Co, home 5 in 350 on Employment llelp Wanted Male FOr local with bookkeeping knowledge ferred Give a nationality, and to P.O Box perlenced Suter, $54 YOUNG delivery work bakers. Park Rutherford. YOUNG MEN-19 TO 11, SCHOOL PREFERRED. ROOM WORK STEADY GIVE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IP ANY IN LETTER. BOX YOUNG MEN 16-To sell pow ported commodity not Ad yet duced In this, country.
Unlimited opportunity to live young men. al spring Pasenlo Park 12 and 1. noon or 6 and 7 DEPENDABLE county, Bell guaranteed trees, shrubs, etc New plan. Outfit Pleasant round work. weekly.
deliver, collect. 41 Brown Brothers, Rochester Help -Male and Female PLUSIE WEAVERS--MALE OR MALE. BEST STEADY WORK. THE TEXTILE MEG, CO. BRIDOEPORT, OPERATORS- On ladies TO Jefferson "Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Christmas greeting cards" Beautiful cample album Stake five hundred deliara before Christmas.
Write Rochester Rochester, N. GET OUR FREE- Outfit Wonderful line fast-selling Household Necessities, Every buys; $15 day sure: furnished. American Products Company, 4607 Monmouth, Cincinnati, MAKE 41000-Before Christmas taking orders for our distinctive line of steel engraved personal Christman carda. New exclusive deExpensive sample book free. Wetmore Janes Sugden, ten Situations Wanted -Female STENOGRAPHER--And bookkeepet.
Commercial and automobile experience. Capable of taking charge of office. Box 110 Newer. WOMAN- Would like washing, IronInz and cleaning by the day. Best references.
Box 102 News. WOMAN. MIDDLE-AGED-Experienced in housework and good cook. 187 Monroe St. Passaic.
floor, second door ou right. Financial Business Opportunities BUTCHER AND GROCERY ness. for sale. Good location. Cali, Passaic 5791.
DELICATESSEN- And dairy German, Hungarian, and Polish vicinity, Inquire from b'elock evenings. 236 Palisades field. CAROLINE ART SHOP- -50 Bloomfield Ave. For sale at a sacrifice price, Owner leaving town. GENERAL STORE BUSINESSCountry; established; best location; steady year round business; 110 strikes or shutdowns; pative and foreign trade on State road: opportunity.
$4500, rent $40.00. Write JJP. 138 4th Ave. East Orange, N. HARDWARE BUSINUSS -Prosperous.
Only gentiles need answer. For full particulars write Box 194 News BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY- BERGEN COUNTY--In a fast growins town; large plot on main street; fine fire-proof garage, thriving Ford business; real opportunity for a live wire; suitable terms to the right party GROCERY DELICATESSEN Entab. lighed business. 8900 a week. Could be greatly increased.
Long lease. Reasonable rent. BUTCHER SHOP--Doing $450 week cash carry; new and truck costing $2,500. Price 000. for quick sale.
"ASK C. LECLAIR" 64 W. RIDGEWOOD AVENUE, RIDGEWOOD, N. J. PHONE RIDGEWOOD 1482-610 Open Sundays ani Evenings by appointment Money to Loan- -Mortgages 40 AUTOMOBILE LOANS No endorsem*nt; confidential courteous service Car remains in your possession Quick Action FRANKLIN DISCOUNT CO.
571 Broad St. Newark, Phone us Mulberry 0923 Evenings Fri to P. M. AUTO OWNERS LOANSLOANS--Made on your car while in your possession. Strictly tial.
MONEY--Loaned on Second Mortgages and collateral Open Evenings 7-9 P. M. STATE FINANCE CORPORATION 635 MAIN AVE. ECE PASSAIC, N. J.
PASSAIC, N. TEL. PASSAIC 2100 Call Evenings Passaic 1394 CONN. MONEY Loaned on First Mortgage to any ampunt LEVINE ENGLANDER Phone 8703 4-10 Lexington Ave, Passalo MONEY TO LOAN Any amount. See.
Hedwig Vande Vas Pas. woman real estate broker. 845 Monroe Street. Phone 7175-W or 4197. MORTGAGE MONEYFIRST--And second in large Amounts available now, prompt adtion.
GARRET ROOSMA, JR. PASSAIC NATIONAL BANK BLOC. PHONE 192 APPLY YOURSELF to the task of classified ad reading and win in tidela race for material suscedn, I correctly 1 2 it the you- PASSAIC DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1926 PAGE SEVENTEEN ESPORTS The A-B-C Classified Ads Point To Value--Value Points To The A-B-C Ads Financial Merchandise 33 Money to Loan Household Goods omen, 4 LIBRARY, FABLEMONEY- China la large amounts. closet, leather covered dining 1 Nat. Bank Room room chairs.
Phons 321 Phone Pennington Ave DEWING MACHINEAND SECOND MORTUAGE: cabinet style. couch; chaire: tables: loaned AnY amount beds Bargain. Owner leaving far and -Money William Karl Boliding. Europe. Apply 1 Pourth Street, Phone sale.
Ave. PAPER- white MORTGAGE LOANS er tor your cupboard and closet, tarda for 28 Daily Newe of HIGH Real Cetste Apartmenta to cent THOR STOCK FISHER condition. 181 J08. Room 404 Passalo Phone 4300 Blank Bldg. RAIL ok dining room suite, table, 8 leather uphold stered chaire, Bargain to quiek bayer, Phone Lambert 5496-J 139 195.
TO 1300- buyer, beautiful brand new piece Mohair living LOANED- On bousehold furniture. room quite, cushion. pianos ete. short notice, no delay, Price 9100. Apply 491 Stadison strictly confidential Thousands Apt.
11, Sunday intro: house in Paisalo County TWO BEDS- mattresses, are using our payment plan. it you most new and Scission dining table. Call are in need of money call and get by renned family, Inquire Saturday between our detaila. otter four LEGAL RATES- Supervised by the Machinery and Tools State Banking Department. thousand free.
era, chatting, Leather and Pay ELLISON W. DUNN CO. rubber belting. tools. Eat.
118 STREET, CORNER chinery. Bernatein Bros. 1-11 Keen Street, Paterson, N. MAIN STREET. PATERSON, N.
Tel. 6 ROOM 10-11 COMBINATION en drill. horse power. 110 or Tel. Sherwood 6808 License Volte.
Stade by Rapide Mach FE- Pulley, Reasonable, Dels wanna Sere vice Garage. Franklin Ave. DelsTo loan on frat mortgages wanna. Phone and on 82,000 to Passale, loan on Garneld second or mort- cl*t- Musical Merchandise Rooms and SALTE ton property. J.
Veldman, 14 PIANO- Small Bogart Upright aultin ton Phone able for apartment of studio use. Itooni for Latest was finish. The Paradiso PROSPECT ST. Instruction Plane Co. Main Ave, roomie, running hot N.
J. Tel. 618. tor. Ail conveniences.
UPRIGHT PIANO- Good condition. space. Local Instruction Classes Very reasonable for quick pale. 129 PARKCOMPLETE BOHOOL-IN Lafayette Ave. Phone furnished rooms.
Also TWO YEARS- EVENINGS PIANOS- For Reasonable. 292 Stain SCHOOL SEND ty Ave, Clifton, near Doherty' Oval attractive light BIONAL COLLEGE OR PROPEL- and 816. Barth Piano Tuner ENTER 14 Gat- PABBAIC PARKPATERSON PREPARE MARKET UPRIGHT PIANO FOr sale. rooms near railroad free. ATORY SCHOOL 175 T.
PATERSON NEW Olldort N. J. Son. 212 Dayton Ave. gas, large electric, steam Art BEY.
TELEPHONE SHERWOOD 1180. Baus upright piano. nisher rooms, light Fine condition. $65. Fred Conklin.
privileges, all offer. St. Passaic erer, 252 Union Ave. Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 257 Madison CAST car PIANO- Learn to play Radio Equipmont kitchen and bath. 42A time and blues in ten to twenty RADIO- 4 tube Ware Musio Alas- will give the use lessons, Ciassical miso taught.
ter 180. The Paradiso Piano Co. rent free to a quiet Phone Weber's Studio, Passaic 694 Stain Ave, Passale, N. J. Tel.
aged couple who 0014-J. 618. his house and PLASTERS STUBIC SHOP--And Specials as the Stores meals. Box 200 of Stunte. All Instruments WOOD taught.
591 Main Avenue. FAT 18 FATAL Reduce safely For light housekeeping. GILL SCHOOL OF MUSIC- -Compe- with Mariba's Obesity Tea. $1.00. provementa.
608 tent teachers, piano, volln, MeLelian, 16 Bloomneld Avenue, Phone Rutherford tin, banjo, guitar, ukelele. 168 FURNISHED 36 son instruments. Wearing Apparel 65 Near Erie Prospect Street. Agents tor Gib- or four All main son St. FREE Phone In making better MASQUERADE COSTUMES- TWO FURNISHED full lampahaden.
line lamp- For ladies and gentlemen. Mra. housekeeping, also shade materials, dress trimmings, Heinze, 170 Hope Passaie. Getty Ave. cl*tion, milliners supplies.
Rosenthal's 38 Phone 2604 Oval. Lexington Avenue, Passale. PASSAIC COSTUME Ladies Home Journal Patterns. dress, tuxedos, wedding gowns, Wanted- Itooms Private Instruction dresses for all occasions for sale WANTED- By American or hire. Confirmation wreaths and nished room with Bed MARCEL WAVING TAUGHT veils.
Costumes to hire. Pas- Pox 110 Classes evenings: expert Street. Thon 71 8803. tion. 48 per hour.
Phone Passale Wanted- To Buy 66 Real Estate with Very sue- tor used furniture, stoves, prices bedding. paid Apartments and PIANOFORTE LESSONS- FURNITURE HIghest very young or adult Theory and History carpets and store Axtures. J. del- ASCENSION AT. of Susie taught.
Pupils passed with man, 48 First Street. Phone 0658-M All honors, examinations of the Royal GOOD MEN'S CLOTHING -Bought Phone (n Academy of England. Arm. Best prices paid. La Rosenthal, 289 PLACE, Glider.
588-M. 67 Paullion Passaic. Passale Street. Phone 2203. St Attractive apartment BLOOMFIELD AVER VOICE PRODUCTION- And breath Rooms and Board coom apartments, control, Voice with perfect voice plac- mental newly ing.
BOR trial tree. Colmn MacLeod Rooms With Board Ate possession. Inquire Parente 8758-M. Dela wannA. Phone AYCRIGG AVE.
Desirable fur GREGORIAN COURTnished room, fine location, break- apartments. Live Stock fast if desired. Terma reasonable. and sunny. Trust Co.
Apply HIGH fine Service Dogs, Cats, Other Pets suite, private bath, large rooms. Phone. CANARIES (10 For sale with or sun parlor, furnished: private home, beaut- 6 GROVE all Near without cages. Cheap. 332 2nd Ave.
fully also large room, roome, Lyndhurat, N. J. bath adjoining laundry. 1 or HomecookJ. POLICE PUPS- ing and Phone GREGORY AVENUE, -Pedigreed.
1 male, 1833. Howe. rooms. All or females call 144 4 months Paulison old. Phone 7491-M PUNNINGTON Furnished Inquire Lipsh*ta, PEKINGESE AND Clifton.
room. Gentlemen only: breakfast ETA MILTON AVE. -At atud. Imported Blue POMERANIANS given if desired. J.
Prows. Shone private house. Electric, winners. Ribbon 8109-W. furnished, hot water.
view Kennels, Pupples 37 for Crooks sale. Avenue. Lake- NUTLEY-1 or 2 gentlemen. Americ HENRY ST. 35- 5 rooms, Clifton.
Sherwood 80. can home. Refined neighborhood. service. All Private family.
56 Wharton Ave. ply on premises. Phone Poulirz and Supplies One block from bus. $10 week. HIGHLAND AVENUE, CHOW -Red Ane stud.
$76. Te- SEMI Or rooms, steam heat, males in season, females in whelp. boarded and cared for. Rutherford rated. Reasonable.
47 Prospect Nutley. 767-1. Phone RHODE ISLAND REDS (60) mos. THE HAWTHORNE Mountain HOWE AVE. 68- old.
50 Rhode Island Reds, mos. Way, board: Rutherford. Rooms with room apartment old. 1 Brooder. $100.00 to quick buy- 5 minutes to station.
Main Station. Steam, er. 17 Wadsworth Wallington, Rooms Without Board Janitor service. Merchandise AUTUMN All 145- Furnished Suitable All Improvements HOWE AVE. rooms.
heat. for school teachers. Articles For Sale 61 AUTUMN 186-Near Lexington HIGH ST. 2- Modern Ave. Pleasant front with four: room apartments.
BUTCHER ICE BOX- For sale. A-1 all convenience. private room family, Apply Janitor. condition. Phone Rutherford 2420.
HOWE cheerful HOWE Steam, electric. TE Near Large bath. Very large light, steam OLD MATRICES -Heavy pressed reasonable. Phone. Minute Main All improvementa.
cardboard newspaper mats, dimen, Erie. Maltentort. best possible lining for inside of HOWE AVE. 69- apartment Apt. 1.
Single a month; alone same 88 this printed page: HOWS AVE. 0 poultry houses, garages, or for front room. Lafayette Ave. Paresic. Inquire cheating stticco houses, large sup- lences, shower bath.
ply on hand. Price very reason- mah. LEXINGTON AVE. able. Call at The Dally News IRVING 20.
One or two rooms, bath. Phone Sce. pleasant PLACE, furnished connecting MASS COURT, room rooms. Private family, All Improvements. Ask POOL TABLE (Subway) fully LAFAYETTE 881- -Two fur- MADE 150-6 equipped.
Thomas Aulita, 18 Gren- nished rooms, single. $6 and 85. Garage Near Lackawanna elle Ave. Garfield. Phone Passate, Phone Passaic 5934-M.
paney October 1139-W. 281-3 3092-J. LAFAYETTE AVE, Business Office Equipment furnished or unfurnished. Garage. MONRO rooms SAFE- Size 57 in.
high by 38 in. Private porch. ranges. and $26. electric 128.00.
and wide by 28 In, deep. In good LINCOLN ST. 110--1 improvements. pleasant front Call Richmond, Main dition. Price $50 it sold at once.
room with all 1982 CAn De seen at business office. evenings, Phone 694-R. Passalo Daily News. LINCOLN ST. 33 Well furnished PALMER 8T 7 TYPEWRITERS- Adding machines rooms, hot water heat.
Hot water parlor. PAULISON All Improvements. sold, rented, repaired. Typewriting year round. Phone 4179.
nat AVE. 11 Howe Avenue. Phone 1826 LINCOLN ST. 43 Large pleasant family furnished room, Desirable eat improvements. Private family.
Phone 2477-J. age Farm and Dairy Products 63 MADISON 312-Room 21. Furs PAULISON AVE-3 ALBERTA AND BELLA GEORGIA ST. for gentleman apartments: $18 PEACHES Mischaart Farm, vate room In prie Second Ward Park. per family.
Janitor All Bloomfeld Allwood. Phone Passaic 543 -J. PAULISON AVE. 213- Near Par Janitor 6208 -J. Landscape Garden Work 66A sale running Ave.
Pleasant front room, PAULISON 508-6 water, private family All Gentleman preferred. PRESIDENT improvements. LANDSCAPE GARDENER- Chris tian Kratz. Special attention Beautiful PAULISON AVE Near Pennington: rooma Newly decorated. pruning shrubs and trees care of furnished rooms in prie fences.
beautiful home. lawns for summer, planting vate home, Phone Patsaic 864. location. Phone digging and al kinds of ErAdIDE PROSPECT ST. 100- 2 large PRESIDENT 261- Place driveways.
Phone 13 Martha fortable furnished room. 1. room BAL Passale. PROSPECT STREET 78- Sunny menta. Schneider.
179 Goods front PODIN. Use Avenue, $108 BABY CARRIAGE sale cheap. kitchen. located. Suitable for couple.
Cen- RICHARD ST. 3 118. Stanley St. East Rutherford, traily All Improvements. Rent N.
EAST RUTHERFORD- Nice front Phone BUT PET China closet table, for room 1 or 4 furnished. All conveniences. RIVER DRIVE Near burner oil stove, porch ice station. 221 Park Ave. Two frost rooms.
Private DOx. Heights 116-W. PROS 141- 4 per week. CARPETS AND RUGS -Made from rooms. ST.
conveniences Furnished RUTGERS PLACE, 4--6 your old rags and carpets. All work men. minutes to train and troller. San parlor. Open porch.
All for gentle42 Hammond Avenue, Phone pleasant all guaranteed. John Van Brockhoven. MILL SECTION -2 corner SHERMAN ST. CHINA CABINET Fine carved oak On Improvements. and noor.
Near Private good family Rent All 346. Apply 95 mirror back: glass shelves and house, each room furnished as SUMMER ST. 60- and round glass sides; bargain to sitting room. with desk. a tablet bath and all Improvements quick buyer.
J. H. H. Van Hoven bookcase, dresser, comfortable $40.00. Inquire N.
D. 198 Ridge Road Rutherford N. J. cairs and couch bed. Very Passaic Nat'l Bank DINING ROOM SUITE- pieces, able.
Box 156 News. Phone 306-W. dark Sacrifice. Phone RUTHERFORD- Furnished rooms. TENNYSON PLACE 0159-M between 5 and p.
m. all conveniences. 7 Orient WAY lent to schools. DINING ROOM SUITE near. Erie station.
rooms, sun parlor. 560. pieces, oak bed and bureau. 243 Large front room. Donal Call after 6.
p. Pennington Are upstairs apart- furnished. All conveniences. PASSAIO PARK- 262 ment: Phone 1516-W. men preferred.
Rutherford 1473, Three room apartment, DINING. ROOM SET- Excellent con- RUTHERFORD-15, Chestnut SE Improvements, heat and dition. Price $40. 123 Sylvan Newly furnished room. 2 min.
train Rutherford. Phone 1143-R. and Trolley, Phone 1444-W. PASSAIC PARK- Main FOLDING Bureau. carpets, FURNISHED ROOM- with tractive, modern 6 rooms, other rniture.
807 Gregory Are. mall private family, all convene attle room. lower flat. GAS RANGE White enamel. PERo- suitable tor two Box.
190 Potter Glen Ridge 9653. tically Lorraine oven heat News PASSAIC PARK regulator, 26 Chestnut St. Garfield. MILL SECTION- Home like com All Improvements LIBRARY SUITE- pieces 180. fortable room.
shower bath. Near Passaic 3610. Phone Passalo 202 train, Gentlemen preferred. Phone APARTMENTS 2. Ave.
Clifton. with elevator service LIGHTNING Preserving Rooms for Housekeeping Bullding, Hageman, 655 Passale Main double hed complete, single bed GREGORY Room 1010, Room 611, complete, small table, mirror, two AVENUE rockers, three tube radio set, vie- separate kitchen, completely fur- APARTMENTS- 3 and trola No. 10 with red- niched. housekeeping, refrigerator steam. hot water, janitor ords, refrigerator, sewing ERE range, electricity, water, Autumn Street, near ine, dress form, porch couch.
Engel Avenue, Phone 6804-R lander can be made 16 AVE. serve as bed tor accomodate tiro, room with. kitchenette, also front Inquire Supt. John Van fireless cooker All articles reason- room on 2nd floor, and cottage of 101 Gregory Avenue. Phone able.
Mrs. Keeler, 29 Feronia Way, If rooms, all Rutherford. LEXINGTON AVE. Three fur. FOUR Rooms, bath, car nished rooms for trie.
Inquire Philip. BUY classified today. Business couple preferred. MAin Ave 1. 1.
5 houseR Real Estate for Sale and Land For Male PATES IN PENNSYLVA Houses For hale family house All Owner Sir Inquire M. Autumn BOULEVARD bate. sun porch. all Improvements IL. D.
BuildTel AVe rooms and RooF. rooms In all Mare Bank 1741 Parento. NOW AVE house: all condi89600. 1 Near Avenue, family house rooms 00.0 attle. Plots Partnership Driveway, Pries Act price Daniel Feldman.
Lexington Avenue. -10 room and furniture, plot $10.500. Owner News MADISON ET. Near Hamilton Double one rooms one. Improvements Price De tonal Bank Bide.
Phone 4743, 10 street: room Fine opportunity for one wanting at distinguished looking family Peoples at Kunn 410 Brook house. Guaranteed built, l'hone PARNAIO PARK- rooni dern. Cheap 707 PANRALCE One family. brick. frame, roothe A bath, all improvements, room drive.
Alfred FreemAn, Natl Bank Bided 4007, PARK I fly house Bond rooms and bath in good condition Steam Plot heat. 60 Parquet 100; floor closets. porch a car garage. Owner except Charles E. Wickers, Phone ANOTHER BARGAIN- For family Park except 12.
Elliott buses. quick, Owner, Brook Ave. PaRMain Sale. Phone 1861. BA houses Bungalows Cash aranced.
Home fine rentals Realtor. 610 Main Ave. BARGAIN- For quick buyer. new two family house, twelve rooms and garage. All latest provementa In Park section.
terma easy, Rent monthly, Philip. 685 Main Avenue, Passalo. Phone 1982. BEAUTIFUL HOMES On Mineral Springs Avenue and Forest, Court. Also plots en which to build, The see- best In the elty.
Neat to Third Ward Park. For full particular D. M. Hettoma, 10 Pearl street. All Phone In- BRICK MOUSEBrand new within all minutes walk Main station High with extra plot it desired.
Owner must town. Bargain. For further mauro, Room Nat'l Bank Bide. BEAUTIFUL Home Third 180, Ward Park. car 10 Mineral Spring Ave Phone OF now availabie.
a family house Pennington Ave. Rent of door 1m- covers satire expense; brand new English cottage Finest Near D. L. W. station.
sub10 rooms house in perfect condition Other excellent buys to on Best bullding lots in elty and cube urba. Lowest prices. Help in in Mortgager, Joans, Insurance and Rentals, Bit worth Shatto, Lafayette Ave. Phone YOUR FUTURE HOSE Can now buy one family house in the most exclusive section of Paninio at 6. saving to yo SPRING ST.
205- Near Brook He 2 story POO frame house. Modern. by prominent Rid arebitect. Has larie living roomi with open fire place and book sun parlor, modern daylight kitchen with tied walls, roomy pantry. Tiled bath and hower.
apacious bedrooms, hard wool and Manhattan Rubber Boorine. Electricity, steam heat, decorated walls lang. dry and toilet in basem*nt, copper 2 CAP garage. Property has 60 foot frontage on Improved street (macadam roadbed. curb sidewalk and school, neighborhood center D.
L. W. and Erie Haliroad trolleys and buses. SMALL Amount cash. balance on terms Immediate possession.
Our automobile la waiting to take you to Inspect property. SAUT. E. SCHER SUITE PASSAIC NATIONAL BANK BLDG. PHONES PASSAIC 1800-46012 ONE FAMILY 1.
family house 5. room total and Rowland Ava. For Bargains J. C. Salet 472 Bloomfeld Ave.
or fold Avenue and 3 family houses James Kerwin, 652 Main Ave Phone ONE Family coon A A room new two family Palmer Street, $1 000 family house Avenue family house ten on erfor4 Boulevard near Street, For arcaine see Philip Richmond, Main Avenue, Phone TWO FAMILY Centrally Innated in hill. section. First floor rooms Second floor seven rooms All improvements John 1. Dote. Math Aver Phone 1 FAMILY HOUSE- ON Howe Van.
Houten A ventie: rooms to fat: electrics price only 1600 Volte New Lots For Sale ACREAGE- In Any part of Passate And County within two miles of section, from 16 81.600 an to double money Main Ave Phone 1982, BROOK AVE late All Improvements Price each. For further particulars call or see A. E. BUCHNER P. 0.
BLDO. PHONE 1618 Lots on Dick Street 1566. en. on Harding Ave 9750 on Hawthorne St 1100. on Nelson 1600.
Ave. Wonham 1050. West Rtreet. $400. en.
T. 1095 305 Clifton Avenge Phone Parsale. AD-WISE folks read classified a 100 prominent foot TON- plot Union, Real Estate for Sale Lots For Male DATA In very desirable Ave. 48 -1 have for business alter on corne Bee Phone some highly ted lots with development. Bee ciltion Ave.
Prenato. LOT each Clifton Plots. Katherine, Harding bart, Rowland. NATO AVER BIdE Phone ON Sprints Frontage 104 teet deep. 84 feet Contains all Improvements quiek JORE PIE C.
FUYDAL PASSAIC NATIONAL BANK BLDG. house PHONE STIR PASSAIC Price CURETOR Plot Pull Vive minutes from commuitox 145 News WALMAN DEVELOPMENT A CLIPTON-900 lots. terms. Baliders assisted. Ave WALMAN REALTY CO.
Mo 12. LEXINGTON AVENUE rent. TEL PASSAIC 8171-3111 hair VERY REASONABLE for lid Mast Chition. plots, Rosemawt, Glen Rook, ren Point and there. One family Mast Dyke Bros.
Sherwood Suburban For dale CA TO Trent rOOm house. All Improvements: price on application. 0. Street, Wood- Ridge. Act Went 4th 1 house: steam heat, family Harding Avenue Ward, Avenue.
Phone it. Mott Avenue, seven room one family houset larre ception, wend hails noore All throughout Improvements bathi two car garage: storm and screens. Pine house In wAy and in A I condition. street permanently Bee ton, clicion Ave. Phone Pa sanie.
Union Avenue: one tamily house; seven and two rooms In attle, beamed In dining rooint bath and astral sun steam heat; Improvements, hard Otto car THEOD, 165 cl*tton Ave. Phone 109 Passalo TWO two One 60 Avenue and 101 other on Harding Aver Bee Tilton, Avenue. Phone 1095 CLIP TON family bath shell Near Main Ave. 8110 per month. Price 811,000 Small cash required.
Harry Cole. 705 Main Are. Phone Passalo CLIFTON-De Mott Ave. a family DE roome, bath, pantry each floor Improvement, a car garage, Louie Zucchi, 184 De Mott Ave. Passile 1561-M.
ChITON Harding one trinity bungalow. five roots and bath Price See 1. Milton. 905 Ave. Phone 1095.
Passale. Clinton Now house. All. Improvement Apply Win. Martin 212 Clinton A VI Phone 4590-Ft.
CLIFTON- Beautiful homes. Martin Ave, corner Brook a Bloomneld Aver. H. Van Bev eren? 18 Martin Ave. Phone 3050.
New one family 85500.00 and up. Combee n0 last 4th Lambert M. CLIFTON- room house with break nook bathe steam, trie, elty water 2. car Price 8800 down and your OWn monthly will buy Apply Sterner, 112 Plagel Ave. Phone OLEN ROCK- OPPORTUNITY FOr Investor In setting of lovely shrubbery, Attractive modern robmi stucco house, large perches view, tine plot 100 ft.
read frontage on three streets Growing section. Ideal location. Near tions. bus, trolley and school. Land: alone worth the asking price.
116.500. GLASN ROCK- New attractive Dutch Colonial home. 7 rooms, tile large porch Plot Command Ins view. Garage, select location. hollow the and stucco 8 improvements, In basem*nt.
Corner plot school and Owner going to Florida. Any reasonable offer accepted. Lovely new Colonial gone. Centrally Located In the residential location. 6 7001 and sun parlor.
the bath. Beautifully designed and finished, Good sized plot. Asking GODWIN 8 family all separate heating plant. car together with adjacent 110,600. EXCEPTIONAL Upper Ridges nod.
ton and splendid dense of 1 a tie room and automatic mediate ante, P. 0. Box Ridge wood, C. 1. LECLATRE W.
RIDGEWOOD AVENUE. RIDGEWOOD, N. PHONE JUDGEWOOD Open Sundays and Evenings by appointment CLASSIFIED ADS LIE your a Real Estate for Sale Suburban For Male Li and top of the family hour six rooms and bathe sun parlor and open all unprovemente, house Ticketed! You can't lose any time hasting throuch the A-B-0 classified columne for the ade that interest -because they're "ticketed" and arranged in perfect order Tou can't miss the proposition that will save you' tHe most money getting what you want- -because it will be indexed under the beading to which you'll turn fret. The A-8-C system of arranging the ada saves you time and trouble when you consult fie classified columns In every case the indexing term tells you what you first to know In want about each proposition of any the classificatione, 10 it A position, the indexing word tells you what kind of work to be donet it it's ate automobile, make le told, it It's a room or a house, the location in given, Here's service for every day! The A-3-0 Classified Always the Same. la Service Alwaze Opportunity Board Real Estate for Rent Housekeeping 69 Apartments and late 5 connecting FIVE- Large, sunny, newly decorand cold wax ated, rooms, bath, private home, Also garage Hill.
Heat, hot water, all side care. Privant front and Apartment, 3 or 3 entrances. Garage if required. single roomie. TE Daily News.
Ave. TOPPER -Belmont 15 Detober let. 243 Pennington housekeeping Phone 1871-W. and buses, TWO- Or three room Bachelor heat. apartments, furnished or connecting fur- nished, residential section or housekeeping sale.
Near buses and depot. Phone Passaic Phone Improvements. rooms, with garage: 156 Sherman 8t. tween Insinaton and Centrals of these rooms Business Places bor Rent refined will look after FACTORY SPACE In heart of him with city, Bloomileld Liberty Dally News. 8t.
60x140. Iteasonable rental. rooms furnisbed. D. holm L.
and W. Lindholm. railroad. Main Ave. Passale Phone All 14.
Anderson Ave. APARTMENT Three LODGE ROOMS Main Avenue, In Daily News Bullding new furnistation, 193 ture, completely with officers renovated, meetIng room stations and ante-room. Some evenings ROOMS- open. Apply to Office Manager. single room.
Passkle Daily News. near Doherty' SHOP SPACE 150 of or Board chines, Main power and D. L. light. Faistrom and W.
Falllady, fur- road. housekeeping Suitable One story building. for Vulcanising and Oil Station, Gas, electricity for Rent in the bullding. itent 150.00. Apply 640.
Main Ave. Also corner store Flats 74 Nor 62 Bloomfeld Ave. Suitable for any Business 4 rooms Inquire upstairs PROSPECT STREET. 140 BEHIgh TWEEN ACADEMY STREET AND for rent. BLOOMFIELD AVENUE.
UPPER 100- 3 and FLOOR FOR RENT. SUITABLE modern Immedi- FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING; janitor. and 3 BIZE ABOUT 40 PT. BY 50 FT. -S room Exceptionally large RENT $50 PER MONTH.
stores in new building. Fine opportunity for barber or delicatessen. Phone Passate 5540. rooms, steam ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS oFRent $45. FICES BUITABLE FOR LAWYER steam; danImprovements, AD- OR PROFESSIONAL MAN IN W.
MOVED IF DESIRED, RENT Apply Janitor. THIRTY -FIVE DOLLARS. APPLY rooms and bath. steam BUSINESS OFFICE. PASSAIC except DAILY NEWS three And Possession GOOD BUSINESS- Corner store.
and Ideal Gregory location. AveR. Corner Bloomfeld Inquire heated rooms Bldg. Hageman, Passalo Bank National Room 611. Janitor service.
BUSINESS PROPERTY- One Ily house station, and store near D. Cohen, 390 baths, hot 6 water rooms, heat, sun hardwood trim and floors. Only store 112-Flat; blocks any. direction. Ice cream, 6101-R.
clears and soda, groceries and apartments delicatessen: A fine store. ImMitnik. mediate possession. W. H.
Kruitroom bosch, Peoples Bank Bldg. Phone 4918. station. 1st. Phone LOFT, MODERN 5,000 sQ.
Bullable for manufacturing or storage and bata, purposes Location 18-21 4th St hot water and Dr 48 and 8t. Passaio Inquire Philip 0282. Ave. Phone floor: square feet. Well lighted, tolleta rooms and sun for men and women, large cellar Low rent room.
Steam heater; electric lights, for oftice or 6 room manufacturing 52-54 house. 510-446. All Iat- Park Ave. Ruthertord. location, Robert GarBrunner Park Ave.
and rooth Houses For Rent room. Opposite AYCRIGO family modern im- rooms: Bath; near bus: trolley house service. Apply and station. Alto 6 rooms, bath, all Improvements, Len Van TIght Houten, LEXINGTON AVE- Corner house, sunny furnished or unfurpished. Conven- newly decorated large Excellent yard and sarace.
Phone LINDEN ST. 1 room all Schneider Improvements Apply 19 Linden AlL Improve- near Ave. Highland PASSATE PARK- 10 Randolph rooms Apply 33 FINGE bath. Passale 6425 after 6 reasonable. PASSAIC PARK Modern room houser just completed: steam heati Park Place.
tile bath: all modern Improvements entrance Driscoll Connors Company. Playhouse Phone Jarca rooms. HOUSE- ON ACADEMY STREET -family improvements. NEAR MAIN PASSAIC, SUITSherman St. rooms, ABLE FOR LIGHT MANUFACRent Darmstatter, TURING; TWO FLOORS AND Trust Co.
Ave. Atbath and Offices mid Desk Room 18 Phone Mrs. OFFICE- -Sulte of rooms sultable for lawyer, dentist of any profesMain son, in the heart of Par. Phone male's Business center completely partitioned, with high grade floor covering throughout also shades Henry and four year sub-lease National Bank It desired; present occupants move Avenue Phone Ing to their own buliding: rent very reasonable. For further par5 ticulare write Bor 144 News.
service. OFFICES A few choler light, airy Lexington cofficek, one Right up: Passale Post 1965-M. sale Office comes Building. to Post Everyone Office in Pal. Fine 5, Honk, rooms.
95- place to Locate. Apply Harold Passaic Danielson, Passale Past Office BidE and ABOUNDING In bis pointe Richmond, 625 prontsbie superiority -the classified section. prine Clifton Avenue. houses mento. Apply property, best of condition.
De A Clifton GLEN In attractive setting shrubbery and hone 60 150. heat awning Nation, shoele Will sacrifice. W. A vi NEWS PLOT- OLEN HOCK, N. J- England Colonial Owner built.
Seven rooms 40x180. Convenient. stricted. Cach Own. Aulneton Terrace.
Phone MUSE cell 3 foom modern bouse, Are place, shrubbery, Flor 50x18d. Near schobl, station. Terms, 00, 850 Doremas Ave. amt CAR And 4 room houses, Improve prices Garret Phone Lambert RIDOR 18,000 home. rooms and bath; open Areplace, all in rood residential section eight minutes from.
express elation, ano churches nearby. Prank Greenlan, Phone Real Estate for Rent Shore Mountain Doe. Ilent APARTA- Rent or sale, A on bungalow all Improvements out- Sparta, Kruftbosch. back Bank Phone it Box Suburban For itent 6 roomie Ave bath, Monroe 8t. J.
Leichtnen. Foom, AT provementa. Heat suppiled. Pas- 7th Street, CARL TADT- room house. Improvementa.
617 Monroe CLIFTON Clinton Ave. Upper room nat; corner: A Garage Phone CLIFTON. BURGER PLACE the rooms. All Improvements bath and steam heat. Rent CLIP TOR- 1 Prescott a and bath.
AlL heat. Convenient trains and near Ave. 6 room flat. All modern provements, Inquire Passalo CLIFTON- Ave. and room Improvementa.
quire Burg Lafayette Ave. Phone Call between and CLIFTON-188 De Mott Ave. Apartment, rooms bath. pantry. max Adults.
Phone 1996. CLIFTON BOULEVARD APARTcorner building. rooms: latest showers, breakfast nooks, Ironing boarde; stores, excellent butcher. delicatessen. Fine residential tion opposite new.
Lackawanna station, Phone Highland Ava. Improvements New quire Mr. Hall, 466 Highland Clifton. Ave class apartment, and 816 and $16 a room. Phone Passale 6540.
BAST steam. heat. All Improvements. 11 Jane Grant 8t. rooms and sun parlor: all improvements, also GARFIELD-3 rooms: 830.
All pro vomeni electric. steam, Tree. Adults only. 49 Wessington RUTHERVORE. 4 AVE 4 rooms, bath.
All improvement Inquire Ownen 66 Grove room apartment fully equipped in new 2 family house. near station, Rental 868.00. Stein, 223 Eastern Way. Phone 1522 RUTHERFORD- room house, sun porch, oak foots, open fireplace. Ident location.
$8506. Terma. 56 Raymond RUTHERFORD- 10t. large rooms, parquet doors, up date. Oct.
reasonable. Apply Smith. 7 Prospect Place, Fire rooms, sereen porch, 2nd noon cleotricity and gas. Garage sired. 264 Main Ave Rent, House, 130.
Garage 15. Phone Passats 8501-R. and bath. Bohiman, Humboldt Wood- Ridge WOOD RIDGE room fat. All 164 Columbia ARK W.
wood Ave. Ridge wood. N. Phone ness locattons, renting from 830 Ridgew6od 1482-610, About bunt. month up, in County In rapidly growing communities.
We have openings fort Doctor, Dentist, Druggist, Barber, Dry Goods Beauty Parlor catesson, Tallor, Dyer and Cleaner, Grocery Store and ages. Open Sundays and evenings by Real Estate for Sale Brokers in Real Estate E. Real estate and Insurance 65 Palisade Avenue, Carneld, HENRY F. late Broker. 16 8t.
Garheld. 1. Tel Wear yourselt out house when we have or can And whatever yOW Max Kretachmar 651 Main Ave. ton. Phone Passate FOR REAL ESTATE- land- Johnson 691 Stain Aves Passale, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE "WAX EPSTEIN, INC.
Phone 1490 NEW MONTAUK BUILDING MAIN AVENUE Pas N. Business Propertz For sale 82 eated. FACTORY, BITCH Centrally Plot 95x126. Saltable manufacturing low taxes. Could or storage.
Cont alightly more than be used for automobile repair shop land value. Owner sole agent terman Par sale National Bank, Room 008. Phone 31 LEAVING TOWN- so month, come and see, better gain you'll never and, Main Avenue: corner brick building and two. stores, one grocery with plenty room tor meat one toy store with coupon agen. dy that means almost tree rent One deal or separately.
Bullding has seven nath, two stores all 1m- provementa and a great future, Income sacrifice 500, OWNER- to leave state will sell a business Property chat hete now for the investment of 000 and will surely double the investment in a year or two. quick. See Philip Richmond, 625 Main At Pantato. Phones Farms and Land For kale 83 For sale or exchange wivanla Stock tools No Bros OPPORTUNITY BREEZES blowing through the classified cot- RIDGEWOOD AND VICINITYSADDLE RIVER-4 room house One Chicken coops, gardens Center of town. 15,500 terme house.
One Acre, 180 7t. front Steam heat All (SE Good location cline or Stand. $5.500 rooms modern Colonial years old. 1-7 Ail improvements. Fine and lawn, Garage.
Cash. I Iome. Pranta on 8 MAlE Steam eAr Garage, Pine la. cation for Business: proposition room home. ACRE Improvementa.
1 Car darase. Vine Darden Lawn and Good Neighborhend. 000. BARK WHERE 258 W. RIDGE WOOD WOOD, AVE PHONE WOOD, WERE BIDE house, roomer sun parlor, bath with built in tub and chower.
Fireplace, stehm Pine In convenient station, school $10,000. terms Ridgewood Ave, Phons Ridgewood Open Sunday Your modal nearing completion, open tor best materials American, Spanish, Dutch architecture: In new section. Five minutes to Station; thirty 814,500 minutes to to Naw York City. Prices, Included Houses on staple street. Designer and Bullder, dan Peronia Mona Rutherford pit Splendia to room parter.
date bath with shower: plenty of Attractive butleine With large front and rear mediate Ave. Rutherford. RUTHERFORD Very desirable POO corner house on nice rest dentin atreet near sakuol and sateens, shades Price Consult Square, D. Realtor, Rutherford. RUTHERFORD house; large rooms, central tent oak Price 46 Park Avenge, bungalow.
6 rooms and bath, modern room and parton. Chestnut, trim open attic steam lot good location. Price Jean No. 3 Ryle Park Ave West Paterson. WOOD rainily house.
All five rooms and bath. 350 monthly Bale price on application. Q. Hackensack WOOD LOW low tile and stucco, ave bath heat, decorated, screens, shades, plot 60x100 For sale for 81800. For rent.
at gee par mionth. Apply H. or 18 Park Rutherford BRICK BUNGALOW bath 1 porch. All 131. Luddington.
Ave, Clifton. Passale COUNTRY COTTAGE 100x100. Cash 1500. monthly. with a acres Price Tom, It.
Paterson wE walve rooms and for, corner eight into car improvement very 425 Trenton room terraced Roselle k. Excellent Write Michener 40 Madi RE Desires 00 MInt will sell cheap A two parlor, wood location: 1 rooms, bath, pantry each foot, all Improvements DA be 682 Main a Phone SPECIAL parter, ilea All Improves maraca built Plot 540 A Wanted -Iteal Tatate WANTED Modern 1 In Clifton for exchange of 2 fandly located on Ave Phone FEE WANTED Preferably State location: Box 140 Classified Display Classified Display FOR SALE -156 lots 25x100, and two houses, one an eight-room Colonial house and the other a six room California Bungalow, This property is located at Ardsley. New York, in. Westchester County, and is only thirty-five minutes from the Grand Central Station. Improvements- gas, electric light and water.
payable $25,000.00 in cash. The owner will take a mortgage for the balance. For further particulars regarding this property communicate with Mr. Hatry Knapp. co.
Knapp. Hat 151 Eastern Way, Rutherford, N. J. Telephone Rutherford 1945. tiled plot used.
and up 1 ata..