2 TIMOTHYTalk outlines for the book of 2 Timothy
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Teaching 2 Timothy is published by The Good Book Company© David Sprouse/The Good Book Company 2012
email: [emailprotected]
WebsitesUK: www.thegoodbook.co.ukN America: www.thegoodbook.comAustralia: www.thegoodbook.com.auNew Zealand: www.thegoodbook.co.nz
Unless indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission.
ISBN: 9781908317599 • Printed in China.
The Pray Prepare Preach project is working in partnership with a growing number of organisations worldwide,including: Langham Partnership • Grace Baptist Mission • Pastor Training International (PTI) • Sovereign World Trust •Africa Inland Mission (AIM) • Worldshare • Entrust Foundation • India Bible Literature • African Pastors’ Book Fund •Preacher’s Help • African Christian Textbooks (ACTS) Nigeria • Orphans for Christ, Uganda • Project Timothy.
Also in this series:Teaching God’s Big Story • Preaching Mark • Preaching Philippians • Preaching Job
A. QUICK HELP: How to prepare a talk on 2 Timothy . . . 4
B. How to teach and preach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
C. About the book of 2 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
D. Study and teach 2 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
E. Lessons from 2 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
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Please read this first!It is a big joy to bring you another PPP book. I thank God for Phil Crowter,who wrote the first four books. He started a great series. In November 2008Phil died. He “fought the good fight, he finished the race, he kept thefaith” (2 Timothy 3:7). He is now with the Lord he loved and served.
You will see that this book is different from the first books. But thepurpose is the same. We want the Bible to be taught clearly. We wantpeople to turn to Jesus, and Christians to grow more like Jesus.
In this book, there is more help in understanding the text, planning asermon or talk and teaching the Bible. Please read the “How to teach andpreach” section, as this is very important.
PPP means Pray! Prepare! Preach!
PRAY. We cannot change people’s hearts. Only God can do that. Wecannot make people believe. Only God can do that. We must pray beforewe prepare. Pray that you will hear God speak to you. We must pray beforewe speak. Pray that you will speak God’s truth clearly. We must pray afterwe have taught God’s word. Pray that your hearers respond to God’s word.
PREPARE. It is hard work to prepare a Bible talk. It takes many hours.This book helps you, but it does not do all the work for you! You need toread the passage slowly. You need to study the verses carefully. You need toprepare what will say to your hearers so that they will be helped.
PREACH. God works in wonderful ways when we teach his word! God’sword is like seed that produces fruit in our lives—the fruit of the Spirit. Itis an exciting thing to speak God’s word. God has promised that his wordwill do His work.
Here is the best way to use this book. Read the “How to teach and preach”section. Then begin at the start of 2 Timothy. Teach each section in turn. Itis a letter. It makes most sense when you begin at the start and end at theend!
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may bethoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
David Sprouse
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A. QUICK HELP: How to prepare a talk on 2 Timothy
1. Pray for God’s help.
2. Read the Bible section several times. Use k Background and s Understand to help you
study the Bible verses.
3. Try to find the main point that God is teachingus in the Bible section.
Use X Find the main point to help you.
4. Plan your Bible talk.Work out your sub-points, and how you will illustrate and apply
your main point. Use the PLAN section to help you.
5. Prepare your talk to give it in your ownlanguage. Make notes to help you.
Keep to the main point.Use our notes in the TEACH section to help you.
7. Check what you have done. • Is the main point clear?• Do you show them what the Bible teaches?• Do you use word pictures to help your people understand
and remember?• Do you connect with the people? • What do you hope will change?
8. Pray that God will speak through your words.Pray that his truth will change people.
For more help read the next section.
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These pages explain how to teach the Bible. It will help to read them every time youprepare a new sermon or talk.
2 Timothy 2:15 says: “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receivehis approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and whocorrectly explains the word of truth” (New Living Translation).
This verse is about teaching the Bible. Paul tells Timothy it is hard work. Manyteachers and preachers only spend a few minutes preparing a message. That isnot enough. It needs hard work. Imagine a man builds a wall. He is lazy. He doesa bad job and the wall falls down. He will not be asked to build another one!
• Why is it important to work hard at teaching the Bible?
• What will happen if we do not explain the Bible in the right way?
If we do not explain the Bible, God will be sad. The people will not be helped.
If we do teach the Bible, people will be saved from hell. People will grow in theknowledge of Jesus and become more like Jesus.
Take as much time as you can to prepare a talk or sermon. Preparing a good talkor sermon may take a whole day! Remember to PRAY. Prayer is the first thing todo. Keep praying as you prepare, before you speak, and afterwards.
STUDY, PLAN, TEACHFor each passage there are three parts:
STUDY—how to understand the passage
PLAN—how to plan a message from the passage
TEACH—how to give a sermon or talk from the passage
STUDYPray ! Background !�Read !�Understand !� Find the Main Point
PLANMain Point !�Sub-points�! Illustrate ! Apply
Always Review your message before you teach it.
B: How to teach and preach
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TEACHStart !�Explain�! Illustrate !�Apply ! End !�Pray
STUDYYou will see the following headings in the Study section:
Pray !�Background !�Understand !�Find the Main Point
The Bible is God’s word. When we teach the Bible, we must make sure peoplehear what God says. This means we must be very careful to find the MAINPOINT of a passage—because that is what God wants us to say!
When you know the MAIN POINT, you will know what God wants you to say.Then you can think how to best apply it to your hearers.
So how do you find the main point? Follow these steps:
1. PrayPray for God’s help and keep praying as you prepare. We need the help of theHoly Spirit for our study and teaching to produce fruit.
2. BackgroundThink about the BACKGROUND to the passage.
What do we mean by BACKGROUND? Here is an illustration: Look at the firstpicture of a plane. What can you say about where the plane is?
Now look at this second picture on the top of the next page. It is the samepicture, but now you can see the background. What can you say now aboutwhere the plane is?
You can see that the plane has landed. It is near a village. The sky is dark and itis a dangerous time to fly, so it must be an important journey.
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The background makes a big difference to understanding. So, when we studyGod’s word, we need to see the background to the passage.
This has three parts:
1. Where in the Bible the passage comes2. Where in the book of the Bible the passage comes3. What happens in the chapters or verses before and after the passage
When we know these things, we understand the Bible passage better.
Each talk will be from a few verses. These verses fit into the whole chapter, andthe whole book and the whole Bible! Think how a passage builds on what wassaid before. For example, if you are speaking from 2 Timothy, to understand thebackground you need to think about:
The whole Bible
• Where in the Bible’s story does this letter come?
• Is it in the Old Testament (before Jesus came) or in the New Testament (whenJesus came)?
• When in the timeline of history is this letter set? (The Bible tells the true storyof the world.)
• References and footnotes may help us with how this passage fits into thewhole Bible.
The whole letter
• Why did Paul write to Timothy?
• Where was Timothy, and what did he need help with?
• What was it like for Timothy?
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You may find help with Background in the introduction in your Bible. You willfind help in “About 2 Timothy”. For example, you will see that Timothy was inEphesus. Paul wrote to Timothy to help him with some problems in the church.
The passage before the one you will speak from
• Where is it in the book?
• What is the main point of the passage before this one?
For example, if you are preaching on 2 Timothy 2:1-7, you need to know whatPaul said in chapter 1, so that you understand why Paul tells Timothy to “bestrong” (2:1).
3. ReadRead the Bible passage three times. Read it slowly and carefully. It is best toread out loud. Read it in a different translation if you have one. The third time,read it with your eyes and ears, your nose and hands! Imagine you were there.What will you see, hear, smell and feel?
4. UnderstandWork on UNDERSTANDING the passage. To teach a passage well, you needto understand clearly what it says.
Look carefully at this picture of the plane. What can you learn about what IShappening?
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In the same way, you must spend time carefully seeing what the passage DOESsay.
Now look at the picture again. What does the picture NOT tell you? Forexample, you do not know what the sick person is suffering with.
In the same way DO NOT guess about what the passage does NOT say.
Go through verse by verse. Read each verse and then say what happens in yourown words. This helps you to know what the passage is about.
Here are some questions to ask:
WHO? Who is in this passage?
• What do you learn about each of the people?
• What do you learn about where they are?
• What does this passage say about God?
WHAT? What is it about?
• Are any words or ideas repeated?
• Are there things you do not understand?
• If so, pray and read the verses again. Read the whole letter and see if itbecomes clear. There may be some notes in this book or in your Bible that willhelp you.
WHY? Why is it said?
• What does the writer want the hearer to do? For example, in 2 Timothy, whatdoes Paul want Timothy to do?
• What difference will it make to God’s people? 2 Timothy was read first in thechurch at Ephesus.
5. Find the MAIN POINTFind the Main Point. The MAIN POINT is the big thing God says in eachpassage. It is important that you find this IN the passage. Some preachers decidewhat the big thing they want to say is before they start studying the verses! Iheard a sermon where the preacher said a lot about giving money. The passagehe preached from did not mention giving or money at all! He missed the MAINPOINT!
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Look at the picture of the plane again:
There are many things that you could say about this picture. For example:
• The plane is small.
• The plane has three wheels and some windows.
• There are seven people.
However, none of these things tell us the BIG THING that the picture shows.The big thing is a sick person is being rescued and taken to receive more care.
Sometimes our sermons and talks are like that. They say many true things, butthey miss the MAIN POINT. Sometimes we want to say everything in a passage.We say so many things that nobody knows what the most important thing is!
The important question to ask is: What is the MAIN THING, the BIGPOINT these verses say?
For example, if you preached from 2 Timothy 1:1-7, you could talk about being agood grandmother, or the laying on of hands. But that is not the MAIN POINTof the passage. The passage is about being faithful to God’s calling.
To help you find the main point, read through all you have written inUNDERSTAND. Think about the big thing that it says. Look for words or themesthat are repeated. In the picture, the focus was on the sick person being takenonto the plane to get help.
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What is the focus of the passage?
Write in one sentence what the passage is about.
For example, if you are preaching from 2 Timothy 1:1-7, you might write: Whenyou find it hard to follow the Lord Jesus, remember the promise of God and the powerof God.
Write out your MAIN POINT and then read the passage again. Make sure youdid not leave out anything important.
PLANYou will see the following headings in the PLAN section:
Main Point ! Sub-points ! Illustrate ! Apply ! Review
Now you understand the passage. You have some notes and the MAIN POINT—but this is not a sermon or a talk! We need to plan the sermon or talk.
Write the MAIN POINT at the top of your paper. This will help you to plan agood message.
Many preachers do not plan their messages.
Some repeat the same point again and again, which becomesboring. The talk goes round and round in circles! It isunhelpful. Like being on a plane that goes round in circles,but never lands!
Others have a lot to say but there is no plan. It is hard tofollow. Like being on a bus that goes to lots of places butnever reaches where you want to go!
A good way to plan your message is to have two, three or four sub-points orheadings. It makes it easy to follow. It is like following the recipe for yourfavourite soup. You add one thing, then another, then another, until you have agood meal that fills your stomach and satisfies you!
1 1
1 2 3
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1. Sub-pointsSub-points explain a part of the MAIN POINT.Sub-points explain one part of the passage.Sub-points are short so your hearers can remember them.
Think how you will break the passage up.
• What verses go with each of the sub-points?
• Are all the verses covered?
• How can you make the sub-points follow on from each other to make themain point as clear as possible?
• Are the sub-points short and easy to remember?
For example, 2 Timothy 1:1-7:
The main point is: When you find it hard to follow the Lord Jesus, remember thepromise of God and the power of God.
From this, the sub-points might be:
1. Remember the promises of God (v1-2).2. Remember the people of God (v3-5).3. Remember the power of God (v6-7).
Notice that all of the sub-points
• have the word “remember” in them.
• are short.
• give the meaning of two or three verses.
2. Illustrate or tell a storyAn illustration or a word picture helps your hearers understand the main pointsyou make.
Sometimes there are illustrations in the passage. For example, Paul often uses thepicture of an athlete who has to train hard or keep the rules (2 Timothy 2:5, 4:7).
Sometimes you need to think of your own illustration. Make sure the illustrationis easy to understand. For example, if you teach 2 Timothy 1:1-7, the main pointis: When you find it hard to follow the Lord Jesus, remember the promise of God andthe power of God.
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The main message is to “remember”. Your main illustration or story will showyour hearers how important it is to remember!
Think of an everyday task or job. What must you remember to do it well andfinish it? For example: When you go to get water from the well, it is importantto remember a bucket. If you forget to take a bucket, you will not be able tofinish your work.
You could take a visual aid or picture. You could draw a picture or do a shortdrama. Always make sure it helps to teach the MAIN POINT!
3. ApplyWhen we teach God’s word, we want God’s word to speak to us and change allwho hear it. So you must think how the MAIN POINT of the passage applies tothe people YOU will speak to.
Think of the different people that you will speak to. How does the MAIN POINTspeak to
• children?
• new believers?
• those who are not believers?
• church leaders?
Think about the questions your listeners will have as they listen. For example:
• What will this mean for me tomorrow?
• How do I put this into practice in this church?
• How will I obey this in my family?
• How will I live this in my village or community?
• How does this help me to follow Jesus faithfully?
• What dangers do I need to be aware of?
You can apply the message after each sub-point and at the end. If you only applythe message at the end, some may not hear it.
You are now ready to write out your sermon or talk.
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4. ReviewBefore you teach it you must review what you wrote.
Check what you prepared:
• Is the main point clear?
• Do you show what the Bible teaches in THAT passage?
• Have you explained the verses clearly?
• Have you thought of word pictures to help people understand and rememberthe message?
• Do you have a clear flow to your talk so that people can follow what you say?
• What are you asking God to change in the lives of your hearers?
Decide if you will speak using a sermon you wrote out fully or use shorter notes.
Always use the language most of your hearers will understand best.
TEACHYou will see the following headings in the TEACH section:
Start ! Explain ! Illustrate ! Apply ! End ! Pray
This section will help you write a sermon or talk on the Bible passage. It is not acomplete sermon. You will need to do your own work as well—but it gives youideas. You must take the ideas and use them in the best way for you.
Always remember that the talk is based on the MAIN POINT.
1. StartThink carefully about how to start your talk. It is good to tell your people themain point. Tell them why they need to listen, and how this passage will helpthem. You can ask a question and tell them that you will answer it in your talk.You need to get their interest so that they will listen.
For example, for 2 Timothy 1:1-7, the main point is: When you find it hard tofollow the Lord Jesus, remember the promise of God and the power of God.
To start, you may talk about why you find it hard to follow Jesus. You may thinkof other reasons why believers find it hard to follow Jesus. You can say that theseverses will help them, so they must listen well.
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2. ExplainSub-points are like bones in a body. They keep you standing up straight. But youalso need flesh or meat! You need to take time to explain the verses, to put meaton the bones. You need to make clear what the verses mean. It is good to keepreading out the verses from the Bible as you explain them. Get your people tofollow in their Bibles.
This book gives you some ideas, but you will also need to add your own. Thinkof what is good for your people and what will help them to understand clearly.
Make sure your hearers can see that what you say IS what the Bible says!
3. IllustrateIn the PLAN section we thought of one main illustration. You may need to thinkof others also. This is what Jesus did when he told parables. Jesus often said,“The kingdom of heaven is like…” and then told a story. Some of theillustrations Jesus used were word pictures. For example, he speaks of falseteachers as “dangerous wolves”. Paul spoke of the Christian life as “running arace”. Sometimes a word picture is better than a long story.
4. ApplyIn the PLAN section we thought about how to apply the passage. It is importantto make this as clear as possible. Give your hearers something to think about, orsomething to do. Remember, we want people to change and grow. Make sureyou remember to say something to those who are not believers. You always havedifferent groups of people listening:
• Believers who are full of faith
• Believers who are struggling to keep going
• Unbelievers who want to become Christians but do not know how
• Unbelievers who do not think they need to be saved
Try to say something to each one! Everyone needs to hear something.
For example, when teaching 2 Timothy 1:1-7:
• To believers who are full of faith: Who can you help to keep going by remindingthem of the promises of God?
• To believers who are struggling to keep going: Remember the power of God. Hecan help you to keep going.
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• To unbelievers who want to become Christians but do not know how: God haspromised to all people who believe that they will receive eternal life. Believe in Jesustoday!
• To unbelievers who do not think they need to be saved: God has promisedeternal life to all who believe. God will punish all who refuse to believe.
Make sure how you apply is based on how the passage applied to the person, orpeople, who first read it. For example, with 2 Timothy 1:1-7:
• Timothy was finding it hard to serve God. What makes it hard for your hearersto be faithful followers of Jesus?
• What makes it hard to be a faithful pastor of the church of the Lord Jesus?
• What does Paul want Timothy to remember? This is what we need toremember as well!
5. EndThink how to end your talk. Remind your hearers of the main point. Help themto remember.
Sometimes it is helpful after speaking to give your hearers time to think and prayabout what they heard, before you carry on with the meeting.
6. PrayPray, and keep praying!
• Pray that God will first change you.
• Pray that God will use your words to speak to your people.
• Pray that God’s truth will change your people.
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There is something very special about“last words”. We listen carefully to thelast thing someone says to us beforethey die, or go away for a long time.2 Timothy is the last letter that Paulwrote which is in the Bible. Paulknows that he is near the end of hislife. He writes to help his good friend,Timothy. Paul encourages Timothy tokeep on with the most importantwork.
Timothy joined Paul’s church-plantingteam from his home church in Lystrain about AD 50—that is, 50 years afterChrist was born (Acts 16:1-3).Timothy’s mother and grandmotherbecame Christians many years beforehim, and taught him well (2 Timothy1:5, 3:15). Timothy became a Christianduring one of Paul’s visits to Lystra. Hetravelled and served with Paul formany years and became a very reliablechurch leader.
Paul wrote two letters to Timothy. In 1 Timothy, Timothy was at Ephesus,where Paul sent him to fix someproblems in the church (1 Timothy1:3-4). In 2 Timothy, he is still atEphesus and finding it very hard.Some leaders in the church havetaught very wrong things. Also, theRoman authorities and the leaders of
the temple of Artemis have attackedthe church (Acts 19).
We learn more about the church atEphesus than any other church in theNew Testament.
• Acts 19 tells us how the church wasstarted when Paul preached there(about AD 52).
• Ephesians is a letter Paul wrote to thechurch at Ephesus (AD 60).
• 1 and 2 Timothy are letters Paulwrote to Timothy, who was servingthe church at Ephesus (AD 62-63).
• Revelation 2:1-7 is a letter Jesus gaveto John for the church at Ephesus(AD 80-90).
The problems in the church makeTimothy feel very sad and very weak.He feels like running away. Paul is inprison in Rome because of his faith.He writes to encourage Timothy tokeep going and to expect hard times.Paul writes to tell Timothy what to dobecause of the problems in the church.
2 Timothy is a letter that encouragesChristians to keep going even when itis hard. Christians are people whohave started to follow Jesus. Webecome Christians when we repent ofour sin and trust in Jesus to save us
C. About the book of 2 Timothy
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and change us. No one is a Christianbecause they go to church or try to begood. Christians are believers in Jesus.Christians follow Jesus every day.Sometimes this is hard. 2 Timothyencourages believers. It shows us whatthe right way is, and how we can keepgoing in a faithful way. It teachesbelievers how we can help each other.
2 Timothy is a letter for all Christiansbut is especially helpful for pastors andchurch leaders. Being a pastor can bevery hard. Timothy had been a pastorfor a long time and yet he needed helpto make sure he led the church in theright way.
1:1-7: Introduction—God has called youto teach his word!
1:8-18: Guard God’s word even if itmeans suffering.
2:1-26: Teach God’s word even if itmeans suffering.
3:1-17: Live God’s word even if it meanssuffering.
4:1-22: Preach God’s word even if itmeans suffering.
It is important to take lessons fromGod’s word into our lives. It will helpyour people to discuss the lessons insmall groups and pray about them.
There are some questions at the end ofthis book which you can use. You canuse the questions after you finish allyour talks on 2 Timothy. Or you maywant to use them after each chapter.You could use them in a midweekgroup, a ladies’ group or men’s group.
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D: Study and teach the book of 2 Timothy
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k Background
Read the whole letter.
What do you learn about: • Where Paul is?• Why Paul is writing? • What Timothy needs?
Paul is in prison in Rome for hisfaith. He knows he may be killed atany time. Believers face strongpersecution. Timothy has someproblems to put right in the churchat Ephesus. Timothy finds it veryhard. Paul writes to encourage himto keep going and never give up.
r Read
Read verses 1-7.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words. This helps youknow what the passage is about. Readit again two or three times. Then usethe questions and notes to help youunderstand.
s Understand
Letters usually started with who waswriting, and who they wrote to.
Read verses 1-2 again.
• What does Paul say about himself?(verse 1)
Read Acts 9 and 1 Timothy 1:12-14.
• Remind yourself of how Paul becamea follower of Jesus and an apostle.
• What is the promise of life? (verse 1)What does God promise believersthrough Jesus?
“The will of God” (verse 1) meansthat God has a plan that he isworking out. God’s plan was forPaul to teach about eternal life inChrist Jesus.
• What does Paul say about Timothyin verse 2?
• What does Paul ask God to give toTimothy?
Timothy is Paul’s son in the faith.Timothy probably became aChristian when he heard Paulexplain the good news about Jesus.
Grace, mercy and peace are what wealways need from God. Grace is Godfreely showing us very great loveinstead of giving us the punishment
S STUDY: 2 Timothy 1:1-7
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we deserve. Mercy is God’s help tothe helpless. Peace knows God iswith us. We become Christians—wehave peace with God—only becauseof God’s free gift and great mercy.
Read verses 3-5 again.
• Who does Paul remind Timothyabout?
• What is true about each of the peoplePaul mentions?
Paul reminds Timothy of manypeople who faithfully served God:Paul, his ancestors, Timothy’smother and grandmother.
• Timothy finds it so hard to serve Godthat he cries tears (verse 4). Why, doyou think?
Read verses 6-7 again.
• What does Paul tell Timothy to do?(verses 6-7)
• How many times does Paul use wordslike “remind” or “remember”?
Verse 6: “the gift of God ... laying onof hands” happened on the daywhen Timothy was appointed as aleader of the church, and was givenpower by the Holy Spirit. EveryChristian receives the Holy Spiritwhen they believe. The Holy Spiritgives new life, and all the strengthwe need to serve God.
Verse 7: “Self discipline” (or selfcontrol) here means thinkingclearly. The Holy Spirit was given sobelievers can keep going, keeploving and keep thinking clearly!
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• What does Paul want Timothy toremember?
When you find it hard to follow theLord Jesus, remember the promise ofGod and the power of God.
S STUDY: 2 Timothy 1:1-7
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: Whenyou find it hard to follow the LordJesus, remember the promise of Godand the power of God.
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thepassage up.
• How many parts are there?
You could break the passage intothree parts:
1. Verses 1-2 • Paul starts most of his letters like
this. • Paul reminds Timothy that he
was called with a promise fromGod.
2. Verses 3-5• Paul tells Timothy about his
prayers for him. Paul gives thanksfor Timothy’s faith. It is the samefaith that Timothy’s mother andgrandmother had.
• These verses are about people offaith who served God.
3. Verses 6-7• Paul tells Timothy what he wants
him to do. He wants him to keep
going in the ministry God calledhim to.
• Paul tells Timothy that God willhelp him.
Think of a heading for each sub-point.
• How can you make the sub-pointsfollow on from each other to makethe main point as clear as possible?
• Look at how often Paul uses wordslike “remind”, “recall” or“remember” (v3, 4, 5, 6). Themessage to “remember” should be inyour outline.
For example:1. Remember the promises of God
(v1-2)2. Remember the people of God (v3-5)3. Remember the power of God (v6-7)
Check your sub-points:• Do they come from your main point?• Are all the verses covered?• Are they short and easy to
w Illustrate
The main message is to“Remember”. Your main illustrationor story will show your hearers howimportant it is to remember!
Think of an everyday task or job.What must you remember to do it well
A PLAN: 2 Timothy 1:1-7
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and finish it? For example: Whenyou go to get water from the well,it is important to remember abucket. If you forget to take abucket, you will not be able tofinish your work.
x Apply
• Timothy was finding it hard to serveGod. What makes it hard for yourhearers to be faithful followers of theLord Jesus?
• What makes it hard to be a faithfulpastor of the church of Jesus?
• What does Paul want Timothy toremember? This is what we need toremember as well!
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
Think of an example of someone whostarted something but gave up becauseit was too hard.
Timothy found it hard to keepserving God in a faithful way. It wasnot because he was young or weak.It was because there were bigproblems in the church.
Talk about some of the problems thatmake it hard to keep going: falseteaching, enemies, and temptation.
Paul reminds followers of Jesusabout what to remember.
v Explain
Use your sub-point and explain whatthe verses say. Remember to read theverses and get people to follow in theirBibles.
• Remember the promise ofGod (v1-2)What did God promise when webecame Christians? (John 3:16)
God promises that everyone whobelieves has eternal life. Peace withGod comes because of the grace andmercy of God. It is not because ofany good things we do. It is becauseof God’s free gift and great kindness.
Explain grace, mercy and peace (seePLAN page).
We can only keep going as believersand know God with us because heshows grace and mercy.
Tell how Paul became a believer—use his words in 1 Timothy 1:12-14.Paul was saved because God tookhold of him. God was so kind tohim and changed his life.
God did not promise Paul an easylife. In Acts 9:15-16 the Lord tellsPaul that he will suffer! Whenthings are hard, remember whatGod has promised. Remember Godalways keeps his promises.
• Remember the people of God(v3-5)Paul reminds Timothy of people inthe past who had faith. The Bibletells of many people who faced hardtimes but kept going in their faith.
Tell your hearers about someonefrom the Old Testament and howthey suffered because they servedGod. (One idea is Daniel, who wasput in a den of lions—Daniel 6.)
Paul reminds Timothy of hismother, who served God for manyyears. Think of someone who hasbeen a Christian for many years.Who keeps them going? God does!
We can give thanks because God hasnot changed. God has helped otherpeople and He will help us!
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• Remember the power of God(v5-7)The Holy Spirit gives believers thestrength they need to do the workof God.
When you are cooking on a fire,what will you do to keep the firefrom going out? You need to blowon the fire! Paul uses that picture inverse 6. Timothy must ask God forthe Holy Spirit to keep him on fire!
The Holy Spirit helps believers tolove those they serve even whenthey are hurt by them. He helps usto have self control and not act orspeak wrongly when we are underpressure. When we find it hard, wemust depend on God’s Spirit to helpus. He will give us the power weneed.
x Apply
Remind your hearers of some of theproblems you talked of at the beginningof the sermon.
What can make believers feel likegiving up following Jesus?
What do we need to remember?
w Illustrate
Use your main illustration (see the Plansection). For example: Think of aneveryday task or job. What must
you remember to do it well andfinish it?
b End
When we find it hard, we mustremember that God promisesbelievers eternal life. We mustremember other people havesuffered and God has kept them. Wemust remember that, if we ask him,God will give believers all thestrength and power we needthrough the Holy Spirit.
God is able to keep us. He is theGod of grace, mercy and peace.
If you do not know this great God,you believe today and thesepromises will be for you. Find outmore about how to know and followhim.
R Pray
Pray God will help you and yourhearers who are believers to follow theLord because of what you remindedthem from the Bible.
Pray God will give faith to those whoare not believers and that they willreceive His grace, mercy and peace.
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k Background
• What are the problems Timothy hasat Ephesus?
• Why does this make it so hard forTimothy? (verse 4)
• Read Acts 19:23-41. What pressuresare on the believers?
• Where is Paul and why is he there?
Timothy was in Ephesus. Ephesuswas a place filled with the worshipof the goddess Artemis. This affectedevery part of life and work. Believersin Ephesus were under greatpressure to join in and came againstmany difficulties. Believers weresuffering rejection and unfairtreatment because they wereChristians. Paul was suffering forChrist in prison in Rome, and to befriends with him brought shame.
r Read
Read verses 8-10.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words. This helps youknow what the passage is about. Readit again two or three times. Then usethe questions and notes to help youunderstand.
s Understand
• What was Timothy ashamed of? (v8) • What was happening to Paul? Why
was that uncomfortable for Timothy?
Ashamed means to feel shy, or beafraid to tell out. Timothy was afraidto talk openly about the Lord Jesus.
• Why does Paul tell Timothy to bewilling to suffer for the gospel? (v8-10)
• What has God done for believers?(v9-10)
• Why has God done these great thingsfor believers? (v9)
• What does “grace” mean? (v9-10)
Saving (or rescuing) sinners is allGod’s work. God chose believersbefore the creation of the world. Hecalled us to live for him. God savedus because of his grace. Grace meansthat God saves when we shouldhave punishment.
God planned to save believers beforecreation. God carried out his planwhen Christ came. Christ broke thepower of death when he died on thecross. This means that whenbelievers die, death does not hurtthem—they go to heaven for ever.
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Read verses 11-12 three times.
• What good things happened to Paul?(v11)
A herald tells out important news.
• What hard things happened to Paul?(v12)
Paul is in prison because hepreached the good news.
• Why is Paul glad to speak of thismessage that brings him suchtrouble? (v12)
Paul is not ashamed of suffering forChrist because Christ meanseverything to him. Christ has givenPaul the best job in the world. Paulknows his life is safe no matter whathappens. He is in the care of ChristJesus, who will bring him safelyhome to heaven.
• What “day” is Paul talking about?(v12) What difference does that“day” make to us now?
“That day” means the Day of theLord—the day when Jesus will comeback and judge the world.Whatever we suffer now will seemvery small compared to the joy ofseeing Jesus when he comes back!
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
Notice that in verse 8 Paul says, “Donot be ashamed”, and in verse 12 hesays ,“I am not ashamed”.
• What must we not be ashamed of?
Read the passage again. Make sureyou did not leave out anythingimportant.
Be glad to speak the good newsabout Jesus. We must not beashamed when believing in Jesusbrings us problems.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: Thereare good reasons to be glad to speak ofthe good news about Jesus. We mustnot be ashamed when believing inJesus brings us problems.
I Sub-points
• Read the Main Point again. • Read the verses again. • What sub-points will help you to
teach this passage?
There are two parts to this section,so there will be two sub-points.
Verses 8-10: Paul tells Timothynot to be ashamed of the goodnews about Jesus. • The good news is making
Timothy suffer • The good news is a message of
rescue and God’s grace• This rescue has come through the
amazing work of Jesus
Verses 11-12: Paul tells Timothythat he is not ashamed of the goodnews about Jesus. • The gospel has led to suffering for
Paul.• Paul is not ashamed because he
knows how great Jesus is.
• Paul is glad his life is held byJesus.
Think of a heading for each sub-point.
• How can you make the sub-pointsfollow on from each other?
• In each part Paul talks about “notbeing ashamed” (v8, 12). Themessage “do not be ashamed” willbe in your outline. It could be thetitle.
For example:1. Do not be ashamed of the good
news about Jesus. (v8-10)2. Do not be ashamed because Jesus is
very great. (v11-12)
Check these sub-points follow fromyour main point.
w Illustrate
Think of someone who your peoplewould be proud to work for. It maybe an important person like a primeminister, or someone famous. Askthem to imagine how they will feelwhen they tell their friends whothey work for. Now tell them thatthey work for someone much moreimportant, and much greater—Jesus!
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x Apply
• Why may people in your church be tempted to feel afraid to tell out themessage of Jesus?
• In what ways do people suffer forChrist?
• How will you encourage your peopleto speak out boldly for Jesus?
• If we are not ashamed of themessage of Jesus, how will we live?
• How should unbelievers respond tothe message of Jesus? To become abeliever is to depend on God’sgrace—his amazing free gift offorgiveness—and give your life toChrist.
If you are believer, your life is inJesus’ hands and he will look afteryou!
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
If someone important comes to yourhouse at dinner time and you havenothing much to give them, youwill feel shame. If that person washungry and you gave them all youhave, you should not feel shame!
Paul tells Timothy not to beashamed of the message about Jesusor of suffering for Jesus. He was notto be shy, or afraid to speak aboutJesus. There is nothing wrong withthis message—it is the best newsever!
• Why do some people find themessage of Jesus hard to hear, ornot good news to their ears?
• If we are ashamed of Jesus, howwill we behave?
There are two big reasons not to beashamed of Jesus.
v Explain
Use your sub-points—explain what theverses say. Remember to read the versesand get people to follow in their Bibles.
1. Do not be ashamed of thegood news about Jesus (v8-10)If someone gives you a precious gift,you want to show and tell everyone!God has given believers the mostprecious gift of all: salvation.
• God saved us (v9).
We were in great danger and Godrescued us!
• God called us to live for him (v9).We are very special to God.
• God did not save us because weare good or have done good things(v9).We are saved because of God’sundeserved kindness, not becauseof good things we did or promisedto do. We are all very sinful. God’skindness and grace are very big!
• God decided to save believersbefore creation (v9).We belong to God—He chose us!
• God sent Jesus to overcome sinand death so believers can haveeternal life (v10).How amazing it is that Godbecame a man to rescue you andme! Jesus did not only “appear” or“come”—he died for us. Jesus diedin the place of believers. Wedeserve to suffer eternal death.Jesus suffered eternal death for us,so we can be rescued and haveeternal life!Christ broke the power of deathwhen he died on the cross. Thismeans that when believers die,they have no need to fear.Believers do not need to be afraidof death. Jesus is stronger thandeath. He will make sure thatdeath does not hurt believers, andthey go to heaven for ever.
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The good news about Jesus is not amessage to keep quiet about. Wemust tell everyone about it!
What if your father found a cure forAIDS? Will you keep quiet abouthim? The message of Jesus is a muchgreater cure for the greater sicknessof sin.
2. Do not be ashamed becauseJesus is very great (v11-12)In v11-12, Paul says that he is notashamed.
Use your main illustration: If a king orprime minister gives you a veryimportant job, you will be pleased.Jesus is the King of kings andnothing is greater than serving him.
To be a servant of Jesus is thegreatest honour in the worldbecause Jesus is the greatest personever!
Many friends fail and hurt us butJesus will never fail us. We can trusthim with our lives.
Look at how confident Paul is aboutJesus:• I know him. • I am convinced (or “full of
confidence”) about him.• I am sure about him.
Jesus is able to keep me: read Jude24-25. When Jesus returns, he willtake believers to be with him
forever! Jesus will never fail us. Hewill never let us fall. Jesus keeps ussafe.
x Apply
Look at your notes in your PLANsection.
Do you keep quiet about being aChristian because of what peoplemay say or do to you?
God will give you the strength tospeak out for him. God helped Pauland Timothy and he will help you.
Do not be ashamed of God. God hasdone so much for you. He promisesyou heaven!
If you have not given your life toJesus, you must! Only he can saveyou. Will you ask him to?
b End
Do not be ashamed of being aChristian! Being a Christian is themost wonderful, precious thing inthe world. Jesus is the greatest!
R Pray
Pray God will help your hearers whoare believers to speak out about Jesusbecause of what you said.
Pray God will help those who are notbelievers put their trust in Jesus.
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k Background
• Why is Paul in prison?• What do you think it was like for
Paul in prison?• What has Paul said to Timothy in
verses 1-12?• Why do Christians suffer because
they are believers?
Paul was in prison in Rome becausehe was faithful to Christ. Romanprisons were dirty, dangerous, darkplaces. Prisoners needed help fromfamily and friends for food, blanketsand clothes. It was dangerous tovisit a prisoner. Many believers,including Phygelus and Hermogenes(v15), left Paul. Only a few,including Onesiphorus, werefaithful.
Christ does not promise hisfollowers an easy life, but warns thatwe will suffer (John 15:18-20). Somepreachers leave out Jesus’ call tosuffer. They promise that if wefollow Christ we will never suffer orget sick. This is wrong!
r Read
Read verses 13-18.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words. This helps youknow what the passage is about. Readit again two or three times. Use thequestions and notes to help youunderstand.
s Understand
Read verses 13-14 again.
• In verses 13-14 Paul tells Timothy to“keep”, “guard”, and “hold firmly to”something. What is it?
“A deposit” is something preciousthat you give someone to look after.
The “pattern of sound teaching”and the “good deposit” are the truemessage about Jesus. Jesus told Pauland the other apostles to writedown the true message about Jesus.This is what we have in the NewTestament. It completes what we aretold in the Old Testament.
• What do verses 13-14 tell us aboutthe true message of Jesus?
• Who will help Timothy keep thetruth?
We must use the teaching in the
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Bible to know what is true and whatis false.
God gave us the message aboutJesus. It is very precious. We mustlook after it carefully. We need thehelp of the Holy Spirit.
Read verses 15-18.
There are three people in v15-18.Phygelus and Hermogenes hurt Paul.(v15). Onesiphorus helped Paul(v16-18).
• Why do you think people have leftPaul? (v15)
Many churches stopped helpingPaul. Phygelus and Hermogeneswere good friends of Paul before. Itwas very painful to him when theystopped supporting him.
Read verses 16-18 again.
• Who does Paul pray for in theseverses?
• Why does Paul pray for them?• What does Paul pray for them? • What does Paul mean by “mercy”?
(v16, 18)
Notice “that day” (remember verse12).
• What day is Paul talking about?
Onesiphorus was from the church atEphesus (4:19). He went to Romeand visited Paul in prison manytimes. Paul prays twice that he willreceive “mercy”. Paul prays that Godwill reward him on “that day.” Thatis the day when Jesus comes again.He uses the word “mercy” to remindus that the rewards received are freeand undeserved.
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• What does Paul tell Timothy to do?(v13-14)
• What example does Paul wantTimothy to follow? (v15-18)
Be faithful to teach the truth aboutJesus. Be faithful to care for thosewho suffer for Jesus.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: Befaithful to teach the truth about Jesus.Be faithful to care for those who sufferfor Jesus.
I Sub-points
• Read the Main Point again. • Read the verses again. • What sub-points will help you to
teach this passage?
There are two parts to this section,so there will be two sub-points.
Verses 13-14: Paul tells Timothy tolook after the message about Jesus,and to depend on the Holy Spirit tohelp him.
Verses 15-18: Paul talks aboutpeople. Some people have hurt andfailed him. Others have helped himmany times.
Notice how both sub-points areabout “looking after” something.Timothy is to look after themessage (keep it safe). Onesiphoruslooked after Paul.
Think of a clear heading for eachsub-point.
For example:
1. Look after the truth about Jesus(v13-14)
2. Look after those who suffer for Jesus(v15-18)
Check these sub-points follow fromyour main point.
w Illustrate
Think of something you look aftercarefully. It is very precious andspecial to you. It may be a boat, avaluable necklace, or some photos.Tell how you look after it so that itis not stolen or lost.
In the same way, we must look afterGod’s message and look after God’speople.
x Apply
False teachers do not “guard” or“look after” the message aboutJesus. What wrong teaching aboutJesus do you need to point out toyour hearers? For example, peoplemay say that…• Jesus is not the Son of God. • Jesus did not rise again. • Jesus died, but that is not enough.
You MUST do good works to get aplace in heaven.
• there are many ways to God.• if you follow Jesus you will always
be healed of sickness, and get lots ofmoney.
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People who say these things arewrong. We must correct ourpeople—and always teach the truth.
• How can we help believers who arein need, or in prison?
• How can we help believers whosuffer because of their faith?
If you are a believer, your life is inJesus’ hands and he will look afteryou!
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
You may start with your mainillustration. Talk about something youlook after carefully. It is very preciousand special to you. Then talk aboutsomething that is not precious.Something that is broken. A pile of dirt.You do not care what happens to it.
Which way do you treat themessage of Jesus? Do you treat it assomething precious, or as rubbish?
Paul encourages Timothy to treatthe message of Jesus as the mostprecious, special gift. Paul says: Donot be ashamed of it (v8-12). Beproud of the message of Jesus. Donot feel shame or be shy that youare a believer. Do not be ashamed ofother believers!
If Jesus is very precious to you, whatwill you do?
There are two things Paul says wewill do if Jesus is precious andimportant.
v Explain
Use your sub-points—explain what theverses say. Remember to read the versesand get people to follow in their Bibles.
1. Look after the truth aboutJesus (v13-14)Someone asks you to look after theirpig or car while they are away but
you lose it or spoil it. How will theyfeel?
God’s people have the message ofJesus to look after. We take care of itby only teaching what the Biblesays. We lose it, or spoil it, when weteach it wrongly—or add to it.
This is very important. We need thehelp of the Holy Spirit (v14).
Warn your congregation aboutwrong teaching. Do so in a lovingway (v13).
There are many examples of wrongteaching. Use the examples that arein your area. Show how important itis not to follow after false teaching,but to keep only to God’s truemessage. See examples in “Apply” inthe Plan section.
2. Look after those who sufferfor Jesus (v15-18)If we are faithful to the message ofJesus, we will be faithful in caringfor other followers of Jesus. We willtake special care of those who suffer.
Phygelus and Hermogenes left Pauland stopped helping him.Onesiphorus helped Paul and caredfor him many times.
Who will you be like?
Caring for others will be difficult. Itis hard if we are poor and have our
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own problems. But if we love Jesus,we will be glad to help other people.Not only once, but often. NoticeOnesiphorus helped Paul in manyways (v18).
In Hebrews 13:3 it says: “Rememberthose who are in prison, as thoughyou were in prison with them.Remember those who are suffering,as though you were suffering as theyare” (Good News Translation).
Give examples how your hearers canshow more kindness to each other.How you can care for believers whoare persecuted? These are yourbrothers and sisters in Christ whosuffer for Jesus (as Paul did). Howcan you help them?
x Apply
Is Jesus precious, special andimportant to you?
If Jesus is important to you:• What wrong teaching must you
stop listening to and following?• How can you help others to follow
the true message?• Which suffering Christians will
you help and care for?
If Jesus is not precious to you, youare not a true Christian.
Think about the fact that Jesus iscoming back (v18) and He willjudge you. What will you say toHim? How can you escape from thepunishment you deserve?
There is only one way. Ask Jesus tobe kind to you and forgive youNOW! Ask Him to change you—andstart living for Him.
b End
Ask God the Holy Spirit to help youto keep faithful to the truth—andthat Jesus will be more special andimportant to you. This will show inthe way you love and care forsuffering believers. Be faithful!
Pray with your hearers now for the helpof the Holy Spirit!
R Pray
Pray that your church will only teachthe truth, and not follow false teaching.
Pray for believers who are persecuted,that they will be faithful to Jesus.
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k Background
• What did Paul tell Timothy inchapter 1? (look at 1:8, 13)
• What will Timothy expect as hetestifies about Jesus? (look at 1:8, 12)
• Timothy was a leader of the churchat Ephesus. What have we learnedabout the job of a pastor or churchleader?
Good teachers help people by usinggood word pictures or stories. Pauluses three pictures. He tells Timothyto be like a soldier, an athlete and afarmer. All three pictures show hardwork. Pastors and teachers are towork hard to teach and care for thechurch. Their work is to make surepeople understand the message andare changed by it. Then they can tellthe right message clearly to otherpeople.
r Read
Read verses 1-7.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words. This helps youknow what the passage is about. Readit again two or three times.
s Understand
In verse 7 Paul says “reflect on this”.This means that we need to thinkcarefully about what Paul saysbecause it is very important.
Use the questions and notes to help youunderstand.
Read verses 1-2 again.
• What does Paul tell Timothy to do?(v2)
The instruction in verse 2 is themain thing Paul tells Timothy to do.Verse1 tells him how to do it. Inverses 3-6 Paul shows how hard itwill be.
• Read verse 2 again. What exactly isTimothy to do? Write it in your ownwords.
Christ gave the message to Paul.Paul passed it to Timothy. Timothymust pass it to reliable men.“Reliable” means “can be trusted”.Reliable men are to pass it on toother people.
• Verse 1 links back to chapter 1. “You,then” or “As for you”. What isTimothy to pass on? (1:13-14)
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• Where will Timothy find the strengthto do this? (2:1)
• Why is it encouraging that Paul usesthe word “grace” here? (2:1)
Timothy must pass on the truemessage of Jesus.
God’s grace will give him thestrength. Grace is something we donot deserve. Timothy may feel he isnot strong enough but it is Godwho gives strength when it is notdeserved.
Read verses 3-6 again.
Think about the three pictures thatPaul uses (soldier, athlete, andfarmer). For each picture think:• How does he show he is a hard
worker?• How does he show he can be trusted?• What will be the result if he works
hard and can be trusted?
“Civilian life” or “civilian affairs”means everyday life, all the thingsthat keep us busy. Roman soldierswere very disciplined. They never
left the fight to work at home. Itwas hard being a Roman soldier.They always had to obey theirofficer.
Competitions like the OlympicGames took place regularly in Paul’sday (see also 1 Corinthians 9:24-27).The main events were running andwrestling (fighting). Like theOlympics today, there were rules foreach sport that must be kept.
Read verse 7 again.
• What do you need the Lord to helpyou to understand as you teach thispassage?
Pray to him about that now!
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• Remember how we saw the mainthing in verse 2.
Pastors and church leaders are to begood teachers who train others to begood teachers. It will be hard work.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this:Pastors and church leaders are to begood teachers who train others to begood teachers. It will be hard work.
I Sub-points
Look at the structure of the passage.Think how you will plan yourmessage.
Verses 1-2: Find strength in thegrace of Christ Jesus to be faithfulto serve him.
The pastor’s job is to train others toteach the true message aboutJesus—so they can pass it on toothers.
Verses 3-6: There are three picturesthat show how hard this will be.The pictures also show there will bea good reward in the end.
The soldier must follow orders toplease his commander.
The athlete must keep the rules towin the prize.
The farmer must work very hard toget a harvest.
Think how you will break up thepassage.
Think of a clear heading for eachsub-point. You could plan yourmessage around the three pictures.You must use these pictures toteach verse 2, as Paul does!
For example:1. A soldier wants to please his
commander.2. An athlete wants to win the race3. A farmer wants a good harvest.
Think how you can use these sub-points to show how we must traingood teachers.
Check these sub-points:• Are all the verses covered?• Are the sub-points short and easy to
w Illustrate
Think of something that you cantrust. It is reliable. It always worksand never fails you. It may be atool or an animal.
x Apply
Timothy is a leader of the church atEphesus. The main application is tothose who are pastors, elders andteachers.
• From these verses, what does afaithful pastor do?
The pictures show what everyChristian should be like.
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• From these verses, what will afaithful Christian do?
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
You could start with your mainillustration: Think of something thatis reliable. It never lets you down. Itmay be a tool or an animal.
These verses are all about beingfaithful teachers.
In verses 1-2 Paul tells Timothy tobe a reliable pastor. He is to pass onthe whole message about Jesus tomen who can be trusted. The it istheir job to pass it on to others.
This is very important work. Goodteachers train others to be goodteachers.
Some people think that teaching theBible and training others to teachthe Bible is easy. These picturesshow it is very hard work—but thereis a good reward.
The pictures also show what everyChristian should be like.
v Explain
Use your sub-points and explain whatthe pictures teach. Remember to readthe verses and get people to follow intheir Bibles.
1. A soldier wants to please hiscommander (v1-2)A soldier must always obey whatever
his officer tells him to do. Hecannot choose which orders to obey.He must be faithful. What willhappen if the soldier leaves thebattle and does what he wants?
Believers are soldiers of Jesus. Wemust obey every order that Jesusgives, even when it is hard.
What does Jesus want us to do?
Jesus wants us to work hard attraining others to teach others themessage about Jesus! He wants us towork hard at making disciples.
2. An athlete wants to win therace (v5)If an athlete does not run the wholerace, he cannot win the prize. In thesame way, we must teach and obeyeverything that God says.
It is not enough to teach only partof what God says. To be faithful, wemust spend time studying andunderstanding all of the Bible. Wemust teach people all of the Bible—Old Testament and New Testament.
If a runner stops before the end ofthe race, he cannot win! We mustall be those who finish the race (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). This meanswe must keep trusting and obeyingJesus and be faithful to the end. Wemust keep learning and teaching.
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3. A farmer wants a goodharvest (v6)Farmers work hard so they canenjoy the harvest. If they do not,they will have nothing to eat. Theymust be faithful workers, even whenthe weather is bad.
Pastors and teachers must work hardat praying and studying. Then theycan expect to see God at work inpeople’s lives, bringing fruit andgrowth. This brings much joy.
Verse 1 and verse 7 remind us thatall help and understanding comebecause of the grace of the LordJesus Christ.
x Apply
How can you know if your pastor isfaithful? How can you know if yourchurch is faithful? Not because ofhow many people come. Notbecause of how loud the music is orhow long the services are. Whatmatters is how carefully God’s wordis taught, believed and obeyed.
Are people being trained anddiscipled? Are people growing, andlearning how to pass on the things
that they hear? These are the signsof a faithful church.
All Christians must listen only toGod’s word. They must follow onlyGod’s way, and give themselves fullyto serving him.
Do you work hard at praying andstudying the Bible? Do you obeywhat it tells you? Is there fruit inyour life?
b End
Read Hebrews 12:1-2: “Let us runwith endurance the race God has setbefore us. Let us fix our eyes onJesus.” (NLT, NIV)
Are you running the race? Are youstudying God’s word with someone?Are you helping someone tounderstand God’s word better?
R Pray
Pray to God for help in training morepeople to understand and teach theBible.
Pray to God that believers will givethemselves to serve God fully becauseof what they heard from God’s word.
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k Background
• Remind yourself what 2:1-7 teaches.• What did Paul tell Timothy about
suffering in the sections before? • Verses 11-13 are a “trustworthy” or
“true saying”. Look for other “truesayings” in Paul’s first letter toTimothy.
Becoming a Christian does not freeus from suffering. It increases it!Jesus was willing to carry his cross,and he told those who follow himthat they must also be willing tocarry a cross. Read Mark 8:31-38.
Paul gives a “true saying” (v11-13).Others are in 1 Timothy 1:15, 3:1,4:9-10, and Titus 3:3-8. Each sayingtells an important truth. These werelearned in all the churches. This onemay also be a song.
r Read
Read verses 8-13.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words. This helps youknow what the passage is about. Readit again two or three times. Use thequestions and notes to help youunderstand.
s Understand
• What words are repeated?
Read verses 8-10 again.
• Paul says “remember Jesus”. Whatdoes he want Timothy to rememberabout Jesus?
“Christ” means that Jesus is thepromised King. God promised Davidthat one of his descendants wouldrule forever (2 Samuel 7:11-13).
It is good to suffer for Jesus becausehe is the King of kings, who roseagain! Remember that Jesus sufferedthe cross before he went to heaven.
• In what way was Paul suffering? (v9)• The Roman authorities have put Paul
in prison. But what can they not do?(v9)
The Roman authorities can stopPaul travelling to preach bychaining him in a prison. But theyhave no control to stop God’smessage spreading. In times of greatpersecution, the message of Jesusoften spreads very quickly (Acts 8:1).
• Why was Paul willing to suffer?(v10)
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• Who are the “elect” or “God’s chosenpeople”? (v10)
• What was Paul looking forward to?(v10)
People are rescued from their sinwhen they trust the good newsabout Jesus. It is wonderful to knowGod has planned how people will besaved, and who will be saved! Godhas chosen who will be saved.
Paul is happy to suffer so that othersmay be saved and enjoy heavenwith him for ever!
Read verses 11-13 again.
“Deny” or “disown” is to say we donot know Jesus.
• What does it mean to “die withJesus”? (v11)
• What is promised in these verses?• What is the warning?
• Who does Paul mean by “we” inthese verses?
To “die with Jesus” means that wesay “yes” to Jesus, even if it costs useverything. It means I do not thinkof MYself, but I think of what isgood for Jesus. True believers will“live with him” and “rule with him”in heaven.
If we are always ashamed of Jesus, itshows that we are not really trueChristians (Mark 8:38).
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• What do these verses teach aboutsuffering?
We must be willing to suffer forChrist. When we suffer for Christ,we can look forward to heaven.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: Wemust be willing to suffer for Christ.When we suffer for Christ, we canlook forward to heaven.
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thispassage up.
You can break it into three parts:
Jesus and suffering (v8):• Jesus suffered and then rose from
death. He is now in heaven. • Jesus is the great King! It is good
to suffer for him!
Paul and suffering (v9-10):• Paul is suffering for sharing the
good news about Jesus.• Paul is willing to suffer so others
can be saved through hearing thegood news.
• Paul is sure that he will go toheaven when he dies.
Us and suffering (v11-13):• If we suffer for Christ, we will live
with him for ever.• If we refuse to follow Christ, he
will send us away and we willsuffer for ever.
Think of a heading for each sub-point.
These verses are all about sufferingand heaven. How can you use thesekey words in your sub-points?
For example:1. Jesus suffered before he entered
heaven (v8).2. Paul suffered so other people may
enter heaven (v9-10).3. We suffer but can look forward to
heaven (v11-13).
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
w Illustrate
These verses are all about sufferingfor Jesus. Think of someone youknow, or a story you heard abouthow people suffered because theyare believers.
This is not the suffering we all havebecause we live in a fallen world—sickness, disease. This is sufferingwe have because we speak out forJesus. You could use one of theexamples in the Bible (eg: Stephenin Acts 7).
x Apply
• Why do you think Paul tellsTimothy to “remember Jesus”?
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Often when things are hard for us,we think only about ourselves. Weforget to look to Jesus and thinkabout what he did for us.
• Paul gives reasons to keep going insuffering. What are they?
• What suffering are believers in yourchurch going through because theyare speaking for Jesus? How will youencourage them from these verses?
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
Every week hundreds of Christiansin different countries die becausethey speak about Jesus.
Illustrate: Give some examples ofpeople you know about.
Jesus teaches that everyone must bewilling to suffer for him (Mark 8:34-35). Usually we run away frompain. Why should we carry ourcross? What can help us when wesuffer? In these verses Paul givesTimothy some answers to thesequestions.
v Explain
Use your sub-points—explain what theverses say. Remember to read the versesand get people to follow in their Bibles.
1. Jesus suffered before heentered heaven (v8)Jesus is the Christ, the King of kings.He rules over everything! Jesus is thegreat King promised to David in theOld Testament. We can be sure he isso great because he rose from death.It is good to suffer for Jesus becausehe is so great.
Because Jesus rules, he will use yoursuffering for him for good! Andremember that Jesus’ suffering anddeath came before glory andheaven!
The message about Jesus is amessage of suffering as well asheaven. As Jesus’ followers, weshould expect to suffer, but we canlook forward to heaven.
2. Paul suffered so other peoplemay enter heaven (v9-10)Paul tells us why he is suffering andthat Jesus is using it for good. Pauldoes not enjoy pain, but he iswilling to suffer for the good ofother people.
Paul is in prison but that does notstop God’s work. In prison, he toldhis prison guards about Jesus(Philippians 1:12-14). God’s word isnot chained. God’s word is still freeand doing its work. Others arepreaching the good news while Paulis in prison. Wherever Paul went, hesuffered. He did that because peoplecannot go to heaven unless theyhear about Jesus—Paul wantedothers to be saved.
3. We suffer but can lookforward to heaven (v11-13)The Christian life is about “dying.”That means we say “no” to what wewant and “yes” to what Jesus wants,even when it hurts. Following Jesusis about keeping going through hardtimes. Remember, we can lookforward to living and ruling withJesus.
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Verse 12 warns that if we arecompletely ashamed of Jesus, itshows we are not really hisfollowers.
Sometimes we fail Jesus. We do notspeak for him when we should. Weare afraid when we could be bold. Itis so good to know that God isfaithful and will keep us even whenwe are faithless (v13).
x Apply
Remind your hearers of the reasons whythey should suffer for Jesus.
Remember Jesus—every day, thinkof him and what he has done.
Be challenged by the examples ofthose you know who suffer for Jesus(See “Start”).
Encourage your hearers to speak outabout Jesus even if it is hard. You couldask:• What will you do so that other
people will hear about Jesus? • Who will you talk to this week?• How will you speak up for Jesus
and the truth when so manyfollow other ways?
Remind them that it is good to sufferfor Jesus because he is so great!
Here is a test to find out if someoneis really a Christian:
• Are you willing to suffer for Jesus? • Do you love him more than
b End
Encourage your hearers to repent andstop living for themselves. We musttrust in Jesus and live only for him!
Think how great heaven will be.Think how long heaven will last! Ifwe suffer a lot, it will seem verysmall when compared to heaven!
Have a prayer time for those who aresuffering for Jesus.
R Pray
Pray that believers in your church whoare suffering will be encouraged bywhat you said to them from God’sword.
Pray for those who are living forthemselves, that they will repent andlive for Jesus.
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k Background
• Verse 14 says: “Keep reminding themof these things”. What things doesPaul mean? Look back over 2:1-13.
• What have you learned about thechurch in Ephesus in chapters 1 and2?
• What has Paul said about goodteachers?
• What has Paul said about badteaching?
• The main picture in verse 15 is of aworkman. Why do you think Pauluses this picture?
2 Timothy 2:15 is a very importantverse for those who teach the Bible.There are many who teach the Biblebadly, and who are lazy. It is hardwork to be a good Bible teacher butGod demands it—and people needit! God’s truth must be taughtcorrectly. Paul reminds Timothy thatgood Bible teaching is thefoundation of the church.
r Read
Read verses 14-19.
Read through the verses again. Thenwrite down what each verse says aboutwords.
s Understand
Notice that the verses show thedifference between good words andbad words:
V14: Good words to be reminded ofBad words that spoil people
V15: Good words—the word of truth
V16-18: Bad words—false teaching
V19: Good words—God’s word
Read verse 14 again.
• What two instructions does Paul giveTimothy?
• What quarrels is Paul talking about?(Read Titus 3:9.)
• Why must Christians not fight aboutthese things?
These Christians argued aboutthings that do not matter.
Read verse 15 again.
• What does the picture of a“workman” tell us about teaching theBible?
• When we teach the Bible, who mustwe try to please?
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An approved workman is someoneyou know will do a job well. Onlythose to whom God gives the gift ofteaching should teach the Bible.They need to be trained, prayed forand ready to work hard!
Read verses 16-18 again.
“Profane” (GNT) means ungodly orfoolish.
• What words is Paul talking about? • Is the teaching spread by these men
good or bad teaching? • What is the result?
Gangrene is an infection that makesa part of our body go bad and die. Itis very serious and spreads veryquickly up a person’s arm or leg.Wrong teaching, like gangrene,spreads quickly and does a lot ofdamage. The bad teaching spread byHymenaeus and Philetus said thatwe can have all the blessings ofheaven now. This was wrong, andwas damaging many believers.
Read verse 19 again.
• Whose words does Paul refer to?(look at Numbers 16:5)
• What two things does God’s wordsay?
• Why does Paul say it is a “solidfoundation”?
When you build a house, it needs tobe on a solid foundation, or it willfall down. The foundation of thechurch is the truth about JesusChrist. We find this in God’s word.What matters is not what peoplesay, but what God says. We mustlisten to what God says in his word.
God knows who really belongs toGod, and who does not.
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
Words hurt people or help people.Keep away from people who teachwrong things, as this hurts people.Teach only what the Bible says, asthis will help people.
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k Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: Wordshurt people or help people. Keep awayfrom people who teach wrong things,as this hurts people. Teach only whatthe Bible says, as this will help people.
r Sub-points
Think how you will break thispassage up.
Paul points out good words andbad words. You could plan yourmessage in two parts.
In the first sub-point, you couldlook at bad words:
• Verse 14—arguing about thingsthat do not matter
• Verses 16-18—false teaching
In the second sub-point, you couldlook at good words:
• Verse 14—words to remind eachother about
• Verse 15—the word of truth, thatneeds to be taught carefully
• V19—the word of God, thatshows who truly belongs to God
Think of a heading for each sub-point.
Try and make it as clear as possible.
It may be very simple—forexample:1. Dangerous words2. Wonderful words
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
s Illustrate
There are three illustrations inthese verses: a workman (v15), abad skin infection (v17), afoundation (v19).
Think how you can use these wordpictures in a way that your hearerswill understand:• What kind of hard worker will most
of your hearers know about?• If your hearers do not know about
gangrene, explain another infectionthat spreads very quickly anddestroys.
• What needs a foundation to keepstanding? You could draw a picture.
x Apply
Dangerous words• What do Christians argue about
that only brings hurt? For example,Christians sometimes argue aboutwhen Jesus will come back. Butthe Bible says we do not know(Matthew 24:36)!
• Sinnig with words is serious. Thinkabout the examples of sinful words
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that Paul gives (eg: to quarrel, talkabout evil things, gossip, lie).
• Think of other examples ofdangerous words: sorcery, witchcraft,swearing, arguing.
• What must we say about those whospeak bad words? (v14, 16, 19)See how they drive people awayfrom God.
• What false teaching do you need toremind your hearers to keep awayfrom? Spend time talking aboutthe damage this does. Remindthem about how it spreads like abig infection. For example, someChristians claim they have newmessages from God. Other peopleclaim that we can enjoy all theblessings of heaven now. This isdangerous and wrong teaching.People will end up disappointedand will lose faith in God. Thisteaching drives people away fromGod.
Wonderful words• Paul says that those who teach the
Bible must work hard at it. How canyou apply this to people in yourchurch: Sunday school teachers,youth leaders, women’s groupleaders?
• God knows those who are truly hispeople. But how can we tell who aretruly God’s people (v19)? Thosewho truly belong to God will turnaway from doing and sayingwrong things.
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
Talk about the power of words. Unkindwords can hurt people. Good words canhelp people. Give an example.
This section is all about words.Fighting over words (v14), truewords (v15), dangerous words (v17)and God’s words (v19).
We must be very careful to use onlygood words. We must be careful inthe way we teach and listen to God’sword.
v Explain
Use your sub-points—explain what theverses say. Remember to read the versesand get people to follow in their Bibles.
1. Dangerous wordsThere are several kinds of dangerouswords in the church:
Christians argue about things thatare not in the Bible (v14).
• Give some examples from your area(see “Apply” from the PLAN section).
• What is the result? It spoils peopleand churches. These kinds ofarguments are dangerous and lead topride and division.
Christians sometimes teach thingsthat are different from what theBible teaches (v16-18).
False teaching is like gangrene (or adisease like this—see “Illustrate” fromthe PLAN section). It spreads quicklyand does a lot of damage. Giveexamples of false teaching in your area,and warn about the damage.
If you know that your friend isabout to drink poison, what will youdo? In the same way we must warneach other about poisonousteaching.
You must not listen to radio and TVstations that teach wrong things!Always check what you hear, see orread against God’s word. Many falseteachings are around. They cansound very good, and promise manygood things. Do not be taken awayfrom God by what is not true.
2. Wonderful wordsHow do you feel if someone saysthings about you that are not true?It hurts! Every time we teach theBible, God, the author of the Bible,is listening! If we teach badly, weshould be ashamed!
It takes hard work to teach the Biblecorrectly (v15), like a workman whoworks hard to make sure his work isgood (give your example). It takeshours to prepare a sermon or Biblestudy. It takes hard work to read andstudy and pray. Many preachers donot work hard, and so they do not
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say what God wants them to say.When we teach, we do not try toplease people, but try to please God.
We must always test what we hearand make sure what is preached iswhat the Bible says (you could lookat the example of Acts 17:11).
The word of God is like a solidfoundation (v 19). A foundationsupports a building (give yourexample). The word of God keepsthe church standing up straight!
God knows those who belong tohim. He sees their hearts. We canoften know by looking at the livesof those who say they believe. TheBible says: “Everyone who confessesthe name of the Lord must turnaway from wickedness” (v19).
True believers will say NO to wrongwords and wrong ways.
x Apply
Use the examples from the PLANsection.
What words do you usually say—good words, or bad words?
Watch out for false teachers. Theirteaching is dangerous and will
spread and spoil many.
God’s word tells us to change! Falseteaching spoils those who listen toit. God tells us to keep away fromthose who talk like this.
Make sure you spread GOODwords—God’s word. Work hard tomake sure you teach the truth.
This message is a big challenge to allpreachers and teachers to be goodworkers. They must be serious aboutthe important work God has calledthem to.
Pray for those who teach God’sword to you, that they will teach itcorrectly.
b End
This message is all about words—good words and bad words.
Before you finish the sermon, ask yourhearers to respond. Give them time tothink and pray quietly.
R Pray
Pray God will help your hearers to turnfrom wrong words and wrong teaching.
Pray God will help all who teach inyour church to work hard at teachingthe Bible correctly.
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k Background
• What did Paul tell Timothy about inchapter 2?
• What was said about false teaching?• What was said about faithful
teaching?• “The Lord’s servant” (v24) refers to
elders and leaders in the church.What has Paul told Timothy aboutelders in his first letter? (1 Timothy3:1-7)
Paul reminded Timothy of thedifference between false teachersand faithful teachers. In theseverses, he tells Timothy how to beuseful to the Lord. The way we liveis as important as what we teach.
r Read
Read verses 20-26 twice.
These verses are written to you,because you are a teacher of God’sword! Ask God to talk to you fromthese verses before you talk toothers about them.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words. This helps youknow what the passage is about. Read
it again two or three times. Use thequestions and notes to help youunderstand.
s Understand
Read verses 20-21 again.
• What do these verses say aboutthings used in a large house?
• These verses are about being “usefulto the Master”. What makes someonea useful Christian?
Some things you are glad to use,and some things you do not want touse. If you have an importantvisitor, you will use your best platesto serve him a meal. You will notuse a dirty dish!
Read verse 22 again.
Paul says “flee”, “avoid” or “runaway” from the “evil desires (orpassions) of youth”. These are theopposite of righteousness, faith,love, peace, and purity.
• Think of some examples of evildesires.
• Think of some examples of“righteousness, faith, love, peace, andpurity”.
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Evil desires include pride and greed.Look at the similar verses in 1 Timothy 6:9-11.
Evil desires also include sexual sin.The Bible teaches that sex shouldonly happen when a man and awoman are married to each other.All sex and sexual behaviour outsideof marriage is wrong.
Read verses 23-24 again.
• What should a Bible teacher NOTdo?
• What must a Bible teacher do?
Some people love to argue. Paul saysthis is wrong! It is important tothink about the WAY we teachpeople. Do not shout or scream atpeople. Teach with love!
Jesus is our example. Read Isaiah42:2-3. How did Jesus treat people?
Read verses 25-26 again.
• How will a Bible teacher respond topeople who disagree with him oroppose him?
• What does a Bible teacher hope for?• How can people be set free from the
• What does it mean to “come to yoursenses”?
When you teach, pray that God willuse his word to bring people whoare against the truth to repent. Themain way we fight the devil is byteaching the truth. The devil is “thefather of lies”—the truth is the bestweapon against him. The devil isalready defeated by Jesus on thecross. People are rescued from thedevil’s power when they believe thetruth about Jesus. People come totheir senses—they think clearly—when they believe the truth.
Read through all the verses again.
• Verses 23-26 give some qualities of aBible teacher. Why do you think thereis so much about what a person islike, and not what a person can do?
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• What are the key words?• Write the main point in a short, clear
For example: To be useful to the Lord,we must live clean and kind lives.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: To beuseful to the Lord, we must live cleanand kind lives.
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thispassage up. How many sub-pointswill help you to teach the mainpoint?
Verses 20-22 are about being aclean servant:• It is pictured in v20-21.• It is explained in v22. The word
“pure” is like the word “clean”.• A clean servant is prepared or
ready for “any good work”.
Verses 23-24 are about being akind servant:• v24: “he must be kind to
everyone”• Do not quarrel and argue
(v23-24).Be good and patient (v24).Be gentle as you correct (v25).
• A believer should not tell peoplewhat he wants them to do. He isto serve people and do what theLord wants. He is a servant.
Think of a heading for each sub-point. It is good for sub-points totell the hearers what the passagesays and how to respond.
For example:1. Be clean and ready to do anything
(v20-22).2. Be kind and ready to serve anyone
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
w Illustrate
These verses are about being auseful servant of Jesus.
What is the most useful tool that youhave? What makes it so good?
For example:• A spade which you use every day
and it never breaks.• A plough which breaks up the
ground well• A pot that you cook all kinds of
food in• A knife which you use to cut
x Apply
This applies first of all to churchleaders:
• In what ways must church leaders beclean and pure?
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• In what ways must church leaders bekind and gentle?
The passage also applies to allChristians, because all Christiansare servants of Jesus.
• Be very clear about what the Bibleteaches about sexual purity.
• Notice it says “flee” (v22)—runaway from—all the strong desiresof our bodies. There is action totake!
• We must strive—work hard—forright living, faith, love and peace.There is action to take! We mustwork hard to live a good andclean life—with God’s help.
Christians who always argue arenot being kind. What “foolisharguments” do Christians getinvolved in (v23)? Think of someexamples from your community.
Verses 25-26 teach how those whoare against the truth can be freedfrom the grip of the devil. The bigweapon we have against the devil isthe truth of God’s word (see alsoJohn 8:44).
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
Illustration: What is the most usefultool that you have? What makes itso good? (See Plan section.)
These verses are about being usefulto the Master, the Lord Jesus Christ(v21). They tell us how we must liveas his servants (v24).
Do you want to be useful to Jesus?Do you want to be a faithful servantand serve him well? The way we liveis as important as what we teach.
These verses will tell you how to dothis.
v Explain
Use your sub-points—explain what theverses say. Remember to read the versesand get people to follow in their Bibles.
1. Be clean and ready to doanything (v20-22)If you cook a meal, you do not stir itwith a muddy, dirty spoon! Thefood will be spoiled. Paul tells usthat to be useful to Jesus, we need tobe clean.
What wrong things does Jesus see inyour life?
We need to clean up our lives. Weneed to remove unclean thoughtsand ways—selfishness and pridefrom our lives. Jesus sees inside. He
knows your thoughts and yoursecrets. What does he see?
We are to run away from wrongthings. In Genesis 39, Joseph ranout of the house when his master’swife asked him to go to bed withher.
The Bible teaches that sex orsleeping together is only for marriedcouples. All other sex is wrong.This is a big failing for many. It istime to change and clean up. God’sword is clear.
We are to clean our lives fromwrong. We are to fill our lives withright! It is hard work—but we mustdo it. We must not do what we wantbut what God says. We must not beselfish and live for ourselves. Wemust be loving and live for the goodof others.
Will you do whatever Jesus says?Ask God to help you!
2. Be kind and ready to serveanyone (v23-26)Many preachers think that their jobis to shout loudly and argue. This isnot right! A faithful servant must begentle with everyone. He must bekind to those who disagree withhim.
We are to serve in the same waythat Jesus did. Refer to Isaiah 42:2-3,
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which shows Jesus as the greatServant King.
There is much to learn in verses 23-26.Go through them one at a time, helpingyour hearers to understand what theymean in daily life:• Keep away from foolish arguments
(v23).• Be kind to everyone (v24).• Be willing to forgive those who do
wrong to us (v24).• Men and women are to be like
gentle mothers who care for theirchildren. We are to be patientwhen people do not understand.
• We must teach and correct in agentle way those who are againstus (v25).
The way we live and speak is asimportant as the words we teach.People learn more from what theysee than from what they hear! Somake sure your life teaches goodthings. It will be no good if youteach good words, but then your lifeteaches a different lesson.
The goal of teaching is to bringpeople to repent and turn awayfrom sin. Those that are against thetruth follow Satan’s ways. They needto be corrected gently and wiselywith the truth of God’s word andwith prayer.
x Apply
Look back at the “Apply” questions inthe Plan section, and remind yourhearers of what it means to be cleanand kind.
What things are spoiling the wayyou serve Jesus? Are you kind orunkind? Are you gentle orimpatient? Are you pure or dirty?Are you humble or proud?
b End
Jesus wants useful servants! Are youclean? Are you willing? Jesus willuse you to do wonderful things forhim as you trust and obey him!
There is a song that says:O use me, Lord, use even me, just as you will, and when, andwhere; until at last your face I see,your rest, your joy, your glory share.
R Pray
Ask God for the leaders in your churchto be pure and clean. Ask God to showthem wrong things that they need toturn from.
Ask God for all your hearers to be morekind to each other because they heardthis message.
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k Background
• What did Paul tell Timothy aboutfalse teaching?
• What did Paul tell Timothy aboutfalse teachers?
• Chapter 3 begins with “But markthis” or “Remember this”. This showsthat Paul is going to give animportant warning. He will saysomething different from chapter 2.What did he say at the end ofchapter 2?
The Bible contains many warnings.These verses warn about how badchurches can be. There were manyfalse teachers in Ephesus. Theseverses explain that false teachers arevery bad and dangerous. We musthear the warning so that we keepaway from wrong ways.
r Read
Read verses 1-9.
Go through verse by verse. Read it twoor three times.
s Understand
There are long lists in these verses.
• Is Paul talking of a good or badchurch or community?
• How will you feel if these things goon in your church or community?
• Are you shocked that this behaviouris in the church?
• Notice Paul uses the word “love” sixtimes in v1-4. What is he saying?
God commands that we love himand love other people. But thesepeople loved themselves and money.They did not love others or God!
Read verse 1 again.
• What does Paul mean by “the lastdays”? When is this?
• What action can we take if we knowthat terrible times are coming?
The “last days” are after the birth ofChrist and before his return(Hebrews 1:1-2). Some very badthings will happen in this time. It isgood to be warned about them sowe can be ready.
Read verses 2-5 again.
• It is a long, bad list. Write each wordand think about what it means.
• What does verse 5 say about thesepeople? Who are they?
“Abusive” means to talk unkindly tosomeone.
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“Conceited” means to be proud.“Irreligious” means not to live forGod in the way you behave.
“Slanderous” means to say veryunkind things about someone.
“Treacherous” means to turn againstyour friends.
“Rash/reckless” means to do thingswithout thinking.
“Brutal/fierce” means to be veryunkind and harsh.
Paul is talking about people in thechurch. This is clear from verse 5.They say they follow God’s ways,but their lives show they do not.
• What must we do when we see peopleliving like this in our churches? (v5)
• Where do you think the real power tolive holy lives comes from? (v5)
The real power talked of in verse 5comes from truly knowing God. TheHoly Spirit lives inside all truebelievers. He gives us the power tosay “no” to wrong ways—and “yes”to living in a loving way, notthinking of ourselves.
We must keep away from peoplewho claim to be Christians but liveevil lives. We must NEVER let falseteachers teach in our churches. Wecan often tell who false teachers areby the life they live. This does notmean we keep away from non-Christians who do wrong. We needto love them, and tell them about
Jesus, so that they can be changed.
Read verses 6-9 again.
• What more do we learn about falseteachers in verses 6-7?
• What did Jesus say about falseteachers? (Matthew 7:15-20)
• What is the good news in verse 9?
These false teachers controlledwomen and may have committedsexual sin with them. This is oftentrue of false teachers.
Jannes and Jambres are two sorcerersor magicians who opposed Moses inExodus 7:8-13. Their names are notgiven in Exodus. Like them, all falseteachers are against God’s true work.They do not listen to the truth. Thegood news is that God will not letthem spoil his plans.
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• These verses are a warning. What isthe warning?
Watch out for bad leaders. Therewill be times when evil leaders goagainst God’s message and lead thechurch in terrible, unloving ways.
Watch out for terrible behaviour.There will be times when the churchlooks more like the world than itlooks like Jesus Christ.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: Watchout for terrible leaders. Watch out forterrible behaviour.
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thispassage up. How many sub-pointswill help you to teach the mainpoint?
There are two sections:
Verses 1-5: Watch out forpeople who…• love themselves and not others.• love money and not godliness.• love evil and not good.• love pleasure and not God.
Verses 6-9: Keep away frompeople who…• pretend to love God, but love
themselves.• look good on the outside, but are bad
inside.• use other people to get what they
want.• always learn about the truth, but
never change.• say “no” to the truth and go against
God’s leaders.
Think of a heading for each sub-point. Remember these verses areabout false Christians and falseteachers. You could include themessage of warning in yourheadings.
For example:1. Watch out! Do not love the wrong
things.2. Watch out! Do not live the wrong
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
w Illustrate
This is a warning. Where do yourhearers see warning signs? Why dowe have warning signs? Whathappens if you take no notice ofwarning signs?
For example:• Warning of death on a bottle of
poison.• Warning of danger on a road sign.
x Apply
This section tells of very badchurches and very bad churchleaders.
• What warnings does your churchneed to be most careful about?
• What can you do when you seechurches or church leaders like this?
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There is also encouragement:
• God knows what will happen beforeit happens. That is why He canwarn us!
• God will make sure that his planswill not fail.
• God will show up the false teachersfor what they are—stupid.
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
Why are there warnings on roadsigns? Where else do you seewarnings? What are they for?
These verses are a big warning.They warn about bad Christianteachers and bad Christianchurches. This is also a warning forgood churches, to make sure we donot go bad!
v Explain
Use your sub-points and explain whatthe verses say. Remember to read theverses and get people to follow in theirBibles. Explain the hard words.
1. Watch out! Do not love thewrong things (v1-5)Paul lists 18 signs of terrible timesand terrible churches! Talk aboutsome of the ones that are a problemin your area.
Six times Paul talks about love—butit is wrong love. They should loveGod and love other people, as Jesussaid (Mark 12:29-31). But the peoplelove themselves and love money. Allthe other things come from wronglove. For example, when we loveourselves, we become proud, greedyfor money, unkind and unthankful.
Explain some of these wrong ways andwhat they look like.
It is very sad when Christians lovethemselves and not each other. It isvery sad when Christians live formoney. There are many churchesthat talk a lot about being followingGod—but really they are afterpeople’s money!
Does your life show that you lovemoney, evil, nice things andyourself? Or do you love God most?
2. Watch out! Do not live thewrong way (v6-9)What does it look like to live thewrong way? Boastful, proud, greedy,disobedient, unkind, angry,gossiping, tricking those who trustyou.
What are you like when you are notat church meetings? On Sundaysyou may do all the right things—sing loudly, share things, come toprayer times and fellowships—butwhat is your life like from Mondayto Saturday? What do your actionsshow about what is inside?
If we are not changed on the inside,then we do not really know God.When a person becomes a believer,they start living in a new way. Godgives them the Holy Spirit to liveinside them. The Holy Spirit givesthe power to say “no” to evil ways,and “yes” to loving ways. That is theonly power that matters. The Holy
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Spirit helps believers to be humble,kind, generous with money, to loveothers and love God.
These false teachers did not teachthe truth. They forced themselveson people—especially women. Theydid not help people; they hurtpeople. Everything about them waswrong.
Paul says these teachers are like theEgyptian magicians in Exodus 7,who copied the miracles that Mosesdid. False teachers can do miracles.But what they are truly like is seenin the way they live. Jesus said “bytheir fruit you will recognise them”(Matthew 7:16).
x Apply
Look back at the Apply section inPLAN and remind your hearers of thewarnings.
• Where do we most need to watchout?
• Are there false teachers around?What must we do about them?
• How can we guard our churchagainst wrong teaching?
• Check your lives for love for thewrong things.
• Are you living a lie? Are youdifferent inside from how you lookto the people around you?
b End
These are dangerous times. There aredangerous churches and dangerousteachers. Watch out! Keep awayfrom them.
Remember, God will make sure thatfalse teachers do not win in the end.
Give your hearers time to think abouttheir own lives. What do they need torepent of? Give them time to talk tosomeone about their sins, and praywith them.
R Pray
Ask God to help those who are living alie to see the truth and turn to God asthey hear his word.
Pray that God’s people will understandwhat false teaching is because of whatyou told them from God’s word.
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k Background
• Why did Paul write this letter toTimothy?
• What has Paul said about suffering?(1:8, 2:3, 2:8-9)
• What did Paul warn Timothy aboutin the last section? (3:1-9)
• How does this section follow on fromthe last section?
In verses 1-9, Paul warns Timothyabout terrible times and terribleteachers. In verses 10-13, Paulencourages Timothy to keepfollowing him in the right way.False teachers often promise an easylife. The Bible says we must expect adifficult time if we live in a way thatis pleasing to God.
r Read
Read verses 10-13.
Read them out loud to help you take itin. Use the questions and notes to helpyou understand.
s Understand
Read verses 10-11 again.
“Conduct” means the way you live.
• How does Timothy know about Paul’slife? (Read Acts 16:1-3.)
• What does Timothy know aboutPaul’s life?
• What was the pattern of Paul’s life?• In what ways did Paul suffer? (v11)• Paul mentions what happened in
Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. ReadActs 13 – 14 to find out.
• Why did Paul suffer so much? (v12)
Timothy knows Paul’s teaching andway of life, and he is alreadyfollowing. The pattern of Paul’s lifeis to teach the truth and live thetruth. Paul’s aim is that more peoplewill be saved. Good examples arevery important! Timothy haswatched Paul’s faith, patience, loveand how he has kept going throughall the terrible sufferings and hardtimes.
Acts 13 – 14 tells of Paul’s firstmissionary journey. In PsidianAntioch, many people believed themessage—but Paul and Barnabaswere forced to leave (Acts 13:49-50).Paul and Barnabas then went toIconium. They stayed a long timeand many became believers. Somepeople planned to attack them, so
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Paul and Barnabas had to leavequickly.
Next they went to Lystra. Againmany people become believers, butPaul was stoned and left for dead.Lystra was where Timothy lived.Later, he joined Paul on hisjourneys. Much later, Paul writesthis letter to him.
God rescued Paul from death severaltimes, but God did not keep himfrom danger! But Paul did not stopspeaking about Jesus, even though itwas so dangerous.
Read verses 12-13 again.
• What will happen to every believerwho lives for God?
• Why will this happen? (v13 and John15:18-20)
• Think of other godly men and womenin the Bible who suffered.
• An imposter (v13) is someone whopretends to be a good teacher but isreally a bad teacher. What do badteachers do?
All Christians who follow Paul’sexample must expect to suffer.Suffering is normal! One reasonbelievers can expect to suffer isbecause there are many people whohate the truth. There are also manypeople who believe the lies thatfalse teachers spread.
It is impossible to live a godly life,meaning to live God’s way, withoutbeing “in union” with Christ Jesus.This means that Christ lives in us byHis Spirit to lead us in godly ways.
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• What does Paul say about himself?
Living God’s way brings persecutionand opposition. Paul lived for Jesuseven when people were against him.We should follow the good exampleof Paul.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like: LivingGod’s way brings persecution andopposition.
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thispassage up. How many sub-pointswill help you teach the main point?
There are two parts to this passage:
Verses 10-11: Paul lived forGod• Paul taught the truth and lived the
truth.• He kept believing, and was patient
and loving even in hard times.• Paul travelled to many places to
preach the message about Jesus.• Some people believed. Other people
hated his message. They attackedhim and tried to kill him.
• Paul kept going.
Verses 12-13: Every trueChristian’s life• If we live godly lives, we will be
persecuted.• Ungodly people often go from bad to
worse. They lie about how we shouldlive.
Think of a heading for each sub-point. The verses are all aboutpersecution and opposition. Thiswill be clear in your headings.
For example:1. Paul lived God’s way and suffered.2. If you live God’s way, then you will
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
w Illustrate
Paul talks about his journeys andhow he suffered. Tell the story fromActs 13 – 14. Make it come alive, soyour people feel a little of Paul’ssuffering.
Paul tells believers to expectopposition. He does this so that weare ready when it happens.Knowing what will happen helpsyou to get ready. Think of anillustration of this.
For example, if you travel to acountry which is very cold but youdo not know, you will find it veryhard. If someone tells you beforeyou go, you will get ready withsome warm clothes!
Think of examples of people whosuffer for living a godly life.
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x Apply
• It is important to live God’s wayeven when we suffer: to have faith,patience, love and endurance.
• What do others see in your life? Areyou faithful, patient and lovingwhen people are unkind to you?
• Remind your hearers of the reasonswhy believers will suffer for Jesus.
• Remind your hearers that preacherswho tell them “if we have enoughfaith we will not suffer” are wrong.
• Following Jesus is a dangerousadventure! We need to be willingand ready for this. Think of how toapply this to your hearers.
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
Children all over the world play thegame “Follow the leader”. Theymust do only what the leader does.Christians also follow the leader. Wefollow Jesus. We are also to followthose who show us how to followJesus. Paul tells Timothy to followhim.
There were many bad examples inthe church. Timothy is told to keepfollowing Paul’s good example.
v Explain
Use your sub-points and explain whatthe verses say. Remember to read theverses and get people to follow in theirBibles.
1. Paul lived God’s way andsuffered (verses 10-11)
Timothy knew Paul very well. Heheard him teach the truth. He sawthe way Paul lived. He knew thatPaul’s aim was to win people forChrist. Paul was patient with people.Even when people rejected hismessage, he loved them. He did notget angry and shout at people. Hewas gentle. Timothy also knew thatbecause Paul lived God’s way, hesuffered. Timothy joined Paul’s teamin Acts 16 and heard about all thathad happened in Antioch, Iconiumand Lystra (Acts 13 – 14).
Tell your hearers what happened toPaul. Make it come alive.
Timothy was from Lystra and wasprobably there when the crowdattacked Paul.
Timothy saw that Paul kept goingfaithfully, even after he sufferedmuch opposition. He trusted Godwhen things were very hard. He didnot stop telling people about Jesusand showing people the love ofJesus.
God rescued Paul from death manytimes. God did not rescue Paul fromdanger, pain and suffering! Goddoes not always rescue his peoplefrom death. Many Christians aroundthe world die because they arefollowing Jesus. God rescues themby bringing them safely to heaven.
2. If you live God’s way youwill suffer (verses 12-13)
Suffering is normal for trueChristians because the world hatesJesus (John 15:18). The world hatesthe truth, and will go against uswhen we speak the truth. The worldlikes to believe a lie. False teacherstrick people by telling them that itdoes not matter what you believe orhow you live. False teachers and thepeople who follow them do moreand more wrong things. Evil things,like sexual immorality and greed,
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are treated as good things. As thishappens, Christians will suffer more!
Many people think that if yousuffer, it shows that you are wrongand that God does not love you.This is not true. Jesus was perfectbut he suffered more than anyone.Paul was a great missionary but hesuffered many difficult things. TheBible is full of examples of godlymen who suffered: Job, Elijah,David, Jeremiah, Daniel. (It is good touse some examples.)
w Illustrate
Paul tells us to expect opposition—for people to be against us. Then wewill be ready when it happens. Usean illustration of how knowing whatwill happen helps you to get ready.(See your notes from the Plansection.)
x Apply
Look back at the “Apply” questions inthe Plan section and remind yourhearers of the warnings.
Remember to think about the differentgroups of people listening to you. Yourapplying must keep to your main point.
b End
Following Jesus is a dangerousadventure! We need to be willingand ready for this.
Do not believe the lies of those whopromise an easy life. Follow theexample of those who live a faithfullife for Jesus, and suffer with them!
R Pray
Pray for God to make you and yourhearers ready to suffer for Jesus.
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k Background
• Paul reminds Timothy of what helearned as a child. What do we knowabout Timothy’s family? (1:4-5, Acts16:1)
• Paul has said a lot about falseteaching. Where do we find trueteaching?
These verses are about the “HolyScriptures” (v15-16). This is theBible. Read what Peter says abouthow the Bible was written: 2 Peter1:16-21.
False teachers trick people intobelieving lies about God. Some ofthe lies sound very nice. Paulreminds Timothy that the truth isfound in the Scriptures. These versesare very important because theyteach us that God is the author ofevery word of the Bible. The wholeBible is to be fully trusted. All theBible is useful.
r Read
Read verses 14-17.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words. This helps you
know what the passage is about. Readit again two or three times. Followcarefully what Paul says. Write downthe key words. Then use the questionsand notes to help you understand.
s Understand
Read verses 14-15 again.
• “As for you” (v14)—Timothy isdifferent. Who is he different from?(Look also at verses 8, 9, 10, 13.)
• Why was Timothy sure (“convinced”or “firmly believe”) of the truth aboutJesus?
• His mother taught him from the OldTestament. What does this show usabout how the Old Testament andNew Testament fit together?
• What does the Bible say is the way tobe saved?
The words “as for you” also come atthe beginning of verse 10. Bothtimes, Paul shows how Timothy isdifferent from the false teachers.Timothy knows the truth because heheard it from Paul. Paul was taughtby Jesus and is a trusted apostle.Timothy was taught the same truthby his mother and grandmother.The Old and New Testaments both
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teach that the only way to be savedis through faith in Christ Jesus.
Read verses 16-17 again.
• Where did the Bible come from?• Why did God give us the Bible?• What four things is the Bible useful
for? (v16) Put them in your ownwords.
• The person who serves God is fully, orthoroughly, equipped by the Bible(v17). What does that teach us aboutthe Bible?
“All Scripture” means the Old andNew Testaments. Paul refers to hisown teaching as well as the teachingof the Old Testament.
“God-breathed” or “inspired” meansthat the Scripture came from God’smouth. It is not what men thinkabout God, but what God says. (Seealso 2 Peter 1:20-21.) God nevermakes mistakes, and therefore wecan trust that all of the Bible is true.
Every word of the Bible is God’s giftto us. Not one word is wrong—everypart is useful for us. Many people donot read the Old Testament, butverse 16 tells us that it is very useful.
The Bible is useful for:• teaching the truth—it tells us what
is right.• rebuking error—it tells us what is
• correcting faults—it tells us how toleave the wrong way.
• training, giving instruction—ittells us how to keep going in theright way.
The headings and chapters wereadded by people. They help us, butare not part of God’s breathed-outwords. Remember that the Bible wasgiven in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaicto middle eastern, brown-skinpeople. It is for everyone! Thetranslations we have are different inthe words they use, but they givethe same meaning.
To understand God’s word well, wemust read it in the way God gave it.We must not pick out one verse andmake it go with what we want tosay. We must read God’s word asGod means it.
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• What does Paul remind Timothyabout the Bible?
All of the Bible is the word of God.We can trust every word. All of theBible is useful. It shows the way tobe saved, and helps us to serve God.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: All ofthe Bible is the word of God. All of theBible is useful.
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thepassage up for your talk or sermon.How many sub-points will help youto teach the main point?
There are three very importantpoints in these verses about God’sword, the Bible. You could planyour sermon around them.
Verses 14-15: The Bible is fullof wisdom• Timothy was taught the Bible
through all his life.• The Bible shows the way to be saved
through faith in Christ.
Verses 15-16: The Bible is God’sword• All of the Bible is “holy”—it is never
wrong!• The Bible came from God’s mouth—
he is never wrong!
Verses 16-17: The Bible isuseful for all people• The Bible is useful for teaching and
helping people, and for correctingthem and showing them how to live.
• The Bible is useful in every area ofour lives, so we are completely readyto serve God.
Think of a heading for each sub-point. It can be helpful to yourhearers for your heading to be oneword. For example:
God’s word is:1. Wise2. Trustworthy (to be fully trusted)3. Useful
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
w Illustrate
Verse 17 says the Bible is able tothoroughly or fully equip us toserve God. Think of something thatyour hearers do, and whatequipment they need.
For example:• To fish you need a rod or stick,
line or wire, a hook etc.• To cook you need fire,
ingredients, a pot.• When you get a new mobile
phone, there is an instructionbook. It tells you what to do—andit tells you -what not to do. If youfollow all the instructions, youwill use the phone fully in the
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best way. If you do not read it, youwill only use a small part of thephone. If you do not read thewarnings, it may be spoiled quickly.
The Bible contains all the things weneed to serve God!
x Apply
• All of the Bible is God’s word. Howshould we respond to it?
• Think what questions your hearerswill have about the Bible. How canyou help them?
• For what purpose did God give us hisword?
• What do the words teach, rebuke,correct and train tell us about theBible? What must we expect whenwe teach the Bible?
• Think how you can encourage yourhearers to spend more time reading
or hearing the Bible. What is it thatstops them from doing this? TheCreator of heaven and earth haswritten to them!
• The Bible’s main message is abouthow to be saved from sin. It is notenough to have a Bible, or to readthe Bible. We are saved ONLYthrough faith in Jesus. Think howyou will apply this to your hearers.
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
The Bible is the bestselling book inthe whole world. It has beentranslated into more languages thanany other book. It is the moststudied, most talked about, mostloved book of all time.
Ask some questions that you willanswer from these verses.
For example:• What makes the Bible so special?
How much of it can be trusted? • What is the message of the Bible?• Who wrote the Bible?• Why do we need to have Bible
teaching in church?
v Explain
Use your sub-points and explain whatthe verses say. Remember to read theverses and get people to follow in theirBibles.
1. Words that are wise (v14-15)Do you ever wonder if what youbelieve is right and true? Listeningto the world or false teachers canmake us doubt what we believe.The false teachers had madeTimothy doubt. Paul reminds himof why he can be sure about whathe believes.
Timothy learned the truth fromPaul. Paul received it direct from
Jesus. Before that, Timothy learnedthe truth from his mother. Shereceived it from the Old Testament.Timothy knew the people whotaught him. He knew he could trustthem. He learned that salvationcomes through faith in Jesus. TheBible has the wisest words in theworld.
Are you wise? Have you followedthe way to be saved?
2. Words you can trust (v16)But how can we be sure that theBible is right? Verse 16 teaches thatevery part of the Bible is God’sword. The Bible is not a book ofmen’s ideas about God. It is God—the Creator of heaven and earth—sending his words to men andwomen. The Bible is God’s breathed-out word.
God is the author of all of the Bible.He used over 40 different people towrite his words down. They allwrote in different styles and atdifferent times. But they all wrote asGod directed them. This means thatevery word can be trusted, becauseGod can be trusted. (Read 2 Peter1:20-21.) Every prophecy that Godgave came true.
Do you trust God’s words to guideyou? Or do you trust the words ofmen?
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3. Words that are useful (v16-17)God gave us his word because weneed it. Every part of it is useful.Timothy had the Scriptures—andtherefore he had all he needed to dohis work at Ephesus. The Bible isenough for us today. You mustnever add to it. You must neverremove or ignore parts of it.
What are the things the Bible isuseful for? The Bible teaches what isright. God’s word corrects us whenwe think the wrong thing or do thewrong thing. It shows us the rightway to go.
The Bible is the most useful bookyou will ever read or hear! In it, Godspeaks to you about many things. Itis important that you listen to whatGod says about every area of yourlife: your family, your church, yourwork, your home, your body,relationships, money, words,thoughts, plans…
Make sure you learn to look toGod’s word for direction about whatto do in every situation. There areguidelines for everything. We needto learn how to apply God’s word toour daily life, and let it guide everypart of our lives. This takes study.
w Illustrate
Verse 17 says the Bible is able tocompletely equip us to serve God.Use the illustration you thought of(see PLAN section).
x Apply
Make sure you answer the questionsyou asked at the Start of your talk.
Give your ideas for how to help yourhearers to read, love and obey God’sword.
Have you obeyed the wisest wordsin the world? Have you put yourfaith in Jesus and been saved?
b End
The Bible is the best book. But wemust read it, believe it, obey it andshare it with others. How muchtime do you give to reading orhearing the Bible?
Give your hearers time to pray aboutwhat they heard from God’s word.
R Pray
Ask God to show your hearers that hisword, the Bible, is very great.
Ask God to help your hearers who arenot Christians to put their faith inJesus and be saved.
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k Background
• In this section Paul tells Timothy topreach “the word”. What has Paultold Timothy about the word of Godin chapter 3?
• From this letter, what have youlearned about the church whereTimothy is?
• What problems were in the church? • Read the whole of chapter 4. What
do you learn about Paul?
Paul knows that he is near the endof his life and ministry. He wantsTimothy to keep going with thegood work. Paul gives him clearinstructions to deal with the bigproblems in the church. Timothyneeds to teach, correct, rebuke, andencourage. He must do it carefullyand patiently. He must do it becauseGod is watching. He must do itbecause people are confused andneed to know the truth.
r Read
Read verses 1-5.
Read the verses out loud. Theseverses talk about what you arepreparing for! Ask God to help youlisten to him as he talks to you
about your preaching and teaching.Ask him to help you preachpatiently and carefully.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words. Read it again twoor three times.
s Understand
Read verse 1 again.
• If someone is watching you, whatdifference does it make to the wayyou do your work?
• What difference should it makeknowing that God is watching youand that Jesus will judge you?
• What does this verse tell us aboutwho Jesus will judge?
“I give you this charge” or“solemnly urge” is a very seriouscommand. Preaching is essential.One day everyone will be judged.We will be judged by Jesus.Preachers will be judged moreseriously than other Christians.Read James 3:1. If we love Jesus, wewant to please him. We know he iswatching us and want him to say:“Well done, good and faithfulservant” (Matthew 25:23).
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Read verse 2 again.
“Convince” (GNT) means to explainclearly so that someone agrees.
“Rebuke” or “reproach” means toshow where someone is wrong.
• Who is being spoken to? What is thecommand?
• What does this verse tell us aboutpreaching and teaching?
“Preach the Word” or “message”includes talks, group Bible studies,Bible discussions, one-to-onestudies, and sermons. The word“preach” in verse 2 means “makeknown”.
“In season and out of season”means that there are times whenteaching the Bible is liked, andtimes when it is not. We must teachthe Bible even when people want usto do or say something different. Itis the most important thing thatpastors and teachers do.
Read verses 3-5 again.
“Sound doctrine” means rightteaching.
• What do some people in the churchwant?
• What will these people do?• What must Timothy do?• What were people listening to instead
of the Bible? (v4)• What does verse 5 teach about the
job of a pastor or preacher?
People with “itching ears” wantpreachers to tell them only whatthey want to hear. But we need tohear all that the Bible says. And weneed to say all that the Bible says.
The pastor or preacher must makesure that he does what God callshim to do—and not just whatpeople want him to do. He will needto think clearly so he can alwaysfocus on teaching the truth. Wemust not follow legends and oldstories from our culture.
X Find the main point
• What is the main thing these versessay?
• Think about verse 1. What does thattell us about how important thiscommand is?
Preaching and teaching the word ofGod is the biggest need in thechurch and the world.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this:Preaching and teaching the word ofGod is the biggest need in the churchand the world.
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thepassage up for your talk or sermon.
• What are the two big commandsthat Paul gives Timothy? (verse 2and verse 5)
• What are the two big reasons Paulgives? (verse 1 and verse 3)
You could plan your messagearound these things.
Verses 1-2• Jesus is watching you and he will
judge you! • Preach God’s word faithfully about
Jesus.• Preach God’s word carefully so
everyone understands.
Verses 3-5• Some will not want to listen to the
truth• People do not like to be told that
they are sinful—they want to be toldthey are good and nice!
• Think carefully and give Christianswhat they need, rather than whatwill please them.
• Keep telling people the good newsabout Jesus. Never stop!
Think of a heading for each sub-point. Focus on the big instructionsthat Paul gives Timothy. You caninclude the two big reasons as well.
For example:1. Preach God’s word—Jesus is
coming!2. Preach God’s word—people are
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
w Illustrate
Paul tells Timothy to give thepeople the message they need andnot the message they want. Whatwe need is not always what wewant! Think of an illustration. Forexample:
• We want the doctor to tell us we arewell. If we are sick, we need to hearthe truth so we can have medicine tomake us better.
• We want the mechanic to tell us thecar is working. If the brakes arebroken, we need to know this or wewill be in great danger.
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x Apply
• Why do some not like to hearteaching from the Bible?
• How do these verses apply to thosewho teach the Bible?
• What difference should Jesus comingto judge make to believers?
• What are your hearers mostconfused about when it comes to theChristian life?
In many countries people areconfused because they think Godpromises health, wealth andprosperity now. This is what peoplewant to hear, so they listen topreachers who speak this message.
• Do people in your church listen tolegends and old stories (v4)? If so,you must tell them that only theBible tells us the truth.
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
What is the most important thing inyour life? What is the mostimportant thing in your church?What is the most important thing inyour town or village?
The answer in these verses is thatthe most important thing is theword of God!
The commands in these verses arefor preachers and teachers—thosewho teach children, youth, women’sgroups, and fellowship groups. Allwho teach the Bible must listencarefully to these verses.
All of the church needs to make surethese commands are followed! Thechurch needs to know what toexpect from their teachers.
v Explain
Use your sub-points and explain whatthe verses say. Remember to read theverses and get people to follow in theirBibles.
1. Preach God’s word—Jesus iscoming! (v1-2)When there is an important messagein your country, how do people findout? God’s message is much moreimportant, and he commands us totell it out! It is a big responsibility tobe a preacher or teacher.
Once a young preacher complainedthat he only had 100 people in hischurch. An older preacher said:“That will be enough to giveaccount for on the day ofjudgment”.
When Jesus judges the world, willhe find you faithful in telling peoplehis word?
The work is to tell people God’sword at all times. We must be readyto do this when people want us todo something else! Preaching mustshow people the right way, pointout the wrong way, and encouragepeople to go the right way. Greatpatience and care are neededbecause we all learn slowly!
2. Preach God’s word—peopleare confused! (v3-5)Why is preaching so important?Because it is what everyone needs!
When someone is ill, you give themmedicine. You do not stop untilthey get better! Some churches maystop teaching the Bible and turn toother things that seem moreexciting. But will that help them?We need to think clearly and teachthe truth. That is what peopleneed—even if they want somethingdifferent!
We are to “convince”—to show
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them clearly, to “reproach orrebuke”—to show them where theyare wrong, and to encourage. Areyou and I doing that in ourteaching?
Use the illustration you thought of inyour Plan section.
Many people in churches areconfused about the message of theBible. They think God promiseshealth, wealth and prosperity now.It may sound a nice message, but itis not true. God does not promise toheal all our sicknesses and give uslots of money. God does promise togive us peace, even when we arepoor. He does promise heaven whenwe die.
What does verse 5 tell us? To keepcontrol of ourselves. To be faithful.To tell the good news to everyone.To do all our duty as a servant ofGod.
Talk about what this looks like inpractice. How will we do those things?
We must speak God’s word to allpeople. Unbelievers cannot be saveduntil they hear the message(Romans 10:10-15). They need tohear the bad news of sin, judgmentand hell. They need to hear thegood news of Jesus and his cross.
s Apply
Make sure you answer some of the“Apply” questions (see your PLANsection).
Are you confused about the messageof the Bible? Are you following afterother teaching and not the messageof the Bible? Do you look forteachers who promise you morepower, money and success?
God’s word is correcting you today!Are you listening to what God reallysays?
b End
What is the most important thing inyour life? It should be the word ofGod! How important is hearingGod’s word in your life? It shouldcome before work! How important ishearing God’s word in your family?
God is watching! Does he see youlistening to God’s word and sharingit with others?
R Pray
Ask God to make your hearers want tospend more time reading and hearingthe Bible because of what you taughtthem.
Ask God to help you and others to keepon faithfully preaching and teachingthe Bible.
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k Background
• Read verses 1-8. How does Paul’sreview of his life follow on from whathe told Timothy to do?
• Paul sees his life as a “drink offering”or “sacrifice”. A drink offering wasone of the sacrifices offered in the OldTestament. What does Paul say inthis letter about his life being asacrifice?
This chapter is the last recordedwords of the Apostle Paul. He knowsthat he is near the end of his life. Hetold Timothy to remember thatChrist Jesus is coming, and to keepgoing to the end. Paul encouragesTimothy as he looks at his own life.Paul sees his life as an offering toGod. He is near the end of therace—and he looks forward to thecoming of the Lord.
r Read
Read verses 6-8.
Paul uses pictures to explain his lifeand his death. What are they? Whatdo they tell us about Paul and aboutJesus?
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happens
in your own words. This helps youknow what the passage is about. Readit again two or three times. Use thequestions and notes to help youunderstand.
s Understand
Read verse 6 again.
• What was a drink offering orsacrifice?
• Paul says it is soon time for his“departure”. Where is he going?
The picture of a drink offeringcomes from Numbers 15:5-10; 28:7.It was poured out on the meatoffering. Every part of our lives areto be given, offered, to God, inthanks for all he did for us.
Paul speaks of his death using theword “departure”. The word wasused to speak of a ship leaving aport. When Christians die, they gosomewhere better!
Read verse 7 again.
• What three things has Paul done?• How is the Christian life like a “good
fight” and a “race”? • Read Acts 20:22-24 to find out more
about Paul’s race.
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In the ancient Olympic Games, themain competitions were wrestling(fighting) and long-distance races.
Paul’s fight and his race were to“keep the faith.” This means to keepbelieving, living and speaking thetrue message about Jesus.
Read verse 8 again.
• What crown or victory prize did Paullook forward to?
• Who else can look forward to his/hercrown?
• How do true believers wait for thesecond coming of Jesus?
Today, athletes race to win the goldmedal. In Paul’s day, they competedto win a crown made of leaves. (Seealso James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:1 and v4.)
When we believe, we are declaredrighteous (justified). We are right in
God’s sight because of Christ. Onthe day of judgment we will berighteous in everyone’s sight!
Like Paul, true believers lookforward to the coming of Jesus.They want to see him, and be withhim. This is a good test of truebelievers.
X Find the main point
• There are lots of pictures in theseverses. What is the big thing thatPaul says?
You could write a short sentence foreach of the three verses.
For example:
Give everything to live for Jesus. Donot stop believing in Jesus. Lookforward to the finish line, whereyou will see Jesus!
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: Giveeverything to live for Jesus. Do notstop believing in Jesus. Look forwardto the finish line, where you will seeJesus!
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thepassage up for your talk or sermon.You could use the structure of thethree verses:
Verse 6: A sacrifice• A poured-out drink offering. • Paul expects to die. He may expects
to be killed for Jesus.
Verse 7: A race• Paul fought the good fight. • Paul finished a long race.• Paul did not stop believing and
speaking the true message about Godand Jesus.
Verse 8: A crown or prize• The winner’s crown is ready for him
in heaven.• This crown will be given to all true
believers by Jesus the Judge.
Think of a heading for each sub-point.
Think about what your hearersshould do. A sermon does not onlyexplain what it means to followJesus. It encourages believers totake action.
For example:1. Give everything2. Run faithfully3. Look expectantly
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
w Illustrate
There are lots of pictures in theseverses: drink offering, fight, race,winner’s crown. Think carefullyhow Paul uses these pictures.
• In what way is the Christian life likea fight or a race?
Make sure you are clear, so thatyour hearers do not think theyhave to fight people or pour outdrinks!
• Paul kept going to the end. Whathappens if you drop out of a racebefore the end?
x Apply
• In what ways can you and yourhearers pour out their lives as asacrifice for Jesus?
• Make sure you apply the fight andthe race as Paul does: keeping the
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faith. What does it mean to keep thefaith?
• One day Jesus will appear! Whatdifference should that make to theway we live?
• Are you ready for his coming? Or areyou still living your own way?
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
In a running race, some runnersstart very fast but do not make it tothe finish. Paul is near the end ofhis life. He warned Timothy thatsome do not make it: many “turnaside...” (v3-4). Paul tells Timothy tokeep going to the end: “But you…”(v5). Paul encourages him by sayingthat he has reached the end: “Thetime has come for my departure”(v6).
Do you want to keep serving Christto the end? Do you want to beuseful to Christ to the end?
v Explain
Use your sub-points and explain whatthe verses say. Remember to read theverses and get people to follow in theirBibles.
1. Give everything (v6)Paul sees his life as a drink offering,a sacrifice. His whole life was pouredout in worship to God. He was gladto give everything because God is sogreat!
Jim Elliott was killed when he tookthe gospel to the Auca Indians inSouth America. He wrote: “He is nofool who gives what he cannot keep(physical life) to gain what hecannot lose (eternal life)”.
Our worship is not only our singingon Sunday! We worship God by theway we live for him every day. Areyou giving everything to worshipJesus every day?
Paul expects that he may give hislife. Paul does not see his death as abad thing, but as leaving! He isgoing home!
Paul, writing to the Philippians,said: “To me, to live is Christ and todie is gain” (Philippians 1:21). Isthat how you see your life? Is thatwhat others see in your life?
2. Run faithfully (v7)Paul sees his life as a long, hard race.His race was to testify “to the gospelof God’s grace” (Acts 20:24). Pauldid this wherever he went. We areall called to be faithful to the taskGod has given us. We are to keepgoing and never give up!
Running a long race can be verypainful. We feel like giving up. Wemust never stop running theChristian race, no matter how hardit is.
We must be willing to suffer painand take big risks so that others willhear about Jesus.
3. Look expectantly (v8)Paul was willing to suffer and to be
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a sacrifice because he lookedforward to Jesus coming back inglory! He was excited about whatlife will be like when Jesus returns!
In the Olympics, only one persongets the gold medal. In God’s family,everyone who trusts and loves Jesuswill receive the crown ofrighteousness, the victory prize!
Are you excited about seeing Jesus?If you are not, do you really loveand trust Jesus?
If you think a lot about heaven, itwill help you to cope with sufferingand pain here on earth.
w Illustrate
Talk about an athlete, for example along distance runner.
He wants to win the race. He doesnot save his energy. He runs as hardas he can. He keeps going evenwhen it hurts. He looks forward towinning to race.
x Apply
• How will you give everything inworship to God?
• How will you run better the raceGod has set?
• Are you looking expectantly to theday when Jesus will return?
• What action do you need to takeso that your life is more likePaul’s?
Check your PLAN section for ideasabout how to challenge your hearers tochange—believers and unbelievers.
b End
You only have one life. You do notknow how long your life will be.Make sure you live it completely forJesus!
You may know a song on this topic—for example “Fight the good fight”.
R Pray
Pray for God to help your hearers to bemore excited about Jesus’ secondcoming!
Pray for God to help your hearers giveeverything to follow Jesus because ofwhat you taught them.
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k Background
• Paul usually ends his letters with alist of names. Why, do you think?
• Read through the whole letter. Whatare the main points you have seen inthis letter?
• Read 4:9-22. How do these verses fitwith the main points of the wholeletter?
Paul sends greetings to particularpeople and makes some requests.These names remind us that thisletter was written to real people in areal church! These verses are muchmore than a list of names. Theyremind us again of the main pointof the letter: keep going, faithfullyspeaking and living the truth. Willyou run away like Demas or befaithful like Timothy? Will youbring hurt and harm to the churchlike Alexander—or bring help likeMark?
r Read
Read verses 9-22.
Go through verse by verse. Read eachverse and say everything that happensin your own words.
s Understand
• Write a list of the names. Next toeach name write what Paul saysabout each person.
• What else do you know about thepeople mentioned?
Read verses 9-13 again.
• What do you learn about Paul fromthese verses?
• Why did Demas desert and leavePaul?
• Why is it surprising that Paul wantsMark to come? (Acts 15:36-41)
Paul is almost alone. Some friendshave left him for bad reasons:Demas served with Paul in Colosse(Colossians 4:14) but he has left theteam. He put his own interestsbefore God’s. Other friends have leftPaul for good reasons: Titus is theman who receives the next letter inthe Bible. Paul sent him andTimothy to help churches in need.
Luke is the only friend with Paul.Luke travelled a lot with Paul. Hewrote “Luke” and “Acts”.
Paul asks Timothy to send Mark tobe with him. Many years before,
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Mark found it too hard to be amissionary. Barnabas gave him asecond chance (Acts 15:36-41).Barnabas was right, and Mark thenbecame very useful. He also wrotethe Gospel of Mark!
Read verses 14-15 again.
• What do we learn about Alexander?• How does Paul respond to him?
In verse 13 we read that Paul leftTroas in a hurry. He left all his booksthere. It is possible that Alexanderwas the reason for the hurry toleave. It is also possible he is one ofthe men mentioned in Acts 19:23-41who caused trouble for the churchat Ephesus. Paul warns Timothyabout him, and leaves him to Godto sort out.
Read verses 16-18 again.
• What happened to Paul?• Who encouraged Paul?
We do not know which court trialPaul refers to. It may be onerecorded towards the end of Acts.
All his friends left him. Jesus didnot!
Read verses 19-22 again.
• Why is it important to see that Pauldid not heal Trophimus?
• What is the prayer in verse 22?
Paul was an apostle, but even hecannot heal everyone! RememberGod does not often heal peopleusing a miracle! We depend onGod’s grace (v22). The final wordsshould be our daily prayer for eachother.
X Find the main point
• There are lots of things in theseverses! What is the main thing?
• It is the last section of the letter.What do you want your hearers to dobecause you have preached through 2 Timothy?
For example, your Main Point couldbe: Will you stay and help God’speople? Or will you leave and live foryourself? Jesus never leaves his people.
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X Main point
Write the MAIN POINT at the topof your paper. This will help you toplan a good message.
It will be something like this: Willyou stay and help God’s people? Orwill you leave and live for yourself?Jesus never leaves His people.
I Sub-points
Think how you will break thepassage in your talk or sermon.
• How many sub-points will you have?
There are a lot of people mentionedin these verses. It is too much totalk about all of them. Your hearerswill get very confused!
You could pick three people, andtalk about them.
You could think about the groupsof people that are mentioned.
For example:
Friends who left Paul• Demas—put his interests before
God’s.• Crescens, Titus and Tychicus—went
to help other churches
Friends who helped Paul• Luke—stayed with him over many
• Mark—was helpful to him manytimes.
Jesus was with Paul• Alexander caused great hurt and did
a lot of harm to the church.• Many people left Paul when he
needed help.• Jesus was with Paul, and he is with
his people today!
Think of a heading for each sub-point. Remember that you do notonly want to talk about Paul’sfriends, but apply it to your hearers.
For example:1. The pain of friends who leave.2. The blessing of friends who work
together.3. The help that only Jesus can give.
Check that your sub-points explainyour main point.
w Illustrate
Paul knew these people very well.To help your hearers, it is good totalk about people they know well.
• Think of someone who was a realblessing to the church but has nowgone. Perhaps they moved away ordied.
• Think of someone like Demas whowas in the church before, but hasleft and is not walking with God.
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• Think of someone who is a hardworker in the church and who helpseveryone. Make sure it is someonewho is a mature believer if youmention them by name.
s Apply
• What tempts your hearers to leavethe church? Think how you canencourage and challenge them.
• What help can your hearers giveeach other day by day to followJesus?
• What can we do when people failus? (v16-18)
• Encourage your hearers by tellingthem that Jesus will never leave his
people nor forsake them (verse 17,22—see also Hebrews 13:5-8).
• Churches must warn other churchesabout false teachers they know.
c Review
Before you teach, check what youprepared:• Is the main point clear?• Do you show what the Bible teaches
in THAT passage?• Do you have a clear flow to your
talk, so people can follow what yousay?
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f Start
These verses mention seventeenpeople! The whole letter is aboutbeing faithful. These versesintroduce us to lots of people. Somewere faithful. Some were not. Whichone of these people are you like?
v Explain
Use your sub-points to explain what theverses say.
1. The pain of friends wholeave (v9,16)Paul felt alone in prison. He missedhis friends. Some had gone becausethey were doing good work in otherplaces (Crescens, Titus, Tychicus).One was sick (Trophimus). It seemsOnesiphorus had died.
Who do you miss? (See “Illustrate” inyour PLAN section.) It is good to behonest when we are sad. It is goodto know that believers who havedied are with Jesus!
Other friends of Paul ran away (v 9,16). Demas put his own interestsbefore God’s. He loved and lived forthis world. He forgot the world tocome. It is very sad when peoplestop following Jesus.
Have you stopped following Jesus?Do you love “the world” more thanGod and his people? Do you need tocome back to God?
Who do you need to pray will comeback to God? Who worked with youbefore, but does not now?
2. The blessing of friends whowork together (v9,11)Paul did not work alone. He alwayshad a team. It is so important thatwe work in teams. It is good for us,and good for other people!
Luke was a faithful friend (v11). InActs, Luke tells how far he travelledwith Paul, and how dangerous itwas. At the end of Paul’s life, Luke isstill with him. Timothy was anothermember of the team (v 9).
Mark found serving God hard atfirst, but then he became very useful(v11, Acts 15:36-41). God can makeus useful again when we turn backto him after failure.
Serving God must be done as part ofa team. Are you working with othersor working on your own? Who canyou ask to help you in yourministry? If you have no-one towork with, pray and look forsomeone!
3. The help that only Jesus cangive (v17-18)Alexander caused Paul great hurtand harm by opposing his message.
Paul remembers when he was introuble because he preached the
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gospel. Everyone left him. But Jesuswas with him! The Lord does notalways remove the problems. Goddoes not always deliver believers inthe way we want. But God willalways give his people the strengththey need so they can stand firm,and be faithful.
Paul says he was rescued from “thelion’s mouth” or “being sentencedto death”. He means danger, not areal lion! Daniel really was rescuedfrom lions (Daniel 6). The Lord waswith him!
Paul prays for Timothy as hefinishes the letter. He says: “TheLord be with your spirit”. This ismost wonderful encouragement! Ifwe are believers, we are never onour own. Other people may failus—but Jesus never will. Otherpeople may be unfaithful—but Jesusnever will. He has promised: “Neverwill I leave you; never will I forsake(or abandon) you” (Hebrews 13:5).
x Apply
Ask your hearers: Which one of thesepeople are you like? Are you afaithful friend?
Have you stopped following Jesus?Turn back to God today. He willforgive you!
Are you facing a lonely, hard time?Jesus is with you, and will help you.
Are you working hard with others todo God’s work?
Have you never really followedJesus? If not, start today! Say sorryfrom your heart to God for thewrong things you have done. Turnaway from the wrong direction ofyour life. Thank God that Jesus diedon the cross so you can be forgiven.Ask God to help you live your lifeonly for him, putting him first ineverything.
b End
Give your hearers time to respond. Youcould have a time of prayer. They canpray about what they have heard. Youcould read some of the “Apply”questions again to help them reflectand pray.
If you are faithfully following Jesus,the Lord is with you and he willnever leave you!
R Pray
Ask God to help your hearers who arenot true Christians to begin to followJesus today.
Ask God to make you and your hearersmore faithful in following Jesus becauseof what they heard from 2 Timothy.
P TEACH: 2 Timothy 4:9-22
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You have finished teaching 2Timothy! There are 13 messages. Ifyou preached one each week, it hastaken you three months or more!
It is good to look back over thewhole letter. You could preach onemore sermon to remind yourhearers of the main lessons. Youcould ask them what things theylearned. You could talk about whatneeds to change in their lives and inthe church, because God has spokento you through 2 Timothy.
Read through the whole letter:• What are the main points you
have seen in this letter?
• What does Paul want Timothy todo in the church at Ephesus?
• What does God want you to do inyour church?
2 Timothy is a letter that encouragesus to keep going when it is hard. Itshows us the right way, and how wecan keep going in a faithful way. Itteaches believers how we can helpeach other.
In “About the book of 2 Timothy”(page 17) this was the outline of 2 Timothy we began with:
1:1-7 Introduction: God has calledyou to teach his word!
1:8-18 Guard God’s word even if itmeans suffering
2:1-26 Teach God’s word even if itmeans suffering
3:1-17 Live God’s word even if itmeans suffering
4:1-22 Preach God’s word even if itmeans suffering
You could use the headings as thesub-points in a final sermon or talkfrom 2 Timothy.
Find a verse that reminds yourhearers of the main point of eachsection. For example:
Guard and keep God’s word—1:13
Teach and pass on God’s word—2:2
Live and obey God’s word—3:14
Preach and tell out God’s word—4:2
Paul says a lot about suffering. Finda verse in each section where Paultalks about suffering. For example:1:8; 2:9; 3:12; 4:5.
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Why does Paul talk so much aboutsuffering?
Why were Paul, Timothy and thechurch at Ephesus suffering?
The outline below is a goodsummary for you. You can also useit as a summary sermon.
Introduction (1:1-7)
Paul is in prison in Rome for hisfaith. Paul may be killed at anytime. Timothy has some problemsto put right in the church atEphesus. Paul writes to encouragehim to keep going and never giveup. Paul starts by remindingTimothy that they were both calledby God to serve him (1:1 and 1:6).
It will be hard to serve God, butGod called Timothy and he willhelp him (1:7).
Timothy was given the gift ofpreaching. He was called by God toteach the truth, God’s truth. Thewhole letter is about being faithfulto the truth.
In 2 Timothy we learn that afaithful church or a faithfulpreacher:
keeps to the truth of the Bible.
helps and trains people to study theBible.
lives by the truth of the Bible.
preaches the whole message of theBible.
Are these seen in your life and yourchurch?
Guard God’s word even if itmeans suffering (1:8-18)
2 Timothy 1:13 says: “Hold firmly tothe true words that I taught you”(GNT). Verse 14 says: “Keep (or“guard”) the good things that havebeen entrusted to you” (GNT).
God’s people have the message ofJesus to look after. We take care of itby only teaching what the Biblesays. We lose it, or spoil it, when weteach it wrongly—or add to it.
If someone gives you some seeds tolook after but you cut them up, theywill not grow. In the same way, ifyou change God’s message, it willnot do its work.
This is very important. We need thehelp of the Holy Spirit (v14).
There are always people who will beagainst the message. They do notlike hearing about Jesus. They donot want to hear that their religionis wrong.
Many Christians are attackedbecause they speak about Jesus.
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Pastors are put in prison. Churchbuildings are burned down. Wemight be tempted to stop talkingabout Jesus or change the messageof Jesus so that we do not get hurt.Paul says to Timothy in 1:8: “Do notbe ashamed to tell people about ourLord Jesus” (New Century Version).
The true message about Jesus is thegreatest message in the world. It isthe most life-changing message. It isthe message of how Jesus defeateddeath. It is the message of how Jesusdied and rose to give free eternal life(v10).
It is the greatest message because itis about the greatest person, who wecan trust—Jesus (v12).
To be faithful we must guard God’sword. We must keep to God’smessage and never change it.
Teach God’s word even if itmeans suffering (2:1-26)
In chapter 2 verse 2 Paul says:“Entrust [the teachings] to reliablepeople, who will be able to teachothers also” (GNT).
Timothy must find good people inthe church who he can teach theBible to. Not only for half an houron a Sunday, but for hours andhours. When these peopleunderstood the message clearly, they
must find other people who theyteach the Bible to. The messagemust be passed on.
Teaching and studying the Bible ishard work. Paul uses three pictures(2:4-6). In each picture there issomething hard or difficult. Asoldier must do what he is told,even when it is hard. An athletemust keep the rules, even when hisbody hurts. A farmer must worknight and day, even when theweather is bad. Timothy must workhard to train others to teach theBible (2:2-7).
A church needs many teachers.Some will teach the whole church.Others will teach children or smallgroups. Some will be sent asmissionaries to other towns orcountries. Teaching God’s wordrequires hard work and training. It isnot easy. Not everyone can do it.
A Bible teacher must work very hardto study the Bible. He must makesure that he listens carefully to theBible and does not listen to wrongteaching (2:13-16).
A Bible teacher who is useful toJesus must live a clean life. He mustmake sure he does what Jesus says aswell as teach what Jesus says. Hemust teach carefully and kindly(2:22-26).
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Live God’s word even if itmeans suffering (3:1-17)
Chapter 3:14 says: “Continue in thetruths you were taught” (GNT). Paulsays that evil people will live badlives but that Timothy must“continue in the truth”. Believersmust live godly lives (3:12-14).
Many people live selfishly. They livefor money, things, and themselves.They are unkind and unholy. Theydo not love God. They do not lovetheir families. They do not lovetheir neighbours. They live forpleasure. They say they love God,but their lives show that they donot (3:1-5).
Some false teachers say: “If we haveenough faith, we will not suffer andwe will be rich”. They are wrong.The Bible says if we are living God’sway, then we will suffer (3:12)!
Living for God means not living forourselves; living for others, not formoney. God’s word teaches us howwe must live. It shows us what isright; what is wrong; how to go theright way; how to turn from wrongways (3:16).
God’s people must teach all of theBible. God’s people must also obeyall of the Bible.
If you say to your neighbour thatyou love your children but are crueland unkind to them, yourneighbour will not believe you. Ifyou say that you love God but youare selfish and unkind, the Biblesays you are a liar (1 John 4:20).
Sometimes it is hard to do what isright—but if we love God, we willwant to do right.
Preach God’s word even if itmeans suffering (4:1-22).
Chapter 4:2 says: “Preach the word”(or “the message”).
God’s word is the most importantmessage. People will not becomeChristians if they do not hear andbelieve the message. Christians willnot become more like Jesus if theydo not hear and believe themessage.
When we are at church meetings,Jesus is there too! Jesus listens as hisword is spoken. He will be very sadif his words are left out or arespoken wrongly. He will havesomething serious to say to thepreacher on the day of judgment(4:1)!
Some people do not want to hearsermons. They do not like themessage about sin, the cross, andhell. They do not want to hear that
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they cannot save themselves. Theydo not want to repent. They do notwant to suffer for Jesus. They do notwant to hear messages that tell themthey are wrong. But the preachermust keep telling them God’s word(4:2-5).
It will be hard for the preacher. It islike running a very long race. Aftermany miles your body hurts. Youwant to stop, but you are not at theend. If you want to win you mustkeep going. In the same way,preachers and teachers must keepspeaking God’s word even whenpeople do not want to listen. Theymust remember that what Jesus saysto them is more important thanwhat people say to them. That iswhat Paul did (4:6-8).
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The message of the Bible is themessage about Jesus (1:8-12)• Who is Jesus?• What has Jesus done?• How should we respond to him?
The Holy Spirit will help you (1:14)• What parts of the message of the Bible
are you tempted to keep quiet about?• Do you depend on the Holy Spirit to help
you to keep to the truth about Jesus?
Suffer for Jesus (1:8)• Paul was in prison because he spoke
about Jesus. Many Christians around theworld today are persecuted because theyare Christians. Do you pray for them?How can you help them? Are you readyto suffer as well?
• If you suffer because you love Jesus,remember that Jesus is with you. He willlook after you, even through death. Jesuswill bring you to heaven to be with him.He is faithful (1:12).
Across the world, people need moreBible teachers (2:2)• Are there people in your church who are
trained to teach others? Pray for this to
happen more. Pray that God will sendpeople from your church to take themessage of Jesus to people who havenever heard of Jesus.
Bible teaching is hard work (2:15)• Paul says those who teach the Bible must
work hard. How can you apply this topeople in your church: Sunday Schoolteachers, youth leaders, women’s groupleaders?
Using bad words is very wrong (2:14-16)• Think about the examples of sinful words
that Paul gives (quarrelling, talking aboutwrong and sinful things, gossiping, lying).Do you need to stop using bad words?
• Think of other examples of dangerouswords: sorcery, witchcraft, swearing,arguing.
• What words that do not please God doyou need to stop using?
To be useful to Jesus we must live cleanlives (2:20-22) • What impure, wrong actions and
thoughts do you need to repent of?
Only God can help people to reallyunderstand the message (2:25) • Do you pray every day for those who
speak God’s word?
E: Lessons from 2 TimothyIt is important to take lessons from God’s word into our lives. It will help yourpeople to discuss these in groups and pray about them. You can use thequestions after you finish all your talks on 2 Timothy. Or you may want to usethem after each chapter. You could use them in a midweek group, a ladies’group or men’s group.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
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• Do you pray for those who hear God’sword?
The Bible is God’s word. It is wise, to betrusted, and right (3:16-17)• How can you spend more time reading or
hearing the Bible? What is it that stopsyou from doing this?
Believers will suffer for Jesus (3:12) • Are you willing to suffer? Are you ready
to be different from other people in yourvillage or town because you follow Jesus?
Believers must live God’s way (3:10-12)• What wrong, sinful practices are there in
your village or town, which the Bible saysare wrong (read 3:1-5)?
• Will you turn from wrong practices andlive God’s way?
Preach the word (4:2)• The most important thing in our church
meetings and fellowship groups is to hearthe Bible preached.
• How can you encourage those who speakGod’s word?
• Pray that those who speak God’s wordwill only say what God wants them to say.
• How carefully do you listen to God’sword?
One day Jesus will appear (4:1 and 4:8)• Jesus will come in power and majesty.
Jesus will come to judge the world. Whatdifference does knowing this make to theway you live?
Christians are never alone (4:17)• If you are a suffering believer, remember
that Jesus is with you even if you feelalone.
• Remember that Jesus will bring you safelyinto his heavenly kingdom (4:18).
• Who can you encourage with thesetruths?
What next?Did you find this book helped you to preachand teach God’s word? If so, use the samepattern whatever part of the Bible youpreach or teach!
Remember it is:STUDY Pray ! Background ! Read !
Understand ! Find the Main Point PLAN Main Point ! Sub-points !
Illustrate ! Apply ! ReviewTEACH Start ! Explain ! Illustrate
! Apply! End ! Pray
Keep the Section A of this book open byyou as you prepare your next message. Youwill see that these steps will help you teachGod’s word.
Remember, 2 Timothy 2:15 says: “Workhard so you can present yourself to Godand receive his approval. Be a good worker,one who does not need to be ashamed andwho correctly explains the word of truth”(NLT).
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
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