Ponytail - Chapter 1 - Petrigrofxlurker (2024)

Chapter Text

It started with a swish of her ponytail.

“So?” Betty asked, standing on the grass, as she spun a 360 and her hair whipped through the air like a bird taking flight. “What do you think?” She asked, tossing her long red ponytail, tied up with a yellow hair band. Though through Simon’s eyes, looking upon her- it may as well have been a ribbon of gold laced around that warm, auburn hair of Betty’s.

“Wow!” Simon responded, taking a look at the new hairstyle he hadn’t seen on her before yet. It was the summer season now though, and an especially hot one.

Presently, he sat with his knees, knelt on a blanket covering the ground, Betty now dropped down as well to sit with him.

He stared at the naked part of her neck he’d never laid eyes upon before. Only graced with his brushing fingers as he held her for a kiss.

“Gorgeous.” He told her with a smile, reaching to stroke his fingers through her hair very casually, as if it were an actual equestrian mane.

Betty allowed him, turning her neck so he had better access. A better view of the ivory skin patched with freckles and a slight undertone of red from the sun.

The two were spending a free day together, outside. Simon had brought out the red and white checkered blanket- with a picnic basket full of only Betty’s favorite treats.

“And it’s a convenient way to beat the heat.” She added, rubbing her hands down her own ponytail after he had. She set her hands promptly in her lap then.

He chuckled, “Indeed.”

His fingers threaded back through her silky hair, he twirled it around a little, and bounced it gently in his palm. His eyes flickered to her ears, where in front lay strands of extra hair.

It made her look that much more adorable, they laid alongside her swept bangs. His eyes went back to her ear.

His hands were itching to touch them now, but he knew how sensitive they could be.

Instead, he just moved his hand up to place his fingers around the hair tie itself. He inspected it, feeling the soft- slightly velvety material with the stretched rubber pulled tight underneath. He would commit this feeling to memory.

His archived memories of the way Betty had felt in this, looked in that, any assortment of arranged letters, sounds and syllables she made - he was delighted to know it was from Betty. His Betty.

After he ran his fingers off along the tie, he took in the texture of the taught hair against her head, leading down to a bare neck with light peach fuzz. He ran his hands down there, to the nape just where her neck started, and pet them gently with two fingers.

She gave a small giggle of laughter, and he grinned, holding her longer hair to the side- leaning in to kiss at her neck.

His lips pursed against her, pushing in just for a half a second before-

EEP..!” Becky squeaked out, and her neck folded backward as her shoulders hunched to her ears. She startled Simon, and he retreated back as well-

“Oh!!” He shouted, worried for what he’d just done. “Betty? What just happened?” He asked, embarrassed, in fear he caused her harm somehow.

“It’s okay, it- it’s nothing. I was just caught.. a little off guard I guess.” She rubbed the back of her neck as she looked straight forward.

“Oh, ok.” Simon said, unsure of where to go from here in the conversation. Should he apologize-? No, he reminded himself that he says ‘sorry’ far too much in a day. Betty gave him a rule of 5, he was getting better at it. He only used up two of his unnecessary apologies today.

“Mm.. But, you can keep touching my hair.” She smiled, bumping her head backward into his chest and peering up.

“Oh!” He said more enthusiastically now. “Okay!” So his head went back to the top, he’d be sure to avoid her lovely neck, though tempting it was like he were a vampire in the night. Not being able to even glance a look at it without having the needful desire to reach out and have it for himself.

So instead he began scratching her lightly atop her head

Betty giggled and in return Simon smiled and began scratching a bit less than lightly now.

She snorted, “Okay-! Okay, hehe..”

He let his hand stop and lay limp atop her head

She had faint giggles leftover, leftover giggles that she had to let out as she finally confessed to him.

“I guess I never really noticed how ticklish I could be with my hair up and skin vulnerable to the wind.”

Simon wiggled his fingers playfully. “You mean more vulnerable to Me!” He insisted.

She blushed, and put a palm to her warm cheek. “Yes….yes that’s true. Eheh.. you really did surprise me earlier. On my neck.” She tapped at it.

“Hmm..?” Simon asked curiously.

His fingers ghosted over the spot again, but he dare not touch now. “Why, Betty- Don’t I always hold you fondly by the nape of your neck here?” He pinched his fingers in the air, gesturing toward her neck.

She couldn’t even see him, see his hand. But she knew what he was doing behind her. And she shivered again with goosebumps, as if he had actually reached out and touched her again. She giggled and tucked a cheek against her shoulder.

“Betty!” Simon began to laugh back, “I didn’t even touch you!”

“Oh.” She said. The warm, tingly feeling in her imagination wanted more of that touch from Simon, though.

“You.. you can touch, now, actually.. if you’d like.” She said a bit sheepishly.

Then exactly like a sheep, she bleated because once the words of permission left her mouth, Simon went straight for the jackpot. He grabbed her shoulder for balance with one hand, the other gently, swiftly held her ponytail out of the way, to where he kissed the back of her neck again. He traced his fingers from her shoulder, and rubbed a thumb alongside her neck, feeling the tiny, soft blonde hairs that covered her. Her skin was always so smooth with them, delightfully covering her neck.

He opened his lips for a more deep kiss upon her skin, rather than a peppering of lighter ones. Sucking and smacking against her neck for both their pleasures. A little line of cold drool trickled down her neck.

Her mouth was clamped shut, but she whined loudly in her throat; Simon- taken aback and with her ponytail still in hand, accidentally pulled it as he dragged it back with him in his jump.

“OW!!” Betty snapped out.

“Gah!!!” Simon reacted frantically. “Oh, oh no I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that”. Simon said with audible guilt building up in his throat.

She turned around to look at him with a pout, rubbing her head. He nibbled the corner of his mouth, grinding the corner of his lower left lip with his teeth nervously. Finally he spoke, like he had a lightbulb moment;

“Ah, here-!” He moved to face toward her and dipped his down, almost as if taking a bow. “A tit for a tat, give it a tug.”

Betty snickered.

“It’s.. fine Simon, I know it was a mistake.” She said, unable to wipe a grin off her face now.

He looked up at her over his glasses, with puppy dog eyes. “Are you sure?” He asked

Betty chuckled innocently, “Simon it almost sounds like you WANT me to pull your hair back.”

Simon sat up, sputtering “A- Whuh- Pffff- Be- Buh, Eheh… well.. I mean. No, this situation isn’t a call for any sort of kink”. He tried to assure her.

“ I just.. you know. I feel bad for hurting you.” He said nudging her hand away from her head, so it was his that rubbed and smoothed her skull. He really hoped he hadn’t hurt her too much. Though he was curious what it felt like for her- with such long hair.

“Oohhh..” Betty said understandingly, and Simon gave a sigh of relief. “So not this situation.“ Simon froze.

“But there are others where you'd want your hair pulled?” Betty asked teasingly and he sat up rigid, both hands now curled into light fists against his thighs.

“Maybe in a bedroom-type situation?” She asked, staring at Simon. He pulled at his bowtie to loosen, for more breath. He was lacking it suddenly.

Betty smiled, and with her mouth closed and rumbled her throat with more charming giggles. “Well in that case, maybe I could take you up on the offer.” She said.

“Huh?” Simon asked as his eyes snapped to lock with hers

“If you still want it that is”

“Wh-what? What?” Simon floundered.

“All you have to do is ask.” She said as her finishing statement.

Simon sweat and sucked in his lips, looking around, then to Betty again. “N-….. I, uh..” he began to play off a nervous chuckle. “Eheheh, Betty… what kind of man do you think I am?” He asked, smoothly rubbing a thumb against her scalp, again.

She put her hand into his hair now. “The kind that knows what he likes, but is too ashamed to admit it.” She began scratching him like he had to her prior.

“Hhhmmmmm….ohh, okay that feels good.” Simon said.

“Do you want it to feel better….or worse ?”

He darted his eyes to the patterned cloth below. She slyly twirled a curl of his dark brown hair around her finger.

Simon’s brain was blank, it was thoughtless. He only leaned into the touch of Betty’s nails against his skin, and felt the multiple hair nerves that surround her finger in a twist. If she wanted to, she could yank and instantly deliver them pain.

But he didn’t want that, or he tried to convince himself so.

She combed her fingers further into his hair and he shuddered with a sigh of delight. “Mmngghh..” he swallowed the saliva that was building up in his mouth.

“It’s now or never, Simon. Do you want your hair yanked back once just for ‘revenge’-?” She quickly dipped her chin into the empty space of his clavicle so she could whisper in his ear.

“Or do you want me to pull, just for the sake of making it hurt? Again, and again?”

“Aaa- abuh- wh--bww, UHm.” Simon glitched out. Betty licked his ear lightly and nibbled on his earlobe for a bit. “Hhhmmmm?” She asked, waiting for his response.

His heart pounded rapidly, it thumped against his ribcage, building up at a faster and faster pace. The tips of his ears were burning and he could faintly hear his building heart beat. “C-Could you jus- mm…” he cut himself off. She detached her mouth from his ear and removed her hand from his head to her lap.

Simon grit his teeth with instant regret “Wait-! Ah.. I, uh..” he looked at her. Then the cloudless sky, slowly, agonizingly like pulling teeth, he managed to get each word out separately. Not entirely sounding like a sentence but close enough.

“I. Want.. You. To.”

“Toooo….?” Betty prompted him to go on because it was just too sweet and adorable, this man admitting to wanting a bit of play he probably never would have admired before if not encouraged.

“What do you want me to do, Simon?” She asked calmly, gently. Laying a hand softly on top his that lay on his lap. She began forking her fingers back into his hair, taking all his bangs with it. She gathered it together and held the bundle of hair in a soft grip. Then let go, playing with it- batting it up and down like a cat playing with a feather toy.

He swallowed hard, chuckling awkwardly. “Ehm….heh, wouldn’t it be silly if-.” He squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment and pinched the bridge of his nose. He released, opened his eyes and tried for a take two.

“ Betty, you should pull my hair.” He said.

“Oh yeah? Why?”

“Because I.. like it.” He said strained, but as confident as he could be.

She grinned, “Well that is definitely a good reason.” She said, pulling him forward with his bangs in the air as she pressed her lips to him.

He whined against her, and parted his mouth open to entangle his tongue with hers. He breathed hot and heavy, whimpering into her mouth as her hand clenched him and pulled upward.

“aAH- HAH!” He yelped, and grumbled in his throat. Or, perhaps moaned in his throat.

She slowly lowered her hand, gently rubbing the top of his head, they continued kissing him throughout. He sighed softly against her, he grabbed her lips with her own. They meshed and folded together, tasting each other, and Betty secretly distracting him.

Unexpectedly for Simon, her hand still on his head, she quickly gripped his hair and gave another yank.

He screamed and gasped as if she had stepped on his dick, itself. Which made her curious now, as her eyes flickered down to his pants.

“Oh!” She said, amused, seeing Simon cupped his crotch with both hands.

“A-auh, sorry.” He stuttered out.

“Mmm, I didn’t get a good look, Simon.” She insisted, wrapping her hands into another section of hair and pulling.

His hands flew off his apparent boner. “Y-yes dear, sorry.”

Her heartbeat quickened. He still called her such sweet names when she was acting sour toward him. All in good fun of course, but more fun than she expected.

“….Betty?” He asked. And she realized she was staring in silence without a muscle moving in his hair.

She blinked herself back to the present moment- eyes ungluing themselves from his pants and to his eyes. She smirked, and gave just a tiny pull- which he still reacted to with a small moan.

“So, you really like this- huh?” She asked tauntingly.

He sneakily slid his hand behind her head, grasping his fingers around the base of her ponytail against her head.

“You don’t?” He asked with genuine curiosity- or bewilderment.

She froze now, tongue poking out between her lips. It was her time to make a choice now. He began playfully thrumming his fingers around her ponytail- hinting he was ready any second she was.

They stared into each other's eyes, both equally mischievous and in love.

“Do it.” She commanded.

And just as she had, he gladfully pulled back, smoothing his hand down the entire length of her smooth hair. Pulling it in the process, her head leaned back with it. He eyed her beautiful throat as she groaned pleasantly.

“MMG!!” And he grunted hard as she returned the favor, pulling his own back.

After enough rough housing, the two sat back breathing audibly and sharing giggles- light laughter with each other.

“Look at us.” Simon said with a goofy grin, gesturing between the two.

Betty smiled warmly at him, then her brain- or rather her noisy stomach- had reminded her of something.

“Hey, what did you bring for food, by the way?”

He looked at her with confusion. “Huh?”

She laughed, “I hope I didn’t give you brain damage finding out about your secret kink.” She rubbed the top of his head, fluffing his hair up more than it already was.

He blushed and let her pet him a few seconds longer before lolling his head away. “Ahah.. oh, right,.. we came here for a reason.” He seemed dazed, and it sent her heart in a craze.

“Why don’t we take this meal to go?” She suggested. “I feel like maybe it’s a day for staying indoors. More specifically in the bedroom.”

Simon scrambled to his feet, grabbing the basket and lifting it far too quickly that the food had tumbled out, making a mess- he groaned and complained. He scrambled to his hands and knees, shoving everything back inside as Betty watched amused.

“I take it that’s a ye-?”

He stood up abruptly again, basket in hand. “Yes.” He didn’t hesitate to agree.

She hopped off the blanket and began to roll it up, also suddenly eager to leave now. “Hell yes.”

Ponytail - Chapter 1 - Petrigrofxlurker (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.