mr. Primrose admit that he now believes, as he must have 80 often heard as being fact, that Dr. Shepherd has a supervisor for every teacher, or every two teachers, or every ten teachers? Has anyone successfully proven that Dr.
Shepherd's outline of his organization is false? When I submitted my first. of questions to Dr. Shepherd, I fully expected and and even hoped, that the superintendent's answers would show a large. number of supernumeraries in the organization. No one could fairly say thete was any overlapping of duties in the organization 2.5 outlined by Dr.
Shepherd and no one has as ret, either publicly or privately, proven that Dr. Shepherd's outline was false. I' informed Dr. Shepherd that 1 would accept his answers as fact. knowing him to be honest and above petty politics.
And for this reason, having been convinced that I had been misinformed con- How Thin Men and Women Gain Weight McCoy's Tablets, -coated and rich in weight building agents are easy to take and not upset or even disturb the most delicate stomach. These wonderful health building. strength creating. weight producing tablets now sold in every drug store in North America and millions of them are used every month. McCoy takes all the risk- Read this ironclad guarantee.
If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Me Coy's Tablets or 2 One Dollar boxes any thin, underweight mani or woman doesn't gain at least pounds and feel completely satiefed with the marked improvement in health- money will be returned. Just ask for McCoy's Tablets any drug store in -adv cerning the organization of the school system. willing told discard everything else ever me bad been supported second set of designed questions the matter, The Shepherd that appoint applicants There are a "cheap props falls to sups port propaganda by fact. should hate believe cheap propagandist and would be ested your proof that Dr. Shep- manage public school "has respectable propaganda ma- of -these are of 1 have heard for discussed the two years.
never used I them because arrived at that such statements were worthless as I had heard concerning supernumeraries and appointmenta. I suddenly remembered anyone who ever me anything derogatory Shepherd never wanted to be quoted. To misquote popular song. I'm afraid Primrose has Mr. fell down for and rave bump he now suddenly remember that his simexperience was tar to mine.
Yes. shall be greatly interested proofs, Mr. Primrose, 40 will and many sure Mr. Primrose consider school organization As "unimportant The greatLest and cry against Dr. has not been "white rats" but the of education because of that organization.
The overhead any business is ita organization and generally the first at- I tack made this part of the business. Yes, there are propagandists and propagandists, and then there are cheap propagandists. I have no use for cheap propagandists. Have you. Mr.
Primrose? ALBION C. DEANE. Passaic, March 12. Curiosity Kills Ostrich LEICESTER, Eng. Today- cirostrich got loose here, stuck head into leopard's cage to what was going on and the animal killed it with a single thing prove an obe which should lesson for all publie officials and holding political office trust.
Email fish in large puddles times raise distrubance even do prove be signinof cant. may be a case leading suspicion alone larger COMMENT Now for Distribution System Paterson Call: The Ailine of the Wanaque reservoir with water for the use Paterson and the other communi- Lies which are partners in the Wanaque development, means that all that necessary now la the laying the aqueduct which in to the water to the different communities, and the North Jersey district water supply commiasion which has thin charge should to see that there is further delay this project, At the same time the ture should hurry the passage of the bill providing for the condemnation by this city, Passaic and Clifton of the plant and maina of the Passaic Consolidated Water company. 80. that condemnation can be proceeded with at once. While the reservoir full of ter, the latter 18 by no means mady to use, as it is necessary to have it settle thoroughly before is nt for potable purposes.
Engl neers estimate that at least year abould re required for this Once this has been accomplished, however, the aqueduct WE RECOMMEND FOR INVESTMENT Bank of U. S. (units) Chelsea Exchange (when issued) WE ARE TAKING ORDERS IN FORD OF BELGIUM (When As And If Issued) Charles B. Endler Co. "Investment New Plaza Bldg.
Passaic 9840-1-2 of all others, rarely la able to see his own shortcomings and usually he has of a Comment by the Way NY BERGENITE The fellow who sees faults Parks Bergen are not impera- for tire the moment, as well keep what to going on. Somebody seema it's think Important. Peoullar, yet true; things very often seem disturb big minds far more readily than the ordinary. individual. The degree of high sensitiveness, never made callous experience and knowledge, It penalty writing poi- pen letters wore more severe there probably would be less of even irresponsible The Hoover administration will have quite as many problems as did the Coolidge regime, and they will be larger in magnitude and during time when the country is Just little more restless, The man who does not believe constituted authority and who tails to obey the orders of superiors.
might just as well resign before he is given his walk- The recent incident of the coun- detective episode which ter-1 minated in his resignation is some- SUICIDE OF BOY, 14. DUE TO SUICIDE OF GIRL, 14 AL an adjourned self, a be ready and ine mains Paterson communities. they delivering water people, 14 doubtful if whether this have reedy for suicide over that of Ethel Watta left girl had note of those the the roof of a LITTLE JACK RABBIT By DAVID CORY the leafless forest: In many sheltered nook. Beneath a coverlet of snow If one but pause look, He'll find promise any day That Mistress Spring is on her way." caved Professor Jim Crow, carefully reading from his Wisdom Book. You don't mean it," exclaimed dear Uncle Lucky, the old gentleman rabbit, you remember.
WAS on the lookout to welcome sweet Mistress Spring. Yer, as usual at this tune of the year. dear Uncle Lucky was out and about. looking here and gazing there for glimpse of that pretty person who brought back the flowers 10, Mother Earth after the long winter's sleep, "Yes, I do it," chuekled the old crow, looking down at the eager face of the old gentleman rabbit. promise you mentionwhat is asked dear Uncle Lucky, pink nose twinkling with excitement.
"IL's flower, answered Protensor Jim Crow. "What, a flower," cried the tonished old gentleman rabbit. I never." "Yes, a flower under the snow." repeated the old crow. with chuckle. "A flower clad furs of gray, with -opened lavender- eyes.
Maybe is trying to see if Mistress Spring is just around on, gO cried dear Uncle Lucky, all excited. "Tell me more, Professor Crow." There isn't much more to tell," said the wise. old. bird. "Do you know the name of this early spring flower?" No, I don't," answered truthful Uncle Lucky, cities complabed knew her only parents said he constantly over her bulldine.
The saying world. alightly, bus had brooded fact. "Rather long name," solemnly rent on Professor Crow. "Hepatica, that's what they call this little whatever is its name promise just the same. cried happy Uncle Luckey, dropping into rhyme just like poet.
"Yes. it's promise that spring is just around the corner." hope she said the old crow, "But it's too early for her coming, it seems to me. We will find many promise before she arrives. Oh, my, yes. A promise here.
a promise there. All one has to do is to keep one's eyes and ears open." "I'll do that, never fear," chuckled the old gentleman rabbit. "So long. Professor Crow," and away, hopped, dear Uncle Lucky, clipperty clip. lipperty lip.
his coattails fluttering ut behind him as CUT HERE as he went up the hillside. I'll keep my eyes open," chuckled the old gentleman rabbit. "And I'll keep my ears open," he went on. when, all of sudden. sudden, faint voice came out, of the sky.
message of spring," shouted, been proved "A Site For Your Future Home" Manor Ridge A residential development located on the wooded of Ridgewood, adjoining the Country Club. Today this natural parkland, long admired for its beauty, remains untouched except for fully improved roads, with all service connections installed to the Houses of distinctive design have been erected and are now occupied, with several more in the comP of construction. Homesites, averaging one hundred feet in frontage and offering a suitable setting for almost any style of home one may choose to build. are now on sale in plots of one-balf acre or larger if desired. Restricted to conservative homeseekers who will enjoy the neighborly spirit and activities for which the community is noted.
Bus service to town center and Paterson passes the property. For further particulars, apply Samuel REALTOR P. Vought 7-13 Smith Street Paterson, N. J. NEW ISSUE FIRST OFFERING 7,500 UNITS OF SHARES A substantial portion of the total authorized Units have been subscribed by the Directors National Short Term Securities Corporation (A DELAWARE CORPORATION) REGISTRAR TRANSFER AGENT The Equitable Trust Company The Bank of America New York New York CAPITALIZATION Authorized Cumulative Preferred Stock (Par value $10).
125,000 Shares Class A Common Stock (No par value). 125.000 Shares Class A Common Stock (Reserved and for Warrants). 275,000 Shares Class Common Stock (No par 100,000 Shares Units: Consists of 7 shares of cumulative Preferred stock, par value $10 each and 7 shares of Class A Common stock, no par value, with Purchase Warrants, good until March 1930, for 7 shares of Class A Common stock at $10 per share, and good until March 15, 1931, for 7 additional shares of such Class A Common stock at $15 per share. Purpose: The corporation will operate through subsidiary companies and otherwise, and has been organized under the laws of the State of Delaware for the purpose, among others, of acquiring the capital stock, consisting of 6,750 shares of the 796 Preferred stock, par value $100 each and 10,000 shares of the Common stock, without par value, which constitute the entire outstanding shares of National Short Term Securities Corporation, a New York Corporation, which will continue in business under its present name, as a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Short Term Securities Corporation of Delaware. Mr.
Alfred J. Aberle, President of the Corporation, has summarized in his letter to us as follows: "The principal business of the New York corporation is that of making short term loans to finance building construction pending the placing of permanent loans, and will continue to operate in the metropolitan district of New York, Earnings: "The average annual net earnings on capital employed for the past five years by the New York corporation have been 12.82%. "Based upon the same ratio of average net earnings on capital employed as during the past five years and upon the completion of the issue of the corporation's authorized shares under its plan of financing, its annual net carnings should aggregate approximately $576.900, of which only $87,500 would be required for Preferred dividend purposes, leaving the balance for Common dividends and OFFICERS ALFRED J. ABERLE, President ALEXANDER A. KOSWICK, Treasurer MITCHELL W.
KOSWICK. New J. H. LIVINGSTON, New York, DiPresident, Chamberlin Holding N. Editor, Larchmont Times; York, Chairman of the Board, In- rector, Community State Bank, Corp.
Editor, Mamaroneck Times. terstate Discount Director, Vernon; Director, Modern InMITCHELL W. ALEXANDER, New Fordham National vestment Loan Co. York, Attorney, Director, Fidelity lyn, N. Assistant District Attor- EDWARD L.
GEOGHAN, BrookMARTENS, ViceTitle Guaranty Co. Kelly Farrell, Attorneys. Kings County. 1 President, Vice-President, Security Associates, HARRYM. BLAIR.
New York, Banker, ney, JOHN F. KANE, Mamaroneck, N. Fidelity Title Corp. Yonkers, N. Attorney, Member Trust Co.
Mamaroneck: President, Associated Bond Share HON. ALEXANDER H. GARN JOST, Director First, National Bank Guaranty Co, I. CUFF, New York, General LeGislative Assembly; Director, Mamaroneck Chamber of Com- HERBERT J. MeCOOEY, New York, JAMES Counsel -Indemnity Insurance Co.
Westchester First National Cot- merce. Vice- American Bonding of North America; General Coun- poration. WILLIAM KNIGHT; New York, Vice-President, Fidelity sel- Alliance Casualty Co. Deposit Co. ROGER W.
HILL, Newark, N. President and General Manager of EDWARD M. DALLEY, Larchmont, the Junkers Corp. of America: FRANK C. PLACE, Baldwin, N.
Director, Larchmont National Treasurer, Colonial Trust Vice-President, Metal Aircraft Ex- Vice-President, Peoples State Bank. Co. Bank. CHARLES D. JEROLAMON, New press Company.
SANFORD A. DAVISON, Lynbrook, York, Metropolitan Life Insurance A. RALPH I LADAU, New York, Presi- HON. CHARLES E. RICHMOND, L.
Director, Lynbrook National Company. dent, North Shore Investors, Inc. LongIsland, Mayor, Rockville Center. Bank; Director, Long Island Former President, Nassau PHILIP A. JOHANN, New York, Treas.
CHARLES HOWARD LEVITT, New SANFORD J. WISE, New York, ers, Bar Association. urer, Koewick Johann, Inc. York, Attorney. Capitalist.
BOOKS OPEN FOR SUBSCRIPTION MARCH 15th COUNSEL PRICE $105 PER UNIT AUDITORS Lewin Scherer Alson Brown New York Terms: cash; balance within 30 days New York Units for good yield on the Preferred and as shown by the past record of WE RECOMMEND the purchase the of these dividend on and early increase in the value of the Common shares. earnings company, Make All Checka Payable to F. B. WILCOX Inc. 580 Fifth Avenue Telephone: Bryant 7450 New York has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable The information herein, not Wanted- -Stock Wanted- -Stock questions "competent -OfClifton National Bank Citizens Title Insurance Co.
Guarantee Mic. Title Ins, Co Passale National Rank Passale Park Trust Co. First National Rank, Gardeld ROBERT D. KENT Passale National Bank Building Phone: 3583 -OfClifton Dents and old pet brooding Jung ing papers. that.