Ge-Tracker Bond (2025)

1. Old school bond - Live price graph OSRS - GE Tracker

  • Old school bond ID: 13190 ; Tax. -134,800 ; GE Limit. 100 ; Approx. Profit (incl. Tax), -1,283,818 (-8.78%) ; High Alch Value, 1,200,000 ; Tags. There are no tags ...

2. Search results for 'bond' - GE Tracker

  • Search results for 'bond' 1 items found. Current price is accurate. Buy/sell prices are approximate and vary based on how often RuneLite updates.

  • New users have a 2-day free premium account to experience all the features of GE Tracker.

3. Search results for 'old school bond' - GE Tracker

4. Old school bond - Grand Exchange - RuneScape

  • Old school bond. This bond can be redeemed for membership. Old school bond. Current Guide Price 12.4m. Today's Change 82.0k + 0%; 1 Month Change - 350.3k - 2% ...

  • This bond can be redeemed for membership.

Old school bond - Grand Exchange - RuneScape

5. [OSRS] Bond in 13 Hours on a New F2P Account - GE Tracker

  • Hey guys, and welcome to my F2P challenge video. Today I am going to be achieving a bond in F2P in only 13 hours. Original Video

  • [03/06/2017] [OSRS] Bond in 13 Hours on a New F2P Account - Oldschool Runescape Money Making Guide Hey guys, and welcome to my F2P challenge video. Today I am going to be achieving a bond in F2P in only 13 hours Original Video

6. Bond - Grand Exchange - RuneScape

  • Help your friends by trading them bonds so they can get membership, Treasure Hunter keys or RuneCoins for free. Bond. Current Guide Price 130.1m. Today's Change ...

  • Help your friends by trading them bonds so they can get membership, Treasure Hunter keys or RuneCoins for free.

Bond - Grand Exchange - RuneScape

7. Logs - Live price graph OSRS - GE Tracker

  • GE Tracker users so far have logged 10,582,540,678.86b profit over 1,614,575 transactions! Unlock Access. Price Alerts. Subscribe for a Premium account ...

  • New users have a 2-day free premium account to experience all the features of GE Tracker.

8. Old school bond - OSRS Wiki

  • An old school bond, commonly referred to as a bond, is an item that allows a player to pay for membership, both for Old School RuneScape and RuneScape 3, ...

  • An old school bond, commonly referred to as a bond, is an item that allows a player to pay for membership, both for Old School RuneScape and RuneScape 3, on their account. Bonds can be purchased from Jagex for real-world money or in RuneScape for in-game money, keeping RuneScape as a free-to-play game. However, bonds are expensive, requiring time to gain enough coins for a player to be able to afford a bond from the Grand Exchange. Bonds can be redeemed in-game for membership or traded with other players for coins or items, providing a means for players to buy membership with in-game items or (indirectly) in-game items with real-world money.

Old school bond - OSRS Wiki

9. OSRS F2P Flipping 2024 - Getting your first Bond - GE Tracker

  • We highly recommend you acquire your first Old School Bond as soon as possible, in order to gain access to P2P (members) servers.

10. OSRS GE Tracker - Live GE Prices for Old School Runescape

  • The OSRS GE Tracker is a completely free alternative to other GE tools on the market to help you maximize GP per hour with fast, profitable trades.

OSRS GE Tracker - Live GE Prices for Old School Runescape

11. Why Are Bonds Skyrocketing In Price? November Market Analysis ...

  • I will also be doing a market analysis for the month of november. I am going to be looking at some general item trends with the new ge tracker index page. I ...

  • [02/12/2017] Why Are Bonds Skyrocketing In Price? November Market Analysis for Oldschool Runescape [OSRS] Hey guys, I have had a few comments asking why bonds are so expensive right now. This is why I think bonds are skyrocketing in price. This is of...

Ge-Tracker Bond (2025)


How many days of membership do bonds give? ›

At any time, whether tradeable or untradeable, a player can redeem one or more of their bonds for membership: 14 days for 1 bond. 29 days for 2 bonds (1 day extra compared to 2 bonds separately redeemed) 45 days for 3 bonds (3 days extra compared to 3 bonds separately redeemed)

How to access bond pouch? ›

  1. Log in to game.
  2. Open Account settings >
  3. Press "Bond Pouch" to open your Bond pouch.
  4. Press "View Your Bonds"

Can you sell bonds on GE? ›

Tradeable bonds may be traded to other players and sold on the Grand Exchange. However, when the transaction is complete, the bond will become untradeable.

Can you buy osrs bonds with real money? ›

Player A purchases a Bond from the Billing Page for real money. The bond can then be sold on, given away or consumed.

How long does it take to get paid from a bond? ›

When you cash your bonds online, the cash generally transfers to your checking or savings account within two business days of the request.

How long does it take for bonds to be redeemed? ›

EE and I Bonds must be held for 12 months from their issue date before they can be redeemed. Can electronic EE and I Bonds be converted to paper bonds, if desired? No. Electronic EE and I Bonds may not be converted to paper bonds.

How many bonds does GE have? ›

Germanium has four valence electrons, which means it can form four covalent bonds.

How long does a bond last? ›

Surety bonds, at a minimum, usually last one year, but it isn't uncommon for them to last several years from the issuing date. Also, if you're being issued several types of surety bonds, they may not all expire at the same time. Your performance bond and payment bonds could expire months, if not years apart.

Can you sell your bonds at any time? ›

You can get your cash for an EE or I savings bond any time after you have owned it for 1 year. However, the longer you hold the bond, the more it earns for you (for up to 30 years for an EE or I bond). Also, if you cash in the bond in less than 5 years, you lose the last 3 months of interest.

Can ironmen buy bonds from GE? ›

Ironmen and bonds

They can also turn untradeable bonds into tradeable bonds, but ironmen cannot use bonds on any other players. Ironmen are able to buy bonds from the Grand Exchange, which disallows them from buying or selling any other item via a unique interface.

Can your OSRS account get banned for buying gold? ›

No, real-world trading (RWT) is strictly prohibited in OSRS. Jagex, the company behind RuneScape, has a zero-tolerance policy for RWT. Engaging in RWT activities, such as buying or selling OSRS gold for real-world currency, is against the game's rules and can result in severe consequences, including account bans.

Why are bonds so expensive? ›

As with any free-market economy, bond prices are affected by supply and demand. Bonds are issued initially at par value, or $100. 1 In the secondary market, a bond's price can fluctuate. The most influential factors that affect a bond's price are yield, prevailing interest rates, and the bond's rating.

Are bonds paid every 6 months? ›

Bonds are long-term securities that mature in 20 or 30 years. Notes are relatively short or medium-term securities that mature in 2, 3, 5, 7, or 10 years. Both bonds and notes pay interest every six months.

How many days does it take for bonds to settle? ›

Today, a transaction is electronically processed in less time. Most stocks and bonds settle one business day after the transaction date, as set by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 1 This window, known as T+1, was previously T+2, meaning it took two business days to settle a transaction.

How long do bonds earn interest for? ›

Savings bonds earn interest until they reach "maturity," which is generally 20-30 years, depending on the type purchased. If a bond is held past its maturity, the federal government remains responsible for the debt.

How often do bond holders get paid? ›

A bond's coupon—or annual interest—is generally paid out semiannually. The coupon is set at issuance and tied to a bond's face or par value. It's quoted as a percentage of par. For instance, a bond with a par value of $1,000 and an annual interest rate of 4.5 percent has a coupon rate of 4.5 percent ($45).

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.