Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (2024)

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  • Irada Hasanova

    CEO @ Unibroad | Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

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    The fight for gender equality takes many forms. While some regions advocate for #inclusive language, women in others face a more fundamental issue: the normalization of #violence against women. The mistreatment of #women, including both physical and emotional #abuse, has a long #history of being trivialized. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.Shame should never belong to the #victim. Silence only empowers abusers. But the 21st century offers a powerful #weapon: the internet. It allows us to #connect, #share experiences, and build a #globalcommunity of support.This problem isn't confined to distant #cultures or bygone eras. It can affect the women closest to us – our friends, neighbors, and even our own family members. By openly discussing this issue, we can send a clear message: no form of abuse is acceptable in the 21st century.#WHO #womenempowerment #support #genderequality


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  • Irada Hasanova

    CEO @ Unibroad | Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

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    Thrilled to reconnect with two incredible advocates for intercultural exchange and tolerance Jannah Scott and Ismat Jahan, at the 6th World Intercultural Dialogue Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan! Their passion and commitment for fostering understanding and collaboration across cultures (and religions!!) is truly inspiring. The 6th World Intercultural Dialogue Forum in Baku is a gathering of minds from around the globe, dedicated to promoting dialogue and cooperation among diverse cultures.P.S. And as they say, the fast selfies are the most precious ones! 📸 #InterculturalForum #Baku #Azerbaijan #callforpeace #religiousfreedom

    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (5)


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    For those who know me online, I typically stick to professional content. But a crisis in my home region of Central Asia demands I break that silence. I've been following the horrific case of Saltanat Nukenova, a young woman from Central Asia brutally murdered by her ex-husband (former minister of Economy of Kazakhstan). The silence on domestic violence in this region is deafening, and Saltanat's story is a stark reminder of the danger women face.What makes this case even more agonizing are the disturbing reports that the legal system seems to be failing Saltanat. Allegations that the perpetrator, caught on camera brutally beating her, might escape justice add insult to a gaping wound.Domestic violence, a silent pandemic, suffocates our communities. Deep-rooted traditions and weak legal protections leave women especially vulnerable.But Saltanat's tragedy is just the tip of the iceberg. The real numbers are horrifying, with countless stories happening behind closed doors. This is happening today, in the 21st century.Imagine living in constant fear, with the legal system potentially failing you. We must stand together, demanding stricter laws, empowering women, and dismantling the structures that perpetuate violence.But change starts at home. We need to have those hard conversations, explain to our children that violence is never, ever the answer. In their innocent eyes lies the hope for a future where women in Central Asia (AND NOT ONLY!) are safe, respected, and free from fear.Here's the root of the problem:High Prevalence: Up to half of men and a third of women in Central Asia believe wife-beating is acceptable.Inadequate Laws: Domestic violence is often treated as a family matter, not a crime.Social Stigma: Fear and shame prevent victims from reporting abuse.Alleged Bias in the Legal System: Reports suggest Saltanat Nukenova's case may not deliver justice, highlighting a potential lack of fairness for victims.This is a stain on our 21st century. Saltanat's memory deserves more.

    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (10)



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  • Irada Hasanova

    CEO @ Unibroad | Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

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    Bu paylaşımı öz doğma dilimdə, Azərbaycan dilində yazmaq istədim.Hamımız bilirik kı, Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti 1918-ci ildə Şərqdə ilk dəfə qadına səsvermə imkanı vermiş oldu. Azərbaycan xanımları heç vaxt heç bir sahədə kişilərdən ayrılmırdı.Unibroad artıq bir neçə ildir fəaliyyət göstərir. Ve ilk gündən o, Azərbaycanlı bir startap kimi çıxış edirdi.Bu gün, bir Azərbaycanlı komandasının sayəsində, xarici universitetə qəbul olmaq, təqaüd almaq və dərsə başlamaq çox asan və ödənişsizdir.Unibroad-un gələcəkdə harada və neçə ofisin açmasına baxmayaraq, bu şirkət həmişə Azərbaycanı və Azərbaycan xalqını təmsil edəcək!!#Azerbaijan #Vetenim


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  • Irada Hasanova

    CEO @ Unibroad | Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

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    It took me four days to gather my thoughts to write this post, so fasten your seatbelts because this flight might get a bit turbulent. ✈️Unibroad has been in the game for two years now, and let me tell you, these two years haven't been a walk in the park – both as a #startup owner and as a person.I used to believe that adulthood hit you at 18, but I was wrong. It's not about the age; it's about the challenges life throws your way – professionally and personally. It's about how you handle those challenges, how you separate your personal struggles from your work, and how you keep pushing forward.These past two years have been a rollercoaster ride, to say the least. I've had countless meetings (maybe even hundreds) where I've pitched my idea, trying to convince people that our business can make a real difference while still being profitable. Some praised the concept but doubted its technical feasibility. Others questioned its credibility, preferring traditional methods over our platform. But despite the skeptics, we persevered. And yes, there were and still are those who share my #vision, who see the #potential of Unibroad in the #EdTech sector. And we made it happen.I am incredibly proud to announce that Unibroad is now part of the DOHE GLOBAL family. I am grateful that they recognized our progress, saw our potential, and believed in our #success.I've learned that not everyone will understand or appreciate your journey, but that doesn't diminish your worth. It simply means you haven't crossed paths with the right people yet.Our first encounter with DOHE in #London at Bett Global was quite unexpected, to be honest. But as they say, you never know what unexpected meetings can bring.After rounds of interviews and discussions, here I am, sharing this exciting news. It goes to show that even when you're at your lowest, there's always a glimmer of hope waiting to be discovered. P.S. London, who knew you had such a secret superpower for nurturing startups? Thanks for helping Unibroad take flight!

    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (19)
    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (20)
    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (21)



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  • Irada Hasanova

    CEO @ Unibroad | Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

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    Here's the photo I promised Qaiser! :)From right to left: Meet Jannah Scott, a former Deputy Director at the Center for Faith-Based and #Neighborhood #Partnerships in the U.S. Department of #Homeland Security during President Obama’s administration. Today, she leads the American Center for #Religious #Freedom, and I am honored to call her my spiritual mother as she has known me for over 10 years. Next to her is the good-humored gentleman Qaiser NAWAB who bravely withstood my barrage of sarcastic jokes throughout our dinner. (Funny thing, we were supposed to meet the day after with Qaiser but ended up sharing a table and laughs a bit early. It felt so natural and at ease. The vibe was just right, blending deep dives into life’s big questions with my brand of humor (that’s not everyone’s cup of coffee but thankfully was theirs :)) .A heartfelt thank you to Jannah for her wisdom and guidance, and to my dinner companion for his great spirit and friendship. This photo not only captures a memorable evening but also the beauty of unexpected meetings and the bonds they create!

    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (26)



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  • Irada Hasanova

    CEO @ Unibroad | Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

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    At the heart of what we do is something really close to my #heart: reaching out and helping as many #students as we can. This is all about more than just education; it's about believing in #dreams, guiding #potential, and making a real #difference in lives. I know it might sound like a big dream to some—breaking down all those #financial #barriers that stand in the way of #education. But honestly? I believe with all my heart that we'll see it happen one day. We're on a #mission to bring in more #scholarships and show that education should be about desire and #dedication, not #dollars. Sure, it's a big goal, but we've never been more ready to tackle it. Together, I hope we'll turn this dream into a #reality, one student, one scholarship at a time. Here's to making education accessible to all, because when there's a will, there's a way!#Dreambig #EducationForEveryone #Scholarship


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  • Irada Hasanova

    CEO @ Unibroad | Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

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    Breaking away from my usual work-focused updates, I felt a pull to share a snippet from a more personal chapter today. 😄 So here it is: me, landing a cozy spot right in the middle of a snow blanket. Despite the cold sneaking up on me and my clothes getting a friendly hug from the snow, I couldn't stop smiling. That moment? Pure magic. It reminded me that it's the simple things, like a spontaneous snow sit, that make life extra special. So, a gentle nudge from me to you: embrace those unexpected, joyful moments. They're the ones that really matter. And if you ever find yourself getting a cold bum in the snow, just laugh it off and keep that smile going. Life’s too short not to. 🫶🏽

    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (32)



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  • Irada Hasanova

    CEO @ Unibroad | Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

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    Amidst the hustle and bustle of my recent travels, there was one destination that touched me in a deeply personal way: Tashkent, #Uzbekistan. As a native of Central #Asia, this trip wasn't just about #business—it was a deeply personal #journey that touched the very core of my being.Stepping out of the airport in #Tashkent, it felt like I was coming home after a long absence. Having left my hometown of #Ashgabat at a tender age, the familiarity of the sights overwhelmed me with emotion. It was as if I had rediscovered a piece of my heart that I didn't know was missing.In the midst of my awe, I was taken aback by the biting cold—a stark reminder of the unpredictability of #nature. Yet, even as I shivered, I couldn't help but be captivated by the pristine beauty of the snow-covered landscape. And oh, the joy of indulging in the simple pleasures of life—drinking fragrant green tea and savoring the delicious flavors of Uzbek plov—filled me with a sense of contentment that I haven't felt in years.But beyond the picturesque scenery and delightful cuisine, it was the #connections I made and the genuine #hospitality of the Uzbek people that truly made this journey unforgettable. From heartfelt #conversations to shared laughter, every moment spent in Tashkent felt like a cherished gift.As I sit here penning down these words, I find myself getting emotional, overwhelmed by the flood of memories, emotions and #gratitude. Gratitude for the friendships forged, the memories made, and the overwhelming sense of belonging that I experienced in this beautiful city.If you've never visited Uzbekistan, I encourage you to do so, as this country is a treasure trove of history waiting to be explored. Did you know that Uzbekistan is home to some of the most significant historical #landmarks in the world? For instance, it boasts the honor of housing the first written copy of the #Quran, an invaluable relic that speaks volumes about the country's rich cultural #heritage . Additionally, Uzbekistan holds a special place in history as the birthplace of the legendary conqueror, Amir Timur, commonly known as Tamerlane, whose #legacy continues to fascinate and #inspire to this day. So, if you're eager to delve into the depths of #history and unravel the mysteries of the past, Uzbekistan is undoubtedly a #destination not to be missed.Thank you, Tashkent, for welcoming me with open arms and reminding me of the true meaning of home. Until we meet again.#Unibroad #womenentrepreneurs #business #centralasia #uzbekistan #historymatters #overseaseducation #studyabroad #internationaleducation

    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (37)
    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (38)
    • Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (39)



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Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (43)

Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (44)


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Irada Hasanova on LinkedIn: The time has come for me to take on a new challenge - the MBA at Questrom… (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.