Satish Doré on LinkedIn: “The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning… (2024)

Satish Doré

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“The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning when its first F/A-18 fighter jet landed on the A1 highway between Payerne and Avenches in the canton of Vaud. The landing, executed flawlessly, followed a training mission lasting just over an hour after the jet took off from the Payerne military airfield.” -“This operation is part of the “Alpha Uno” military exercise, aimed at testing the army’s decentralization capabilities—distributing personnel and equipment across the country swiftly. The specific section of the A1 highway in Vaud has been closed since Tuesday evening to facilitate this exercise.”Asked why the Air Foce landing exercise wasn’t in the Zürich area (through which the A1 highway also traverses), Satisch Doré, an aviation enthusiast living in the Zürich suburbs, said “To be honest, I don’t follow the Swiss Air Force too closely. I’m more focused on the human impacts of commercial aviation on everyday folks like myself.”Like?”Anything from the complex engineering issues of designing DEI-compatible SAF aircraft engines, which, clearly, the world urgently needs, to the equally pressing case for masala-dosa-serving non-stops between Zürich and Chennai, something I campaign for regularly from my armchair.””Since neither are even remotely within the scope of F/A-18 aircraft, you will excuse me for barely glazing through the story,” he added.Now that he’s looked at the 123 word news story in greater detail, what did he think? Why did French-speaking Switzerland beat out her stodgy German-speaking counterpart?“My guess is the local authorities here were concerned about two things: traffic and speed.”Explain please.”Listen, we simply cannot close the A1 for an entire morning or evening. The traffic pile-up would extend all the way to Avenches minimum. Folks would never stand for it. We’re talking angry chants of “na nein!!” day and night, dude.””No way José, don’t even think about it. Those aircraft better not descend from 20’000 feet once they cross the Röstigraben heading north.””Na na naaaa na,” Doré chanted, just to get his point across.Got it Shri Mon. What’s the issue with speed?“According to my research the minimum speed a lightly-loaded F A/18 needs at take off is 209.376 km/h, which is 89.376 km/h over 120, meaning it could extract severe penalties for the pilot.”Couldn’t the speed cameras be disabled?“Dude, Zürich isn’t in the Swiss-French boondocks south of the Swiss-German Alu Paratha You’re talking literally tons of speed cameras that would need dismantling and carting away. Na-na. Not happening.”In other words?“This is a great feat that I’m very proud of….so long as it’s not in my backyard 😉” Doré ended, on his signature upbeat note.To be hangered.

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    “Amid first signs of the flooding's economic impact, German utility EnBWsaid its hydroelectric plants along the Neckar river and its tributaries were either running at reduced capacity or were out of operation, particularly small stations. The company, which is based in southern Germany, said this was partly due to the large amount of floating debris.” -“Uniper said it took preparatory measures to shut its Irsching power plant if necessary as a dam of the Paar tributary of the Danube threatened to burst.”“Earlier on Monday, Audi cancelled some production shifts on Monday at its main Ingolstadt plant as some staff could not come into work, though the factory itself was not affected.The early and the late shifts assembling the A3 and Q2 vehicle models were cancelled, the Volkswagen-owned luxury carmaker said.”“Germany's farmers association flagged massive damage to fields and buildings in the sector, saying it was too early for a more precise estimate.”“Navigation authorities earlier on Monday warned that parts of the river Rhine in southern Germany, an important route for commodities and fuels, were closed to cargoshippingfor lack of overhead space to sail under bridges.”“Recentfloods in southern Germanyare expected to cost insurers €2 billion ($2.2 billion) in damages, insurers said on Friday. The German Insurance Association (GDV) said this was an initial assessment afterheavy rains battered the states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.” -“Baden-Württemberg's Agriculture Minister Peter Hauk said more than 95,000 hectares of farmland in the state had been damaged — roughly the size of 133,000 football pitches. Meanwhile, Bavarian Farmers' Association spokesperson Markus Drexler said the floods destroyed large parts of this year's harvest.""The damage to agricultural crops such as grain, beet, potatoes and corn, but also to specialty crops such as field vegetables, strawberries and raspberries, is on a scale that is currently impossible to quantify," Drexler said.”Separate from the insured damage, Bavaria has also allocated €100 million to deal with uninsured damage.”“The protection gap refers to the difference between insured and uninsured losses. It shows how resilient societies and economies are to disasters. A big protection gap lowers the financial ability of economies to bounce back from disasters, as lack of insurance makes recovery harder for businesses and people.” -“We aim to reverse this trend by covering these risks and bringing affordable, easily accessible re/insurance solutions to more people around the world. We think that a crucial step in achieving this goal is to enhance understanding and awareness of the risks and dangers from natural disasters.”

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    “Why are so many Americans forgoing new vehicles? Used cars are not just a better bargain, they retain designs and features more coveted than their high-tech replacements.” -“It’s not just that my money doesn’t seem to stretch as far,” says Myles Leevy, of Los Angeles. “Any new car feels like it’s about two years away from becoming outdated.”“Used-car intenders reserve special loathing for the touch screen displays and capacitive switches that are now ubiquitous in new cars, regardless of price.””New cars remind me of Microsoft Office. More and more new "features" that I don't want, and will probably never use, that were put in there for a small niche market, that, oh, by the way, allows them to raise the price.” - WSJ reader comment“Similar to Sir Rowan’s Mini-Cooper, my 1999 sun-roofed Toyota Avalon with less than 125,000 miles is still going strong. It looks and runs as good as it did shown here in 2005, one year past its 5-year anniversary.” - fierce fake car critic Satisch Doré as part of a pitch to sell his car to Rowan Atkinson for a million Swiss Francs if he had followed-up with Sir Rowan on closing the million franc deal, Doré said “The status of Sir Rowan’s junk mail basket is not something I can comment on. It would be a gross violation of privacy.”Would Doré accept Atkinson’s yellow Mini Cooper in exchange for his 1999 Avalon in lieu of a million francs?”No, but I would be happy to put it up for auction on eBay for a small commission of 20%.”Did he agree with the WSJ reader comment that it wasn’t just cars, the tech sector was also equally underwhelming with rollout of new products?”If you’re referring to the highly overkill $3,899 Apple Vision Pro mixed reality headset, which by all accounts is a total dud, no comment. I don’t want to ridicule it lest Apple send me an undersized T shirt in appreciation of my volunteering.””Those guys can be mean, you know,” Doré added.”Besides, my mom always said that if you don’t have anything nice to say about somebody, don’t say anything.”Did she really?”No, but lots of others on LinkedIn claim their moms did.”Whatabout Apple’s latest iPhones? Did Doré see progress?”If you’re referring to the fully loaded $1,868 iPhone Pro Max weighing a whopping 221 gms despite having shedded the much-loved headphone port, not to mention super-convenient Touch ID, and replacing with unreliable Bluetooth and three overkill camera lenses, no comment.”Why not?”I use the 15’s gargantuan battery to power up my AI machine. I love that it comes with a 10 day money back guarantee. And finally, I love that it makes me look rich and stupid. Way better than poor but proud.”Any plans for this weekend?“I’m gonna wait for Carlos to win!! Then I’m gonna party like it’s 1999!” Dore ended, on his signature upbeat note.To be yesterdayed

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    “…because to a lot of people, they would think of steel as being heavy and rockets need to be light” - Elon Musk”…now the interesting thing about 300 series stainless steel is that its strength at cryogenic temperatures increase dramatically. It’s also very easy to weld.”“…we started off with stainless steel 301 that did have some tough fracture issues at cryogenic temperatures. We switched to 304 and now we developed our own alloy 30X, which is better and costs about $4 a kilogram.”Asked what the 300 numbers refer to in Elon’s explanation about Steel, recently-minted self-styled Steel consultant to Oneida, a leading company of stainless steel products, Satisch Doré, said “There are more than 100 types of stainless steel. Each grade has a three-digit number: first to identify its broad category; second, the specific alloy within that category; third, the carbon content. The nickel is what makes the metal look silvery and lustrous, so small differences in that percentage can be significant. Oneida, for example, uses 18 percent chromium in all its flatware, but the nickel content varies, with Fine Flatware styles using 10 percent and Everyday styles, just 8 percent.”Dude, that’s a straight lift from your last week’s Father’s Day post which in turn is a word-for-word quote from The Washington Post’s Home & Garden advice column.”Maybe so, but it’s in way better context here. I’m not dishing out an unsolicited techno-lecture to a reader wondering what to do with his 40-year old spoons, I’m responding directly to your highly-technical question.”True that yo! But why would anyone want to watch an old video of Elon with their lunch sandwich ?”Because in my experience, the typical corporate cafeteria sandwich is hard like steel and served at cryogenic temperatures 🤣”Maybe Doré was trying to curry favor with his highly-placed Steel sector LinkedIn network?“Hey, hey, hey. There’s at least one insurance broker I know who’ll attest very positively re: my engineering knowledge about the Steel sector. We’re talking more than a decade ago.””But don’t drag the conversation out. He may get less positive once you bring up risk pricing. And downright unpleasant if you extend it to commission,” Doré added, after a thoughtful pause.Whatabout helping Elon lower the price of 30X steel from $4/kg to $2.50? By reaching out to Doré’s highly placed network in India?”I dare say I could start a conversation in that direction and get the price down to $2.50. But it would be $3.00 to Elon though.”Warum? Why?”It’s a lot of work spamming my network with junk mail. I would need compensation for that i.e. charge $0.50/kg on top for my broking.”Dude, that’s a whopping 20% commission!!!“$3.00/kg is my final offer, take it or break it.”“IM me Elon 😉” Doré ended, on an optimistic note.To be cryogenically frozen, fractured and buried.”

    • Satish Doré on LinkedIn: “The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning… (19)


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    “Silicon Valley Is On Alert Over aProposedAI Bill in California.” -“SB 1047, introduced by California State Senator Scott Wiener, aims to enact what his office has called “common sense safety standards” for companies that make large AI models above a specific size and cost threshold.”“I’m a strong supporter of AI. I’m a strong supporter of open source. I’m not looking in any way to impede that innovation,” Wiener told me. “But I think it’s important, as these developments happen, for people to be mindful of safety.”“Wiener said his office has met with OpenAI, Meta, Google, Microsoft and Casado’s firm, Andreessen Horowitz, among others. “We’re having a very, very open floor,” he said.”In a stunning accusation, Satisch Doré, who earlier this year shut his balcony-powered AI machine down because, according to him, “the rapid onset of global cooling had deprived it of electricity”, said “Unbeknownst to the Bloomberg reporter, she was actually chat-typing with Google Boss Sundar Pichai’s white-skinned alter ego who, according to my research, goes by the name of Scott Wiener, a California State Senator pretending to rigorously protect the woke, everyday, street-pooping, homeless Californian from the existential threats of AI.””In actual fact, Pichai and Wiener are one and the same person, just wearing different skins according to their frequently-conflicting ethical positions,” Doré added.Wow, wow, wow, who would’ve thunk! How does Doré know this?”From my proprietary-algorithm AI machine which I am happy to inform you, I’m able to run for a full five minutes using the massive battery powering the hugely over-sized Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max with 1TB memory.”How much does that cost?“A whopping $1, 868 but returnable within 10 days for full money back.””Thanks to Apple, my AI machine can run for free for a full 10 days at a stretch. Don’t need no sun.”Why not keep the iPhone 15 Pro Max?”Are you kidding! Do you know how much earth-warming CO2 the gargantuan phone battery causes? Take it from me, Gigatons, dude.””Got it. So what did Doré’s AI machine spit out?””Based on close pixel-by-pixel analysis, it concluded definitively that Wiener and Pichai are the same person. No doubt about it.”Why would Pichai have “conflicting ethical positions” about AI?“Anyone with his humble roots would know AI’s downright evil. On the other hand, anyone with stock options leading to white-boy billionaire status of the Fecesbook Zuckerberg variety, also knows evil better be number one in your business model list.””The only way to reconcile the two is to be The People’s Wiener some of the time and <cough> regulation-whining Pichai the rest.”But Wiener is white-skinned and Pichai’s an earthy brown!”Piece of cake at Google”Does Doré also have a white-skinned alter-ego on LinkedIn?”🤷♂️🤔👍😉🕺🙌👋”To be vetoed.

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    “The Bengaluru consumer court has ordered a travel insurance company to pay Rs 1,57,067 to the parent of a chess champion after the company denied claims, stating that the complainant had willfully purchased travel insurance with the knowledge of the ongoing Israel-Palestine war.” -”The complainant, Pritom Bordoloi, had purchased travel insurance policies from NivaBupa Health Insurance Co. Ltd. for himself, his wife, and his mother-in-law. He booked tickets for a trip to Egypt to witness their daughter participate in the World Cadet Chess Championship on October 14, 2023. However, the All India Chess Federation (AICF) cancelled the Egypt trip on the night of October 12, 2023, citing concerns about India’s support for Israel against Hamas and the potential impacts of travelling near areas around Israel. When the complainant filed a claim for the trip cancellation, the company rejected the claim, stating that the Israel war started on October 7, 2023, and that the complainant had willfully purchased the policy after the war began.””Chess champion Pratitee Bordoloi is an achiever in many fields and holds the record for being ranked first in the National Under-9 Open.” -”Apart from chess, she is also a math whiz and also holds Rank 1 for the SOF-International Mathematics Olympiad held in the year 2022. Her parents say that it is due to her discipline in life”Asked what the chances were of Miss Bordoloi attending a chess tournament in Zürich, self-styled spontaneous Chess mentor for talented Indian youngsters, Satisch Doré, said, “The good news is that the chances of the All India Chess Federation (AICF) canceling a trip to Switzerland because of travel hazards are virtually zero. Which means the insurance company wouldn’t have to come up with a ridiculous reason for declining Ms. Bordoi’s dad’s travel insurance claim.”What’s the bad news?”She wouldn’t be able to take a flight to Chennai and fly non-stop to Zürich on Swiss.”When will that happen?”I’m trying to setup a meeting with Roger, Sundar and Gukesh to hammer out a strategy for that, but unfortunately they are all too busy. My email is probably still awaiting extraction from their junk baskets.”After this incident, did Doré think math whiz Pratitee would ever want a career as an insurance actuary?“It’s possible, but it wouldn’t be with NivaBupa Health Insurance Co. Ltd, that much is guaranteed. No point pissing the parents off. They could take her chess board away and replace it with crossword puzzles. She wouldn’t want that. Na-na.”Maybe with some other (re)insurance company in Bangalore?”If the job came with extended family travel insurance benefits from a reputed international (re)insurance company in Bengaluru, why not!”To be hotly pursued.

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    “The rate of improvement for AIs is slowing, and there appear to be fewer applications than originally imagined for even the most capable of them. It is wildly expensive to build and run AI.” -“These factors raise questions about whether AI could become commoditized, about its potential to produce revenue and especially profits, and whether a new economy is actually being born.““Most of the measurable and qualitative improvements in today’s large language model AIs like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini—including their talents for writing and analysis—come down to shoving ever more data into them.But a major barrier to continuing down this path is that companies have already trained their AIs onmore or less the entire internet, and are running out of additional data to hoover up. There aren’t 10 more internets’ worth of human-generated content for today’s AIs to inhale.”“Anoft-citedfigure in arguments that we’re in an AI bubble is a calculation by Silicon Valley venture-capital firm Sequoia that the industry spent $50 billion on chips from Nvidia to train AI in 2023, but brought in only $3 billion in revenue. That difference is alarming, but what really matters to the long-term health of the industry is how much it costs to run AIs.”“Numbers are almost impossible to come by, and estimates vary widely, but the bottom line is that for a popular service that relies on generative AI, the costs of running it far exceed the already eye-watering cost of training it. That’s because AI has to think anew every single time something is asked of it, and the resources that AI uses when it generates an answer are far larger than what it takes to, say, return a conventional search result.”“Evidence suggests AI isn’t nearly the productivity booster it has been touted as, says Peter Cappelli, a professor of management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. While these systems can help some people do their jobs, they can’t actually replace them. He compares it to the way that self-driving trucks have been slow to arrive, in part because it turns out that driving a truck is just one part of a truck driver’s job.”Asked how long AI can fake until it makes it, if ever it makes it, and what that meant for humans going forward, Satisch Doré, who earlier this year shut his proprietary-algorithm AI machine down abruptly without explanation, said “Speaking for myself personally, my worst fears that I won’t ever be replaced as LinkedIn’s renowned and *only* OUTfluencer are coming true, sadly. Chatbots won’t even have a go at my posting style.”Asked why that was, Doré said “Either they’re starved for hashtags or keep crashing due to “panic errors”.”On the plus side, it’s a time to rejoice buddy-boy! I’m gonna be here spamming LinkedIn forever!””Heeee Haaaaw!” he ended on his signature upbeat note, galloping towards the Alps splashing muddy water everywhere”To be hung out to dry.

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    • Satish Doré on LinkedIn: “The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning… (33)
    • Satish Doré on LinkedIn: “The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning… (34)
    • Satish Doré on LinkedIn: “The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning… (35)



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    “Q:I have lots of stainless steel in my kitchen: the sink, refrigerator, dishwasher door, pots and pans. But a lot of it is stained and dull — even my Oneida teaspoons, which I have had for more than 40 years. How do I make the metal look shiny and new?” -“There are more than 100 types of stainless steel. Each grade has a three-digit number: first to identify its broad category; second, the specific alloy within that category; third, the carbon content. The nickel is what makes the metal look silvery and lustrous, so small differences in that percentage can be significant. Oneida, for example, uses 18 percent chromium in all its flatware, but the nickel content varies, with Fine Flatware styles using 10 percent and Everyday styles, just 8 percent.””For spoons, forks or knives that look dull and stained, Oneida’swebsiterecommends using “a quality metal polish” to remove discoloration. But a customer-service agent for Oneida said the updated advice is to use Bar Keepers Friend or Soft Scrub.”Asked what he thought of the Washington Post’s lengthy response to a simple kitchen cleaning question, Satisch Doré, decades-long Senior Executive Group VP of WFH Kitchen & Bathroom Facility Management, said “I agree, I don’t think a length lecture about Steel chemistry followed by a blatant plug for Bar Keeper cleaners was what the reader was looking for. The reader wants to know what to do with his 40 year old spoons. He didn’t expect his question to morph into sponsored content thinly disguised as expert advice.”Could Doré help out then?”Speaking for myself, when my spoons reach 40 years, I’ll probably head over to Amazon and have them shipped to me for under ten bucks including shipping and handling. Delivered just in time for Father’s Day! Wow! That’s what I’d do.”I don’t think the reader was looking for Amazon-sponsored content either. Or get gifted Oneida spoons for Father’s Day. Is that what Doré wanted for his?”It’s funny you ask. My idea of a happy Father’s Day is no different than any other: watching sports on TV with chicken wings and wheat beer”I don’t think your chicken photo is showing KFC hot wings na-na. It looks like Chicken Tikka with chutney to me.”It is indeed! Did KFC sponsor that last comment? Anyways, to each father, whatever he wants. To be specific, eat & drink and watch sports TV on Father’s Day in your jammies and let eat & drink and watch sports TV on Father’s Day in your jammies is what I’m often known to say.”How often?”About once annually.”Is Chutney what that green stuff in the photo is? Can one have chutney straight or is it exclusively dip?”Have it your way. I’d go easy on the portions though.”How much?”One Oneida teaspoon per serving is my recommendation.””Happy Father’s Day! Enjoy the spooning!” Doré ended, on his signature upbeat note.To be French Opened

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    • Satish Doré on LinkedIn: “The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning… (40)
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    “The Joint Venture of Implenia and Stangeland Maskin (Implenia 77%, Stangeland Maskin 23%) has been awarded with a second contract for the Rogfast project by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The total contract value of the new project E02 Kvitsøy amounts to more than CHF 540 million, resulting in an order volume for Implenia of over CHF 420 million.” -“The E02 Kvitsøy contract is considered the most complex part of the Rogfast project and includes a two-way tunnel of approximately 8.8 km with a 10.5 m cross-section extending south and north from Kvitsøy at approximately 230 m below sea surface.””The contract between Implenia, Stangeland Maskin and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration is scheduled to be signed after the objection period ends on June 7, 2024. The work starts in late summer of this year and is planned to be completed in 2030.”Asked what his thoughts were on the Norwegians spending billions to connect a never-heard-of-island in the middle of nowhere, Satisch Doré, who follows complex international tunnel projects closely despite never having underwritten one, protested the characterization saying, “Whilst it’s true that I’ve never been credited with having acute tunnel vision on the job, I nevertheless count many that do in my LinkedIn network.””If I’ve been elbowed out of plum tunneling projects by heavyweight civil engineer underwriters, it’s not because I’m an uncivil engineer, it’s probably because I’m fixated on 5G coverage as the biggest risk. As opposed to mundane stuff like LEG Tunneling Clauses, which, I must confess, I can’t rattle off on demand word for word.”“In my defense I must add that I can google the clauses in seconds. That doesn’t quite cut the mustard sadly, especially if my googled clause has long been replaced by blokes at the London Engineering Group,” he added.Got it. Never mind those football-obsessed LEG chaps in London. What’s up with billions being spent to connect Kvitsøy? Do the locals want it?“I doubt it. My guess is that the average Kvitsøyer has better, err, fish, to <cough> fish-fry. More likely the Norwegian government having too much money and not enough exotic projects to sink, err, spend it on.”Has Doré ever been to Kvitsøy? To Norwegia?”No and no, assuming you meant Norway. I don’t think I’ve even flown over the island, to be honest.”How can he be so sure?”Let me put it this way: My transatlantic meal has never once been interrupted by the pilot announcing cheerfully “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re flying over Kvitsøy!” I haven’t met anyone whose flight was either.”Would Doré jump on a chance to underwrite the E02 Kvitsøy project?”If it’s WFH with spanking new Apple gear, why not! Just don’t ask me to survey the place in the middle of winter. Or spit LEG clauses at the slightest provocation like an out-of-control ChatGPT module. I would consider both grossly uncivil.”To be elbowed out and dug in.

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    • Satish Doré on LinkedIn: “The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning… (45)
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    “EV adoption is establishing new driving behaviours, vehicle risks and repairability that create new risk features for insurers.”“The key new driving behaviour is that EVs accelerate very abruptly from a stationary position compared with internal combustion engine (ICE) cars. This can create a higher probability of accidents and collisions causing own damage in crash tests.””EV vehicle risks centre on charging infrastructure installation and operation, and battery-as-a-service solutions such as battery swapping. Accumulation of fire and explosion risks also raise property- and liability-related exposures.””EV repair costs are generally being found to be higher than ICE cars. There are several reasons: the main engine plant and battery are at the front of the car; EVs have more digital sensing or laser/radar devices that create higher costs for repairs. EVs typically need more labour time for diagnostics and calibrations due to their high use of embedded software and driver assistance systems, and many EVs are highly integrated, so harder to repair.””To support sales, EV producers are acquiring their own insurance licences, and some are partnering with insurance companies to offer risk covers. However, the new risks and repair costs associated with EVs can lead to challenges for the insurance industry. In China the average EV insurance premium for drivers was 81% higher than for standard motor in 2023, and similar for European markets. The average UK premium for EVs jumped to GBP 1344 (USD 1700) at the end of 2023, around double the cost of cover for ICE cars, according to UK broker Howden.”“According to theInsurance Bureau of Canada(IBC), insurance companies in 2023 were on the hook for more than $1.5 billion in claims to replace stolen vehicles, marking the second consecutive year auto theft claims crossed the $1-billion mark. The 2023 number is a 254 per cent increase from the nearly $440 million claimed in 2018. To make up for the losses, insurance companies are increasing the price on premiums for clients, particularly those who drive the most commonly stolen vehicles.” -“Across Ontario, there was a 72 per cent increase in auto theft from 2014 to 2021 and a 14 per cent increase in 2022, according to the province.”Asked for comment, Satisch Doré, who covers the auto insurance markets occasionally, said “These are complex issues covering everything from economics, finance, regulation, GDPR, society, law & order, not to mention driving habits, political positions and the like.””On top of it, you have the issue of data collection, data quality, data manipulation, data interpretation and most importantly, data privacy,” he added.Dude, I haven’t heard such mumbo-jumbo corporate-speak in a while. No snark about the overly-rosy EV sales forecasts quoted in the report without question? Or was Doré soon gonna be at a complete loss for words?“🤷♂️👍🤪👋”To be reposted and scraped for likes.

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Satish Doré on LinkedIn: “The Swiss Air Force marked a significant milestone on Wednesday morning… (2024)
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