Prison Break: The Complete Series (Seasons 1-5) Full Collection - INBELLA (2024)

“Prison Break: The Complete Series (Seasons 1-5) Full Collection”

this millionaire is robbing a bank but oddly after snatching half a million in cash he shows no intention of fleeing he seems to be deliberately stalling for time engaging in small talk with the bank manager chatting about this and that not until the police arrive does he surrender calmly and composedly as if all this was part of his plan all along this handsome man is none other than Michael the heartthrob and originator of the prison break who has Charmed thousands of young women the greatness of the American TV series Prison Break needs no further explanation it can be said that no other show has created such a frenzy and for many it was their introduction to American TV dramas in court Michael for goes all defense Veronica a defense lawyer with a deep connection to Michael can’t understand why a talented graduate from a prestigious school like Michael who obviously isn’t lacking money would do something as foolish as robbing a bank furthermore he relinquishes All rights solely focused on getting Inc carcerated what could Michael’s true purpose be ultimately the court sentences Michael to 5 years in a Maximum Security Prison Michael has only one request to be incarcerated as close to home as possible namely the notorious Fox River State Penitentiary at this moment Veronica finally guesses his real intention hearing the judge’s agreement to his request a subtle smile appears on Michael’s lips on his first day in prison Michael meets The Fearsome head of the guards Captain Bellic here next to the warden he wields the greatest power anyone who dares to cross Bellic is in for a fate worse than death Michael cellmate is the warm-hearted sucra serving time for armed robbery and due for release in 16 months sucra shows him around the prison this old man holding a cat is DB Cooper 30 years ago he had1 5 million and has refused to admit it ever since this black man runs the prison’s Underground Market for the right price he can get you anything in this prison the law of the Jungle prevails with the black and white gangs at constant odds it’s best not to provoke them but Michael seems uninterested in all this he only cares about one person Lincoln Burrows sucra is momentarily stunned but still introduces Michael to this highly dangerous individual allegedly this man murdered the vice president’s brother and is scheduled for the electric chair in a month as a man facing death Lincoln is capable of anything making him the most dangerous man in prison the guards keep Lincoln isolated only letting him out for labor on Wednesday days curious sucra wonders why Michael is interested in such a person on his first day however Michael’s response leaves him dumbfounded cuz he’s my brother the next day during yard time Michael approaches the prison boss John Au bruy John was once a Mafia Boss he manages the prison Factory by bribing the guards and enjoys certain privileges within the prison this prison Factory allows inmates to do menial tasks like painting wall halls and cleaning toilets which though grueling is better than being cooped up in a Cell many inmates are desperate to get in and Michael’s brother Lincoln is working there to get close to his brother Michael approaches John hoping he can help him get in after finishing his words Michael took out an origami crane and placed it on the table JN was immediately baffled do you think I’m a teenage girl you think a paper crane will get you a green light for me he thought so Jon unceremoniously asked his men to kick Michael out Michael was casually chatting with sucra in their cell when unexpectedly Warden Pope summoned Michael for a talk sucra sensed trouble brewing in this place no one had ever caught Pope’s attention unless Michael had piqued his interest in some way it turned out that Pope had already investigated Michael’s background a top talent from the world-renowned University of Chicago with outstanding grades and after graduation a renowned structural engineer Pope couldn’t fathom why someone like Michael would rob a bank however Michael simply made a vague comment everyone turns up one sooner or later seeing that there was nothing to ask Pope didn’t beat around the bush there are just a few months left until his 40th wedding anniversary with his wife and he has been building a model of the Taj Mahal as a symbol of his love for her but the more he worked on it the more he realized it was about to collapse that’s where I was hoping you could be of assistance for the favor I can offer you 3 days of work a week in here and it’ll keep you off the yard nor normally currying favor with Pope was something both inmates and guards would jump at but Michael flatly refused he had more important things to do and wouldn’t waste his time on this they went through here C meanwhile John received a call from his subordinates outside they had received an anonymous letter with a photo of a key witness who could incriminate them along with a paper crane the police had the witness under secret protection and though they wanted to eliminate this witness they couldn’t find the location Shan remembered Michael in the paper crane he had brought 2 days earlier it was clear that Michael must know the witness’s location Jan immediately went to find him but Michael wasn’t going to easily divulge anything a fight broke out between them in such a place there’s no such thing as self-defense any retaliation would lead to solitary confinement Johan was also starting to panic if Michael got thrown into solitary he wouldn’t be able to get the witness’s address and he would be facing the death penalty so he agreed to get Mike into the prison Factory but Pope was unusually angry about this incident and immediately declared that Michael would be in solitary for 90 days by then Lincoln would have already been executed having no other choice Michael agreed to repair the Taj Mahal model for Pope you want to buy win Jun yes then we better get started wouldn’t you say with both sides of the story taken care of all he had to do was wait for Wednesday’s group work so he could see his brother next on Michael’s list to approach was Sarah the prison female doctor Michael had already investigated Sarah and found out she was the daughter of the current governor working in the prison due to a Fallout with her father doing the job she loved Michael under the pretense of being diabetic came here to inject insulin chatting with Sarah to build rapport while occasionally glancing out the window to plan his Escape Route the problem was that he didn’t actually have diabetes an excessive insulin injections caused his hands to tremble uncontrollably even Sarah began to doubt whether he really had diabetes so she suggested doing a checkup the next time Michael came to address this urgent issue Michael approached Benjamin seeking pills that could counteract the insulin after receiving the money Benjamin started arranging for it finally Wednesday arrived and Michael got to see his brother Lincoln as he hoped while changing clothes Michael asked Lincoln if he really killed the vice president’s brother Lincoln insisted he had never killed anyone and was framed knowing his brother never lies Michael shared his plan for today yes Michael had painstakingly entered the prison to break out with his brother Lincoln warned Michael not to take risks for him as even if they got out they would struggle without money Michael didn’t respond but just looked at Charles who was taking off his shoes Lincoln added that even with money they would need someone to help them live under new identities they just don’t know it yet but escaping from such a high security level one prison was not as easy as just talking about it coincidentally the prison had undergone Renovations a few years ago and the contracting company was Michael’s employer therefore Michael was very familiar with all the planning and structural diagrams of the prison but how could he possibly know every corner of such a massive prison that wasn’t a problem for him 2 months before entering prison he had all the root Maps hidden in his tattoos to most people it might look like a common demonic tattoo but if you stare at it for a few seconds you’ll realize that the tattoo actually hides a complex prison blueprint and this was the key to Michael’s Escape Plan knowing every part of the prison structure The Next Step was to acquire the tools needed for the Escape Michael took out a mirror reflecting a series of reversed English letters which he copied onto a sheet of paper during yard time he sneakily explored something on a bench when he found a bolt of a specific model Michael finally stopped he had investigated before entering prison and found that the material and diameter of this type of Bolt were perfect for crafting into an essential tool for escape and these bolts were used on the benches in the yard Michael pulled out a coin and calmly started his operation just then the love- hated Psychopathic killer teabag accompanied by his cronies approach approached head on please sit it turned out Michael was sitting right in teabags territory but instead of telling Michael to get up teabag looked at Michael with lust and told him if you hold my pocket I guarantee no one in this prison will dare to mess with you looks to me you are to God a girlfriend I got a whole another pocket over here but Michael firmly rejected him which completely infuriated teabag teabag with a dark expression chased Michael away leading behind the partially Twisted bolt that was exposed the next day during yard time Michael returned to the spot and successfully retriev the bolt however tabag who was passing by spotted him Michael had no choice but to hand over the bolt to teabag when the guards arrived teabag pretended to stretch surreptitiously passing the bolt to his crony narrowly avoiding the guards questioning meanwhile a major racial Clash was brewing in the prison between the black and white gangs each waiting for an opportunity to strike a fatal blow tag as a member of the white gang was actively preparing for battle Michael seized this opportunity to sneak into Tag’s cell in search of the stolen bolt unfortunately he was once again caught by teabag who arrived suddenly however Michael reacted swiftly and approached teabag without changing his expression I want in their conversation was noticed by Benjamin from across the way he had always thought Michael was neutral which is why he agreed to help him get the medicine until Michael joined the white gang Benjamin with the medicine he had procured lured Michael to a secluded corner where several black inmates immediately surrounded him despite Michael’s explanations Benjamin refused to believe him since you’ve joined the enemy you can forget about getting the medicine I got for you chose the wrong side now Michael was completely doomed not only did he not get the bolts but he lost the medicine that was coming to him the usually calm and collected Michael couldn’t help but feel a surge of anger even the most perfect plan can be ruined by the most uncontrollable Factor people back in his cell Michael pondered his next move when suddenly a warning to count the inmates echoed from downstairs at that moment a white inmate walked out of the line against instructions Michael knew this was the signal for the start of the racial War as expected the inmate surged forward and began fighting innocent Michael was thrown down the stairs in the chaos during the turmoil t ‘s crony rushed towards Michael he had been annoyed by the handsome Michael for some time fearing his position in teabags heart was threatened he picked up the bolt and stabbed viciously at Michael but the smaller man was no match for Michael Michael overpowered him and snatched the bolt back just as the crony prepared to attack again a black inmate stood in front of him the crony fell into Michael’s arms and this scene was once again witnessed by teabag thinking it was Michael who had acted viciously teabag Advanced ready to kill him Michael had no time to explain as he hurly escaped back to his cell amidst the smoke bombs released by the guards although he finally had the bolt in hand he had now thoroughly offended teabag you got nowhere to run you’re trapped in that little hole of yours trapped by the dick Slaughter an origami crane something even a primary school student could fold became a tool for escape in Michael’s hands while the prison doctor wasn’t looking he placed the crane into the medical office office’s drain the paper crane traveled Downstream and soon reached the drainage ditch below the yard this indicated that the drainage system connected the medical office to the prison yard Michael also noticed a thick electrical cable outside the medical office leading directly outside the prison meaning the medical office was a necessary exit for the Escape Michael knew that he needed to maintain a good relationship with Sarah to get the key to the medical office and then removed the security window to escape thus he visited her under the pretense of needing insulin injection for diabetes casually chatting to build rapport the problem was he didn’t actually have diabetes and the excessive insulin caused his hands to tremble arousing Sarah’s suspicion Michael approached Benjamin in the prison to get pills that counteracted insulin Benjamin realizing he had misunderstood Michael after learning of his Feud with teabag returned the pills to Michael and Michael finally passed Sarah’s test however escaping with his brother Lincoln from such a conspicuous place as the yard was not practical he needed to create a passage from the cell to the medical office when Alone Michael continuously ground down the bolt he had retrieved from the bench soon the bolt was shaped into a hexagon he rolled up his sleeve and compared the hexagonal bolt with the tattoo on his arm the sizes matched almost perfectly Michael inserted the bolt into the basin’s plug hole and gently Twisted it successfully unscrewing it the plan seemed perfect but making a hole large enough for a person to crawl through in the cell was a Monumental task moreover he had a cell meate named sucra and digging a hole under the same roof without sucr noticing was impossible the only option was to involve sucra in the plan but first he needed to test su’s trustworthiness to test sucra Michael had a phone in plain sight of sucra during a work detail and then had his brother Lincoln report that he saw someone hiding a phone implying sucra you know possession of a mobile phone in prison can add up to 2 years to your sentence unexpectedly although sucra appeared simple-minded on the surface he was very loyal in character despite the risk of being thrown into solitary confinement he did not reveal that Michael was the owner of the phone in return sucra let Michael lend him his mobile phone to call his girlfriend but the phone was just soaped with black paint on it feeling tricked sucra angrily confronted Michael about his intentions Michael then revealed his Escape Plan including the idea of bringing sucra along sucra was furious with less than 16 months left on his sentence a loving girlfriend outside and a bright future ahead why would he want to escape with someone facing over 50 years not wanting to be involved but also unwilling to report Michael sucra requested a transfer to another cell meanwhile Jon’s former Mafia associate visited the prison again this time bringing Jon’s children he warned Jon for the last time that if he didn’t find out where the Witnesses were his wife and children would be in bad shape before they came in the threat left John Restless realizing that hard tactics wouldn’t work on Michael and he needed to think of something else on the other hand teabag has prepared an incredibly sharp serrated knife to avenge his cronies knowing Michael had a feud with te-ag JN lured teag to a room and beat him up in front of Michael talks too much you and I need to have conversation from that moment Jon officially joined Michael’s Escape Plan rather than be threatened in prison forever it was better to escape and deal with their enemies he told Michael he would cover him in prison and get him anything he needed but in return Michael had to take him along in the escape with this Michael’s path in prison became much easier but unexpectedly Captain bellich brought a new cell meate for Michael Charles who was transferred from a mental hospital due to lack of space Charles used to be in a mental institution but he was transferred here because he had no place to live now the problem was significant Michael either had to include Charles in the plan or dig the hole only while Charles was asleep but the world of a mentally ill person is unpredictable Michael had to dig at night one night when everyone else was asleep he quietly got up to dig but when he turned around he found Charles staring at him with penetrating eyes what’s your problem I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system what does that mean it means I don’t sleep at all Michael felt utterly hopeless was this a torture sent by Fate did Charles never sleep the reason Prison Break is considered an eternal classic in American television history is not only because of its compact plot intense story line that makes it impossible to stop watching after just one episode it is also because the difficulties Michael encounters are interlocked like gears where a single misstep could lead to the complete failure of the escape plan this time Michael faces a challenge in the form of a new cellmate Haywire transferred from the psychiatric ward Haywire possesses Superior reasoning abilities high intelligence and an tic memory but due to brain damage he does not need to sleep at night this means Michael cannot find an opportunity to dig a hole in their cell the only solution is to bring Haywire on board Michael tentatively asks Haywire if he has ever thought about leaving and what he would like to do outside however Haywire tells him that being mentally ill it doesn’t matter where he goes he would still end up in a psychiatric hospital this statement deeply discourages Michael despite being in a deadlock Michael must find a way to escape because Lincoln has less than a month before his execution cuso represents copper sulfate and P represents phosphoric acid Michael bribes a fellow in me to steal a bottle of wall brick cleaner from the prison store room during yard time Michael obtains a type of chemical weed killer from John their chemical components are phosphoric acid and copper sulfate respectively he squeezes out hay wires and his own toothpaste and fills the tubes with the two chemical agents then he goes to Sarah’s infirmary and pours the chemical agents down the drain the combination of these chemicals produces a highly corrosive liquid preparing the ground for the Escape however this creates a small problem Haywire keeps asking Michael where his toothpaste has gone Michael can only respond that he doesn’t know because Haywire keeps misplacing his things shocked Haywire says are you treating me like I’m stupid my things are always neatly arranged besides in such a tiny place where could I possibly misplace it it seems Haywire is not truly foolish Michael constantly seeks opportunities to evade Haywire surveillance yet Haywire behaving almost obsessively always appears behind Michael unexpectedly moreover Haywire seems to have discovered the secret hidden in Michael’s tattoos your tattoo it’s a pattern more alarmingly Haywire not sleeping in the middle of the night starts to examine my Michael’s Tattoos by tearing open his shirt the tattoos there’s a maze get away from me completely captivated by Michael’s tattoos Haywire becomes obsessed and starts drawing Michael’s tattoos in his notebook during yard time Michael is driven to the brink of Insanity by Haywire if he does not do something the escape plan will inevitably be sabotaged by Haywire at this moment sucra rushes to Michael saying he has changed his mind and wants to escape with Michael I’m back in too late I’ll do anything you need you see these hands the digging machine you want to go to China I’ll get you to China Fish I I’ll dig like a psychotic rodent if I have to fish I got to be back in a few days earlier suk’s cousin visited him in prison revealing that suk’s girlfriend Mary Cruz had started a relationship with him and they were about to get married this infuriates sura who immediately calls Mary Cruz for confirmation Mary Cruz says she cannot wait any longer since she is almost 30 years old and waiting for sucra to be released after 16 months is too late hearing this the Love Struck sucra cannot wait another moment even if it means risking escape to win back his love Michael is pleased to see suk’s change of heart now the Urgent task is to get rid of Haywire Upon returning to their cell Michael is shocked to find that Haywire has managed to piece together the tattoos for memory realizing the secret will soon be exposed Michael does not hesitate to hit his head against the bars once not enough then twice when Haywire sees the blood on Michael’s forehead he he immediately understands what has happened Michael calls the guards framing Haywire is having a violent tendency finally got this guy out of here that’s hell he’s taking hell not long after sucra moves back and excitedly now they must focus on the task at hand sucra pulled out a mirror and saw that there were no guards around so Michael removed the screws from the Basin and prepared to dig a hole sucra puzzled asks how burning through the infirmary’s pipes relates to their current location Michael explains that breaking through this wall is just the beginning of the Escape there are many rooms between here and the prison wall and the infirmary is the building closest to the wall making it an essential exit point for the Escape they must create a path from here to the infirmary Michael takes out a piece of paper to test the depth of the ash seam which is nearly enough he asks sucra to make some noise and sucra understanding immediately begins his performance do I see it didn’t take long for all of su’s family to be greeted by the inmates amidst the chaos of curses Michael kicks the wall hard finally creating a large hole big enough for a person to crawl through the arrival of the guards quiets the prison and Michael successfully crawls out of the cell but this is only the first step of the Escape Plan Michael still needs time to explore the Escape Route however the next day at after yard time Michael returns to his cell only to find Pope waiting for him a bad Omen looming over him Michael also notices the leaking screw hole fortunately Pope does not discover anything unusual but he delivers worst news to Michael Pope says he received orders from above to transfer Michael to another prison and it will be carried out tomorrow it feels like the sky is falling for Michael who pleads desperately with Pope not to do so but Pope is unmoved as he has no choice I’m not the one behind the transfer you’re up against much bigger fish than me at this point it’s necessary to mention a powerful force outside the prison as Lincoln said the vice president’s brother was not killed by Lincoln he was just a scapegoat a mysterious organization deliberately forged the crime scen surveillance footage and killed anyone who could testify in the process of eliminating obstacles they accidentally discovered Lincoln has a brother named Michael who was in the same prison for a robbery charge guessing what Michael intends to do they immediately call a woman clearly this woman is The Mastermind behind the scenes she orders her subordinates to find Pope and threatens him with the death of his illegitimate son forcing him to transfer Michael to another prison although Popo’s Michael his family is his priority so he has to comply but Michael does not give up he finds Charles the experienced Charles says it’s quite easy you just need to write an application claiming some part of your body is uncomfortable the rejection of the application takes at least a month’s process and during this month no one has the authority to touch you Michael immediately does so and Pope has to admit he has learned a lot here since the process is legitimate and regulation compliant Pope smiles and tacitly agrees Michael restarts the Escape Plan he has sura pretend to hang clothes as a cover while he searches for the path to the infirmary through the structural gaps in the cell but Michael finds a wall blocking the way moreover with the roll calls happening periodically he has no time to dig through this wall sucra thinks of a method only when the cell block is on lock down do the guards leave and there’s no roll call giving them enough time to dig through the wall the question is how can they incite the prisoners to cause enough trouble to initiate a lockdown to create chaos for the Escape Michael crawls into a pre-dug hole in the cell and then makes his way through the pipes to the air conditioning room not only does he turn off the air conditioning but he also turns on the heat in the scorching summer the prisoners cannot stand the soundike conditions of their cells led by teabag the prisoners start Riot declaring they won’t go back without coolair the prisoners join in the Uproar the guards seeing the enraged crowd announced they will put them all in solitary confinement while fearfully retreating from the cell block however in their Panic the guards forget to lock the prisoners in their C Captain bellich tries to intimidate the seeing but is mocked by teabag who says only those who fail to become policemen end up as prison guards Bellic retorts by exposing teabag scars I read your psych records about how you Dad daddy raped his sister and then 9 months later little teddy pops [Music] out I’m going to kill you unable to Bear the insult teabag leads the prisoners and violently shaking the metal doors seeing the security doors starting to give way bellik quickly leaves with the guards soon the first prison gate is breached teabag finds a set of keys in the control room meaning all the the prisoners inside can move freely they search everywhere inside for a way out bellich knowing the situation was Dire wanted to charge in and take them down but with the prison full of Desperados how many could his bullets actually kill left with no choice Bellic reports to his superiors and requests back up the infirmary is in a separate area from the cell blocks hearing that freedom has been achieved on the other side the prisoners being treated in the infirmary happy and dancing also start a riot they kill the guards and attempt to assault Sarah seeing the situation turning dire Sarah quickly hides in a room she blocks the door with a table and tries to call for help but the phone lines have already been cut by the prisoners a man desperately bangs on the door and another reaches his hand in only to be knocked out by Sarah with a tranquilizer that stuck me the news of the riot at Fox River State Penitentiary not only reaches the media but but also Governor Frank who is Sarah’s father he urgently sends a SWAT team to the prison on the other side Michael and Su cray taking advantage of the prison riot are diligently working in the structural gaps to break through the wall would you believe that a small egg beater can bring down a 50 cm thick concrete wall let’s see how Michael accomplishes this he takes out a lamp and places It 2 m from the wall then makes a simple lampshade out of aluminum foil to focus the light next he sticks a piece of paper with a devil’s pattern on the lampshade in the next second the devil’s pattern appears on the loadbearing wall sucra doesn’t understand what Michael is doing and how it’s related to breaking through the wall to escape Michael calmly explains we just need to drill a few small holes at the top this is the famous hooks law simply put when we try to break an object it usually breaks in a straight line now we just need to drill holes at several key points which will compromise the walls loadbearing capacity not understanding but no longer questioning sucra somewhat skeptically picks up the egg beater to start drilling they are trying to create a path from the cell to the infirmary in preparation for the Escape but they could never have anticipated an accident that would completely disrupt their plans due to the prison riot te-ag captures a guard and decides to take this opportunity to vent his frustrations under teabags violent beating the guard crawls away to hide but te-ag catches him Bob and throws him hard causing him to crash into the sink in Michael’s room this leaves te-ag complet complely stunned no wonder Michael has been acting so sneaky he’s been planning an escape and this scene is witnessed by Bob just as teabag is about to call for other guards Jon covers his mouth and stops him hearing the noise Michael also crawls out from a hole Yeah we we have a problem now the problem arises teabag is serving a life sentence and could potentially be convinced to join their cause but what about Bob the guard we got to kill him the cops are right outside and they’ll stay outside see Bob here knows about our secret he knows about our Escape so it’s all of our concern now isn’t it meanwhile several prisoners are furiously smashing the bulletproof glass of the infirmary Decades of prison life have made them covet Sarah seeing the door about to be broken down Sarah picks up a piece of glass ready to fight to the death Michael sees the scene from the prison’s control room after instructing that Bob must not be harmed he quickly crawls through the duck to save Sarah while Jon and sucra take advantage of the riot to return and continue drilling through the wall to prevent teabag from harming Bob John assigns someone to watch him as Bob is the only bargaining chip that prevents the SWAT team from storming in soon after Michael finally reaches Sarah’s room they crawl through the ventilation ducked and find a safe spot to climb down just as Michael is about to get Sarah out of the prison unexpectedly a red dot appears on them if Sarah moves even a step Michael is undoubtedly dead and if Michael doesn’t leave he will eventually be shot in the head at the critical moment of the standoff some prisoners rush in go Michael lying on the ground successfully Dodges a strike and the other prisoners scatter Michael takes the opportunity to escape back to the cell block seeing his daughter Sarah safe Frank no longer has any reservations although there is still a guard inside Frank doesn’t care he immediately orders a storming of the prison meanwhile sucra and the others have drilled all the small holes according to Michael’s instructions now it’s time to see if hooks law holds true we did it they returned to the cell block to tell Michael this exhilarating news but teabag is determined to kill Bob because he is serving a life sentence and can never be paroled so the hole is his only hope of escaping despite the others repeated attempts to dissuade and worn teabag he still takes advantage of the chaos to stab Bob to death for the tee this is considered the most inhumane death penalty tool in the world and Lincoln is about to face this punishment six or seven people strap Lincoln into the electric chair securing his Limbs and neck with belts pour cold water on him to enhance conductivity and place a metal helmet on his head typically when a 50,000 volt current runs through his body his fingers and to severely Bend and his eyeballs sometimes burst out sticking to his cheeks the skin in contact with the electrodes is burnt to a crisp even smoking which is why a black cloth is used to cover the face luckily this is just a dream for Lincoln but he is scheduled to face this execution in 17 days despite being innocent and framed to save his brother Michael ruined his career by going to prison and trying to escape with him after 3 weeks he finally breaks through the structural gaps and drainage pipes allowing direct access from his cell to the infirmary however since Lincoln is a high security prisoner and isolated Michael can’t get to his cell directly Michael has studied the prison blueprints where the Steam and drainage pipes intersect under a storage room if they can make a hole in the storage room Michael and other members can meet in the infirmary however John reminds Michael that area is off limits never assigned for work unless there’s a fire needing repair they plan to burn the area with flammable materials but as they prepare to open the door they’re greeted by the dark barrel of a gun the area had been turned into a guard’s restroom putting their escape plan in a deadlock when they are at a loss they discover Charles can freely enter the area Lincoln explains that Charles has a 32-year clean record so the guards trust him which means we got to get him on board we got a gu’s a boy scal but Michael decided to give it a try anyway no matter how much Michael coaxed or pleaded Charles steadfastly refused to admit he had hidden $15 million nor would he join Michael in the Escape let alone help him with anything illegal however just as Charles returned to his cell Bic found him it turned out that Bob who was killed by teabag during the riot had his body fall right at Charles’s cell door Bic wanted to get some Clues from him but Charles knew well the rules of this place whoever snitched would be despised by everyone no matter how mournfully Bellic begged Charles politely refused him unexpectedly not having obtained any clues Bellic immediately changed his tone and before leaving he did not forget to tease Charles’s cat however the next day when Charles returned from the yard he was shocked to find the cat motionless on the bed its body already stiff Charles was in immense pain this cat was his only emotional support in prison it was obvious to anyone that Bellic was the murderer of the cat for the first time Charles showed a fierce look in his eyes he went to the guard’s rest room and placed a coffee pot coated with rubber adhesive on the power source then Charles opened bellic’s locker and pulled out a Lucky Strike cigarette looking at the ugly face on the wall Charles finally made up his mind and lit the lighter soon thick smoke billowed out of the restroom happiness came so unexpectedly leaving Michael and the others completely dumbfounded just then Charles walked past Michael but Charles made it clear that he did not do it for them nor did he plan to join their escape team after the fire was extinguished investigators found a cigarette but at the scene B inside Fox River State Penitentiary if you’re holding onto teabags pocket he can ensure no one dares to bully you not long ago teabag took a liking to the newly imprisoned Michael lecherously expressing his desire to protect Michael yet he was brutally rejected by Michael to me you already got a girlfriend I got a whole another pocket over here about pass a few days later teabag sidekick was killed during a prison riot to find a new Sid kickle for teabag Troi meticulously searched until he found a new toy for him Seth how you say we go for a walk huh under teabags lascivious tyranny Seth despite his unwillingness had no choice but to submit because te-ag killed a guard Bellic during the riot Bellic swore to leave no stone unturned in finding the murderer the next day Seth approached bellik to inform him that he knew who the killer was I know who killed Bob sir a group of guards with a menacing air came to make an arrest sure enough they found a photo of the murdered guard’s family under the mattress with the evidence and testimony at hand there was nothing more to say the guards directly arrested Troi it turned out that this is teabag naked planted evidence he knew that if he did not find someone to take the blame he would one day be found out poor tro who had just found a new companion for teabag the day before was betrayed by teabag today teabag is really a man of love and loyalty although Michael was very reluctant to let te-ag join the Escape team he had to accept him since teabag knew his secret the group successfully reached the burnt down break room and what they needed to do next was to break the floor to create an entrance big enough for a person to crawl through preparing for the upcoming Escape in the following days they began smashing the floor covered with a blanket with someone special arranged to keep watch outside the crushed stone dust produced was divided among everyone with each finding opportunities to dispose of it however their traces were discovered by Benjamin who at that time still had no idea what they were up to what’s worse the Shameless Bellic suddenly approached Jon it turned out that Jon had been in charge of Pi because his company outside was regularly paying Bellic every month but this month the payment had not arrived on time Bellic threatened that if he didn’t receive the money he would would hand over pi to someone else to manage John made a call only to find out that the company was on the verge of bankruptcy this was a complete disaster if anyone else entered the break room the entrance would be blatantly exposed as they were all in a state of panic Seth approached Michael asking for his help he could no longer endure teags humiliation and torment but Michael with no time to spare for these matters flatly refused Seth however not long after Seth committed suicide killed overwhelmed Michael heart and he silently vowed to deal with teabag properly meanwhile Bellic had already handed over pi to Jon’s former subordinate Gus to manage they equipped with tools marched towards the break room watching Gus lead the newcomers into the rest area Jon was frantic because the Escape Plan would be completely exposed as soon as they lifted the carpet Jon hurried to find Gus hoping the ladder would relinquish control of Pi but times had changed and Jon’s former underlings had all turned their backs on him standing by Gus’s side instead yesterday’s news John where’s football at as these people moved in and out day by day Michael and his team were increasingly anxious to regain management of the pi they need to keep Jon’s outside partner Philly paying for him and continuing to pay for JN is contingent on the location of that key witness this witness was the only person who could Peak Philly’s interest after all if the witness successfully testified next month Philly would also end up in prison having no other choice Michael decided to talk to Philly in person to gain Philly’s trust Michael detailed the entire process of locating the key witness before being moved for protection the witness would be guarded by the local sheriff there were four sheriffs in total in the area before entering prison Michael had called around finding three sheriffs in their offices while the fourth was on vacation alone without his family it was was clear that this Sheriff was guarding the witness since it would take several weeks for the police to establish a new identity for the witness this Sheriff would inevitably make a call home through his phone bills Michael finally traced the witness’s location after explaining Michael demanded $200,000 in exchange Philly agreed without hesitation for Philly even $2 million was worth it if it meant avoiding prison but when Philly traveled miles to the location Michael provided a sudden flash of light and the police lying in ambush quickly apprehended them it turned out that the address Michael had given was fake the witness Fibonacci was a good person originally just a warehouse manager in John’s company one day Fibonacci accidentally witnessed JN committing murder and decided to step forward to report them of course Michael couldn’t possibly reveal fibonacci’s real whereabouts after after resolving the situation John tentatively mentioned give me a Fibonacci once we’re outside these walls right of [Music] course thank you regardless the money was secured and naturally John regained control of Pi and everyone could work in the room again now that the hardest part had been breached only 18 in remained to reach the tunnel according to the current progress they could have Escape by Friday everyone was exceptionally excited eagerly imagining life after their escape however just then Bellic walked in with Benjamin it turned out that not long ago Benjamin had noticed Michael and the others sneakily disposing of broken Stones so he bribed feell to investigate that’s how he discovered Michael and their astonishing secret standing over the hole Benjamin threatened are you sure you can’t use a extra hand you know anything about construction concrete is my specialty can you dig it okay boss sign him up you can got it now it looks like darwi wins after all he fish sucra whipped out a mirror checking that the coast was clear outside the prison Michael then retrieved a credit card from a hidden layer in his prison uniform sucra puzzled asked what’s the use of hiding a credit card it’s not like you can go shopping in here but in the next second Michael peeled off the protective film from the credit card it turned out to be a a prison access card before getting locked up Michael had already researched the access control systems of Fox River State Penitentiary he then programmed the access credentials onto a magnetic strip and covered it with the sticker of a credit card this way even if the guards discovered it during a body search it wouldn’t jeopardize his Escape Plan the reason he needed to create an access card was to sneak into the inmate’s property storage room to retrieve two crucial items he had stored before getting incarcerated a mini tape recorder and a gold watch after Reg gaining his belongings Michael snuck into the drainage pipes but as he inventoried his items he realized the gold watch had vanished this watch was a critical component of his Escape Plan Michael Learned From Charles that the guards often stole from inmates the only time inmates would realize something was missing was when they were released and went to collect their belongings by then it would be too late even more infuriating was that the thief was none other than Deputy Warden Roy who wasn’t shy about flaunting the watch for all to see however Michael couldn’t accuse Roy directly because he couldn’t explain how he knew the watch was stolen the only solution was to find someone to steal the watch back that’s when David approached him sentenced to 5 years for theft David was eager to join the pi crew it just so happens that Michael is also in need of David so the two of them hit it off Michael would help David get into pi and in return David would retrieve the gold watch the very next day the infirmary wheeled in a vomiting young man who was none other than David it was clear David’s skills were top-notch one second and the watch was on Roy’s wrist and the next it was gone with Roy none the wiser soon after David had Charles deliver the watch to Michael however Charles had a favor to ask of Michael I want in Michael was puzzled Charles had always declined his invitations before so why the sudden change of heart it turned out that earlier that morning Pope had somberly informed Charles in his office that his daughter had been diagnosed with late stage esophageal cancer and was hospitalized unlikely to last another week the authorities had denied their request only permitting Charles to attend his daughter’s funeral Pope’s words hit Charles like a bolt from the blue his daughter was his only concern in the world determined to see his daughter One Last Time Charles decided to join the escape plan but Michael was in a difficult position every member of the Escape team had to be useful and he had made it clear that there was no hidden stash of $1 5 million moreover Charles’s age would undoubtedly slow them down but the next day Charles approached again handing him a Bible di1 92589 the first number in the series of bills used in The Ransom drop inside was a $100 bill the serial number of which matched the sequence Charles had mentioned before it seemed Charles did have a significant amount of money hidden away realizing that they would be stranded without funds after the Escape Michael agreed to his request thus the Escape team now consisted of seven members however however a subsequent event made Michael realize that the group was severely overc capacity they had to cut someone to succeed in their escape but who would that person be even a small button in Michael’s hands could serve an unexpected purpose he dropped the button down the slope of the drain pipe listening to the sound of the button bouncing he estimated that the reservoir below the slope was only one 13 14 M away this meant that even if he slid down he wouldn’t break his legs looking up he saw the manhole for 5 m above him surrounded by absolutely no footholds escaping through here seemed like a pipe dream yet it was the only way out Michael had to find even the slightest chance suddenly he spotted a semicircular drain Outlet peeling open a hidden layer of his clothing Michael pulled out a rope in a black plastic bag he packed his clothes into the plastic bag tied it closed with the rope and then used the bag to block the outflow pipe of the reservoir next all Michael had to do was turn on the water valve to use the buoyancy of the water to lift himself up however the main valve outside was shut off making it impossible to release any water the following day while working in pi Michael used a stick to pry open the disc of the main valve moments later water finally gushed out he set the water release time for 3 and 1/2 minutes and the water level in the reservoir began to rise gradually just then a guard approached and Charles quickly coughed to catch Michael’s attention the guard whistled ordering the inmates back to their cells luckily the timer hit zero just in time and Michael quickly returned the valve to its original state by then the water level was just half a person’s height from the manhole cover after returning to his cell Michael immediately crawled through the pre-dug hole into the drainage pipe then stripped and entered the water-filled reservoir he grabbed the other end of the rope and using the buoyancy of the water successfully Rose to the surface Michael’s calculations of the reservoir size and the pipe diameter were incredibly accurate any long longer and the overflowing water might have been discovered by the guards any shorter and he would never have reached the manhole cover Michael lifted the manhole covered to arrive beneath the infirmary’s pharmacy where his own folded lead paper lay on the ground just days before Michael had obtained weed killer and tile cleaner from the sewer whose chemical reaction produced sulfuric acid successfully corroding the Iron Sheet of the infirmary sewer the paper crane naturally landed on the ground tightening the Rope Michael pulled hard reopen opening the reservoir’s drain he then tied the Rope to the manhole cover which would serve as a bridge for the Escape team to enter the pharmacy tonight Michael gently peeled back the Iron Sheet to clearly observe the situation inside the infirmary everything was ready and Michael prepared to climb out from the rest area through the drainage pipe the others in the lounge also successfully dug through the tunnel but just then Roy came over to inspect the area hearing the noise the inmates had to quickly cover the opening trapping Michael in the drainage pipe if the guards discovered one person missing now the Escape Plan could be completely exposed to buy time for those inside Lincoln had no choice but to punch Roy hearing the commotion other guards quickly subdued Lincoln while the inmates managed to pull Michael up Michael jubilant informed everyone that the way was clear and they could Escape tonight however the others couldn’t share in his Joy Lincoln’s assault on a guard meant he would be put in solitary confinement and his execution was scheduled for the next day on the other side teabag had slashed John’s throat and Sarah was rushing him to a helicopter for emergency treatment whether Jon could survive was still unknown teabag acted as if nothing had happened the problem was their Escape Plan relied on Jon’s plane to leave the country with that link broken even if they managed to escape they wouldn’t get far Michael fell into despair he had gone through Great Lengths to get into prison solely to save his brother Lincoln if Lincoln couldn’t escape then what was the point of this long planned Escape Michael is sterilizing a razor blade with a lighter before rolling up his sleeves to reveal the demon tattoo on his arm he locates the spot and bracing himself against the severe pain slices open his arm soon after a black pill wrapped in resin cotton appears before his eyes this was Michael’s contingency plan before he went to prison his brother Lincoln is scheduled for Execution tomorrow Michael must use this tiny pill to save his brother’s life and help him escape from prison successfully Michael knows only a priest can visit his brother who’s in solitary confinement so he lies claiming this necklace is of significant importance to his brother insisting it must be personally handed to Lincoln the priest agrees to Michael’s request when Lincoln receives the necklace he knows his brother would never let him die innocently he examines the necklace closely he prize opened the crucifix to find the small pill hidden in a Groove along with a note tucked inside eat this precisely at 8:10 tonight it’s now 4 in the afternoon time to head to Pi prison Industries work Michael and sura Embrace each other their success in escaping prison hinges on this very moment the Escape team five in total tries to keep calm as they head to the break room during their work in the break room Michael announces the escape plan tonight at 9: they’ll crawl through the tunnel they’ve dug to the infirmary where Lincoln will meet them then they’ll break the security window and climb out along the infirmary’s external cables over the wall once outside they’re on their own be forgetting the fact that Pi shuts down at 5:00 pretty we have to make sure it doesn’t don’t don’t we Michael is prepared he removes a plaster board from the wall to reveal a water pipe and smashes it with a hammer oh what the hell are you doing [Music] man upon receiving the news Bellic storms INF furiously the men soaked to the skin sit on the ground like children who’ve been caught misbehaving Michael explains they accidentally broke a pipe while renovating if they don’t dry the walls and floor quickly the plaster board will absorb water and mold Bellic even angrier snaps then what are you sitting around for if you don’t get rid of every drop of water nobody’s sleeping tonight don’t catch a sniffle seeing their plan succeed everyone bursts into laughter but Michael can’t seem to share their joy for it’s still uncertain whether Lincoln can join them successfully at 8:10 p.m. Lincoln takes the pill on time and within seconds he’s in agonizing pain vomiting in suffering from diarrhea the guards rush to take Lincoln to the infirmary for emergency treatment finally at 9:00 the group lifts the carpet and uses a wrench to lock the door from the inside everything is ready and they excitedly wait for Michael to give the order see you on the other side they climb down the hole through the drainage pipe slide down the slope to the reservoir below and using a rope they had prepared earlier successfully reach the pharmacy below the infirmary but as Michael looks up at the drainage pipe on the roof his smile freezes the pipe he had corroded was replaced with a brand new one thicker than before it turns out that a cleaner while collecting trash that afternoon accidentally saw the corroded pipe and called maintenance to replace it Michael and sucra exert all their strength but can’t budge the heavy duty pipe meaning this route is completely blocked Michael can clearly hear Lincoln above trying to smash the pipe with a mop such a thick pipe could probably only be dug through with an excavator the last time the brothers might see each other could only be at the execution ground tomorrow the man slipped a packet of rat poison into his pocket then Michael had his fellow inmates keep watch while he moved the prisons wash basin aside and craw through a hole that had already been dug out behind it Michael sprinkled the rat poison on the ground of the drainage pipe and in no time a rat fell for the bait Michael grabbed the rat by its tail tonight Lincoln is scheduled to be executed in the electric chair whether his brother’s life can be saved all depends on whether this rat has the cunning needed to save his brother who had been framed and wrongfully accused Michael did not hesitate to ruin his own future by getting himself imprisoned it took Michael over a month to find a way out of prison but as fate would have it they discovered last night during their escape attempt that the exit had been inadvertently sealed Shut by maintenance workers the Escape team had no choice but to trudge back to their cells in defeat the next day during yard time Michael found Charles Charles mentioned something that happened about 10 years ago a man was supposed to be exec uted by electric chair but he survived because a fuse blew and it took another 3 weeks to reschedule the execution because killing a person requires going through many procedures such as issuing a new death warrant and death certificate Charles’s words reignited hope in Michael’s heart 3 weeks was enough time for him to plan another Escape thus Michael came up with the idea to use the rat to sabotage the wiring but he could never have anticipated that David would spoil his plans a few days ago David had helped Michael retrieve a gold watch but as part of the exchange Michael did not get him into Pi which left David harboring resentment Bellic had long suspected Michael was up to something but had been unable to find proof so bellik paid off David to watch Michael’s every move David overheard Michael mentioning something about a problem with the electric chair and saying his brother could live another 3 weeks this made Bellic suspicious immediately Bellic went to the execution room to have his men retest the electric chair for faults it ain’t working well son of a I don’t know what could have happened they rushed to the electrical room and indeed found a dead rat in the fuse box bellic’s intention was clear he wanted Lincoln to die smoothly so Bellic had the electrician repair the wiring and then hurry to Michael’s cell Scofield your brother’s going to be transported to final visitation soon can meet him there you look surprised you knew was scheduled today the two brothers embraced tightly upon seeing each other despite all the well-laid plans Michael was ultimately unable to save his brother’s life Michael still planned to look for another way but Lincoln had already calmly accepted his fate and didn’t want to struggle in vain any longer perhaps this was his Destiny in his last 6 hours all he wanted to do was talk to his brother and enjoy their last peaceful moments together as the time for the execution approached and Lincoln was walking to the death chamber Pope suddenly received a call from Frank won what is it it’s the governor it turned out that earlier that day while Michael was at the infirmary getting an injection he told Sarah the truth about his brother being framed and asked if Sarah could plead with her father for a pardon the many interactions had made Sarah develop feelings for Michael Sarah found Veronica the lawyer in charge of the case and handed over all the evidence they had collected to her father however Frank’s call wasn’t to Grant a reprieve but to ensure the execution went smoothly he’s not granting clemency let’s proceed after hanging up a mysterious woman approached Frank from behind you did your country and your party a great service it won’t go unnoticed thank you madam vice president thank you Governor it was revealed that the person so determined to see Lincoln dead was none other than the vice president Caroline Frank was also looking to gain political Capital the innocence of a small fry meant nothing to him yet why would someone like Caroline go to such links to have him killed what unspeakable secrets were hidden behind all this simply amused by the Gods in the comments section how has Prison Break updated to over a dozen episodes each seemingly heart stopping yet in the end Michael’s Escape Plan hasn’t progressed in the slightest after painstakingly digging for over a month just when a glimmer of hope was seen a small unintended act by the maintenance staff completely sealed it off this is precisely the Brilliance of prison break just by looking at the title you already know the outcome yet the screenwriters managed to fill 22 Episodes with unceasing suspense and not a single flaw this is the fundamental reason why Prison Break is legendary due to the failure of the Escape Plan Michael’s brother Lincoln was still unable to escape the fate of being executed but at the critical moment of switching on the power Lincoln seemed to spot a face in the family area both incredibly familiar and strange then suddenly alarms went off and the curtain was slowly drawn what’s going on I don’t know before Michael can figure out what’s going on Pope walks out with Lincoln whose legs are weak with fear what happened in there judge Kesler called the execution has been delayed what do you mean delayed apparently some new evidence has come to L what evidence I don’t understand how long do we have one day 2 days that’s all the information I have at the moment I’m sorry before this information could be digested his brother told Michael another unbelievable thing it was Dad was that Lincoln said he saw their father how could Michael believe that since their father had abandoned them 30 years ago how could he possibly appear in the last minute of Lincoln’s execution and and what power did he have to stop the execution Lincoln’s lawyer Veronica found the judge only then did they learn that the judge had received an anonymous letter before the execution containing an autopsy report of Caroline’s brother the report clearly stated that the deceased had an appendix however Caroline’s brother’s record showed he had an appendectomy as a child meaning the body sent for autopsy wasn’t Caroline’s brother while it couldn’t prove Lincoln was innocent it at least pointed to a huge conspiracy on the other hand when Caroline learned Lincoln hadn’t died she was frantic she immediately ordered Paul and Samantha to investigate who had sent the anonymous letter to the judge although The Whistleblower was extremely careful Samantha still saw his face reflected in the glass the man was none other than Lincoln’s father who had appeared in the execution viewing area from Samantha’s shocked expression it was clear she recognized him and he was an old adversary what story lies behind them I know that guy Michael wasn’t just sitting around he planned to use the limited time to escape with his brother the previous Escape Route was obviously no longer viable he gathered the Escape team and announced a new round of escape plans the psychiatric ward of the prison is the only building that shares an underground passage with the medical ward now they could only go from the guard’s rest area through a well in the yard then walk about 50 m underground to reach the psychiatric ward and from there take the sewer of the psychiatric ward to the medical ward this presents a small problem there’s no cover above this well in the the yard and there are three watchtowers monitoring the area Benjamin remarked that this plan was tantamount to Suicide but only Michael knew this was the only way out to quickly Scout the route sucra was also anxious at this moment he spotted a familiar figure passing by it was his cousin MCH Munch’s main job was to do laundry for the guards and inmates an idea struck sucra he planned to borrow a guard’s uniform for Munch this way Michael wouldn’t be so conspicuous when he climbed out of the well in the we hour Michael was ready to act before entering the prison he had researched that the psychiatric ward of the prison was built in 1858 afterward the underground pites underwent three major Renovations so the network of pites was complex and no one could remember it to avoid getting lost Michael had the blueprints of the pipes tattooed on his back if he took the wrong turn tonight he might not be able to return in time for roll call Michael dressed in the guard’s uniform climbed out of the well but at that moment a bright light suddenly Shone on him and Michael acted calm fortunately wearing the guard’s uniform he managed to Bluff his way through he went to the psychiatric ward an area most guards were reluctant to visit claiming he needed to use the bathroom Michael found his way to the abandoned storage room and finally located the manhole cover that led to the medical ward but while retracing his steps after surveying the route he suddenly encountered a patrolling guard in the Boiler Room Michael hid in the corner not daring to breathe enduring the intense pain of his back pressed against the scalding hot water pipe after the guard left Michael enduring the pain crawled back to his room to avoid being discovered by the checking guard he asked sucra to quickly strip off the uniform but the uniform had already stuck to his skin and the intense pain made Michael involuntarily cry out this noise alerted the guard and Pope questions sucra about why he burned his fellow inmate sucra had no choice but to bite the bullet and ended up in solitary confinement for a day unexpectedly Sarah was very concerned about Michael although Michael wouldn’t tell her what happened Sarah found fibers from the skin that were clearly from a guard’s uniform this made Sarah suspicious of Michael but worse when Michael returned to his room and unwrapped the bandages he was completely dumbfounded the burn was exactly where the map of the underground pipes of the psychiatric ward was located this meant without these Maps they couldn’t escape the Escape Plan was once again in Dire Straits sister the Y blo the sh they aren’t sh maybe they’re flying t-ag could never have imagined that Fox River State Penitentiary would house such a beauty blonde hair red lips and eyes like Autumn Waters constantly tugged at his heartstrings but what fascinated te-ag even more was his bright red underwear turned inside out it was this pair of underwear that would save the Escape team a total of 50 years of imprisonment just yesterday afternoon while resting during labor the Escape quintet Was preparing to dig a tunnel for their future Escape but then Charles who was on Lookout outside suddenly came and saying the guards were about to arrive everyone hurriedly covered the hole and then placed a carpet over it narrowly avoiding disaster however a comment from the guard left everyone feeling cold it turns out Bellic thought they were working too slowly and plan to have a professional renovation team take over their work the next day right after the guard left the Escape team was in an uproar because once the renovation team came in and lifted the carpet their Escape Plan would be completely exposed my calm in the face of danger instructed everyone to block the hole with Plywood And then smooth it over with quick dry cement they could break it open with a sledgehammer when it was time to escape but Misfortune never comes singly just as they were about to start Roy suddenly came in to inform Michael that pop wanted to see him in his office leaving the rest to do other tasks in the yard everyone was instantly stunned they simply didn’t have time to fix the hole moreover labor time was about to end and if the renovation team came in the next morning it would be over taking advantage of the limited time the four discussed letting sucra go into the cell block that night to block the hole but sucra was not unwilling if he went into the rest room to block the hole he would be trapped in that room and if he tried to go out through the main door and walk on the ground he would definitely be caught by the guards which was essentially asking to be captured that’s 10 years on my bed if I get caught you better figure out a way not to get caught line it up after dinner Michael still hadn’t returned from Pope’s office just as sucra was at his Wit’s End he suddenly spotted a very sexy inmate passing by especially his red underwear turned inside out which was incredibly eye-catching an idea struck sucra immediately he found teabag and asked him to use his skills to get the flamboyant man’s underwear I mean you know what you’re asking of me you got to do it for the team sister the your Bloomers are shown they aren’t showing baby they’re flying proudly it has to be said teabag truly had away with things in just a few minutes he delivered the price to su’s hands in the early hours sucra set into motion he crawled through the drainage pipe into the restroom via the hole Michael had already dug behind the sink after a set of skilled masonry work sucra finally fixed the hole then sneakily made his way back to the prison cell but as he ran towards the yard a strong light Shone on him and as expected the guards immediately caught SU pray I were you have been start talking Mano however sucra was prepared he claimed that after yard time ended today he had been hiding in a corner of the yard all to wait for his girlfriend outside the prison to throw something in [Music] a parent grun sucra explained pitifully that he missed his girlfriend so much that he had her send over one of her personal items all for that damn love Bellic being a man of sorrow himself because his love for Sarah was unrequited sympathized with those loyal to love Bellic did not make it hard for sura he just sniffed the underwear and then locked sucra up in solitary confinement what sucra didn’t know was that the solitary cell next to him was housing Michael the reason the pope called Michael into his office was because the night before Michael had gotten a guard uniform to use to explore Escape Routes however Michael accidentally burned both the back of the uniform and his skin and Sarah discovered the fibers of the uniform embedded in his skin while treating him Pope thought a guard had abused Michael and demanded Michael explain himself otherwise he would be put in solitary confinement but Michael would never reveal the truth to Pope which led to him being locked up in solitary with the map of the pipe Network on his back damaged by the burn Michael felt as if he had lost his soul continuously punching the wall with his fists when the guards noticed they immediately notified Sarah to come for an examination at that time Michael’s eyes were wide open as if he had gone insane with no other choice Pope had to transfer him to the psychiatric ward for care however as soon as the guards and the doctor left Michael became a different person he had faked his illness precisely to find someone he knew in the psychiatric ward someone who had been been his roommate for a few days Haywire Haywire had once memorized the tattoos on Michael’s body as long as Haywire could piece together the missing parts for memory the Escape Plan could be put back into action but what Michael never expected was that Haywire had already forgotten who Michael was who are you due to sucra being locked up in solitary confinement and Michael being sent to the psychiatric ward their cell was left vacant Roy spotting an opportunity thought this room facing north with Superior lighting and situated on a middle floor could be considered a prime cell in the prison surely inmates would be willing to pay for a room swap as expected during yard time the inmates who came to view the room were endless with some even bidding up to $20000 for it however when noticing a slight leak from the sink an innate stated he would only pay after it was fixed Roy promised to get it fixed within 24 hours and immediately placed a repair order with the maintenance department yet all of this was oberved by teabag of the Escape team he quickly found Charles and Benjamin because there was a large hole behind the sink which was the Escape Route Michael had spent over a month creating if an inmate moved in or the repair staff came their Escape Plan would be completely exposed in a rush Benjamin found Roy and agreed to book the room for $500 but $500 was not a small amount although Benjamin made quite a bit by dealing drugs in prison he had to have his underlings collect the messy outstanding debts from fellow inmates before anything else unexpectedly the subordinate Benjamin trusted the most after receiving the money bribed others and ousted Benjamin from the gang for being a black man always hanging out with whites not to mention giving Benjamin a beating Benjamin was completely out of options Charles didn’t say he didn’t have the money he had it stashed outside the prison teabag thought of a solution the Mexican gang which almost every night gambled in the kitchen with his years of experience te-ag was a master of cheating at cards but gambling needed C Capital too suddenly Charles remembered he had given Michael a Bible with his only $100 bill inside which should still be in Michael’s room pretending to check out the room I’ll give you a hundred bucks for it you wasted my time get the hell out of here sorry boss I thought it was a good bit Charles sneaked away with the Bible then handed the $100 to teabag the survival of the Escape team hung on the outcome of tonight’s poker game on the other hand Michael’s observation at the mental hospital reveals the cause of haywire’s dementia it turned out to be because of the medication he was on so after Haywire took his pills Michael would help him vomit them out as the medication in his system lessened haywire’s memory gradually returned with Michael’s Relentless efforts Haywire finally recalled past details and relying on memory redrew the tattoos on Michael’s back but at the same time Haywire also remembers that Michael stole his toothpaste and framed him more fatally Haywire guessed the tattoos were a map for escaping now do I tear this up or do you tell me exactly where and when you’re doing this with no other choice Michael had to reveal the Escape Plan and promised to take Haywire with them unexpectedly Haywire took the map and attempted to escape on his own that night but Haywire only knew the route not about the security systems he didn’t make it 10 m before being caught on the spot come back shut me up after successfully getting the drawings Michael found Sarah and claimed he was cured asking her to help him return to the cell block but Sarah told him that Pope had ordered if he didn’t disclose who burned him Michael would still be placed in solitary upon leaving the situation was at a standstill once again teabag lived up to his reputation with perfect coordination with Benjamin they quickly won the needed $500 the next day Benjamin handed the full amount to Roy but Roy shamelessly raised the price to $700 threatening to keep the existing 500 if not paid Benjamin had no choice but to ask Charles to give up his gold watch’s collateral but Roy was Shameless to the core your problem is somebody already gave me 700 for sale so your so so both sides were in a bind fortunately Lincoln who was also in solitary thought of a plan through Munch he coordinated with Michael and three outside to sneak the bird uniform into Roy’s Locker then Michael volunteered that Roy had abused him not only that but Roy had also been extorting money from inmates and even forcefully took Charles’s gold watch Pope despised corruption among his staff Above All Else Furious he stormed into the guard’s locker room finding $500 the bird uniform and Charles’s gold watch and Roy’s locker with the evidence against him Roy was immediately fired as he was leaving Roy also suffered bellic’s mockery don’t look at me like I’m some con you’re as crooked of scoliosis I don’t get caught after this incident Michael and sucra finally returned to their cell as they had wished they began to plan their next steps for the Escape however just then a bus carrying a new batch of inmates arrived at Fox River State Penitentiary among them was John the man teabag had slashed and who had now returned fully healed sending teabag into a panic every return to his cell marked the beginning of David’s nightmare she only got one thing I [Music] need afterward David would always hide alone in a corner consumed with self-loathing he wasn’t inherently evil it was just his luck of not knowing the value of a baseball card he accidentally stole leading to a 5-year sentence and becoming someone else’s outlet for sexual release at this moment Michael approached him wanting David’s help in stealing something critically important over a month Michael had successfully created an Escape Route due to a previous path being blocked the Escape Plan had to be rerouted through the psychiatric ward sewer pipes then to the far end of the second floor medical ward and down a 30-ft hallway to the medical ward the final step was escaping via the medical Ward’s external cables but the plan was missing one last piece obtaining the key to open the medical Ward’s door Michael approached David with the intention of having him steal Sarah’s keys in exchange David wanted Michael to find someone to eliminate avocado the inmate abusing him however Michael not one to cause trouble could not agree to the deal with no other option Michael decided to take advantage of his medical visit to steal Sarah’s Keys himself yet upon seeing Sarah’s meticulous care Michael impulsively kissed her revealing his love wait for me it won’t always been like [Music] this in this room in this place in the end Michael couldn’t bring himself to proceed with the theft meanwhile John since returning to Fox River State Penitentiary seemed like a changed man he prayed devoutly every day and even approached teabag seeking reconciliation does not a warm hand and feel better than a cold shank he got a point there John yeah but John called his outside contacts instructing them to arrange a three-seater helicopter you only got three seats I thought you said there were seven or eight guys well not everybody going to have a ticket you going to tell me who is the three are still breathing on the outside a woman claiming to be an old acquaintance of Michael found Sarah saying she had important information about Michael Sarah fond of Michael followed NAA to a cafe but na was vague and after speaking only a few words hurriedly left listen could I just have a contact number for you in case I see something that’s a good idea please don’t tell him that we met I it turned up Michael had once helped NAA prompting him to call and ask her to steal Sarah’s keys after stealing the key M visited the prison and passed them to Michael on the other side avocado following his routine attempted to abuse David again while avocado was making the bed David pulled out a blade he had prepared and cut off avocado’s genitals the incident quickly spread throughout the prison sucra informed Michael about what happened I saying he got caught on the frame while he was hopping down off his monk yeah why did he lie he do want Twi to go to the show cuz he can’t get him in there all I have to say is as soon as aado gets out of the emary twinner is a dead man Michael has been racked with guilt because he didn’t send David to the pi after he helped him steal the watch knowing avocado’s return would plunge David back into a living hell Michael considered taking David with him in the Escape however Michael celebrated too soon Sarah no fool connected n’s strange Behavior at the cafe to her missing keys after returning to her office she then checked the visitation records for the day and indeed found na had visited Michael even though Michael managed to return the keys it was already too late Sarah realized she had been upon in Michael’s plan from the beginning and his confession of Love had ulterior motives even though she didn’t know what Michael wanted from her Sarah changed the locks of the door with a broken heart seeing the locksmith Michael’s heart sank but the real despair was Yet to Come David knowing about the Escape didn’t plan to leave with them but using the information is leveraged to get Bellic to change his room they’re escaping Bellic arrived at the restroom and indeed he discovered the large hole under the floor used for the escape this completely exposed the escape plan this has got to be the boldest prison break crew in the world they had the audacity to dig the Escape Tunnel right in the guard’s break room upon receiving the tip off the prison guard Captain Bellic didn’t waste a second before heading there he lifted the sofa and the carpet and sure enough found a well-concealed large hole in the floor but just at that moment Charles from the Escape team smacked down with a shovel but bellik being a police academy grad grabbed the shovel and engaged Charles in a fight to the death perhaps driven by a fierce will to survive the Aging Charles grabbed a water bottle nearby and smashed it hard against bellic’s for head finally Charles knocked Bellic unconscious but in the scuffle Charles’s abdomen was accidentally cut by glass after quickly treating his wounds Charles hurriedly threw the unconscious Bellic into the hole immediately cleaned up his room and informed the Escape team of the incident we got to get out of here [Music] now everyone was stunned upon hearing the news Michael had planned to break out in 3 days but now they had to act immed immediately once the guards realized that Bellic was missing they would surely lock down the prison until they found him at which point they would have no way out Michael decisively announced the next steps of their escape plan Jon was to contact the plane outside to take them away from the country Benjamin was tasked with getting as much bleach as possible for later use everyone else was to find ways to mask their body odor to avoid police dog tracking he himself would figure out how to get the keys to the infirmary since the hole in the guard room was blocked by the unconscious Bellic escaping from there was no longer feasible they could only wait until 7:00 tonight for yard time when everyone would Gather in front of Michael’s cell to escape through the tunnel behind his cell sink and with only 1 hour of yard time they had to make every second count sura didn’t forget to remind Michael your brother Lincoln is in solitary confinement under 24-hour surveillance even if you can’t get Lincoln up tonight we still have to go don’t let so many of us die for one person Michael nodded reluctantly by lunchtime the guards had already started to wonder why they hadn’t seen Bellic all morning Michael with ears pricked and heart-racing feeling guilty towards David Michael knowing full well it was David who snitched to Bellic still informed David that they were going to break out tonight whether to go or stay was up to David after lunch Michael took the opportunity while changing bandages to find Sarah and told her his entire plan I’m getting my brother out of here tonight and I need your help Sarah was shocked to hear this after calming down Sarah questioned what Michael expected to get from her Michael told Sarah that when he first arrived in prison he indeed saw Sarah as a pawn for his Escape but later he truly wanted to be with Sarah today he came to Sarah only to ask her to make a small mistake please don’t lock up after work Sarah was in an intense mental struggle she ran out the door without giving Michael a positive response after leaving the infirmary Pope found Michael thanking him profusely for completing the Taj Mahal model Pope said I owe you a favor and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask actually there is one thing you can do for me thus Michael got another chance to see his brother in solitary Michael revealed his plan to escape tonight linkoln told him to leave him alone because he was in Chains and there was nothing Michael could do to get him out of here Michael was torn with Agony if he couldn’t get his brother out what was the point of planning this Escape for over a month John seizing the moment when the guards were not paying attention stealthily grabbed two handfuls of feces and hid them in his pockets he then went to his cell and Scattered the feces on his own bed sheet his cellmate was utterly bewildered by Jon’s series of actions it’s not enough a place to question his will are we clear on the other side teabag during lunchtime was also collecting beans that smelled like feces he mashed these stinky beans into a slurry and smeared it on his bed sheets and pillow you might think they are fools but on the contrary they are members of a highly intelligent prison escape team tonight the Escape team consisting of eight people is preparing to initiate their plan they used feces to mask their own scent to avoid being tracked by the police dogs Benjamin’s task was to procure enough hydrogen peroxide which was a key part of the escape plan because the Escape Route would take them through the psychiatric ward they needed to bleach their blue prison uniforms white he had the bleach and small pouches inside his trouser legs then smuggled it out of the kitchen to distribute to the other members now with only 45 minutes left until yard time they were getting ready to make their escape during this period however as sucra was bleaching his clothes a guard suddenly approached sucra frightened immediately took off his pants and sat on the toilet the guard informed Michael that Pope needed to see him urgently seeing the key figure being taken away at this critical moment the other members showed a look of utter despair because just this morning Bellic had discovered the the big hole they had dug for their escape fortunately Charles appeared in time to knock him out and hide him in the pipes beneath the hole they wondered if Pope had discovered this but when Michael was taken to the office he clearly heard Pope on the phone with bellic’s family saying he was not at home today Pope immediately ordered a search for bellich in the prison and then called Michael to his office fortunately Pope’s concern was not about bellic’s disappearance and Michael’s hanging heart finally fell Pope mentioned that this afternoon while moving a model of the Taj Mahal the supporting Bean suddenly broke and he asked Michael what had happened unexpectedly Michael placed a stolen brace on the table and then pulled out a small knife pointing it at Pope and you’re going to make sure my brother goes with me all of this was part of Michael’s calculation he wanted to be summoned by Pope as a part of his plan to save his brother Lincoln Michael threatened Pope to call his subordinates and say that Bellic had been sent to the City by him and was safe and would return tomorrow then he had poked transfer Lincoln to the infirmary to ensure Lincoln would be there all night after using Pope Michael tied him up and hit him in a closet finally he dialed a hotline for an entertainment program and then told the secretary outside that Pope was on a conference call and did not want to be disturbed seeing the phone line busy and because Michael often came and went from there the secretary had no suspicions back in the Cell The Escape team anxiously awaited the arrival of 7:00 feeling as though every minute and every second was unbearably long Che time 1 [Music] hour there’s no going back now the yard time lasts for an hour during which they must escape from the prison everyone understanding the urgency hurriedly gathered in front of Michael’s cell as sucra pulled down the curtain they one by one crawled into the large hole behind the water tank however not far into the sewer they were met with deafening screams it turned out that had awakened and successfully ripped off the tape on his mouth meanwhile two guards outside the restroom seemed to have heard the cries for help and hastily turned back in a critical moment teabag quickly crawled over covered bellic’s mouth and pressed a knife against his [Music] throat there’s nobody here man I swear heard something come come on let’s go after narrowly escaping Michael stripped off bellic’s uniform and wore it himself the group of eight vented the humiliation they had endured over the years shut your mouth you know he’s [Music] they arrived at a manhole cover beneath the yard next they had to cross the most dangerous place as three watchtowers were monitoring the area Michael instructed everyone to put on the bleached prison uniforms and left in a hurry after saying wait here for me for a minute Michael took out a handful of flour from his pocket and gently blew it towards a keypad after several attempts of trial and error he finally triggered the fire alarm in the psychiatric ward at this moment tag thinking they were being set up origin told everyone to turn back work fool do you hear that it’s the fire alarm in the psych ward how do you know I set it off why soon the inmates of the psychiatric ward began to exit the building and Michael and his team waited under the manhole cover for their chance when the control room declared the alarm a false alarm and ordered the psychiatric patients back inside the Escape team blended into the crowd wait a minute the manager recog recognized John and questioned why Michael was there listen you got that sedative you were talking about yeah you got some now yeah what’s happened this will put him out right like a light the group safely made it through the sewers of the psychiatric ward and arrived at the infirmary here they successfully met up with Lincoln wo whoo wo he uncuffed my brother got it boss and I ain’t here boss yeah you in the radio however at that moment teabag noticed handcuffs on a chair and decided to take them thinking they might come in handy later unbeknownst to him these handcuffs would eventually cost him a hand the group of nine successfully reached the infirmary door what remained to be seen was whether Sarah had left the door open for Michael we’re in at this moment all they needed to do was pull down the anti- theft window in the infirmary to escape over the Prison Walls using the cable Michael came up with a plan he directed everyone to the floor’s fire escape to take out the fire hose one end of which was tied to the anti- theft window a blanket was laid on the ground to muffle the huge noise caused by the window hitting the ground the other end was tied to the elevator’s handrail using the massive pulling Force generated by the descending elevator to tear off the anti- theft window however just as Michael pressed the button to go downstairs the elevator sensor system detected an obstruction and couldn’t close now with only 15 minutes left until the end of yard time if they failed to escape within 15 minutes the rest of their lives for all nine of them would be over at this critical moment David feeling guilty bravely entered the elevator and kept his hand on the lower floor button successfully closing the elevator door as the elevator descended the fire hose gradually tightened just as Michael had anticipated the anti- theft window was finally pulled down just as everyone was taking off their prison uniforms preparing to climb the cable a person suddenly appeared at the door staring intently at them here I come with look want me to make a little person to person call here it turned out to be Michael’s mentally ill cellmate Haywire Haywire threatened to join the Escape team leaving them no choice but to agree to take him along Lincoln was the first to climb the cable to deal with the electrified fence on the wall Jon suggested climbing the cables in alphabetical order and since his name was Au bruzi he was naturally first in line the others though angry could not complain as they were counting on his plane to leave the country however they didn’t notice that the bolt fixing the cable had quietly loosened Lincoln climbed to the wall and laid a sheet over the electric fence after everything was prepared Lincoln waved and the others began to climb the cable one by one however at that moment Charles suddenly couldn’t hold on and fell to the ground it turned out that in the morning struggle with Bellic Charles was accidentally deeply cut by glass in the abdomen and was now severely infected Charles knew he didn’t have the strength to climb the cable he told Michael about a stash of money buried somewhere in a Cellar in Double K Town in Utah the money was not the reported $1.5 million but $5 million Charles hoped that Michael would take the money and leave half for his daughter and the rest could be divided among them Michael solemnly nodded while teabag licked his lips greedily meanwhile outside Pope’s office the secretary sensed something was wrong as Pope’s phone had been busy for too long she along with the guards entered Pope’s office and found Pope tied up in the closet I have a c in the warden’s office I repeat base right no no down the alarm the entire prison immediately went into lockdown guards with dogs searched everywhere for Michael and the others by then only three people had not escaped Michael Charles and Munch by name Michael was before Munch Michael climbed the cable with Lincoln on the other side his heart nearly bursting from his chest fortunately the spotlight from the Watchtower did not sweep over them however as Michael was about to reach the other side an anxious MCH couldn’t wait any longer and also climbed onto the cable but MCH with his body weighing 500 lb had just climbed onto the cable when the bolt securing it could no longer bear the weight and fell off Michael was left hanging in midair Lincoln reached out but couldn’t grab his brother as MCH got up to continue escaping the guards had already spotted him when the wer looked up the cable Michael had been successfully res rescued by his brother under interrogation MCH revealed the names of the eight person Escape team Pope went to the infirmary and found Charles had committed suicide the prison inmates upon learning someone had successfully escaped all plunged into Jubilation Pope knew that if he couldn’t bring them back he and the entire Fox River State Penitentiary would be forever nailed to the pillar of Shame 12 minutes had passed since the escape and he gathered all the guards for a comprehensive search of the escapes even authorizing them to shoot on sight if necessary Bellic was also rescued from the hole demanding his subordinates bring him a shotgun vowing to regain the dignity that had been trampled upon Pope never expected that Michael and the others were squatting in the bushes not far away deliberately waiting for the guards to leave before making their escape the most dangerous place is often the safest no one would think that the fugitives were not ahead of them but behind them moreover with the various sents of horse manure and stinky beans on them the dogs could not track them at all but the problem was Haywire who was the last to join them and had not removed the scent from his body taking Haywire was akin to having a GPS locator on them therefore the group pretended to send him to find car keys and quietly ditched Haywire no meanwhile the atmosphere inside the car was exceptionally tense teg noticed that Jon had specifically chosen to sit directly behind him his intuition was correct John pulled out a gun from under the seat intending to kill te-ag in Revenge for the throat slash he had received before but teabag was prepared he suddenly pulled out handcuffs and handcuffed himself to Michael you think that just stop me t i than twice down quiet H you shoot me pretty here be dragging around 170 lb of dead Alabama flesh with him and considering how much you need him to get this little Fibonacci Vendetta of yours huh Shan was counting on Michael to reveal the location of the witness if teabag died Michael would not be able to get far so he had to hold back his anger for now and head to the airport first at this moment they were 5 km away from the airplane’s docking point and boarding the plane would allow them to successfully leave the United States however what they did not know was that Jon had only reserved three seats on the plane that is apart from Michael and Lincoln Jon had no intention of taking the other four on the plane on the prison side investigators quickly discover discovered that the door to the infirmary had not been forced open at all clearly someone had intentionally left the door open for the escapes Pope using the position of his colleagues in the infirmary as leverage finally learned that Sarah had feelings for Michael it was obvious that Sarah had intentionally let them go however when the police arrived at Sarah’s house they found her in a deep coma from an overdose of morphine the police immediately called for an ambulance and took her to the hospital on the other hand Veronica after a long investigation found that Caroline had bought a villa by a remote Lake which must hide some unspeakable Secrets Veronica quietly walked into the room alone and found a decadent man sleeping Veronica was certain that this man was Caroline’s brother supposedly murdered by Lincoln it turned out to be a thorough frame up Caroline did this because her brother was originally the CEO of a new Energy company Caroline created the illusion of her brother’s fake death to embezzle the company’s assets and use the money to support her presidential campaign Lincoln was just a small sack sacrifice in this political Maelstrom on Michael’s side in order to avoid checkpoints along the way they had to take detours but not long after the car got stuck in the mud with only 2 km left to their destination they had to run the rest of the way during this time Michael also ditched David because he knew that David had betrayed them helping him get out of prison was no longer a dead ode the remaining few came to a warehouse knowing that Michael and teabag handcuffed together could not run fast Lincoln and the others decided to forcefully open the handcuffs by pinning te-ag to the ground but sura despite using all his strength could not budge them at all Johan thought it was too much trouble and went straight for it with an axe and so teabag lost a hand the group of five left teabag behind and ran towards the airstrip but what they did not know was that police helicopters had already been positioned near the plane Jon’s subordinate felt something was a miss and had already missed the agreed time fearing he might also get caught if he waited any longer he chose to leave first when the five arrived they could only watch the plane take off with police sirens blaring nearby they could only start a new round of desperate Escape We [Music] Run The empute Fugitive tossed out the food from the cooler then carefully placed a cloth wrapped object inside having been on the run for a day and a night he grabbed a handful of crushed ice and wolfed it down just then a young couple alerted by the noise emerged from their tent teabag immediately drew a screwdriver with a murderous glare fixating on them it seemed teabag remembered something he turned and warned the man if you dare call the cops I’ll jab this into your eye after his threat he snatched the man’s hat and took off with a cooler towards the distance soon after teabag arrived at a Veterinary Clinic placing the cooler on the counter and asking the vet to perform a secret surgery on him Marvin thought teabag was joking after all he was a vet not qualified to operate on humans but upon seeing teabag severed hand and his blood soaked body Marvin quickly realized the gravity of the situation Marvin hurried to call an ambulance for teabag but teabag had already jumped in front of Marvin taking him hostage nobody’s going to be doing any calling here doctor F that’s right what do you [Music] want Marvin had no choice but to do it Marvin offered to anesthetize teabag who refused do I really look that stupid sir I cannot do a procedure like this without an anesthetic I have to cut away dead flesh nobody can undergo a procedure like this without an anesthetic I ain’t nobody teabag feared Marvin might call the police while he was unconscious teabag endured the pain throughout the surgery without any anesthesia worried about infection Marvin kindly provided him with some antibiotics and painkillers but Marvin could never have anticipated teabag bound him up and injected poison into his body his only form of gratitude was perhaps to make Marvin’s death less painful after all was done teabag assumed Marvin’s identity and drove off in Marvin’s car navigating towards twin K Town in Utah because a substantial Fortune awaited him there just a day before eight inmates had successfully escaped from Fox River State Penitentiary and Charles who didn’t Escape revealed a secret with his dying breath he had hidden $5 million in twink Town Utah meaning aside from teabag the other seven escapes also knew this secret the plot of Prison Breaks second season revolves around this $5 million continuing the glory of prison break’s first season since teabag along with haywire and David were abandoned by the main group they avoided police police captur due to their lesser objectives the other five were relentlessly pursued by the police luckily they boarded a train granting them a brief respit Michael and his brother were thinking of a better future by the lake they were going to get the 5 million and then flee to Mexico to live out their lives abroad however the police had already issued a nationwide manhunt without money and clean clothes escaping even a kilometer became an insurmountable challenge but Michael had prepared for all this before even entering prison he glanced at the tattoo on his wrist hiding the assets and clothes needed for the Brother’s first week on the run yet what Michael hadn’t anticipated was meeting an opponent this season who could outsmart him a man named Mahone a top FBI agent Mahone having just taken over the case noticed Michael’s tattoos were extraordinary he held a press conference claiming he could capture all eight fugitives within 12 days then tirelessly sought out Michael’s tattoo artist the tattoo artist revealed that every detail was meticulously designed by Michael himself Michael was almost obsessive demanding everything be exactly as he had drawn spending 200 hours to complete the tattoos as for the secrets hidden within she was clueless mahome then visited the office Michael had rented before his incarceration seeing the walls covered in pin holes he realized this was a breakout plan over 6 months a true battle of wits was unfolding as he immersed himself in understanding Michael’s Escape Plan and his method of erasing traces I want divers down in the river at this moment Michael and his group headed straight for the cemetery they had arranged beforehand the name tattooed on his body is the very cue for the tombstone they retrieved money and clothes from beneath the tombstone including fake passports for Michael and his brother’s Escape abroad as well as a car key as they were getting changed and ready to leave an official car approached the person who stepped out was Mahone who had tracked them down based on the tattoos Michael looked at Mahone incredulously as he was the first to figure out their movements so quickly it seemed this man was indeed No Ordinary [Music] individual Mahone eyeing a fleeting Shadow deep in the woods initiated a high intelligence game of cat and mouse after escaping Michael bought a bucket of chicken legs having eaten their fill it was time for everyone to part ways Michael handed out a few hundred to each person from the money set aside for his and his brother’s Escape though it wasn’t much it should be enough to get home or for whatever else they needed the group hugged and said their goodbyes Michael and his brother prepared to head to Utah but before that Lincoln wanted to call his lawyer and former girlfriend Veronica to reassure her however as soon as Veronica picked up she urged them to turn themselves in because Veronica was in Caroline’s Brother stedman’s house revealing him could effortlessly unravel Lincoln’s wrongful conviction even though stemman was armed Veronica bravely made the call to the police but when the man out side arrive the men are not police but Caroline’s men Mr stman take a few steps back Veronica Veronica oh my God it turned out all calls to the local police station had been monitored from here and stemman was merely a prisoner all orchestrated to protect his sister Caroline’s bright future as the current president contraband you going to tell us how you got it in there I brought it when I got here whatever for to protect myself that’s what we’re here for remember to lure Lincoln out Caroline had her people frame Lincoln’s son LJ for murder announcing a court hearing the next day though aware it was a trap under Lincoln’s insistance Michael decided to risk the courthouse to rescue LJ tell me everything you know about the Courthouse Michael took out a toy water gun from his bag and then took out a can of black spray paint just like that a pistol capable of deceiving the police was created you would never imagine that the two brothers Michael and Lincoln were planning to use this toy gun to violently intercept and rescue Lincoln’s framed son LJ an hour before this the brothers had already made a detailed plan to intercept Lincoln posing is LJ s defense attorney called The Marshall guarding LJ to request a phone call with LJ then he quietly told LJ to make sure to take the elevator on the right on the way to the court hearing however Lincoln was unaware that their conversation had been monitored by FBI agent Mahone fortunately the Father and Son spoke in code Mahone found LJ and tried to find out what exactly his father had told him but no matter how much he asked Mahone didn’t get any results during the elevator ride Mahon noticed LJ pretending to tie his shoelaces deliberately delaying to take the elevator on the right realizing something was a Miss Mahone hurriedly entered the elevator declaring he would personally escort LJ upstairs as expected the brothers opened the elevator’s hatch took out the fake gun but as they were pulling LJ up the gun in Lincoln’s hand accidentally fell to the ground the gun bounced off the ground with an unusually cheerful sound making it obvious to anyone that it was fake Mahone immediately sounded the alarm and then firmly grabbed L J not letting go L J knew he couldn’t escape and told the two to run away quickly the brothers had no choice but to flee in panic knowing the Escape Routes well they managed to steal a car and finally escaped however during the Escape process Lincoln’s leg was unfortunately wounded Mahan investigated the scene and found that the other party was seriously injured and would not be able to escape he immediately deployed the police force in various hospitals to wait for the rabbit but the highly intelligent Michael wouldn’t just walk into a trap he took his brother to a woman’s house this woman was NAA a dancer who once helped him steal Keys NAA was a foreigner and Michael had once married her in a sham marriage to help her get a green card therefore M was extremely grateful to Michael but now Michael and Lincoln were two major fugitives if she harbored them she would become an accomplice but Michael had nowhere else to go and he promised na that they would leave as soon as the wounds were treated after treating the wounds Michael turned around to get his car because it had fake passports for him and Lincoln to use to leave the country the car was also specially modified so it was very important but when Michael returned to the parking spot he found that the car had been towed away due to being parked too long Michael went to the towing company without stopping and when he saw the broken glass he was instantly confused and the bag inside had already been stolen the towing company’s employee didn’t seem like someone who would compensate so Michael had no choice but to prepare to leave with the car however coincidentally Mahon was making a call to inquire about the fugitive vehicle’s information upon learning someone came to pick up the car Mahon instructed the Towing Company employee to delay the person at all costs but Michael had already sensed something was wrong and took the keys to escape hastily Michael met up with Lincoln and the brothers plann to go to Utah to find the $5 million and then smuggle themselves into Mexico to live out their final years in peace to escape the police checkpoints set up at every turn Michael first called his own voicemail pretending to arrange a meeting point with another accomplice he was well aware that this call was being monitored as long as his phone wasn’t turned off mahol would definitely bring his men and drive over to capture them Michael decided to use a trick taking out Pig blood and pork from the trunk that he had prepared earlier the car had been specially modified so that turning on the radio would trigger a timed explosion by the time the explosion happened the car would be a bloody mess leading the police to believe that the two had tragically died in a bridge collapse however when the car plunged off the bridge it didn’t explode Michael guessed that the radio must have jammed hearing Mahone’s Sirens getting closer Michael suggested playing rock paper scissors to decide who would go and jiggle the radio true to his role as the older brother Lincoln didn’t hesitate and bravely went to do it as Michael expected the police indeed believed that the two had died in a car accident at least until the test results came out no one would pay attention to the brother’s whereabouts during this time they might have already gotten the money and fled to Mexico Michael had na arrange a car for them promising to pay her $10,000 once he arrived in Mexico as agreed however they were celebrating too soon not far away two pairs of eyes were closely watching them I need a little Lord takes right to him Bellic who once had significant influence at Fox River State Penitentiary never imagined that he would one day be driven to the point of considering suicide by firearm just a day before the successful Escape of eight inmates had shocked the nation as the captain of the guards bellich and the warden Pope bore the brunt the investigative Department quickly questioned the two of them Bellic tried to Sher responsibility but the appearance of a man rendered him speechless this man was Roy who had been fired not long ago everyone might still remember how Bellic had ridiculed Roy at the time of his dismissal now Roy appearing as a witness accused bellich of long-term bribery and extortion of inmates giving control of the pi to John which gradually led to this major Escape incident faced with his colleague’s testimony Bellic had no response and was fired on the spot Pope in a fit of anger also resigned Bellic returned home in despair he had dedicated his entire youth to this job to the extent that he didn’t even have time to find a girlfriend only to face such a miserable end as he near retirement Bellic became more and more desperate and eventually decided to commit suicide by shooting himself in his room however just at that moment his mother’s surprised voice came from outside it turned out that the news reported that each of the escaped convicts had a bounty of $100,000 on them and Lincoln had an even higher Bounty of $300,000 this news reignited bellic’s fighting Spirit catching them would not only allow him to clear his name but also secure his retirement funds more importantly he seemed to know exact ly where to start after making up his mind bellich went to the supermarket to purchase the necessary supplies for the journey It’s a Small World After All here Bellic encountered Roy the very person responsible for his dismissal seeing his Nemesis made his blood boil and without exchanging many words they began to fight but having worked together for decades there was really no need for them to fight to the death they quickly came to an agreement to capture the fugitives together and split the Bounty they headed straight for Fox River State Penitentiary and decided to start with Munch after all with a bunch of old colleagues there it didn’t take much effort for them to meet Munch good man like yourself let’s just say there’s some filthy individuals who might enjoy s with and you again going to tell me everything you know about where those conicts are headed and I’m going to throw you after some threats Bellic finally learned about the $5 million in Utah then they investigated Michael’s prison visit records and managed to track down the whereabouts of the brothers by following MAA using the advantage of their car’s powerful engine they managed to chase them down and force their car to stop by crashing it into a large tree by the time the brothers came to their senses and thought of escaping Bellic was already standing in front of them with a gun and their Bounty was no longer their only concern your pal M told me all about your little treasure hunt for West Morland stash however they didn’t notice Lincoln quietly placing a piece of glass under the tire not long after they drove away the tire was pumped Ed and completely deflated Bellic had no choice but to send Roy to a small town 3 km away to buy a tire while he stayed to guard them to prevent their escape during this ordeal ma also learned about the $5 million and was extremely disappointed in Michael I’ve done so much for you and you only promised to send me 10,000 after everything was done you didn’t mention the 5 million at all is this something a person should do Bellic watched this unfold with delight in his heart but Bellic didn’t know that this was actually their ruse na pretended tending to defect was just to gain his trust d d after a sudden turn of events Bellic realized that the handgun at his waist was gone at this point Roy finally pushed the tires in but then realized that the tables had turned oh you really suck Bellin land roll look let’s go find him [Music] back ignore him he got her too made her think you love her look what she got an overdose in a shot at 30 years inside it was also at this time that Michael finally learned from Bellic about Sarah’s suicide turns out Sarah had survived her ordeal and was arrested by the police just after being discharged from the hospital luckily Sarah’s father was the governor and Frank had already been nominated as the new vice president for the sake of his career Frank asked Sarah to throw the dirty water out and he would take care of the rest at this point Sarah has no choice but to agree to her father’s Arrangement after being released on bail Sarah underwent psychological treatment however Sarah didn’t know that President Caroline had planted a spy by her side A Man Named Kellerman Kellerman believed that he could trace Michael and Lincoln’s whereabouts through Sarah so he deliberately approached her Michael felt extremely guilty about Sarah’s situation he used bellic’s phone to call Sarah to apologize and promised to find a way to make it up to her you and me it’s real however Michael’s confession was witnessed by NAA Na’s willingness to help was not merely out of simple gratitude towards Michael after getting rid of Bellic it was time for them to part ways but as they embraced each other to say goodbye na took the opportunity to steal Lincoln’s gun I loved you Michael I deserve more than just being the girl that you call when you need something you really think you’re going to find the money in Utah I don’t care about the money in UT I don’t want any more crime I turn you in I get $200,000 legal since she couldn’t have what she wanted she thought it better to cut her losses and hand them over to the police in exchange for the Bounty but na was too naive Lincoln having been on the streets for so many years was wary of everyone and had already removed the magazine ma could only watch helplessly as the two brothers walked away not long after the brothers finally arrived in Utah’s Double K town the town was small and not very populous so it should have been easy to find the money hidden in the Sellar of KK Farm but after asking many people they all said that there was no KK Farm in town even the old man who had grown up there didn’t know Lincoln began to doubt whether Charles had lied but people generally don’t lie on their deathbed and besides Charles had asked Michael to leave a share for his daughter having no other choice the two decided to take the risk and go to the administration building to check the public records after sneak sneaking in and searching through the files they actually found KK Farm listed on page 1213 however to their utter surprise this page had already been torn out it seems someone had gotten their first someone else does the only people who knew there was $5 million left in KK Farm were the escaped convicts so who among the eight could this person be son of a still alive it’s rare for a drama where the villain’s popularity surpasses that of the male lead but teabag in Prison Break managed to do just that sister they y blue has they sh they aren’t sh baby they flyer probably in prison he’s the one who brings the laughs to the show not to mention teabags lines that are hilariously absurd not that hot when this guy woke up this morning he was white after the Escape team of eight successfully breaks out of prison teabag loses one hand to John’s machete but teabag doesn’t give up his Longing For Freedom he aims to find the $5 million in dirty money that Charles hit in the cellar and then do something no one could ever guess on his treasure hunt he encounters David who is also after the money with one hand gone tag tries to recruit David to act as his digging partner however as soon as David leaves to buy tools teabag completely betrays him Michael and Lincoln also on the hunt for the money F teabag Lincoln throws teabag into the car and demands to know if he was the one who tore off the treasure map of course tag wouldn’t tell them where the map is but with no way to escape tag concocts a story that David stole the map of KK Farm successfully diverting their attention until they find David the brothers couldn’t let teabag go they take him to a deserted place and draw a handgun in tabag himself crawls into the trunk of the car after dealing with teabag the brothers returned to Double K Town in search of David at this time David is at a hardware store buying tools needed to dig up the seller the store owner thinking David doesn’t look like he’s from around town but rather like one of America’s top eight fugitives asks David what his grandfather’s name is his name’s Grandpa all right can you just ring this up I got to get out sensing something off the store owner throws a stick knocking David out and drags him into the storage room to tie him up and hand him over to the police for a bounty just then Michael walks in sees the scuffle marks on the floor and immediately understands what happened he quietly closes the door and before the store owner can react punches him but as Michael heads to the storage room the store owner energized by the prospect of a $100,000 Bounty clings to Michael with all his might luckily Lincoln arrives in time to subdue the store owner after tying up the store owner and rescuing David they realize teabag had deceived them teabag in the boot is desperately trying to remember every building on the map too make sure that the map is well known and then swallowed the paper little by little when Michael and the others returned the only thing left on Tag’s chest is a piece of paper from the map he used for boasting but don’t worry before I destroyed it I committed it to my photographic memory now only teabag knows the exact location of the $5 million leading Michael and Lincoln no choice but to follow his lead as his diggers Lincoln directs all his rage towards David oh w w you’re not worth 1.5 get in okay but they haven’t yet realized that FBI agent Mahone has spotted the anomaly in the movements of the eight fugitives they’re all converging on Utah surely hiding his secret unknown to the police Mahone immediately recalls the money Charles had 30 years ago convinced there after that money he Narrows down his search to prepare for the arrest meanwhile the treasure hunting team Guided by teabags memory has arrived near k K farm dreaming of what they’ll do with the $5 million they cross a dirt Mound only to be dumbfounded at the site of KK Farm 30 years of past and KK Farm no longer exists replaced by a vast expanse of modern buildings meaning the map and Tag’s mind has become utterly useless looking for the seller in such a vast area of buildings is like finding a needle in a hay stack Michael is at his wits end in despair yet teabag still finds it appropriate to crack jokes what you got a divining Rod tattooed on your ass I don’t want to hear anything out of your mouth other than what your photographic memory splits out regarding that map you watch your tone with me boy I will watch you get tossed to the side of the road to fend for yourself boy because if you can’t remember where that Silo was seeing Michael so angry for the first time even teabag gets scared he tries hard to recall the original location of the farm from his piece together memory the farm was next to a fork in the road surrounded by many trees and had a towering Barn within after circling the residential area a few times they finally stop at a fork that seems somewhat similar Michael after some analysis notices that the trees in the area are all about the same height likely planted at the same time but two trees are noticeably shorter probably due to not getting enough sunlight which must mean that a tall building blocked the sun here and this must have been where the Farm’s Barn stood since these houses are smaller and simpler they wouldn’t need deep foundations which means the money hidden in the seller might still be there just as they’re about to check it out a still Charming blonde woman comes out of the house digging in someone else’s Cellar is definitely not feasible teabag suggests just doing away with her but Michael and his brother having their own moral compass decide to find a legitimate reason to get inside while Lincoln is tampering with their House’s electric meter teabag the old pervert is ogling The woman Inside with eyes wide as copper Bells I was just looking pretty what’s that Old Chestnut uh I can look at the menu doesn’t mean I’m going to eat we get in we get the money we get out that’s it no absolutely after cutting off the woman’s electricity they let David out of the trunk they tell him to go back to the tool shop to get some work clothes and shovels fill up the car with gas and then hurry back but who would have thought while David was grabbing the tools the store owner’s friend stops by notices the scuffle marks and immediately calls the police in a panic David swings a shovel at him then locks him and the store owner together distracted David forgets to refill the car with gas and hurries back Lincoln noticed his averted eyes and on inquiry found that he was in trouble man I I don’t know dude it just it set off so fast did the call go through maybe man I what you mean maybe did the car go through yes I no I don’t know I don’t know man they top priority becomes to dig up the money quickly Michael posing as an electric company worker knocks on janette’s door and after some sweet talking she finally allows them in Michael says there’s a problem with the cables under your garage floor we need to dig up the floor to inspect it but don’t worry we’ll fix everything back to normal afterward and the entire repair process will be at no cost to you fine that’s okay y’all go ahead and do whatever y’all need to do Jette the noise might be substantial however just as they are about to start work two two familiar faces suddenly show up it turns out they are Benjamin and sucra two of the great eight escapes suk’s entire reason for escaping was to see his beloved girlfriend Mary Cruz but upon breaking out he learns that Mary Cruz has been swept off her feet by his cousin Hector just as sucra arrives at the wedding ready to alope with Mary Cruz Hector calls the police reporting a fugitive at the scene that don’t sound good cuz desperate and heartbroken sucra flees the scene and on the road he meets Benjamin who was also out treasure hunting now with six of the original eight-man Escape team gathered in Utah what has become of the other two in fact Jon had the best situation after escaping prison he not only regained his former status but also reunited with his wife and children and had a secure plan to go abroad however just then he receives a tip off about the witness who testified against him appearing in a small motel John who was always eager to Revenge couldn’t bear it and decided to kill him before leaving the country despite his wife’s persuasion but little did he know this was a trap set by mahome to lure JN in you’re looking for the rat John fibonacci’s 2,000 mi from here but Jon was so fed up with prison life that he couldn’t go back to prison so he raised his gun and chose to kill himself [Music] meanwhile Haywire after being ditched by the team leisurely pedals his way to freedom on a bicycle with the police focusing most of their efforts on Michael and the others Haywire remains at large to this day back on Michael’s side Janette is extremely hospitable constantly coming in to check on their progress or to offer them something to drink making it impossible for them to work properly so teabag volunteers to keep Janette company and distract her attention I know how to play nice I’ll be watching but upon seeing janette’s still Charming figure teabags gase doesn’t want to leave for even a moment teabag tries hard to conceal his inner desires while Janette is completely unaware that she’s sitting next to an unforgivable rapist join me just too Fus one has to admire teabags flirting skills they talk everything from poetry and songs to life philosophy just when teabag thinks he’s about to succeed janette’s words chill into the bone a strong guy that that doesn’t speak much would you go in there and ask him if he would like to have a drink with me after he punches it it turns out Janette is interested in the strong Lincoln teabag self aine took a massive hit he looked at the ice pick on the table his tongue moving up and down in his mouth meanwhile while Michael and the others have successfully uncovered a corner of the cellar and just need to expand the area to access the money hidden inside just as everyone sees hope David tells them that there was an accident when he went to get the tools so in his Rush he forgot to refuel the car Michael is furious upon hearing this I want you to go back into town I want you to gas up that car because I’m not driving around with millions of dollars in the trunk do you understand and why do I gots to do it okay but David is still too young his dodgy and evasive eyes making it obvious to anyone that something is wrong the staff immediately calls the police and deliberately delays waiting for the police to arrive David noticed an unhooked phone nearby and upon seeing the portraits of eight wanted criminals overhead immediately realized the situation and fled in panic but it’s too late the police relentlessly pursue him to a farm where Mahon suddenly fires a shot scaring David into surrendering with his hands up drop [Music] where are they here a group of people dug for half a day and finally noticed something wrong why there is no movement upstairs could it be that teabag has harmed someone Michael rushes upstairs and barges into the room thankfully finding no harm done she’s got the hospital a big strong one however the next second Janette darkley tells them to pack up and leave immediately not allowing them to finish the work it’s clear that teabag has angered Janette despite Michael’s please Janette is adamant about them leaving but just then a police officer arrives at the door in a panic teabag quickly grabs a hammer and subdues [Music] Janette hey Mom you home it turns out the person is janette’s daughter and when and sees the ice scattered on the ground she immediately senses something wrong and cautiously moves upstairs with her gun drawn just then Janette screams and and raises her gun aiming it at Michael and another person in the cars here back away and put your hands up I put my hand up going to take a jugular with it it’s okay back away and put your hands up just go easy oh nothing she ain’t the one carrying the car don’t move let’s be Cil the crisis was finally averted and the group tied up Janette and her daughter worried that teabag might kill to keep them quiet Michael asks sucra to watch over them while the rest go back to digging for the money because teabag had lost a hand and couldn’t help dig the cellar he sat on the side flipping through a magazine while teasing Benjamin Miss $100 bill what’s it like being with the African persuasion anyhow huh you shut the hell up don’t hit me a ner Benjamin has never seen such a Despicable request in his life and is ready to hit him but just then Lincoln sees on TV that his son son has been released from prison without charges unaware that this is actually a trap set by the government to lure out Lincoln as expected the simpleminded Lincoln ignores Michael’s advice drops the shovel and drives off in janette’s sports car to pick up his son he plans to take LJ and flee the country together in the interrogation room Mahone was trying to extract information about Michael and the others whereabouts from David however David remained tight lipped until mahome produced a photo of teabag killing Marvin gradually breaking down his psychological defenses David not inherently a villain but imprisoned over a stolen baseball card likely chose to reveal the digging location to prevent teag from committing more murders David had one condition there were hostages inside and a hasty police raid could provoke a murderer like teabag into drastic actions he suggested he should go first a strategy Mahone agreed with assembling all available officers to proceed with David to apprehend the suspects however upon opening the door out came a short-haired Beauty who was David’s girlfriend it turned out that David had snitched too much in prison which had led to the Escape team looking down on him now he would rather die than snitch Again David wanted to seize this opportunity to confess his love to his girlfriend hoping she would wait for him to be honorably released from prison but before he could finish the police took him away leading Mahone feeling deeply insulted by the intelligence insult he took David to a deserted roadside and ended David’s life with several shots [Music] mahol then placed another gun one without fingerprints in David’s hand to fabricate the illusion that David had attempted to grab the gun thus making it seem like self-defense at this moment mahon’s tail finally came out meanwhile sura having heard over and walki talkie that David was captured rushed downstairs to inform the group to leave immediately as the group was at a loss Benjamin seemed to disc something maybe you should maybe we are s excitedly they hurry to prepare to leave however at that moment sura always thought to be honest and simple pointed in gun at the other three intending to take all the money for himself with heavy hearts and no other choice they handed over the travel bag filled with money to sucra watching sucra walk away with the money the remaining three were devastated especially teabag who was hiding in a corner but staying there was pointless Michael quickly went upstairs to give Jan a knife so she could free herself once they were gone he also grabbed a rope intending to tie up teabag for the police only to find Upon returning to the warehouse the teabag had vanished I don’t know man look I got to I I I got to go all right uh good luck Michael then went back upstairs to tak’s walkie-talkie and rushed towards the woods however at that moment a familiar figure appeared before him adios amigos huh you great me you and Link four we got to send a share to Charles’s daughter with her father’s love just like I promised it turned out the act of keeping the money to themselves was a plan they had devised together but when SU opened the money bag they were both stunned inside was nothing but magazines the real money had already been taken by teabag it turns out that when he was reading the magazines he had planned to take the money for himself the travel bag given to sucr was the one filled with magazines taking advantage of the other’s absence teabag had quietly taken the money and left then bought a secondhand car to drive towards a bright future I lo away absolutely don’t get into online dating because you might end up meeting a vicious rapist Susan welcomed teabag into her home and her daughter instantly adored her mom’s new boyfriend as they joyfully played digital games together Susan gazing upon this tender scene began to Envision the Bliss of a family of four together and it was from this moment that teabag genuinely experienced the joy of having a family he wished to leave his dark past behind and fully immerse himself in Susan’s family to truly reform and become a good person until Susan saw and TV that this man was actually wanted for the rape and murder of six students she was instantly shocked after calming down Susan quietly called the police as a result teabag was arrested sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of Parole in prison tag wrote countless letters seeking forgiveness even though it was Susan who had reported him because it was the only person he’d ever loved or even wanted to change but he’d never gotten a response from Susan now teabag had successfully escaped from prison and had swallowed the entire $5 million the Escape team had Unearthed I lo away he changed into decent clothes holding a bouquet of sunflowers and returned to Susan’s old home hoping to start over but upon opening the door teabag found the place completely abandoned with memories of the past flooding back in the empty room however as teabag turned around a brick was fiercely thrown at him the as salent was none other than the former prison guard Captain bellich after being abandoned by the Michael Brothers last time and left penniless bellich had planned to ask his mother for money to take the bus home but then they saw on TV that Janette had been kidnapped and the garage was in disarray indicating Michael and the others had found the loot after discussing they decided not to go back so they disguised themselves as officers and immediately went to janette’s to inquire about the whereabouts of Michael and others the $1100 was Tag’s deliberate showoff making a special trip back just to stop it into janette’s chest only then did they learn that teabag had absconded with the money as the former prison guard Captain Bellic easily found out how teabag was imprisoned and how he had written to Susan seeking forgiveness therefore Bellic tracked him down using the mailing address they tied up teabag and demanded to know where the $5 million was where you stashed West Mor’s money or I’m going to pluck you like a chicken stitch by Stitch but teabag who had gone through so much to sec the money wouldn’t just hand it over thus teabag was tortured by Bellic and Roy all night but still refused to talk as teabag took the chance to escape a key from his trouser leg suddenly fell to the ground he leaned over and picked up the key immediately shoving it into his mouth it turns out that just before teabag came to Susan he quietly deposited the money in one of the motel’s public lockers the key he swallowed was meant to open that Locker left with no Alternatives Bellic and Roy had no choice but to wait for teabag to excrete the tea on the other hand after discovering they had been swindled out of $5 million by teabag Michael and sucra harbored thoughts of killing tag but there is nothing they can do now because the message from the intercom is that the police are searching for them fortunately teabag still had a shred of conscience as he took the 5 million he left a few hundred for the others Michael and sucra purchased a used car planning to head to the rendevu point with Lincoln before attempting to flee to Mexico before that sucra made a call to his brother to inquire about his girlfriend Mary Cruz unexpectedly Mary Cruz hadn’t married Hector she had a change of heart right at the wedding venue it seemed Mary Cruz still deeply loved him Overjoyed sucra no longer desired to flee to Mexico but decided to take the risk to find Mary Cruz with Michael’s blessing they parted ways Michael heading to the meeting point alone was encircled and pursued by the police continuing like this he would eventually get caught with 2 days left until his meeting with Lincoln Michael decided to take the initiative to investigate Mahone during this Gap believing in the strategy of knowing both the enemy and oneself Michael gathered a vast amount of information on Mahone then bought a decent outfit and posed as an FBI agent conducting a background check for Mahone’s promotion visiting Mahone’s ex-wife Pam’s house curiously although mahome clearly loved his ex-wife and child it was unknown why he chose to divorce digging deeper it was revealed that this was all because years ago Mahon encountered an extremely intelligent criminal obsessed with capturing him mahome focused all his efforts on the task until a year ago when there was no more news of the criminal Mahon suddenly relaxed and Mahon had purchased a bunch of random lie tinkering in his garden daily not allowing anyone close after analyzing Michael speculated that the criminal had likely been captured by an almost paranoid Mahone and then his body was whipped and buried in his backyard the lie was intended for destroying the evidence before leaving Michael stole Pam’s phone and dialed Mahone’s number Michael hoped Mahone would stop pursuing him otherwise he would expose the body in the garden but Mahon flatly rejected him as he was facing both internal and external troubles The Coincidence of two escaped prisoners dying under his Pursuit coupled with mahon’s past a violent law enforcement led the internal affairs Department to investigate him quickly sir uh there’s a phone call for you I’ll take it later um sir you’re going to want to take this now luckily Mahal had a powerful backer Kellerman which was why he remained in scath and Kellerman was backed by President Caroline since the Escape team had been with Lincoln for too long they inevitably knew some inside information about Lincoln Being Framed so they all had to die mahona ba Kellerman because Kellerman also knew about the body buried in mahon’s backyard meanwhile Lincoln while taking LJ to the rendevu point was indeed captured by the government’s man but on the way back a van rammed the police car and several people came out directly taking the father and son away come here let go me okay calm down calm down you try that again who the hell are you we’re on your side we’re with your father they were brought to a secret location where LJ finally met his grandfather he had never seen before Al those subsequent words made Lincoln realize that he was just a minor piece in this grand scheme bellik placed a cander on the toilet and then stripped teabags pants down forcefully pressing him onto the toilet ball to prevent teabag from escaping he tightly bound him with tape Bellic did this because teabag had just swallowed the key to a locker containing $5 million and stolen money to expedite the process Bellic even had Roy purchase laxatives after completing these preparations the two vigilantly stood guard outside eagerly fantasizing about living the high life with the $5 million their persistence paid off as a torrential release heralded the keys rival teabag finally expelled it get the stool what stool the stool Roy inwardly size that every time something good happens Bic are the first to get on it while he’s relegated to the front line to do the Dirty Work however for the sake of $5 million Roy temporarily swallowed his pride the duo then tied teabag a wanted criminal to the radiator and called the police despite teabags please it was to no avail he was now of no use to them minutes later the sound of police sirens approached sending teabag into a frenzy of desperation if caught he knew he would never again leave prison alive te-ag glanced at his recently stitched severed hand and in a grim resolve bit through the sutures by the time the police arrived the place was deserted leaving behind only a severed hand in the corner meanwhile Bellic and his accomplice had reached the motel and successfully retriev the $5 million he’s always the first to go when something good happens over overwhelmed with excitement Bellic rushed to check the money in the bag unaware that Roy had quietly pulled a hammer out of his pocket all that green he pretty here Grand Canyon hey that’s the most beautiful thing you ever seen hand over the b r I’m not getting around well you think you’re Pandy ass unbeknownst to him the hunter became the hunted Roy emerged as the ultimate Victor in life he moved into the most luxurious presidential suite and ordered three ladies of very gure from the plump to the slim the tall to the short blondes to brunettes he had it all but as Roy turned to grab the money he realized there was a GPS tracker in the bag before Roy could react the Ferocious teabag broke in a terrified Roy hastily begged for mercy claiming that the idea to torture teabag was all Bellic and offering to split half of the money with teabag but it was too late the ruthless teabag ended Roy’s life with a wine bottle by then Bellic had awakened from his unconscious State a female officer came to inquire but Bellic was at a loss for words he couldn’t possibly admit to trailing to Utah for the $5 million only to have his colleague abcon with it so he concocted an excuse after the police left an enraged Bellic called Roy thi son of a better get down on your knees and pray to God that I don’t find you because if I do mark my words I’m going to G you about 5,000 however upon leaving the hospital he encountered Roy’s Body being brought in Mr Bell yeah you you mind answering a few more questions at the police station Bellic realized he couldn’t hide the truth any longer and divulged some self-serving information unbeknownst to him the police had already accessed recordings of his threats to Roy moreover Roy’s stay in the presidential suite was charged to his credit card Bellic and Roy’s collaboration had always been financed through his credit card after killing Roy tag deliberately left the spending records at the scene now Bellic had no defense with a clear motive the police promptly arrested him I did not kill Roy Gary you understand what I’m telling you I will set me up get your hands off of me Bradley b you are under arrest for the first agree murder of Roy William gear you have a right to remain silent anything you say can be used against you in a court of law you have the right to talk to a lawyer and to have him present with you when being questioned can not hire a lawyer the court will appoint went for you from then on Bellic completely fell from being a guard to becoming a prisoner Sarah had just returned home to find her father the governor hang from the door frame in her haste to take him down she didn’t notice a key falling to the ground she checked her father’s pulse only to find he had been dead for some time soon after the police arrived and preliminarily ruled Frank’s death of suicide as the guards were outside and there were no signs of forced entry but Sarah refused to believe that her father who had just been nominated for vice president would choose to end his life without any warning after the investigators left she discovered a key under her backpack one she had never seen before however Sarah was too distraught to concern herself with the origin of the key and pocketed it before dragging her exhausted body back to her place but upon opening her door she was shocked to find syringes and morphine scattered on the table a clear sign someone had broken in intending to Stage her overdose suicide before she could process this an agent appeared behind Sarah M tank I didn’t you startle you what the hell are you doing in my house I’m so sorry for your loss realizing he intended to kill her she quickly made sure to fight back leaving marks on her bod so the police would not believe it was a suicide but her as salent had already planned for this parent attempt to avoid jail time the governor’s daughter skips bail and disappears you’re talking about your last minutes Miss T please don’t do this that stuff on the table is premium confused and panicked Sarah stumbled upon a can of insecticide seizing the moment she managed to escape and found a public phone booth to call her father’s colleague for help however as Sarah hid in the corner awaiting rescue a beautiful woman with a similar build and hair color happened to come to the public phone booth to make a call unexpectedly this woman was mistaken for her and shot dead in the street realizing she could trust no one Sarah hurriedly removed her phone’s battery desperate Sarah finally thought of Michael since his Escape Michael had sent her several encrypted letters deciphering them Sarah learned that Michael wanted her to meet him in a remote town soon after many days they finally met outside the prison for the first time however Michael’s next words chilled Sarah to the Bone I’ve arranged for us to get to Panama we’re meeting up with my brother tomorrow wait that’s your plan although she still loves Michael deeply she can’t accept being on the run with two of America’s Most Wanted criminals especially since her current predicament is a direct result of Michael after venting her frustrations a car seemed to approach from afar the man was FBI agent Mahone during Sarah’s Escape Kellerman who had intentionally gotten close to Sarah discovered the encrypted communication and then handed it over to the highly intelligent Mahone for decryption Mahone had successfully tracked them to this location they fled to a nearby Factory with Mahone following gun in hand Michael knew he was there to silence them doubting they could Escape alive this time in a critical moment Michael spotted a gas pipeline valve and hatched a plan I wouldn’t do that if I were you Alex you smell that it’s propane it’s filling the room and if you pull that trigger we both die after a verbal duel mahol found himself at a loss against Michael and could only watch helplessly as Michael made his Escape once again after escaping danger Michael and Sarah arrived at a safe Motel to tend to their wounds seizing the moment when Michael went to Fresh up Sarah chose to silently leave because Michael himself was in danger Sarah did not want to follow Michael to live on the Run however reconsidering that she although not a fugitive was also being hunted and she couldn’t bear to part with Michael Sarah chose to return but just then Kellerman who had been tracking her appeared before her on the other side Al the Finally Revealed the true reason behind his son Being Framed Aldo like Kellerman was once part of a mysterious company led by a man named Bill Caroline’s presidency was secured by the company’s removal of all obstacles controlling the US government and manipulating policies while conducting operations the government could not officially sanction as the company’s actions grew more outrageous Aldo not wanting to be complicit took some critical documents and fled to force Aldo to surface the company framed his Son Lincoln for the murder of stemman and sent him to prison they never anticipated Michael would successfully break Lincoln out if the framing of Lincoln were proven president Caroline would be forced to resign to prevent the spread of this information the company sought to kill Lincoln and anyone with firsthand contact including all eight escapes from the prison Aldo only now shared this because his team had just secured Vital Information a National Security Agency analyst delving into a highlevel surveillance program accidentally overheard of a phone call between President Caroline and her supposedly Dead Brother stemman the analyst was horrified Lincoln’s execution for the murder of stemman who is still alive is that not a conspiracy therefore the analyst took the tape and mailed it to Frank this became the direct cause of Frank’s death and Sarah being hunted Aldo was certain the tape was with Sarah for the company would not relentlessly pursue her otherwise with this recording Lincoln’s innocence would be undeniable and they could seize the opportunity to move against the president and the company while discussing they were oblivious to the presence of a mole in their midst the mole hurriedly made a call to the leader Bill moments later the company’s assassin arrived skilled and unobstructed but the sound of a bullet casing hitting the ground before entering alerted [Music] Lincoln he immediately had everyone hide and then tackled the Assassin disarming him the struggle became intense the Assassin being a professional grabbed a kitchen knife and lunged at Lincoln fortunately one of Aldo’s men ended the Assassin with a shot at that moment the Assassin’s phone rang and the caller was Bill just like anyone else you s to take out my son we want you this isn’t about LJ there’s a very simple way for all of this to end I’ll tell you how it’s going to end me staring your dead eye with my hand around your throat you don’t even know who I am such a beautiful woman yet she suffered such brutal abuse a man pulled out a high-powered iron plugged it in and then forcefully pushed Sarah into the bathtub Paul resorted to such drastic measures because Sarah’s father had hidden a recording this incriminating recording once exposed would inevitably lead to president Caroline’s downfall but Sarah truly had no idea what they were after and her father hadn’t given her anything before he died while in the water Sarah suddenly remembers picking up an unfamiliar key next to her father’s body perhaps the very place where he had the recording but Sarah would never reveal this because even if she did she would be silenced by murder seeing no results from his interrogation Paul decided to drown Sarah in the bathtub just as Paul was about to saw her body into pieces a knock from the hotel owner sounded outside due to complaints from Neighbors about the noise while they talked Sarah managed to bite open the bathtubs valve by the time Paul returned to the room the bathtub was empty a mere shadow of its former self seizing the moment Sarah quickly grabbed the key from the table and escaped through the window meanwhile bill called to inquire about the outcome Paul not knowing how to explain lied that Sarah was already dead but Bill wasn’t fooled and demanded a photo of the disposed body seeing his lie exposed Paul knew the company wouldn’t let him off easily so he hurriedly made a call to Caroline pleading for Mercy but Caroline now president would certainly not associate with someone like him when Paul tried to contact his former colleagues he discovered he had been erased from the system as if he had never existed in this world at all clearly it wouldn’t be long before he would disappear from this world entirely on the other side another Power was also searching for the whereabouts of the recording Aldo wanted to bring down Caroline and the company and clear his son Lincoln’s name so he had to find Sarah and get the recording first knowing the special relationship between Michael and Sarah Aldo persuaded Lincoln to find Michael after leaving LJ with a secretary they rushed to meet Michael as agreed by the two brothers unexpectedly sucra also showed up after Mary Cruz ran away from her wedding to avoid Hector’s harassment she went to Mexico alone to clear her mind meanwhile Michael was also heading to Mexico so sucra followed him all the way here to meet up with Michael Michael had to meet here because he had made a detailed Escape Plan before going to jail he had the coordinates tattooed on his body 200 km from here was a Smuggler who for a price could get them on a plane to Mexico along the way Aldo tried hard to persuade Michael not to flee the country claiming that getting the recording would set them free but Michael had seen Sarah just yesterday and heard nothing about a recording moreover Michael Knew Too Well the government’s Darkness having the recording might not necessarily bring down the president while the two sides were at a standstill a familiar figure appeared on a distant Hill after being released mahome continued to analyze the tattoos and breaking his head over it finally realized that the numbers looked more like coordinates so he hurriedly drove to the location go get out get out they narrowly escape but unexpectedly Aldo was shot in the stomach during his escape and is seriously injured the two could only give their father a simple burial though Aldo hadn’t raised them for over 30 years he had done what he did to avoid involving his family from that moment on Michael resolved to stay in avenge his father the three drove to the smug point after hugging sucra goodbye they watched him board the plane and would have been good are you ready for this been waiting years good to hear it cuz today is the day we stop running but on the brother’s way back a fighter jet flew over them which must have been there to intercept the stowaway plane just as Michael was worrying about sucra Mahone’s car caught up again and the fighter jet intercepting them was there because he had alerted the authorities they heard hly fled in their car but hadn’t anticipated that their fuel wouldn’t last as long as Mahones from day to night Mahone finally succeeded in capturing the two brothers but just as Mahon was about to shoot the two brothers the border patrol arrived in time United States border patrol drop your weapon reluctantly Mahon had no choice but to lower his gun albeit begrudgingly in the women’s restroom Sarah lit a match to sterilize the sewing needle in her hand she took a deep breath preparing to stitch a long tear on her arm but despite several attempts she couldn’t muster the courage to start Sarah slapped the restroom door hard and finally with gritted teeth and without anesthesia she stitched through her flesh needle by needle to avoid detection Sarah endured the immense pain without making a sound she dared not go to the hospital because she was harboring a shocking secret which if revealed would inevit bring down the current president Caroline and was the direct cause of her being hunted in this world the only person Sarah could trust was her beloved Michael but despite repeatedly dialing Michael’s number no one answered it wasn’t until she saw the news of the Michael Brothers arrest on TV that Sarah was completely stunned this meant that she no longer had anyone in the world she could trust Sarah returned to the hotel and started simulating cutting off her long hair with a blade to avoid recognition she had to painfully cut off her beloved long hair then she discarded her phone bank cards and ID and began a life on the run on the other side the news of Michael and Lincoln’s capture made the headlines and the investigative team was overjoyed but mahome couldn’t feel happy because if Michael and Lincoln were brought back to Washington the company’s Dirty Deeds would inevitably be exposed Bill also called ordering Mahone to kill them on Route at any cost that afternoon the Michael Brothers transport process was initiated with a group of fully armed police looking impen able meanwhile Bill had made arrangements on his end they would create an opportunity for Mahone who just needed to shoot at the escaping Brothers in the chaos then a call was made to Paul ostensibly asking him to assist Mahone in The Killing secretly Bill instructed Mahone to ensure that amid the chaos a straight bullet would take out Paul as well the vehicle transporting them quickly arrived at a tunnel where as expected a large truck broke down and blocked the way all the police rushed forward to help this series of actions thoroughly confused Michael they couldn’t possibly be thinking of lifting the truck away could they what puzzled him even more was that the guards watching over them were also called over to help as the police left the keys to the handcuffs just happened to fall on the seat and the door to the opposite Culver was also open come on all right let’s say we get the Cuffs off where do we go it seemed too coincidental so much so that even a fool could see see this was a blatant attempt to let them Escape however the brothers were caught in a dilemma if they didn’t run Lincoln would return to prison to face the death penalty and Michael would spend the rest of his life in prison running would mean giving mahome permission to shoot to kill but still there was that sliver of Hope after weighing their options the brothers decided to take a desperate chance here we go here we go copy that all right we’re on heads Up full traffic Lincoln was the first to climb over the railing with Michael following closely behind in a moment of life and death the two successfully escaped into the Culvert but they didn’t know it was a dead end with mahome relentlessly pursuing them and Paul blocking the exit the brothers realized they were trapped however at the critical moment when Mahon was about to shoot Paul acted first and it was a bewildered Mahone who fell president Reynold ruined your life she ruined my life you want to take the down you just found your inside man but it’s got to be right now let’s go now it turned out Paul was well aware of his situation now having been expelled from the system his next step would be to vanish without a trace it was better to join forces with Michael and his brother hoping for a slim chance of survival with Paul’s status as an intelligence agency operative the three of them easily made their way to a secluded cabin in Montana there they found the president Caroline’s supposedly Dead Brother Terren being held if Terren were to appear in public Caroline and the company would never have a chance to recover he look pretty good for a dead man get in the car wait wait who’s there it’s Kelly got do not let him Escape kill stemman kill them all now to escape police capture teabag bit off his hand that had just been stitched up a few days ago having escaped teabag arriv red at a bar and started celebrating while looking at his wanted photo on TV but just as teabag turned around he saw something of Interest a very realistic looking prosthetic hand teabag immediately approached to ask a veteran where he got his arm attached indicating he was willing to pay any price however the destitute and cynical Soldier having lost an arm himself wondered why teabag was so wealthy thus the veteran flatly refused teabag but the veteran didn’t know how ruthless the man before him could be after leaving the the bar the hand had already become teabags teabags squatted in front of the post office and then he was going to do something that will completely change your mind but in the end you would be deeply moved by his Twisted actions after waiting for a female employee to leave work teabag approached her during their meal teabag even tenderly wiped a grain of rice from her mouth one had to admire teabags flirting skills in just a few minutes he had Denise beaming with joy upon learning that Denise had just gotten divorced t teabag boldly confessed and by the end of the meal Denise was easily won over teabag asked Denise to help look up a relative’s address blinded by love Denise didn’t have the slightest doubt and helped teabag look up a cousin named Susan but the moment Denise handed the printed information to tag her face instantly froze oh dear [Music] God I really wish you hadn’t seen that by the time teabag left the post office Denise was already a dead body lying on the ground not long after teabag arrived at Susan’s doorstep nervously fixing his hair then te-ag took a deep breath and knocked on Susan’s door hello Mrs Hollander they say a good woman is hard to find but that’s true you must be very very very good fear was written all over Susan’s face she had once deeply loved this man and even thought about marrying him until she discovered that this man was a fugitive wanted for the rape and murder of six students she took the opportunity to report teabag and send him to prison then she moved to this place where no acquaintances knew her to live but teabag was also deeply in love with her the only one who made him want to put aside his past and start a new teabag said he had forgiven her and he only wanted to reintegrate into her family to be a good father and a good husband during their conversation Susan’s two children came home from school they were unusually happy about their mother’s long unseen boyfriend’s visit clearly Susan had not mentioned anything about teabag to them when Gracie asked teabag how he lost his arm teabag had no choice but to lie that it was an accident at work but he received a million dollars in compensation for each finger taking advantage of this moment Susan tried to retrieve the handgun from the drawer but teabag quickly got up and grabbed her teabag stated that the $5 million would be spent on the three of them fearing for her children’s safety Susan had to pretend to be happy in the afternoon teabag pulled Susan to watch TV with the children and he was genuinely happy at that moment however Susan was uncomfortable she intentionally spilled tea to try and retrieve the handgun from the drawer but she didn’t know the gun had already been taken by teabag wait put the past where it belonged not do not lie to me woman have to turn C me to the authorities after everything we had after breaking my heart into so many pieces that I will never give the more you can at least do me the favor to not stand there and lie to my face Zach sensed his mother’s Panic he hurriedly copied the ball bag and slammed at a teabag but how could the strength of Susan and her two children possibly match teabags in a moment they were trapped in the house again after this incident teabag nailed all the doors and windows shut with wooden boards however neighbors kept coming over to look for Susan knowing this couldn’t go on without being discovered teabag decided to take them back to to his old home which he remembered the place had been uninhabited for many years and had fallen into disrepair teabag pushed open the door a place he never wanted to enter again unless absolutely necessary he moved a cabinet and pulled out a thick dictionary from a small hole behind it flipping through the yellowed Pages memories of the past slowly emerged in his mind teabag was born from the incestuous relationship between his father and his mentally disabled sister his father was a drunkard who hung out with bad company and would have teabag performed spell words for entertainment whenever his friends left his father violated teabag like an animal since then teabag had a deep hatred for his family’s blood until he met Susan it was only when he met Susan that he felt like he had a new lease on life he asked Susan to rebuild his family with him but how could Susan agree with a man who was wanted for the rape and murder of six students teabag finally told her the truth the six students were actually direct relatives of the teabag family he wanted to cut off this dirty and evil bloodline though he wouldn’t want children he intended to let the bloodline end with his generation teag once again pleaded with Susan to accept him and live together but from the fear in Susan’s eyes teabag already knew the answer I can’t I’m sorry he locked up the mother and her two children then sat silently in the yard by himself staring at the axe on the tree stump as his tongue involuntarily began to move again not long after the basem*nt door was reopened and the mother and her two children were completely terrified however what appeared in front of them were two policemen the police said they rushed over after receiving an anonymous tip but in such a remote place it was impossible for anyone to know and several kilometers away on the road teabag dropped the phone sobbing uncontrollably this was the first time in his life he felt such loss because the hope that had always sustained him from then on was shattered perhaps he could never have an ordinary family for the rest of his life Michael’s reason for escaping from prison was to save his brother Lincoln who was framed and sentenced to death the charge was the accusation of murdering the president Caroline’s brother Terren after two months of Relentless effort the brothers finally managed to escape from prison and capture Terrence who was faking his death once Terrence appeared in public it was expected that Lincoln’s wrongful case would collapse on its own Caroline and the company behind her would also have no chance of turning things around however what they hadn’t anticipated was that all Al though the person in front of them was indeed Terren his teeth had already been pulled up by the company and his fingerprints had been erased Terren had not only undergone plastic surgery but even the DNA in his file had been replaced and tampered with so even if teren showed his face no one would recognize who he was just as the situation became deadlocked again Terren was mocking Paul the intelligence agency operative who had just switched sides you’re just a lowly lap dog don’t think I don’t know you’re slaving away from my sister Caroline because you’re you’re hopelessly in love with her you even proposed to her but with your background How Could my sister ever look at you after saying this Terren covered his false teeth and laughed loudly completely infuriating Lincoln we all suffered because of you some died some went to prison and you still have the nerve to laugh you kill him he’s just a John just put your gun down when he puts his down link we’re so close was worth it killing those people ruining my life you get a handle on your brother you’re not helping you’re not helping link you don’t want to do this trust me with Michael’s persuasion Lincoln finally managed to suppress his rage and put down the gun but this standoff wasn’t a solution ignoring Paul’s objections Michael picked up the phone and called the local most famous TV station this is Michael scoffield I’m about to cut back motel room 11 and I want to turn myself in such explosive news was of of course something the TV station wouldn’t miss however Terren became extremely agitated upon knowing that Michael intended to expose him suddenly Terren snatched the gun from Lincoln’s waist wanting them to let him go Terence we can’t let you do that Terrence Terence all we need is your mouth I will shoot out both your knees right now I never liked you Paul I won’t hesitate to take your life all right just Terren listen to me just listen Terrence for once in your life do the right thing all right but not wanting to ruin his sister’s future and fearing imprisonment after much hesitation he chose suicide sorry the three of them wanted to die it’s all over now the police in the TV station had already arrived outside but the body inside could not prove to be teren moreover the brothers were still fugitives this time they were completely stuck in a end fortunately Paul thought of a solution he first showed his agent ID then pretended to have arrived first to capture the two men once they came out they took advantage of the situation to take a cameraman hostage and quickly drove away after shaking off the police pursuit the three of them arrived at an empty Warehouse after some discussion they decided to create a sensational news story using the cameraman mahalan had already recovered and returned to work as the shot hadn’t hit a vital part and the News was currently broadcasting Michael and his brother’s appeal video Penitentiary because I was sentenced to death for a crime I did not commit I did not murder Terence deedman he committed suicide last night in the cutback motel 30 Mi outside from his home in Blackfoot Montana he killed himself out of fear they’ve stolen billions of dollars and murdered dozens of innocent people and yet they plaster our face is on the news and tell you to be afraid they are a group of multinationals corporate interests together they’re known as the company they are working with the highest levels of government including the president of the United States the next part was Michael expressing his apologies to Sarah but the speech was interspersed with a code hoping Sarah would see it and meet up with them however Mahone being extremely intelligent knew that not many people would believe the words of two fugitives more over there was no substantial evidence to pose a threat to the president and the company so the words Michael said to Sarah afterward were the most crucial immediately mahome printed out this speech and rushed to Fox River State Penitentiary to ask Sarah’s former colleagues for clarification and this was seen by bellich who had recently been imprisoned and brutally tormented speaking of bellich it’s necessary to mention his regrettable past initially Sarah’s job here was actually thanks to bellic’s recommendation bellich middle-aged single man living with his mother had always wanted to find a partner he had intended to introduce Sarah to work here and then slowly develop a relationship with her but Sarah had no interest in him at all for Bellic he knew everything about what Sarah liked what books she read upon seeing this speech he realized that a few words were from a book Sarah liked very much mahom bought and reviewed the book indeed finding a hidden message at this time bill called to say that they had found traces of Haywire a member of the Escape team but mahalan had no intention of focusing on such minor characters so he went back to the prison to recruit Bellic to assist him as long as Bellic agreed to be his dog he could gain his freedom I need a junkyard dog who’s willing to do the ugly things it takes to bring a cond to Justice are you my dog Brad damn hell yeah I am the freed Bellic arrived at the scene and finally cornered Haywire on a high platform he immediately called Mahone Mahone’s purpose was clear anyone who had contact with the brothers had to die but not too obviously so after a thorough lecture from a home that this world was hell and jumping down would take one to Heaven Haywire was influenced by Mahone to finally jump from the platform [Music] the next day Michael and Sarah finally met at the train station but with time pressing there was no chance to talk about love the Urgent matter was to figure out the real purpose of the key they looked at each other clueless Sarah we’ve got someone working with us now so Michael introduced their new partner to Sarah it was also at this time that Michael finally learned that Sarah had been severely abused by Paul For the First Time Michael felt the urge to kill someone but without Paul their chances of taking down Caroline were almost impossible regaining his composure Michael finally let go of his anger Paul said the key belonged to a private club in Chicago the four of them hurriedly set off Paul using his agent identity again boarded the train and isolated a carriage for themselves Midway Paul secretly made a call to to Caroline even then Paul was hesitating whether to hand over Michael and his brother to Caroline or return to Caroline’s side to obediently be her LAPD dog but Caroline kept asking where they were urging him to bring the people to her never mentioning what would happen to them afterward although the agent’s phone was equipped with antioc tracking Paul was unaware that bill was arranging for someone to pinpoint his location through the sound of his voice before long the train suddenly slowed down and looking outside they discovered that the train had been intercepted this time they might truly be trapped with no escape a wanted criminal jumps under the roof of a train that is rapidly decelerating because the police had set up a roadblock ahead and once the train stopped the four fugitives inside would be sitting ducks Lincoln climbs down from the escalator successfully reaches the driver’s cabin and orders the train driver to crash through the blockade at the same time Lincoln opens the cabin door to let his accomplices in threatened with their lives the train driver has no choice but to restart the acceleration lever thus they successfully break through the first critical barrier set up by the police however Michael knows that when the train stops at the next station there will be even more police waiting for them making Escape impossible after a moment of hesitation Michael finally comes up with a cunning escape plan after the four leave the driver’s cabin the train driver hears over the intercom that the fugitives have jumped off the train he looks out the window and indeed sees several wanted criminals so he immediately makes a distress call within minutes a large number of police officers arrive at the scene and launch a helicopter to thoroughly search the area under the net they were finally arrested by the police successfully but then they realized that they were just Railway staff dressed as the four fugitives it was actually Michael who coerced the employees into sending the false alarm to the train driver then swapped their clothes with those of the four employees warning them to run into the forest if they didn’t want to get shot meanwhile because the police force at the next station was depleted Michael and his three companions safely arrived in Chicago swaggering through unchallenged in order to clear their names and bring down the president they steal a used car and head to a private cigar club to find out what secret Sarah’s assassinated Governor father is hiding there Sarah holds the key searching for her father’s cigar cabinet while Michael keeps watch outside but just as Michael is looking at the club’s staff roster a police car suddenly drives up to the window real realizing that the police have already been monitoring the place Michael quickly pulls Sarah to escape through the back door as fugitives they have no way to enter again but on the club’s introduction list Michael sees an old acquaintance Henry Pope who was once the warden of Fox River state penetentiary was forced into early retirement and lost 30 years of pension because of Michael and the others escape and he just happens to be a member of this club Sarah knocks on Henry’s door they reveal their purpose for coming but how could Henry possibly Aid two fugitives the fact that Henry was dismissed and lost his pension at the brink of retirement was all because of Michael and others escape just as Henry is about to call the police Michael out of desperation pulls out a gun Michael says this recording is crucial evidence of Lincoln’s innocence and could even prove the president’s crimes if the contents of the cabinet don’t prove everything they’ve claimed he’s willing to surrender himself with everything said Henry decides to trust Michael one more time Henry finds a USB drive inside an envelope and Sarah’s father’s cigar cabinet indeed skeptical at first Henry borrows a computer and after listening to the recording hurries out of the club but then an unexpected visitor blocks Henry’s way Henry you don’t mind if I ask you to empty your pockets as a matter of fact I do I’m not going to play any games any we both know why you came here today I suggest you get out of my way young man I can’t do that Lincoln and Paul who were keeping watch from the opposite building quickly head down meanwhile Michael drives over and hits Bill Lincoln arrives and kicks Bill’s Gun away not forgetting to throw several punches at Bill’s face before leaving Paul also takes out other enemies but as he is about to get into the car Sarah coldly locks the door harboring a deep resentment for the torment Paul inflicted on her hearing the approaching Sirens Paul has no choice but to flee on foot after obtaining the USB drive Michael also gets out of the car with Henry as he plans to fulfill his promise to surrender himself however Henry changes his mind after listening to the recording which indeed contains crucial information as Michael said and believes in Lincoln’s innocence as for the surrender Henry suggests waiting until Michael has done what he needs to do they part ways and Henry finally finds a safe Hotel upon listening to the recording they are stunned by its contents oh my God yeah the recording not only contains a conversation between Caroline and Terrence but also include something unimaginable the release of this recording could clear Lincoln’s name and definitely bring Caroline down however being fugitives any Revelation they make could be dismissed as fake so it must come from someone within the government but where to find trustworthy government agents Lincoln immediately thought of his father’s secretary maybe she knows someone after some inquiries they finally contact the former acting attorney general Cooper however their excitement dips again when Cooper listens to the recording it turns out the recording is a copy and the copy audio cannot determine the time of recording this means the recording can’t prove whether it was made before or after terrence’s fake death and therefore cannot clear Lincoln’s innocence but Cooper impli that although the recording is legally useless Caroline doesn’t know it’s a copy Michael quickly realizes he can use the recording to Blackmail Caroline into granting a pardon potentially saving him and his brother if you come across someone with such a lot expression in a restaurant remember to steer clear because his motive for murder may be more than you can imagine simply because the person looked somewhat similar to him teabag grabbed a metal object from the table and harshly struck the person’s head teg’s sole purpose was to use the victim’s ID to buy a plane ticket to Mexico but when the staff was putting teabags luggage into the cargo hold wads of robbed money fell to the ground luckily no one else saw it sir I know that bag is way over the weight limit for carryon pounds make on a 3ton aircraft whether that’s up above or underneath FAA violation wanting to avoid further complications teabag could only watch as the package containing $5 million was placed into the cargo hold unbeknownst to him Bellic was also on the same flight Bellic has now become Mahone’s lap dog earning $200,000 for each escaped prisoner he captures this time Bellic is headed to Mexico specifically to capture sura who is hiding there fortunately they are seated in different classes on the plane and do not notice each other but when they were getting off the plane to pick up a package teabag finally spotted Bellic who was also picking up a package to avoid him teabag can only watch helplessly as his package is pushed into the warehouse as teabag sneaks into the warehouse to retrieve it himself he is discovered by a staff member and mistaken for a thief fearing being recognized teabag quickly grabs a suitcase and hurls it at the staff member’s head the two engage in a fierce struggle and teabag knocks the staff member unconscious with a punch the Machinery detects an anomaly and emits a deafening alarm leading teag no choice but to abandon the package and flee in panic meanwhile sucra has successfully reunited with Mary Cruz in Mexico and is living a happy life in a house provided by his aunt but while sucra was watching TV the news was showing a robbery at the airport by an unknown man man sucra looked at the man and saw that it was teabag who had taken the $5 million but how could he have robbed the bag do you really believe that that money is at the airport hey forget it sucra has the idea to get the 5 million so that they can live the rest of their lives without worrying however Mary Cruz opposes the idea not wanting to risk their current happiness for money sura content with having such a considerate girlfriend turns to wash some cherries only to find Mary Cruz missing hey look at here good old sura what did you do to them where are they money hey hey hey hey keep your cap on unless you want to see me try out the new T20 Z on your bayam muchacha Maron I think you better come with me it turns out Bellic has taken suk’s girlfriend an anunt hostage forcing sucra to surrender for their safety but upon learning Bellic is after the $200,000 Bounty sucra offers a more tempting deal wait wait wait wait wait what if I know where you can get $5 [Music] million where is it I could take you there if you didn’t have to take me back to the stage and turn you back in where is it teabags in town teabag has meanwhile hired people to retrieve the package as he looked towards the entrance he just happened to see sucra and belly coming for the package teabag broke into a Sprint then hailed a taxi and hurly made his Escape div Diva please I need that money you son I’m you please please luckily sura finds a tag on the package with the tourist’s identity information they immediately head to the tourism Bureau where using bellic’s fake FBI identity they ask the staff to call them once the person is spotted with the money teabag resumes a comfortable life hiring a woman to wear a wig and impersonate his beloved Susan reliving their Sweet Moments together however when time is up and the woman demands more money to continue teabag not lacking funds but annoyed by the mood being spoiled argues with her unexpectedly the woman insults teabags beloved Susan I don’t know who this suszie is but no wonder she wants nothing to do with you you didn’t just call her B did you okay leading teabag to kill again and flee to Panama sucra and His companion receive a call from the tourism Bureau unaware that Michael and his brother’s destination in their escape is also Panama thus several key escapes coincidentally Gather in the same place unaware they are stepping into a much larger conspiracy believing in the importance of abiding by the law one can deeply understand the Despair and helplessness that come with being a fugitive through the ordeal of this escapee you know Daddy loves you with all his heart right I love you so much I’m so sorry Benjamin was not inherently a bad person he had once served as a soldier on the battlefields of Afghanistan he was sent to prison after Being Framed by his superiors as retaliation for whistleblowing on a higher ranking officer driven by the longing for his wife and children Benjamin joined a group of eight escapes and successfully broke out of prison he acquired an RV planning to flee to some place across the border with his wife and kids however Dei was suffering from a certain kidney disease that required daily medication which they forgot to bring in their haste leaving Casey no choice but to go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine unexpectedly Casey’s photo had been published in the newspaper and upon recognizing Casey the pharmacist hurriedly called the police leading to Casey’s immediate arrest hidden around the corner Benjamin’s heart bled but he was powerless to do anything fortunately before being taken away Casey managed to throw the medicine into a trash can barely sustaining Dei for a few days but after those few days what then even if Benjamin risked to rest to go to the hospital without any identification it would be impossible for Dei to receive treatment with no other choice Benjamin had to take Dei to a private Clinic the environment here is dirty and messy not to mention that the doctor took out the equipment is even Rusty Benjamin how can he let this kind of things into dei’s body he left the money and ran away with Dee looking at his increasingly weak daughter Benjamin’s emotions were mixed with such a vast world where could they find a place to belong holding his daughter tightly his tears flowed uncontrollably you know Daddy loves you with all his heart right I love you so much I’m so sorry Benjamin finally decided to turn himself in and made a call to Mahone as a condition of his surrender he demanded that Mahone ensure Casey and dei’s freedom and safety I don’t think I need to make a deal with you Mr Franklin Y what if I got something you need Mahone to had a troubled past several years ago he accidentally killed a murderer during a violent arrest and buried the body in his backyard leading to a painful divorce to protect his wife from discovering the truth a mysterious company upon uncovering Mahone’s secret and using his family is leverage coerced him into exploiting his position to hunt down the 8 escapes because among them someone knew a devastating secret about the company Mahon who also has a wife and child immediately arranged a hospital for Benjamin’s daughter and released his wife the supposed clue Benjamin offered was critical information on capturing Michael one of the eight escapes it turns out that when Benjamin was digging for $5 million he overheard Michael telling sucra about a private mailbox on the internet and told sucra to contact through the mailbox if he needed anything in the future impersonating sura Benjamin sent several messages to the mailbox with no response Bill believed Benjamin was deceiving them and ordered Mahone to eliminate him Mahone had no choice but to explain the situation to Benjamin clearly if you still want your wife and children to be safe you will see a parcel when you return to the cell you will know what to do after opening it upon opening the package and finding a rope inside Benjamin immediately understood the implication despite his deep reluctance Benjamin had no choice but to hang himself for the safety of his wife and child fortunately a passing guard discovered him in time and saved him after waking up Benjamin urgently called Mahone to explain the situation with Mahone not in the office Benjamin could only ask Mahone’s colleague to pass on a message I’ll do what you asked just give me more time and please don’t hurt my family the words came out like a bolt from the blue and even a fool could have guessed that Mahone was up to no good thus Internal Affairs agents and immediately intervened in the investigation they approached Benjamin promising him freedom and the Erasure of his criminal record if he was willing to testify against mahon’s misconduct it was a huge offer Benjamin couldn’t refuse you put that in W Ang hand you got yourself a witness meanwhile mahol was descending into madness still decoding the secrets of Michael’s tattoos after Pain’s takingly arranging them he finally realized that each tattoo followed a sequence each corresponding to Michael’s prior escape and subsequent steps Mahone also discovered the final part of the plan which was Michael’s ultimate Escape destination be biblical 6:1 17 617 617 June 17th oh what’s today 15th so whatever his last Stu is it’s going to happen in 2 [Music] days however the significance of the Rose and Saint depicted in the tattoos puzzled him Gathering a large team he began to decipher its meaning Christ for the saint and Rose combined to to form Christina Rose which was Michael’s mother’s name yet Michael’s file indicated that his mother had died early in Panama raising questions about the connection to Michael’s Escape destination while everyone pondered this mystery Michael and Lincoln had already reached the shores of Panama the Christina Rose turned out to be a large ship built in memory of Michael’s mother with 617 being the code to unlock it Michael had constructed the ship before his incarceration providing a means of escape to wherever they wish to go in the future as in Internal Affairs agents armed with Benjamin’s testimony arrived at mahon’s office to collect evidence and bring him down Mahon knew he could no longer stay in the United States thus he fled overnight planning to head to Panama while looking at his child’s photo and calling Pam Mah knew he had only one thing left to do before he could return to his family forever aware that going back meant capture and failing to deal with Michael and Lincoln would endanger his family due to the company’s threats mahome resolved to steal Michael’s Escape Plan and enjoy it solely with his family meanwhile Michael checking his mailbox during a moment of leisure found a message from sucra indicating that teabag had also arrived in Panama after much thought Michael realized that it was precisely because he had escaped with teabag that so many innocent people ended up losing their lives unable to overcome the guilt he decided to capture teabag and hand him over to the police before leaving however what he never expected was that the information actually came from Mahone and Mahone’s purpose in doing so was exactly to lure Michael out and capture him in one Fell Swoop see you soon it’s the Prison Break season 2 finale and the best reversal upon reversal in all five seasons of Prison Break you’d never imagine the psyche of a serial killer could twist to such extents just because someone bore a slight resemblance to him te-ag didn’t hesitate to grab an iron tool from the table and brutally smash it into the other person’s head leading to death after the murder teabag checked into a luxury hotel hiring a prostitute to play the role of his girlfriend friend Susan however when the hour of service ended and the lady asked for more payment to continue teabag felt his mood spoiled by the request a heated argument ensued in just a few words great great you ruined it thanks you know I don’t know who this Suzie C is you didn’t just call her did you okay to following another murder tabag F prepared to leave by the elevator as if nothing had happened what teabag didn’t anticipate was the astonishing speed at which the cleaning lady would discover the corpse in the bathtub putting the entire Hotel on high alert and just as he reached the door teabag was recognized by the security guard obviously with the stolen $5 million in his bag teabag couldn’t run fast but strangely a few hours later teabag appeared in Panama hundreds of kilometers away he was accompanied by two armed bodyguards teag continued his search for pretty ladies specifying that he wanted someone willing to wear a wig like Susan’s and who could also speak fluent English say uh good morning Teddy that’s morning T So then actually no you don’t speak English I BL Eng around here thank good morning Teddy good morning Teddy hey good morning teddy bear good morning teddy bear like wigs for the right money I like anything thus a stunning lady stood out however in the room teabag was alone on the bed playing poker and there was no sign of the young lady teabag occasionally pulled back the curtains to look outside as if waiting for someone Michael hiding in the bushes outside had tracked him down as he looked at teabag on the second floor balcony memories of their past including the many innocent lives lost because he had helped teabag Escape flooded his mind he decided to personally catch teabag before leaving for good and send him back to prison but the always cautious Michael noticed something off about a few people in the crowd to confirm their identities Michael thought of a plan es buo es buo gracias another however just as he was strategizing he unexpectedly encountered sucra and bellich who were also looking for teabag it turns out Bellic wanted to steal the $5 million from teabag and suk’s girlfriend was being held captive by bellich Bellic promised to release su’s girlfriend if he helped him get the money which is why they both ended up at the same place learning that CR hadn’t contacted him through his letter box and considering the presence of the two bodyguards it was looking more and more like an elaborate trap to Michael but they couldn’t worry about that now the trio decided to join forces to catch teabag and achieve their respective goals following Michael’s instructions Bellic activated the fire alarm everyone in the hotel rushed out including teabag with the $5 million closely followed by his two bodyguards Michael and his companions were right behind them unexpectedly there was another person and following them former FBI agent Mahone now a fugitive himself aiming to capture Michael to monopolize his escape plan but then Lincoln Michael’s brother comes after him and knocks Mahone down with a punch and pushes him into the next room ah the two engaged in a fierce fight but with Lincoln’s combat skills being top-notch he quickly subdued Mahone meanwhile teabag hid in an attic with his two bodyguards blocking the way as Bellic pretended to ask for directions sucra took advantage of the distraction to overpower the two men tying them to an iron post hidden in the shadows the trio entered the attic to search for teabag 3 to one do the math okay okay I don’t want in trouble unexpectedly the usually cunning teabag surrendered throwing his gun on the floor where’s the money who call the cops you got 3 seconds he bu one in there get it sukra move your ass it turned out tag had already killed the English-speaking lady as the trio was shocked teabag quickly Slipped Away through a back door hearing the approaching Sirens sucra rushed to open the door only to find that the door knob had already been removed Bellic pulled out a gun with his fingerprints realizing they had fallen into a complete trap with all their might they finally broke through the door a shot from teabag hit Bell’s thigh get the money you want the girl get the money don’t [Music] don’t gr come on Bellic was captured by the Panamanian police while the other three escaped with the $5 million as sucra went to steal a car Michael finally learned from teabag that the FBI had caught him in the hotel lobby and those two bodyguards were actually Bill’s men they had offered teabag freedom in exchange for trapping Michael meanwhile in a part of the ocean not covered by satellites the company’s highest ranking boss the general finally spoke up he gave Bill an important directive how much do you know about Sona Mr Kim only would I’ve been given clearance on perhaps what our situation requires is a change in strategy this time the directive was simple they no longer aimed to assassinate Michael but to send him to Panama’s Sona prison because there are more important things waiting for him there Michael and sucra had finally nabbed the notoriously heinous teabag ready to hand him over to the police but here’s the kicker both Michael and sucra were on The Wanted list too as they were hashing out a plan to toss teabag to the cops and make a clean getaway teabag sneakily hooked a screwdriver with his foot from the ground and plunged it into su’s body Michael in a desperate attempt to unbalance teabag jerked the steering wheel but Murphy’s Law the car Kine off the road propelled by Massive inertia and barreled Straight Into the Woods waking up Michael frantically dragged sucra out of the car meanwhile teabag seizing the opportunity grabbed the 5 million and staggered into the forest sucra urged Michael to lead him behind and chase after teabag Michael had no choice but to entrust sucra to a passer by and dashed into the jungle hot on Tag’s heels given teabag was lugging around the Hefty 5 million he couldn’t run fast and it wasn’t long before Michael cornered him in a wooden cabin in the woods what exactly is it that you want pretty I’m turning you in teabag offered to split the 5 million with Michael and go his separate ways or else he would stab Michael with his blade however Michael determined to bring teabag to Justice shattered a beer bottle ready to fight to the end got my answer bring it B with one hand already out of commission teabag stood no chance against Michael with the knife at his neck te-ag laughed heartily convinced that the merciful Michael would never kill anyone oh you fooling you ain’t going to kill me Mr Michelangelo you ain’t got it in you so why we just let me soon after the Panama police received an anonymous tip upon opening the cabin they found Tag’s other hand nailed to the Floor Michael with the 5 million in toe made his way to the dock with money and a means of transportation he and his brother Lincoln could go wherever they wanted but upon boarding Michael realized Lincoln wasn’t there meanwhile Lincoln called sorry Michael what’s [Music] wrongo Michael he had subdued Mahone but couldn’t bring himself to kill Mahone took advantage of this kicked Lincoln’s knee and overpowered him and now Mahon has demanded Michael to come with the 5 million for a ransom and to leave the boat for him because Mahone now a fugitive himself plans to take his family and exclusively enjoy Michael’s Escape Plan Michael having once sacrificed his future to save his brother wouldn’t hesitate to give up the boat and money but before heading to the exchange Michael secured a backup plan you still in the magic business what’s your name Cho he ordered another boat from the local underworld and left a special gift for Mahone on the previous boat but Mahone cunning as ever took the keys to Michael’s boat first upon arriving at the exchange site he then called Bill revealing the location to catch them and subsequently tipped off the local police about two American men who had allegedly shot an Asian man in a suit with this even a fool could guess Mahone’s plan to escape with Michael’s boat and money hand the brothers over to the police and eliminate Bill who had been blackmailing him it was a slick move by Mahone but he completely failed to notice that Lincoln was quietly loosening the bolts on the handcuffs binding his hands before long Bill finally arrived and Mahone pointed a gun at him but Bill wasn’t scared because he had a backup plan Lincoln Broke Free and a fierce gunfight ensued among the three parties Michael and Lincoln took this opportunity to escape taking the hidden 5 million with them as they hurriedly fled meanwhile Mahone managed to Kill Bill’s two henchmen and Escape although he didn’t get the $5 million he was satisfied with the Escape boat but he couldn’t have anticipated that the Coast Guard had received an anonymous tip and found two large packages of cocaine on the boat this was Michael’s parting gift to Mahone in Panama possession of drugs is a serious crime Mahone was confused even if he had 100 miles to feed he wouldn’t be able to explain at this point the brothers Michael and Lincoln emerged as the biggest winners led by chako they arrived at their newly purchased boat where they were greeted by the person Michael had been longing to see Sarah but she was arrested by Mahone in the US so how did she end up here it turns out Sarah was prosecuted immediately after her arrest for ating Michael’s Escape which led to eight prisoners breaking out and the court was ready to sentence her to 9 years in prison just when Sarah was in despair a tea witness suddenly appeared Paul what a very credible Witness has just come forward and he’s willing to testify he’ll corroborate everything you’ve said about this [Music] conspiracy who had been working for president Caroline but ended up with nothing guilty about Sarah and having done so much for the company only to be betrayed Paul decided to testify in court he exposed everything about Lincoln’s case and Caroline’s Deeds causing a sensation as a result Not only was Sarah exonerated but Lincoln and Michael’s wrongful convictions were also brought to light meaning they no longer had to live on the Run however Michael couldn’t be reached by phone prompting Sarah to travel all the way to Panama upon hearing this news the hearts of the Lincoln Brothers remained unsettled for a long time yet before they could celebrate for 2 minutes Bill showed up again his mission wasn’t to kill Michael but to send him to Sona prison thinking bill was after the money Lincoln hurriedly threw the 5 million at Bill only for it to be kicked into the sea in a desperate moment Sarah emerged and shot Bill [Music] dead we got to go hearing the approaching Sirens they quickly fled in different directions Lincoln ran and hid in the woods but Michael and Sarah could not run fast enough and finally they were blocked in the cabin surrounded by police Michael knew there was no escape this time Michael tried to calm the Panic Sarah and asked her to hand him the gun pretending they would surrender together but at the door Michael restrained Sarah don’t move what are you doing nobody moves nobody you sacrificed everything for me once no don’t move do this Michael now it’s time to say thank you it was me it was me I did it he’s done nothing I did it it was me she shouted that she was the killer but in pan the authorities couldn’t understand her eventually Michael was imprisoned again this time in Sona prison along with teabag and Mahone and the severely beaten Bellic was there too Michael soon realized that compared to Fox River State Penitentiary Sona was truly a hell on Earth a place where you could die in many ways but never of old age as no one ever leaves alive some say the first and second seasons of Prison Break are definitely among the most classic in the history of of American TV shows with the third season slowly descending from its pedestal but once you’ve seen the third season you’ll realize that even taken on its own it can upclass 99 9% of current American TV shows Michael is locked up in the notorious Sona prison and upon arriv rival he finally understands the true meaning of hell on Earth the inmates are the most vicious criminals from all over Panama due to frequent riots the government has decided to step back retreating outside the Prison Walls and setting up guard posts leaving the inmates defend for themselves anyone daring to step half a step out of the prison Gates would be instantly turned into a beehive of bullets even a tiny Mouse once a month the guards deliver some drinking water and food and casually take away bodies no matter how they died to ensure no one is faking death they would shoot the bodies a few more times before burying them in a pit outside the secure area in this place where there are no rules or order only the law of the Jungle prevails the prisoners follow a bloody tradition if someone throws a chicken foot at you it means you must duel and you cannot refuse until one of you is dead Michael Witnesses this brutal Slaughter on his first day in prison no matter how smart he is there’s no place for him to use his brains here as it seems to be filled with unevolved barbarians the next day mahome finds Michael and suggests they escape together given Michael’s expertise in breaking out of Prisons but Michael flatly refuses because it was Mahone who killed his father and if it weren’t for Mahone’s Relentless Pursuit he wouldn’t be in this situation upon leaving a boy wearing a McGrady Jersey shows unusual enthusiasm towards the new American inmate as he was talking about McGrady’s miraculous 35 seconds 13 points performance his expression suddenly changes and he quickly runs away with the basketball let’s go Blanco orientation I’m not interested it’s not for you to decide the person is Samy the winner of last night’s chicken foot throwing duel Sammy is taking the new inmates to meet leero the leader of Sona prison surprisingly in such a dirty and chaotic Place Leo’s room is a world apart not only does he have women serving him but his room’s Furnishings are also vastly different from the other inmates turns out leero was once a well-known local drug lord and even after being captured he still had relatives on the outside to handle Affairs for him leero enjoys certain privileges by bribing the headguard managing the prisoners of Sona prison the reason he called the new inmates over was to intimidate them and assert his dominance however leero didn’t notice his woman Mary was completely enamored with the handsome Michael leero emphasized that conflicts must not be resolved privately if you have a problem with someone throw a chicken foot to challenge them to a duel fighting one-on-one until one party is dead men with poor mental strength were so frightened they wet their pants no I think he gets the message [Music] don’t we could go you and me right here bra man man you’re lucky I’ve been meditating before I couldn’t take my finger off the trigger but now after establishing his dominance leer lets the others go and then turns to scold Mary he has that good as man right mommy he not you no compared to you doing [Music] Mom lero although ugly but still have a sense of self-awareness looking out of the window that handsome face lerro Heart full of Jealousy Michael never imagined his good looks would bring him such deadly trouble in the afternoon when he returns to his cell a Burly man suddenly rushes in before understanding what’s happening world is choking Michael moding that Michael stole his stuff the hypocritical lero arrives just in time and orders Sammy to search the bed where they indeed find a small package of drugs under Michael’s bunk Michael then realizes this is a blatant frame up but what uses knowing when World weighing 300 lb has already thrown a chicken foot on his table Bic hasn’t eaten for 3 days and looking at the muddy dirty water he couldn’t help but stick out his tongue to lick it but even such water the old inmates were unwilling to spare for him this is bellic’s third day in Sona prison where he hasn’t had a drop of water or a grain of rice and even his clothes and shoes have been stolen by other inmates at this time the kind-hearted sapo helped him up they are the lowest status inmates here and Beggars do not have the right to be allocated food or drinking water in the afternoon Bellic noticed that sapo suddenly had a new parach shoes on his feet sapo said nothing just glanced at a body not far away Bellic also wanted to strip the clothes off the body but then Sammy the second in command of the prison ordered them to clean the toilets saying they would be given food after the work was done one more word from you and I will blound you in here you understand Sammy threw them a stinking mop and ordered them to take the trash to the Sewer to burn it after cleaning but after the work was done the person Distributing food gave them only a nod sapo could no longer tolerate such inh human treatment he glanced at a slightly loose security window in a cell and stealthily climbed up pulling hard and finally tore the security window down sapo jumped the 3M high fence dragging his broken leg with him as he ran recklessly outside Bellic shouted not to do it but it was already too late Michael also saw the scene in this hellish son a prison inmates are like ants and nobody cares about their life or death after losing his companion bellik had to clean the toilets alone but when burning the trash suddenly a whistle came from inside the sewer wall Bellic looked through a crack in the bricks and saw a person hiding inside the man asked him for a favor Bellic initially didn’t want to pay attention but the person directly pushed a strip of meat through the crack although Bellic realized it was rat meat to him at that moment it was a delicacy the man said if he wanted more meat neat he had to stuff these two notes into the pockets of the two people who were going to duel today and the people who were to duel were Michael and a 300b world just yesterday leero jealous of Michael’s good looks had World accused Michael of stealing his stuff and threw a chicken foot at Michael this is a unique ritual in Sona prison if there is a dispute the only way to resolve it is a one-on-one unarmed duel until one party is dead and the chicken foot is the token of challenge at that moment with the crowd’s violent mood at its peak Michael fiddled with the chicken foot in his hand never imagining he would bet his life on such a thing more ironically the only person willing to help him was Mahone who had been chasing him outside the prison Mahone helped him because Michael was his only hope of escaping this prison as a combat expert mahol reminded Michael That a Kick to the opponent KN could easily take down even the strongest enemy under the watchful eyes of the crowd eager for a spectacle Michael stepped into the center of the Arena one step at a time Bellic emerged from the crowd wishing him luck while stealthily slipping a note into Michael’s pocket at the same time he used the same trick to slip another note into world’s pocket leero reiterated that no weapons could be used and no cover sought until one party was dead as leero gently waved a red ribbon in his hand the life and death duel officially began but at that moment Michael suddenly shouted at lro I’m not going to fight taking advantage of world’s distraction Michael swiftly kicked at his knee followed by a series of punches that knocked World down seeing that world couldn’t move Michael turned around and left but the crowd stopped him with a fierce look on their faces I think you understand the rules friend only one man comes out to lie World struggled to stand up and the two were once again locked in a deadly fight with the opponent’s movements hindered Michael executed another combination knocking him down again but at that moment someone in the crowd through World a knife taking advantage of Michael’s intention to leave World picked up a small knife and stabbed back at Michael in a critical moment Mahal intervened with a swift move adding a choke hold to neatly take down the cheating world no weapons rules of rules remember if we don’t have them we’re Savages seeing his plan to eliminate Michael fail lerro turned and returned to his room without looking back not long after the once a month visit from the guards brought drinking water and food to the prison and they also took away several bodies from inside worried about anyone faking death they shot the bodies a few more times before transporting them outside the isolation area to be left in the wilderness after the guards left a woman pretending to be a relative of an inmate came to collect the bodies she searched each body and finally found the note in world’s pocket seeing the content the woman smiled satisfactorily Michael confused wondered what the mysterious notes Bellic slipped into their pockets were for just then Michael’s brother Lincoln came for a visit now a cleared and legal citizen however Lincoln brought a piece of news that left Michael in utter despair talk Dad Dad I’m so sorry they got me in Sarah please do what they want Dad please it turns out the company had kidnapped LJ and Sarah and threatened Michael to break a man named James out of prison this was exactly why the general had gone to Great Lengths to get Michael into Sona prison there’s a kind of people in the world who can adapt to various environments like chameleons in Fox River State Penitentiary he was the notorious leader of the white gang commanding respect and fear as long as you held his pocket no one in the prison would dare to lay a finger on you and today is teab bag’s first day in the infamous Sona prison seeing that the boss Leo had dirty shoes teabag immediately ran over Neil on one knee gestured for leero to place his foot on his knee and declared that shining his shoes was an honor during the shoe shine teabag makes a small deliberate mistake and then pathetically claims he’s a wreck a sign of weakness that makes lerro lower his guard after a few days of flattering and pleasing teabag secured the position of the third in command in Sona prison meanwhile three old acquaintances who arrived on the same day each fared worse than the other Bellic became a prison beggar begging for leftovers from other inmates Mahone suffering from severe bipolar disorder and without tranquilizers in the prison was becoming increasingly unstable and desperately wanted to escape Michael because of his good looks attracted the attention of Leo’s woman leading leero to try every means possible to have him killed to make matters worse a mysterious company kidnapped Sarah and LJ and demanded he bring a man named James out of the prison however Michael searched the entire prison and could not find this person McGrady who had been in for years told him that here no one did not want to find James just a few weeks ago James killed the son of the Panama City mayor in a bar fight after being sent to Sona prison he disappeared Without a Trace like Vapor the mayor offered leero a deal if anyone could kill James the murderer would be given a chance for a friendly Court decision meaning anyone not guilty of a particularly serious crime could leave and regain their freedom as they were speaking Samy the second in command of the prison got into an argument with someone in accident acally knocked over the newly arrived drinking water the inmates in line were dumbfounded knowing that in this place the value of that barrel of water was comparable to Gold the guards won’t deliver water again until 2 weeks later meaning without this Barrel the inmates are likely to die of thirst Sammy was Leo’s man but the inmates didn’t care who was in charge here one of them started leading the others and cursing under Leo’s window locky Michael was near the front and got half a bottle of water from a distance he saw poor Bellic the valve suddenly remembering the note bellik had mysteriously placed in his pocket during yesterday’s duel Michael approached Bellic to ask about his purpose you slipped this note in my pocket yesterday why my memor is a little foggy on account of this thirst bellik confessed everything about the person hiding in the sewer wall Michael guessed this person might be James and hurry to the Sewer when Michael said he was there to help him escape the person inside finally responded it turned out to be James who knew that once outside all the inmates would want him dead which is why he had hidden in the sewer Michael asked him to hold on for a day or two more until he figured out a way to get him out but when Michael came out he didn’t notice Mahone had set his sights on him meanwhile more and more inmates gathered in the Square clamoring for leero to come down and explain lerro called the guards but they said the water truck couldn’t arrive until the day after tomorrow at the earliest he had no choice but to ask teabag to bring his small bucket of water for each of them to take a sip however when teabag walked through the hallway he encountered pitiful Bellic again who wanted to sell information to lero in exchange for survival boy you won’t be drinking your own urine before you get any of this I got something oh yeah you got yourself the Untouchable status teag thought for a moment helping bellik could solidify his position in Leo’s eyes so why not do a favor thus under teabags introduction Bellic finally met lerro and Spilled K everything about the person hiding in the sewer leero knew right away this person must be James so he quickly sent a few men to catch the person in the sewer when bellich came out of Leo’s room he was dressed in a belly shirt and leopard print pants holding a cornbread in his hand Michael ever so clever saw Bellic wellfed and clothed and immediately understood what had happened he rushed to the Sewer only to find not only Leo’s man there but also mahome with a crowbar twisting James out it turns out that when he spotted Michael coming out of the sewer he also got the information from McGrady and got there first smashing through the wall and grabbing James Michael pleaded with Mahone not to kill him promising to find a way to escape together but Mahon wasn’t foolish killing James would Grant him Freedom so why bother with extra steps as the standoff continued James took the opportunity to break free and escaped back into the sewer Michael knew well that catching James and such a confined space was only a matter of time and lingering here would not alter the outcome so he hurried to Leo’s room wanting to make a deal Michael said I’ll solve your drinking water problem if you give James to me leero scoffed saying he’d ask Michael’s old acquaintances if he was trustworthy can I trust his [Music] bubble he’s a snake he stabbed me in the back every chance he got snake who St a maning him back I never hear such a creature before as the riot outside grew worse Michael sought another chance but was sternly sent Away by lerro perhaps his only option now was to secure drinking water first the only way to save [Music] James this man tore his underwear into strips tied them into sections and then soaked them in a barrel of strong liquor he then gathered some old plastic bags bags poured all the liquor into them and finally used the naed strips to tightly seal the bags creating a completely enclosed space just like that a makeshift deep sea bomb was made Michael concealed it well and took it out of the cell in the scorching heat of over 40° the prisoners enraged by the lack of water reached their boiling point some even stuck their tongues into the dry valves if no solution could be found Not only would Leo’s position be at risk but there could also be a loss of life without delay Michael hurried to the Sewer he touched the walls of the blocked water supply system above where there was water there would be Dew making it clear where the blockage was after determining the approximate location Michael opened the maintenance hatch of the water supply pipeline he slowly lowered the plastic bag along the pipe wall perfectly blocking the pipe finally Michael struck a match and ignited the fuse the flame quickly spread down the alcohol soaked strip with a loud explosion the blocked water pipe was blasted open and the entire prison shook before anyone could understand what had happened water was already gushing out of the valves the prisoners scattered rushing to the water Outlet to enjoy the rare coolness with this move Michael managed to preserve Leo’s dominance although leero despised Michael he was burdened with the guilt of numerous murders even if he killed James he couldn’t leave prison thus he might as well owe Michael a favor so he handed James over to Michael and promised that no one would ever touch him again Michael breathed a sigh of relief now he had to plan how to escape with James but before that Michael needed to ensure Sarah and ljs safety meanwhile he prepared for all eventualities while Michael planned the escape from inside the prison Lincoln attempted to rescue Sarah and LJ from the outside to ascertain their location Michael had Lincoln informed the company that he must speak with Sarah today Lincoln goes to Susan B the company’s contact and says flat out that my brother won’t break out of prison until he talks to Sarah on the phone Susan B thought this request wasn’t too excessive as it was just a phone call so she agreed without hesitation but Michael soon discovered that the prison’s phone lines had been removed long ago and the only phone that could contact the outside was in Leo’s possession although Michael had just helped leero avert a crisis Leo seeing Michael as a thorn in his side flatly refused to lend him the phone the only only option left was to seek help from teag who was thriving under Leo’s Wing but since it was Michael who had sent teag to this prison why would he help Michael un like your new Compadres I know who you are what you’ve done and who you’ve done it too let me get this straight you’re saying you going to tell on me Michael continued to threaten teabag if you don’t help me I’ll spill everything about your pedophilia and rape Panama is a religious country if they find out about the filthy things you’ve done do you think you’ll see tomorrow’s son this tactic worked wonders teabag immediately admitted his fault while lero was getting a haircut teabag quietly stole the phone make that 26 minutes till he gets back that phone Ain back when the Cradle were both dead you hear me cuz my Alabama ass is not going down alone after getting the phone Michael immediately contacted Sarah they seemed to be catching up but Sarah was subtly hinting at her kidnapping location it’s like they’re giving you until midnight and I’m sitting here at 3:00 a.m. however Sarah was cut off after just a few words based on the limited information Michael guessed that Sarah was kidnapped in a small town 20 km away with the victory Tower Landmark visible Michael immediately called Lincoln to search for her however as Michael was giving the crucial location leero and his men arrived Michael quickly hung up the phone and put it back but he was trapped and couldn’t leave at the critical moment teabag came to the rescue the out there’s something you should know what I think that barber might have coming no no my mistake I you know in fact that that there might just be the best shave I have ever seen what you look like you need one today how might just do that you can’t be walking around looking all uh leera was amused by teabag looking at teabags fawning face Sammy hated to go up and give him two slaps meanwhile Lincoln had arrived at the base of Victory Tower but because he couldn’t hear the specific location he was in distress Sarah saw this from her room and took off her shoe to throw it out the window Sarah Lincoln hurried after it and stumbled upon LJ being held hostage LJ in the end LJ and Sarah were taken away in a van by the company’s people Lincoln was very disappointed just returned to the hotel Susan BEAST’s phone call go check the underground garage I’ve left a small gift there is punishment for your foolishness apprehensively Lincoln went to the garage and saw a blood soaked box from afar inside to his horror was Sarah’s head the next day Lincoln visited the prison with a grim face unaware of what had happened Michael slipped him a note asking Lincoln to prepare the items listed on it because they were crucial for the Escape Plan Lincoln’s gaze was vacant he wanted to reveal Sarah’s death several times but for the sake of his son he chose to keep the secret for Michael Bellic was sprinting towards a corpse but he was a step too late another person had already snatched one of the shoes the two of them fought over it neither willing to back down ultimately resulting in each getting one shoe bellik put on the shoe which was several sizes too big but it was still better than nothing Bellic deeply understood that in the hellish Sona prison not even a puddle of Muddy Water would be willingly shared with you he went to pistachio cell where two men dressed in oddly matched outfits began negotiating over the ownership of the shoe Bellic offered to trade his body for the shoe but the other party was not at all interested in his plump type seeing pistachio pull out a razor blade Bellic immediately backed down but it was just a misunderstanding pistachio was a barber and had no intention of harming Bellic seeing lerro come in for haircut Bellic wisely bowed his head and left quickly after pistachio was done Bellic still harboring ulterior motives ventured into pistachio room again and finally found the shoe but as Bellic was putting on the shoe he overheard Michael and mahome plotting something seemingly hinting at an escape plan in their conversation bellic’s attention is no longer limited to food and clothing he immediately finds Michael and threatens him don’t think I don’t know what you’re planning if you escape without me I’ll expose you but Michael was no ordinary man with a little trick he managed to remove this thorn in his side without affecting his escape plans in the slightest in the afternoon lerro was leisurely enjoying the breeze from an electric fan while watching the World Cup when suddenly the prison experienced an inexplicable power outage he urgently called his men to check the wiring but while they might handle a fight anything with a hint of technical complexity left them clueless leero was at his Wit’s End when he suddenly remembered teabag mentioning that Michael Was An Architect he rushed downstairs to find Michael the food supply in Sona prison depended entirely on this phone to communicate with the outside world if the phone couldn’t be charged all the prisoners could potentially starve to death but Michael was in a tough spot as the electric cables were buried underground along the prison’s outer walls to repair the circuit the soil had to be dug up and Michael had clearly seen a prisoner shot dead by guards for getting within 30 yards of the outer wall Michael didn’t want to risk his life but leero assured him he would negotiate with the guards sees the moment Michael asked for a cell with better Lighting in return it’s the first one to get sunlight in the morning you get me that cell I’ll get you electricity leero agrees but what he doesn’t know is that it was Michael who created the illusion of a short circuit Michael had borrowed an insulated crucifix from McGrady and stuck it in the air circuit breaker his goal was to wait for lero to come to him so he could naturally request a cell change this room offered a broad view allowing clear observation of the Watchtower and surroundings making it the best place for an escape soon with Leo’s intervention Michael and others were allowed to dig and repair the wiring under the supervision of guards however before they even left the prison gate Bellic eagerly followed volunteering to join the digging you’re doing something here scoffield you’re right I am I’m fixing electricity you wanted to help dig dig at that moment Bellic was unaware of the big pit waiting ahead for him under the watchful eyes of armed guards several prisoners dug up the cable along the wall Michael opened the junction box and secretly buried a small object inside then covered it with soil Bellic who saw this quietly took the opportunity to leave and ran to lechero’s room within minutes to report on Michael bellik couldn’t fathom Michael’s plan knowing he couldn’t join the Escape team he thought it better to use this information for some tangible benefit bellik told leero that Michael had buried something underground not knowing what it was for but sure it was in preparation for an escape after detailing Michaels and genius Maneuvers from the first season leero was shocked leero immediately dragged Michael outside forcing him to dig up the soil to check for tampering open it move the dirt now it’s duct tape to fix The Frayed wires is why the power was so inconsistent I didn’t want the tape to come loose so I packed it down with dirt although no flaws were discovered leero still did not trust Michael he demanded that he accompany Michael to the electrical room to turn on the main switch when they arrived in the basem*nt and Michael saw the crucifix in the back of the electrical box his heart nearly leaped out to avoid detection by others he had to close the switch on another electrical box as expected the power still didn’t come back under Leo’s instruction an iate Sammy Swan a punch and Michael taking advantage of the situation fell back against the electrical box and quietly removed the crucifix Michael went on to say that there must have been a delay in the transformer for the call to come and after so long leero and his man not being particularly educated were easily fooled after this incident Michael got his desired cell and bellich was summoned to lechero’s room by lero himself Sammy forcefully pushed bellich onto the table leero slowly poured a cup of scalding coffee walked up to Bellic and lifted his shirt Michael touched a clothesline in his cell before approaching the window where he saw a janitor digging a hole next to a body that was nearly rotting the janitor picked up a canister next to him and began spraying a chemical on the body while a sign on the nearby wire fence starkly warned of high voltage Michael Adept at spotting flaws in Minor Details seemed to have thought of something from this moment on the plan for Prison Break 2 Z officially commenced in the hellish Sona prison it was almost a daily occurrence for prisoners to die from Hunger or duels guards would take the bodies out of the prison every so often to prevent people from Faking their own deaths they’d even put a few more rounds in the body and dump it outside the quarantine Zone over time this gave rise to a relatively well-paid outsourced profession the gravedigger gravediggers would spray a chemical called keser on the bodies to eliminate the stench of Decay and this chemical could corrode steel once heated to a certain temperature this provided Michael with an opportunity for his escape plan but before that they had to deal with the gravedigger to ensure he would inadvertently spray some of the chemical on The Wire Fence during his work Michael reached out to Lincoln who came to visit asking him to bribe the gravedigger from outside the prison Michael was attempting to escape because a mysterious company had kidnapped his girlfriend Sarah and his nephew L J with the aim of having Michael extract a man named James from the prison but Lincoln doesn’t know what to do because the company killed Sarah last night but to say his son and to ensure the Escape Plan didn’t fail Lincoln had no choice but to keep the truth from his brother as for why the company was so determined to get James out James explained he said he was a sailor who often took people on sightseeing tours at Sea a year ago he had hosted an oceanographer but since then government officials had continuously asked James to take them to the areas the oceanographer had visited fearing trouble James hid in Panama until he accidentally killed the mayor’s son and ended up in prison the message sent out through the body was for his girlfriend Sophia to retrieve a book on birds this book on birds was actually a navigational log that only he could understand to return to the places the oceanographer had visited one would need the help of this book but Michael had no interest in these matters that’s between you and the company I just need to get you out of prison after that I want nothing to do with you meanwhile outside the prison James’s girlfriend Sophia learned about the escape plan from her boyfriend since their goals BL she joined Lincoln to assist since Lincoln also needed a local translator he agreed to have Sophia accompany him to bribe the gravedigger however when they found the gravedigger he shockingly demanded $115,000 fortunately it wasn’t their money to spend Lincoln made a call to Susan B the company’s liaison but when they arrived with the money the gravedigger greedily demanded more unable to tolerate this Lincoln grabbed the insatiable man and pinned him against the car Susan be told Lincoln to stop and let her handle it then began to rummage through her bag no no no no no no no no no no what the hell are you doing we need him he will sell us out to the cops after he takes as much as he can from us killing the gravedigger marked the failure of the escape plan but luckily when Lincoln visited again he told Michael that they’d slipped some money through other channels and arranged for someone they trusted 100% to fill in initially confused Michael rushed to see who the new Gravedigger was Michael smiled in relief surprised to find it was his loyal friend sura so what did sukra been doing during the days he was apart from Michael sucra had been searching for his girlfriend Mary Cruz’s whereabouts learning that bellik who had kidnapped Mary Cruz was sent to the same prison he even visited once under threat Bellic Finally Revealed the truth in that house in Mexico he hadn’t detained Mary Cruz and su’s an but had forced them to leave at gunpoint this man Mary Cruz was safe after leaving sucra managed to contact Mary Cruz but halfway there he remembered he was still a wanted man in the United States going there would only implicate Mary Cruz and without money he couldn’t support her so he decided it was better to stay and earn money to send to her on his way he happened to meet Lincoln who told sura about Sarah sucra also learned that Michael was in prison as a good friend of his how could he stand by and do nothing just as he also need to earn powder money for the children so he agreed to link in his Gravedigger with su’s help they successfully opened a gap in the fence now all that was left was to deal with the two guards in the Watchtower to make their escape from the prison successful a man tossed a piece of breadcrumb out the window successfully luring a miles to come for a snack all was calm around without a stir in sight Michael then wrapped another piece in foil and threw it to the same spot to test if the reflection could alert the guards however the next thing they knew the patrol car’s headlights suddenly lit up outside the wire mesh the spotlight from the Watchtower shifted towards the mouse and with a single shot it was reduced to Mush Michael was terrified it seemed nearly impossible to escape at night the next day Michael sought out McGrady in prison to help him by two watches and a pair of binoculars but McGrady only took half the money as the binoculars which only the stubborn GMO owned were something he would never sell Michael found out where guo’s cell was although he doesn’t want to steal someone’s beloved treasure he decides to steal the telescope for the sake of their Great Escape Plan Michael drew a map on the ground and informed James that the Escape would begin the following afternoon James laughed having never heard of a daytime Escape before Michael explained that it was a necessary risk as patrol cars guarded the area all night and daytime security was relatively LAX the reason for choosing the next afternoon was because of a World Cup final at 2 p.m. when most inmates would be gathered in the yard watching the game they could take this opportunity to climb out from the window in their room the only obstacle now was the snipers on the two watchtowers they had to find their weaknesses in order to make an effective Escape Michael split the binoculars in half each observing a watchtower while Mahone was in charge of keeping watch at the door after hours of observation James noticed that at 3:13 p.m. M the sunlight directly hit the West Watchtower causing the sniper there to habitually shift his gaze outside the prison James threw a ball to test his theory and found that the Western sniper did not notice the situ situation inside the wire mesh and this lasted for about 6 minutes the captain of the northern Watchtower ortado was a true sports fan and would not miss any World Cup matches Michael noticed that whenever there was a poor signal ortado would fuss with the antenna also momentarily ignoring their side this meant that if they could overlap the times the guards were distracted they could slip through the corroded wire mesh hole and escape from prison but how could they precisely control the actions of both men Michael thought of a way he stole a microwave wave and modified it into an electromagnetic pulse emitter to disrupt electronic signals James had to admire the company’s knack for picking people Michael was indeed a unique Escape genius Michael plugged in the emitter and as expected ortado started frantically messing with the antenna but just then someone passed by the cell door Michael was momentarily distracted and the sunlight reflected off the binoculars accidentally shown on the Watchtower by the Time Michael looked again orado had already aimed his gun at him get out why they’re coming in the prison immediately sounded the most severe alarm and all inmates scrambled to the yard knowing they would be shot on sight if they didn’t appear there in time Michael and the other inmates kneeled neatly on the ground followed by a squad of fully armed guards storming in rifle scope was seen from the tower capan n saw it with his own eyes it’s a b ball there is a gun in your prison and it was pointing at one of my men we are going to find it it turned out the guards mistook it for the glare of a sniper scope after a thorough search they found the binoculars in Michael’s cell holding a gun to Michael’s head ortado demanded to know why he was being watched leaving Michael too scared to speak at the critical moment when her was about to shoot James stepped forward why were you watching him I I wasn’t I was uh I was watching Birds he pulled out the bird book his girlfriend had given him from his pocket upon seeing the bird illustrations Captain esima thought he was just a bird Enthusiast and decided not to pursue the matter further having narrowly escaped trouble Michael rushed back to his cell only to find the door firmly locked by the guards Michael felt utterly devastated Not only was the cell there Escape Route but the microwave turned electromagnetic pulse emitter was also inside declaring their meticulously planned Escape Plan aborted once again the guards slowly opened the prison’s main gate and as they brought in new prisoners they failed to notice an old paper cup also being blown into the prison by the wind it was this very discarded paper cup that would bring a new dawn to the trio planning to escape after observing Michael discovered that herado always drinks coffee of this brand at noon every day this meant that if they could find out where he buys his coffee they could seize the opportunity to drug him into unconsciousness then slip away through the corroded hole in the wire MH in a escape from the prison the next morning Michael handed the discarded paper cup to Lincoln who came for a visit asking him to check around for the location of this coffee and Drug it before 3:00 p.m. after all their escape was scheduled for precisely 3:13 p.m. that afternoon then Michael inquired about his girlfriend Sarah and L J wondering why he hadn’t received any photos of them lately Lincoln avoided a contact and deliberately changed the subject but Michael sensed something was off and made a Stern statement if he doesn’t see a live photo of them an hour before the Escape he wouldn’t go through with it Lincoln was in turmoil because Sarah had been killed by people from the company if he told the truth Michael would definitely not escape and then his son would surely be killed but after coming out Lincoln still asked Sophia to inquire about the brand of coffee Sophia a native Panamanian recognized at a glance that it was from a shop a few kilometers away where the guards must have bought their coffee without wasting a moment Lincoln rushed to find Susan B he asked her to urgently prepare a photo of Sarah alive and to procure a drug that would take effect an hour after being ingested at noon Lincoln and his group were already staking out the coffee stand and indeed saw Rado who regularly came to buy coffee Lincoln prepared the drugged coffee and pretended to accidentally knocked the coffee out of rado’s hands here look uh this is my buddies please please I insist just as Rado reached out to catch it the shop owner unexpectedly offered him another cup for free Lincoln felt utterly despondent seeing the plan nearly fall apart Sophia quickly unbuttoned a few buttons on her blouse excuse me seor I just need to go to Sona I my cars run out of gas I’m sorry I’m I’m I’m heading in the wrong the wrong direction I really need to go to son [Music] he taking the drugged coffee Sophia followed him and as expected halfway there ‘s lustful nature took over he leeringly said you must have a relative in prison if you’re with me I’ll arranged for you two to meet every day in a moment of quick thinking Sophia claimed you guessed right my relative is actually leero upon hearing lechero’s name orta’s face drastically changed as he was just a regular guard who dared not mess with Leo’s woman while rato was distracted Sophia quietly switched the coffees with only an hour left until the Escape Lincoln immediately sought Susan B for the photo but upon opening it Lincoln was shocked to find the photo was exactly the same as the last one still cut up from a newspaper do you think my brother is an idiot here’s the pictures he’s going to want to see this close up I’m done doing favors for you get out I’ll see you in an hour Lincoln was utterly speechless with no other choice he had to reveal to Michael the truth about Sarah’s death she’s dead Michael I lied to you I’m sorry if you going to break out today they’re going to kill my son this news hit Michael like a thunderbolt and he walked away without looking back in order to rescue his beloved Sarah he risked beheading to escape from prison now that Sarah is dead what’s the point of escaping not only that but his brother had lied to him for so long Michael went to the yard and without saying a word threw a chicken foot at James since the company was so ruthless then he would kill James first under the certification of lero in the prison both men returned to their cells to prepare their will and 15 minutes later they were scheduled to duel to the death on the playground on time in the corridor James was in a days he couldn’t understand why Michael who had been trying to get him out of prison wanted to fight him however at that moment a hand landed on James’s shoulder look I don’t know what you’re thinking but killing me is not going to solve your problem I’m not going to kill you then what the hell was all that about you want to make it out of here without being seen he need a diversion now we have one it turned out this was also part of Michael’s Escape plan although Sarah was dead he still needed to save his nephew LJ he deliberately provoked The Duel to attract all the prisoners to the playground so they could take this opportunity to escape from Samy’s cell in the prison it was now 3 p.m. and there were only 13 minutes left until the sniper on the Watchtower would be drugged and unconscious and only 15 minutes until the duel meaning they had just 2 minutes to escape from the prison without delay the two needed to prepare for the Escape within 13 minutes Michael having stolen a tattoo machine rushed to Samy’s room James took out the rope ladder they had made from hammocks the playground was a buzz with noise all the inmates gathered in anticipation of the life and death struggle Michael disassembled the head of the tattoo machine and placed it at the point where the wire mesh met the wall using the noises cover to hammer vigorously at the iron window after breaking open the window Michael tied one end of the rope ladder to an iron post at 3:12 p.m. M ortado on one of the watchtowers drank the coffee laced with a sleeping drug and soon passed out slumping over now there was only the other guard on the Watchtower left to worry about Michael and James kept a close watch on their watches waiting for the 3:13 p.m. [Music] Sun but unexpectedly today’s sunlight arrived a bit later than usual and the other guard was slow to move his position just as they were getting frantic a blinding reflection of sunlight finally arrived and the guard finally turned his head away from the prison allowing the two to remove the security window and prepare to act but just then rapid footsteps were heard in the corridor it turned out Samy had come back to grab something causing the two to quickly hide under the bed barely daring to breathe Sammy felt the dust on the desk and though he sensed something was a miss his eagerness to watch The Duel made him Overlook it after Sammy left the two hurridly dropped the rope ladder and began their action to ensure James’s safety Michael went down the rope ladder first but just as he landed a large Cloud slowly drifted over seeing it about to cover the sun Michael urgently instructed James to climb back up come on come on that was our only chance fortunately the guard didn’t notice but this also meant the Escape Plan had failed Michael felt a deep despair but knew they had to quickly pull the rope ladder back up as James was untying the knots lerro sensed something was a miss and hurriedly sent his men to search the rooms for them hearing their shouts James could only hastily place the rope ladder on the window sill but before they could take a few steps they were dragged out for the duel as they passed lero Michael tried to call off the fight claiming it was just a small misunder understanding and they had already made up but the crowd’s mood was already stirred up and calling off the duel was like a pipe dream W must [Applause] be let’s go with no way out the inmates pushed to the center of the Arena where they stood looking at each other not knowing whether to laugh or cry seeing that they were hesitant to fight people started throwing stones at them and James in a bit to survive made the first move against Michael as they fought a breeze caused the rope ladder on the windowsill to begin sliding down quietly the other guard on the Watchtower also noticed something was off since he hadn’t seen her totle for a while so he quickly sent someone to check the guard who came up realized herado had been drugged and immediately grabbed the binoculars to look towards the prison just in time to see the rope ladder blown down by the wind the guard was shocked realizing a prisoner was attempting to escape so he immediately grabbed the walk talki to alert his superiors moments later a large number of armed guards headed towards the prison and a series of urgent siren sounds erupted forcing the deadly fight inside the prison to come to an abrupt halt the fully armed guards pushed open the door and the prisoners well practiced knelt with their heads in their hands daring not to make the slightest move you come down here now we are going to find out who is behind this Colonel ES Ed to know who cell 212 belonged to but in prison snitching on a fellow inmate is a Despicable act condemned by all the scene fell into a deathly silence and seeing no one speak up escamilla decided to make an example of someone you are one of the milkman’s boys is it yourself Papo glanced at Sammy although he wanted to say it was sami’s room Sammy was the second in command in the prison snitching would eventually lead to his own demise as Papo hesitated ES did not give him a chance to speak everyone was terrified but esima did not intend to dig deeper instead he turned his attention to leero I allowed you to conduct your business here to bring in your prostitutes in exchange for simply keeping these inmates in line for me you can’t even manage that small task efficiently in a moment of anger escamilla even revealed a shocking secret to everyone present it turns out the reason Sona prison was lacking water and food was all lechero’s doing leero and esima had made a private agreement to block Sona prison’s water pipes and control the timing of food deliveries by leero to consolidate his ruling position here but now Esa had lost trust in leero maybe we just backed the wrong horse H perhaps there is another in here better suited for the job good luck escamilla finished and took all the guards away leaving only the disgraced leero behind leero stripped of his dignity faced the scorn of inmates who began spitting at him from this moment on lechero’s ruling position in the prison began to crumble and the one responsible for all this is the man who tried to escape from the prison leero knew well that if someone was planning an escape there was only one person most likely to do so Michael who had been acting suspiciously every day Sammy Furious grabbed Michael and brought him before lerro just as Sammy was debating whether to fry or stew him to everyone’s surprise leero snatched the knife from Samy’s hand and pushed Michael into a secret room are you trying to break out of this prison Mr scoffield no are you trying to break out of this prison we both know that’s not possible answer me or El what do you want me to say I want you to tell me the truth I want to hear it you want a reason to kill me no one the next second Le actually Cut the Ropes binding Michael’s hands leero was clear in his mind that he had already committed a serious crime and staying here would mean certain death he might as well join Michael in his escape attempt you are breaking out of this prison Mr scoffield and you’re taking me with you meanwhile General CR the boss of the company also learned about the failure of the prison break and he had no patience to wait any longer so he directly instructed Susan B to rob the prison violently Susan be came for a prison visit and informed James of the company’s plan to violently storm the prison also instructing him to find an opportunity to eliminate Michael while Lincoln outside would be dealt with by them but what they didn’t know was that their meeting was clearly observed by Michael staring at all the windows in the prison fortified with a foot thick layer of reinforced steel Michael felt a deep sense of frustration the Escape Route he had meticulously planned was now completely sealed off but in order to extract James Whom The Mysterious organization desperately needed out of prison he had to come up with another plan and fast the reason was urgent he had only 4 days left before the final deadline for the Escape otherwise his nephew LJ would meet a grim fate just when Michael was at his Wit’s End teabag approached and handed him a letter upon opening it Michael found a sketch of Leo’s room seemingly marked with the time and password for entry at 4:00 in the afternoon the two arrived at Leo’s room and entered the password according to the instructions on the sketch the first door opened as expected and they passed through a narrow store room to Michael’s surprise there was a second door at the end of the corridor he tried the same password he had used before but he didn’t realize that James had quietly pulled out a dagger it turned up that following the last failed escape attempt the company had lost patience and decided to storm the prison violently at 5:00 that afternoon they had instructed James to make sure Michael was eliminated before leaving just as James was about to strike footsteps were suddenly heard in the distance the newcomer was leero who had recently joined the Escape team to prevent Michael and James from escaping on their own leero had not marked this door’s password on the sketch thus only he knew it lerro led them to A Whole New World it turned out that Sona prison once had areas A and B after a riot in the prison last year the guards blew up the underground passage connecting the two areas all prisoners were moved to area B an area a became the guard’s luxury apartments lerro had once wanted to dig through the passage to escape But ultimately gave up due to the enormity of the task knowing Michael was a structural engineer he figured Michael might have a solution yeah me and a couple of payloaders jokes aside if horizontal digging wasn’t feasible perhaps vertical digging upwards could work this way they could reach the vicinity of the prison’s wire mesh waiting for the right moment to escape through the previously corroded wire mesh however the difficulty in digging upwards lay in the need to install supports within the diameter of the hole to prevent collapse and avoid being buried alive yet James seemed utterly uninterested in the new escape plan as the there were only 45 minutes left until the violent Prison Break upon exiting Michael took the initiative to close the door asking lero to clarify the exact location they would emerge in the entry area but just then Sammy goes to the store room to serve the newly recruited henchman a drink and Michael and James rushed to hide in fear lerro of course couldn’t let Sammy know about the Escape offer them something good don’t make me look the fool the r for me Z oh you have a PR so he refused Samy’s request this snub LED Sammy to Harbor thoughts of rebellion against Leo after lero and Samy left the storage room Michael made a beline for the second door now knowing only he and Michael were downstairs leero couldn’t kill Michael so James had to hide the dagger hey I need to chair the car we don’t need a go I’ll get inside while Michael races to dig through the tunnel Jam James is on pins and needles claiming to suffer from claustrophobia and unable to stay in confined spaces James hurly ran outside lerro arrived in the storage room just in time to say Sammy had left and Michael very reluctantly followed him upstairs after coming out Michael looked everywhere for something to support the tunnel but he accidentally found James on the rooftop nervously staring at the ceiling Michael walked over and casually removed the ceiling panel revealing a narrow space not suitable for someone with claustrophobia hatte to break up the Brew haa gentleman but the chair would like to see you he says it has something to do with your big brother Michael went to Leo’s room where it turned out Lincoln had called about something very urgent since Michael had once stolen Leo’s phone Lincoln knew Leo’s phone number after calling back Michael learned that an agent had attempted to shoot Lincoln outside but Lincoln had managed to turn the tables considering James’s strange behavior that day Michael finally realized what was going on they don’t need us anymore here we go they’re breaking him out on their own by then James had climbed onto a platform waiting for the company’s rescue Michael hurried to the spot where he last Saw James and also arrived at the rooftop the two exchanged blows in a fierce fist fight meanwhile a guard in the Watchtower spotted the helicopter but he couldn’t make out the faces of the two escapes after reporting the situation to his superiors the guard was immediately taken out by the helicopter’s gunman James kicked away from Michael and grabbed hold of the rope ladder as it descended Michael rushed over and took a flying leap to hold onto James he believed that if James Got Away LJ and he would both be silenced more and more guards gathered below and the helicopter’s gunman was also taken out unable to withand Michaels pulling the two ended up back on the rooftop the rescue mission ended in failure Mission Fair return to base one immediately the cunning James quickly got up jumped down through the ventilation shaft and even managed to take off his shirt in the process the prison alarm blared urgently at that moment Michael also ran back to his cell to change clothes but as soon as he came out he was caught by a guard when Michael was dragged to the yard it was already filled with kneeling prisoners General zala scrutinized each person’s face and finally approached Michael ordering him to stand up you’ve been in Sona prison for less than a month and two major Escape incidents have occurred tell me is all this just a coincidence although Michael tried his best to explain that he was not involved zala slapped him to the ground you’ve caused too many problems here in sauna so maybe you shouldn’t be here in SAA de [Music] la say goodbye to Sona Mr scoffield this was the most brutal punishment in Sona prison in the scorching heat nearing 40° C Michael was confined in a cage made entirely of iron which was covered with a plastic film that allowed only his head to breathe it’s well known that iron conducts heat exceptionally well and the plastic film creates an effect where heat gathers but hardly dissipates anyone spending a day in this steam cage would inevitably turn into a dried corpse devoid of any moisture Zavala demanded that Michael reveal the origin of the helicopter that attacked the prison but Michael fearing the company’s retribution and their propensity for breaking promises stubbornly refused to speak only minutes after being locked up Michael was drenched and sweat and nearly fainted he tried several times to muster the strength to tear off the plastic film but severe dehydration had taken its toll making even standing up a luxury he couldn’t afford of course Zavala couldn’t let Michael die so quickly he ordered his men to bring a cup of water coincidentally Gravedigger sucra came to bury a body and seeing Michael on the brink of death offered to help and drink seeing sucra Michael found a bit of strength to stand up he knew this cup of water wouldn’t save him Michael had already given up hope on Survival but after persistent persuasion from sucra Michael drank the water Michael urged sucra not to get involved in the Escape Plan anymore and to leave Panama to reunite with his wife and child as soon as possible however sucra Bound by a deep sense of Brotherhood and loyalty secretly resolved to rescue Michael as the sun became increasingly vicious zala occasionally came to tempt Michael promising that he could return to an airconditioned room immediately if he disclosed the identities of the attackers Michael was well aware that the mysterious companies reach and power were far beyond what he a mere prison Warden could contend with moreover if he revealed any information about the company his nephew LJ would certainly be killed however Zavala told Michael a story that suddenly changed his stance in Panama there once was a notorious drug lord backed by an army of hundreds of thugs they committed unspeakable acts of violence against anyone who stood in their way to the extent that even the government and police dared not confront him directly people said he was Unstoppable but now this drug lord was personally delivered into Sona prison by me he is leero whom you all know and now I hold the power over life and death for Leo from the moment I got [Music] here I’ve been planning my Escape he’s talking how do you know you can’t get out of the box any other way on seeing Michael being released from the steam cage James panicked because McGrady had told him that prisoners locked up there were never released unless they cooperated in zavala’s air conditioned office Michael divulged everything about the company James and the plot against his brother it didn’t take long for Zavala to bring James in for interrogation what’s he talking about you know nothing about this no Scofield’s a smart man but it’s that he’s got a Rabbid imagination so you’re calling him a liar more or less the next second Zavala ordered a set of torture tools to be brought in but before the electric plug was even inserted James fearing for his life confessed everything are you working with scarfield yes I’m working with scarfield James revealed that his contact was gret and Morgan who had orchestrated the violent prison break but he didn’t know Gretchen’s address Michael said he had a way needing only to borrow zavala’s phone link Michael what phone are you on just listen to me I need to know where and when your next meeting with Susan B is Garfield Price Building downtown in an hour why Garfield price 1 hour soon Gretchen who was meeting with Lincoln was captured and brought back but she claimed she didn’t know James Zavala not wanting to waste words on Gretchen immediately started torturing [Music] her yes or no no you prove one thing this is not your first time faced with a tough nut to crack Zavala then had James and Michael confront Gretchen directly under James’s identification Gretchen had no choice but to confess however she claimed she was just a runner and that the real boss was in a place tens of kilometers away she could lead Zavala to him Zavala is a man of action without a moment’s delay he immediately took Gretchen to capture the person but he overestimated himself to capture the head of the company he only brought a driver as expected as soon as zala opened the warehouse door Gretchen took the opportunity to attack and both were killed the news of zavala’s death quickly spread to the prison with the leader dead the investigation into the Escape had to be temporarily suspended under the escort of prison guards James and Michael were once again brought back to the prison although there was tension between them they had no choice but to continue working towards their common goal of escape this is the most classic scene of bellich in the prison break Series where you will witness the birth of the legendary boxer bellich upon his arrival at Sona prison he was barely clothed licking mud from the ground enduring utter humiliation by Scavenging clothes from dead bod he successfully obtained a pair of shoes along with a naval revealing outfit leopard print pants today marks bellic’s 15th day in prison and he’s no longer the new be who knew nothing about prison life yet when someone vomited on the ground sammi’s minion Octavio still demanded bellich clean it up Bellic knew that showing weakness here would only invite more bullying so he pretended to be fierce and pushed Octavio away not anticipating that Octavio would step on the vomit however Bellic returned to his cell only to find a chicken foot on his pillow he was dumbfounded this was the most brutal duel token in Sona prison if someone throws a chicken foot at you it means you must duel and refusal is not an option until one of the parties is beaten to death terrified Bellic immediately sought lerro hoping he could stop the duel but Sammy already revealing his Ambitions to become the new leader and insisting on protecting his own bypassed leero and announced the duel would take place in 15 minutes lerro hears him in the room and asks Sammy why he’s holding the duel without permission he’s the boss here but Samy only responded with a contemptuous laugh it’s not your place well maybe it should be sensing a looming disaster teabag fearing for his own safety if lerro falls immediately sought out James who was planning an escape to make a deal if he could eliminate Sammy he would be included in the Escape team after all if Sammy took over accessing the storage room to dig the tunnel would be impossible James agreed to teabags request without hesitation the yard was buzzing with noise and the beding odds reached a staggering 100 to1 as no one believed Bellic looking like he was 6 months pregnant could survive Bellic extremely nervous was frantically searching for something once he found it his eyes lit up and he wrapped his fists with cloth strips like a boxer about to enter the ring then mysteriously he stuffed cotton balls into his nose Octavio with his eight pack abs was already eager Bellic wearing an inappropriate belly shirt and shuffling in small steps made a dazzling entrance however before Bellic could look cool for even a second Octavio hit him in the face with a headbutt followed by a barrage of punches and kicks that left Bellic powerless to fight back Octavio exuded the aura of a king unexpectedly Bellic tfa’s old boots charged forward not going for the kill but instead covering Octavio’s mouth and nose Octavio managed to break free but suddenly he felt un steady and his vision began to blur Bellic didn’t give Octavio a chance to fight back using a knee strike combined with a flurry of punches and ending the fight with a stylish uppercut the audience erupted in cheers and even Bellic couldn’t believe he had won the fight excited he tore off the cloth from his hands loudly expressing his thrill and joy but he didn’t notice te-ag quietly observing his nostrils congratulations he’s a regular Buster Douglas aren’t you hey what is this how’d you get that up there huh it turns out before the duel Bellic had smeared acetone on the cloth acetone is a colorless volatile liquid that acts as a central nervous system depressant so he cheated to defeat the formidable Octavio teabag picked up the cloth sniffed it and once again he had dirt on someone but Bellic was indifferent ever since he beat the skilled fighter Octavio Bellic started to get carried away boasting about his fighting skills everywhere he would explain to anyone how awesome he was and how adjusted his mindset to win after receiving the chicken foot with men looking at Bellic in admiration teabag approached the overconfident Bellic and let him away he threatened Bellic to challenge Sammy using the same method to eliminate him or else he would expose his cheating but if he succeeds he could join the Escape team and break out together Escaping The Prison was bellic’s dream and considering how easily he won the previous duel he waved his arm eager to try sure enough the overconfident Bellic actually approached Sammy do we come to you if we need the chicken foot tiger pants who you got beef with I don’t know his name some Caribbean guy stole my wallet a while back better think long and hard before you say another word yeah he got this fruity little mustache and this ugly ass [Music] vest please I’m begging you the Applause from the prisoners below thundered through the sky as no one had dared to throw a chicken foot at Sammy after so long and Sona prison dozens had dueled with Sammy before and the weeds over their graves were already over 2 m tall Bellic was indeed a man however when Bellic opened the acetone box he was instantly dumbfounded because someone had mistaken it for trash and emptied it leaving not a drop like got be more acetone around here no that’s it I can’t go against Sammy straight up I’m a dead man if you don’t kill him we are all dead Bellic was instantly dumbfounded deflating like a punctured balloon and reverting back to his cowardly self however calling off the duel was now impossible upstairs Sammy was warming up his massive chest muscles on par with bellic’s large belly with the Dual time fast approaching an extremely anxious Bellic was still searching for something to replace the acetone it’s time stop his face Brad you know this has all been one Big M understanding I I wasn’t talking about Sammy it it was that’s him that’s the guy I was talking about yeah I don’t see no fooding mustache and where is his ugly ass best friend don’t worry just stand a real chance of winning this one but time was running out and seeing that begging for mercy was useless Bell could only Fain calmness and raise his hands in a mock gesture of Readiness Samy also approached the arena pushing through the crowd and stylishly throwing a chicken foot onto the ground however the life and death duel ended before it even began under Sam’s Relentless punches Bellic was beaten to a pulp not having even the slightest chance to fight back and in the end he was pressed down and spun around in circles watching Bellic being humiliated teabag couldn’t bear to look after humiliating Bellic Samy was about to end bellic’s life with a choke hold when suddenly shouts from his men upstairs interrupted go since Michael emerged from the steam cage he had been hiding in the tunnel with James and Mahone digging an escape tunnel the tunnel was already over a meter deep and to prevent the entrance from collapsing Mahone and James were desperately supporting the wood planks Michael holding a short piece of rebar climbed up and inserted a wedge into the Gap stabilizing the wood planks upon release true talents don’t rely on Brute Force but on being well-rounded and knowledgeable however to dig deeper more wood planks for support were needed with loud shouts outside the trio was unclear about what was happening and immedi medely went up to check but upon emerging they were discovered by Samy’s men who were armed forcing the trio to hurriedly retreat back into the tunnel James running last was tackled to the ground to keep the Escape Plan secret Mahon had no choice but to close the password protected door since Michael’s escape attempt from Samy’s room nearly got Sammy shot by prison guards Sam harbored deep hatred for Michael hearing his men say they found Michael Sammy dropped Bellic and ran towards the basem*nt arriving at the password door Sammy pointed a gun at James threatening Michael to open the door although Michael was reluctant to let James be killed the rational mahome quickly stopped him going out was akin to Suicide staying might provide a chance to figure out a solution Michael thoughtful carefully removed something from the wood plank mahome also found a stone sword and handed it to Michael for self-defense seeing the door remained closed Sammy returned to the yard Bellic thought Sammy was going to kill him and immediately fell to his knees and begged for mercy but Sammy didn’t care to kill this weakling he went straight to lerro who was watching from the back come along Norman let’s go Sammy threatened leero to reveal the password tensions Rising between them but just then Michael suddenly opened the door and everyone rushed in immediately spotting the large hole not far away even a fool could guess they were planning an escape Michael no longer hid the Escape Plan laying it all out and even inviting Sammy to join but Samy wanting the escape plan for himself declared that none of them would leave and climbed up to check the construction progress however the next second a massive amount of sand and soil buried Sammy alive not even giving him a chance to scream Mahal was the first to react knocking down a minion beside him with an elbow strike while lerro picked up a gun from the ground and successfully took out the remaining minions with a few shots Michael stared blankly at the hole this was his first time indirectly killing someone as he had just removed the very rebar that caused the collapse afterwards lerro dragged the bodies out kicking Samy’s body down to the second floor declaring his regained control over the prison although Bellic did not win the duel he still contributed and ultimately joined the elite Escape team now with no more obstacles within the prison it was time to consider how to deal with the guards and the watchtowers though the human threats were dealt with an unexpected heavy rainstorm plunged the Escape team into another major crisis this was the most crucial 30 seconds in the lives of the seven-man prison break team they all held their breath anxiously awaiting the signal to charge as the contact outside the prison knocked down the electric pole the search light on the Watchtower plunged the area Into Darkness 30 seconds go the opportunity was fleeting at Michael’s command lerro was the first to climb out of the hole followed closely by tabag with Bellic in third position but at this critical moment Michael stopped the remaining three in their tracks meanwhile the three on the ground madly dashed towards the fence however just 5 seconds into their run the backup generator restored power and the search light on the Watchtower was relit the three of them were dumbfounded and at the moment they didn’t dare to make the slightest move realizing their predicament leero knew staying meant certain death so he dashed towards the prison exterior disregarding everything but then a volley of bullets flew towards him lerro fell to the ground fortunately only hit in the chest Bellic and teabag were petrified by the scene reluctantly raising their hands to surrender Michael hidden under a manhole cover peaked out in fed Panic as he reported the situation above to his allies Li but Mahone ever so clever guest Michael had known the timing of the generator’s activation all along there wasn’t actually 30 seconds and the three captured were merely Michael’s scapegoats Michael claimed he had merely miscalculated the timing he peaked out again and indeed found the surroundings filled with trucks loaded with prison guards along with Patrol vehicles that were usually hidden in the jungle these vehicles were exactly what they needed to continue their escape the guards took the three to the yard interrogating them on how they infiltrated the restricted area tag knew that speaking out meant certain death but keeping silent offered a sliver of Hope his mind raced as he quickly thought up a suitable excuse but he never thought that the guards just gently locked Bellic and the death hungry Bellic explained everything tunnel where under theer’s room teabag was utterly speechless at this fool and leero was nearly driven to internal injury from anger led by Bellic a large Force immediately arrived at the tunnel entrance now only separated from Michael by a coated door the captain ordered his men to blow the lock off hearing the noise the other escapes urged Michael to act quickly calmly surveying his surroundings and ensuring no guards were around the trucks Michael cautiously climbed out of the hole swiftly hiding under a Jeep James and Mahone followed suit McGrady trailing last was on edge even hearing the sounds of guards climbing ladders just a second before McGrady’s feet left the the ground a guards had finally appeared only then did teabag realize they had been duped by Michael but they could blame no one but themselves for desperately wanting to be at the front of the line thinking Bellic was deceiving them meas punched him directly in the nose without hesitation to prove his truthfulness Bellic blurted out the names of the other four suggesting a headcount in the cells to verify the guards quickly confirmed four inmates were missing meanwhile as the guards were occupied with the head count Michael and his group hurridly crawled from under the Jeep using the vehicle as cover to escape the prison when meas reached the fence he found only a large gap Left Behind the group ran from night till dawn finally escaping the jungle to reach a vast Beach Lincoln their contact had been waiting there for a long time but with no boat in sight how would they escape the Relentless pursuers behind them Lincoln ran straight for a mound of sand and began digging furiously Michael had planned the Escape Route from the prison knowing the beach could perfectly conceal their Footprints he had lincol Barry oxygen tanks here in advance taking a boat would make them too conspicuous and easily intercepted to evade capture they had to disappear Without a Trace he instructed everyone to remove their shoes and socks put them in a box and reberry it while their valuables were sealed in bags to be carried Mahone pleaded with Lincoln to save a photo of his son but considering Mahone had killed Lincoln’s father if not for the the fear of exposing their whereabouts Lincoln would have wished to tear him to pieces right then and there how could he possibly agree to safeguard his belongings just then James noticed something am miss the most crucial bird guide book containing coordinates needed by the company was missing must have fell out of my pocket I thought you already figured out the coordinates well I didn’t memorize them I wrote them in the book in order to get rid of the pursuers behind them they could only go into the water first the five men jumped into the sea disapp peering into the vast ocean minutes later a large group of guards arrived at the beach scanning the sea with binoculars they found no trace of any boat wondering how the escapes could have vanished Into Thin Air they returned to search the jungle meanwhile Lincoln led the others underwat towards a destination when they surfaced they clung to a buoy for a brief respit utterly exhausted but Lincoln realized something was wrong according to the plan sucra should have been there with a yacht but the sea was eerily quiet unbeknownst to them sucra was detained in the guard’s office due to his fugitive status with his phone already confiscated by the guards now without enough oxygen or strength to swim back they faced the Grim Prospect of perishing at Sea in life it’s rare to find such a friend who even when beaten to a pulp and buried alive will still protect you with his last breath yet throughout your life you’ll encounter countless Friends of the sort when you’re shining bright they would kneel on the ground wishing they could lick the dirt off your shoes news clean but when you fall into Hard Times They viciously step on you and then ruthlessly suffocate you without a second thought watching this episode of Prison Break you’ll understand why in real life the first type of friend is becoming increasingly rare while the second type is as common as dirt just last night the seven member Prison Break team seized their chance to escape but three were caught on the Spot while the other four under Michael’s leadership successfully Broke Free the guards gathered all the prisoners in the yard and subjected B one of the three to brutal torture they beat him from night till day trying to force out of him the whereabouts of Michael and the others however bellich was not exactly a loyal brother as he genuinely had no clue where Michael and the rest had gone poor Bellic was knocked unconscious multiple times leaving only leero and teabag available for questioning but with lero critically wounded from a gunshot the guards could only drag teabag with his arm broken towards the interrogation room on the way teabag was pushed over by a guard and accidentally discovered a bird book under a car which he had seen Michael and James valuing greatly using the opportunity teabag sneakily slipped the book into his pocket once in the interrogation room the guards didn’t waste time talking and directly stripped teabag of his white shorts there’s no need to refry my beans always with the wise talk never saying anything we want to hear now all I want to hear seeing his private parts of about to be electrified into roasted sausages teabag was scared out of his wits and hurriedly hid in a corner but then he accidentally saw sucr locked in the Next Room thus making sucra the prime target for interrogation but he does he knows everything he although he repeatedly stated he didn’t know Michael when a stack of files was handed to meas sucra could no longer deny it because inside was su’s warrant in the USA while teabag smirked maliciously in the background soon after sucra who had been knocked unconscious countless times struggled to open his eyes completely disfigured yet he didn’t utter a word throughout seeing they had hit a tough knot mestas decided to subject him to even more brutal punishments as sucra was being dragged away he saw teabag and M is laughing and walking out together quickly sucra was taken to an empty lot where the guards handed him a shovel to dig his own grave as the gravedigger severely injured he managed to dig the hole Raphael threatened sura again saying if he didn’t reveal Michael’s whereabouts to just lie down quietly in the pit even if I knew shovel after shovel of sand was thrown on him but sukra would rather die than betray his friend gradually the dust completely covered su’s head yet he remained dignified witnessing such loyalty for the first time mes knew it was feudal and ordered his men to pull sucra up and send him back to prison but just then the phone confiscated from sucra started ringing Raphael said if it’s Michael calling ask where he is sucra remains silent unexpectedly Michael’s voice actually came through on the phone knowing Michael was safe a tear quietly slid down suk’s eye how could Michael and the others clearly trapped at Sea appear dressed up on the streets it turns out McGrady’s father Alfonso had gone to the dock as agreed to pick up his son however upon arrival he realized the boat sucr was supposed to use to pick them up moved from the shore at all Alfonso sensing something had gone wrong took the boat in the direction of the prison and indeed found the five men barely alive at Sea after being rescued Michael concerned asked sucra why he hadn’t shown up at the agreed location and if he had encountered any mishap bearing the pain sucra calmly assured Michael he was okay knowing everyone was safe sucra didn’t wait for Michael’s response before he threw away the phone and crushed it underfoot denying Raphael any chance of getting information kill me if you want oh puppy I’m going to wish we had on the other side with the inmates aware of the escape attempt and with leero severely injured the prisoners went on a rampage looting and destroying everything in sight leero was beaten by a group of inmates and Bellic trembling with fear quickly pulled teabag aside to high surprisingly teabag known for his venomous nature shoved Bellic away declaring his intention to save Leo he once saw me as a brother now it’s my turn to repay him he said teg quickly intervened to drive away a few inmates and then helped leero to his room which was in disarray with people rumaging for valuables leero angered took out a gun from the safe scaring away two Petty thieves get out as the inmates gathered below Leo’s window Bellic quickly fled but teabag seemed genuinely concern for leero tenderly treating his wounds leero suspecting ulterior motives question teabags intentions the last one I expect to see at my side I take offense Patron i’ had many foot washes many men have come in with sheep’s clothing only to let the Wolf come out who whoa whoa I am not trying to hurt you I am trying to save you save me I’m going to die here your life isn’t Jeopardy just being with me not necessarily teabag Finally Revealed the truth on the way back to prison mes had told him that for $50,000 he could buy his freedom though lerro was skeptical with his life hanging by a thread he questioned the value of money now but if I could find the money who can I trust to bring it in there is one person teabag hurridly called Leo’s former lover to bring the money inside however once teabag received the money his venomous fangs were finally bared the only Mercy was perhaps allowing lero to die with some dignity from the beginning to the end there was never a real chance to buy Freedom with money the venomous hearted teabag was only out to drain lero of his last value witnessing this scene Bellic was so frightened that he didn’t know where to put his hands the cherro is dead soon after tag delivered a passionate speech in the yard and distributed some of the money to the inmates winning their hearts money made off of your back and off the backs of your family it’s yours and I’m here to tell you I’m giving it back after a thorough brainwashing the inmates were boiling with blood unanimously recognizing teabag is the new king of the prison though teabag didn’t manage to escape he at least became the boss here meanwhile sukra was also sent back to prison ironically ending up in a tragic situation for having laid down his life for his brothers this is the grand finale of Prison Break season 3 an episode where Michael’s intelligence completely outweights the antagonist let’s let’s see how the exceptionally smart Michael manages to rescue LJ right under the noses of a dozen snipers after Michael and the others returned to the dock changed clothes and bid farewell to McGrady and his son it was time for them to get down to business the four headed to a warehouse previously scoped up by Lincoln and then called Gretchen asking her to bring the hostage LJ there for an exchange with James in 20 minutes and she was not to bring any of her henchmen but Gretchen was no fool her orders were to kill Michael his brother and L day immediately after getting James back while the brothers were discussing their plan Mahone stepped forward and said since what comes next is a personal Vendetta between them he would take his leave but Lincoln was not about to let mahome go easily remembering that this man had killed his father I was going to kill you at the beach but I didn’t want to do anything that was going to get us caught you shot my dad in the back I’m going to give you the courtesy you never gave him now turn around Mahon explained that if he did not pursue them his entire family would be killed by the company leaving him no choice Lincoln was uninterested in his explanation but just as he was about to shoot the sound of shattering glass suddenly came from behind it turned out that James had escaped through a window taking advantage of the brother’s distraction Mahone also quickly ran outside with Lincoln now too preoccupied to seek revenge the brothers hurriedly chased after the fleeing James who had already jumped off a container and stolen a car from a passer by driving away what are we going to do now the brothers were frantic knowing that losing James meant LJ s certain death they immediately drove after him engaging in a high-speed chase seeing a traffic jam ahead James quickly abandoned the car and ran then borrowed a phone from a passer by to call Gretchen you need to come and pick me up where are you Lincoln grabbed the phone only to find out that the person on the other end was Gretchen revealing they had all been in cahoots returning to the warehouse for the exchange was no longer advantageous so to ensure a safe escape the brothers had to find a new location for the trade Michael called Gretchen arranging to meet in a crowded Square where the company’s men would not dare to make a move with so many witnesses around I’m thinking public place wanted men police lots of witnesses to identify you Plaza de Francia 10 minutes be alone round everyone up they finally met with Lincoln guarding James at gunpoint while Michael instructed Gretchen to bring out the hostages unexpectedly they also brought Jam’s girlfriend Sophia as a hostage you move you’re dead snipers position on rooftops had Lincoln and the others in their sights ready to shoot them dead the moment the exchange was completed but how could Michael possibly put himself in a disadvantageous position he gave gave Lincoln a look signaling him to leave with James Gretchen was caught off guard but without securing the hostages she dared not act rashley what the hell was he doing I’ve lost this is not the point of the exchange this is just a confirmation that everyone’s still alive they’re alive let’s trade you’ll get a call in 5 minutes telling you where to go next and when the exchange is over and LJ is safe you and I are going to spend some quality time when the exchange is over you better run for your life Michael then directed Gretchen to a nearby museum for the trade sneakily taking a souvenir with him with no choice Gretchen led her people into the museum but suddenly the metal detector ahead let out a shrill beeping sound and it was then that Gretchen realized why Michael had chosen this location unable to bring weapons inside she had to hand over her gun to her subordinates and instruct them to guard the museum exits L J couldn’t help but Gretchen Walk Alone Gretchen walked into the museum with the hostages where Michael and his group had been waiting for a long time now unable to play any tricks the exchange of hostages officially began LJ walked over to Michael’s side First and James followed embracing Sophia tightly meanwhile Sophia urged James to give the coordinates to Gretchen and not to go with her but James hesitated avoiding eye contact as Sophia pressed for answers Gretchen Finally Revealed the truth James had never been a fisherman nor did he have any coordinates it was all a lie he had concocted in fact James was a member of the company the general had gone to Great Lengths to rescue him for a very important Mission only he could carry out with crucial information recorded in that bird guide book heartbroken Sophia lamented how she had given her all to get him out of prison only to find out he had been exploiting her feelings all along secretly working for a malevolent company thus Sophia resolutely cited with Lincoln but Gretchen was unruffled reasoning that since the exits were blocked by the company’s man their attempt to leave was doomed to failure anyway Michael had already anticipated such tricks and shattered the Museum’s glass with his elbow setting off the alarm this meant everyone had to exit through the main entrance and undergo Security checks we’re all walking out of here together as they left Michael and his group smoothly passed the checks but when the guards searched James pockets they found the souvenir Michael had sneakily placed there leading to James being detained grit and panicked realizing if James was recognized and sent back to prison their efforts would have been for not she hastily ordered her men to act but in the ensuing chaos a bullet struck Sophia Lincoln rushed to rescue her but he couldn’t stay long LJ told Lincoln to go he would stay behind to take care of Sophia as the seeing descended into chaos gritchen and James had already made their escape elsewhere a disheveled Mahone appeared in a bar now a wanted man even if he returned to the United States just then a man entered none other than the refreshed James seemingly with a plan in mind James had long intended to recruit Mahone you in I’m in Sophia was now out of danger L J handed Michael Sarah’s Keepsake outside a paper folded Rose at Fox River State Penitentiary Sarah had mentioned she disliked things that easily wilted so Michael had given her an everlasting origami flower unexpectedly Sarah had always kept it close Michael was filled with Melancholy knowing his brother and nephew were safe leaving him with one last unresolved matter to kill Gretchen in Revenge for Sarah not wanting to involve his brother’s family Michael Bid Farewell to Lincoln taking the Everlasting origami flower as he embarked on his path of Vengeance he is a highly intelligent prison escapee once successful in escaping twice he has become a one at fugitive in multiple countries even though Michael has escaped from prison the death of his girlfriend Sarah haunts him like a rivet fixed in his heart keeping him awake at night he has been tracking the murderer for 3 weeks and today it all comes to an end Michael picks up the Everlasting origami flower on the table signifying the official start of his revenge plan he observes Mahone opening his car door is James and Gretchen dressed formally enter the hotel Michael follows suit disguising himself as a service staff to blend in then changes into a suit in a secluded corner and takes out his weapon to begin his action at this moment James enters a presidential suite alone and takes out $50 million to purchase a memory card but the moment he secures the memory card James pulls out a gun and eliminates them he quickly goes to a storage room retrieves a machine from the ceiling and begins to copy the information on the memory card however just as James is about to finish Michael catches up to him gun in hand demanding to know where Gretchen is James hides the memory card behind his back and quietly switches it with his hand get her in here now you have to trust me I’m not your enemy Michael [Music] James we need to leave you know despite everything if Sarah could weigh in right now she’d tell me not to kill you that’s the kind of person she was this is for Sarah I never killed Sarah I wouldn’t in a moment of desperation Gretchen reveals shocking news she claimed she did not kill Sarah Sarah had escaped from the dark room where she was held to threaten Michael into planning a full-fledged Prison Break she had fake Sarah’s death Michael can hardly believe his ears yet he desperately hopes it’s true as Michael is distracted James takes the opportunity to draw his gun on him give me the gun she’s lying is she if you pull that trigger you’ll never know just then the sound of police sirens outside Rises the bodies of the two men James just killed have been discovered stuck here they would all be caught so Michael has no choice but to lower his weapon as he leaves James discreetly takes a newspaper from the table and hides the fake memory card inside it placing it in a planter moments later a white-haired liaison from the company retrieves it soon after Gretchen meets General CR in the desert to cr’s Fury the memory card Jam submitted turns out to be blank although Gretchen insists James must have tampered with it the fact that she went to Great Lengths to get James out of prison makes Kent suspect they are in collusion you know what to do there from a slush fun from Cobra too it’s yours no please please elsewhere Michael calls his brother Lincoln to confirm if he saw Sarah’s head in the Box Lincoln affirms but since the basem*nt was dark he didn’t inspect the head to confirm if it was Sarah this reignites Michael’s hope he starts checking his voicemail for any message from Sarah unexpectedly there’s a message suggesting Sarah is alive and wants to meet him Michael rushes to the meeting place only to find the former senior agent Mahone waiting for him mahol gets straight to the point saying he and James are working together against the company and Gretchen was merely being used likely already eliminated the memory card known as Sila contains the names and operational plans of all the company’s agents securing it would enable them to completely destroy the company otherwise they will all be relentlessly hunted down but Michael’s only concern is Sarah’s whereabouts only when Mahon suggests James might know where Sarah is does Michael agree to meet James in a secluded spot James reappears holding the memory card stating only by accessing Sila’s data can we bring down the company and only then can all of us truly gain our freedom the problem is that accessing silla’s data requires breaking into a heavily guard facility given Michael’s history of successful Prison Breaks they believe he can lead this Mission which is why they’ve approached him for an alliance the bird guide left in Sona prison contained information that could have made the Breakin easier but it’s now in Tag’s possession even without it with their combined efforts they are confident in their success Sarah is indeed alive hiding somewhere in Chicago but she is in grave danger as the company is aggressively eliminating anyone aware of the secret before he can finish a bullet strikes James in the head unexpectedly James dies just like that after their escape the company’s most formidable assassin Wyatt steps forward takes Sila from James’s body and coie walks away Wyatt hands Sila over to the general for verification relieved it’s authentic he orders Wyatt to kill everyone aware of Sila’s secret it’s time to clean up up now thoroughly everyone who was close to Whistler scofi m home Burrows a truck full of stowaways slowly approaches the Mexican border the driver opens the cargo area which is packed tightly with over 50 people unbelievably Bellic and sucra emerg from inside but how could they who were clearly in Panama’s Sona prison appear here it turns out that just 3 days ago a riot broke out in Sona prison the prison was burned to ashes by the inmates and 90% of the prisoners were shot on the spot by the guards they along with teabag were just the ones who managed to escape Bellic had already contacted his mother to pick him up here indeed even if you are a fugitive a mother is always the most trustworthy person sucra rushes to the hospital first thing today is the day his girlfriend Mary Cruz is giving birth Mary Cruz’s sister brings the newborn baby and as sucra is immersed in happiness the sister quietly signals someone across the room turns out fearing sucra would drag Mary Cruz down she had already informed the police ahead of time sucra is furious but carefully hands his daughter over to her then hurly escapes through the fire escape Bellic waiting below is dumbfounded by the scene but before they can start the car they are surrounded by a swarm of police the poor Duo were caught again not even an hour after their escape compared to them teag who also escaped from the same prison is living the good life with Mary’s help teag gets his hands on all of Leo’s savings spending his days dressed like an executive but he is not satisfied with such a comfortable life as he can never forget the countless times Michael left him for dead he takes out a stack of dollars bidding farewell to the only woman in the world who appreciated him under the arrangement of his assistant Sancho they bought a black car headed for the United States planning to seek revenge on Michael while Sancho goes to use the bathroom te-ag boasts about his intelligence and Leadership skills one in the million top Charisma yes he just going to look down his nose at me how you going to find him this you’re both into Birds no it’s either going to take me to him or he to me I just know but the two drivers are indifferent to his boasts what they care about is the cash and teabags bag one of the drivers quietly picks up a crowbar hidden under the seat the seen shifts and teabag and Sancho are lying in a desert about 60 km from the US border the drivers Rob them of all their money and food leaving behind only the useless bird guide without food and water how will they cross this desolate desert on the other side the company’s top assassin Wyatt has already begun his mission which is to eliminate Mahone as well as Michael and Lincoln when Wyatt arrives at mahon’s ex-wife Pam’s house and gets no useful information he brutally murders mahon’s entire family upon hearing the news mahome rushes over disregarding his status as a wanted criminal wanting to rush into the house to see the condition of his wife and child but is stopped by the police the police tell mahome that if he goes in now he will regret it for the rest of his life hinting at the dire situation inside in the third season the biggest winner has to be Lincoln who not only remains unharmed with his son but also gains a new girlfriend unfortunately the good times do not last long as Lincoln vaguely feels that he is being targeted by the company just as he is leading with Sophia and L J they are ambushed by the company’s assassin get back toad although Lincoln kills the company’s agent the loud gunfire attracts nearby patrolling police and he is eventually arrested by the local authorities on the other hand and Michael is still looking for Sarah and makes a call to Bruce a friend of Sarah’s father unfortunately just as the call Connects a group of police surrounds Michael hands on your head Michel Michael is taken to an interrogation room where he meets with Don a senior agent from Homeland Security Don gets straight to the point saying he has been secretly investigating Sila for years and James was his undercover agent in the company now that James has been killed he hoped Michael will agree to join the search for Sila promising Freedom upon success though the offer is tempting Michael states he will discuss nothing unless they help him find Sarah Don hesitates as finding Sarah would require signatures from leaders of 20 different departments and if any of them are affiliated with the company Sarah’s life could be at risk but Don offers another tempting condition your brother Lincoln has been taken by the Panamanian police and we can extradite him back to the US at any time if you agree I think I like to talk to my brother you working those seeing the efficiency and power of Homeland Security Michael begins to be swayed however Don also states that for their safety only a few people in the government know about this operation and he would be their direct contact after obtaining Sila you would then Infiltrate The heavily guarded company headquarters to decrypt it with your experience of escaping prison twice I believe this wouldn’t be a difficult task for you as Michael hesitates some weather to join someone posts a hefty bail for the brothers and they are released turns out this person is Bruce a friend of Sarah’s father Bruce takes Michael to a house opens the door and standing opposite is the long year for Sarah after many days they Embrace tightly that night they spend the entire time together and Michael gives the origami flower to Sarah seeing the scars inflicted on Sarah’s back fills Michael with pain and guilt suddenly a bullet flies in it’s the company’s assassin Wyatt who has arrived they quickly find a safe place to hide Michael finally understands that unless the company is brought down they will never have peace the next morning Michael meets his former prison escape companions all part of his conditions to join the Sila project he didn’t expect Don to actually bring them all here can’t tell you how grateful I am for including me Su vouched for you Bell you said you came through for him down in Panama Alex Michael you ready for this yeah I am soon after Don prepares new identities for Michael and the others but Michael knows some things can’t be faked to better conceal himself without using painkillers Michael endures severe pain to remove all his tattoos A New Journey has begun but they are unaware that they have already been drawn into a much larger conspiracy you can never imagine how ugly human nature can become in the face of life and death this is their third day trapped in the desolate desert without food and water even taking a step becomes an arduous task for them teabag while tearing pages from a book to save off hunger encourages Sancho not to give up hope of surviving but unexpectedly taking advantage of teabag resting Sancho strikes him with a stick how you doing I’m hungry Teddy P the both of us die out here when one of us can help the other one survive you don’t want to do this please I’ll make it quick it turned out that Sancho wanted to eat teab bag’s hunger but unfortunately the starving and dizzy Sancho was only gently pushed by teabag and crashed to death on the Rock looking at Sancho’s body teabag is filled with immense sorrow however at this moment an evil thought also flashes through his mind teag shakes his head trying to calm himself but in the next second there’s a bonfire burning on the ground and he drags Sancho’s body towards the fire with all his might even though he has killed countless people before this is the first time he feels the Less in his heart 3 days pass and although he has the strength to keep going tag can’t help but wretch when he thinks back fortunately lock is on their side as he hear the sound of a motor from behind a dune it turns out to be two young men passing by on off-road bikes seeing teabags miserable State the young man offer him a ride oh we can give you a ride if you’d like hey what’s wrong man it’s some bad Mexican something like that with the help of the two young men teabag finally made it back to San Diego USA he comes to this city because the bird guide marked a special set of numbers seemingly hiding something important by James here following the guides instructions teabag successfully finds a shared storage locker inputs the password and discovers various IDs bank cards and documents inside obviously this is another identity of James tag learns from the newspaper that James has been murdered and decides to assume this new identity without hesitation according to the information teabag boarded a bus to Los Angeles and searched for the address on the name plate and used the key to open a room looking at the luxurious Furnishings inside the room teabag can’t contain his ecstasy from now on he can live undiscovered no longer needing to flee while shaving teabag recalls the times Michael tricked him leading to the loss of his left hand and a series of tragic events that followed now it’s time for his revenge however what he doesn’t know is that Michael and the others have also arrived in Los Angeles the Escape team reunites aiming to obtain Sila to completely break the company and secure a peaceful life for their latter years they arrive at an abandoned warehouse well stocked with supplies Don also equips them with a new team member the top hacker Roland Roland is officially there to assist Michael and others in decrypting Sila’s Secrets but is actually Dawn’s Insider among them without delay the operation officially begins Mahone shares his intelligence first he was once the personal driver for James and Gretchen and overheard some Clues it turns out the company stored Sila with a high- ranking executive the so-called card holder he had once seen the card holders driver and could identify him from a photo which would lead them to the card holder but with 10 million people in Los Angeles finding this driver is like finding a needle in a Hy stack Mahone truly deserving of his reputation as a former top FBI agent captivates everyone with his subsequent deduction his suit his suit you don’t buy a suit like that on a cop’s salary or pulling you gang gigs as a driver that means he’s fulltime he’s highly paid you ask our friend Mr self to run tax records a 45 to 55y old white males in Los Angeles drawing a military pension and taking six figures from a private security company and you narrow your field from 10 million till about 50 and then I can pick the guy out from there find the driver you find the card holder through deduction the scope was instantly narrowed from 10 ion to 50 people with information provided by Homeland Security Mahone immediately recognizes the driver from these 50 people without a moment’s delay they stake out the driver’s home and follow him to the card holders residence it’s a private Villa resembling a castle with motion sensors at the entrance surrounded by alarm systems and armed guards making it impossible for even a fly to get in let alone sneak into steel the card worse yet Michael suddenly feels dizzy for no reason and looking up into the mirror he shockingly discovers black blood flowing from his nose never ever mooch off free Wi-Fi in public places or you might not even realize what happened when the balance in your phone account gets swiped clean this is the ultimate black Tech created by the top hacker Roland it looks like a smartphone but in reality it’s a digital black hole it can intercept All Digital Data from no more than two people including the account information of those using public Wi-Fi and the pins of customers using credit cards at gas stations let’s take a look at how the Revenge Squad used this receiver to successfully steal a Priceless selid data card after hours of stake out they finally saw the card holder Stewart’s car leaving the Villa following closely sucra overtook on a bend and abruptly stopped in front of him good luck sucra took the receiver then he got into a fiercely strong argument in Spanish the driver was dumbfounded having never in his life encountered someone so unreasonable yet so full of confidence however Roland didn’t detect any signal from Sila thinking it was not close enough sura tried to get closer to steuart inside the car but the screens still showed no response try to get closer to him if he was any closer he’d be in the car I get your little act Pedro hit the brakes let the rich guy pay for damage you don’t intend to fix just give the man some money so we can leave the first attempt ended in fail but at least they got a crucial piece of information Stuart didn’t carry the data card on him but had hidden it at home but Stewart’s home was heavily guarded by security Personnel not even a fly could get in let alone sneak in to copy the data card just when things seemed at a deadlock again Michael who was staking out near the Villa noticed that besides Stewart only a housekeeper could freely enter and exit The Villa but how could they make the housekeeper work for them Michael came up with an idea the next day he had Sarah deliberately strike up a conversation with the housekeeper at the bus station Sarah complimented the housekeeper’s handbag asking if she could feel its texture the housekeeper being very friendly handed over her bag not noticing a smartphone slipping out from Sarah’s folded newspaper when it was time for work and the housekeeper walked into Stuart’s home Michael immediately called her not giving her a second to put down her backpack claiming to be a security company employee he asked her to open the windows for a security system check then directed her to walk around the house the moment the housekeeper entered the study Roland’s signal instantly jumped to full bars clearly indicating that Sila was hidden in this room Roland immediately started the data copying program but the transfer would take 2 minutes so Michael had to find a way to keep the housekeeper from leaving the room the source of our problem if you could just stay at that particular window and hold it closed while we reset the system that should do [Music] it thanks to Michael smooth talking the Sid data was finally copied now all they had to do was to retrieve the receiver successfully however Lincoln noticed that for some reason the housekeeper turned back before leaving the door but fortunately she came back up with the backpack after 15 seconds now it was mahon’s turn to step up but he hesitated several times to snatch the bag and couldn’t bring himself to do it Bellic unable to Stand By and Watch any longer snatched the housekeeper’s backpack and bolted wait here actually had to slow down not to catch you I think I pulled the groin yet after rumaging through the backpack again and again they couldn’t find the receiver a reluctant Mahal had no choice but to return the bag back at the base everyone looked as glum as frostbitten eggplants suddenly Michael remembered that the housekeeper had turned back before leaving this meant she likely discovered the device that resembled a smartphone and thinking it belonged to her employer put it back in the room well then guess what fellas it’s game over you know how many months it took me to make that thing Michael what you just think I could whip up another one in a couple of seconds losing it is not the problem if they find it that’s the problem they find out someone was after that c we’re done what do you mean done what does that mean does it mean we’re going to go back to prison are they going to kill us what what the hell is that they were back to square one and this time they had no way out even if it meant entering the Dragon’s Den they had to retrieve the receiver tonight according to their investigation The house’s alarm would sound within 2 seconds of an illegal entry and then 47 armed guards would immediately Storm the House making Escape impossible Michael reexamined The Villa’s architectural blueprints mapping out each guard’s position trying to find even the slightest flaw after constant deliberation he finally thought of a daring plan in the we hours the Escape team split into two groups sucra and and Lincoln broke into the Villa opposite Stewarts forcefully prying open the door as soon as the alarm went off Stewart’s guards were immediately on alert rushing to the door to check meanwhile Stuart was awakened by the shrill alarm thinking it was his own so he quickly turned off his home’s alarm system while Mahone and Michael lurked nearby taking advantage of the moment Stuart turned off the security system they slipped into the house and successfully took the receiver from the table when Stuart went out to inquire he learned it was the thief in the neighbor’s house but by the time he restarted the security system Michael and Mahone had already quietly slipped out of the Villa back at the base everyone was incredibly excited having Sila meant they were one step closer to True freedom but their celebration was premature when Roland decoded the receiver he found that the data was a bunch of gibberish after repeated analysis they realized that this data card was just a small part of the entire celida it was like a piece of pizza and what they got was just one slice in other words Sila was divided into several parts held by different people only by collecting all of them could they access the real Sila data take down the company and Achieve true Freedom how many do you give it to okay that quote your father held on to and the Odyssey Sila is a six-headed monster that requires a sacrifice of six soldiers in order to pass so isn’t one card it’s six in the world there exists an invisible prison far more terrifying than any physical one and this group of people is deeply ens snared in such an intangible cage to clear their names for freedom and to avenge their Sun the Escape crew reunites once again all to bring down the omnipotent and mysterious organization the company and secure Everlasting peace for themselves and their families but to dismantle the company they must obtain six Sid data cards yet currently they possess only one with the whereabouts of the remaining five completely unknown worse still the team’s lynchpin Michael seems to have contracted a rare disease casting a shadow over their path can they dismantle the company and break free from this cage Michael finds Don and gives him a good scolding we agreed on one card but now it’s turned into six are you playing us for fools Don was equally taken aback never anticipating the complexity of the situation yet he stood firm our deal was Sila for your freedom whether it’s six or 600 cards if you can’t get Sila you’re going straight back to prison Don also issued a dire to made him to Michael to secure the remaining five cards within 5 days Don was under duress himself bearing the pressure from his NSA Superior herb upon learning there were six silic cards herb realized this was nearly an impossible task any slip up could expose them to the company insiders within the government leaving them clueless about their own demise prompting herb to abort this secret mission meanwhile Michael and his folks were completely in the dark still analyzing Stewart trying to extract information about the other five card holders from him fortunately during their last operation Roland’s receiver not only copied a portion of Sila but also accidentally duplicated several emails from Stuart’s computer the emails were about inviting Stewart to a meeting in London scheduled for today at 400 p.m. oddly it’s almost 400 p.m. and Stuart is still in Los Angeles with no record of him purchasing a flight ticket with years of detective experience Mahone suggested the email could be a cipher Michael instantly connected the dots taking the first letter of each word which spelled out Sila it seems likely Stuart is meeting with the other Sila holders today in other words this is an excellent opportunity to learn about the other card holders but where exactly is the meeting place the email also included an advertisem*nt for a veril supplement and an invitation to an astronomy club both seemingly unrelated to the meeting location using the invitation Celestial coordinates to calculate the result pointed to the Antarctic State clearly impossible just as they were at a loss sucra and Bellic who were monitoring Stewart outside suddenly found themselves surrounded by federal agents up I oh my God this a’t I got him up I got him up Put Your Hands Up Su come on man Who you calling put your hands up they’re going to shoot come on put your hands up okay okay okay don’t shoot don’t shoot don’t shoot man we’re all right simultaneously Roland’s computer was locked down clearly the NSA had begun to move fearing being implicated and not trusting a few fugitives to handle the situation they decided to abort the mission and send them back to prison luckily Michael received a text from sucra in time forcing the group to flee [Music] hastily on the road Michael tried to persuade Don to give him a bit more time but this was a decision from Don’s boss’s boss and he had no choice but to follow orders because Don had placed an ankle bracelet on everyone’s feet before they went on the secret mission Michael and his crew had no choice but to sneak into the underground tunnel to temporarily block the tracking signal from their anklets but staying here was not a long-term plan Michael was still trying to find clues in two emails suddenly overlapping advertisem*nts on the wall gave him an epiphany making Michael realize that the two emails might need to be looked at together he immediately took a nail from nearby scratched the frame of the star chart and placed it on an advertisem*nt for male Vitality new beach there’s a power plant new for Beach that’s your meeting we ain’t got long until 4:00 how the hell are we going to get out of here how fast without delay they hijacked a taxi and rushed to the power station while Agents from the National Security Bureau relentlessly pursued them based on their location as they neared the power station to buy Michael more time Lincoln Mahone and Sarah ran in different directions eventually they were captured and Michael took the opportunity to escape and head straight to the card holders meeting point as expected all six card holders were present and Michael quickly took out his phone to sneakily capture photos soon after Don took everyone except Michael to a warehouse just as he was about to send them all to prison Michael arrived driving the taxi nonchalantly yeah but then I wouldn’t be able to give you this press the video function it wasn’t a meeting between two Sila card holders agent self it was a meeting between all six card holders so now we know who has the other five cards and that should mean something even to someone whose word means nothing this was the first time Don witnessed Michael’s formidable abilities they had secretly investigated the company for over a decade with no breakthroughs Yet Michael managed to capture a photo of the six heads together within just a few days suddenly Dawn had a bargaining chip he bypassed his superiors and directly contacted a senator who agreed to give them one more chance thus the Escape team was released but they were only given 5 days without delay Michael immediately started studing the photos Don suddenly recognized one of the card holders in the photo as extremely familiar it was Griffin the Minister of Finance who worked in the same building as him after all they are on the same rope Don decided to do it himself Don grabbed the receiver claiming a mysterious organization was manipulating bonds and barged into Griffin’s office vividly describing the Urgent situation however the receiver did not detect the presence of the data card Griffin asked Don to leave and make an appointment then then opened a cabinet it was a very sophisticated safe with a triangular Loop symbol on it when Griffin entered the password in fingerprint Roland signal instantly went full indicating the second data card was inside but copying the data card required 2 minutes when Griffin placed something inside and immediately closed the cabinet door the copying process was abruptly halted Griffin told Dawn I’m flying to Asia in 6 hours let’s talk when I get back if you dare to barge into my office again I won’t be so polite after hearing about the situation from dawn Michael asked him for a blueprint of the building it seems it was time to return to old tricks to the average Joe this might just be a run-of-the-mill vacuum cleaner but in Michael’s hands it becomes a crucial tool for cracking open safes Michael removes the vacuum’s air filter and silencer upon pressing the start button again the vacuum immediately generates a tremendous noise just recently the jailbreak Squad acquired the government building’s Blueprints and they’re about to infiltrate the building to steal a price Sila data card a thorough investigation reveals the government building security system is virtually impenetrable with surveillance and alarms everywhere Griffin’s office is on the 10th floor and his safe’s 12-digit code is essentially uncrackable the safe made of 18 cm thick high temperature resistant Cobalt alloy would take an hour to drill open and the noise would be unavoidable They concluded that stealing the CID data card from inside was nearly impossible but Michael is exceedingly clever he sets his sights on the office office next to Griffins once everything is ready the heist officially begins Dawn using his homeland security agent status leads the group to the government building’s underground parking lot before leaving he warns if you lot wanted criminals get caught don’t you dare say you know me after closing the elevator door to avoid surveillance and government Personnel sucra dismantles the elevator button panel turns off the camera and sets the elevator to full mode to go straight to the 10th floor then he crawls into the building’s ventilation Ducks through the elevator’s maintenance hatch the team splits up sucra and bellik sneak into the storage room through the ventilation Ducks first however just as sucra is about to restore everything a female employee suddenly barges in sorry I was just coming into there’s no more TP in the lady’s room we’ll get right on that how about you get it right now but surprisingly Bic hands over a pack of w pulk paper they exchange glances and Georgie with a wave of his hand decides to go get the toilet paper himself at that moment two drops of blood fall on Georgie’s shoulder fortunately without her noticing but Lincoln accidentally learns of his brother’s serious illness as their mother showed the same early symptoms their mother died of the disease at 30 and Michael turns 30 this year on the other side Dawn sticking to the plan invites an official from the neighboring office out to lunch and takes the opportunity to spray black dye at the entrance of his office soon after sucra and Bellic dressed as janitors used the pretext of a stain on the carpet discovered by chance to bring in a vacuum cleaner for cleaning meanwhile Michael and Lincoln drop down from the ventilation Ducks they move a bookshelf on one side of the wall behind which lies Griffin safe in the neighboring office Michael opens his toolkit takes out a metal detector to locate the exact position of the safe and waits for the others to start the vacuum sucra and Bellic begin to clean the stain in Earnest when they turn on the modified noisy vacuum cleaner the secretary can’t concentrate on her work due to the loud noise of course she couldn’t possibly hear any noise coming from inside the office Lincoln cuts through the walls insulation while Michael mixes aluminum powder with iron oxide powder on the side Lincoln wants to ask his brother how long he’s been bleeding from the nose but Michael insists it’s a minor issue as their priority is to get the Sila after Lincoln makes a shallow Groove With A slotting machine Michael sprays the groove with a mixture of the two powders this triggers the famous thermite reaction the aluminum powder oxidizes intensely under the high temperature generated by the slotting machine releasing a tremendous amount of heat this exothermic reaction can reach temperatures above 3000° C easily melting through 18 cm of cobalt alloy Michael measures the depth with calipers needing to drill another 16 mm to breach the safe’s rear wall just then Michael can clearly hear footsteps from the next office it turns out out that CR from the company has made a sudden visit if he can hear cr’s footsteps it means the loud noise from this side can also be heard by CR but the official from the neighboring office who went up for lunch is about to return and with no way out they have to take a risk while the people in the next office start talking Michael immediately has Lincoln continue the work almost the moment the drill starts CR looks towards the wall from where the noise is coming fortunately since most of the drilling was already done it took less than 10 seconds to remove a neatly circular piece of the outer shell Michael discreetly retrieves the second Sid data card instead of stealing the card directly which might raise Ken’s suspicions and make acquiring the remaining four cards more difficult Michael opts to copy the data using a receiver however copying the data card requires 2 minutes while Michael is halfway through the copying process CR suddenly asks to see the data card caught off guard Michael quickly puts the data card back in its place holding the receiver in one hand in the circular shell in the other ready to reinstall it at any moment Lincoln anxiously awaits a signal from Roland luckily just as Griffin is about to open the safe with his fingerprint he complains about working with CR for 15 years and still not being trusted by him it was precisely this brief time difference that allowed Michael to successfully copy the data and perfectly cover up any traces of having open the safe CR takes the data card checks it and immediately issues an order henceforth all six card holders must carry their cards with them at all times times this is because an incident at the first card holder’s home has already aroused his suspicions after completing the mission Michael and Lincoln restore the scene and sucra and Bellic leave with the cleaning cart the four reunite in the elevator and escape the scene in Don’s black van the jailbreak Squad is planning how to acquire the third data card suddenly Lincoln spots an old acquaintance nearby teag whom they haven’t seen in a long time but how could teabag appear here dressed in a sharp suit it turns out that since teabag moved into James mansion He often studies a stack of documents carefully these documents repeatedly mention a company called gate and James under the Alias Cole is the top salesman of this gate company with a substantial bonus to his name teabag calls the company and finds out that Gregory the boss has never met James thus teabag set his sights on this bonus and directly impersonated Cole to arrange a meeting with Gregory which is why he arrived here dressed to the nines when teabag sees Lincoln and the others approaching he turns and runs throwing a bird guide book into a nearby flower bed however wearing leather shoes he couldn’t run fast enough and Lincoln caught him hey Teddy but ain’t the brother’s Grim easy L remember we need him now what are you doing in Los Angeles thinking about maybe getting me a career in pictures are you s if anyone’s got a right to be pissed as me you put me out the pasture back in Panama left me for dead which makes it the third time I believe so congratulations you got yourself a turkey where’s the bird book bird book where’s the book a nearby security guard seeing a potential fight immediately calls for backup still wanted criminals the brothers don’t want to escalate the situation after searching teabag and not finding the book they reluctantly let him go after shaking off the two teabag picks up the book again and meets with Gregory at gate company leveraging his exceptional eloquence teabag easily deceived Gregory and even secured himself a private office and an assistant named Andy Andy mentions that this office was specifically requested by James and its door number is also noted in the bird guide book could this office hide some unknown secret teabag sits in his office sipping coffee and chatting away completely oblivious to a drop of coffee silently trickling down the side of the cup as teabag looks at the bird book on his desk he suddenly notices a blue Mark appearing on it realizing there must be a shocking secret hidden within this book teabag grabs a piece of tissue dabs it in coffee and frantically wipes away soon revealing a pattern resembling a ladder slowly emerging just as he wonders what this could be the sudden appearance of two people at the door sends shivers down his spine it turns out that since the last time Michael met teabag under the office building he had sucra and Bellic sniffing around the neighborhood for any sign of teabag their goal was precisely to get their hands on this bird guide sucr tempts trishan with the promise of $10,000 if she provides a lead realizing the gravity of the situation t bag quickly grabs a fruit knife from the desk ready to Counterattack unexpectedly trishan does not seem to be swayed by money claiming she hasn’t seen the person in the photo after sending the two away trishan looks meaningfully towards the office leaving teabag completely puzzled about her motives teabag thought his charm had won over trishan but it turned out to be a transaction in the end trishan demands a regular cut of 15% from teabag sales commissions otherwise she would call those two back since she had saved their phone numbers caught in a bind teabag reluctantly agrees as he has more pressing matters to attend to teabag spends his days studying the strange patterns on the book but can’t decipher their meaning until one day a man with a menacing appearance suddenly shows up saying nothing but placing a gun on the table you were supposed to deliver the item 2 days ago where is it where’s what I’ve traveled a long way Mr Fifer my patience is wearing thin playing games is not going to be good father either of us Sila where is it this is the first time teabag has heard of Sila it’s clear that Fong Hanan had some deal with James but teabag has no idea what Sila is Fong Juan bluntly States give me Sila within 2 days and I’ll pay you as we agreed but if I don’t see the goods the day after tomorrow I’ll blow your head off no problem teabag so readily agrees because he realizes the sum could be astronomical even if he can’t find Sila in 2 days he can just wipe his but with the promise and vanish te-ag firmly believes the bird guide is key to finding Sila he notices a page marked with an 8×10 Square thinking it’s the office’s floor plan but after walking eight steps as indicated he discovers nothing at that moment he noticed a taped off utility room in the office so he snuck into it starting from the corner of the wall teabag walks eight steps knocking and tapping around yet finds nothing just as he senses something off with the floor sound trishan walks into warn him of trouble it turns out Andy has discovered issues with teabags resume and many holes in his sales record concluding teabag is a fraud and has already notified the police who will arrive in 5 minutes knowing a police investigation would immediately expose his fugitive status teabag albeit reluctantly but prioritizing survival quickly wipes away all fingerprints he’s Left Behind after a brief farewell to trishan te-ag rushes out in a frantic Escape once back at his Hideout he immediately packs up ready to disappear but just then a formidable woman punches him to the ground who the hell are you this is the 10th day Gretchen has been locked in the dungeon she appears to be on her last breath from the torture but in reality Gretchen is slowly prying a nail out of the chair with her fingernails for Freedom she’s willing to endure even if it means staining the wood with her blood persistence pays off and the day the guard comes in to change the urine bucket gritchen kicks him down and clamps his head between her legs then the sharp nail is driven straight into his Temple Gretchen pulls out the key unlocks her handcuffs and tears off the tape on her mouth a plan for Revenge has already begun to take root in her heart dragging her bruised body gritchen arrives at her sister Rita’s house looking at her bruised reflection in the mirror and recalling the years of dedication to the company only to end up like this Gretchen feels a deep sense of Injustice her blue eyes Blaze with anger vowing to bring down the company and make them pay a painful price Gretchen smashes open a piggy bank hidden here the guns and cash inside astonish Rita she approaches a girl playing by herself whose blue eyes are identical to Gretchen’s you’ll be a good girl okay bye Emily hie Auntie after leaving re’s Place Gretchen hosing is James’s wife goes to the lost and found a claim James’s belonging ings but without a marriage certificate her request is denied on the spot Gretchen doesn’t waste words simply punching him as a lesson for his refusal she quickly grabs James’s file bag which contains a phone with an unread message from gate company Gretchen finally learns of James’s other identity at that moment tag whose impersonation has been exposed and is preparing to flee is knocked down by Gretchen with a punch who the hell are you te bag is tied up and at this point he can only divulge everything about how he impersonated someone and threatens that Sila and the office of gate company must be closely related and now only he can get into that office if Gretchen kills him they’ll never get their hands on Sila in their lifetime but te-ag doesn’t know she’s a ruthless character Gretchen pulls out a knife slashes Tag’s arm and then slowly moves the blade towards his lower half threatening to cut it off and feed it to the dogs if he doesn’t cooperate in obtaining Sila teabag has no choice but to Cave marking the beginning of their official partnership and forming the plastic Alliance meanwhile Bellic got a call from trishan at Gates front desk turns out with teabag planning to flee her chance at a sales commission vanishes so she’d rather sell information for $10,000 prompting her to call at this time the jailbreak squad has already locked onto the third card holder the data card is important and the bird guide book is equally key to unlocking Sila Michael decides to split up he Mahone and Bellic will deal with teabag while the others go to Las Vegas to steal the card from the card holder the trio arrives at the meeting place with Michael sending bellik to the rooftop to meet trishan first but when Bellic doesn’t come down after a long wait Michael and Mahon have no choice but to go up immediately sensing something is off upon seeing them however at that moment teabag emerges from behind a car with a gun revealing that Bellic and trishan have been taken hostage and used as bait to lure them up just as teabag as is about to shove them into the car the agile Mahone leaps off the platform Tag’s arm slashed by Gretchen makes it difficult for him to hold the gun steady forcing him to watch Mahone Escape luckily he has finally captured his deeply hated Michael and immediately ties them up in the Mansion just tell me what you want I want to make you bleed I want to release the sinner inside of me that got me in carcerated so many years ago teabag recalls how Michael caused him to lose an arm in the first season sent him directly to Sona prison in the second and in the third left him surrounded by guards tag wishes he could tear Michael to Pieces but for now teabag has to spare his life as with his intelligence he’s incapable of deciphering the secrets in the bird guide book Michael was equally curious about the connection between this book and Sila in just half an hour he sensed the secrets hidden within its Pages he put the blue lines together which seemed to look like a design for some place at the same time Michael discovered a piece of paper with bird illustrations that R gate matching the logo on a nearby cardboard box he discreetly tucked the paper away soon after Gretchen lurking in the shadows spotted bellic’s ankle realizing it was a tracking device she immediately called teabag instructing him to remove the gadget and then move the hostages to another location sure enough it wasn’t long before Mahone having obtained the tracking system from dawn stormed in only to find the place deserted fortunately mahome discovered a paper crane left by Michael a symbol he used to communicate upon unfolding it he found it was the very piece of paper with gate written on it being a smart man himself mahol rushed to gate Corporation to set up a defense meanwhile teabag had moved them to Trish Shan’s house and Michael had completed the blueprint which showed that gate Corporation was adjacent to the company starting from Tag’s office could lead directly to a part of the company possibly related to Sila to find out he had to check the site himself teabag doesn’t know what Sila is but if so many people want it it must be worth something because you can smell that Sila money can’t you that’s what you’re in it for just like me to gain teabags trust Michael admitted he joined the fry for the money teabag informed Gretchen that Michael planned to go to the office Gretchen stated that as long as she could obtain Sila whatever Michael did was acceptable she also took care of a problem for teabag by showing him the trunk of her car where the bothersome Andy lay in front of everyone Gretchen cold-bloodedly strangled Andy to death removing an obstacle after clearing the way te-ag confidently LED Michael to the office following the clues from the bird guide they lifted the floorboard to find a hidden passage below this time teabag was wise learning from the lesson at Sona prison and had Michael go first it’s like old times pretty but regardless of teabags antics he could never Escape Michael’s schemes just as they descended Michael jokingly pulled open a metal door suggesting he’d lock teabag inside almost making teabag burst into laughter at that moment a figure approached silently in an effort to get closer to the card holder Howard Sarah employed her charm approaching him with alluring Grace unexpectedly Howard barely gave her a Second Glance uttering a few polite words before leaving the scene for the first time Sarah felt a sense of defeat was it her looks or was Howard simply a gentleman the bartender finally cleared her confusion don’t take it personally you’re not his type right before you sat down he asked me if I liked a party it turns out Howard had a very peculiar taste thus the task of approaching card holder number five ultimately fell on the muscular and handsome sucra although reluctant sucra had to sacrifice himself for the sake of the team sauntering to the pool side his well-built and sturdy muscle Shone Under the Sun particularly dazzling Howard’s heart fluttered at the sight of such a specimen and before sucra could even remove his vest Howard had already moved closer after a fierce internal struggle Howard finally mustered the courage to strike up a conversation with some persuasion sucra felt his skin crawl but eventually he gritted his teeth and followed Howard into the room after a few drinks sucra was on an emotional roller coaster as Howard opened the safe to retreat some Cash Roland began copying the Sid data on his end filling up nice sura must be in close proximity getting oiled most likely Howard slowly approached sura the atmosphere turning ambiguous meanwhile Howard shared his story during his service on the battlefield a stray bullet hit him in the groin area 3 Square in up the thigh rendering him impotent ever since sucra was completely dumbfounded then why did you bring me here Mr bobos i’ like to meet my wife I’m Alexa turns out Howard enjoyed live shows while the data had been successfully copied Lincoln and the others were still anxiously waiting fearing for su’s safety an hour later sucra returned all smiles handing the receiver to Roland sucra sternly warned that if anyone dared to speak of this he’d bash their head in with the mission accomplished the group prepared to return to Los Angeles claiming he needed to use the restroom Roland headed to the arcade machine intending to cheat for a quick profit using the receiver however due to his criminal history the casino staff had been watching him and expelled him confiscating the only receiver in the process but without the receiver how would they copy the last silic card back at the base Michael and the others heard that Roland had lost the receiver and told him to go back back to his room and not to leave and never to take part in the operation again but Roland was still holding a grudge so he secretly used his computer to find out the phone number of Wyatt one of cr’s top assassins and sent him a message Wyatt had been investigating the whereabouts of Michael and the others but struggled due to their new identities provided by Don leaving him clueless about the Escape team’s location picking up the phone Wyatt saw a message that listed how much Michael’s address was worth in Prison Break he is the most ruthless fugitive to himself just a short while ago one of his hands was tied to a radiator hearing the approaching Sirens outside teabag in agony bit off the hand that had just been stitched up days before by the time the police arrived all that was left in the corner was a blood drenched severed hand and now teabag found himself locked in a cage by Michael once again to unlock the cell door he had to remove his prosthetic rubber hand unfortunately the prosthetic hand fell to a place utterly out of his [Music] reach Don assured Michael that he would imprison teabag and keep a strict watch over him once Sila was in their hands he would send teabag to prison to face his deserved fate but the question remained What secrets lay beneath this office Michael explains that our priority is to get the last data card then they could start from the office’s basem*nt pass through a tunnel and arrive at cr’s office in the adjacent building there a device capable of decrypting s’s data awaited and successfully accessing the data would utterly destroy the company as the trio walked out of the building they suddenly heard a phone ringing under a trash can with an envelope beneath it Mahone opened it to find it contained parts of the bird guide it turned out the map and Michael’s hands was incomplete and The crucial pages had been removed the woman claimed that if they didn’t bring teabag to her they could forget about getting the remaining Pages Michael hastily took the phone hello Michael they agreed to meet at a church Gretchen cut straight to the chase proposing they collaborate to bring down the company although this person had once tortured Sarah beyond recognition holding the key pages of the bird guide forced Michael to agree reluctantly soon after teabag was released Gretchen instructed teabag that his task from now on would be to provide cover for them in the office alongside trishan Michael and his crew would enter the tunnel from here to crack silla’s data but now teabag is scared of Michael he advises Gretchen not to trust Michael as they spoke F Juan arrived at the office again today was the deadline to hand over Sila seeing teabag unable to produce answers F Juan pressed a gun against his head Gretchen realized F Hanan was the Sila buyer James had negotiated with she quickly intervened claiming Sila was Within Reach and asked Fong Juan to wait a few more days if I don’t I’ll kill you I a wet grape and the price is 100 150 125 don’t disappoint me 125 million hearing the $125 million figure Tag’s eyes lit up knowing they couldn’t secure Sila without Michael’s intellect teabag quickly changed his stance urging Gretchen to mend fences with Michael on the other hand the Prison Break team still has to get the last data card which is in the hands of the big boss General CR without the receiver they had to resort to the most brute force method they acquired a broken car from a recycling center and fortified it planning to create an accident to steal the data card for copying to prevent CR from recognizing them and initiating an endless Pursuit Michael had Dawn procure an ambulance Sarah disguised as a medical worker ready to administer an anesthetic to CR after the crash ensuring everything went without a hitch me meanwhile Wyatt connected with Roland offering a million dollars for the heads of the Michael Brothers though he was unsure if Roland’s information was accurate to show his sincerity Roland immediately detailed the prison break team’s car crash plan at this moment Lincoln and sucra were ready poised to crash into them unexpectedly upon receiving Wyatt’s notification CR immediately turned and fled realizing something was a Miss Michael quickly signaled for everyone to retreat but it was already too late get down down hang on hang on Wyatt fired several shots upon arrival and sucra was unfortunately hit in the abdomen Lincoln hurriedly fled with him after escaping back to the base Sarah immediately tended to su’s wound Michael noticing the operation nap in the hall realized someone must have betrayed them and Roland was the most likely suspect effect he confronted Roland about the possibility of betrayal which of course Roland would not admit without delving deeper Michael simply returned the confiscated computer to him asking him to check the surveillance cameras at the operation site soon after suk’s wound was treated and Don called to say that the tracker on Roland’s foot had gone offline they rushed upstairs only to find that Roland had escaped Roland arrived at the meeting place still fix ated on the million dollars but to his surprise Wyatt pulled out a gun and shot him in the knee what you the thing about a gun shot to the KN it takes days to die from it now if I were to shoot you let’s say here the hollow point would tumble through you leaving white hot slivers in your insid causing unimaginable pain only ending when you bled out on this pavement unable to Bear the torture Roland immediately revealed the location of their secret base but having got his answer Wyatt shot him again just as Wyatt Was preparing to leave Mahan arrived and knocked Wyatt down with a bat this man was the cruel murderer of his son and Mahone’s rage peaked he Unleashed a flurry of punches on Wyatt just as mahome was about to kill him Lincoln urgently stopped Mahone and took Wyatt away Michael opened Roland’s backpack and took out a notebook revealing that a track had been installed inside unable to bear the thought of Roland dying Alone Michael held his hand offering him the last bit of warmth before [Music] death do you know where the most sensitive nerve endings in the human body are located the answer is in the fingertips even minor injuries can cause intense burning pain and now mahome pulled out a 5-in thin needle and forcefully inserted it into Wyatt’s middle finger the slow piercing pain quickly shot up to his brain making Wyatt scream and excruciating Agony from a physiological perspective when the human body cannot withstand extreme pressure it will initiate a protective mechanism and fall into shock but mahol would not let Wyatt pass out just like that Mahon had prepared a taser in advance programmed to automatically activate if Wyatt’s heart rate fell below 50 this setup ensured that whyatt would be immersed in a state of pain every minute every second caught in a limbo of Desiring to live yet wishing for death in the hour that followed Mahone sat quietly by savoring Wyatt screams for only this could slightly alleviate the pain of losing his son WHYY it couldn’t hold out any longer and beg Mahone for Mercy mahol called his ex-wife Pam wanting her to hear the murderer apologize with his own words I’m sorry it’s over and I love you because of the death of his son Mahone was never able to face Pam and Pam was in tears all day long although they still loved each other deeply they could never return to how things were before Mahone took Wyatt to the coast on his own tying several tens of pounds of rocks to Wyatt’s hands before unhesitatingly pushing him into the vast Sea from that moment on mahol completely let go of the hatred that had been choking his heart from now on he planned to wholeheartedly assist Michael in completely dismantling the company that caused all their tragedies meanwhile Wyatt’s disappearance alarmed CR who urgently convened a meeting with the five card holders to decide to move Sila’s decryption device out of the company building but suddenly the cold-faced Gretchen stormed into the office logically CR should have feared Gretchen’s Revenge since the company had abandoned her and even ordered her death but unexpectedly CR remained calm and dismissed all his bodyguards sir I knew you’d come home Gretchen is cr’s trusted adviser and their relationship goes beyond Superior and subordinate the biological daughter Gretchen hit at her sister’s house was indeed hers and cr’s with just a few sweet words CR made Gretchen hesitate whether to return to his side as if she had lost her soul to show sincerity CR continued to discussed the matter of moving the Sila decryption device in front of Gretchen due to the device’s immense size and complexity dismantling it would take at least 3 days this meant that within 3 days Michael and his team had to obtain the sixth data card and also ensure the passage to the company was open before the device was moved currently since the theft of the sixth data card just failed CR would surely be on guard so Michael decided to change tactics and open the tunnel first the team studied the design map leading to the company most of which Michael knew like the back of his hand only the end of a certain Corridor marked with a conspicuous cross was unknown and Michael decided to scout it out first teabag covered for Michael and his crew at gate company allowing them to enter smoothly with tools they reached the storage room and opened the cover plate finding the space below larger than expected with immense noise emanating from its depths after climbing up and down twisting and turning they finally reached the end of the corridor seeing the scene before him Michael understood the meaning of that cross it turned out to be one of Los Angeles’s main water pipelines with a terrifying diameter of over 3 M and a flow rate of 30,000 L perss Lincoln knocked on the iron pipe wall and the dull sound indicated the wall was at least 30 cm thick meaning Crossing from here was nearly a pipe dream but this was the only route and they couldn’t risk digging too close to the surface so they had to start from below the pipeline however after breaking open a gap they discovered the area below the pipeline was reinforced concrete making digging through virtually impossible at this impass Michael made a bold decision to break the water Pipeline and directly cross to the other side from inside the others were stunned by Michael’s crazy idea but since it was the only way to reach the other side they had no choice but to follow his orders with mixed feelings of doubt and Trust Michael instructed sucra to dismantle a nearby sewage pipeline for use then handed a blueprint to Lincoln Lincoln and bellic’s task was to sabotage the Water Supplies control system to dry up the water pipeline for a while they sneak into the Waterworks and pry open the main switchboard to find the switchblade according to the simple drawing Michael gave them Bellic took out a bottle of accelerant and sprayed Flames towards the switch blade instantly burning the circuit board and causing the pressure and water gauge to drop to zero meanwhile Michael and sucra already taken down the waist pipe suspending it midair with ropes before marking the size of the hollow iron pipes opening on the main pipeline hearing the rumbling water sounds gradually fade Michael knew the first step of the plan had succeeded but this action affected the drinking water of millions in Los Angeles and the government would surely repair it within an hour meaning their operation time was limited to 60 minutes at most without delay the two sprang into action but just as Michael bent over to pick up the welding torch a sharp pain made his head split with Agony causing him to collapse even exhibiting brief epileptic symptoms sucra was shocked and drenched in cold sweat Mich what’s wrong after the situation eased Michael asked sucra not to tell anyone about his condition sucra just kept quiet anyone in the world could betray Michael but not sucra after 20 minutes of Relentless effort welder sucra finally cut an opening along the drawn out line Michael asked him to use his belt as a measuring tool to cut a similarly sized hole on the opposite wall of the pipe however just as sucra was about to finish the gas suddenly ran out leaving them with only a little over 10 minutes until the deadline to save time Michael not fully recovered had to endure his illness and helped sucra knock out the remaining piece by the time Lincoln and Bellic returned the holes on both sides were already made now by inserting the sewage pipe they could use it as a passage to freely move between the two buildings underneath but the sewage pipe was too heavy two people had to enter the hole to lift the other end and then jointly push the pipe slowly into the hole on the opposite side however the risk was extremely high as there were only 5 minutes left until the water supply was restored Lincoln volunteered to lead and Bellic also offered to go Michael wanted to go himself but was stopped by Bellic who could clearly sense something was wrong with Michael’s Health Yet Michael could never have imagined that this farewell would be forever Lincoln and Bellic lifted the hose and slowly dragged it towards the opposite hole as they neared they propped up the pipe wall with sticks and then hurriedly climbed out to the other side but unexpectedly the sticks were too frail lasting only a few seconds before snapping Under Pressure causing the sewage pipe to fall they tried their hardest to lift it but it was feudal to their despair the chilling sound of Rushing Water was already approaching in the distance Lincoln wanted to give up but without this opportunity they would never be able to obtain Sila and take down the company Bellic didn’t want to lose all his hard work so he defied Lincoln and jumped into the hole in order to be free then used all his strength to carry the hundreds of kilogram of steel pipe alone grabit grab it the B is coming it’s r no come on come on Michael hearing the increasingly loud sound of water saw Bellic persevering through a crack and shouted loudly for bellich to come back knowing bellich was determined to face death Michael and the others bearing immense heartache gradually pushed the water pipe into place in his final moments Bellic remembered Lincoln had children but forgot about his own 80-year-old mother for the sake safety of the others bellich chose to stay in the water facing the rushing Torrance alone showing a look of fear and resolve in that moment Bellic was a hero to everyone before the operation Bellic had a premonition he might not return he asked sucra to call his mother in case of his accident wanting her to know her son hadn’t disgraced her the team at the base hadn’t yet recovered from the grief of bellic’s death sucra composing himself inquired about bellic’s body Dawn in bureaucratic tone said it was on route to the morg but would be stored as a John Doe in Homeland Securities morg to avoid leaking Secrets sucra enraged confronted Dawn he’s got a mother you know Mahone intervened warning Don that if he wanted Sila he’d have to return bellic’s body to his mother faced with determined eyes Don had no choice but to agree while clearing up bellic’s belongings Mahon found a silver badge hidden by bellich during the second silic capture sukra heartbroken mentioned that bellich had failed the police academy five times while working as a guard at Fox River State Penitentiary bellic’s lifelong dream was to become a police officer a dream unfulfilled even in death eventually Bell’s body was returned mahome placed the badge on bellic’s chest in the hope that in the other world he would rather the shiny badge and fulfill his quest for justice he M will appreciate that sucra Gathering courage called bellic’s mother to tell her that her son had died heroically on a secret mission for his country all of them continue to fight with bellic’s will after all taking down the company is the best thing that could have happened to him at this point Gretchen had returned from CR and handed over the missing pages of the bird guide to Michael revealing that her joining CR was actually a ruse to gather intelligence CR was moving the Sila device tomorrow leaving them less than a day Gretchen took responsibility for the sixth data card leading Michael and the team to focus on breaking through the underground passage back at the base Michael pieced together Gretchen’s pages with the map the map showed the water pipeline was 30 m from the Sila decoder’s location separated by a steel fiber reinforced wall the good news is the company doesn’t want to leave any vision ual evidence of Sila’s existence so there are no cameras in the room but what’s utterly disheartening is that the room is equipped with weight heat and sound sensors any living thing over 2 lb triggers the company’s security alarm in other words they must chisel through the wall without making a sound then without emitting heat or touching the ground approach the decoder it seems like an impossible task but Michael decides to give it a shot anyway however just then a severe headache strikes again sending Michaels spinning and eventually collapsing to the ground with the Lynch pin gone it essentially spells the end for the plan despite Don’s desperate attempts to prevent it the group decides to take Michael to the hospital tests revealed that Michael had a very rare misshapen tumor in his hypothalamus and that the tumor was getting bigger Michael’s mother died from a brain tumor suggesting the disease might be hereditary given the family history the doctor insists he under goes surgery tomorrow it feels that you need surgery 2 days that’s uh that’s what I need tomorrow otherwise you could die and there’s no alternative against all expectations the always icy and heartless Gretchen actually dawned a uniform to get close to CR and secure the sixth silic card Gretchen struck various provocative poses then had teabag Snap photos to send to CR upon receiving the message CR was overjoyed ignoring Lisa’s objections he insisted on keeping the appointment saying he’d be back in an hour soon after CR arrived at the hotel after a few pleasantries he wanted to get straight to the point as gritchen helped him out of his jacket seizing the moment to steal the card CR suddenly said I didn’t bring it with me my card that is what you’re looking for right clearly CR had been cautious but considering Gretchen had borne his child he spared her life the attempt to steal the card ended in Failure the pressure ultimately shifted back to Michael’s side Michael received the message in utter despair because not having the sixth card meant all their efforts over the past days were in vain with less than 6 hours left until the Sid coder was to be moved thankfully Gretchen had Don give Michael a piece of information opening the envelope Michael finally saw a glimmer of hope he handed the photos from the information to Sarah instructing her to deal with the person in them Michael told Sarah he decided to join the main force in infiltrating the company’s headquarters putting off surgery until his return with preparations complete the Escape team arrived at gate Corporation to enter the underground space teabag hurriedly called Gretchen but what they never expected was trishan ‘s dropping on their call indicating she was no ordinary person Gretchen was surprised Michael started the operation without the sixth silic card tag knowing Michael’s character well after countless encounters was certain Michael wouldn’t act without a thorough plan and meanwhile Michael and the others had already arrived at the wall from now on they had to remain absolutely silent no one was allowed to speak because sound waves could pass through the wall and be detected by sensors on the other side everyone hugged one by one their fate depended on the next 3 hours sucra wrapping the drill with soundproofing material carefully made a hole in the seam of the wall while Mahone measured how much deeper they needed to drill as sucra was about to break through the wall to prevent debris from falling to the other side they wrapped a vacuum cleaner with soundproofing material to suck up the last of the debris the first hole was finally made they inserted a camera to monitor the movements inside the room in real time next Michael wrapped cables connected to two batteries around an iron bar creating a simple electromagnetic field after powering the batteries sucra used the iron bar to skin the steel fiber wall since the electromagnetic field would slightly pull on the steel reinforcement while the concrete remained relatively fixed the widening gaps would eventually cause the concrete to compress and loosen allowing for easy removal with just a couple of wraps Lincoln and Mahone drilled two small holes on either side then stuffed and open umbrellas through them to prevent concrete from falling to the ground and making a loud noise with another scan of the electromagnetic field the wall was finally breached the four men looked towards the ultimate goal inside the room finally seeing hope they were about to enter what was known as the world’s most impenetrable room but what they could never have anticipated was the Trap set by the enemy behind them Gretchen quietly walked into an office with a bag inside of which were heavy weapons it turns out they plan to block the way and kill them as soon as Michael got Silla only Cherry the kop this sunny day you can keep your Burrows and your Mahone and Y sura just leave scoffield for me their feet couldn’t touch the ground nor could they make any sound over 10 DB not even emit heat they threaded a pull whole ring through a pre-drilled hole then carefully hooked it onto a suspension ladder as the ladder was extended planks of wood were laid down to make it easier for people to walk the high sensitivity heat sensors detected human body temperature turning yellow but they were ready for it sucra sprayed liquid nitrogen into the air to cool it and the yellow light gradually turned green however just as they were about to reach their destination the cable suddenly loosened if the cooling gas fell to the ground and made a noise the room security alarm would immediately sound leaving them no Escape in the nick of time Lincoln hurried over to steady sura they narrowly averted disaster minutes later the gang way was finally installed and Michael carrying a backpack took steps towards the ultimate goal but suddenly a severe headache struck again and Michael nearly stumbled to the ground yet he bore the pain daring not to make a sound the hearts of the three behind him were in their throats Michael’s subconscious was awakened a little bit he gave the okay sign to his comp compion then he trembled to the glass door this was the last line of defense for the Sila decoder Michael set down his backpack took out two suction cups and attached them to the glass then used a tempered glass cutter to score a neat Circle finally he twisted open a canister of liquid nitrogen spraying the cut track to cause an instant cooling in contraction reaction easily removing the whole piece of glass he carefully placed it on the ground under the watchful eyes of his three companions they finally saw the legendary Sila decoder countless people had died in the Quest for Sila Michael couldn’t help but gently touch it however the next second the B’s Gravity Sensor suddenly lit up red in the office CR received the alarm signal immediately pulled up the surveillance and was stunned by the scene before him he ordered the building to be locked down and rushed to the basem*nt with two Elite subordinates the elevator dinging directly to the room unexpectedly Michael was surprisingly calm Dr or I blow his head clean off all of this was part of Michael’s plan he deliberately triggered the Gravity Sensor to lure CR down making it easy to get the sixth silic card CR didn’t resist and hand it over the card knowing it was useless without the other five cards Michael already had but the next second cr’s expression [Music] froze suck a general CR couldn’t fathom how much had stealthily acquired the other five cards Michael inserted the card into the slot it turned out the six so-called Sila cards were merely keys to activate the decoder while the real Sila was actually a core component hidden inside the decoder this is Sila guess right now you wish you’d train somebody else huh General you’re not even close in front of CR Michael packed Sila into his bag but they didn’t return the way they came instead they used cr’s retina to enter his office this series of moves utterly baffled CR after all if his subordinates saw this the entire company building would be locked down with hundreds of armed agents ready which seemed like walking into a trap but Michael had already deviced a foolproof Escape Plan we have a major situation Michael thank God we got [Music] it how’s it going on your end pretty DN good but give me five more minutes Gregory had just walked into teab bag’s office when he spotted an assault rifle hidden in the corner true to his battle hardened nature it took Gregory only a second to hide the shock in his eyes figing calmness and making up an excuse to leave the office but the sharp eyed Gretchen had already detected something am Miss from Gregory’s glance Gretchen quickly picked up the rifle and stroe towards Gregory’s office causing the employees to scream in Terror the situation escalated beyond control contr forcing teabag to take up arms and support hurting everyone into Gregory’s office and then blocking the only exit minutes later trishan returned to the office only to find it in complete disarray realizing something terrible had happened she crouched down at the door took out a key and plan to sneak into rescue teag grew increasingly impatient wondering why Michael and his crew hadn’t emerged from the basem*nt he suspected they had found another exit and should evacuate immediately critchen urged him to be patient reminding reming him that $125 million was within reach their argument provided trishan the chance to slip into Gregory’s office it’s okay F agent quick I’m going to help you it turns out Trish Shan’s true identity was NSA agent Miriam however Gregory a selfish coward only cared about his own Escape after being Unbound neglecting the safety of others as Gregory dashed for the door Gretchen put him down with a burst of gunfire Gregory’s Escape exposed Miriam’s whereabouts a fierce shootout ensued realizing their position was untenable critchen and te-ag quickly retreated all 911 at the parking lot gritchen instructed teabag to wipe the fingerprints off the gun and throw it into a trash can as walking around with a gun would easily attract attention but the next second kchen pulled out a handgun and aimed at a teabag unexpectedly ketchen planned to eliminate teabag to save herself and sever ties with Sila completely but Miriam suddenly appeared allowing teabag to escape in the confusion knowing she couldn’t stay long ketchen also fled in the opposite direction Miriam chose to track teabag who once again ended up in police custody turn around turn around gentleness sugar that special agent Miriam holds to you sugar let’s go meanwhile a large number of Agents gathered in cr’s office ready with a battering ram to break in when Michael suddenly received a phone call the call was on speaker phone and to everyone’s surprise it was cr’s daughter Lisa’s voice it’s Tim credy she says if you don’t let Michael and the others leave with Sila she’ll kill me dad just 5 minutes earlier a waiter bride by Sarah had deliberately spilled soup on Lisa who was dining out while Lisa was cleaning up in the restroom Sarah pointed a gun at her head cr’s complexion turned deathly pale he had never disclosed his daughter’s identity for over 30 years how did this person know Lisa was his daughter but it no longer mattered as a father CR reluctantly headed to the door ordering everyone to back off and led the four out of the office Michael walked out of the building with CR stating they would release his daughter once they were safe we did this to you we did this to you after escaping Pursuit Michael officially handed Sila over to Don declaring their mission complete and leaving the downfall of the company to him Don handed over the relocation paperwork for everyone’s release promising to send a car to pick them up in half an hour to go through the process after going through the process they could live in peace and quiet immediately after Don finds Miriam who turns out to have been his eyes and ears at gate all along Don asked Miriam if she knew who wanted to buy Sila Miriam suggested teabag might know and if offered a sweet deal during interrogation he would surely talk but as soon as Miriam finished speaking Dawn shot her dead teag was dumbfounded he would never have thought that this man could hide so deeply Don’s next move left teabag utterly stunned Don called the NSA leadership falsely claiming Michael and the others had kept Sila for themselves while simulating gunfire to fake his own death about this whole operation no Burrows Burrows die die by Framing Michael successfully Don made himself vanish from the scene unaware of the Betrayal Michael and his team celebrated and said their farewells waiting for someone to come and restore their identities they waited and waited but no one came to pick them up and restore their identities so they called and found out Don’s number had been cancelled opening their pardon documents they found nothing but blank papers realizing it had been a long planned scam from the start Don had monopolized Sila and pinned the theft on them forcing them into a life of flight once again in huddled in a dimly lit rental they watched as the news broadcast teabag in Gretchen’s hostage situation at gate Corporation Michael suddenly realized that if Don intended to monopolize Sila for profit he would definitely seek out Gretchen as apart from the deceased James only she could connect with the buyers sure enough at that moment Don was on his way to find Gretchen with the opportunistic teabag sitting beside him as long as there was money to be shared teabag would Ally with anyone having seen Gret gr’s file teabag knew she had a sister finding Gretchen’s sister would lead them to her Gretchen came to the place where she made the deal with Fon Juan and found that they had been killed by the company’s man it was then Lincoln unexpectedly called Gretchen never thought that Sila would end up in Don’s hands so she simply teamed up with Michael and the others to take Sila they agreed to meet in the park in an hour however just after hanging up Rita called revealing that Don had kidnapped Rita and Gretchen’s daughter Emily Su Gretchen time to come home now Gretchen rushed home in a panic Don confiscated Gretchen’s gun and mobile phone and found her phone records with Michael with her family’s life under threat Gretchen had no choice but to reveal the park where she was meeting Michael to eliminate any worries Don immediately had teabag report the meeting location to the NSA shortly after Michael and his team arrived at the meeting spot during that time he made a call to the sa leadership to explain that it was Don who had monopolized Sila while on the phone Michael heard the sound of a fire trck and the next second he saw a fir truck drive passed in front of him realizing they had fallen into a trap Michael quickly notified the others to evacuate meanwhile Don had teabag stay behind to watch over Gretchen’s family while he took Gretchen to meet with a new buyer after the meeting the buyer confirmed it was indeed Sila but a component was missing from the middle what are you talking about it’s incomplete incom who is this clown clown yeah clown there’s a piece missing slick look here Don was taken aback realizing Michael must have kept a piece sure enough as expected during their time in cr’s office Michael had discovered this chip and hidden it in the restroom at the base hello Don I believe you have something that belongs to me [Music] come and get it he was a fugitive wanted for the murder of six children and just because someone bore a slight resemblance to him teabag ruthlessly picked up a metal object from the table and struck the other’s head yet even such an utterly Wicked person deeply yearned to be an ordinary good person not long ago teabag assumed someone else’s identity and became the sales director of a company the boss’s Commendation allowed him to experience the joy of being an Ary person for the first time it was from this moment that teabag truly wanted to tear off the murderer’s label and live an ordinary mundane and free life however his greed was still lurking within him for money teag once again became someone else’s accomplice following Don’s orders he took Gretchen’s Sister Rita and daughter Emily hostage just then a zealous priest suddenly showed up to Pedal Bibles teabag wanted to drive him away but the priest kept on talking Non-Stop about the Bible showing no intention of leaving suddenly teag noticed the military academy ring on the priest’s finger mistaking the priest for an assassin sent by the company teabag suddenly threw a heavy punch knocking him to the ground after dragging the priest into the room teabag asked Don what to do with this guy and was instructed to do away with the priest in the past chilling someone was something teabag could do without even blinking an eye but now he hesitated because once he pulled the trigger the life he longed for would truly disappear forever teabag decided to give the priest another chance he asked the priest to recite a passage from the Bible and state which chapter and verse it was from hearing the priest recited flawlessly teabag was incredibly happy unexpectedly the always cruel and brutal man smiled because he didn’t have to kill anyone teabag feeling a burden lifted threw away the handgun along with his past dirtiness he secretly let Rita and Emily go urging them to escape as far as possible then teabag also untied the ropes binding the priest’s hands F feet but as soon as the priest stood up he landed a punch on Tag’s [Music] face yeah I go him teabag never expected that the other party was indeed an assassin sent by the company from then on teabag fell into the company’s hands again meanwhile Dawn knowing that Michael had stolen parts of Sila immediately stormed the base furiously deploying tear gas grenades in an attempt to force Michael to [Music] surrender you’re surrounded come out with your piece of s Michael but Lincoln was lurking nearby following the sound of gunfire to the rooftop and easily taking down this deceitful man however Gretchen who was lying in Ambush also rushed in during the confrontation Don finally reveals why he stole Sila he had been working diligently for the government for the past 177 years only to end up as a lowly clerk he figured he might as well sell Sila and retire early in the end Don did not forget to entice Michael they could find a buyer who could take down the company thus achieving your goal while also getting a big share of the money Michael pretended to agree actually buying time he quietly had sucra sneak into their car’s trunk sucra followed them to their hotel and the group immediately set up defenses there ready to snatch Sila once again but Don was not so naive among the tear gas grenades he had launched one contained an ultrasonic device he had the warehouse under his complete control thus Don discovered the Sila part hidden in the restroom the Escape team surrounded the hotel ready to act due to tampering with the emergency stairs beforehand as Don tried to escape and fell to the ground Michael seized Sila and hurriedly fled but Michael hadn’t gotten far when a severe headache struck again and a torrent of blood poured from his nostrils eventually leaving him powerless and collapsed on the ground Don seized Sila once again and like I said before this is just business however at that moment the company’s assassin suddenly appeared and Gretchen hurly took Don away eventually the unconscious Michael fell into the company’s hands and Lincoln hiding in a corner could only watch helplessly as his brother was taken away on the other hand the fleeing Don and Gretchen hurried to the base and effortlessly found the missing part of Sila when Lincoln and the others arrived back at the base they realized that they had lost both their lives and their troops an unprecedented sense of frustration instantly crushed the prison break team they were utterly lost with no other options Lincoln approached the company’s CR CR directly proposed a deal if you help me retrieve Sila the company can provide Michael with the most advanced treatment at this point they had no bargaining chips to save his brother Lincoln had to go against his conscience and work for the company they had tried so hard to take down [Music] added incentive the doctor drilled into Michael’s skull and inserted two catheters Yet Michael felt no pain and remained fully conscious Sarah anxious and uneasy inquired about the purpose of the catheters the doctor explained that there was an egg-sized arterovenous malformation in Michael’s brain the catheters Were Meant to isolate the tumor but they would also stimulate the brain hearing smell and memory would be triggered as well at that moment Michael’s memories flashed before his eyes like a revolving Lantern and his Consciousness seemed to return to Fox River State Penitentiary he saw the familiar wash basin in front of him and heard a kind voice behind him it was Charles who had died they began a dialogue about the meaning of life Michael’s eyes were filled with guilt in his quest to save his brother Lincoln he had deceived too many people perhaps if it weren’t for his selfishness many people wouldn’t have died Charles urged him not to blame himself after all some things are beyond our control Michael turned around and the information hidden in his memories covered the walls yet the current him had not obtained evidence of the company’s crimes and had lost the faith to continue fighting Charles reminded him that things are not always what they seem on the surface everything you experience has its own significance this statement sparked an inspiration in Michael all along they had thought Sila was a hard drive storing the company’s illegal operations but if it were that simple why would the company protected with such tight security instead of just destroying it Michael connected the fragments of his memories about Sila it was the residual memory from the last time he hid an e dropped on a conversation among the company’s six heads during which a word was repeatedly mentioned Michael grasped the last few minutes before breaking out of the dream and tried hard to break down this word with a marker pen it was not until this moment that he truly understood the meaning of Sila meanwhile in reality the arterovenous malformation in Michael’s brain was finally removed but his heartbeat suddenly dropped to zero the doctors were frantic and at a loss but Sarah unwilling to give up and inspired by love finally brought Michael back to life he told Sarah the answer the letters split into four rare elements from the periodic table theoretically if these elements could be integrated into the design of solar cells it would be possible to use solar energy at 100% efficiency whoever mastered this technology could change the global landscape this is why someone was willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for Sila their goal was not to take down the company but to become the company on the other hand Lincoln who had already sided with the company met teabag under cr’s Arrangement who had also been captured to force up the location of Dawn and the buyer’s transaction Lincoln brutally pulled out Tag’s tooth I was just full I here when what time 3:00 at the dock under Gretchen’s Arrangement Don met with Patrick Patrick begins to inspect the goods and this time Sila is really in one piece Don asked Patrick if the real buyer was on his way and when he got a positive answer he shot Patrick dead it turned out that Don wanted to deal directly with the buyer to save the 30% introduction fee Gretchen was stunned by the hypocrisy of the man before her just then Gretchen received a call from Rita saying that she and Emma had safely escaped to a neighbor’s house only teabag had been taken away Gretchen knew well that as long as teabag was given a taste of sweetness or bitterness he would surely reveal the time and place of the transaction so she immediately notified the buyer to change the transaction location by the time Lincoln arrived Don and Gretchen had already disappeared Without a Trace soon after Don and the new buyer came to a warehouse to make the transaction the buyer accessed Sila’s data which contained files on nuclear energy wind energy and solar energy clearly not the company’s Blacklist as previously claimed this indirectly confirmed Michael’s speculation however suddenly Lincoln and sucra leveraging the company’s powerful tracking capabilities infiltrated the warehouse and were embroided in a fierce gunfight with Gretchen meanwhile the buyer had no intention of paying and took advantage of the chaos to flee with Sila shooting Dawn on the way out eventually critchen ran out of bullets and Dawn severely injured was taken back by Lincoln and sucra where is he I don’t know where is he I don’t know gone stolen by who by who if I die you’ll never know on the way back sucra felt exhausted pardon was no longer an option and now that Lincoln was safe and Michael’s surgery had gone smoothly he wanted to return to his own life Lincoln understood his actions and the two embraced in parted ways back at the company Lincoln reported the situation to CR now that only Don and Gretchen knew the buyer’s identity CR suggested they form a new team to search for Sila Lincoln shared the deal he made with CR with Michael who couldn’t understand why Lincoln would help the company Lincoln says just like you did when you got tattooed and went to jail to save my life I don’t care who gets Sila I only care if you live or die he hand Michael the document CR had given him Lincoln claimed our mother also worked for the company and I am merely continuing the family business but Michael clearly would not work for CR insisting that Sila as cuttingedge technology must not fall into the hands of a dangerous company eventually the brothers parted ways on bad terms under cr’s Arrangement Lincoln continued the pursuit of Sila’s whereabouts with this mly crew each with their own agenda with three teammates who all have a history of turning against each other can this OD combination finally succeed freshly recovered from a serious illness Michael opened his eyes to find himself imprisoned in a villa deep within the jungle it is situated somewhere near 60 Mi away and is so full of ferocious beasts that unarmed Escape is almost impossible cran had even sent one of the world’s top psychologists Roger in an attempt to brainwash Michael into joining the company using various methods but Michael constantly thinking about how to bring down the company would never become cr’s Lackey with no other strategies available Roger revealed a shocking secret your mother works for us your mother is alive it turned out that Michael’s mother was still alive and an important highlevel executive at the company for years she had been secretly monitoring her son’s movements hoping that one day Michael would become her right-hand man Roger tried to break through Michael’s psychological defenses using the bond of mother and Son but was sharply rebuked by Michael in Michael’s view if his mother was indeed a highlevel executive at the company why did she choose to stand by as Lincoln faced the electric chair at Fox River State Penitentiary so he did a little digging good for you but everything out of your mouth is a lie and I don’t believe a word of it rational thought told Michael he couldn’t just sit and wait to die Michael carefully observed the situation inside the room planning his escape on the other hand Lincoln under cr’s Arrangement continues to track down Sila with this modly crew of men with their own agendas but after a day’s effort they made no progress Don thinks Lincoln is incompetent so he allies with teag in an attempt to seize leadership Gretchen remains neutral stating she is fine with whoever becomes the leader just when Lincoln was isolated and without support mahome finally returned after dealing with personal matters no perfect the second you stop doing what what I tell you to do I’m going to blow your brains out with Mahone by his side Lincoln had enough support and Don dared not oppose any longer meanwhile an anxious Sarah informed Lincoln that Michael was being held captive stating she would go to rescue Michael alone unknown to them their conversation was overheard by te-ag who eager to gain some Advantage hurriedly reported to CR and grit got the location on her shining night she may be heading there now exemp bag thank you sir upon receiving the news CR urgently called Roger instructing him to inject Michael with an anesthetic and then transfer him at that moment Michael was in the bathroom planning his Escape intending to use a mix of two chemicals to corrode the water heater piping but just as Michael stepped out two agents held him down and injected him with an anesthetic however at that moment a loud noise came from the bathroom and one agent rushed into check as the agent opened the door the massive flow of water from the melted pipe knocked him down Michael took advantage of the chaos to pick up a handgun threatening the agents to inject Roger with the anesthetic then ordered the bodyguards to handcuff themselves Michael quickly left the Villa by then the transfer vehicle arranged by CR had arrived upon entering the room and finding Michael had escaped they immediately chased after him on ATVs freshly recovered from his illness Michael couldn’t possibly outrun the ATVs and was soon caught up turn around but suddenly a Jeep sped towards them knocking the agents aside and the driver was none other than Sarah who had come to rescue after escaping Pursuit Michael urgently called Lincoln trying to convince him not to work for cran but Lincoln stated that to save your life I’ve already signed a lifetime agreement with CR only by handing over Sila to CR can everyone return to a peaceful life Michael believed that Sila as the world’s most cuttingedge technology falling into the hands of a company up to no good would be unimaginable standing on their respective grounds neither Brother was willing to compromise turning from close comrades into opponents Michael pays $100 to bribe the driver and hides in the cargo trucks compartment preparing to head to Miami to compete for Sila meanwhile gritchen successfully Tracked Down the buyer who had stolen Sila Scott turns out Scott was also an internal agent for the company but Gretchen didn’t share this significant Discovery with the team instead she secretly arranged to meet Scott Gretchen spends a reward of $10 million to help Scott escape the company’s Pursuit from their conversation it was clear Scott was just a worker and Sila had already been moved to the real Mastermind behind the scenes after Scott agreed Gretchen lured the four to a building under the pretense of finding the buyer’s address planning to eliminate Lincoln and his group Scott’s agents surrounded the four and gret and aimed her gun at dawn upon realizing the Betrayal Dawn cursed out loud using foul language just as Gretchen was about to pull the trigger she remembered her daughter her conscience kicking in she suddenly turned the gun on Scott taking down two of his men instantly Scott attempted to retaliate but Mahon shot Scott dead and Gretchen also fell wounded teabag snatched Scott’s cell phone from his pocket and Lincoln angrily aimed his gun at Gretchen teabag mentioned Gretchen had an 8-year-old daughter softening Lincoln’s heart leaving the severely injured Gretchen to fend for herself back at the hotel as they pondered their next move Scott’s phone suddenly rang Lincoln answered the call hello your boy’s dead and now I’m coming after you you hear me it turns out this person is Christina the mother of Michael and Lincoln Sila has already fallen into her hands who was that it was my son she is the most malevolent woman in the prison break and also Michael’s mother now that Sila is in her hands Christina wants to eliminate CR to take sole control of the company at this moment CR is discussing plans with Griffin in a car suddenly Griffin and the driver get out of the car without any warning which makes CR sense something is wrong but it’s already too late CR finds his seat belt locked and frantically kicks open the wine cabinet to grab a bottle opener desperately tearing at the seat belt after moving away Griffin smugly presses the remote control in his hand because Griffin didn’t check the Body Christina soon calls to tell him that CR might still be alive for just moments ago a helicopter suddenly descended on the company headquarters and took the severely injured cren back Griffin immediately starts to panic knowing cren is aware of his betrayal and that he must leave the United States immediately to avoid being hunted down but Christina calmly stated that she had come up with a better way to make him disappear Without a Trace do you mind putting me on speaker you know Griff you’re a brave man and I thank you for everything you’ve done it’s been an honor now now what just after hanging up the phone CR calls saying someone just tried to kill him suspecting Christina is The Mastermind behind it Christina fain’s concern for CR but mocks him for losing Sila you’d be better off searching for Sila than suspecting me she says then hangs up it’s clear from their conversation that the two corporate Giants are at loggerheads meanwhile on the other side Michael and Sarah are hiding in the cargo compartment of a truck getting ready to head to Miami in search of Sila’s traces suddenly a police car stops the truck claiming it’s overloaded and opens the cargo door for inspection the man notices Michael’s trouser leg but keeps quiet he goes to the cab takes out the driver with one shot and then drives the truck forward inside Michael and Sarah are incredibly tense feeling trapped trying to open the cargo door only to find it already locked calmly Michael uses a rope to tie to the refrigerator and uses the inertia of the truck turning to break open the door then jumps out with Sarah the Assassin realizing something is wrong quickly gets out to pursue they run through the grass to an open Factory building Sarah picks up an iron Rod Michael goes out to lure the Assassin when the Assassin slowly approaches Michael suddenly strikes knocking him to the ground his head hitting a rock Michael takes something out of the Assassin’s bag and finds a strange note as the Assassin is dying he claims he wasn’t sent by CR Michael wants to ask more but the Assassin has already breathed his last Michael closely examines the note which clearly is an instruction from The Mastermind to the Assassin the line indicates the time and place to intercept Michael and Sarah exactly matching the location of the incident Ms coincidentally also stands for Michael’s initials suggesting the next line must be the person The Mastermind wants Michael to meet Michael decides to follow this clue in pursuit of Sila unaware he’s falling into a huge Conspiracy set by his own mother meanwhile Lincoln locates the caller’s address from a mysterious call received on Scott’s phone only to find the place deserted leaving behind an old yellowed photo on the table Lincoln immediately recognizes it as an old photo of him and his mother from his childhood Mahone and Lincoln observed the photo and notice the car is from 1978 while Michael was born in 1976 clearly a pregnant mother couldn’t stand in front of this car for a photo which must be a secret signal from a mother wanting a private meeting with Lincoln the two men searched the license plate and found that it was in fact the coordinates for a hotel 5 colomet away Lincoln goes alone to the address from the photo and soon Christina arrives mother and son reunite after more than 20 years but his adversaries Lincoln steals a glance at his mother while Christine admits the hardest decision of her life was abandoning her sons she wants Sila because CR is unfit to control it CR is too warlike and bloodthirsty if a mother were in charge of the company it would undergo Earth shattering changes if CR were dead no one would chase after you she hopes the brothers will give her two more days not to pursue Sila relentlessly in that case they would all be free in 2 days Lincoln was utterly moved and facing his mother’s words he nodded without any resistance after returning to the base Lincoln ordered no action to be taken for the next 2 days because his mother would deal with CR and had promised to change the way the company operates but unexpectedly because Michael escaped from The Villa CR wanting to make Lincoln and the others utterly devoted to working for him captured Lincoln’s girlfriend and Son mahon’s ex-wife Pam Tag’s mother and Don’s wife throwing everyone into disarray Lincoln wanted to find his mother to see if she had any solution but when he returned to the hotel where they had met he found it had already closed ch CHR Ina also received the news of Lincoln’s return knowing that Lincoln had begun to doubt and that the struggle among the four of them for silla was inevitable Christina weighing her options did not hesitate to order her son to be killed directly take it take it the sniper was just about to pull the trigger when he suddenly realized Lincoln had moved to a position of secured by obstacles at the same time Dawn had already spotted the sniper upstairs they had been prepared all along upon receiving the message Mahone hurriedly ran upstairs but was ambushed by the sniper right as he arrived luckily dodging in time the sniper fired to suppress and took the chance to flee however as soon as he reached the ground floor Lincoln who had been waiting tackled him at this moment Lincoln was Furious unable to believe that his mother actually wanted to kill him the screams of bystanders distracted Lincoln allowing the sniper to stab him but the sniper didn’t get far before being run over by teabag who was driving after them the group surrounded the sniper intending to force out Christina’s location but as the sound of police sirens grew closer they had no choice but to take his phone and quickly leave back at the base CR called to inquire Who currently had Silla Lincoln still holding on to familial affection did not tell CR that Sila was in Christina’s hands CR doubted Lincoln’s capabilities giving them one last day before angrily hanging up time was running out and without finding Sila their loved ones would be killed mahol found a number that appeared multiple times in the snipers call log following this number’s location they drove and unexpectedly arrived at the Indian Embassy descending from the car was Christina with a bodyguard carrying a box containing Sila they planned to sneak into steel Sila The crucial task of diverting the security guard’s attention fell on te-ag te-ag arrived at the embassy entrance demanding to see the president of India expressing his dissatisfaction with India’s treatment of elephants he declared elephants are sacred animals and should live freely in the tropical rainforest even going as far as to handcuff himself to the main gate in a dramatic gesture with the Embassy Security Cameras turning towards them the others took the opportunity to climb in as more guards gathered at the gate tag became even more animated even claiming he would write to the United Nations to complain after successfully reaching the back door and picking the lock they quickly informed te-ag to evacuate but it was too late as teag was just freeing himself from the handcuffs when a group of Men In Black grabbed him and threw him into a car since you love elephants so much we’ll send you to the zoo to be with your Elephant Brothers they told him at this time Christina was visiting the son of the president of India naven Christina opened her laptop to introduce naen to all the Technologies in Sila including solar cells seawater desalination technology and how to make crops survive in the desert Christina proposed that India handle production in sales while she would be the invisible partner behind the scenes splitting profits 50/50 and invited naine to attend the global energy conference the next day in front of many world leaders she planned to announce this technology fully legitimizing Sila technology naven was completely persuaded but still had some reservations a professor named Vincent had published a paper questioning the stability of Sila technology and highlighting significant safety risks if Vincent appeared at the energy conference and spoke out all of India would become a Target Christina assured would take care of Professor Vincent and gave naine only one minute to decide as many countries were eager to obtain Sila technology while waiting an assistant handed Christina a note indicating Vincent would arrive by private jet at 4:30 p.m. after brief consideration navine finally agreed to Christina’s plan after bidding farewell Christina quickly left meanwhile Lincoln and the others were still searching for her at the embassy and unfortunately they ran into the embassy’s bodyguards thinking they were Christina’s subordinates The Bodyguard handed Lincoln a note left on the table by Christina on the other side Michael also decoded most of the information on the note and followed it to a parking lot Michael used an antenna to pick a car lock and inside the car he found a briefcase containing a map to the destination cars a cell phone and a handgun Michael told Sarah that versus on the Note must be initials and 1630 likely represents 4:30 p.m. Michael drove frantically towards the airport indicated on the map and at this moment the cell phone inside the briefcase suddenly rang as soon as Michael answered Christina recognized the voice of her younger son and quickly hung up the phone little did they expect that the first call between mother and son after more than 20 years would end so abruptly meanwhile Lincoln and the others returned to the base upon learning they came back empty-handed except for a note teabag was infuriated exclaiming he got beaten up while they only brought back a piece of paper how about some El’s glue did you get of of that but the clever home noticed something crucial if this person was important to Christina then he must be equally important to them so they rushed to the airport at this point Michael had already broken into the airport control center holding the tower at gunpoint to make Vincent’s private jet change its Landing Runway T Cy I’m sir I need you to come with me is there something wrong uh we have some concerns about some health exposure you may have experienced during the flight I’m sorry I don’t let’s go Michael scoffield Vincent s get in the car but agents sent by Christina noticed something was a miss and hurried over managing to block Michael’s car with two SUVs after a short Chase get down now now put him in the car what do we do with these two kill him in a critical moment Mahan arrived and killed the agents with several shots now the brothers stood on opposing sides with Don stepping forward to take Vincent away Lincoln told Michael he shouldn’t have come here he did this for the entire family the first confrontation between the brothers ended with Lincoln’s Victory but Michael was far from conceeding back at the base teabag looked at a photo of his mother who was under house arrest by CR and shed tears in private after much thought t-ag once again informed Ken that Sila was in the hands of Lincoln’s mother fuel the jet we’re going to Miami soon after Lincoln and the others brought Vincent back to the base but no matter how they interrogated him Vincent insisted he didn’t know Christina nor what Silla was claiming he was just an ordinary Professor however they couldn’t find his cell phone after searching him thoroughly it turned out Michael had stealthily taken the phone when they got out of the car and he discovered over 20 emails between Christina and Vincent in Vincent’s inbox it seems this person is far from as simple as they had imagined using Vincent’s phone Michael called the company’s Big Boss who is his biological mother Christina demanding she hand over but Christina had already traced Michael’s location and soon she arrived with several bodyguards only to find that Michael was not in the warehouse meanwhile hiding Michael sneaked into their car and stuffed a packet of white powder into the air conditioning vent then deliberately drove his own car past the warehouse to lure them out seeing Michael escaping the agents hurriedly followed in their car however as soon as they started the car white smoke spewed from the air conditioning disorienting everyone inside before they could exit the vehicle they had all fainted Michael approached knocked down the agents with several punches then carried his unconscious mother into the trunk when Christina woke up she found herself tied to a chair with her son Michael sitting opposite her Michael directly demanded to know where Sila was hidden but Christina was not going to easily divulge that information she attempted to sway Michael with familial affection but when she realized it had no effect she tried to drive a wedge between Michael and Lincoln only at this moment did Michael learn that Lin was not his biological brother Lincoln’s biological parents were also agents of the company and had died on a mission Michael’s father also an agent had adopted three-year-old Lincoln Christina however did not like Lincoln considering him naturally dull-witted whereas she had a particular fondness for Michael who inherited her High Intelligence this indirectly explains why Christina despite being a high ranking official in the company did not appear to save Lincoln in the first season but Christina underestimated the import of Lincoln in Michael’s heart Michael had once said I will save you and had jeopardized his future to break his brother out of prison this deep brotherly Bond was not something that could be severed by revealing they were not blood rated Michael vehemently rebuked Christina expressing that while she abandoned her children Lincoln raised and educated him even if Lincoln was not his biological brother he was more than that in spirit unable to sew Discord between the brothers Christina tried to distract Michael by claiming Lincoln was walking into a trap she had set upon hearing this Michael became desperate knowing well the lengths this ruthless woman would go for her interests thus Michael dragged her to the bathroom and forcefully demanded Christina disclose her plans for Lincoln come on come here where is he where is he where is L Christina revealed that Lincoln was proceeding according to her plan toward the energy conference if you want to save him you’d better hurry to the hotel where the conference is being held she said although m was wary of Christina’s mix of Truth and lies he couldn’t take the risk of not believing her and decided to head to the hotel alone to stop everything before leaving Michael left a gun with Sarah instructing her to shoot Christina if she attempted to escape while Michael was capturing Christina Lincoln and his group were interrogating Vincent who stubbornly claimed ignorance about Sila just as Lincoln was about to shoot in frustration CR suddenly arrived Put the gun down Vincent and I need to talk seeing CR Vincent immediately caved it turned out Vincent had been an agent of the company for 21 years and had now cited with Christina coming to work for her under duress Vincent admitted he only knew the hotel where Christina was staying not the whereabouts of Sila as they left mahom cast a disdainful glance at teabag the informant and CR intentionally left teabag behind from whose eyes a trace of slight guilt could be discerned Lincoln and the others arrived at Christina’s Hotel only to to find it empty they rumage around and Lincoln inadvertently finds a receipt and Don finds an envelope with the word dmbb printed on it Lincoln had CR ask Vincent what DMB meant and under interrogation Vincent Finally Revealed it was a bank they rushed to the bank and using Homeland Security credentials intimidated the bank manager into opening safety deposit box 6468 an employee mentioned that just a minute ago a man had taken the safety deposit box they rushed out and saw an agent carrying a case with Silla in it they followed doggedly though the agent seemed to deliberately walk slowly as if fearing they would lose track of him soon they were lured to the hotel hosting the energy conference Mahone sensed something was wrong but the straightforward Lincoln seeing Sila Within Reach ignored mahon’s caution and followed inside Mahon discovered a car parked at the entrance that hadn’t been turned off inside he found it was rented under Lincoln’s name containing their IDs clearly a conspiracy was at play inside the Hotel the energy conference had already started naven in his capacity as a diplomat took the stage to speak just as he is about to announce the Sila technology a sniper from above suddenly kills naven strangely after the assassination the sniper pulled a cartridge case from his pocket Lincoln happened to follow to this location and Michael also arrived at the venue and Christina’s shocking conspiracy finally came to light first they had surveillance footage of Lincoln at the bank trying to steal s creating a narrative then they planted the car rented under his name at the conference entrance to fabricate his Escape after committing murder and the cartridge case left by the sniper had Lincoln’s fingerprints which he had left while searching Christina’s room in other words Lincoln would once again be accused of assassinating a national figure but what was Christina’s purpose in doing all this was it merely because Lincoln was not her biological son it seemed the situation was far from simple the grand finale of Prison Break Season 4 in this episode all the characters we’ve grown to love find their most fitting Destinies a man wraps his biological mother’s limbs with tape driven mad he drags her to the bathroom where he turns on the scalding hot water to interrogate her about what she really plans for his brother Lincoln on come here where is he where is he where is Ln upon learning that Lincoln is walking into a trap set by their mother Michael rushes to the scene to save him before leaving he leaves a gun behind and instructing his girlfriend Sarah to shoot Christina if she tries to escape if you think Michael is ruthless then you certainly don’t know enough about this hard-hearted woman to sell the invaluable Sila for a higher price Christina hires an assassin to kill an Indian national leader framing her other son Lincoln by the Time Michael arrives at the venue it’s too late seeing the police have blocked all exits the brothers can only hide in a corner meanwhile the highly intelligent and Christina won’t Just Surrender she looks around trying to find a way out minutes later Sarah guarding the door here’s Christina’s shouts unsure of her Intentions Sarah cautiously opens the bathroom door gun in hand only to be met with Christina’s inexplicable insults infuriating Sarah who then slams the door shut what Sarah doesn’t know is that a thin wire pulls down a corner Shield which Christina uses to cut the tape and make noise again to lure Sarah the moment Sarah opens the door Christina overpowers her and takes the gun Christina ties Sarah to a table intending to shoot her but a subconscious gesture to protect her belly catches Christina’s attention recognizing that Sarah is pregnant with Michael’s child Christina’s remaining shred of conscience prevents her from killing Sarah after escaping Christina manipulates the media to report that the brothers took money from Pakistan to plan an international assassination cran watching on TV is shocked and seiz through Christina’s grand scheme realizing she intends to start a war the assassination of the Indian leader would prompt India to buy Sila and seek revenge leading Russia to strengthen its borders and within a year Europe China and the USA would all be drawn in then Christina could sell Sila to these Waring Nations becoming a global arms dealer enraged CR realizing he’s been played by Christina orders Ralph to rescue Michael and Lincoln as they know too much about the company and could spill Secrets if captured CR with his extensive connections manages to get police uniforms and successfully extricates the brothers from the venue back at the hotel disappointed in them cren decides to make an example by randomly choosing one to kill through a draw unfortunately Don is The Unlucky One as Ralph is about to shoot Don pushes him away and jumps from the high-rise CR guesses correctly Christina is talking with Indian Prime Minister nandu whose son was the assassination victim victim the son’s death drives nandu to irrationality planning to use Sila technology to wage war against Pakistan soon after nand hands Christina a check for $750 million with Christina promising to transfer the Sid data within 4 hours unexpectedly right after Nando leaves Christina instructs Darren to contact Pakistan suggesting they might also be interested in Sila even Darren is appalled urging Christina not to proceed reach out to China Michael has a good guess of Christina’s next move it’s Silla is sold the money must be collected through an overseas wire transfer typically taking three business days unless authorized by a Federal Reserve Bank ensuring immediate effect before disappearing completely Christina would surely withdraw a small amount to confirm the money’s arrival meaning they just need to watch the local Federal Reserve Bank to find Christina Michael and the three of them rush to the bank to find Christina withdrawing money from the bank and next to Darren is the box with Sila in it however as fugitives the brothers can’t show their faces without the guards opening fire immediately then uh maybe they shouldn’t see our faces everybody down on the ground now nobody move nobody gets hurt you don’t all the banks in Miami what are the odds the trio Don masks and rob the bank seizing Sila before leaving Lincoln doesn’t forget to send a greeting to their mother and it’s this greeting that allows Christina to deduce their identities Christina immediately orders the bodyguards ambushed at the entrance to act to cover for Michael’s escape a fierce gunfight ensues and Lincoln lagging behind gets surrounded by agents back inside meanwhile to prevent Michael from keeping Sila for himself cran has teabag capture Sarah No Hands thanks to your boyfriend that was how stand for I just need your cooperation by this time Michael and Mahone have reached a safe place and upon opening the case they find Sila intact just as Michael breathes a sigh of relief CR calls he’s seen the news about the bank and knows Michael has Sila CR threatens Michael saying if he doesn’t hand over Sila he should prepare to collect Sarah’s body but then Christina calls right after hanging up with CR and I have something you want although I’ll never really understand why how however Christina is more ruthless she shoots Lincoln at the edge of his lung looks like you have a little decision to make Sila or someone you love this becomes the hardest decision Michael has ever had to make save his lover or his brother he’s plunged into deep despair in theory one of them will inevitably become a casualty due to his choice but the pragmatic mahome reminds him that linin is about to die from excessive blood loss and suggests saving him first after all we have one advantage neither party knows the other also as a hostage we can use this time difference to defeat each separately following Mahone’s advice Michael immediately calls his mother arranging a meeting at the container port in half an hour for the exchange Michael arrives first at the trade location setting up bombs ready to send his evil mother to the afterlife soon Christina appears with Darren and Michael sees Lincoln handcuffed in the car Michael leads his mother to retrieve Sila intending to lure Christina into triggering the bomb but Christina suddenly stops at this moment Dock Workers recognize Michael’s fugitive status and immediately call the police seeing the police closing in Christina hastily orders her bodyguard to go and see Sila the moment The Bodyguard touches the trip wire he is instantly killed by the explosion Christina never imagined her own son would attempt to kill her and angry Christina curses Lincoln but accidentally reveals Sarah’s pregnancy meanwhile nandu calls questioning why Sila hasn’t been handed over to him yet Christina extremely anxious threatens Lincoln saying if Michael doesn’t call within 10 minutes she’ll blow his head off CR also calls Michael asking why Sila hasn’t been delivered yet if he doesn’t see it within an hour he’ll let teabag have his way with Sarah after many days teabag has once again pulled out his evil trouser Pockets after hanging up Michael immediately calls Christina to confirm if Lincoln is still alive to get Sila Christina can only hand the phone to to Lincoln Michael asks Lincoln to give any useful information to help rescue him but Lincoln shakes his head and reveals Sarah’s pregnancy urging Michael to forget about him and save Sarah instead Sarah’s Sarah’s [Music] pregnant hearing this knowing she’s about to lose her leverage Christina quickly grabs the phone hangs up then viciously stabs her high heel into Lincoln’s wound you asked me how I could just sit and watch my son go into the chair he you’re not my son nand do having not received Sila tells Christina he’s returning to India and cancels the deal Christina pleads for more time but Nando refuses to listen and hangs up enraged to the point of Madness Christina points a gun at Lincoln accusing him of ruining her $750 million deal just as Christina is about to p pull the trigger Mahone calls he tells Christina that Michael has taken Sila to exchange for Sarah but he proposes a deal if she can eliminate the man Kent sent to watch his ex-wife and spare Lincoln’s life he will help her retrieve Sila without a second thought Christina agrees to the deal having no better options meanwhile Michael calls CR arranging to exchange Sila for Sarah in a parking lot in 20 minutes however CR doesn’t plan to bring Sarah as he never intended to let Michael leave the parking lot aive but when CR arrives he finds no sign of Michael and discovers the case in the corner is empty realizing he’s been duped by Michael’s diversion CR hurries back to his base Michael was on his way to rescue Sarah when he climbed up the balcony without The Bodyguard noticing inside the house teabag is eagerly anticipating his next move just as he is about to unzip his pants Michael hits him on the head with a metal rod angry Michael wants to kill teag but Sarah stops him not wanting their unborn child to be the child of a murderer on the other side Mahone meets with Christina and hands over Sila but Christina wants to verify its authenticity and locks up Mahone who then sees the injured Lincoln it turns out Michael and Mahone had planned for Michael to save Sarah and Mahone to save Lincoln before handing Sila over to Mahone Michael had already removed its core component when Christina’s men find they can’t connect Sila to a computer they’re unaware it’s been rigged with a timed bomb mahome plans to detonate it but at The crucial moment the remote control fails Christina enters the room demanding to know why the Sid data won’t open Mahone figing innocence manually activates the bomb while they’re distracted he suddenly stands knocks down Darren with two punches kicks Christina to the ground and rushes into the room seeing the situation turned dire Christina grabs Darren using him as a human shield Michael successfully rescues his girlfriend Sarah and his brother Lincoln and secures Sila which all factions are after CR having lost everything flies into a rage blaming teabag for everything accusing him of failing to even handle the delicate Sarah just as CR is about to shoot te-ag Sarah’s forgotten phone on the table suddenly Rings knowing this is his only chance to live teabag quickly answers the call to his surprise the caller is sucra whom he hasn’t seen in a long time sucra wants to know Michael’s whereabouts teabag lies that they have been captured and says they might be overheard on the phone so he arranges a face-to-face meeting with sura after hanging up teabag turns to CR and tells him that capturing sucra Michael’s close friend would surely draw out Michael under the watch of bodyguards teabag meets sucra at the agreed location teabag doesn’t beat around the bush and tells sucra to wisely come with him he points to the upper left corner claiming the company’s top assassin sitting behind could blow his head off at any moment however before teabag can finish the top assassin is already dead what’s up jet bro teabag turned turned around and realized that the man pointing the gun at him was Benjamin from the Fox River State Penitentiary but how did Benjamin and sucra come to be together after bidding farewell to Lincoln sucra has been living a life on the run with Mary Cruz always on edge one day he runs into an old acquaintance on the street Benjamin swears he’s there to help them clear their names having recently met a mysterious figure who can wipe their criminal records clean if Sila is handed over this person promises to use Sila’s technology for the benefit of humanity allowing them to live like normal people sucra is skeptical until he meets the person and finally believes Benjamin’s words Benjamin finding Sarah’s phone on teabag immediately sends Michael’s number to the mysterious person on the other side Michael and his group dragging the severely injured Lincoln hide in an abandoned warehouse now they are not only wanted criminals but also hunted by both CR and Christina but even so Michael is determined to destroy Sila the root of all evil but then a phone call comes in hello Michael [Music] you’re a tough man to get a hold of it turns out the mystery man is none other than agent Paul who died two seasons ago Paul reveals he was saved by Michael’s father’s organization and has since worked with them there’s a United Nations commissioner arriving in Miami at 5:00 they’ve cooperated with the UN promising to clear all their charges of Sila is handed over and Paul promises to use Sila’s technology for the good of humanity doubtful after being being deceived many times Michael doesn’t know whether to trust Paul especially since Paul has hunted him multiple times as Lincoln’s gunshot wound worsens and he’s at risk of bleeding to death without proper treatment the group rushes him to the hospital Sarah not a fugitive sneaks into steal surgical equipment but is caught when cr’s bodyguard smashes the car window Ralph using Michael’s phone location finds them and they’re brought before CR again on the TV screen is Lincoln’s girlfriend Sophia CR threatens Michael saying if Sila isn’t handed over within half an hour Sophia will become a corpse but CR doesn’t know that two people have already infiltrated the room unnoticed don’t move all right sucra and Benjamin having pressured teabag for information find the location Michael also threatens CR to call and release Sophia seeing Sophia leave on the screen Michael intends to kill CR the source of everyone’s misery but sucra stops him he reminds Michael that he came to rescue him not for Revenge but to clear their names and regain their innocence eventually they tie cran to the railing as the sound of approaching police sirens grows louder the group dragging a barely alive Lincoln hurriedly departs seeing the police cars catching up sucra once again steps up driving another vehicle to block the passage buying time for Michael and the others to escape go go now with sucra captured and Lincoln critically injured and on the brink of death Michael has no choice but to place all his Hope on Paul but Paul’s phone goes unanswered Lincoln reminds Michael to turn off his phone as CR had just located them through the phone’s GPS however before Lincoln could finish Christina along with her henchmen arrives after a B of gunfire Christina holding a gun searches and finds Sila hidden in a cabinet as Christina prepares to leave Michael suddenly stands threatening his mother to drop Sila and her weapon Christina was convinced that Michael wouldn’t kill his own mother but to her utter surprise Michael filled with deep-seated hatred for her actually pulled the trigger unfortunately the gun was empty of bullets at the critical moment Sarah shoots Christina from behind ending her life Christina’s bullet also hits Michael in the shoulder needing to hand over Sila to Paul before 5:00 and without seeking treatment Michael rushes to the meeting point on the way he looks to the right and to the left and any sign of movement makes Michael wary as he neared his destination two men stopped Michael once brought to an office Michael finally meets Paul and the UN commissioner handing over Sila when connected to a computer it seems a component is missing even at this moment Michael still Harbors doubts about Paul because Sila carries the lives and freedom of many people he would not easily hand it over to someone he is still not very familiar with after much persuasion from Paul Michael trembling installs The Blood Stained component into Sila I’ll make the call you did it it’s over this gamble finally pays off soon Paul gathers all of Michael’s old friends from the prison break gang and they sign immunity agreements all hostages held by the company are freed countless days and nights of struggle and Escape coales into this moment of bitterness and emotion they embraced each other and cried this time they were finally completely free Paul tells the group that te-ag also claiming to have helped find Sila requests immunity Paul did not explicitly agreed to Tag’s request for immunity instead he left the decision to the prison break gang through a vot we took a vote you’re in luck I like it what we voted on was whether or not he took a stick of gum on the van ride back ultimately without any surprise teabag was unanimously voted back into Fox River State Penitentiary by everyone with matters finally settled Michael and Sarah walk along the beach contemplating the future however Sarah’s smile freezes as Michael’s no most bleed returns signaling his cancer’s Resurgence they Embrace tightly not daring to think further time flies and four years pass Mahon and his former colleague Felicia have settled down together Lincoln and his girlfriend Sophia open a surf shop by the beach they’re only concern now being LJ s education sucra and Benjamin each enjoy a happy family life Paul brought down the company and became a rising star in politics Dawn having jumped into a river to escape ends up in a vegetative state crank for his heinous crimes finally faces the electric chair that Lincoln nearly sat in teabag is once again the boss of the Fox River State Penitentiary and he’s still surrounded by a little heel who pulls on his pockets but on on a beach bathed in the sunset’s Afterglow several Graves stand solemnly Sarah along with the child she shared with Michael and a few old friends from the prison break gang gathers here pain their respects at Michael’s Tombstone to Lincoln he was a fiercely loyal and passionate family member to sue cray a brother in arms sharing a bond stronger than blood to Mahone a friend with whom he shared deep mutual respect and to Sarah and their child he was the husband and father Who Bore the world on his shoulders giving is all the story of Prison Break Season 4 also came to a perfect conclusion amidst everyone’s relief a beach wedding with only five attendees somehow fills countless fans with joy for the couple from from their initial meeting to the flutter of heartbeats that followed they braved numerous hardships and finally regained their freedom under the witness of a priest and their close friends and family Michael and Sarah rightfully became husband and wife just as they were basking in the joy of their wedding several police cars suddenly appeared the arriving officers ignoring pleas from the crowd produced an arrest warrant and forcibly took the bride away it turned out that weeks earlier Sarah had shot and killed Christina to save Michael an act that was unfortunately captured on surveillance footage since Christina’s secret of work was impeccably covered proving her employment by the company was impossible hence Christina’s legal team clung to the evidence determined to tear the newlyweds apart Under Pressure Pauls side had no choice but to compromise hearing Sarah could be sentenced to 25 years ignited an impulsive urge in Michael to break her out upon her arrival at the prison Sarah immediately caught the attention of some troublemakers but before they could act the guards intervened one guard kindly offered Sarah a single cell claiming it to be safer naive Sarah followed only to realize something was a Miss upon arrival soon several guards surrounded her having been forwarned about Sarah because Sarah had left a door open in the first season aiding The Escape of an 8-person group from Fox River State Penitentiary half of the prison guards lost their jobs thus they plan to intimidate Sarah first to prevent any incidents during her stay pregnant Sarah fought back fearing for her unborn child thankfully y they had the decency not to Target her abdomen after Sarah emerged battered a woman with glasses approached her she was the prison’s leader known among inmates as Daddy Daddy’s followers were part of a family she had formed seeing Sarah as talented she wanted to recruit her to serve her purposes but Sarah firmly refused however all of this was observed by someone on the second floor Gretchen who had been previously wounded by a gunshot meanwhile in the adjacent Men’s prison teabag was mingling with CR CR reads in the newspaper that Sarah is being held in a women’s prison and in order to get back at Michael for what he did to him CR decides to buy Sarah’s life with the only $100,000 he has left in legal fees thus CR tasked his lawyer Joe with the job the Bounty notice eventually reached Gretchen who haded the tempting reward and then the prey below beginning to formulate a plan during Meal Time greten warned Sarah not to sit with Skittles saving her a spot across the table before they could exchange a few words Sarah felt poisoned by her food as an internal medicine doctor she knew she needed treatment quickly to save her unborn child but the guards are deliberately making it difficult for Sarah to go to the infirmary for treatment the overbearing daddy came over to speak up for Sarah allowing her to receed timely treatment thankfully the child was also safe and sound when the doctor inquired about her injuries Sarah not wanting to cause trouble claimed it was an accident the detective handling Sarah’s case informed Michael who immediately medely knew who was responsible Michael promptly visited CR in the Men’s prison pleading with him not to harm Sarah and their child saying he could come at him instead but CR made his stance clear if you were killed your pain would last a moment if Sarah were killed your pain would last the rest of your life hearing CR say this Michael knew there was no point in further discussion he hurri to find the warden Alice to request a transfer to another prison for Sarah but Alice having long heard of Michael’s reputation stated she wouldn’t let this prison become another Fox River State Penitentiary and promised that Sarah would be treated fairly at that moment Michael’s nose bled again as Alice went to get him a tissue he instinctively looked out the window trying to spot any vulnerabilities in the prison Michael returned and informed Lincoln and sucra deciding to start planning Sarah’s rescue through Michael’s investigations he learned that in the past 60 years there had been seven Escape attempts from this prison all ending in Failure to ensure success Michael arranged for Lincoln and sucra to gather information near the prison while he distracted the federal agent Todd monitoring them Todd was the one who took Sarah away at the wedding he told Michael his job was to ensure Sarah stayed in prison Todd has been keeping an eye on Michael to prevent him from attempting a Prison Break Meanwhile in the prison Sarah was taken by a guard to a deserted Corridor daddy once again offered her an olive branch suggesting she take a job as an auto mechanic which would be much safer than her current sit situation Sarah accepted Daddy’s offer Daddy’s overprotectiveness of Sarah caused jealousy in her wife and discontent among other family members but Daddy quelled these disturbances daddy once again invited Sarah to join her family but Sarah politely declined while dumping waste oil Sarah suddenly spotted Lincoln outside the prison her instincts told her Michael must be planning her Escape just as Sarah was about to return Gretchen stopped her Gretchen had also seen Lincoln outside the prison and pressed Sarah for his intentions before Gret could get an answer daddy came out even though Gretchen is a tough cookie she’s still staying away from Daddy here to escape Gretchen’s harassment Sarah decided to join Daddy’s family daddy asked her men to take out a snake necklace which is the badge of their family each member will be branded with loyalty on the other hand Mahone now a free man applied for reinstatement but only Felicia voted in favor seeing this mahome got up to leave suddenly the leader called mahome back stating if he could monitor Michael provide crucial information and prevent the imprisoned Sarah from escaping he could be reinstated faced with the condition of betraying his friend The Honorable Mahone was unmoved then the leader threw a detective badge on the table would Mahone be swayed by the sight of what he had longed for mahol quickly sought out Michael and his team saying if he could monitor them they agreed to reinstate him mahol was truly honest even advising Michael to act quickly and offering his help if needed with the measurements of the prison in Sarah’s work schedule and location provided by Lincoln and others Michael quickly identified a vulnerability in the prison due to the Prison Walls being widened during Renovations and the camera positions remaining unchanged the clever Mahone immediately understood Michael’s plan he intended for Sarah to use the blind spots of the cameras to reach a specified location then they would breach the outer wall to successfully rescue Sarah The Next Step was to inform Sarah of the time and place since Sarah was a high priority inmate the prison did not allow VIs or phone calls just as everyone was puzzled Michael pulled out a piece of paper the scene shifts and a letter filled with text is delivered into Alice’s hands after carefully verifying its contents she orders her subordinates to pass it to Sarah upon reading the letter Sarah instantly understands Michael’s intentions relying on their years of unspoken understanding Sarah folds the letter into the shape of the paper flower Michael once gave her indicating a meeting at the waste oil tank tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. on Gretchen’s end to deal with Sarah’s protector daddy gritchen bribes the guards to frame daddy with Contraband found in her room leading to Daddy’s inevitable solitary confinement at this moment gritchen reveals a Sinister smirk from the second floor Michael meanwhile receives a call from his lawyer who has managed to secure a visiting opportunity for him to see Sarah rushing to the prison seeing his beautiful wife battered hurts him more than if the blows were landed on him during their conversation Michael confirms Sarah has received his letter greatly increasing the likelihood of their plan success time with a loved one always feels too short watching Sarah’s departing figure Michael vows to rescue her however just as Michael is about to leave the prison he suddenly notices the security blind spot he found being repaired leaving him dumbfounded the carefully thought out Escape Plan is thus thwarted but to rescue his pregnant wife Sarah Michael has no choice but to plan another Escape after discussing with the others Michael decides to enter the prison via parachute but he needs someone’s help that someone is teabag from the neighboring Men’s prison Michael arranges for Lincoln to negotiate with teabag who only needs to press the fire alarm at 7:30 p.m. the next night to easily earn $5,000 however the greedy teabag scoffs at the amount demanding a six figure sum at that time Lincoln and the others simply don’t have that kind of money but the cutting teabag has a way to make it teabag quietly tells Lincoln that the money CR offered for killing Sarah is with his proxy lawyer Joe the rest is up to you transfer the money into my account before 7:00 p.m. tomorrow and I’ll pull the alarm for you teag says then struts off because ketchen bribed the guards to frame daddy leading to her solitary confinement Sarah loses her protector ketchen finds Sarah again forcing her to plan an escape together or else no one gets out having discovered the note Michael gave to Sarah The Lure of cr’s bounty is tempting but what is money compared to Freedom meanwhile Michael has already planned the detailed Escape scheme which he shares with Lincoln and sura he will first land on the perimeter of the prison then sneak into the chapel as it is the only building connected to the administration building during a riot the guards will flee through the emergency exit of the administration building there’s a secret exit in that enclosure which is where Lincoln and the others will rendevu just then mahol returns from outside Michael asks mahol to find a small plane and instructs Lincoln and the others to secure cr’s substantial funds ensuring everyone’s tasks are ARR changed before 700 p.m. Michael immediately visits Sarah as there’s a change in plans and he needs to inform Sarah of his new plan telling her to wait for him in the chapel however their conversation is undoubtedly being monitored Michael can’t speak openly and must use coded language to pass the message to Sarah but the agents and Alice outside the glass can’t understand a word they’re saying pray for us tonight pray for us you can pray for us to be together meanwhile Lincoln also heads to The Men’s prison to find tag needing his help to quickly locate cr’s Bounty he seeks Tag’s assistance in gathering useful information teabag eager to secure the substantial sum devises a plan he scribbles a note and then approaches CR CR thinking someone has already taken care of Sarah and is coming to claim the Bounty writes down Joe’s phone number teabag got the number with a Sly grin on his face and passed it onto Lincoln tracking someone down becomes much easier with a phone number soon enough sura finds Joe’s home after confirming his identity sucra employs his lockpicking skills proving that locks are merely a formality to him Joe terrified grabs his cash box and tries to flee but as soon as he gets into his car Lincoln who has been waiting catches him when CR realizes he’s been duped teabag cloting comes to boast meanwhile I just thought I’d let you know I came into some green Mahon has made contact with a plane Mahon can’t help but be curious when he sees Michael working on cards and stuff see the prison was built in the mid 80s those locks don’t have Power Protection a 1200 volt power surge will just set off the other arms mahol realizes that Michael is prepared for the worst in his effort to save Sarah just then his phone rings in his pocket it’s a call from Todd unbelievably Mahone hoping for a smooth reinstatement had snitched about the security blind spot to Todd allowing him to timely repair the prison’s vulnerabilities when mahong brings up the matter of his rein statement Todd surprisingly demands that Mahone find evidence to arrest Michael before he can agree to reinstate him seeing through their despicable nature Mahon doesn’t provide crucial information this time Mahon introduces Michael to the pilot and advises him to consider other methods as parachuting is too risky but Michael aware of his deteriorating condition and Sarah’s imminent danger sees no other option he then pulls out a CD in an envelope asking mahome to help him get Lincoln and Sarah out of the country showing immense trust in the current Mahone Mahone takes Michael to buy parachuting gear touched by Michael’s trust Mahone halts him suggesting he has a better idea meanwhile in the prison inmates greedily isera still coveting the $100,000 Bounty Daddy’s subordinates make the first move but the highly skilled Gretchen appears and quickly knocks them out upon hearing her family member has been killed daddy vows Revenge once she’s out Gretchen took out the pendant with her daughter’s name on it and said she went out for her daughter seeing Gretchen past help and considering her own impending motherhood Sarah decides to escape with Gretchen after all she needs Gretchen’s help as Daddy’s people are already eyeing her at dinner time Sarah and Gretchen prepare to act but unfortunately daddy who had been in solitary is released the two quietly plan for Gretchen to take care of the guards while Sarah deals with Daddy and her crew Sarah doesn’t go to fight but explains to Daddy she acted in self-defense which daddy refuses to listen to Sarah pushes daddy in Skittles revealing Skittles as the real boss of the prison instantly deflating the usually dominant daddy in the chaos Gretchen attacks the guards quickly taking them down but getting stabbed in the process then Greta knocks a guard unconscious and Sarah seizes the moment to take the keys meanwhile Michael and his team have arrived at the airport Mahone deliberately calls Todd saying Michael is planning to parachute onto the prison yard hearing this Todd immediately informs Alice and arranges for all guards to Ambush the the yard and turn off all lights waiting for Michael’s arrival Todd arrived at the playground in time but he didn’t realize that he had been set up as soon as Michael lands the guards immediately attack but upon inspection they discover it’s just a dummy Michael had already taken the opportunity to hide under a car and then sneak into the church by this time Sarah and Gretchen had quietly arrived at the church door as Sarah is finding the keys to open the door Gretchen suddenly gets spotted by a guard when asked if there were any accomplices Gretchen doesn’t betray Sarah Sarah has already sneaked into the church by then and after the guards take Gretchen away Sarah quietly picks up the pen and Gretchen intended for her daughter just then Michael appears and without time for words they hurry off Mahon and Lincoln are waiting outside for them while sucra rushes to the bank to transfer money only to find it closed teabag sees that the time has come and calls to check his account balance but there is no change in the balance after checking several times Michael and Sarah reached the emergency exit of the administration building everything ready except for Tag’s rooll not receiving the money teabag doesn’t hesitate to betray Michael claiming he was asked to sound the fire alarm for an escape hearing this Todd orders the prison’s fire alarm system shut down which is exactly what Michael wanted exploiting teabags tendency to snitch rather than the alarm itself Michael puts his musket to the lock and opens the door without any problems continuing as planned they reach the last door Michael tries an electronic card but it fails fortunately Michael has one last trick cutting off the building’s power supply for a few seconds before forcefully reconnecting it the strong electric current can break the electronic lock Sarah must take this opportunity to escape but reconnecting the power could cause an explosion putting the person doing so at Great risk despite Sarah’s please they have no other choice Michael caresses his child and after a brief kiss Sarah leaves with tears in her eyes unable to Bear parting Michael pulls down the cable and reconnects it a strong electric current runs through his hands and Sparks Fly the last door opens smoothly and Sarah looks back reluctantly then runs outside with tears streaming down her face Lincoln asked her where Michael had gone and Sarah didn’t know how to answer at this time Lincoln had a bad feeling he looked at the door of the prison how much he hoped that a miracle would happen only Mahon knows Michael’s plan Mahon urges Lincoln that it’s not wise to linger and reluctantly the group gets into the car and leaves teabag I’ll smarted not only misses the $100,000 but also gets thrown into solitary as an accomplice for conveying wrong information outsmarted by Michael again on the way back everyone is silent Mahone hands Sarah the items Michael left behind a medical report shows Michael’s tumor had worsened at the Docks sucra gives Sarah the money from cr’s bounty after bidding farewell Sarah and Lincoln board a yacht to leave the country they watch a video Michael left his final goodbye to them well if you’re watching this I’m glad and that’s all I ever wanted because it means you’re safe and Link I want you to promise me no matter what they’re going to grow up knowing their uncle is never far away so now plainly simply I want to say that I love you both we’re free can you believe that the dead can talk because some deaths are real While others are merely stories this is the essence of the long awaited season 5 of the classic American TV show Prison Break which fans have been anticipating for a whole 8 years do you recall the ending of season 4 the finale had Michael sacrificing himself for the freedom of others yet this sacrifice wasn’t his life but rather his own Freedom what deep conspiracy lies behind this let’s find the answers together in season 5 the story kicks off with Prison Break Soul teabag teabag swapping his prison uniform which he had worn for the better part of his life for long missed suit because he was released from prison by a mysterious benefactor the guards cursing remarked how does trash like you get help you’re just damn lucky after saying this the guards handed teabag his belongings from before his incarceration including a letter sent to him by someone else teabag strutted towards freedom but when he opened the letter outside his face revealed a look of sheer Terror meanwhile Lincoln is back to being hounded by debt collectors feeling lost ever since his brother’s death barely escaping his pursuers Lincoln arrives home to find teabag who mockingly comments on his current plight waiting for him just as linkoln is about to kick teabag out teabag hands him an envelope Lincoln shocked finds a photo of his brother Michael believed dead for years thinking it’s another of teabags Tricks Lincoln couldn’t dispute the authenticity of the postmark on the envelope disbelieving his eyes and teabag equally puzzled Lincoln reads the letter but neither can decipher its meaning resulting in teabag being chased away Lincoln then rushes to New York to find Sarah noticing a red car that seems to be tailing him along the way however the red car soon turns away and then a black pickup starts following him only to also turn away shortly after feeling secure no one is following Lincoln finally reaches Sarah’s Place Sarah having remarried and formed a new family with her husband Jacob and her son doubts the authenticity of the photo suspecting it to be edited especially given her distrust of Tag’s character she has accepted Michael’s death and urges Lincoln to do the same in the evening Lincoln visits Michael’s grave reminiscing about the past overwhelmed by his memories he takes another look at the letter under the Setting Sun revealing embossed letters beneath Lincoln sensed something was off he took out a pencil and erased the letters that could be rubbed off ultimately revealing the word o jijia from the remaining letters a quick internet search reveals it to be a prison in Yemen to prove the truth Lincoln ventured alone to the the graveyard in the dead of night picking up a shovel to begin digging upon opening Michael’s coffin he was so shocked that he collapsed to the ground a closer look revealed no body inside Lincoln was so excited that he hugged Michael’s clothes which proved that Michael was probably still alive as Lincoln prepares to inform Sarah the red car that had followed him reappears Lincoln cast a wary glance but noticed nothing out of the ordinary yet as the green light flashed on the person in the red car casually tapped a few keys on a computer causing Lincoln’s vehicle to uncontrollably accelerate and charge forward with Fierce speed with the brakes failing Lincoln unbuckles his seat belt and crashes into a barrier throwing himself into the river he picked up Michael’s clothes and headed towards the shore at that moment the man followed him Lincoln quickly hid behind a large tree just as the man was about to come over with a gun to check for a body his plan was disrupted by onlookers who suddenly arrived prompting him to leave hastily Lincoln hurridly called Sarah to tell her before they could finish speaking the black pickup that had been following Lincoln pulled up in front of Sarah’s house followed by a blonde woman armed with a gun approaching Sarah grabbing a gun calls the police while running upstairs to find Mike hiding in the bathroom with him and preparing to defend themselves with a dismantled towel rack downstairs Jacob is shot in the leg and the woman ascends the stairs just as she’s about to open the bathroom door police sirens grow louder and the As salent Leaves hastily after confirming the Assassin had left Sarah quickly administered first aid to Jacob then rushed him to the hospital Lincoln arrived in time and expressed his desire to take Sarah with him to search for Michael but Sarah now with a new family and her husband in the emergency room couldn’t join him Lincoln understanding her situation declared he would go to Yemen to look for Michael meanwhile teabag freshly out of prison arrived at a hotel he intended to look for some special services online when a Hospital appointment email suddenly popped up on his screen it was a meeting set with the director of the prosthetic Research Center for 9:30 the next evening teabag was curious he had never made such an appointment but then he thought about his prosthetic hand that indeed needed replacing so he decided to meet the doctor as scheduled the doctor was aware of teabags condition and waited until after hours to receive teabag in order to avoid unnecessary trouble he explained he had developed a cuttingedge prosthetic arm that could be controlled by the human brain functioning no differently than a regular arm this technology had received significant funding under the condition that teabag would be the first recipient teabag suddenly remembered the phrase from the letter through thy hands the glory of the future is unveiled realizing it must have been written for him thus teabag agreed to the prosthetic arm installation instinctively he asked the doctor not to use anesthesia fearing what might happen while he was unconscious but this wasn’t the kind of sketchy Clinic he was used to concerned that the doctor might have ulterior motives while he was out the doctor reassured him I I wouldn’t dare cross someone like you having laay teabags concerns the doctor gave teabag a general anesthetic when teabag woke up and saw the prosthetic arm installed he suspected the doctor might have implanted something else inside him and pressed for the name of the person behind this the doctor didn’t know who the mysterious person was leaving only the word udies to represent them in Greek udies means nobody on the other side Lincoln determined to go to Yemen to find his brother sought out Benjamin who had military experience in the Middle East and might provide some help at this point Benjamin Had become a devout follower of Islam Lincoln showed Michael’s photo to Benjamin hoping he could find some valuable Clues after analysis by Benjamin’s colleagues the building behind Michael in the photo was identified as the AL AXA mosque the map showed this building was not far from oij prison mentioned in the letter with no other buildings in between indicating the photo wasn’t forged but when Benjamin called the prison to inquire he was told there was no prisoner named guessing Michael might have changed his name Lincoln tried to find a photo of Michael online to send to them only to discover that all of Michael’s photos had been replaced with those of someone else Lincoln then realized someone was trying to erase all records of Michael prompting him to urgently prepare for his trip to Yemen Benjamin warned him that the area was in turmoil and ordinary people wouldn’t survive there for 3 days but Lincoln was determined to save his brother even if it meant going through hell in high water returning to the Hotel Lincoln Don Michael old suit although it was a bit ill-fitting he hoped it would bring him luck in finding Michael just then someone quietly entered the room alert Lincoln swung a punch only to find out it was sucra sucra had heard the news that his good friend Michael wasn’t dead and hurried over to join the search for him Lincoln did not want to put sucra in danger but sucra followed Lincoln to the airport as the two argued Benjamin suddenly arrived mentioning he knew some of the mosque’s followers in the area who could find someone to meet them ukra interrupted their conversation insisting that if Benjamin could go he definitely could too then Benjamin delivered a metaphorical slap to sucr with a string of Arabic phrases leaving sucra completely dumbfounded in an instant it turns out Benjamin had picked up some Arabic during his service in the Middle East Lincoln told sucra to wait for their good news and that they would call him if needed thus sucra left allbe it reluctantly thanks to Benjamin’s connections the two set off for Yemen unaware that the Assassin who had been after Lincoln was Now tracking them Yemen was embroiled in conflict with everyone trying to flee the country yet they were entering soon an elderly man with white hair greeted them believing he was the contact sent to meet them the two didn’t think twice before following him out of the airport then a middle-aged man holding a sign with Lincoln and Benjamin’s names appeared the driver took them to an abandoned warehouse and it was only then they realized they had walked into a trap as several thugs surrounded them Benjamin handed Lincoln a hammer and took a wrench for himself these thugs clearly underestimated their opponents as they were quickly overpowered and left lying on the ground checking the Thug’s phone Lincoln found out they had been discovered while boarding the plane at that moment the real contact Sheba appeared her informant at the airport had noticed Lincoln and Benjamin getting into the wrong car and had followed them here Lincoln and the others threw away all their phones to prevent further tracking by the Assassin upon arriving at the place Sheba had arranged for them Lincoln suddenly noticed the war Duty printed on his brother’s clothes identical to the message left by the person who had donated the prosthetic arm to teabag Sheba introduced them to Omar because he had connections inside oij prison alar mentioned that there was an American in the prison who matched the description of Michael but getting a visit was extremely difficult Lincoln immediately thought it was just a matter of money which he had however Omar wasn’t interested in money as in this turbulent country money had lost its importance but passports were highly sought after benj advised Lincoln not to give up his passport as without it he couldn’t return to the United States but eager for the chance to see Michael Lincoln didn’t hesitate to hand over his passport they soon arrived at the prison which was more brutal than Sona prison Sheba asked the guard about a prisoner named Michael but the guard firmly denied any such person fortunately Benjamin thought to show the guard a photo of Michael and the guard said the man was known as udies remembering the name on Michael’s suit Lincoln told the guard they wanted to see him considering Sheba had brought them the guard agreed to let them visit udies Sheba hearing they were looking for this person angrily turned and walked away it turned out udies was a notorious terrorist imprisoned for murder Michael was quickly brought up by the guards seeing his brother after 7 years Lincoln was overwhelmed with emotion unable to express his feelings Michael now bore new tattoos Lincoln urgently asked Benjamin to take out his camera to prove Michael was alive but when Lincoln spoke of rescuing Michael Michael claimed he wasn’t Micha and didn’t know them then asked the guards to take him back to his cell after finally finding his brother after so many years only to be denied recognition Lincoln was nearly driven to despair in the prison cell the narrow space was extremely oppressive its conditions rivaling those of Sona prison after the guard finished patrolling the room Michael asked his bunkmate whip for a wrench and then removed the ventilation panel from the ceiling preparing to climb onto the roof his roommate Sid kept watch while Michael and whip quickly made it to the rooftop this was their seventh consecutive day there waiting for the signal to escape a double flash of the city’s lights meant that the Escape would begin in 24 hours but after waiting half the day there was still no sign watching the war spread outside whip grew anxious fearing they’d soon become Canon fodder and cursed loudly Michael reassured whip telling him not to worry because he had a plan B which he hadn’t wanted to use but now it had begun the next day Lincoln and Benjamin were still puzzled over why Michael refused to recognize them just then they heard footsteps at the door Lincoln opened the door to find a child who upon seeing Lincoln ran away with Lincoln chasing after him but quickly losing track in the unfamiliar surroundings after Lincoln returned Benjamin handed him the origami crane left by the child at the door a signature message from Michael Lincoln unfolded it to see the handwriting was indeed Michaels the note inside read find the Chic of light and I will regain my freedom link finally felt relieved realizing Michael’s refusal to recognize him was likely due to fear of being discovered by others now their task was to find the Sheik of light but they had no clue who that might be Benjamin decided to seek Shea’s help who was at that moment trying to persuade her father to leave the city however sheba’s father knew they didn’t have the funds to escape the country leaving Sheba feeling helpless when Benjamin arrived with Lincoln Sheba reacted as if she’d seen an enemy in her eyes the person Lincoln wanted to save was a terrorist who had persecuted their country and she swore she’d never help again but Lincoln pulled out a stack of money willing to make a deal with Lincoln to get the money needed to escape the war zone with her father Sheba took the note from Lincoln although she had never heard of the Chic of light and guessed it was a code noticing a piece of tape on the Note Sheba peeled it off to reveal a series of holes which she guessed might be a phone number she tried calling and reached the voicemail of Muhammad the Region’s electrical engineer Lincoln was sure this man was the Chic of light Michael had referred to they drove to the electrical engineering department where they learned Muhammad had gone to the suburbs a week ago to look for his trapped daughter after getting the address Sheba marked it on the map for Lincoln advising them to go alone since the suburbs were on the front line of the war posing a life-threatening risk however since Lincoln had yet to pay he still had the upper hand to get the money Sheba had to help find the Chic of light so she reluctantly LED them toward the battlefield soon they arrived at a government check check point where soldiers warned them that going further was akin to a death sentence Lincoln then pulled out money betting with the soldiers that if he didn’t come back the money was theirs the soldier then ordered his subordinates to open the gate and let them pass seeing the once bustling streets now in Ruins with walls plastered with portraits of the terrorist Abu however this Abu had already been imprisoned in O jijia prison the same prison where Michael was being held should Abu escape the situation would undoubtedly be worse than it already was just then their vehicle was spotted by the enemy Sheba told Lincoln and the others to quickly duck inside the car soon a man approached to talk and coincidentally they knew each other from their conversation it was evident they had an unpleasant past but now they were irreconcilable enemies as the talk seemed about to escalate into trouble they suddenly received news of an attack by government forces and hurried off to confront it this allowed them to escape the situation without harm however when they arrived at Muhammad’s location they were suddenly confronted by a group of rebels at the entrance with no other choice they had to climb over a wall from another spot to enter as soon as they entered the house they were ambushed by Muhammad who had been hiding thinking the rebels had broken in after confirming their identities they wanted to take Muhammad with them but he refused to leave unless his daughter was rescued Muhammad disclosed his daughter’s location to Lincoln but the rebels outside seemed to have heard noise inside the house and were desperately searching around it seemed not only could they not rescue the people but they would also be trapped at that moment Muhammad mentioned there was a back door they could Escape through but they were a step too late as enemy Vehicles had already parked at the back door when they felt out of options Lincoln instructed them to hide on the roof while he sneaked to the pickup truck when the enemy is not looking Lincoln throws him out of the car in a couple of moves then he goes to the window to inform Muhammad’s daughter to prepare to escape Lincoln started the enemy’s pickup and took Muhammad’s daughter and the students away quickly meeting up with sheba’s vehicle just as they were celebrating the their imminent success an enemy vehicle equipped with a heavy machine gun approached and they desperately headed towards the city the government forces noticed them knowing that charging directly at the government checkpoint would be mistaken for a terrorist suicide attack Sheba stopped in advance and waved a white cloth the government forces identified the enemy vehicle and opened fire directly at the machine gunner seeing Muhammad’s daughter and the students successfully rescued shiva’s impression of Lincoln changed dramatically after they settled down it was only after after Lincoln’s interrogation that they found out he was the Chic of light also the father of Michael’s roommate Sid Sid had been sentenced to 20 years in prison for falling in love with another man as hom*osexual relationships are forbidden in this country a few weeks ago Muhammad visited his son in prison worid told him that if he could manage to cut the City’s power someone could help him escape from prison the plan had been arranged to take place a week ago but it was delayed due to his daughter being surrounded by terrorists which is why Michael had been climbing to the rooftop for seven consecutive days waiting for a signal Lincoln said they were still in prison waiting for your message hearing this Muhammad hurly got up ready to act because their agreement was to give them a double flash 24 hours before the blackout but whether this city could last another 24 hours was still in question meanwhile far away in New York Sarah was sending Mike to school when she suddenly received a video from Lincoln seeing Michael whom she thought had died years ago still alive Sarah was moved to tears at that moment her husband Jacob who was still in the hospital called Sarah answered the phone trying to sound calm Jacob felt like Sarah knew something she shouldn’t but she diverted the conversation later Sarah went to the government Department seeking help only to be received by deputy director Paul having had some previous issues with him Sarah worried she might fall into a trap again and thus turned to leave however hearing Paul mention information about Michael she couldn’t help but follow her curiosity into his office Paul Paul pulled up the terrorist ud’s file which shockingly had Michael’s photo and it matched previous records exactly only a few people including a genius like Michael could pull off something like this Paul suspected it might be Michael’s own plan but Sarah didn’t believe these claims and turned to leave the office just as Sarah got home Paul sent her an email the surveillance footage in the email showed Michael personally killing the deputy director of the CIA and then moving the body the next day Michael boarded a plane to Yemen as soon as as Michael got off the plane the CIA began their Pursuit although Michael managed to escape he didn’t have time to take his luggage which contained clothes with the victim’s blood hearing this incontrovertible evidence Sarah didn’t know what to do she confided in her current husband Jacob Jacob explained to Sarah using his knowledge of Game Theory he said Michael would sacrifice anyone to achieve his goals and always had his own schemes He also mentioned that Michael approached Sarah only to escape from prison and would leave as soon as his objectives were met this according to Jacob was the real face of Michael despite these absurd explanations Sarah couldn’t believe Michael would become like this meanwhile Michael was in prison making meticulous plans to communicate with the outside world he set his sights on his roommate jaw’s phone jaw a top-notch hacker from South Korea and a Bonafide addict no one knew how he managed to bring a phone into prison he could hack into Financial systems of various countries from home which led to his imprisonment to get jaw’s phone Michael’s next actions were astonishing he asked Sid for a piece of gum and then took off the foil wrapper tearing it into a strip about 8 mm wide he attached the foil’s ends to the positive and negative terminals of a battery the thin foil was quickly ignited due to the short circuit then he used the generated fire to boil water and then soaked a towel in the boiling water wrapping the hot towel around his head whip quickly called the guards saying udies had a high fever that needed immediate treatment this way Michael successfully made it to the infirmary however since he was considered a terrorist the guards loed him deeply and took out their frustrations on Michael Soon Michael was beaten to a bloody pulp after which the guards gave him two pills Michael pretended to swallow the pills then was sent back to his cell Michael spat out the unallowed pills and told jaw who was addicted to drugs that they were derivatives of morphine hearing morphine Jaa perked up but Michael said he could only have them if he could borrow his phone to order a pizza the scene shifts to Sarah in New York picking up her son from school however after all the kids had left she couldn’t find Mike Sarah frantically searched and fortunately found Mike in a nearby park Mike handed his mother a paper rose saying a pizza delivery guy gave it to him the paper rose once a symbol of Michael’s undying love for Sarah had a message written on it the storm is coming all beings must hide Sarah intuitively felt Michael was in trouble meanwhile Michael was in prison waiting for for the chance to escape at that moment Sid came over and said the leader of the terrorist group Abu was closing in on them since it was the month of Ramadan Abu who was in solitary would be released back to the general cell block where Heretics Sinners and foreigners would be killed by them just then the lights flickered twice Sid realized someone had found his father meaning the Escape was set to begin in 24 hours however what they didn’t expect was that the terrorist Abu and his followers had already been released Sid and others were scared and head but Michael Stood Still Abu looked at his own bloodstained hands and put them on his face to smell them then he walked straight towards Michael unexpectedly they embraced each other like brothers Abu asked if he had planned the Escape Michael with full confidence said it officially starts tomorrow night the man glanced outside the cell and saw no guards then started his Escape Plan he copied the tattoo on his arm onto a piece of paper folded it into a plane and added a piece of chewing gum while a young boy was picking things up outside the prison Michael skillfully flew the paper plane out of the prison the boy set aside what he was holding picked up the plane and stuffed the gum in his mouth quickly the boy ran to Lincoln’s residence as usual stealthily slipping the paper plane under a mat but this time he was caught red-handed by Lincoln through sheba’s translation they learned that the young boy was sent by the bubble gum man receiving a piece of gum as payment for each errand though he had never seen the bub Double Gum man himself seeing the boy’s terrified appearance Lincoln took out all the candy from his pocket and gave it to him telling him to continue delivering messages seeing Lincoln’s kind side Sheba found the man before her not so detestable after all noticing the strange ancient blue script on the letter which seemed to form a pattern Benjamin who was looking at a city map was inspired it turned out Michael had drawn a map of the city with a red dot marked on it clearly the place Michael wanted them to find they found an abandoned cabin according to the marked location and determined that Michael had planned the Escape there from the various documents filling the walls The Retreat Point indicated it was currently under terrorist control seeing a portrait of the terrorist leader Abu on the table they realized that Michael wasn’t the only one escaping meanwhile Abu just released from solitary confinement prepared to enforce his laws in the prison executing all infidels and hom*osexuals directly by hanging the guards upstairs turned a blind eye to this soon Michael’s cellmate Sid was caught for being home hom*osexual Whip and jaw wanted to rescue him but were stopped Michael hurridly told Abu that Sid’s help was needed for the Escape but the cruel Abu was unmoved seeing poor sit about to be hanged Michael defied abu’s obstruction and went to save him as the situation was about to spiral out of control the guards upstairs fired a warning shot then gathered the prisoners together for re-education meanwhile Michael successfully sent a message to Sarah through his son which was spotted by the Assassin who had once tried to kill Lincoln and Sarah they followed Sarah to the hospital where Jacob was staying and secretly hacked Sarah’s phone while they were being intimate Sarah went to the bathroom and at that moment the psychopathic killer teabag appeared behind her leaving Sarah utterly panicked but teabag seemed to bear no ill will telling Sarah that someone named udies had donated a mechanical arm to him a high-tech device worth at least a few million confused teabag went online and discovered that udies was Sarah’s ex-husband Michael I looked up outis on the interwebs whose face comes up but your dead ex-husband’s looking very much alive Lazarus Arisen from the dead he’s drawn us into something in he come near me or my family again I will kill you teabag secretly approached Sarah to understand the reason behind this but Sarah knowing teabags despicable nature refused to cooperate with him and walked away without using the bathroom at that moment Sarah took out her phone and noticed the information constantly changing realizing her phone had been hacked she hurried to a phone repair shop and asked the owner to check who had controlled her phone 10 minutes later the two assassins arrived at the shop based on the phone’s location and demanded the shop owner reveal Sarah’s whereabouts seeing their violence the shop owner had no choice but to confess while Sarah watched everything from across the street the Assassins noticed Sarah too and rushed over Sarah ran away opening the back door only to find no exit in desperation she crawled through the next room to the rooftop the Assassins followed her up Sarah ran desperately on the rooftop but found no other way out seeing a garbage truck below she prepared to jump when the Assassins reached the rooftop and found Sarah gone they looked down at the departing garbage truck thinking Sarah had hidden inside to escape aw curs it out loud complaining about why posidon hadn’t let her kill Sarah sooner then stormed off angrily unknown to them their conversation was clearly heard by Sarah hiding under the pipes back home she received a call from the phone shop owner the phone shop owner found not the reason her phone was hacked it was because someone had used Sarah’s fingerprint to gain control over her phone Sarah suddenly remembers that when she went to Paul’s office she received a glass of water and her fingerprints must have been left on it she shared this with Jacob who had just been discharged from the hospital Jacob urged Sarah to report to the police immediately but Sarah knowing the police couldn’t solve this issue decided to sell her phone to the shop owner instead Jacob questioned if she was just running from reality after some calm reflection Sarah said that her biggest lesson over the years was choosing to run away thus she decided to take action like Michael Sarah immediately called teag to collaborate and asked him to investigate Paul suspecting him of stealing her fingerprints meanwhile in Yemen Michael and whip were queuing for food after terrorist Abu embraced Michael like a brother upon being released from solitary confinement whip began to doubt Michael’s Allegiance because the mission given by posidon was to rescue Abu indicating Abu was affiliated with posidon yet they were abandoned by posidon and Michael still promised to help Abu Escape confusing whip Michael explained that he only temporarily agreed to help Abu escape to ensure their safety until the right moment to ditch him despite Michael’s explanations whip remained unsettled then Michael devised a plan upon noticing a guard’s watch and suddenly punched whip in the face the two of them were struggling and the guards came to pull them apart the ensuing scuffle allowed Michael to stealthily steal the guard’s gold watch explaining it was all a misunder standing leaving whip utterly confused after the guards left Abu approached Michael comforting him with Promises of their imminent Escape Michael whispered something to Abu and walked away back in the cell his cell meets were puzzled by Michael’s actions and his close relationship with terrorist Abu casting doubt on his stance to clarify Michael disclosed the entire plan a guard suspecting Michael had stolen his gold watch during the commotion turned their cell upside down in search but didn’t find the watch frustrated the guard locked all prisoners in their cells to search for the watch aligning with Michael’s plan locked in solitary Abu could only stay in his cell while the Escape could only proceed from Michael’s cell once Sid father Muhammad successfully cut the power they could disappear from the cell like ghosts meanwhile Abu boasted to his followers about Michael’s promise to lead he out of prison the original plan was to escape alone but Abu insisted on taking his followers at that moment the guards were looking for the gold watch arrived and started a carpet search of abu’s cell and found the gold watch in abu’s clothes Abu realized he had been played simultaneously to ensure Michael’s successful Escape From War torn Yemen Lincoln and sheba worked on getting passports for leaving the country Benjamin and Muhammad were responsible for cutting the City’s power supply they quickly arrived at the meeting place but when Lincoln checked the passports they turned out to be blank Sheba was then taken away by Cyclops who had been lying in Ambush and Lincoln outnumbered was knocked unconscious Cyclops demanded to know the identity of the man who came with Sheba when Sheba refused to cooperate Cyclops punched her it turned out they were former classmates and had dated however Cyclops lost control and attempted to do unspeakable things to Sheba resulting in her blinding him in one eye and they became enemies seeing Sheba now trapped like a bird in a cage Cyclops took the opportunity to try and finish the vile act he hadn’t completed years ago meanwhile Lincoln awoke from his unconscious state and heard sheba’s desperate screams he wedged a metal rod into the bottom of the door and using his strong physique quickly broke it open just as Cyclops was about to succeed Lincoln threw him out of the room and began to beat him mercilessly meanwhile Muhammad and Benjamin had arrived at the main power station Muhammad expertly pulled down the circuit breaker and then instructed Benjamin to turn off the backup power while he dealt with the security guards faced with the complex wiring Benjamin overwhelmed decided to forcefully sabotage while wearing insulating gloves sure enough the city’s lights went out and the prison cells plunged Into Darkness Michael and his team having waited for this moment immediately started their Escape Plan Abu just taken away by the guards seized the chaos to fight back knowing Michael intended to leave them behind Abu and his followers hurried to Michael’s cell hearing Michael was escaping cross from the neighboring cell decided to flee with his brothers they ambushed the guards stole their keys and opened Michael’s C door to prevent the two from following whip dismantle the bed with his feet however with the rooftop guards nearby they had no chance to escape through the hole and were trapped in the ventilation Ducks cross and his brother standing on the bed frame stretched into the hole in the rooftop and then grabbed Sid pulling him down from above as the standoff continued Abu and his followers arrived seeing the escapes abu’s men shot and killed cross’s brother with no choice Michael abandoned Sid and fled as Abu and his men were about to follow armed guards arrived outnumbered Abu reluctantly put down his gun when the guards entered the cell and noticed the hole in the roof they immediately called for rooftop Patrol Michael and his team having just climbed out were caught Benjamin coming to assist saw Michael and his team captured and had to leave disappointedly injured Lincoln also hurried back with a barely alive Sheba the year’s Long Escape Plan ended in failure and Michael and his team were placed in solitary confinement terrorist Abu now aware of Michael’s stance threatened that Michael’s death would come once he was released from solitary Michael usually a master strategist was now in despair he took out jaw’s phone to record his last words however before he could send the video the phone automatically shut down s if I do die make them put my real name don’t let them put k out as it’s still this was Michael’s most desperate moment in 7 years so desperate he began recording his own last will in Testament just moments ago Michael’s carefully concocted Escape Plan was on the brink of success when it was thed by the guards catching them in the ACT resulting in their confinement the terrorist Abu housed in the cell opposite Michael upon discovering he was duped vowed that Michael would be the first he’d kill once he got out worse still the sound of artillery was ominously close suggesting that even if Abu didn’t kill them they’d likely become Canon fodder in the war yet even faced with death Michael sought a glimmer of hope for escape he instructed whip to search their cell for a mark with an S during his four years of solitary confinement In This Very Place Michael had crafted tools for escape if they could find it they might just manage to break out of their cell however despite their efforts they failed to locate what Michael had described at that moment Abu found the mark Michael mentioned in his cell and gloated telling them to just wait for death there meanwhile the injured Sheba was taken to the hospital by Lincoln sheba’s father zakat in gratitude to Lincoln claimed he might have a way to save his brother zakat approached a federal judge he knew through his political connections offering his BMW in exchange for a pardon for Michael in prison they arrived at the prison quickly due to the guard seeing terrorists infiltrating the city and panicking everyone prepared to flee it turned out the federal judge had anticipated the prison’s abandonment making the pardon he provided essentially worthless upon witnessing the situation Lincoln quickly asked zakat to take Benjamin and the others to the airport making sure to reserve two seats for himself and Michael before he dashed into the prison to rescue Michael at this time the captain of the guards focused solely on escaping locked other prisoners and guards inside the prison before clumsily running into Lincoln who was heading towards the prison by the time Lincoln arrived he learned the keys had been taken by the person he had just encountered so he hurried back to chase down the captain of the guards just as he reached the door Lincoln nearly met his by a shell he got up and followed the guard’s Escape Route tracking him down to an alley the guard stumbling upon terrorists was shot dead before he could draw his gun however Lincoln being a foreigner couldn’t retrieve the keys from the guard’s body the prison was in chaos the prisoners attempted to break down the main gate but cross understanding that terrorists had taken control outside knew they stood no chance of survival if they managed to get out he proposed that their only leverage was to take the terrorist leader Abu held in solitary Hostage to negotiate with the enemies outside inspired by cross’s passionate speech the prisoners were ignited Michael and others in solitary confinement heard the commotion outside hearing the prisoners attempting to break the solitary confinement doors Michael saw a bargaining chip he asked Abu if he wanted to reconsider their cooperation to escape the solitary confinement Abu was still resistant at first but as the sound of the inmates banging on the door got louder and louder Abu panicked and agreed to work with Michael following Michael’s instructions he found a loose brick pulling it away they discovered a rope and a spoon inside the Rope had been made from threads of clothing accumulated over the four years Michael was in solitary and the spoon was acquired unnoticed during a lockdown Michael instructed Abu to tie the rope to the spoon and then hang it from a pipe above their cell with a slight tug Abu pulled down the pipe by fixing the spoon to one end of the pipe they fashioned a rudimentary tool for escape outside cross grab Sid threatening Michael and the others to surrender the frail sit had no strength to resist fortunately a dedicated prison guard with a gun managed to control the situation he wouldn’t allow any loss of life in the prison and ordered everyone to hide back in their cells thus Sid narrowly escaped disaster however cross with a strong will to survive began to brainwash the guard he claimed that if terrorists invaded they would be allies now there was no distinction between guards and prisoners if they worked together to capture Abu they could all Escape together you just need to hand over the keys to the solitary confinement although the guard was somewhat shaken the keys had already been taken by the captain rendering him valueless cross took advantage of the guard’s distraction killed him and then seized the guard’s machine gun to shoot at the door of the solitary confinement at this moment Abu following Michael’s instructions began to pry the door hinge the cunning Abu didn’t intend to release Michael but instead started prying his own door with tools urgently explained that this was feudal as the hinge on his side couldn’t be removed without a key which was in the warden’s room Michael assured Abu that if he did as told he would release him hearing the door to solitary confinement about to be breached Abu had no choice but to trust Michael again Abu slowly hooked up Michael’s side of the door hinge with a spoon after some effort the upper hinge was unhinged and then the same was done for the lower hinge Michael using all his might dismantled the cell door then grabbed the keys to polias Whip and jaw whip advised Michael against releasing Abu since terrorists had occupied the exterior escaping the country would be difficult even if they managed to flee the prison they still needed Abu as a Talisman to ensure their exit from the country so Michael released Abu with time running out they hurriedly fled as the door to solitary confinement was opened cross seeing that they had escaped quickly pursued them Michael and the others arrived at the infirmary then forced Abu to arrange a vehicle to the Border however they couldn’t understand abu’s language Michael also had a trick up his sleeve he tore a corner of the map marking it just then cross arrived at the infirmary with his man forcing them to hide quickly cross searched cautiously but still failed to find them they saw prisoners scaling the wall and decided to follow suit but cross spotted them and forced them back into their cells cross quickly caught up and killed an innocent prisoner the Fallen dagger was discovered by Sid hiding under a bed Michael and the others were also hiding under beds watching as cross slowly approached ready to risk a surprise attack on him or they would all die by cross’s gun just as Michael was about to rush out Sid picking up the dagger from the ground stabbed cross first seeing Sid’s action everyone joined into help and with a scream cross died on the spot meanwhile Lincoln struggling to obtain keys from a deceased guard was approached by a young boy delivering messages though young the boy knew the evils of terrorists and wished to fight the enemy with Lincoln following Lincoln’s Plan he had the boy mislead the terrorists about an American’s location successfully drawing them away and easily obtaining the keys from the guard he arrived at the location agreed upon with Lincoln who then exchanged candy with the young boy for the keys before hastily heading towards the prison Lincoln released all the prisoners and rushed to find Michael suddenly seeing Michael and the others scaling the Wall Lincoln desperately called out Michael’s name but to no avail with no other choice Lincoln had to run out of the prison to continue searching for Michael meanwhile far away in New York teabag following Sarah’s instructions had already set his sights on Paul teabag followed Paul to his home but Paul being an ex- agent was highly alert hearing noises he quickly grabbed his gun to investigate but the cunning teabag hit too well eluding Paul’s detection Paul unaware of anything a Miss put down his gun and went back to making juice at that moment teabag picked up a gun aimed at Paul and first landed a punch his retribution for not having pardoned him years ago then teabag interrogated Paul about why he hacked Sarah’s phone and sent assassins to kill her this left Paul utterly baffled it wasn’t until teabag mentioned the name Poseidon that Paul began to understand Tag’s actions he explained that posidon never contacted anyone through the internet and even nuclear submarines couldn’t find him getting involved with posidon essentially meant death for Michael posidon was a rogue CIA agent sought after by the agency but no one knew his whereabouts he was a hawk opposing government foreign policies wishing to destabilize other countries without deploying a single soldier this was white posidon wanted Michael to rescue the terrorist Abu aiming to use him against Iran and Russia ultimately disrupting the global order as soon as Paul finished speaking he was shot and fell to the ground seeing this teabag hurriedly fled for his life teabag escaped to the basem*nt then blocked the door and made his first ever emergency call all there’s a time for everything 911 I need help the dying Paul knowing the Assassin was sent by posidon told van go that he too had killed for lies but humans have a natural desire to uncover the truth and Those Who Kill for lies will eventually kill those who uncover it this statement foretold the fate of the two assassins no sooner had Paul finished speaking then van go shot him dead aw arrived in the basem*nt to find teag had escaped hearing the police sirens drawing closer they quickly drove away but teabag hadn’t fled instead he hid in the car to track the assassins and uncover the truths teabag saw the Assassins meet with a mysterious man unfortunately obscured by a nearby tree to get a clearer view teabag risked leaving the car hid in a corner and began frantically taking photos to his shock the man was Sarah’s husband Jacob meanwhile Michael and his companions who had just escaped were on their way to an auto repair shop making sure Abu had the vehicles ready as arranged just then they realized ja had disappeared Michael hurriedly went looking for him only to find jaw stealing fruit from a Fruit Stand Michael Furious scolded jaw as a liability he then pushed jaaw away and told Abu to have his men kill the junkie saying they had given up on him after they left XA pulled out a piece of map Michael had slipped into his hand which read our Escape Plan is hidden under the workbench with the specific location of on the other side it turned out they were just putting on an act for Abu sha hurried to the location Michael had specified while Michael led the others on a detour to The Address given to ja meanwhile Lincoln was still searching for Michael and the others when jaia arrived at the garage and successfully found the hidden handgun under the table abu’s men suddenly arrived Michael and his companions quickly arrived at the entrance of the auto repair shop only to be surrounded by terrorists who had been lying in wait Abu had already seen through Michael’s plan so he had arranged his men to Ambush them there Abu took out a knife forcing Michael and his companions to kneel and had his men record a video wanting the world to see the consequences of opposing him just as Abu was about to slip Michael’s throat Lincoln appeared in time controlling a heavy machine gun forcing the terrorists to drop their weapons Abu holding Michael hostage forced Lincoln to get out of the car as the standoff continued whip couldn’t stand by any longer he slowly approached Michael saying he once killed a thug who insulted his girlfriend which landed him in prison Abu didn’t believe him and ordered his men to pick up their guns in preparation to fight back whip advanced again verbally attacking Abu instinctively pulled out his knife trying to stop whip but whip swiftly stabbed Abu with the knife Lincoln then shot down abu’s men who were nearby hearing the gunfire surrounding terrorists quickly approached forcing Michael and his companions to continue evading Pursuit they reached an abandoned restaurant where whip asked who this man was Michael with tears in his eyes said he’s my brother the two embraced each other emotionally I can’t believe back at the prison why they can get out Michael concerned asked how Sarah and his son were Lincoln assured him they were fine and not to worry just then they saw on TV that Abu had been killed the terrorists had taken over the local TV station and broadcasted that Michael and his companions had killed their leader now the entire terrorist Army declared war on Michael and his companions could they still escape the country this absolutely Takes the Cake for the most melodramatic plot twist in prison break and it’s also the one that got roasted by the ntis the most from the Sparks of Love Struck between Michael and Sarah in season 1 to Michael being thrown into Sona prison in season 2 to save Sarah followed by Michael successfully breaking out of prison in season 3 and embarking on a lone quest for revenge for his girlfriend Sarah and finally in season 4 the two of them walking on the beach finally relieved of their burdens the last page of the prison break epilogue showing Michael and Sarah officially entering the Hall of marriage brought immense happiness to countless fans yet to save his pregnant wife Michael once again plunges into the abyss just when everyone thought Michael was dead Prison Break Season 5 makes a comeback after 8 years however Sarah suddenly remarries with Michael’s child Mike and toe leaving many fans disappointed in her while also feeling sorry for Michael who was presumed dead what Sarah never expected was that the man she had had shared a bed with for 7 years was The Mastermind behind Michael’s fake death seeing the photo of the Assassin taken by teabag Sarah is utterly dumbfounded and can hardly believe her eyes at that moment she suddenly remembers Mike is still at home and frantically runs towards her house luckily finding Mike safe and anxious Sarah makes up an excuse to take Mike away and just then her husband Jacob arrives Sarah lets Mike hide in the car and then gets straight to the point by showing him the photo Jacob adapted Game Theory hurriedly explains that he found the phone which was hacked at the phone store to keep Sarah and the child from danger he had a friend in the computer science department traced the Killer’s phone back and then he contacted the killer hoping to resolve the issue with money but Sarah unable to listen steps on the gas and decisively leaves Sarah takes Mike to her friend Heather’s house and confides everything to her but Heather suggests she might be overthinking due to recent events first she was attacked by a home invading killer and then she saw evidence that Michael was alive all of which could lead to a mistaken judgment Heather mentions Jacob seems like a good man who gave her a new life Heather asks for the name of the person who helped recover Jacob’s phone data mentioning she knows a professor at that school thus through Heather’s connections Sarah meets Jacob’s friend Andrew Sarah politely inquires if he helped recover the phone data for Jacob and Andrew confidently confirms he did which matches Jacob’s explanation just then Sarah receives a call from Jacob who an iously asks her to come to the police station and Sarah agrees to meet him the police chief says they’ve caught a few suspects and asks victim Sarah to identify the as salant Sarah decisively points out numbers three aw and four van go Jacob then reiterates to Sarah that he’s just a husband worried about his wife not the Poseidon she mentioned Jacob also presents the $100,000 he prepared to bribe the Assassin saying he had installed a Tracker without the Assassin’s knowledge thanks to his calling the police in advance they were able to easily arrest them hearing Jacob’s Flawless explanation the naive Sarah chooses to believe him and once again Embraces him however as soon as Sarah and Jacob leave the prison guard releases aw Poseidon got you out first I thought I was his favorite the two assassins have already received news of Udi’s escaping from prison and have killed a terrorist leader who escaped with them Abu van go confused asks why there was infighting but aw says in their line of work you just follow orders and don’t ask questions you shouldn’t clearly they are unaware of the truth behind their actions they are merely posidon tools for murder at this point they’ve already received Poseidon’s order to kill the terrorist udies who has just escaped from prison also known as Michael now I’m the run in Yemen just now they successfully escaped oija prison in Yemen and with the cooperation of their companions they also killed Abu the leader of terrorists in the Middle East in a bid for revenge for Abu the terrorists put up an $80,000 Bounty for capturing Michael and his crew driven by faith and money they crazily started to hunt down Michael and his companions Michael LED them to a hidden basem*nt to replan their Escape Route he was planning to head north by train as previously planned but Lincoln knew that area was already occupied by terrorists Lincoln suggested that Michael follow him to the airport to meet with Benjamin however Michael believed the airport being the quickest way out of the country would surely be controlled by the terrorist first so he stuck to his own opinion and did not agree with Lincoln’s suggestion at this moment Lincoln suddenly exploded in Anger for the first time he lashed out at Michael and demanded why are you still alive what exactly happened today if you don’t clarify everything we’re not going anywhere Michael had no choice but to reveal the truth it turns out just weeks before his wedding to Sarah he received a call from the mysterious agent posidon he said Paul had no judicial authority to Pardon their crimes using this as leverage over Michael in a legal sense posidon threatened that unless Michael worked for him he could legally send Michael and his companions back to prison this time for life without parole Michael explained that posidon was a disgruntled policy expert at the CIA this psychopath to maximize his ideas secretly created an organization within the CIA called 21 void for his own use he exploited Michael’s talent for breaking out of Prisons to free terrorists around the world to achieve his own ends initially Michael did not agree to Poseidon’s demands resulting in Sarah being locked up in a women’s prison and brutally beaten by the guards seeing his pregnant wife beaten like that Michael had no choice but to compromise with the Sinister posidon sacrificing himself for his family’s Freedom At This Moment the terrorists gunfire sounded outside and the group stealthily made their way to the train station the place was swarming with terrorists Lincoln again urged Michael to head to the airport but Michael argued that the most dangerous place could be the safest seeing the porters moving things to the train station he decided to disguise himself as a porter to blend in unfortunately halfway there terrorists stopped Lincoln to question him since Lincoln didn’t speak their language any attempt to communicate would blow his cover leaving him no choice but to strike first then they frantically ran for their lives using the train as cover seeing a train approaching Michael urged them to run to the other side of the train narrowly escaping however what they did not expect was that Cyclops had already set his sights on them just now Cyclops had approached his leader claiming he had seen the man and could help track down the Assassin but the leader mocked him for being oneeyed and did not take his words seriously feelings slighted Cyclops found the auto repair shop where Michael had studied the prison break plan from the map he deduced they were likely at the train station which led him to track them down he sent the photo he took to his leader saying bring your weapons I call the shots now meanwhile Benjamin along with Sheba and her family arrived at the airport which was in complete chaos with flights unable to take off normally worse still terrorists suddenly stormed the airport sending everyone into a panic at that moment Benjamin saw a pilot stripping off his uniform seemingly planning to escape alone in a plane thus Benjamin along with Sheba and others followed him but the pilot was quickly spotted by terrorists Benjamin hiding behind the car was also discovered just as the terror terrorists were about to shoot Sheba rushed in claiming she had seen the killer of Abu taking advantage of the terrorists diverted attention Benjamin suddenly fought back quickly taking down several of them thereby saving the pilot as a token of gratitude the pilot agreed to help them escape the country meanwhile the lucky to be alive Michael planned to take them to another train station Lincoln again tried to persuade Michael to go to the airport since it was only an 8 km Journey from there whereas escaping North to the Border was hundreds of kilometers away but the stubborn Michael still trusted his intuition because he believed it was his intuition that had kept him alive until now after saying this Michael quickly got into the car ready to head north although some teammates thought Lincoln made sense Michael’s position in their hearts was hard to shake so they all followed Michael North reluctantly Lincoln unable to persuade his brother also got in the car but they hadn’t gone far when they were suddenly stopped by a car crash caused by Cyclops who had been tracking them they heardly escaped into a hospital and then split up to look for a way out just reaching the basem*nt Michael suddenly saw a ventilation shaft next to him but to spite using all his strength the cover wouldn’t budge at that moment Cyclops had already barged in with terrorists and Michael realized his decision was a mistake he tearfully confessed to his brother Lincoln he had intended to Bear all the consequences alone but instead he made things worse for those around him he once like a ghost secretly watched his wife and Mike and the park too afraid to show himself at that moment Michael in tears regretted not discussing strategies with his brother from the beginning Lincoln of course forgave Michael then pulled him up and handed him a wrench whip had sharpened a knife ready to fight at any moment but only Jaa remained calm and collected holding a can of oxygen and a bucket of alcohol singing while sprinkling the alcohol on the floor Lincoln and Michael were eager to try just then the terrorists attracted by the sing hurriedly changed Direction they came to the source of the singing and shot at the silhouette which turned out to be a dummy made of human bones hiding an oxygen tank inside that exploded upon being shot giving the terrorists a free spark show After experiencing the life and death situation Michael decided to adopt Lincoln’s plan and head to the airport so he called Benjamin to clarify the exact location asking them to wait a bit longer however the situation at the airport was already dire as terrorists had taken over just as Michael and his group were about to leave a sudden burst of gunfire hit Sid critically wounding him it turns out that Cyclops has caught up with them and he has heard the news that they are going to the airport so Cyclops calls his Associates at the airport at that moment the injured Sid enduring the pain knocked down Cyclops interrupting their communication only to be stabbed by Cyclops bearing the severe pain Sid handcuffed himself to Cyclops Michael and the others hurried over to help but by then Sid had already passed away seeing Cyclops grinning Michael angrily punched him in the head but to catch the plane as soon as possible they had to leave Sid behind and continue on their way meanwhile terrorists at the airport were gathering trucks to block the runway leaving no chance for takeoff Benjamin pleaded with the pilot to wait another 5 minutes but seeing more and more trucks the pilot decisively started the plane not leaving my break shut it down shut it down did you stop me no one gets out the offense can still make it to safety we will not at that moment Benjamin’s phone rang seeing the terrorists chasing the plane relentlessly Lincoln told them to escape quickly while he thought of another plan they watched the plane fly over their heads a tribute to the ending of the first season Sheba answers the phone and tells Lincoln to find Omar but he can’t hear him clearly because of the noise seeing the terrorists Vehicles closing in they quickly turned and continued to run for their lives they dodged the terrorists Pursuit all the way and fight finally arrived at an abandoned warehouse if they couldn’t come up with an Escape Plan their deaths would be even more gruesome than those of the people outside at that moment Lincoln suddenly remembered sheba’s friend Omar who wasn’t the most reliable but was now their only hope for a way out they quickly found Omar packing his bags and explained their reason for coming Omar said he would take them along for sheba’s sake but with only one car and not enough space for everyone he told them to drive his other vehicle a Land Cruiser Michael kept whipped to watch over Omar and went with Lincoln and jaaw to get the car after they left allore took the opportunity to knock whip out when he wasn’t looking just as Michael and the others found the car terrorists caught up with them Lincoln with his superb driving skills quickly lost the terrorists by then whip had been tied up revealing that Omar had no intention of taking them along seeing Lincoln arriving in the Land Cruiser Omar hurriedly tried to drive away but was quickly pulled out of the car by the agile Lincoln whip was ready to teach Omar a lesson but jaah intervened just in time reminding them they still needed Omar to escape Yemen Omar mentioned he was planning to go to fakes over 400 km away where the people were simple and there was no war the journey required crossing a vast desert and without a map only he knew the route they immediately set off on their escape meanwhile the two assassins who had received orders to kill Michael were heading to the NSA to use their satellite surveillance to locate Michael and his team since aw had once worked at the NSA she got her former colleague Gloria to help but Gloria could only allow them limited access as observers just then Lincoln received a call from Sheba it turned out that several people under the leadership of Benjamin has arrived safely in Jordan tomorrow ready to fly to the United States she thanked Lincoln and said that when we meet we will buy Linc andn a drink but this call allowed the NSA to track their location soon a drone followed them though Michael and his team were completely unaware they stopped at a roadside gas station to fill up the tank due to the long journey head while filling up Michael goes to an internet cafe inside the petrol station where he connects with a man called Blue Hawaii who can free him from the 7 years of Poseidon’s control van go called the terrorists and gave them Michael and his team’s precise location meanwhile Michael and his team were basking in the joy of almost escaping Yemen suddenly they saw two vehicles full of armed terrorists approaching Lincoln dropped the fuel pump and urgently called for Michael but Michael was still busy inside he hurly asked Blue Hawaii to take a screen shot of the tattoo on his hand whip found Omar’s gun but Omar said it only had one bullet intended for his suicide if captured by terrorists at that moment Omar suddenly fell shot the others used the car for cover just when they thought they were doomed the quick thinking whip spotted a fuel tanker near the terrorists and decisively fired the only bullet the exploding tanker instantly blew the terrorists away as they were just catching their breath a red SUV approached from a distance with no choice they continued their Escape by car however they hadn’t gone far when Michael stopped the car as their guide Omar was dead they gave him a simple burial just as they were planning their next move a burst of gunfire came their way again forcing them back into the car to flee this scene was also captured by the Drone aw demanded to continue the tracking but was stopped by Gloria who realized that this was not surveillance but murder they were quickly thrown out by the NSA after their plot was exposed Michael stopped the car again after driving some distance because the sun was directly overhead making it impossible to discern directions jaa’s phone had also lost signal and when they got out they realized their tires had betrayed their location Michael took out a telescope and saw that it was Cyclops the killer of Sid at that time Cyclops stopped to refuel his car knowing his fuel would Outlast Michaels ensuring he could follow them until their fuel ran out Michael took out a hose planning to siphon fuel from the white Land Cruiser into the black SUV allowing the SUV to reach the destination they decided to leave a small amount of gasoline in the white Land Cruiser which would be driven by one person to lure the enemy away for fairness Michael brought four Stones three red and one white whoever drew the white stone would be responsible for luring the enemy coincidentally the others all Drew red stones leaving the white one in Michael’s hand Lincoln was unwilling to let Michael take the risk and wanted to swap but Michael convinced him otherwise saying he still had the crucial task of finding their destination Michael asked them to leave marks to help him find them later and then they set off Cyclops relentlessly pursued from behind at that moment Michael suddenly crossed in front of Cyclops who naturally followed Michael then took out a red stone he had in his hand revealing there was never a white stone he had devised the plan to protect those around him from threat as the fuel in the car was nearly exhausted Michael found cover behind an obstacle Cyclops quickly lost sight of his Target holding his AK-47 he meticulously searched but found the target vehicle slowly moving away so he hurriedly drove after it soon Michael’s car came to a stop Cyclops with a smirk on his face slowly approached with his gun drawn only to find the car empty except for a stone press on the accelerator pedal by then Michael had already sneaked into Cyclops car hearing the engine Roar Cyclops turned and sprayed bullets wildly with his machine gun Michael took the opportunity to grab a screwdriver from the car door and quickly hit at the back of the car attacking Cyclops from the roof when he was unguarded the two engaged in a life ore duel evenly matched until both collapsed Michael then used the screwdriver to pierce Cyclops remaining eye however as Michael stood up Cyclops stabbed him in the abdomen with a dagger coated in antifreeze ignoring the pain Michael rushed to find Lincoln but soon had to abandon the broken down car and proceed on foot meanwhile Lincoln and the others found the place Omar had spoken of a peaceful Haven compared to war torn Yemen but they couldn’t be happy because Michael had not yet returned as night fell Michael struggled through the desert his infected wound causing him to collapsed several times until he finally fell unconscious images from his past flashed before Michael’s eyes wondering if these were the signs of death approaching just as he closed his eyes the sound of fireworks nearby reignited hope in his heart signals set off by Lincoln for his brother Lincoln climbed to the roof of the car shouting Michael’s name Michael Michael but did not get the slightest response just as Lincoln was about to give up hope someone saw Michael staggering back barely alive Michael collapsed on the ground and Lincoln along with the others hurly rushed to his side Michael told Lincoln that he had been poisoned and needed to be taken to a hospital as soon as possible but there was no doctor in their small tribe the only Doctor Is In The City they just escaped from but but it’s impossible for them to go back now without a new plan for treatment Michael would soon die from the poisoning the escaping prisoner was on the verge of death but under the attentive care of his good brother Michael could barely hold on for a few more hours Jaa found a cargo ship heading to Greece claiming fisherman could help Michael find the best doctor there but Lincoln worried about Michael’s still being an internationally wanted terrorist once Michael showed his face he would be arrested whip is very anxious and says to Lincoln are you just going to let Michael die what kind of a brother are you clearly whip misunderstood Lincoln’s intention almost earning himself a beating from Lincoln who actually intended to seek Sarah’s help at that moment Sarah was having a cheerful conversation with her current husband Jacob when suddenly she received a call that her husband presumed dead for 7 years was still alive leaving her almost speechless with excitement Lincoln informed Sarah about Michael’s poisoning knowing that Sarah being Michael’s primary physician at Fox River State Penitentiary was very familiar with his medical condition Sarah told Lincoln that Michael urgently needed a blood transfusion and it would be difficult to find Michael’s blood type in their location even if they found it Michael might not survive that long suddenly remembering she has the universal on negative blood type Sarah decided to go to Michael herself to perform the transfusion sharing this plan with her husband Jacob Jacob upset by this strongly discouraged Sarah from going to save Michael and if I told you not to go if a big word in that sentence Jacob are you telling me not to go no of course not seeing he couldn’t dissuade Sarah Jacob reluctantly Let Her Go Lincoln and whip along with Michael went to the meeting place they had arranged with Sarah while ja having grown fun of the place decided to stay behind after a brief farewell Michael and his two companions boarded the cargo ship to Greece after a long 12-hour Journey they finally arrived at Creed Island in Greece where a kind fisherman helped them find a home St while Lincoln went out to find food whip took the opportunity to express his leld feelings to Michael I got a lot invested in you a lot of things to tell me you know you can’t die on me now Michael you know please turns out whip was the capable assistant Michael demanded from posidon planning the prison break in Yemen for 4 years developing a bond like that of real brothers however Lincoln’s arrival made whip feel replaced in Michael’s heart leaving him suen during this time he prayed earnestly for Michael to pull through in his coma Michael dreamed of his son Mike playing with an airplane which suddenly accidentally fell into the bushes as Mike went to retrieve it he was suddenly Carried Away by a mysterious person startling Michael awake from the dream at that moment Lincoln returned with Sarah Sarah who had accepted Michael’s death could hardly believe her eyes upon seeing him alive again seeing her once dearly loved husband Sarah couldn’t help but kiss Michael swearing to cure him then using the medical equipment she brought Sarah began the blood transfusion for Michael to not disturb Sarah during the treatment Lincoln and whip stepped aside whip apologized for his earlier misunderstanding towards Lincoln who graciously accepted saying they were now bonded by adversity just like real brothers Michael also gradually showed signs of recovery longing to see a photo of his son but as he unintentionally flipped to the next photo Michael sat up in bed in shock seeing the man who had been harming him posidon married to his wife Michael finally understood why posidon betrayed him four years ago posidon wanted Michael gone so he could fully possess Sarah for years ago posidon represented Michael in a meeting with the CIA deputy director Harland who was investigating the event known as 21 void to find the traitorous Mastermind behind it only after serving Poseidon for 3 years did Michael realize that the tasks assigned to him were not approved by the CIA but were secretly orchestrated by posidon himself to stop harlen’s investigation posidon shot and killed Harland then ordered Michael to dispose of the body at the same time posidon framed Michael for harland’s murder since then Michael began planning to return to Sarah but that led him to spend another four years in ojia prison suddenly remembering that her son was still with the arch villain posidon Sarah hurriedly prepared to go back and save her child meanwhile Lincoln also thought of a way to return to the United States before coming to Yemen sukra had told him that he had found a job on a cargo ship frequently traveling around the world so Lincoln made a call to sucra at that moment sucra had just unloaded cargo not far from Lincoln however he was just a worker and if they wanted to take a ship back to the US they would have to Charter the entire vessel which would cost $50,000 but Lincoln did not have that kind of money hearing this Sarah quickly took off her family heirloom Michael cautioned Sarah to temporarily conceal herself and not let posidon discover that Sarah knew knew their secret as it would put both her son and herself at risk Sarah needed to find an opportunity to take her son and hide he promised to find a way to return quickly to find them and if he hurts our son I’ll kill [Music] him at this time posidon had already discovered Sarah was heading back to the United States and speculated that Michael and his group would return in the next few days thus he arranged for Assassins to issue a warrant through sea land and air channels for the murderer of Harland ensuring that Michael would be immediately killed upon appearance never have I seen such a Despicable man not only framing Michael but also seizing Michael’s beautiful wife and he did all this just to prove he was smarter than Michael Having learned the truth Sarah returned from Greece planning to act as if she knew nothing and then sees an opportunity to rescue her son posidon looking at the beautiful Sarah greedily kissed her he also cautiously asked about Michael’s situation Sarah forcing herself to stay calm said that Michael has changed in is no longer the person she once knew later Sarah went upstairs to her son’s room only to find that her son was not there where’s Mike at a friend’s house as sleeper alerted posidon discovers that Sarah’s heirloom ring is Missing Sarah had to find an excuse but apparently posidon wasn’t buying it on the other side Michael having recovered from his illness found sucra working on the cargo ship the two brothers not having seen each other for seven years embraced tightly whip looked a bit awkward not expecting Michael to have so many close friends sucra took Michael to the captain who asked for a fee of $50,000 however Michael only presented Sarah’s family heirloom ring the greedy Captain examined the ring closely warning that if it turned out to be fake they would all end up feeding the fish thus Michael and his group successfully boarded the cargo ship heading to the United States Michael was curious about why sucra was working on a cargo ship sucra explained that it was to earn extra money to support his family the job as a crew member not only offered a very substantial salary but it also allowed him to engage in some side business unexpectedly the honest and simple sucra had started such a business in the evening while the captain was working he suddenly received a fact displaying a wanted poster for udies the scene shifted to positon receiving a report from Van go stating that udies had been spotted on a cargo ship in the Mediterranean Sea alerted by the captain the military sent a team to the freighter and if they found udies they shot him on site which is exactly what posidon wanted meanwhile Michael and his companions were unaware of the looming danger as they were leisurely playing cards Michael suddenly heard the sound of the door being locked he rushed to check and found the door indeed locked the Seal team had arrived at the cargo ship’s location just when a few people don’t know what to do sucr comes up with an idea but he’s going to have to suffer for it based on the captain’s report they quickly made their way to the targeted room only to find sucr tied to a chair and beaten black and blue realizing the targets might have escaped through the window they quickly turned to pursue after releasing sucra and confirming he was a victimized crew member they took him away and the assault team also vacated the room unbeknownst to them Michael and his companions were hiding inside a closet haven’t seen him in years he calls me says he needs a ride I don’t know any canel outus the guy’s name is scoffield at this moment Michael and his companions following su’s plan were escaping when they were suddenly discovered by the searching Seal Team frightening them into hiding the Commandos threw tear gas directly at them ready to smoke them out the captain watching the surveillance that it’s the ventilation is going to ruin my cargo was dumbfounded and took out his anger on sucra sucra not to be outdone directly reported that the captain was smuggling weapons hearing this the assault team immediately went to support as the captain was checking the weapon storage through the surveillance sucra quietly freed himself from his restraints Michael and his group successfully escaped to a safe area and then barricaded the door taking advantage of the captain’s fainting sucra changed the cargo ship’s course and quickly regrouped with Michael and his companions the assault team also discovered that the ship had deviated from its course and the navigation system had been sabotaged even if repaired the ship would Sail Out of territorial Waters so they requested their superiors to terminate the operation meanwhile Sarah secretly called Heather asking her to pick up her son from her friend’s house promising to find a way to meet her then Sarah sneaked into the hallway to find a gun for self-defense at that moment posidon appeared he didn’t directly expose Sarah’s disguise but expressed his dissatisfaction before leaving Heather called to say she had picked up Mike and hearing her son’s Voice Sarah finally felt relieved Sarah then took out the gun she had hidden earlier loaded it with bullets ready to end the journey for the villain who framed her husband and seduced her posidon also soon received the news that the Seal team was withdrawing it seemed he had underestimated Michael and his companions he then resorted to his last trump card the scene shifted as a missile Rose from the nearby sea Michael and his group realized something was wrong and quickly escaped on a Lifeboat a dazzling flash of light passed and the entire cargo ship turned to ashes Sarah with a gun aimed at Poseidon who had lived with her for 7 years found him not as simple as she had imagined just as Heather brought Mike home Poseidon’s arranged van go suddenly appeared knowing that Mike was still in danger Sarah had no choice but to put down her gun it seemed that the only one who could match wits with this arch villain was the highly intelligent Michael this is definitely one of the best episodes of Prison Break Season 5 and it’s the beginning of a head-to-head game between the two main characters will the cunning and treacherous Poseidon Triumph or will Michael with his Superior intellect come out on top let’s wait and see in the previous episode posidon hell bent on leading Michael to his Doom actually calls in a missile from a submarine to blow the entire cargo ship to Smither luckily Michael and his companions react in time to jump into the sea narrowly escaping death at dawn drifting in the sea all night they finally saw a nearby fishing boat and the lucky few were saved at this moment Michael recalls a scene with posidon 6 years ago always Vigilant posidon observes every move Michael makes even discovering the new tattoo on Michael’s body posidon knows this is part of Michael’s new plan but chooses not to expose it confident in his own abilities he takes Michael to his secret base where the entrance is secured with a top-notch facial recognition system making it accessible to no one but Poseidon this is his secret Space Station 21 it’s then that Michael requests a helper whip someone he has been keeping an eye on for a long time considering whip poses no real threat posidon readily agrees they are taken to Marseilles France as soon as they land Michael receives a message from Sarah after a brief exchange Michael senses something is off because the way the message refers to their son is not how he and Sarah usually do indeed it’s posidon posing is Sarah while the real Sarah has been imprisoned Michael doesn’t confront the issue directly but decides to outmaneuver planning a swift return to New York to rescue Sarah and their son but as he is currently known as the terrorist udies returning Through official channels is out of the question crossing the Atlantic by boat would take 2 weeks Lincoln shares his own experience experiences over the past 7 years after breaking up with his girlfriend Sophia Lincoln’s life has been down on its luck leading him back to his old quick money-making ways his employer turns out to be Luca the son of John from season 1 but when Lincoln realizes the delivery contains materials for drug production his conscience kicks in and he dumps the $100,000 worth of goods into the sea making an enemy of Luca perhaps Luca’s private plane could get Michael and the others back to the States Lincoln directly calls Luca lying that he has gathered the $100,000 but he needs Luca to take him and another person back to the US meanwhile sucra and whip are solving their basic needs when they suddenly see their wanted news on TV and rush to inform Michael just then Luca calls Lincoln telling them to get to Lion airport by midnight fail to bring the money and they’ll pay with their lives at the same time posidon begins planning for Michael’s return van go is puzzled unable to see why udies would risk coming back and facing arrest posidon shares the truth with them omitting only that harland’s death was his doing blamed on Michael he also brings an Andrew an IT genius to decode the meaning behind Michael’s tattoos due to the encrypted Arabic containing too much information breaking down its deeper meaning requires significant Aid driven data computation Andrew asks for more time but posidon reveals he already knows Michael’s whereabouts meanwhile Michael looking at the tattoo on his arm writes a mysterious letter letter addressed to teabag the man who donated a prosthetic arm te-ag then learns that the mysterious person is Michael and Michael also writes a letter to get in touch with Benjamin soon they arrive at lion airport where whip notices their destination is Chicago not New York as Michael intended Michael hands whip a letter he had prepared earlier instructing him to follow the directions inside then Michael turns off his phone ready to board the plane back home all this is monitored by posidon from afar in New York he deduces Michael is about to arrive at the airport and sends aw and Van go to lie and wait quickly aw and Van go notice Michael’s phone has been turned on signaling his plane has landed following the location of the mobile phone aw and Van go immediately rushed up and all that was waiting for them was a mobile phone sura hiding in the shadows Smiles knowingly before leaving meanwhile Michael is still on Luca’s private plane upon arriving at the agreed Warehouse Lincoln bluntly states that don’t have the money Luca orders his men to take them out and execute them Michael points to a man outside with black sunlasses claiming he’s a drug enforcement officer he brought along with a wave of his hand his team would storm in catching them red-handed just like Luca’s father ended up in jail Luca disbelieving points his gun at Lincoln and Michael Michael waved his hand and the man outside made a phone call then three black SUVs came rushing in seeing this Luca panics and hastily Retreats with his man the newcomers are Benjamin and sheba among others they arrived at a safe place their next step is figuring out how to rescue Sarah and Mike and take down Poseidon considering Benjamin’s face is known to Poseidon involving him might endanger his family so Michael decisively asks Benjamin to step back for now since Sheba is an unfamiliar face to Poseidon she volunteers to join Michael’s team with enthusiasm Luca fooled returns to the warehouse only to find his Goods untouched checking the surveillance he realizes he’s been trapped noticing an Etc device in the car Luca plans to ask a friend at the transport Bureau to track the vehicles vowing to kill Lincoln once found meanwhile posidon arranges for aw and Van go to move Sarah who’s been captured to a Lakeside Villa at 4 in the afternoon seeing these suspicious actions van go begins to doubt Poseidon he had joined the 21 Space organization to find harland’s killer booties but now it seems to be a personal Vendetta between posidon and Michael Van go suggests to his partner aw that they quit but aw fully under Poseidon’s influence disagrees posidon watches all this unfold as evening arrives Michael and two others drive to Sarah’s house finding it dark and seemingly empty Michael checks the mailbox at the entrance in the nearby sewer understanding why Sarah has not been replying to his letters for years posidon had been throwing the origami cranes he sent into the sewer they quietly searched the house for Sarah seeing photos of posidon with his wife and son Michael feels a mix of emotions finding no one after a thorough search they decide to contact posidon directly via phone through their conversation Michael confirms Sarah is alive and with him they agree to meet at a steakhouse the next noon setting the stage for a showdown between Masters by noon the next day posidon had arranged for Van go who had been waiting for a long time but Michael’s whereabouts were still undetected posidon guessed that Michael was trying to make him expose himself first so he instructed van go to speak loudly on purpose to attract the hidden Lincoln’s attention Lincoln then stood up and followed noticing Lincoln posidon immediately informed aw to follow from behind just then a bus passed by Lincoln and after that Lincoln disappeared aw noticing a garage nearby immediately Drew her gun and chased after but upon reaching the garage she found no one aw hurly reported back to posidon but the underground garage had no signal forcing her to return to find posidon posidon realizing he had been tricked quickly drove away and all this was closely observed by Michael from a rooftop Sheba who had stopped at the side of the road after hearing Michael’s information about the car followed him posidon quickly sensing he was being followed prepared to shoot to kill during a red light stop however seeing a new face he thought it was a coincidence and hurriedly drove off Lincoln and sheba track Poseidon to where he has parked his car and then Lincoln quickly notifies Michael to come over finding a pool of blood in the trunk Michael immediately sensed danger for Sarah and then he found a child’s drawing in the car deducing it was a hint from his son Michael compared the map in the car with his son’s drawing noticing the outline of the Hydra on the drawing closely resembled a lake on the map The Marked cross on the map must be the location hinted at by his son so Michael decided to investigate Sheba was about to drive but Lincoln held her back unwilling to put her in further Danger and asked her to go back to her family with that Sheba watched as the two men left on the other side whip following Michael’s instructions arrived in Chicago and gave the coordinates to a taxi driver after checking the driver said it was impossible to reach as the destination was in the middle of a lake the next day whip went to the lake to rent a boat to the center and at that moment teabag following Michael’s clue also arrived after unbuckling his seat belt teabag lets out a long sigh takes another look at the letter Michael gave him and then takes out his phone to turn on the recording function checking no one was around teabag started to pray to God hoping to meet the most important person in his life at the lake center whip following the GPS found it was a buoy location teabag searched around and eventually found a black bag underwater opening it to discover a bottle of plasma unaware of Michael’s intentions whip takes the item and leaves as soon as he reaches the shore he encounters teabag what kind of honorific is whip only one person caus me a whip you ain’t him can your outst who are you you’re Dave Martin aren’t you how’d you know that huh all your answers are right in here what scoffield was looking for a partner Coleman prisons you trying to tell me looking for someone who could handle himself you reminded him of a certain someone and with your innate ability to thrive Rising the top and even the worst cages did you learn it or was it ingrained in you and so he did a little research it was ingrained in you son you got it from me who has been waiting for a long time whip never imagined the disheveled man before him was his biological father at the same time Michael followed his son’s map to the lake housee hiding in the shadows he saw posidon driving away Michael rushed to check and through a window he indeed found Mike inside prompting Michael to call Lincoln immediately however just as Lincoln was about to go he saw a car approaching from afar thinking posidon had returned so he quickly hit in the car luckily the car was just passing by so Lincoln told Michael he was safe however right after Lincoln hung up the car came back revealing it was Luca who had been seeking revenge on Lincoln confirming it was Lincoln Luca fired several shots and Lincoln fell into a pool of blood at this moment Michael saw his son go to the next room to find his mom when Mike reached his mom he startled and then fearfully returned to the living room Michael sensing something was wrong decisively entered the house Michael is thrilled to see his son has grown so big and misses him so much then Michael tells Mike that he has received his map and Promises to get him and his mom out but Mike said he hadn’t drawn any map just a few days ago posidon was inspired by Mike’s talent for drawing and intentionally creating a cipher drawing that Michael could understand imitating Mike’s style then posidon lured Michael to the Lakeside Villa leaving Mike in the living room as bait while pretending to leave purposely allowing Michael to take the chance to come in unexpectedly the always meticulous Michael fell into the Trap set by his enemy posidon could Michael have just died like this time rewinds to 6 minutes earlier aw disguised as Sarah is waiting for Michael to take the bait with the real Sarah tied up directly below her Sarah curses posidon as a radical Maniac but he remains unaffected posidon claims he is merely advancing the country’s Grand Ambitions needing only to recruit a few Elite individuals for the task this is why Michael was chosen however posidon notices Michael’s unwavering focus on Sarah and conceives the idea to eliminate him intending to take Sarah for himself thus he nominally sends Michael to O jijia prison to rescue the terrorist Abu effectively sending him to his death at that moment Van Go enters to report on his duties Sarah believes the clever Michael will defeat this mad man but she can’t just sit and wait holding on to Hope Sarah reveals everything she learned from Michael including that posidon killed Harlin and framed Michael enraged by her words posidon loses control and punches Sarah van go shocked by this realizes the murderer he’s been seeking is the very person commanding him at that moment the surveillance feed shows Michael and Lincoln have arrived posidon is already arranged for Van Go to kill them all then pretends to leave the house to give Michael a chance to sneak in aw disguised as Sarah sees Michael falling for the Trap and suddenly stands up aiming her gun at Michael then van go comes up from the basem*nt urging aw to hold her fire insisting they need Clarity on harland’s death they plan to hand Michael over to the CIA and then disappear with aw but aw refusing to see reason shoots and kills van go who was in her way Michael takes the opportunity to grab his son and flee to the garage telling his son to go find Uncle Lincoln outside while he blocks the door to buy time for his son under heavy gunfire Michael can no longer hold out just as aw is about to open the door and kill Michael Sarah who is broken free knocks aw unconscious from behind Mike runs outside only to be deceived and taken away by Poseidon who has just arrived by the Time Michael and Sarah emerge it’s already too late Michael urgently pulls Sarah to find his brother Lincoln only to disc discover Lincoln has been shot and is lying inside the car fortunately the bullet did not hit any vital Parts they Rush Lincoln to the hospital before the police arrive for investigation and hastily leave posidon takes Mike to his office at the University Andrew is diligently cracking the secret behind Michael’s tattoos in order to stabilize Mike the ruthless Poseidon falsely claims that Sarah is dead and that Sarah’s killer is The Wanted terrorist duties seeing the warrant on the computer screen the innocent Mike quickly believes these lies me meanwhile Michael and Sarah arrive at a Lakeside although his son is in Poseidon’s hands Michael is not panicked because he already has a plan to take down Poseidon at that moment teabag and whip ared by car Michael also explains why he chose teabag as a Helper because Poseidon was monitoring all of Michael’s potential resources and allies except for those he had looked down upon Michael believes that if given a life he has never experienced before teabag would serve him out of gratitude then Michael calls posidon to express his determination to take back Mike but Michael is rebuked by Mike who tells him to stay away from his dad Michael hadn’t expected Poseidon to brainwash his son he decides to strike back Michael arranges for Sarah to go to the hospital to ensure Lincoln is safe while teabag and whip go in search of another trump card that posidon doesn’t know about Michael himself heads to Poseidon’s stronghold while Michael is organizing his actions posidon is also tracking Michael’s phone Andrew discovers Michael’s phone moving North and then turning off Midway not far from there is the North New York state zoo Sarah’s favorite place to take Mike posidon having often seen Michael watching Sarah and Mike from hiding concludes that Michael will definitely be there then posidon and aw rush to the zoo to look for Michael at this moment Andrew calls to say he has cracked the tattoo on Michael’s Palm which is a quote from Napoleon never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake posidon realizes he has been played meanwhile Michael had already arrived at Poseidon’s office door and with his hand clasp together the tattoo of Poseidon’s face on the back of his hands successfully fooled the facial recognition system Michael manages to take the hard drive from the server gaining control of all the secrets of the 21 Space organization but with Mike as’s leverage posidon seems to have a stale meet with Michael so they agree to meet at the old dockyard at 5:00 the next afternoon on the other side Sarah arriving at the hospital finds Lincoln is no longer there the nurse says they had to let him go because he insisted on leaving just as Sarah is about to leave she hears a doctor mention another gunshot victim in critical condition Sarah knows this person is the Assassin van go so she decides to ask him about her son’s whereabouts at this moment van go is barely hanging on to life realizing his conscience he decisively writes down Mike’s location meanwhile Lincoln enduring his pain leaves the hospital to settle his personal Vendetta with Luca even with his injuries Lincoln easily takes down Luca because Lincoln had called the police police in advance they quickly surround the area and Luca is arrested and jailed on the other side teag and his son follow Michael’s instructions and find the mysterious man Blue Hawaii whom Michael had previously contacted at a gas station in Yemen blue Hawaii’s specialty is reconstructing scenes years ago during a mission Michael met him in prison and out of compassion rescued him now it’s time for Blue Hawaii to Showcase his skills with all the preparations complete Michael arrives at the old dockyard to meet with posidon posidon confident still refuses to hand over Mike when Michael draws his gun aw appears forcing Michael to hand over the gun to posidon what Michael doesn’t expect is that whip arrives to help him but in the next second whip is shot by aw and takes his gun teabag hiding in the shadows sees his son wounded and rushes out in a panic at that moment police sirens are heard in the distance it turns out posidon had called the police in advance to arrest the terrorist do hearing this whip emotionally charged lunges forward to snatch the gun from aw forgetting aw had just seized another handgun a gunshot rings out and whip falls to the ground in pain to prevent further harm to others Michael has no choice but to compromise with posidon then posidon takes Michael to retrieve the hard drive by now the assault team had already entered the boat house while aw was distracted te-ag recklessly rushed up and broke AWS neck with his robotic hand and avenging the son he had just met and teabag was arrested and sent to prison for this perhaps prison is Tag’s Destiny meanwhile posidon is leading Michael deeper into the dockyard when Michael’s phone suddenly Rings it turns out Sarah and Lincoln have rescued their son from another location in the college based on the information provided by Van go and have also captured Poseidon’s associate Andrew realizing he’s in a dire situation posidon prepares to kill Michael thinking that with Michael dead there would be no evidence of the hard dries whereabouts suddenly the sound of the SWAT team distracts posidon allowing Michael to make his Escape Michael discards his jacket and then puts on another one he had prepared in advance before running into a small Hut posidon follows shooting at Michael only to realize after firing that the scene behind the small door was a recreation of the moment he killed Harland realizing too late he has been tricked Michael wasn’t shot because posidon was using the gun that had just been confiscated from him and the scene was meticulously crafted by Blue Hawaii admiring Michael’s Ingenuity posidon isn’t afraid thinking the police will soon arrive and reveal the fabrication however Michael mentioned that both the interior scene and he would disappear it turns out that the scene was set up inside a truck container and Blue Hawaii was about to drive them away in the truck at a critical moment posidon pushes Michael out of the truck and jumps out leading to a fierce struggle between them posidon was soon knocked To The Ground by a vengeful Michael Michael is taken back for investigation the cunning posidon started acting again just as he was preparing to leave another wave of police arrived in time accusing posidon of being suspected of murdering Harland posidon thought the evidence was from the recently fabricated scene what he hadn’t expected was that Michael upon re-entering his base had left the long sealed blood stains of Harland at the scene with a bewildered face posidon looked at Michael and realized he had been utterly defeated the scene then shifts to Michael arriving at the office of CIA director Robert Poseidon’s associate Andrew is arrested and Reveals All of Poseidon’s crimes with overwhelming evidence Roberts officially exonerates Michael and offers him a position which Michael politely declines wishing only to be with his family thus ends the long Chase of prison break with Michael alive and with his family perhaps the most fulfilling conclusion the scene returns to Fox River State Penitentiary from season 1 posidon smiling enters his cell confident he won’t be there long because of his skills at that moment teabag jumps down from the upper bunk and posidon smile freezes [Music]

Prison Break: Seasons 1-5 Overview

Season 1: Michael Scofield deliberately gets himself imprisoned to break out his wrongly accused brother, Lincoln Burrows, who is on death row. Michael’s elaborate escape plan involves various inmates and the corruption within Fox River State Penitentiary.

Season 2: The escapees, now known as the “Fox River Eight,” are on the run, evading law enforcement and trying to expose the conspiracy that put Lincoln on death row. Each member has their own agenda and struggles.

Season 3: Michael finds himself incarcerated in the notorious Panamanian prison, Sona. He must devise another escape plan, this time under even more dangerous conditions, while dealing with new and old enemies.

Season 4: The brothers and their allies work to take down “The Company,” the organization responsible for their misfortunes. They undertake various missions to gather information and dismantle the powerful entity.

Season 5: Set several years after the original series, Michael is discovered to be alive and imprisoned in Yemen. Lincoln and the old team must navigate a war-torn region to rescue him and uncover new conspiracies.

This overview captures the essence of the series, highlighting the continuous struggle for freedom and justice, along with the intricate and thrilling plots of each season.

Images and videos used under fair use.

Warmly remind you that the video content from the film content, if the video content is on your discomfort, please watch with caution. Please do not imitate the dangerous behavior in the video content.

Prison Break: The Complete Series (Seasons 1-5) Full Collection - INBELLA (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.