Correspondence Files of Special Collections, University of Virginia Library 1931-1990s (2024)

  • Box A28-7A

    Adams papers 1967

  • Box A28-7A

    Akerman, Amos Tappan

  • Box A28-7A

    Alarm System 1980-1990

  • Box A28-7A

    Albemarle County records

  • Box A28-7A

    American Rhododendron Society

  • Box A28-7A

    Anderson, Ellen Graham

  • Box A28-7A

    Annual Reports - University Archives 1976-1986

  • Box A28-7A

    Annual Reports - Technical Services Section 1973-1984

  • Box A29-12J

    A Misc. - Field Archivist's Papers

  • Box A29-12J

    A Misc.

  • Box A29-12J

    Anderson, William A.

  • Box A29-12J

    American Literary Manuscripts

  • Box A29-12K

    Adair, Douglass (see also World Turned Upside Down)

  • Box A29-12K

    Adams Family - Lists of holdings

  • Box A29-12K

    Adams Family

  • Box A29-12K

    Adams, John Quincy

  • Box A29-12K

    Adams, Tom

  • Box A29-12K

    Affleck, Charles J.

  • Box A29-12K

    Albemarle Pippen

  • Box A29-12K

    Albemarle County - Black Citizens

  • Box A29-12K

    Alden, John 1952-1955

  • Box A29-12K

    Alderman, Edwin

  • Box A29-12K

    Alexandria Imprints

  • Box A29-12K

    American Council of Learned Societies

  • Box A29-12K

    American Imprints - Inventory (see also Sondley Library)

  • Box A29-12K

    Amherst County Virginia

  • Box A29-12K

    Ammon, Harry

  • Box A29-12K

    Andrews, Matthew Page

  • Box A29-12K

    Anthony, Emma G.

  • Box A29-12K

    Applacian Trail Club

  • Box A28-7B

    Annual Reports - MSS dept. 1958-1987

  • Box A28-7B

    Annual Reports - Public Services section 1970-1986

  • Box A28-7B

    Annual Reports - Asst. Curator 1975-1985

  • Box A28-7B

    Annual Reports - MSS Cataloguer 1970-1985

  • Box A28-7B

    Annual Reports - Field Archivist

  • Box A28-7B

    Appraisals - General

  • Box A28-7B

    Appraisals 1965-1969

  • Box A28-7C

    Appraisals 1970-1980

  • Box A28-7D

    Appraisals 1981-1989

  • Box A28-7D

    Appraisals - Policy Review 1988-1989

  • Box A28-7E

    Architectural Records

  • Box A28-7E

    Araldi Manuscripts

  • Box A28-7E

    Archives - Alderman Library 50th anniv.

  • Box A28-7E

    Archives - Morea lawsuit

  • Box A28-7E

    Arnold, Matthew

  • Box A28-7E

    Art Commission

  • Box A28-7E

    Art Index - pavilions, etc.

  • Box A28-7E

    Art Objects inventory

  • Box A28-7E

    Arts Festival

  • Box A28-7E

    Arts Council of Great Britain

  • Box A28-7F

    Ashby, Gen. Turner

  • Box A28-7F

    Ash Lawn

  • Box A28-7F

    Associated Press - photos

  • Box A28-7F

    Associates of the University of Virginia Library 1978-1990

  • Box A28-7F

    Associates of the University of Virginia Library - Board Minutes (1987- )

  • Box A28-7F

    Associates of the University of Virginia Library - Financial Reports (1988- )

  • Box A28-7F

    Association of Research Libraries - Survey on Special Collections

  • Box A28-7F

    Association of Southeastern Research Libraries

  • Box A28-7F

    Astor, Nancy

  • Box A28-7F

    Atkinson-Chamberlayne, Mrs. Anne

  • Box A28-7F

    Atkinson, Roger

  • Box A28-7G

    Auchincloss, Louis S.

  • Box A28-7G

    Auden, W. H. (see also James, Henry)

  • Box A28-7G


  • Box A28-7G

    Augusta County

  • Box A28-7G

    Aylett, William

  • Box A28-7G

    B misc. 1956-1970

  • Box A28-7H

    B misc. 1931-1955

  • Box A28-7I

    B misc. 1971-1987

  • Box A28-7J

    B misc. 1988-1989

  • Box A28-7K

    Babb, James T.

  • Box A28-7K

    Baber, Mrs. Charles G.

  • Box A28-7K

    Backwoods Press

  • Box A28-7K

    Bacon, Francis (see also Machiavels)

  • Box A28-7K

    Bacon's Rebellion (see also Firestone, Harry)

  • Box A28-7K

    Baer, Elizabeth

  • Box A28-7K

    Bagby, Ellen

  • Box A28-7K

    Bahn, Gilbert S.

  • Box A28-7K

    Balch Family papers

  • Box A28-7K

    Bailey, Whitman

  • Box A28-7K

    Baird, Mrs. Charles

  • Box A28-7K

    Bakeless, John

  • Box A28-7K

    Baker, Carlos / Peters Rushton Seminar

  • Box A28-7K

    Baker, James B.

  • Box A28-7K

    Bakken, Douglas A.

  • Box A28-7K

    Balch, Emily Clarck

  • Box A28-7K

    Ball, Mrs. James M., Jr.

  • Box A28-7K

    Balloch, W.W.

  • Box A28-7K

    Balmain, Alexander

  • Box A28-7K

    Balz, Albert George Adams

  • Box A28-7L

    Bane, Frank

  • Box A28-7L

    Banister, John

  • Box A28-7L

    Bankes mss

  • Box A28-7L

    Banta, R.E.

  • Box A28-7L

    Bantz Papers

  • Box A28-7L

    Baptist Associations

  • Box A28-7L


  • Box A28-7L

    Barbee, David Rankin

  • Box A28-7L

    Barbour Papers

  • Box A28-7L

    Barbour, Philip P. - papers

  • Box A28-7L

    Barclay, Julius

  • Box A28-7L

    Bardin, James Cook

  • Box A28-7L

    Barker, T.C.

  • Box A28-7L

    Barksdale, Edward & Garland

  • Box A28-7L

    Barlow, Joel

  • Box A28-7L

    Barr, Stringfellow

  • Box A28-7L


  • Box A28-7L

    Barrett, Clifton Waller - mss from Newberry Library

  • Box A28-7L

    Barrett, Clifton Waller

  • Box A28-7L

    Barrett, Clifton Waller - bills

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrett, Clifton Waller 1941-1956, 1978-1989

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrett, Clifton Waller - original clippings

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrett, Clifton Waller - 90th birthday

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrett Collections - outdated procedures

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrett Library materials - processing

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrett Library - catalogue

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrett Library - prints

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrett volunteers

  • Box A28-7M

    Barringer, Anna

  • Box A28-7M

    Barringer Family

  • Box A28-7M

    Barron Papers

  • Box A28-7M

    Barrow, William J. 1959-1963

  • Box A28-7N

    Barrow, William J. 1954-1959

  • Box A28-7N

    Barrow 1937-1939, 1951

  • Box A28-7N

    Bartenstein, Fred

  • Box A28-7N

    Barter Theatre

  • Box A28-7N

    Bartlett, Eliot Fitch

  • Box A28-7O

    Bartlett, Paul

  • Box A28-7O

    Bartlett, William

  • Box A28-7O

    Barton, Lewis N.

  • Box A28-7O

    Barton, Samuel M.

  • Box A28-7O

    Bartram Papers

  • Box A28-7O

    Baskerville, Horace

  • Box A28-7O

    Baskerville, Mrs. Wm. R.

  • Box A28-7O

    Bass, Henry B. (see also Whitman, Walt)

  • Box A28-7O

    Bath County Virginia

  • Box A28-7O

    Battle, John S.

  • Box A28-7O

    Baugh, Miss Ethel

  • Box A28-7O

    Baugh Papers

  • Box A28-7O

    Baylor Family

  • Box A28-7O

    Baylor, Richard

  • Box A28-7O

    Baylor mss

  • Box A28-7O

    BC Research

  • Box A28-7O

    Beale, John

  • Box A28-7O

    Beale, Lucy Brown

  • Box A28-7O

    Beale, Thomas Jefferson

  • Box A28-7O

    Beams, Jesse W.

  • Box A28-7O

    Bean, William B.

  • Box A28-7P

    Bean, William

  • Box A28-7P

    Bean, William - publication of Walter Reed...

  • Box A28-7P

    Bear, James

  • Box A28-7P

    Beard, Charles

  • Box A28-7P

    Beattie, Ann 1985-1989

  • Box A28-7P

    Beauregard, P.G.T.

  • Box A28-7P

    Beckford, William-Vathek

  • Box A28-7P

    Beckley, John

  • Box A28-7P

    Bedford, Duke of

  • Box A28-7P

    Beer, Thomas

  • Box A28-7P

    Beerbohm, Max

  • Box A28-7P


  • Box A28-7P

    Belitt, Ben

  • Box A28-7P

    Bell, Whitfield J.

  • Box A28-7P

    Bell, Whitfield, Jr.

  • Box A28-7P

    Bell & Howell

  • Box A28-7P

    Belle Grove, Frederick Co. Virginia

  • Box A28-7Q

    Bello, Andres

  • Box A28-7Q

    Bemiss, FitzGerald

  • Box A28-7Q

    Bemiss, Samuel M. 1947-1963

  • Box A28-7Q

    Benjamin, Judah P.

  • Box A28-7Q

    Benjamin, Mary A.

  • Box A28-7Q

    Benjamin, Park

  • Box A28-7Q

    Benton, Thomas Hart

  • Box A28-7Q

    Beres, Pierre

  • Box A28-7Q

    Berkeley, Dr. A.R.

  • Box A28-7Q

    Berkeley, Francis L.

  • Box A28-7Q

    Berkeley, Norborne

  • Box A28-7Q

    Berkeley, Sir William

  • Box A28-7Q

    Berkeley Family

  • Box A28-7R

    Berkeley manuscripts

  • Box A28-7R

    Berkeley - Barn Elms mss

  • Box A28-7R

    Berkeley family

  • Box A28-7R


  • Box A28-7R

    Berthier Papers

  • Box A28-7R

    Betts, Edwin M.

  • Box A28-7R

    Beverly Family

  • Box A28-7R


  • Box A28-7R

    Bible - mss

  • Box A28-7S

    Bible Records 1973-1989

  • Box A28-7S

    Bibliography - 20th Century

  • Box A28-7S

    Bibliographical Society of America / Grolier Club

  • Box A28-7S

    Bicentennial Exhibit

  • Box A28-7S

    Bierce, Ambrose

  • Box A28-7S

    Binding (see also Holmes, Thomas J.)

  • Box A28-7T

    Bierce, Ambrose

  • Box A28-7T

    Blackmore, Richard Doddridge

  • Box A27-7T

    Boone, Daniel, Portraits

  • Box A28-7T

    Bowers, Fredson

  • Box A28-7T

    Boyeson, H.H.

  • Box A28-7T

    Bowie, James

  • Box A28-7T

    Bowker, R.R., Co.

  • Box A28-7T

    Boxley, Bruce

  • Box A28-7T

    Boyd, Alexander Spotswood

  • Box A28-7T

    Boyd, Belle

  • Box A28-7T

    Boyd, James

  • Box A28-7T

    Boyd, Julian

  • Box A28-7T

    Boyd, T. Munford

  • Box A28-7T

    Boyden, James Woodbury

  • Box A28-7T

    Boye (see also Maps - Virginia)

  • Box A28-7T

    Boyle, Sarah Patton

  • Box A28-7T

    Bradbury, Maj. Eugene

  • Box A28-7T

    Braddock, Gen. Edward

  • Box A28-8A

    Binding Orders Completed

  • Box A28-8A

    Bird, Sen. D.W.

  • Box A28-8A

    Bird, Sen. Lloyd C.

  • Box A28-8A

    Bishop Sale

  • Box A28-8A

    Black, Barron F.

  • Box A28-8A

    Black, Robert K.

  • Box A28-8A

    Black Studies

  • Box A28-8A

    Blackford Family

  • Box A28-8A

    Blackford, James B. 1956-1964, 1966-1968

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackford, L. Minor

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackford, R. Colston

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackford, Randolph

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackford, Staige D., Jr.

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackford Papers (see also Jones Memorial Library)

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackman Imprints

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackmore Collection [see also Hench]

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackmore, Richard Doddridge

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackwell, Miss Addie & family

  • Box A28-8B

    Blackwell family

  • Box A28-8B


  • Box A28-8B

    Blaettermann, Prof. George

  • Box A28-8B

    Blake, Francis S.

  • Box A28-8B

    Blake, William

  • Box A28-8B

    Blakemore, John A.

  • Box A28-8B

    Blanck, Jacob

  • Box A28-8B

    Bland-Ruffin Papers

  • Box A28-8B

    Blanton, Wyndham

  • Box A28-8B

    Bledsoe, A.T.

  • Box A28-8B

    Blincoe, Dr. J. William

  • Box A28-8B

    Blotner, Joseph

  • Box A28-8B

    Blue Cross

  • Box A28-8B

    Blunt, Ruth H.

  • Box A28-8B

    Board of Trade

  • Box A28-8B

    Boatwright, J.O.

  • Box A28-8B


  • Box A28-8B


  • Box A28-8B

    Boeck, Leopold

  • Box A28-8B

    Bogle Family

  • Box A28-8B

    Boldridge Family

  • Box A28-8C

    Bolivar, Simon

  • Box A28-8C

    Bolling Family

  • Box A28-8C

    Bonnycastle, Prof. Charles

  • Box A28-8C

    Book Auctions

  • Box A28-8C


  • Box A28-8C

    Book Dealers

  • Box A28-8C

    Bookline Alert - Missing Books and Manuscripts (BAMBAM)

  • Box A28-8C

    Bookplates - correspondence & copies

  • Box A28-8C

    Boothe, Armistead

  • Box A28-8C

    Borges, Jorge Luis (1988- )

  • Box A28-8C

    Boston Atheneum

  • Box A28-8C


  • Box A28-8C

    Bouldin Family

  • Box A28-8C

    Bowden, William L.

  • Box A28-8C

    Bowers, Fredson L.

  • Box A28-8C

    Bowers, F.T. 1947-1951

  • Box A28-8C

    Bowers, Mrs. Fredson

  • Box A28-8C

    Bowles, Paul

  • Box A28-8D

    Bradley, Dr. Samuel B.

  • Box A28-8D

    Brady, James D.

  • Box A28-8D

    Braithwaite, William Stanley

  • Box A28-8D

    Branch Papers

  • Box A28-8D

    Brandeis, Louis D.

  • Box A28-8D

    Braxton, Allen Caperton

  • Box A28-8D

    Braxton, Carter

  • Box A28-8D

    Breckenridge Family

  • Box A28-8D


  • Box A28-8D

    Breckinridge, James

  • Box A28-8D

    Breeden, Sen. Edward L.

  • Box A28-8D


  • Box A28-8D

    Bridgewater College

  • Box A28-8D

    Bristol, UK

  • Box A28-8D

    Bristol, Roger 1951-1953

  • Box A28-8D

    British Envoys to America

  • Box A28-8D

    British Manuscripts relative to Virginia 1953-1959

  • Box A28-8E

    British memos (?) re: Virginia records

  • Box A28-8E

    British Museum

  • Box A28-8E

    British Museum - accession sheets

  • Box A28-8E

    British researchers

  • Box A28-8E

    Broadus, John

  • Box A28-8E

    Brock Collection

  • Box A28-8E

    Brock Papers 1987-1990

  • Box A28-8E

    Brockenbrough, John White (see also Johnston, Robert et al)

  • Box A28-8E

    Brodnax Papers

  • Box A28-8E

    Bromson, M.A. 1951

  • Box A28-8E

    Bromson, Maury A.

  • Box A28-8E

    Brooks, James

  • Box A28-8E

    Brooks, Mrs. Nelson M.

  • Box A28-8E

    Brooks, Philip C.

  • Box A28-8E

    Brooks, Van Wyck

  • Box A28-8E

    Broun, Philip H.

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown, Alex

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown, Charles Brockden

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown, David Tucker

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown, Henry James

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown, John Carter, Library

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown, Ralph M.

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown, Robert B.

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown, Stuart E.

  • Box A28-8E

    Brown University

  • Box A28-8E

    Browne, Sir Thomas

  • Box A28-8E

    Brownell, William C.

  • Box A28-8E

    Browning, Robert

  • Box A28-8E

    Brownlow, Louis

  • Box A28-8E

    Bruccoli, M.J.

  • Box A28-8E

    Bruce, David

  • Box A28-8F

    Bruce, Elizabeth

  • Box A28-8F

    Bruce Family

  • Box A28-8F

    Bruce, Dr. Philip Alexander

  • Box A28-8F

    Bruce, Walter Coles

  • Box A28-8F


  • Box A28-8F

    Bryan, Daniel

  • Box A28-8F

    Bryan, David Tennant

  • Box A28-8F

    Bryan, Stewart

  • Box A28-8F

    Bryant, Vaughn

  • Box A28-8F

    Bryant, William Cullen

  • Box A28-8F

    Brydon, Rev. G. MacLaren

  • Box A28-8F

    Bruccoli-Clark Research

  • Box A28-8F

    Bruccoli, Matthew J.

  • Box A28-8F

    Bruccoli-Clark-Layman Inc.

  • Box A28-8F

    Buck Family

  • Box A28-8F

    Buckingham County

  • Box A28-8F

    Buckley Amendment

  • Box A28-8G

    Budget - Book Funds 1988-1989

  • Box A28-8G

    Budget - Equipment 1988-1989

  • Box A28-8G

    Budget - General 1988-1989

  • Box A28-8G

    Budget - FY - Personal Services 1988-1989

  • Box A28-8G

    Budget - Student 1988-1989

  • Box A28-8G

    Budget - Travel 1988-1989

  • Box A28-8G

    Budgets - Expenditure 1970-1982

  • Box A28-8G

    Budget (old) pre-1970

  • Box A28-8H

    Budget - MSS Dept / Special Collections Dept 1987-1988

  • Box A28-8H

    Budgets 1982-1987

  • Box A28-8I

    Budget - Binding & Appraisals 1988-1990

  • Box A28-8I

    Budget - Book Funds 1989-1990

  • Box A28-8I

    Book Fund Reports 1989-1990

  • Box A28-8I

    Budget - Equipment 1989-1990

  • Box A28-8I

    Budget - General 1989-1990

  • Box A28-8I

    Budget - Travel 1989-1990

  • Box A28-8J

    Budgets - Student Expenditure Payroll 1979-1984

  • Box A28-8J

    Buford Family Papers

  • Box A28-8J

    Buford Papers (1984- )

  • Box A28-8J

    Buhler, Curt F. 1950-1951

  • Box A28-8J

    Bullock, Helen Duprey

  • Box A28-8J

    Bulwer, Sir Henry

  • Box A28-8J

    Burke, Gordon Trist

  • Box A28-8J

    Burke, Mrs. Gordon Trist

  • Box A28-8J

    Burns, Robert

  • Box A28-8J

    Burns, Vincent Godfrey

  • Box A28-8J

    Burr, Aaron

  • Box A28-8K

    Burruss Family Papers

  • Box A28-8K

    Burton, Patricia

  • Box A28-8K

    Burwell Family

  • Box A28-8K

    Burwell, Letitia M.

  • Box A28-8K

    Butt, Marshall W.

  • Box A28-8K

    Butterfield, Lyman H. 1948-1963

  • Box A28-8K

    Button Family

  • Box A28-8K

    Byars, Charles W.

  • Box A28-8K

    Bynner, Witter

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd, Gary

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd - General

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd, Harry Flood, Sr. 1965-1988

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd, Harry Flood, Jr.

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd, Harry F. - Robertson matters 1986-1987

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd, Richard E.

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd, Ruth Evelyn 1940-1951

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd, William

  • Box A28-8L

    Byrd, William, II

  • Box A28-8L


  • Box A28-8M

    C misc. 1929-1953

  • Box A28-8N

    C misc. 1954-1973

  • Box A28-8O

    C misc. 1974-1984

  • Box A28-8P

    C misc. 1985-1989

  • Box A28-8Q

    Cabell Foundation

  • Box A28-8Q

    Cabell-Gwathmey Collection

  • Box A28-8Q

    Cabell, Hartwell

  • Box A28-8Q

    Cabell, James Branch

  • Box A28-8Q

    Cabell, Mrs. James Branch

  • Box A28-8R

    Cabell Family 1989

  • Box A28-8R

    Cabell, James L.

  • Box A28-8R

    Cabell, Joseph C. - deposit receipts, etc.

  • Box A28-8R

    Cabell, Nicholas

  • Box A28-8R

    Cabell Papers

  • Box A28-8R

    Cabell, William H.

  • Box A28-8R

    Cabell, William H. - diaries

  • Box A28-8R

    Cable, George Washington

  • Box A28-8R

    Cady, Danine Lyaston

  • Box A28-8R

    Calcott, Emily S.

  • Box A28-8R

    Caldwell, Erskine

  • Box A28-8R

    Calhoun, John C.

  • Box A28-8R

    Cambridge Bibliographical Society

  • Box A28-8R

    Cambridge Imprints

  • Box A28-8R

    Cameron, William E.

  • Box A28-8R

    Campbell, Charles - Collection

  • Box A28-8R

    Campbell, Edmund S.

  • Box A28-8R

    Campbell, John

  • Box A28-8R

    Campbell, Philip Barraud

  • Box A28-8R

    Campbell, Robert

  • Box A28-8R

    Campbell, T. Bowyer

  • Box A28-8S

    Campbell, Mrs. Thomas

  • Box A28-8S

    Campbell Family

  • Box A28-8S

    Canaday, John

  • Box A28-8S

    Cannon, James

  • Box A28-8S

    Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp.

  • Box A28-8S


  • Box A28-8S

    Cardwell, Gary L.

  • Box A28-8S

    Cardwell, Richard H.

  • Box A28-8S

    Carleton, Gen.

  • Box A28-8S

    Carnegie Study of United States Art

  • Box A28-8S

    Carolinas - Colonies

  • Box A28-8S

    Carpenter, Margaret, Estate of 1985-1988

  • Box A28-8S

    Carr Papers

  • Box A28-8S

    Carr and Cary Papers

  • Box A28-8S

    Carrier, Charles J. - Company

  • Box A28-8S

    Carriere, Joseph

  • Box A28-8S

    Carriers Address

  • Box A28-8S

    Carrington Family Letters

  • Box A28-8S

    Carrington, Edward

  • Box A28-8S

    Carrington, Tazewell

  • Box A28-8T

    Carroll, Charles

  • Box A28-8T

    Carroll, James

  • Box A28-8T

    Carson, Connie

  • Box A28-8T

    Carson, Jane D.

  • Box A28-8T

    Carter, Charles

  • Box A28-8T

    Carter, Henry Rose

  • Box A28-8T

    Carter, Landon

  • Box A28-8T

    Carter, Landon of Sabine Hall

  • Box A28-8T

    Carter, Robert Hill 1951-1963

  • Box A28-9A

    Carter, Robert "King" (see also Guggenheim - FLB) 1951-1984

  • Box A28-9A

    Carter, Robert Wormley

  • Box A28-9A

    Carter Papers

  • Box A28-9A

    Carter Papers - Microfilm

  • Box A28-9A

    Carter, Susan N. (see also Carter-Smith Papers)

  • Box A28-9A

    Carter-Smith Papers

  • Box A28-9A


  • Box A28-9A

    Cartwright, John

  • Box A28-9A

    Caruthers, William A.

  • Box A28-9A

    Casteen, John

  • Box A28-9A

    Catalogue of American Portraits

  • Box A28-9A


  • Box A28-9B

    Cather, Willa

  • Box A28-9B

    Catlin, Randolph

  • Box A28-9B

    Cauthen, Irby B.

  • Box A28-9B

    Cavalier Daily

  • Box A28-9B

    Cave Family

  • Box A28-9B

    Census Microfilms

  • Box A28-9B

    co*cke Papers 1948-1979

  • Box A28-9B

    College Bowl

  • Box A28-9B

    Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts 1984-1987

  • Box A28-9B

    Conservation 1985-1986

  • Box A28-9B


  • Box A28-9C

    Cemeteries ( -1988)

  • Box A28-9C

    Center for the Coordination of Foreign Manuscript Copying

  • Box A28-9C

    Central Atlantic Environment Council

  • Box A28-9C

    Cesare, Oscar E.

  • Box A28-9C

    Chawick, Joseph

  • Box A28-9C

    Chadwyck-Healey, Inc. (1988- )

  • Box A28-9C

    Chamberlain, Bernard P.

  • Box A28-9C

    Chamberlayne, A. Atkinson

  • Box A28-9C


  • Box A28-9C

    Chandler, Desmond B.

  • Box A28-9C

    Channing, William E.

  • Box A28-9C

    Chapin Library 1938-1951

  • Box A28-9C

    Chappell, Warren

  • Box A28-9C

    Chapter & Verse

  • Box A28-9C

    Charlotte County (see also Atkinson-Chamberlayne, Mrs. Anne)

  • Box A28-9C


  • Box A28-9C

    Charlottesville Bar

  • Box A28-9C

    Charlottesville - Bicentennial

  • Box A28-9C

    Charlottesville Seal

  • Box A28-9C

    Chase, Samuel

  • Box A28-9C


  • Box A28-9C

    Checking Account

  • Box A28-9C

    Cherokee Indians

  • Box A28-9C

    Chesapeake Book Company

  • Box A28-9C

    Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad

  • Box A28-9C

    Chesterfield County Inventory

  • Box A28-9C

    Cheuse, Alan 1989

  • Box A28-9C

    Cheves, Langdon

  • Box A28-9C

    Chicago, University of 1940-1951

  • Box A28-9D

    Child, Lydia Maria

  • Box A28-9D

    Childs, J. Rives

  • Box A28-9D


  • Box A28-9D

    China - University of Virginia holdings re:

  • Box A28-9D

    Chinard, Gilbert

  • Box A28-9D

    Chisolm, William G.

  • Box A28-9D

    Chiswick Book Shop

  • Box A28-9D

    Chitwood, Oliver P.

  • Box A28-9D

    Chopin, Kate

  • Box A28-9D

    Christ Church

  • Box A28-9D

    Christ Church - Alexandria, Virginia

  • Box A28-9D

    Christian, Margaret

  • Box A28-9E

    Christmas Cards (1966- )

  • Box A28-9E

    Chronological Catalogue and Article re:

  • Box A28-9E

    Church, Merton Elbridge

  • Box A28-9E

    Church, Randolph

  • Box A28-9F

    Church History - Virginia

  • Box A28-9F

    Church Records

  • Box A28-9F

    Church Records - Diocese of Southern Virginia

  • Box A28-9F

    Church Records - Diocese of Southwestern Virginia

  • Box A28-9F

    Church Records - Diocese of Virginia

  • Box A28-9F

    Church Records - Episcopal

  • Box A28-9F

    Church Records - Methodist

  • Box A28-9F

    Church Records - Presbyterian

  • Box A28-9F

    Churches - Baptist

  • Box A28-9F

    Churchill, Winston

  • Box A28-9F

    City Book Auction

  • Box A28-9F

    Civil Rights Collections

  • Box A28-9G

    Civil War 1967-1985

  • Box A28-9G

    Civil War - Letters

  • Box A28-9G

    Civil War - Navy

  • Box A28-9H

    Civil War 1986-1989

  • Box A28-9H

    Claiborne, Herbert

  • Box A28-9H

    Claiborne Manuscripts

  • Box A28-9H

    Claiborne, Robert W.

  • Box A28-9H

    Clapp, Verner W.

  • Box A28-9H

    Clark, T.D.

  • Box A28-9H

    Clark, The Arthur H. Company

  • Box A28-9H

    Clark, Mrs. Eliot

  • Box A28-9H

    Clark, George Rogers

  • Box A28-9H

    Clark, Raymond B.

  • Box A28-9I

    Clark, William

  • Box A28-9I

    Clark, William Andrew Memorial Library

  • Box A28-9I

    Clarke County Historical Society

  • Box A28-9I

    Clay, Henry

  • Box A28-9I

    Clay, John Randolph

  • Box A28-9I

    Clayton, John B.

  • Box A28-9I

    Claytor, Gertrude B.

  • Box A28-9I

    Clemens, Samuel L.

  • Box A28-9J

    Clement, Maud Carter

  • Box A28-9J

    Clements Library

  • Box A28-9J

    Clemons, Harry

  • Box A28-9J

    Clergy and Clergymen

  • Box A28-9J

    Cleveland, Dr. Mather

  • Box A28-9J

    Clinch Valley College

  • Box A28-9J

    Cluver, Philipp

  • Box A28-9J

    Coakley, R. Walter

  • Box A28-9J

    Coalition to Save our Documentary Heritage

  • Box A28-9J

    Cochran, Joseph (and Mrs.)

  • Box A28-9J

    co*cke, John Hartwell 1972

  • Box A28-9J

    co*cke, John Hartwell - Coyner bib.

  • Box A28-9J

    co*cke Papers - Forney Johnston interests

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cke Papers - John Page Elliott 1973-1987

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cke Collection - receipts / papers

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cke Papers

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cke Papers - Owners (1924- )

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cke Papers - Permission

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cke, Philip St. George

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cke Papers - possible purchase

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cke Papers - reference letters

  • Box A28-9K

    co*ckrell, Monroe F.

  • Box A28-9K

    co*cks, J. Fraser, III

  • Box A28-9K

    Cohasco, Inc.

  • Box A28-9K

    Cohn, Mrs. Louis Henry

  • Box A28-9K

    Coleman Family

  • Box A28-9K

    Coleman, Mrs. George

  • Box A28-9K

    Coleman, Henry Eaton

  • Box A28-9L

    Coleman, J. Winston

  • Box A28-9L

    co*cke Family 1989

  • Box A28-9L

    co*cke Papers - John Page Elliott 1988-1989

  • Box A28-9L

    Coleman, Randolph Caskie

  • Box A28-9L

    Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

  • Box A28-9L

    Coles Family Papers

  • Box A28-9L

    Coles Family of Pittsylvania

  • Box A28-9L

    Coles Fund

  • Box A28-9L

    Coles, Isaac

  • Box A28-9L

    Coles, Miss Marshall

  • Box A28-9L

    Collecting Policy (see also Acquisitions policies)

  • Box A28-9L

    Collections - Abandoned

  • Box A28-9L

    Collectors' Bookshop

  • Box A28-9L

    Collins, Lewis Preston, II

  • Box A28-9L

    Collotype Printing Process

  • Box A28-9L


  • Box A28-9L

    Colonial Dames

  • Box A28-9L

    Colonial Society of Massachusetts

  • Box A28-9L

    Colonial Williamsburg - Grant

  • Box A28-9L

    Colonial Williamsburg, Inc. 1940-1961

  • Box A28-9L

    Colonial Williamsburg, Inc. 1987-1989

  • Box A28-9M

    Columbia University

  • Box A28-9M

    Columbus, Christopher

  • Box A28-9M

    Combs, C.E.

  • Box A28-9M

    Cometti, Elizabeth 1946-1957

  • Box A28-9M

    Commins, Saxe

  • Box A28-9M

    Committee on Reporting Professional Activities and Publications

  • Box A28-9M

    The Commonwealth - Virginia Chamber of Commerce

  • Box A28-9M

    Community Chest

  • Box A28-9M

    Company for the Propogation of the Gospel in New England

  • Box A28-9M


  • Box A28-9M

    Computerization - ASERL Project

  • Box A28-9M

    Concord Lyceum

  • Box A28-9M

    Confederate 1940-1951

  • Box A28-9M

    Confederate & Confederacy

  • Box A28-9M

    Confederate Imprints (see also Sonoley Library; Boston Athenaeum)

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Imprints - Harwell

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Imprints - London

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Imprints - Non-Virginia

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Literature

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Music

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Ordnance

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Printing

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Research Club

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate Seal

  • Box A28-9N

    Confederate States of America - Government

  • Box A28-9N

    Conkwright, R.J., III 1948-1951

  • Box A28-9N

    Conrad, Joseph

  • Box A28-9N

    Conrad, Mrs. Ralph

  • Box A28-9N

    Conrad, Ralph Erskine #10136

  • Box A28-9N


  • Box A28-9N

    Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts

  • Box A28-9N

    Conservation Council of Virginia

  • Box A28-9N

    Consolidated Bank & Trust Co.

  • Box A28-9O

    Constantine, Mrs. James

  • Box A28-9O


  • Box A28-9O

    Continental Congress

  • Box A28-9O

    Convention Army

  • Box A28-9O

    Cooke, Edw.

  • Box A28-9O

    Cooke, John Esten

  • Box A28-9O

    Cooke, John Warren

  • Box A28-9O

    Cooke, Merritt Todd

  • Box A28-9O

    Cooke, Rose Terry

  • Box A28-9O

    Coolidge, Harold Jefferson

  • Box A28-9P

    Contracts 1988

  • Box A28-9P

    Cooper, James Fenimore

  • Box A28-9P

    Cooper, Thomas

  • Box A28-9P

    Cooper, Weldon

  • Box A28-9P

    Cooper's Old Book Shop

  • Box A28-9P

    Cooperstown, NY

  • Box A28-9P

    Copeland, J. Isaac

  • Box A28-9P

    Coplas de Yocef

  • Box A28-9P

    Cooke Papers 1988

  • Box A28-9P

    Cooper, James Fenimore

  • Box A28-9P


  • Box A28-9P


  • Box A28-9P

    Corbin Mss

  • Box A28-9P

    Corks & Curls

  • Box A28-9P

    Cornell University (see also Perry, Mrs. M.J.)

  • Box A28-9P

    Cornell University Processing Manual

  • Box A28-9P

    Cornwallis Parole - Papers

  • Box A28-9P

    Special Collections - Correspondence 1990-1991

  • Box A28-9Q

    Courtenay, Bentley

  • Box A28-9Q

    Court Records

  • Box A28-9Q

    Cox, Edwin

  • Box A28-9Q

    Cox Family

  • Box A28-9Q

    Coxe, Campbell

  • Box A28-9Q

    Crabbe, George

  • Box A28-9Q

    Craig, Archibald (see also Cumming, W.P.)

  • Box A28-9Q

    Cranberg, Lawrence - case file

  • Box A28-9Q

    Cranch, C.P.

  • Box A28-9Q

    Crane, Hart

  • Box A28-9Q

    Crane, Stephen

  • Box A28-9Q

    Crane Stephen 1966-1989

  • Box A28-9R

    Crane, Stephen 1963-1966

  • Box A28-9R

    Crater, Flora

  • Box A28-9R

    Crawford, Alexander W.

  • Box A28-9R

    Crawford, F. Marion

  • Box A28-9R

    Crenshaw, Ollinger (see also Washington & Lee University)

  • Box A28-9R


  • Box A28-9R

    Cresap Family

  • Box A28-9R

    Crittenden, C.C.

  • Box A28-9R

    Crockett, Mrs. Joseph P.

  • Box A28-9R

    Croghan, Maj. William

  • Box A28-9R

    Cross, Whitney R.

  • Box A28-9R

    Crosset and Williams

  • Box A28-9R

    Crouch, K.E. (1956- )

  • Box A28-9R

    Cruickshank, George

  • Box A28-9R


  • Box A28-9R

    Culbertson, John B.

  • Box A28-9R

    Culpeper County - court records

  • Box A28-9R

    Culpeper-Martin-Fairfax letters

  • Box A28-9S

    Cummings, E.E.

  • Box A28-9S

    Cummings, Homer S.

  • Box A28-9S

    Cumming, Hugh S.

  • Box A28-9S

    Cumming, W.P. (see also Craig, Archibald)

  • Box A28-9S

    Cunningham, Cephas

  • Box A28-9S

    Currie, James

  • Box A28-9S

    Custis Family

  • Box A28-9S

    Curtis Paper Co.

  • Box A28-9S

    Cutten, George B.

  • Box A28-9S

    Cutts Family 1978

  • Box A28-9T

    D misc. 1930-1964

  • Box A28-10A

    D misc. 1965-1987

  • Box A28-10B

    D misc. 1988-1989

  • Box A28-10B

    Dabney - Applications

  • Box A28-10B

    Dabney Family

  • Box A28-10B

    Dabney, Richard Heath

  • Box A28-10B

    Dabney, Robert L.

  • Box A28-10B

    Dabney, Virginius 1942-1989

  • Box A28-10B

    Dalton, Jack (1956- )

  • Box A28-10B

    Dana, Richard Henry

  • Box A28-10B

    Daniel, John Hannah

  • Box A28-10B

    Daniel, John Warwick

  • Box A28-10B

    Daniel, Peter V.

  • Box A28-10C

    Dannetti, Sylvia G.L.

  • Box A28-10C

    Darden, Colgate (1960- )

  • Box A28-10C

    Darwin Collection (1948- )

  • Box A28-10C

    Daughters of the American Revolution

  • Box A28-10C

    Davidson, Alexander, Jr. 1939-1951

  • Box A28-10C

    Davidson, Chalmers G.

  • Box A28-10C

    Davidson, D.N.

  • Box A28-10C

    Davies, Rev. Samuel

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis Family

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Arthur Kyle

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Curtis C.

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Faye Horsley Wyland 1955-1990

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, H. Minor

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Jefferson

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, John Staige

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Lambert

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Rebecca Harding

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Richard Beale

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Richard Harding

  • Box A28-10D

    Davis, Westmoreland

  • Box A28-10E

    Davison, Charles M., Jr.

  • Box A28-10E

    Dawe, W.H.

  • Box A28-10E

    Dawson Family Bible

  • Box A28-10E

    Dawson, Giles

  • Box A28-10E

    Dawson, John Stanley

  • Box A28-10E

    Dawson, Martin

  • Box A28-10E

    Day, Katherine D.

  • Box A28-10E

    Dealers - Listing

  • Box A28-10E

    Dealers (alphabetical A - Z)

  • Box A28-10F

    Dealers - Correspondence

  • Box A28-10F

    Dealers 1985-1989

  • Box A28-10F

    De Bayac, Losse

  • Box A28-10F

    Declaration of Independence

  • Box A28-10F

    De Graffenried Family

  • Box A28-10F

    De La Mare, Walter

  • Box A28-10F

    Democratic Party

  • Box A28-10F

    Denmark, Queen of - Visit 18 Feb 1991

  • Box A28-10F

    Denny, Collins

  • Box A28-10F

    De Ricci Census (medieval manuscripts)

  • Box A28-10F

    Descartes, Rene (see also Balz)

  • Box A28-10F

    De Valinger, Leon (see also Dickinson, John)

  • Box A28-10F

    Dewey, John

  • Box A28-10G

    Dey, Walter H.

  • Box A28-10G

    Diaries - American

  • Box A28-10G

    Dickens, Charles

  • Box A28-10G

    Dickenson, David V.

  • Box A28-10G

    Dickinson, Emily

  • Box A28-10G

    Dictionary of American Biography (see also Smith, Thomas; Tucker)

  • Box A28-10G

    Dictionary of American English

  • Box A28-10G

    Dictionary of Literary Biography

  • Box A28-10G

    Dietz, August, Jr. (see also Abernethy, Thomas)

  • Box A28-10G

    Diggs, Bernard J.

  • Box A28-10G

    Dillard Papers

  • Box A28-10G

    Dillon, George

  • Box A28-10G

    Dingledine, William K.

  • Box A28-10G

    Dinwiddie Family

  • Box A28-10G

    Dinwiddie, Robert

  • Box A28-10G

    SCD - Director's Correspondence 1988-1990 June

  • Box A28-10G

    Directors' Council

  • Box A28-10H

    Display Cases

  • Box A28-10H

    Dix, William

  • Box A28-10H


  • Box A28-10H

    Documentary Editing

  • Box A28-10H

    Dodd, William E.

  • Box A28-10H

    Dodge, Mary Mapes

  • Box A28-10H

    Dodson, E. Griffith

  • Box A28-10H

    Dollens / Dollins

  • Box A28-10H

    Doolan, John C.

  • Box A28-10H

    Dooley, James H.

  • Box A28-10H

    Doris, Virginia 1975-1984

  • Box A28-10H

    Doris, Virginia 1987

  • Box A28-10H

    Doris, Virginia 1989

  • Box A28-10I

    Dorsey, John M.

  • Box A28-10I

    Dos Passos, John 1976

  • Box A28-10I

    Dos Passos, John 1978-1979

  • Box A28-10I

    Dos Passos, John 1980-1981

  • Box A28-10I

    Dos Passos, John 1984-1987

  • Box A28-10J

    Dos Passos, John 1965-1975, 1988-1989

  • Box A28-10J

    Dos Passos, John - Appraisals

  • Box A28-10K

    Douglas Family

  • Box A28-10K

    Douglas, Norman

  • Box A28-10K

    Douglas, Rev. William

  • Box A28-10K

    Dow, Douglas

  • Box A28-10K

    Dowdey, Clifford (see also Virginia Authors - SAMLA)

  • Box A28-10K

    Doyle, A. Conan

  • Box A28-10K

    Draper Collection - Wisconsin Historical Society

  • Box A28-10K

    Dreiser, Theodore

  • Box A28-10K

    Drewry, Guy Carleton

  • Box A28-10K

    Driscoll, Emily

  • Box A28-10K

    Duke, Cammann

  • Box A28-10K

    Duke, Francis

  • Box A28-10K

    Duke, Helen

  • Box A28-10K

    Duke, R.T.W.

  • Box A28-10K

    Duke University

  • Box A28-10K

    Duke University Library

  • Box A28-10K

    Dummerston Library Record Book

  • Box A28-10K

    Dunglison, Robley

  • Box A28-10K

    Dunmore Papers

  • Box A28-10K

    Dunnington, Francis P.

  • Box A28-10K

    duPont Family

  • Box A28-10K

    Dure, Leon

  • Box A28-10K

    Duschnes, Philip C.

  • Box A28-10K

    Dyer-Plain Dealing

  • Box A28-10K

    Dyer, Samuel

  • Box A28-10K

    Dyer Family

  • Box A28-10L

    E misc. 1926-1989

  • Box A28-10M

    Eager, George B.

  • Box A28-10M

    Eager, R. Minor

  • Box A28-10M

    Earle Family Papers

  • Box A28-10M

    Early, Ben

  • Box A28-10M

    Early English Books - C.W. Miller catalogue (see also Miller, C.W.)

  • Box A28-10M

    Early, Jubal

  • Box A28-10M

    Easley, James C.

  • Box A28-10M

    Easley, James S. - Collection

  • Box A28-10M

    Eaton, Cyrus (see also Pubwash Conference)

  • Box A28-10M

    Eaton, Vincent

  • Box A28-10M

    Eaton, Walter Prichard

  • Box A28-10M

    Eberstadt, Edward, and Sons

  • Box A28-10M

    Echols, W.H.

  • Box A28-10M

    Eckenrode, H.J.

  • Box A28-10M

    Eckhardt, Charles

  • Box A28-10M


  • Box A28-10M

    Eddy, C. Vernon

  • Box A28-10M

    Edgehill-Randolph Family

  • Box A28-10M

    Edgehill-Randolph Papers 1940-1968

  • Box A28-10M

    Edgehill School

  • Box A28-10M

    Edgewater Orphanage for Girls

  • Box A28-10M

    Edinburgh Bibliographical Society

  • Box A28-10M

    Edinburgh, University of

  • Box A28-10N

    Edmunds, Craddock mss #5999

  • Box A28-10N

    Edmunds, Murrell

  • Box A28-10N

    Edmundson, Anne

  • Box A28-10N

    Education Aid

  • Box A28-10N

    Edwards, Jonathan

  • Box A28-10N

    Edwards, Morgan

  • Box A28-10N

    Egger, Rowland

  • Box A28-10N

    Eggleston, George Cary

  • Box A28-10N

    Eggleston, John W.

  • Box A28-10N

    Eggleston, Dr. J.D.

  • Box A28-10N

    Eighth Evacuation Hospital

  • Box A28-10N

    Eisenberg, Ralph

  • Box A28-10N

    Eldridge, G.W.

  • Box A28-10N


  • Box A28-10N

    Electronic Mail

  • Box A28-10N

    Eliot, John

  • Box A28-10N

    Eliot, T.S.

  • Box A28-10N

    Elizabethtown College

  • Box A28-10N

    Elk Hill

  • Box A28-10N

    Eller, Adm. E.M. (see also: Naval History; Lee, Richard Henry)

  • Box A28-10O

    Ellis Family

  • Box A28-10O

    Ellyson, James Taylor

  • Box A28-10O

    Ellyson Papers

  • Box A28-10O

    Embrey, Alvin T.

  • Box A28-10O

    Emerson, Mrs. Henry Seelye (Peggy Hitchco*ck)

  • Box A28-10O

    Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  • Box A28-10O

    Emerson, John C., Jr.

  • Box A28-10O

    Emmerich, Herbert

  • Box A28-10O

    Emmet, John Patton

  • Box A28-10O

    Emmett, Dan D.

  • Box A28-10O

    Emmison, Frederick G.

  • Box A28-10O

    Emory University

  • Box A28-10O

    Emory and Henry College

  • Box A28-10O

    MSS Employees

  • Box A28-10O

    England, Robert D.

  • Box A28-10O

    Englander, Robert P.

  • Box A28-10O

    English Poetical Autographs

  • Box A28-10O

    Engstler, Bruce

  • Box A28-10O

    Envoy, British, to America

  • Box A28-10O

    Eppes Family - Bottle Corks

  • Box A28-10O

    Eppes Family

  • Box A28-10O

    Eppes, Richard

  • Box A28-10O

    Eppes, William D. 1986-1989

  • Box A28-10P

    Equal Opportunity - guideline memos / implementation reports

  • Box A28-10Q

    Equal Opportunity

  • Box A28-10Q


  • Box A28-10Q

    Equipment Requests

  • Box A28-10Q


  • Box A28-10Q

    Erskine, Albert

  • Box A28-10R

    Eskridge-Gerard Papers

  • Box A28-10R

    Essex Family

  • Box A28-10R

    Equipment Requests

  • Box A28-10R

    Evans, Frank

  • Box A28-10R

    Evans, Luther H.

  • Box A28-10R

    Evans, Rosalie

  • Box A28-10R

    Ewell, James - Planter's and Mariner's Medical Companion

  • Box A28-10R

    Exhibit - Correspondence

  • Box A28-10R

    Exhibit Catalogues

  • Box A28-10R

    Exhibits (1985- )

  • Box A28-10R

    Extern Program

  • Box A28-10R

    F misc. 1954-1967

  • Box A28-10S

    F misc. 1930-1953

  • Box A28-10S

    F misc. 1968-1989

  • Box A28-10T

    Fine Arts Library

  • Box A28-10T

    fa*gg, Judge Thomas Jefferson Clark

  • Box A28-10T

    Fairfax, Charles L.

  • Box A28-10T

    Fairfax County

  • Box A28-10T

    Fairfax Papers

  • Box A28-10T

    Family Archives

  • Box A28-10T

    Fant, H.B.

  • Box A28-10T


  • Box A28-10T

    Farley, Richard A.

  • Box A28-10T

    Farnham, M.H.

  • Box A28-10T

    Farrell, James T.

  • Box A28-10T

    Farrer Map

  • Box A28-10T

    Faulkner, Charles James

  • Box A28-10T

    Faulkner-Brodsky Collection 1979

  • Box A28-10T

    Faulkner Concordance

  • Box A28-10T

    Faulkner - Eris Photographs

  • Box A28-10T

    Faulkner - Exhibition

  • Box A28-10T

    Faulkner Foundation - Prize

  • Box A28-10T

    Faulkner, William - purchase from M.C. Faulkner 1981

  • Box A28-11A

    Faulkner, William 1951

  • Box A28-11A

    Faulkner, William 1963-1973

  • Box A28-11A

    Faulkner, William 1975

  • Box A28-11B

    Faulkner, William 1976-1979

  • Box A28-11C

    Faulkner, William 1980-1983

  • Box A28-11D

    Faulkner, William 1984-1989

  • Box A28-11D

    Faulkner, William - Permissions

  • Box A28-11E

    Faulkner, William - Material pulled from control folder #6074

  • Box A28-11E

    Faulkner, William - The Sound & Fury Manuscripts 1952-1981

  • Box A28-11E

    Faulkner, William - The Sound & Fury Manuscripts 1987-1988

  • Box A28-11E

    Faulkner, William - Vision in Spring 1987

  • Box A28-11E

    Faulkner, William - Mosquitoes 1987-1988

  • Box A28-11E

    Faulkner, William - Garland Publishing Project (1985- )

  • Box A28-11F

    Faulkner, William - Meriwether Proposals

  • Box A28-11F

    Faulkner, William - Mrs. Robert Wagner purchase Dec. 1981

  • Box A28-11F

    Faulkner, William - The Sound & Fury

  • Box A28-11F

    Faulkner, William - Transfer of Title of MSS Collection to Foundation

  • Box A28-11F

    Faulkner, William 1989

  • Box A28-11F

    Faulkner, William - Applications (alphabetical A - D)

  • Box A28-11G

    Faulkner, William - Applications (alphabetical E - N)

  • Box A28-11G

    Faulkner, William - Applications (alphabetical O - Z)

  • Box A28-11I

    Fauntleroy Papers

  • Box A28-11I

    Fauquier-White Sulphur Springs (see also Mackay-Smith, Alexander)

  • Box A28-11I

    Feamster, Col. C.N.

  • Box A28-11I

    Featherston, Howell C.

  • Box A28-11I

    Federal Emergency Relief Admin. Project Archives Survey (Cappon)

  • Box A28-11I

    Federal Theatre Project

  • Box A28-11I

    Feilden, Henry Wemyss

  • Box A28-11I

    Fenollosa, Ernest 1985-1989

  • Box A28-11I

    Fenwick, Charles R.

  • Box A28-11I

    Fessenden, William Pitt

  • Box A28-11I

    Festing, Francis W.

  • Box A28-11I


  • Box A28-11I

    Fickenscher, Arthur

  • Box A28-11I

    Ficklen, Julian

  • Box A28-11I

    Field, Eugene

  • Box A28-11I

    Field, James Gaven

  • Box A28-11I

    Fielding, Henry

  • Box A28-11I

    Fife Family

  • Box A28-11I

    Fifoot, E.R.S.

  • Box A28-11I

    Fillmore, Millard

  • Box A28-11I


  • Box A28-11I

    Filson, John

  • Box A28-11I

    Filson Club

  • Box A28-11I

    Finley, John

  • Box A28-11I

    Fire Procedures

  • Box A28-11J

    First Baptist Church - Charlottesville (P. Allen)

  • Box A28-11J

    Fishburne, Junius

  • Box A28-11J

    Fisher, Mrs. Verlie B.

  • Box A28-11J

    Fishwick, Marshall

  • Box A28-11J

    Fisk University

  • Box A28-11J

    FitzGerald, Edward

  • Box A28-11J

    Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1948-1980

  • Box A28-11J

    Fitzhugh, George

  • Box A28-11J

    Fitzhugh, William

  • Box A28-11J

    FitzPatrick, Dr. Paul

  • Box A28-11J

    Five Society

  • Box A28-11J

    Flannagan, John W.

  • Box A28-11J

    Fletcher, Adm. Frank F.

  • Box A28-11J

    Fletcher, Ifan Kyrle

  • Box A28-11J

    Fletcher, John Gould

  • Box A28-11J

    Fletcher, Richard R.

  • Box A28-11J

    Fletcher Letters

  • Box A28-11J


  • Box A28-11J

    Flickinger, B. Floyd

  • Box A28-11J

    Florida (see also Authors)

  • Box A28-11J

    Fluvanna County

  • Box A28-11K

    Folger Shakespeare Library 1955-1960

  • Box A28-11K

    Folk Music

  • Box A28-11K


  • Box A28-11K

    Fontaine, Edward

  • Box A28-11K

    Forbes, John D.

  • Box A28-11K

    Forbes Family

  • Box A28-11K

    Ford, Ford Maddox

  • Box A28-11K

    Ford, James Westhall

  • Box A28-11K

    Forest History (and Newsletter)

  • Box A28-11K

    Forest History Foundation

  • Box A28-11K

    Forestry - Bibliography of Manuscripts

  • Box A28-11K

    Forms - Accession Procedure

  • Box A28-11K

    Forms - Contract of Loan

  • Box A28-11K

    Forms - Correspondence

  • Box A28-11K

    Forms - Retired

  • Box A28-11K

    Forrest, Dr. William

  • Box A28-11L

    Foster, James W.

  • Box A28-11L

    Fox, Col. John R.

  • Box A28-11L

    Fox, John

  • Box A28-11L

    Francis, Sir Frank

  • Box A28-11L

    Francisco, Peter

  • Box A28-11L

    Franklin, Benjamin

  • Box A28-11L

    Fraser, Douglas D.

  • Box A28-11L

    Fraser, Jessie M.

  • Box A28-11L

    Frazer, Monique

  • Box A28-11L

    Frederic, Harold

  • Box A28-11L

    Fredericksburg Virginia

  • Box A28-11L

    Freedom of Information 1987

  • Box A28-11L

    Freedman, Maurice 1979

  • Box A28-11L

    Freeman, Douglas Southall

  • Box A28-11L

    Freeman, Mary Wilkins

  • Box A28-11L

    Fremont, John Charles

  • Box A28-11L

    Frick Art Reference

  • Box A28-11L

    Frissell, Hollis B.

  • Box A28-11L

    Frost, Robert

  • Box A28-11M

    Frost, Robert 1952-1980

  • Box A28-11M

    Frost, Robert 1985-1989

  • Box A28-11M

    Frost, Robert - McNamara fraud indictment

  • Box A28-11M

    Frost, Wade Hampton

  • Box A28-11M

    Fry Family

  • Box A28-11M

    Fry and Jefferson Bibliographical Information

  • Box A28-11M

    Fry-Jefferson Map

  • Box A28-11M

    Fry, Joshua

  • Box A28-11M

    Fuller, Henry Blake

  • Box A28-11M

    Fuller, Margaret

  • Box A28-11M

    Fuller, Thomas

  • Box A28-11M


  • Box A28-11M

    Funk, George R.

  • Box A28-11M

    Furman University Library

  • Box A28-11N

    G misc. 1930-1964

  • Box A28-11O

    G misc. 1965-1989

  • Box A28-11P

    Gaines, William H.

  • Box A28-11P

    Gaines Family Papers

  • Box A28-11P

    Gale Research, Inc.

  • Box A28-11P

    Galey, Mrs. Thomas Mellon

  • Box A28-11P

    Gallatin, Albert

  • Box A28-11P

    Galt, Alexander

  • Box A28-11P

    Gamble, Mrs. Edward W.

  • Box A28-11P

    Gamble Family

  • Box A28-11P

    Gannaway, Anne

  • Box A28-11P

    Ganter, Herbert

  • Box A28-11P

    Garcilaso, de la Vega

  • Box A28-11P

    Garden Club

  • Box A28-11P

    Garden Club of Virginia - Restoration Committee

  • Box A28-11P

    Garland, Hamlin

  • Box A28-11P

    Garland Papers

  • Box A28-11P

    Garnett Family 1989

  • Box A28-11P

    Garnett, James Mercer

  • Box A28-11P

    Garnett, Muscoe

  • Box A28-11P

    Garnett, Robert Selden

  • Box A28-11P

    Garrett, Alexander (see also University of Virginia Administrators)

  • Box A28-11Q

    Garrett, George 1959-1965

  • Box A28-11Q

    Garrett, George 1987-1988

  • Box A28-11Q

    Garrett, Dr. Henry

  • Box A28-11Q

    Garrett, John W. (see also Maryland)

  • Box A28-11Q

    Garrick, David

  • Box A28-11Q

    Garrison, Curtis W.

  • Box A28-11Q

    Gatherings & Offerings

  • Box A28-11Q

    Gary Family Papers

  • Box A28-11Q

    Gary, Hampson

  • Box A28-11Q

    Gary, J. Vaughan

  • Box A28-11Q

    Gates, Paul W.

  • Box A28-11Q

    Gay, Thomas Benjamin

  • Box A28-11Q

    Gee, Wilson

  • Box A28-11Q

    Geldard, Frank A.

  • Box A28-11Q

    Gemmill, Dr. Chalmers

  • Box A28-11R

    Genealogy 1972-1981

  • Box A28-11R


  • Box A28-11R

    Germans / Germany

  • Box A28-11R

    Gibson, Charles Dana see MSS #3832 for material re: 1952 exhibit)

  • Box A28-11R

    Gifts 1984

  • Box A28-11S

    Genealogical Requests

  • Box A28-11S

    Genealogical Research

  • Box A28-11S

    Genealogical Society - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

  • Box A28-11S

    Genealogy (alphabetical A - Z)

  • Box A28-11S

    Genealogy 1982-1984

  • Box A28-11T

    Genealogy 1985-1989

  • Box A28-12A

    Gifts 1981-1983

  • Box A28-12A

    Gifts 1987-1989

  • Box A28-12A

    Gifts - Library and University Policy Towards

  • Box A28-12A

    Gilder, Richard Watson

  • Box A28-12A

    Gildersleeve, Basil

  • Box A28-12A

    Giles, William Branch

  • Box A28-12A

    Gilliam, Charles Edgar

  • Box A28-12A

    Gilliam Family Papers

  • Box A28-12A

    Gilmer Family

  • Box A28-12A

    Gilmer, Francis Walker

  • Box A28-12B

    Gilmer, Dr. George

  • Box A28-12B

    Gilmer, Mrs. George

  • Box A28-12B

    Gilmer, Thomas W.

  • Box A28-12C

    Gilmore, William J.

  • Box A28-12C

    Gilpin Letterbook / Papers

  • Box A28-12C

    Ginsberg, Louis

  • Box A28-12C

    Giniger, Kenneth S.

  • Box A28-12C

    Girl Scouts

  • Box A28-12C

    Gish, Grace I.

  • Box A28-12C

    Gissing, George

  • Box A28-12C

    Gitelson, M. Leo

  • Box A28-12C

    Glasgow, Ellen 1985-1989

  • Box A28-12D

    Glasgow, Ellen 1941-1984

  • Box A28-12D

    Glasgow, Ellen - O. Steel Corr.

  • Box A28-12D

    Glasgow, Ellen - Literary Property Rights

  • Box A28-12E

    Goals & Objectives - Alderman Library 1986-1988

  • Box A28-12E

    Goals & Objectives

  • Box A28-12E

    Gordon, Armistead C.

  • Box A28-12E

    Gordan, John D.

  • Box A28-12E

    Gordon, Douglas - Estate - Wind in the Willows sequel 1987-1988

  • Box A28-12E

    Gordon, Douglas

  • Box A28-12E

    Gordon Family Papers

  • Box A28-12E

    Gordon, M.K.

  • Box A28-12E


  • Box A28-12E

    Gorges, Raymond & Family

  • Box A28-12E

    Gott, John K.

  • Box A28-12E

    Grace Episcopal Church

  • Box A28-12E

    Grady, Henry W.

  • Box A28-12F

    Glaspell, Susan

  • Box A28-12F

    Glass, Carter 1946-1971

  • Box A28-12F

    Glass, Carter 1974-1988

  • Box A28-12G

    Glass, Carter, III

  • Box A28-12G

    Glenn, Mrs. Gerrard

  • Box A28-12G

    Gloucester County

  • Box A28-12G

    Gloucestershire UK

  • Box A28-12G

    Glover, Thomas Blake

  • Box A28-12G

    Goals - Manuscripts Department

  • Box A28-12G

    Goals & Objectives

  • Box A28-12G

    Godden, Rumer

  • Box A28-12G

    Godwin, Mills E., Jr.

  • Box A28-12G

    Goeller, Mrs. Leo

  • Box A28-12G


  • Box A28-12G

    Goff, Frederick

  • Box A28-12G

    Gold, Jay

  • Box A28-12G

    Gold, Thomas D.

  • Box A28-12G

    Gold Rush

  • Box A28-12G

    Goldsmith, Oliver

  • Box A28-12G

    Goldwater, Walter

  • Box A28-12G

    Gooch Family

  • Box A28-12G

    Gooch Papers

  • Box A28-12G

    Gooch, Claiborne & Richard

  • Box A28-12G

    Gooch, Robert K.

  • Box A28-12G

    Gooch, William

  • Box A28-12G

    Goochland County

  • Box A28-12G

    Goode, James

  • Box A28-12G

    Goodspeeds Bookshop

  • Box A28-12G

    Goolrick, Chester

  • Box A28-12G

    Gordon, Douglas - Estate of 1988-1990

  • Box A28-12H

    Graham, C.R.

  • Box A28-12H

    Graham Family 1989

  • Box A28-12H

    Graham Collection

  • Box A28-12H

    Graham, Mrs. J. George R.

  • Box A28-12H

    Granberry, Bishop John Cowper

  • Box A28-12H

    Grant Application 1989

  • Box A28-12H

    Grant, Ulysses S.

  • Box A28-12H

    Grases, Dr. Pedro

  • Box A28-12H

    Graves, Harold E.

  • Box A28-12H

    Graves, Jeremiah

  • Box A28-12H

    Graves, Joseph C.

  • Box A28-12H

    Grayson, Mrs. Jennie

  • Box A28-12H

    Green, Bennett

  • Box A28-12H

    Green, Bennett Wood - 1979 Chapter & Verse Article

  • Box A28-12H

    Green, Mrs. F.L.W.

  • Box A28-12H

    Green Family

  • Box A28-12H

    Green, Julien

  • Box A28-12H

    Green, Ralph

  • Box A28-12H

    Greene, Luther

  • Box A28-12H

    Greene, Nathanael

  • Box A28-12H

    Greer, Louise

  • Box A28-12H

    Greer, Mary Carr

  • Box A28-12H

    Gregory, E.D.

  • Box A28-12I

    Gregory, Nellie Grey Dameron

  • Box A28-12I


  • Box A28-12I

    Gresset, Michael

  • Box A28-12I

    Griffin Family

  • Box A28-12I

    Grimmett, Lilian D. (Mrs. William S. Grimmett)

  • Box A28-12I

    Grimsley, Ed

  • Box A28-12I

    Grinnan Collection

  • Box A28-12I

    Grinnan, Dr. St. George Tucker

  • Box A28-12I

    Grinnan Family

  • Box A28-12I

    Griswold, Rufus Wilmot

  • Box A28-12I

    Groner, Duncan G.

  • Box A28-12I

    Grove Diary

  • Box A28-12I

    Grumbach, Doris

  • Box A28-12I


  • Box A28-12I

    Guests to Manuscripts

  • Box A28-12I

    Gunnell, Bruce

  • Box A28-12I

    Gutenberg Bible

  • Box A28-12I

    Gwathmey, Allen T

  • Box A28-12I

    Gwathmey, Cabell

  • Box A28-12B

    Haden, Russell L.

  • Box A28-12B

    Hagood, Sen. James D.

  • Box A28-12B

    Hakluyt Society

  • Box A28-12B

    Halifax County

  • Box A28-12B

    Hall, Wilmer L.

  • Box A28-12B

    Hallam, Arthur

  • Box A28-12B

    Halle, Louis J.

  • Box A28-12B

    Halpine, Charles

  • Box A28-12B

    Halsey, Adm.

  • Box A28-12B

    Hamberger, William L. (see also MSS #9714)

  • Box A28-12B

    Hamer, Phillip - Guide to Manuscript Collections

  • Box A28-12B

    Hamilton, Alexander

  • Box A28-12B

    Hamilton, Charles

  • Box A28-12B

    Hamilton, Mary

  • Box A28-12B

    Hammond, George

  • Box A28-12B

    Hammond, L.M.

  • Box A28-12B

    Hamond Papers

  • Box A28-12B

    Hamond, Sir Andrew Snape

  • Box A28-12B

    Hampden-Sidney College

  • Box A28-12C

    Hampton, Wade

  • Box A28-12C

    Hanberry, James

  • Box A28-12C

    Hanco*ck, John W.

  • Box A28-12J

    Hanco*ck, W. Scott - Journal

  • Box A28-12J

    Handy, Edward C.S.

  • Box A28-12J

    Hanes, Leigh

  • Box A28-12J

    Hanes, Thomas Andrews

  • Box A28-12J

    Hanover County Virginia

  • Box A28-12J

    Hanover County Tax Book

  • Box A28-12J

    Happel, Ralph

  • Box A28-12J

    Harding, Walter

  • Box A28-12J

    Hardy, Thomas

  • Box A28-12J


  • Box A28-12J

    Harold, E.B. 1988

  • Box A28-12J

    Harold, Mrs. Edward B.

  • Box A28-12J

    Harkrader, Charles J.

  • Box A28-12J

    Harrigan, Anthony

  • Box A28-12J

    Harris, Doris

  • Box A28-12J

    Harris Family

  • Box A28-12J

    Harris, Harry

  • Box A28-12J

    Harris, Joel Chandler

  • Box A28-12J

    Harrison, Albertis S.

  • Box A28-12J

    Harrison, Burr P.

  • Box A28-12J

    Harrison, Fairfax - Mr. & Mrs. (Hetty Cary Harrison)

  • Box A28-12J

    Harrison Family

  • Box A28-12J

    Harrison, Francis Burton

  • Box A28-12J

    Harrison, Gessner

  • Box A28-12J

    Hart, Andrew

  • Box A28-12J

    Hart Family

  • Box A28-12J

    Hart, James

  • Box A28-12J

    Harte, Bret

  • Box A28-12J

    Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  • Box A28-12K

    Harvard University

  • Box A28-12K

    Harwell, Richard B. 1954-1956

  • Box A28-12K

    Haushalter, Walter M.

  • Box A28-12K

    Hawes Family

  • Box A28-12K

    Hawkes, John - Mr. & Mrs. (Sophie T. Hawkes)

  • Box A28-12K

    Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  • Box A28-12K

    Hay, Mary Oakley

  • Box A28-12K

    Hay, T.R. (see also Magruder, John)

  • Box A28-12K

    Haydn, Joseph

  • Box A28-12K

    Hayes, Rutherford B.

  • Box A28-12K


  • Box A28-12K

    Heaney, Howell J. (see also Dickens, Charles)

  • Box A28-12K

    Hearn, Lafcadio

  • Box A28-12K

    Heaton, H. Thayer

  • Box A28-12L

    Hedges, Dr. Halstead S.

  • Box A28-12L

    H.E.W. Special Fund

  • Box A28-12L

    Heard, John Theodore

  • Box A28-12L

    Heflin, Aubrey

  • Box A28-12L

    Heite, Edward F.

  • Box A28-12L

    Hemingway, Ernest

  • Box A28-12L

    Hemphill, John, II 1956-1960

  • Box A28-12L

    Hemphill, W. Edwin 1950-1955

  • Box A28-12L

    Hench, Atcheson L.

  • Box A28-12M

    Hench Catalogue

  • Box A28-12M

    Hench, Philip

  • Box A28-12M

    Hench - Yellow Fever

  • Box A28-12M

    Hench - Yellow Fever - Carroll

  • Box A28-12M


  • Box A28-12M

    Henkel Family

  • Box A28-12M

    Henkel Family Papers & Press

  • Box A28-12M

    Henry (John) Map of Virginia

  • Box A28-12M

    Henry, Joseph

  • Box A28-12M

    Henry, O.

  • Box A28-12M

    Henry, Patrick

  • Box A28-12M

    Herbert, Henry William

  • Box A28-12M

    Hereford, Frank L.

  • Box A28-12M

    Herndon, Dr. Brodie S.

  • Box A28-12M

    Herndon Family

  • Box A28-12M

    Herndon, John W.

  • Box A28-12M

    Herrick, Robert

  • Box A28-12M

    Herringman, Henry

  • Box A28-12M

    Heth Papers

  • Box A28-12N

    Heth-Selden Papers

  • Box A28-12N

    Hey, Colin G.

  • Box A28-12N

    Hiden, Mrs. Philip W.

  • Box A28-12N

    Higginbotham, David

  • Box A28-12N

    Higginbottom, Samuel

  • Box A28-12N

    Hildreth, William S.

  • Box A28-12N

    Hill, Gen. A.P.

  • Box A28-12N

    Hill, Archibald A.

  • Box A28-12N

    Hilliard & Gray

  • Box A28-12N

    Hilldrup Manuscript

  • Box A28-12N

    Hilton, James

  • Box A28-12N

    Hinman, Charlton

  • Box A28-12N

    Hirsch, Rudolf

  • Box A28-12N

    Historic Green Springs, Inc.

  • Box A28-12N

    Historical Collections - Annual Reports

  • Box A28-12N

    Historical Societies

  • Box A28-12N

    History Club - University of Virginia

  • Box A28-12N

    Hite, Mrs. Edgar L.

  • Box A28-12N


  • Box A28-12N


  • Box A28-12N

    Hobbs, William H.

  • Box A28-12N

    Hobson, Fanny

  • Box A28-12N

    Hoes, Laurence G.

  • Box A28-12O

    Hogan, J.R.

  • Box A28-12O

    Hoge, William A.

  • Box A28-12O

    Hogshead, Mrs. Richard

  • Box A28-12O

    Hohner, Robert A.

  • Box A28-12O

    Holladay Family

  • Box A28-12O

    Holliday, Frederick William

  • Box A28-12O

    Holland, Dr. Charlton G.

  • Box A28-12O

    Holmes, George Frederick

  • Box A28-12O

    Holmes, Oliver Wendell

  • Box A28-12O

    Holsinger Studio (MSS #9862)

  • Box A28-12O

    Holsinger Studio Collection

  • Box A28-12O

    Holt, Stephen Philip

  • Box A28-12O

    Hooe and Harrison

  • Box A28-12O

    Hook, James Lewis

  • Box A28-12O

    Hook, John, material

  • Box A28-12O

    Hoover, Herbert

  • Box A28-12P

    Horn, Andrew H.

  • Box A28-12P

    Horn Papers

  • Box A28-12P

    Horn, Stanley F.

  • Box A28-12P

    Horner, David L., III

  • Box A28-12P

    Horner Manuscripts (MSS #379)

  • Box A28-12P

    Hostick, King V.

  • Box A28-12P

    Hotchkiss, Jed 1938-1960

  • Box A28-12P

    Hough, Emerson

  • Box A28-12P

    Houghton, Herbert

  • Box A28-12P

    House, Edward

  • Box A28-12P

    House Bill #67 - Public Records Act, 1976

  • Box A28-12P

    Housing Requests - University of Virginia

  • Box A28-12P

    Housman, A.E.

  • Box A28-12P

    Houston, David F.

  • Box A28-12P

    Houston, Sam

  • Box A28-12P


  • Box A28-12P

    Howard, Carter Eugene

  • Box A28-12P

    Howell, Morton Boyte

  • Box A28-12P

    Howells, William Dean

  • Box A28-12P


  • Box A28-12P

    Hoy, Peter 1989

  • Box A28-12P

    Hubard Family Manuscripts

  • Box A28-12Q

    Howe, George L.

  • Box A28-12Q

    Howes, Wright

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hroswithe Club

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hubbard, Fred C. (see also Presses, Private)

  • Box A28-12Q


  • Box A28-12Q

    Hudson Bay Record Society

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hudson, W.H.

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hughes, Thomas P.

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hugo, Harold

  • Box A28-12Q


  • Box A28-12Q


  • Box A28-12Q

    Hunt Botanical Library

  • Box A28-12Q

    Huntington (Henry E.) Library and Art Gallery)

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hutcheson, Francis

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hutchins, John S.

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hutchinson, C.A.

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hutchison, Elizabeth M.

  • Box A28-12Q

    Huttner, Elizabeth Stege

  • Box A28-12Q

    Hyde, Donald

  • Box A28-12Q


  • Box A28-12Q

    Hynan, Patrick

  • Box A28-12R


  • Box A28-12R

    Huger, Benjamin

  • Box A28-12R

    Hugo, Harold

  • Box A28-12R

    Harold Hugo Project - Jefferson Drawing for the Rotunda

  • Box A28-12R

    Hulbert, Judge Henry Schoolcraft

  • Box A28-12R

    Humboldt, Alexander von

  • Box A28-12R


  • Box A28-12R

    Humphreys, Milton Wyllie

  • Box A28-12R

    Hundley, Mrs. Peyton (see also Brydon, G.)

  • Box A28-12R


  • Box A28-12R

    Hunt Family

  • Box A28-12R

    Hunt, Henry B., Jr.

  • Box A28-12R

    Hunt, Leigh - and Portrait

  • Box A28-12R

    Hunt, Mrs. Roy

  • Box A28-12S

    Hunter, Dard (see also Imprimature )

  • Box A28-12S

    Hunter, James

  • Box A28-12S

    Hunter, John H.

  • Box A28-12S

    Hunter, Thomas Lomax

  • Box A28-12S

    Hunter, R.M.T.

  • Box A28-12S

    Hunter-Garnett Papers

  • Box A28-12S

    Huntington (Henry E.) Library and Art Gallery

  • Box A28-12S

    Hunton, Eppa

  • Box A28-12S

    Hurd, Charles

  • Box A28-12S

    Hurt (see also Stone Printing & Manufacturing)

  • Box A28-12S

    Hurt Family

  • Box A28-12S

    Hutcheson, Joseph C.

  • Box A28-12S

    Hutchinson, C.A.

  • Box A28-12S

    Hutchinson, Helen

  • Box A28-12S

    Hutchinson Papers

  • Box A28-12S

    Hutter, C.S., Jr. / Edwin C. Hutter

  • Box A28-12S

    Huxley, Aldous

  • Box A28-12S

    Hyde, Donald

  • Box A28-12T

    H misc.

  • Box A28-12T

    I misc. 1930-1988

  • Box A28-12T

    Imboden Papers

  • Box A28-12T


  • Box A28-12T


  • Box A28-12T


  • Box A28-12T

    Index - English NUCMC

  • Box A28-12T


  • Box A28-12T


  • Box A28-12T


  • Box A28-12T


  • Box A28-12T

    Industrial History Society

  • Box A28-12T

    Ingles, John

  • Box A28-12T

    Inglesias, Santiago

  • Box A28-12T

    Ingram, John Henry

  • Box A28-13A

    Institute of Early American History and Culture

  • Box A28-13A

    Institute of Historical Research

  • Box A28-13A

    Instituto Panamericano (see also Spanish American)

  • Box A28-13A

    Insurance 1965-1979

  • Box A28-13A

    Insurance 1984

  • Box A28-13A

    Insurance - Collections 1981-1984

  • Box A28-13A

    Insurance - State Policy Review 1985

  • Box A28-13A

    Insurance for our collections (1987- )

  • Box A28-13A

    Insurance - General University of Virginia

  • Box A28-13A

    Insurance Schedule - Retired

  • Box A28-13B

    Insurance 1939-1964

  • Box A28-13B

    Insurance Policy & Endorsem*nts 1972 Mar 9-1975 Mar 9

  • Box A28-13B

    Insurance - Rare Books

  • Box A28-13B

    Interlibrary Loan

  • Box A28-13B


  • Box A28-13B

    Internships Program

  • Box A28-13B

    International Congress on Archives

  • Box A28-13B


  • Box A28-13B

    Invoices - B MSS Fund

  • Box A28-13B

    Irvine, Robert Tate

  • Box A28-13B

    Irving, Washington 1970-1984

  • Box A28-13B

    Irving, Washington 1989

  • Box A28-13B

    Ivy Creek Foundation 1988-1989

  • Box A28-13C

    Irving, Washington 1962-1969

  • Box A28-13C

    J misc. 1930-1984)

  • Box A28-13D

    J misc. 1985-1989

  • Box A28-13D

    Jackson, Andrew

  • Box A28-13D

    Jackson, Luther P.

  • Box A28-13D

    Jackson, Stonewall

  • Box A28-13D

    Jackson, Stuart W. 1955-1957

  • Box A28-13D

    Jackson, W.A.

  • Box A28-13D

    Jaffe, Louis I. (see also J misc.)

  • Box A28-13D

    James Family

  • Box A28-13D

    James, Henry

  • Box A28-13D

    James, Henry - C.W. Barrett / Leon Edel

  • Box A28-13D


  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Exhibits

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Hemphill, John 1957

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival 1957

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Jefferson Day (see also Loans - Manuscripts)

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Gift 1957

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Library of Congress 1957

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - McGregor Publications 1957

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Miscellaneous

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Overseas Guests & Participation 1954-1957

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Publications Committee 1957

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Festival - Publicity 1957

  • Box A28-13F

    Jamestown Island - Committee

  • Box A28-13G

    Jamestown Festival - University of Virginia Participation 1957

  • Box A28-13G


  • Box A28-13G

    Jay, John

  • Box A28-13G

    Jefferson, Isaac

  • Box A28-13G

    Jefferson, Martha

  • Box A28-13G

    Jefferson, Peter

  • Box A28-13G

    Jefferson, Thomas 1979-1984

  • Box A28-13H

    Jefferson, Thomas 1971-1977

  • Box A28-13H

    Jefferson - Account Books 1985-1986

  • Box A28-13H

    Jefferson - Account Book 1989

  • Box A28-13H

    Jefferson, Thomas - Biographies

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson, Thomas - Books

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Library

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Cabell letters

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson, Thomas - Calendar 1964-1977

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson, Thomas - Calendar 1981-1985

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson, Thomas - Calendar 1941-1950

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson, Thomas - Calendar - Suppl[ement] - estimate of printing

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson, Thomas - Cannons of Conduct

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson, Thomas - 1828 Catalogue of the University of Virginia Library

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Ceracchi

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Checklist - Boyd, Julian P.

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Checklist - Form Letters & Replies (alphabetical)

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Checklist - General

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Chicago Jubilee

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson, Thomas - Christmas Cards

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Cipher Codes

  • Box A28-13I

    Jefferson - Ciphers 1987-1989

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas 1941-1970

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Account Books

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Agriculture

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Ancestry

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Architecture 1930-1960

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Autographs

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Award

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Bedford County

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Bennett Henderson Estate

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Bible

  • Box A28-13J

    Jefferson, Thomas - Bibliography

  • Box A28-13K

    Jefferson, Thomas - Ciphers

  • Box A28-13K

    Jefferson, Thomas - Clippings

  • Box A28-13K

    Jefferson - Cosway

  • Box A28-13K

    Jefferson, Thomas - Documents

  • Box A28-13K

    Jefferson, Thomas - Drawings 1974-1977

  • Box A28-13K

    Jefferson, Thomas - Drawings 1978 Apr-1984

  • Box A28-13L

    Jefferson - Papers of Thomas Jefferson - Bullock

  • Box A28-13L

    Jefferson, Thomas - Papers of 1951-1972

  • Box A28-13L

    Jefferson, Thomas - Papers of - Princeton University 1988-1989

  • Box A28-13L

    Jefferson, Thomas - Music (1988- )

  • Box A28-13L

    Jefferson, Thomas - Drawings 1988-1989

  • Box A28-14S

    Jefferson, Thomas - Drawings 1949-1971

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Drawings 1972-1973

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Drawings 1985

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Drawings 1987

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Drawings - Carlitz Lot

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson - Du Moulin

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson - Dunglison

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Education

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson - Engravings Notes

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Engravings of

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson - Eppes

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson - Facsimiles

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Morris Plan Bank Facsimile

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson - Family Genealogy

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Family manuscripts

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Farm Book

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Fellowships

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Garden Books

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Genealogy

  • Box A28-15A

    Jefferson, Thomas - Iconography

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson, Thomas - Inventions

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson, Thomas - Law

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson - Lawyers

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson - Letters Missing

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson, Thomas - Letters Obtained 1950-1966

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson, Thomas - Letters Not Obtained 1946-1954

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson, Thomas - Letters Not Obtained 1956-1965

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson, Thomas - Letters Not Obtained (1968- )

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson - Letters - Tucker-Coleman

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson, Thomas - Letters

  • Box A28-13M

    Jefferson - Letters

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson, Thomas - Library

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Library of Congress

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Collection - Library of Congress

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Burke

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Huntington Library

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Kean, Jefferson Randolph

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Massachusetts Historical Society

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - McGregor Collections

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Medal (MSS #38-592)

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Missouri Historical Society

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson, Thomas - Manuscripts in Morgan Library

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - National Archives

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Taylor , Olivia (see also Kirk...)

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Union List of Papers at University of Virginia

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - University of Texas Library

  • Box A28-13N

    Jefferson, Thomas - Memorial Foundation

  • Box A28-13O

    Jefferson, Thomas 1986-1989

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson - Notes - Peden

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Pen

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Peyton

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson - Philosophy

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Philosophy of Jesus

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson - Phi Kappa Alpha

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Pictures

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson on Plato

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson - Poet

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Polygraph

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson - Poplar Forest

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson - Portaits

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Prayer Book

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Relics

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Religion

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson - Rockfish Gap Commission Report

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - St. Memin Engraving

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Scandals

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson, Thomas - Science

  • Box A28-13P

    Jefferson & Science Exhibition 1981

  • Box A28-13Q

    Jefferson, Thomas - Memorial Foundation 1951

  • Box A28-13Q

    Jefferson - Manuscripts - Monticello

  • Box A28-13Q

    Jefferson, Thomas - Music

  • Box A28-13Q

    Jefferson - Nail Factory

  • Box A28-13Q

    Jefferson, Thomas - New Testament

  • Box A28-13Q

    Jefferson - Notes on Virginia - Clemons

  • Box A28-13Q

    Jefferson - Notes on Virginia - Verner

  • Box A28-13Q

    Jefferson, Thomas - Notes on Virginia

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Scrapbooks

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Seal

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Slaves

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Society

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson - Stockdale Correspondence

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Tombstone

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Violins

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Will

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson Wine Grape Growers Society 1986-1988

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Wines & Other Spirits

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Writings of

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Miscellaneous

  • Box A28-13R

    Jefferson, Thomas - Nugent Code

  • Box A28-13R

    Jeffress, Robert M.

  • Box A28-13R

    Jenner, Edward

  • Box A28-13R

    Jennings, John Melville

  • Box A28-13R

    Jervis, John B.

  • Box A28-13R

    Jesuit Relations

  • Box A28-13R

    Jewett, Sarah Orne

  • Box A28-13R

    Job Descriptions - MSS Dept. - Old

  • Box A28-13R

    Johns, Mrs. Frank S.

  • Box A28-13R

    Johns, Jay W.

  • Box A28-13R

    Johnson, Andrew

  • Box A28-13R

    Johnson, Bradley T.

  • Box A28-13R

    Johnson, Evans

  • Box A28-13R

    Johnson, H.P.

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnson, Louis Arthur

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnston, Mary

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnson, Meredith

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnson, Mildred

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnson, Sam

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnson, Samuel

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnson, Thomas Cary

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnson, Mrs. T. Cary

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnson, Walter

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnston, Clem D., Library

  • Box A28-13S

    Johnston, James Ambler

  • Box A28-13T

    Johnston, Mary 1946-1984

  • Box A28-13T

    Johnston, Zachariah

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, Mrs. A. Waldo

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones Commission Rules

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, Charles Pinckney

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones Family Ledgers

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, John Beauchamp

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, John Page

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, John Paul

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, Maryus

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, Walter (MSS #8557)

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, William A.

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones, Wilhemina

  • Box A28-13T

    Jones Memorial Library

  • Box A28-13T

    Jordan, Conrad Baxter

  • Box A28-13T

    Jordan, Joseph A., Jr.

  • Box A28-13T

    Journal of Southern History

  • Box A28-13T

    Jouett, Jack

  • Box A28-13T

    Joyce, James

  • Box A28-13T

    Joynes, Edward

  • Box A28-13T

    Junkin Family

  • Box A28-14A

    K misc. 1930-1989

  • Box A28-14B

    Kanawha Valley, WV

  • Box A28-14B

    Kasson, John Adam

  • Box A28-14B

    Kean Family Papers

  • Box A28-14B

    Kean, Jefferson Randolph (see also Jefferson - Manuscripts - Kean)

  • Box A28-14B

    Kean, Robert G.

  • Box A28-14B

    Kean, Robert H.

  • Box A28-14B


  • Box A28-14B

    Keeley, Mary P.

  • Box A28-14B

    Kekocton Baptist Association

  • Box A28-14B

    Kellar, Herbert A.

  • Box A28-14B

    Kelly, Mrs. John J.

  • Box A28-14B

    Kemper, James Lawson

  • Box A28-14B

    Kemper Papers

  • Box A28-14B

    Kendall, Paul

  • Box A28-14B

    Kendig, Perry F.

  • Box A28-14B

    Kennedy, John F.

  • Box A28-14B

    Kennedy, John Pendleton

  • Box A28-14B

    Kenner, Hugh

  • Box A28-14B

    Kennan Institute

  • Box A28-14B

    Kennon Papers

  • Box A28-14B

    Kent, UK

  • Box A28-14C


  • Box A28-14C

    Kentucky Historical Society Register Index

  • Box A28-14C

    Kentucky, University of

  • Box A28-14C

    Kepner, William A. (MSS #4538-f)

  • Box A28-14C

    Kerlan, Irwin

  • Box A28-14C

    Ker-Porter Papers

  • Box A28-14C

    Key, Francis Scott

  • Box A28-14C

    Keyes, Frances Parkinson (Mrs. Henry Keyes)

  • Box A28-14C


  • Box A28-14C

    Kilner, Kenton

  • Box A28-14C

    Kilpatrick, James Jackson

  • Box A28-14C

    Kilpatrick Column - Indexing Questions

  • Box A28-14C

    Kilpatrick, Jack

  • Box A28-14C

    Kimball, Fiske

  • Box A28-14C

    Kimball, Marie

  • Box A28-14C

    Kimura, Kikuya

  • Box A28-14C

    Kincaid, E.A.

  • Box A28-14C

    King, George H.S.

  • Box A28-14D

    King, Grace

  • Box A28-14D

    King, Mrs. W.W.

  • Box A28-14D

    Kinsolving Family

  • Box A28-14D

    Kinzie, Frances Harshbarger

  • Box A28-14D

    Kipling, Rudyard

  • Box A28-14D

    Kirkland, Caroline

  • Box A28-14D

    Kisling, Dorothy

  • Box A28-14D

    Klingberg, Frank J.

  • Box A28-14D

    Knollenberg, Bernhard

  • Box A28-14D

    Knote, Dr. Theodore W.

  • Box A28-14D

    Knox, Henry

  • Box A28-14D

    Knox, John (1977- )

  • Box A28-14D

    Kocher, A. Lawrence

  • Box A28-14D

    Kohler, Dayton

  • Box A28-14D

    Kohn, John S. Van E.

  • Box A28-14D

    Korda, Michael

  • Box A28-14D

    Kosciuszko - Jefferson

  • Box A28-14D

    Kosciuszko, Thaddeus

  • Box A28-14D

    Kounsler, Randolph

  • Box A28-14D

    Kraus, H.P.

  • Box A28-14D

    Kreymborg Papers

  • Box A28-14E

    L misc. 1940-1986

  • Box A28-14F

    L misc. 1930-1939

  • Box A28-14F

    L misc. 1985-1989

  • Box A28-14G

    Labels - Box

  • Box A28-14G

    Labernum Library (see also Bryan)

  • Box A28-14G

    Lacy, Dan

  • Box A28-14G

    LaFarge, Father John

  • Box A28-14G

    Lafayette Papers

  • Box A28-14G

    Lafayette (see also Yorktown Campaign)

  • Box A28-14G

    Lafayette, Marquis de

  • Box A28-14G

    Lakeside Press

  • Box A28-14G

    Lamb, Mrs. Brockenbrough

  • Box A28-14G

    Lamb, Charles

  • Box A28-14G

    Lancashire County Record Office

  • Box A28-14G

    Lancaster, Dabney

  • Box A28-14G

    Land Grants

  • Box A28-14G

    Land, Robert H.

  • Box A28-14G

    Langford, Gerald (1952- )

  • Box A28-14G

    Lankes, J.B.

  • Box A28-14G

    Latane Family Papers

  • Box A28-14G

    Latin-American Manuscripts

  • Box A28-14G

    Latrobe, Benjamin

  • Box A28-14G

    Lauck, W. Jett

  • Box A28-14H

    Lawrence, D.H.

  • Box A28-14H

    Lay, K. Edward 1987-1989

  • Box A28-14H

    Lazear, Jesse

  • Box A28-14H

    Lee, Arthur

  • Box A28-14H

    Lee Calendar

  • Box A28-14H

    Lee, Cazenove G.

  • Box A28-14H

    Lee, Charles Carter

  • Box A28-14H

    Lee Family

  • Box A28-14H

    Lee, Fitzhugh

  • Box A28-14H

    Lee, Henry

  • Box A28-14H

    Lee, Lawrence

  • Box A28-14I

    Lee Papers - photostats at Yale (see also Photostats - Harvard)

  • Box A28-14I

    Lee - Revolutionary - Photostats at Harvard (see also Photostats - Yale)

  • Box A28-14I

    Lee, Richard Bland

  • Box A28-14I

    Lee, Richard Henry

  • Box A28-14I

    Lee, Robert E.

  • Box A28-14I

    Lee - Stratford

  • Box A28-14I

    Lefevre Attic Move (Spring 1985)

  • Box A28-14I

    Legal Instruments 1972-1988

  • Box A28-14I

    Legal Problems - House Bill #1754 1975

  • Box A28-14I

    Legal Problems

  • Box A28-14I

    Legare, James M.

  • Box A28-14I

    Lehmann-Haupt, Helmut (see also Bibliographical Society of America)

  • Box A28-14I

    Leigh-Hunt 1988

  • Box A28-14I

    Leigh Family

  • Box A28-14I

    Leland, Elder John

  • Box A28-14I

    Lemonnier, Dr. Leon

  • Box A28-14I

    Leonard, Bascom - Gift

  • Box A28-14I

    Leacek Family (see also Lincoln, Abraham)

  • Box A28-14I

    Lester, Malcolm

  • Box A28-14I

    Letcher, John

  • Box A28-14I

    Leuchtenburg, William E.

  • Box A28-14I

    Leverson, Ada

  • Box A28-14I

    Levit Letters

  • Box A28-14I

    Levy Family - of Monticello

  • Box A28-14I

    Lewis, Clifford, III

  • Box A28-14J

    Lewis Family

  • Box A28-14J

    Lewis Family Papers

  • Box A28-14J

    Lewis, Margaret - Commonplace Book

  • Box A28-14J

    Lewis, Meriwether

  • Box A28-14J

    Lewis, Sinclair

  • Box A28-14J

    Lewis, Thomas

  • Box A28-14J

    Lewis and Clark Papers

  • Box A28-14J

    Lexington Presbytery

  • Box A28-14J

    Libertarian Party 1988

  • Box A28-14J

    Libertarian Party Archives

  • Box A28-14J

    Library of Congress

  • Box A28-14J

    Library of Congress - Center for the Coordination of For. Mss.

  • Box A28-14J

    Library of Congress - Information Bulletin

  • Box A28-14J

    Library of Congress - Loan Division

  • Box A28-14K

    Library of Congress - Manuscripts Division

  • Box A28-14K

    Library of Congress - Map Division

  • Box A28-14K

    Library of Congress - Overseas Photocopying

  • Box A28-14K

    Library of Congress - Photoduplication Service

  • Box A28-14K

    Library of Congress - Rare Book Room (1952- )

  • Box A28-14K
  • Box A28-14K

    Library of Congress - Sioussat, St. George L.

  • Box A28-14K

    Library of Congress - Union Catalogue 1946-1952

  • Box A28-14K

    Library - AACR 2 Implementation Task Force

  • Box A28-14K

    Library - ALAS ALAC (Space Allocation Committee)

  • Box A28-14K

    Library - BRS (Cataloguing)

  • Box A28-14K

    Library - Bibliographic Records Services

  • Box A28-14K

    Library - Branches Technical Services

  • Box A28-14K

    Library - Collection Development

  • Box A28-14K

    Library Company of Philadelphia

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Faculty Salary Increases - Ad Hoc Committee

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Committee on Faculty Status

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Committee on the Future of the Card Catalogue

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Committee on Library Orientation

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Committee on Locked Stacks

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Newspaper Committee

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Online Catalogue Planning Committee

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Committee on Policy for Library [Faculty] Research

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Preservation Comittee

  • Box A28-14L

    Library - Preservation Committee - Minutes

  • Box A28-14M

    Library - Publications Committee 1983-1986

  • Box A28-14M

    Library - Committee on Reproduction Fees

  • Box A28-14M

    Library - Committee on Safety and Emergencies

  • Box A28-14M

    Library - Committee on Staff Development

  • Box A28-14M

    Library - Technical Assistant Committee

  • Box A28-14M

    Library - Travel Funds Policy Committee

  • Box A28-14M

    Library - Report of University Library Committee

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Goals and Objectives Committee

  • Box A28-14N

    Library Handbook

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Manuscripts Department - Minutes

  • Box A28-14N

    Library Rotation Program

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Manuscripts Department - Staff Absence Forms

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Organization Charts

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Program Groups (Boards)

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Reference Department

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Retrospective Conversion Project

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Science / Technology-Reports / Minutes

  • Box A28-14N

    Library Security Newsletter

  • Box A28-14N

    Library Self-Study

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Storage Library Collections & Access Committee

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Task Force on Catalog Usage

  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Task Force on Technical Considerations & Cost

  • Box A28-14N


  • Box A28-14N

    Library - Task Force on Technical Processing

  • Box A28-14N

    Library of Southern Literature

  • Box A28-14O

    Lightfoot, Philip

  • Box A28-14O


  • Box A28-14O


  • Box A28-14O

    Lindsay, N. Vachel

  • Box A28-14O

    Liston, Robert

  • Box A28-14O

    Literary Property

  • Box A28-14O

    Littlepage, Lewis

  • Box A28-14O

    Littleton, Frank C. (see also James Monroe Assoc.)

  • Box A28-14O

    Lloyd, Wildon

  • Box A28-14P

    Loans Returned 1974

  • Box A28-14P

    Locke, John

  • Box A28-14P

    Logan Gray, Inc.

  • Box A28-14P

    Logan, Rayford

  • Box A28-14P

    Lomax, John Taylor

  • Box A28-14P

    London, Jack

  • Box A28-14P

    London, Lawrence (see also Confederate Imprints; Virginia Imprints)

  • Box A28-14P

    London, University of

  • Box A28-14P

    Long, Professor George

  • Box A28-14P

    Long, Mrs. Ralph

  • Box A28-14P

    Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  • Box A28-14P

    Lorris, S.G.

  • Box A28-14P

    Loudoun County & Historical Society (see also Balch Library)

  • Box A28-14P

    Louisa County

  • Box A28-14P


  • Box A28-14P

    Louthan, Henry T.

  • Box A28-14P

    Lowdermilk, W.H. & Co.

  • Box A28-14P

    Lowell, James Russell

  • Box A28-14Q

    Loans Returned 1974-1976

  • Box A28-14Q

    Loans Returned 1979

  • Box A28-14R

    Loans - Correspondence re 1987

    Chiefly concerning interlibrary loans, but with some information on exhibition loans.

  • Box A28-14R

    Loans Returned 1980-1981

    Chiefly concerning interlibrary loans, but with some information on exhibition loans.

  • Box A28-14R

    Loans Returned 1985-1987

    Chiefly concerning interlibrary loans, but with some information on exhibition loans.

  • Box A28-14S

    Loans - Correspondence re

    Chiefly concerning interlibrary loans, but with some information on exhibition loans.

  • Box A28-14S

    Loans - Correspondence re 1971-1977

    Chiefly concerning interlibrary loans, but with some information on exhibition loans.

  • Box A28-14S

    Loans - Correspondence re, and Returns 1988-1989

    Chiefly concerning interlibrary loans, but with some information on exhibition loans.

  • Box A28-14T

    Low Moor Iron Co./ Borderland Coal Co. Project - General

  • Box A28-14T

    Low Moor Iron Co./ Borderland Coal Co. Project - Accounts

  • Box A28-14T

    Low Moor Iron Co./ Borderland Coal Co. Project - Expenditures

  • Box A28-14T

    Low Moor Iron Co./ Borderland Coal Co. Project - Transactions

  • Box A28-14T

    Low Moor Iron Co./ Borderland Coal Co. Project - Summary financial

  • Box A28-14T

    Low Moor Iron Co./ Borderland Coal Co. Project - Processing (papers)

  • Box A28-14T

    Low Moor Iron Co./ Borderland Coal Co. Project - Budget / Payroll

  • Box A28-14T

    Lucas, Eliza

  • Box A28-14T

    Luck, Mae

  • Box A28-14T


  • Box A28-14T

    Lutheran Church

  • Box A28-14T

    Lyle, Katie L.

  • Box A28-14T

    Lynch, Charles

  • Box A28-14T

    Lynch Law

  • Box A28-14T


  • Box A28-14T

    Lynchburg Foundry Company

  • Box A28-14T

    Lynchburg News and Advance

  • Box A28-14T

    Lyons Family

  • Box A28-15B

    McBryde, Stewart

  • Box A28-15B

    McCabe, William Gordon

  • Box A28-15B

    McCasland, Vernon

  • Box A28-15B

    McClary, Jane

  • Box A28-15B

    McClellan, Woodford

  • Box A28-15B

    MacClenny Papers

  • Box A28-15B

    MacClenny, W.E.

  • Box A28-15B

    McConnell, James

  • Box A28-15B

    McCormick, Charles D.

  • Box A28-15B

    McCormick Collection

  • Box A28-15B

    McCormick-Goodhart, Leander

  • Box A28-15B

    McCutchan, J. Wilson

  • Box A28-15B

    MacDonald, Edmund F.

  • Box A28-15B

    McDowell Family Papers 1986

  • Box A28-15C

    MacDonald, James & Co.

  • Box A28-15C

    McDowell Family Papers

  • Box A28-15C

    McDowell Manuscripts

  • Box A28-15C

    McFarland, Carl / Justice Stanley F. Reed

  • Box A28-15C

    McGehee-Hawkins Papers

  • Box A28-15C

    MacGowan, Everett W.

  • Box A28-15C

    McGroarty, William B.

  • Box A28-15C

    McGregor Library (see also McGregor accessioned as MSS #11263)

  • Box A28-15C

    McGregor Fund Trustees

  • Box A28-15C


  • Box A28-15C

    McGuire, Hunter Holmes

  • Box A28-15C

    Machemer, A.F.

  • Box A28-15C

    MacLeod, Mrs, John W.

  • Box A28-15C

    McIntire, Paul Goodloe

  • Box A28-15D

    MacKay, Colin B.

  • Box A28-15D

    McKay, H.B. (see also MSS #3821)

  • Box A28-15D

    MacKay-Smith, Alexander

  • Box A28-15D

    MacKenzie, Col. Alan

  • Box A28-15D

    McKnight Papers

  • Box A28-15D

    McLaws, Mrs. John T.

  • Box A28-15D

    Mc misc. 1983

  • Box A28-15D

    Mc misc. 1986-1989

  • Box A28-15E

    McLean, Jay

  • Box A28-15E

    MacLeish, Archibald

  • Box A28-15E

    McManaway, Dr. James G.

  • Box A28-15E

    McMath-Hulbert Observatory

  • Box A28-15E

    McMurdo, Muriel

  • Box A28-15E

    McMurtrie, Douglas C. (see also American Imprints; Mississippi)

  • Box A28-15E

    McPherson, Mrs. E.H.

  • Box A28-15E

    McPherson Papers

  • Box A28-15E

    McReynolds, James

  • Box A28-15E

    McReynolds, James Clark

  • Box A28-15E

    MacShane, Frank

  • Box A28-15E

    McVitty, Samuel Herbert

  • Box A28-15F

    McWane, Fred W.

  • Box A28-15F

    McWane, Henry E.

  • Box A28-15F

    Madden, T.O.

  • Box A28-15F

    Maddux, T.H. & Co.

  • Box A28-15F

    Madison, Dolley

  • Box A28-15F

    Madison, James 1937-1984

  • Box A28-15F

    Madison, James - Papers of 1966-1976

  • Box A28-15F

    Madison, Bishop James

  • Box A28-15F

    Madison Papers 1957-1965

  • Box A28-15G

    M misc. 1923-1965

  • Box A28-H

    M misc. 1970-1987

  • Box A28-15I

    M misc. 1966-1969

  • Box A28-15I

    M misc. 1988-1989

  • Box A28-15I

    Madison, James (1985- )

  • Box A28-15I

    Madison, James - Editorial Project

  • Box A28-15I

    Madison, James - Books

  • Box A28-15I

    Madison, James - Library (see also Scott, W.W.)

  • Box A28-15I

    Madison Letter Loss

  • Box A28-15I

    Magruder, John Bankhead

  • Box A28-15J

    Mahone Family Papers

  • Box A28-15J

    Mahone-McGill Papers

  • Box A28-15J

    Main, Mrs. Robert

  • Box A28-15J

    Mallet, John W.

  • Box A28-15J

    Mallet, Marcus

  • Box A28-15J

    Mallory Family Papers

  • Box A28-15J

    Malone, Dumas

  • Box A28-15J

    Manahan, Jack

  • Box A28-15J

    Manassas Battle

  • Box A28-15J

    Manchester Libraries

  • Box A28-15J

    Mann Genealogy

  • Box A28-15J

    Mann, Harrison

  • Box A28-15J

    Mann, Gov. William Hodges

  • Box A28-15J

    Manuscripts 1939-1950

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Administration of

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Applications for Employment

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Care of

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts Control

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts Division - Employment Information

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Equipment

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Guides and Union Lists

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Job Descriptions

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Loans

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Medical

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Medieval and Renaissance

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts - Policies

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts Purchased (including Jefferson Fund)

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts Division - Service Ratings

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscripts Division - Shelving

  • Box A28-15K

    Manuscript Society, The

  • Box A28-15L

    Manuscripts Society

  • Box A28-15L

    Appendices to Self-Evaluation

  • Box A28-15L

    Manuscripts - Student Assistants (1964- )

  • Box A28-15L

    Manuscripts - Thefts and Thieves

  • Box A28-15L

    Manuscripts Co. of Springfield

  • Box A28-15L

    Manuscripts in Virginia by R.E. Stocking

  • Box A28-15L

    Maps (see also Mann, C.H.; Doolan, J.; Fry, J.; Farrer; Crown coll.)

  • Box A28-15M

    Maps and Maps - Virginia

  • Box A28-15M

    Maps - Confederate Museum

  • Box A28-15M

    Maps - Requests for

  • Box A28-15M

    Maps - Kentucky

  • Box A28-15M

    Maps of Virginia (see also Thornton Map)

  • Box A28-15M

    Mariners Museum

  • Box A28-15M

    MARAC (see also Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference) 1988

  • Box A28-15M

    Markham, Edwin

  • Box A28-15M

    Marshall, George C., Research Library

  • Box A28-15M

    Marshall, J.J.

  • Box A28-15M

    Marshall, James Collier

  • Box A28-15M

    Marshall, John

  • Box A28-15N

    Marshall, John - Papers of

  • Box A28-15N

    Maury-Fontaine Papers 1988-1989

  • Box A28-15N

    Marshall, R.C.

  • Box A28-15N

    Marshall, Mrs. William C.

  • Box A28-15N

    Marsteller, E.H., Jr.

  • Box A28-15N

    Martin Family

  • Box A28-15N

    Martin, Thomas S.

  • Box A28-15N

    Marvin, George

  • Box A28-15N

    Mary Ball Memorial Museum

  • Box A28-15N

    Mary Washington College

  • Box A28-15N


  • Box A28-15N

    Maryland Colony Charter

  • Box A28-15N

    Maryland Historical Society

  • Box A28-15N

    Maryland Imprints (see also Bristol, Roger)

  • Box A28-15N

    Maryland-Virginia-DC Regional Group of Cataloguers

  • Box A28-15O

    Mary Washington College Library

  • Box A28-15O

    Mason, Mrs. Cora

  • Box A28-15O

    Mason Family

  • Box A28-15O

    Mason, George

  • Box A28-15O

    Mason, J. Tate

  • Box A28-15O

    Mason, Robert French, III / Josephine Carswell

  • Box A28-15O

    Masonic Lodge

  • Box A28-15O

    Massachusetts Historical Society

  • Box A28-15O

    Massey, Linton

  • Box A28-15O

    Massie Family

  • Box A28-15O

    Massie, G. Edmond

  • Box A28-15O

    Massey, John

  • Box A28-15O

    Masters, Edgar Lee

  • Box A28-15P

    Masterson, William

  • Box A28-15P

    Material Sent to Other Institutions

  • Box A28-15P

    Mather, Cotton

  • Box A28-15P

    Matthews, John Carter (see also Lee, R.H.)

  • Box A28-15P

    Matthews, Johnson

  • Box A28-15P

    Maugham, Somerset

  • Box A28-15P

    Maupin Family Papers

  • Box A28-15P

    Maupin, Socrates

  • Box A28-15P

    Maury, Ann (see also Adams)

  • Box A28-15P

    Maury, James

  • Box A28-15P

    Maury, Matthew Fontaine

  • Box A28-15P

    Maury, Capt. Richard

  • Box A28-15P

    Maury Papers

  • Box A28-15P

    Maury Papers - Fontaine [Maury] 1985-1987

  • Box A28-15P

    Maury Family

  • Box A28-15Q

    Maverick, Ruth (Mrs. G.M.)

  • Box A28-15Q

    Mayes, Mrs. J.G.

  • Box A28-15Q

    Mayo, Bernard

  • Box A28-15Q

    Mayo, Frederick

  • Box A28-15Q

    Mays, David J.

  • Box A28-15Q

    Mazzei, Philip

  • Box A28-15Q

    Meacham, Harry

  • Box A28-15Q

    Meade, Alice

  • Box A28-15Q

    Meade, Everard K.

  • Box A28-15Q

    Meade, Robert Douthat 1985

  • Box A28-15R

    Meade Family

  • Box A28-15R

    Meade, Robert D. 1989

  • Box A28-15R

    Meade, Robert Dothat

  • Box A28-15R

    Meade, R.D.

  • Box A28-15R

    Mearns, David C.

  • Box A28-15R


  • Box A28-15R

    Medieval Manuscripts

  • Box A28-15R

    Medina Centennial Celebration

  • Box A28-15R

    Meeks, Bernard M.

  • Box A28-15R

    Melville, Herman

  • Box A28-15R

    Mellon, Paul 1988-1989

  • Box A28-15R

    Mellon, Paul 1950-1974

  • Box A28-15R

    Memoranda - Sent by Berkeley 1968-1980

  • Box A28-15R

    Memos 1968-1980

  • Box A28-15R

    Memos 1982

  • Box A28-15S

    Memos 1981

  • Box A28-15S

    Memos - Incoming from General Office 1982

  • Box A28-15S

    Memos - Incoming from University 1982

  • Box A28-15S

    Memoranda (Old) - re: Travel

  • Box A28-15S

    Memos - Outgoing by EB 1982

  • Box A28-15S

    Memos - Outgoing 1982

  • Box A28-15S

    Memos - Outgoing by EB 1985

  • Box A28-15S

    Memoranda to Manuscripts People re: Working Hours

  • Box A28-15S

    Memos 1983

  • Box A28-15S

    Memos - Incoming - University 1983

  • Box A28-15T

    Memos - Incoming - General Office 1983

  • Box A28-15T

    Memos - Outgoing - EB 1983

  • Box A28-15T

    Memos - Incoming - University 1984

  • Box A28-15T

    Memos - Incoming - General Office 1984

  • Box A28-15T

    Memos - Outgoing - EB 1984

  • Box A28-15T

    Memos 1984

  • Box A28-15T

    Memos - Incoming - General Office 1985

  • Box A28-16A

    Memos - Outgoing - EB 1986

  • Box A28-16A

    Memos - Incoming - University 1985

  • Box A28-16A

    Memos - Outgoing 1988-1989

  • Box A28-16A

    Memos - Incoming - General Office 1986

  • Box A28-16A

    Memos - Incoming - General Office 1988-1989

  • Box A28-16B

    Memoranda - Incoming - General Office 1987

  • Box A28-16B

    Memoranda - Incoming - General Office 1989-1990

  • Box A28-16B

    Memoranda - Outgoing - EB 1987

  • Box A28-16B

    Memoranda - Outgoing 1988-1990

  • Box A28-16C

    Mencken, Henry Louis

  • Box A28-16C

    Menefee Family

  • Box A28-16C

    Mercer Family

  • Box A28-16C

    Mercer, Hugh (see also Flickinger, B. Floyd)

  • Box A28-16C

    Mercer, John

  • Box A28-16C

    Meredith Family

  • Box A28-16C

    Meredith, George

  • Box A28-16C

    Meriden Gravure Company

  • Box A28-16C

    Merrill, Boynton

  • Box A28-16C

    Meriwether Family

  • Box A28-16C

    Metcalf, John Calvin

  • Box A28-16C

    Methodist Church

  • Box A28-16C

    Mettauer, Dr. John Peter

  • Box A28-16C

    Metzdorf, Robert - Bills

  • Box A28-16C

    Metzdorf, Robert - Resume

  • Box A28-16C

    Metzdorf, Robert 1973

  • Box A28-16C

    Metzdorf, Rober 1970

  • Box A28-16D

    Metzdorf, Rober 1965-1969

  • Box A28-16D

    Mewshaw, Michael

  • Box A28-16D

    Mexican War

  • Box A28-16D


  • Box A28-16D

    Meyer, Nicholas

  • Box A28-16D

    Michael, J. Harry

  • Box A28-16D

    Michie Family

  • Box A28-16D

    Michie Company

  • Box A28-16D

    Michie, Thomas J.

  • Box A28-16D

    Michie Tavern

  • Box A28-16D


  • Box A28-16D

    Micro Methods Ltd.

  • Box A28-16D

    Microfilm 1950-1952

  • Box A28-16D

    Microfilm 1964-1984

  • Box A28-16D

    Microfilm (1983- )

  • Box A28-16D

    Microfilming Corp. of America

  • Box A28-16E


  • Box A28-16E

    Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (see also MARC)

  • Box A28-16E

    Middleton, Arthur Pierce (see also Colonial Williamsburg)

  • Box A28-16E

    Midway Mill

  • Box A28-16E

    Milburne, Virginia S.

  • Box A28-16E

    Military History

  • Box A28-16E

    Military Service - Deferment

  • Box A28-16E

    Millay, Edna St. Vincent

  • Box A28-16E

    Millenial Harbinger

  • Box A28-16E

    Miller - Applications

  • Box A28-16E

    Miller, C.W. 1940-1951

  • Box A28-16E

    Miller, Carl F.

  • Box A28-16E

    Miller, Col. Francis Pickins

  • Box A28-16E

    Miller, Helen Hill

  • Box A28-16E

    Miller, Henry

  • Box A28-16F

    Miller, John C.

  • Box A28-16F

    Miller, John Carl - Estate of

  • Box A28-16F

    Miller School

  • Box A28-16F

    Mills, Robert

  • Box A28-16F

    Miltmore, Dr. Dean 1950

  • Box A28-16F


  • Box A28-16F


  • Box A28-16F

    Minisink Valley Historical Society

  • Box A28-16F


  • Box A28-16F

    Minor, C. Venable

  • Box A28-16F

    Minor Family Papers

  • Box A28-16F

    Minor, James

  • Box A28-16F

    Minor, John Barbee

  • Box A28-16G

    Mish, Charles C.

  • Box A28-16G

    Missionaries - Asian

  • Box A28-16G


  • Box A28-16G

    Mississippi Imprints Bibliography

  • Box A28-16G

    Mississippi Historical Association 1939-1951

  • Box A28-16G

    Mitchell, Ellis C.

  • Box A28-16G

    Mitchell, Mrs. R.L. (1950- )

  • Box A28-16G

    Modern Language Association

  • Box A28-16G

    Mohrhardt, Foster

  • Box A28-16G

    Moffatt, Guy

  • Box A28-16G

    Moffatt, L.G.

  • Box A28-16G

    Moffitt, John J., Jr. (1988- )

  • Box A28-16G

    Moffitt, John

  • Box A28-16G

    Moffitt, John J. - Estate of 1989-1990

  • Box A28-16G


  • Box A28-16H

    Molineaux Map

  • Box A28-16H


  • Box A28-16H

    Monitor & Merrimac

  • Box A28-16H


  • Box A28-16H

    Monroe, Harriet

  • Box A28-16H

    Monroe Hill

  • Box A28-16H

    Monroe, James 1940-1988

  • Box A28-16H

    Monroe, James - FANT

  • Box A28-16H

    Monroe, James - Materials - N.H.P.C.

  • Box A28-16H

    Monroe, James - Law Office & Museum

  • Box A28-16H

    Monroe, James - Hoes, L.

  • Box A28-16H

    Monroe Meeting Luncheon

  • Box A28-16I

    Monroe, James - Letterpress Publication - Proposal Revised

  • Box A28-16I

    Monroe, James - Letterpress Publication

  • Box A28-16I

    Monroe, James - Microfilm Project

  • Box A28-16I

    Monroe, James - Publication Project (Feb. conference) 1967

  • Box A28-16I

    Montague, Lady Mary

  • Box A28-16I

    Monteiro, Aristides

  • Box A28-16I

    Monthly News Notes - old master lists

  • Box A28-16I

    Monticello (see also Jefferson - Monticello)

  • Box A28-16I

    Monticello Association

  • Box A28-16I

    Monticello Cookbooks

  • Box A28-16I

    Monticello Music Collection

  • Box A28-16J

    Monticello News Letter

  • Box A28-16J

    Moon - Phases of - Complex Variable

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, Beveridge

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, Evelyne L. (see also Glee Club; Craddock, Edmund)

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, Mrs. George

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, John Travers

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, Kenneth L.

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, L. Franklin

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, Mrs. Maurice (1950- )

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, Thomas (see also MSS #10004)

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, Tom

  • Box A28-16J

    Moore, Dr. William Cabell 1950

  • Box A28-16J

    Moorman, Fay

  • Box A28-16J

    Moomaw, Hugh (see also United States Educational Commission...)

  • Box A28-16J

    Moran, Charles E., Jr.

  • Box A28-16J

    Moran, Virginia E.

  • Box A28-16J


  • Box A28-16J

    Morgan, Gen. Daniel

  • Box A28-16K

    Morgan Library, Pierpont

  • Box A28-16K

    Morgenthau, Hans

  • Box A28-16K

    Morgenthau, Hans J. - Papers

  • Box A28-16K

    Morley, Christopher

  • Box A28-16K

    Morton-Halsey Papers

  • Box A28-16K

    Morris, Dr. Beverly P.

  • Box A28-16K

    Morris Family

  • Box A28-16K

    Morris, Robert

  • Box A28-16K

    Morris Plan Bank

  • Box A28-16K

    Morris, William

  • Box A28-16K

    Morrison's Index of S.T.C. Painters

  • Box A28-16K

    Morrison, Paul G.

  • Box A28-16K

    Morrison - Wing Index

  • Box A28-16K


  • Box A28-16K

    Morton, C. Bruce

  • Box A28-16K

    Morton Family Papers

  • Box A28-16K

    Morton-Halsey Papers

  • Box A28-16K

    Morton, Mr. & Mrs. W.S.

  • Box A28-16K

    Mosby, John S.

  • Box A28-16L

    Mosher, Thomas B.

  • Box A28-16L


  • Box A28-16L

    Motor Vehicles - Application Blanks

  • Box A28-16L

    Mott, Howard

  • Box A28-16L

    Mott, Howard S. 1946-1951

  • Box A28-16L

    Mt. Moriah Church

  • Box A28-16L

    Mt. Vernon

  • Box A28-16L

    Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

  • Box A28-16L

    Mountain Lake Virginia

  • Box A28-16L

    Mowbray, Rev. Thomas K.

  • Box A28-16L

    Moyer, James

  • Box A28-16L

    Muller, Mr. & Mrs. Rene

  • Box A28-16L

    Mugridge, Donald H.

  • Box A28-16L

    Muir, John

  • Box A28-16L

    Muir, Percy

  • Box A28-16L

    Multigraph Sales Agency

  • Box A28-16L


  • Box A28-16L

    Mumford, L. Quincey

  • Box A28-16L


  • Box A28-16L

    Munford-Ellis Papers

  • Box A28-16M

    Munford, William

  • Box A28-16M

    Munroe, John A.

  • Box A28-16M

    Murchison, Mrs. J.W.

  • Box A28-16M

    Murphy Family / Bumgardner Papers

  • Box A28-16M

    Murphy, Gerald & Sara

  • Box A28-16M

    Murphy, Ray Livingston

  • Box A28-16M

    Murphy, Dr. William A.

  • Box A28-16M

    Murphy, William B.

  • Box A28-16M

    Murray, Mrs. Charles McLean

  • Box A28-16M

    Murray Printing Co. (see also Smith, Peter )

  • Box A28-16M

    Muse, Benjamin

  • Box A28-16M


  • Box A28-16M

    Mussey, Barrows (see also Bibliographical Society of America)

  • Box A28-16M

    Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia

  • Box A28-16N

    N misc. 1949-1980

  • Box A28-16N

    N misc. 1985-1989

  • Box A28-16O

    National Union Catalogue of Manuscript Collections 1985-1988

  • Box A28-16O

    National Union Catalogue of Manuscript Collections - Reports

  • Box A28-16O

    National Youth Aministration

  • Box A28-16O

    Natural Bridge

  • Box A28-16O

    Naval Documents of the American Revolution

  • Box A28-16O

    Naval History & Historical Foundation

  • Box A28-16O

    Naval Research Office

  • Box A28-16O

    Naval Reserve

  • Box A28-16O

    Neal, Harry

  • Box A28-16O

    Neal, John

  • Box A28-16O

    Negro Archives

  • Box A28-16O

    National Archives 1930-1949

  • Box A28-16O

    National Archives and Records Service

  • Box A28-16P

    National Archives and Records Service

  • Box A28-16P

    National Archives - Microfilm Publications

  • Box A28-16P

    NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

  • Box A28-16P

    National Endowment for Humanities

  • Box A28-16P

    National Endowment for Humanities - M. E. Warren / S. Mann

  • Box A28-16P

    National Gallery of Art

  • Box A28-16P

    National Guides 1989

  • Box A28-16P

    National Historic Records Program

  • Box A28-16P

    National Historical Publications & Records Commission

  • Box A28-16P

    National Historical Publications & Records Commission 1974

  • Box A28-16P

    National Historical Publications & Records Commission 1976-1982

  • Box A28-16Q

    National Historical Publications & Records Commission 1965-1973

  • Box A28-16Q

    National Historical Publications & Records Commission 1985-1986

  • Box A28-16Q

    National Historical Publications Commission 1951-1955

  • Box A28-16Q

    National Historical Publications Commission 1965-1967

  • Box A28-16Q

    National Historical Publications Commission - Budget / Financial

  • Box A28-16Q

    National Historical Publications Commission - Microfilm Sales 1986

  • Box A28-16R

    National Historical Publications Commission - Microfilm Sales

  • Box A28-16R

    NHPC - Survey on the use of original sources

  • Box A28-16R

    National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the U.S.

  • Box A28-16R

    National Park Service

  • Box A28-16R

    National Register of Archives

  • Box A28-16R

    National Register of Scottish Archives (see also Scotland - Records)

  • Box A28-16R

    National Trust for Historic Preservation

  • Box A28-16R

    National Union Catalogue of Manuscript Collections

  • Box A28-16R

    National Union Catalogue of Manuscript Collections 1957-1959

  • Box A28-16S

    National Union Catalogue of Manuscript Collections (1960- )

  • Box A28-16S

    Neal, Harry 1986

  • Box A28-16S

    Negro History & Genealogy

  • Box A28-16S

    Neihardt, John G.

  • Box A28-16S

    Nelson County

  • Box A28-16S

    Nelson Family

  • Box A28-16S

    Nelson, Thomas

  • Box A28-16S

    Nelson-Saginor, Page

  • Box A28-16S

    Networking (1983- )

  • Box A28-16S

    Neve, Archdeacon

  • Box A28-16S

    New Jersey Historical Society

  • Box A28-16S

    New Market Imprints: A Check-List

  • Box A28-16S

    New York Historical Society

  • Box A28-16S

    New York Public Library & Historical Society

  • Box A28-16S

    Newcomb, John Lloyd

  • Box A28-16S

    Newcomb Hall Fund

  • Box A28-16S

    Newcomb, Thomas - Imprints

  • Box A28-16S

    Newcomb / Warner Papers

  • Box A28-16T

    Newman, Julia Sweet

  • Box A28-16T

    News Notes

  • Box A28-16T


  • Box A28-16T

    Newspapers - Statistics

  • Box A28-16T

    Nicola Diary

  • Box A28-16T

    Nicholas, John

  • Box A28-16T

    Nicholas, Wilson Cary (see also Richards, G.; Hitchkiss, Jed)

  • Box A28-16T

    Nichols, Frederick D.

  • Box A28-16T

    Nicholson Papers

  • Box A28-16T

    Noland, Charles Fenton Mercer

  • Box A28-16T

    Nolan, J. Bennett

  • Box A28-16T

    Noland, Thomas B.

  • Box A28-16T

    Noland Family Papers

  • Box A28-16T


  • Box A28-16T


  • Box A28-16T

    Norfolk Museum of Arts & Sciences

  • Box A28-16T

    Norfolk Virginia

  • Box A28-16T

    Norfolk War History Committee

  • Box A28-16T

    Norford, W.L.

  • Box A28-16T

    Norona, Delf

  • Box A28-17A

    Norris, Frank

  • Box A28-17A

    North American Land Company

  • Box A28-17A

    North Anna Power Station

  • Box A28-17A

    North Carolina Dept. of Archives

  • Box A28-17A

    North Carolina University

  • Box A28-17A

    Northrop, Col. L.B.

  • Box A28-17A

    Norton, Charles Eliot

  • Box A28-17A

    Norton, Dan S.

  • Box A28-17A

    Nourse, Constance

  • Box A28-17A

    Nourse Family Papers

  • Box A28-17A

    Nowlin, Greenwood

  • Box A28-17A

    Nuremberg Chronicle

  • Box A28-17B

    O misc. 1930-1989

  • Box A28-17B

    Odd Fellows

  • Box A28-17B


  • Box A28-B

    OKeeffe, Georgia

  • Box A28-17C

    Olmsted, Frederick Law - Papers

  • Box A28-17C

    Omicron Delta Kappa

  • Box A28-17C

    O'Neill, Eugene

  • Box A28-17C

    O'Neal, William B. (see also Jefferson - Fine Arts Library)

  • Box A28-17C

    O'Neil, Robert M. - University of Virginia President 1988-1989

  • Box A28-17C

    Optical Instruments - Gaertner

  • Box A28-17C

    Optical Instruments - Spencer Lens

  • Box A28-17C

    Oral History

  • Box A28-17C

    Ordering and Receiving - 1989 Feb. Review

  • Box A28-17C


  • Box A28-17C

    Ostrom, John Ward (see also Poe - Ostrom)

  • Box A28-17D

    Oswald - Copy and Pictures

  • Box A28-17D

    Oswald Family

  • Box A28-17D

    Oswald, Richard

  • Box A28-17D


  • Box A28-17D

    Overton Family Papers

  • Box A28-17E

    P misc. 1930-1949

  • Box A28-17E

    P misc. 1988

  • Box A28-17E

    Page, Dr. John Randolph

  • Box A28-17E

    Page Family

  • Box A28-17E

    Page, John

  • Box A28-17E

    Page, Thomas Jefferson

  • Box A28-17E

    Page, Thomas Nelson (1969- )

  • Box A28-17F

    P Misc. 1950-1987

  • Box A28-17F

    P Misc. 1989

  • Box A28-17G

    Page Family (1989- )

  • Box A28-17G

    Page, Thomas Nelson 1965-1968

  • Box A28-17G

    Page, Vivian L.

  • Box A28-17G


  • Box A28-17G

    Page, Walter Hines

  • Box A28-17G

    Page, W. Nelson

  • Box A28-17G

    Page-Barbour Lectures

  • Box A28-17G


  • Box A28-17G


  • Box A28-17G


  • Box A28-17G

    Pan American Union

  • Box A28-17G

    Papantonio, Michael

  • Box A28-17G

    Paper - Misc.

  • Box A28-17H

    Paper - Misc.

  • Box A28-17H

    Paper - Misc. - Samples

  • Box A28-17I

    Paper - Misc. - Samples

  • Box A28-17I

    Paper - Pre-Printed Copying

  • Box A28-17I

    Paper - Preservation

  • Box A28-17I

    Paper - Rag Stock

  • Box A28-17J

    Paper Shortage

  • Box A28-17J

    Paper - Wall

  • Box A28-17J

    Paper - Wall - Chinese Pattern

  • Box A28-17J

    Paper Clips

  • Box A28-17J

    Pardee, Mrs. Alfred D.

  • Box A28-17J

    Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc.

  • Box A28-17J

    Parker, John C.

  • Box A28-17J

    Parks, William

  • Box A28-17J

    Parrish, Harcourt

  • Box A28-17J

    Parrish, Susan Frost

  • Box A28-17J

    Parsonage, Douglas

  • Box A28-17J

    Pate, Henry Clay

  • Box A28-17J

    Patterson, James Otey

  • Box A28-17J

    Patterson, Robert M.

  • Box A28-17J

    Paulding, J.K.

  • Box A28-17J

    Paul, Judge John

  • Box A28-17J

    Pauncefote, Lord

  • Box A28-17K

    Paxton, Gen. E.F., C.S.A.

  • Box A28-17K

    Paxton, Matthew W.

  • Box A28-17K

    Payne, Mrs. Charles B.

  • Box A28-17K

    Payne Family

  • Box A28-17K


  • Box A28-17K

    Peabody, Elizabeth

  • Box A28-17K

    Peabody Institute

  • Box A28-17K

    Peal, W. Hugh

  • Box A28-17K

    Peale, Charles Willson

  • Box A28-17K

    Pearson, H.M.

  • Box A28-17K

    Peckham, Howard

  • Box A28-17K

    Peden, William H.

  • Box A28-17K

    Pedigo, Mrs. L.G.

  • Box A28-17K

    Peery, George C.

  • Box A28-17K


  • Box A28-17K

    Penalosa / Nute, Grace Lee

  • Box A28-17K


  • Box A28-17K

    Pendleton, Edmund

  • Box A28-17K

    Pendleton Family Bible (see also Jefferson - Manuscripts)

  • Box A28-17K

    Pendleton, William C. - Manuscripts & Books of

  • Box A28-17K

    Perley, Mary V.

  • Box A28-17K

    Pennsylvania Historical Association

  • Box A28-17K

    Pennsylvania, University of

  • Box A28-17K

    P.E.N. South

  • Box A28-17L

    Percy, George

  • Box A28-17L

    Perdue, Kevin Barry - Archives 1982-1985

  • Box A28-17L

    Perdue, Kevin Barry - Archives 1989

  • Box A28-17L

    Perkins, Mrs. C.D.L.

  • Box A28-17L

    Perkins, Howard C.

  • Box A28-17L

    Perkins, W. Allan

  • Box A28-17L

    Perrin, Blanche C.

  • Box A28-17L

    Perry, Elizabeth

  • Box A28-17L


  • Box A28-17L

    Personnel - Handbooks for Managers

  • Box A28-17L

    Personnel - Report 1968 Aug.

  • Box A28-17L

    Personnel - Publications, etc.

  • Box A28-17L

    Personnel - Salary Scales

  • Box A28-17L

    Presgraves, Jim - Bookworm & Silverfish (1988-1989)

  • Box A28-17L

    Photoduplication 1989

  • Box A28-17M

    Peter Family

  • Box A28-17M

    Peter Pauper Press

  • Box A28-17M

    Peterkin, Julia

  • Box A28-17M

    Peters , Don Preston - Mss Virginia Collection

  • Box A28-17M

    Peters , William E.

  • Box A28-17M

    Petersburg Virginia

  • Box A28-17M

    Peterson, Merrill D.

  • Box A28-17M

    Peyton, Green

  • Box A28-17M

    Peyton, John B.

  • Box A28-17M

    Peyton, John L. (see also William & Mary College)

  • Box A28-17M

    Peyton Map - Index

  • Box A28-17M

    Pforzheimer, Arthur

  • Box A28-17M

    Phi Beta Kappa (1960- )

  • Box A28-17N

    Phi Beta Kappa 1950-1959

  • Box A28-17N

    Phi Beta Kappa - Prize Contest 1955-1958

  • Box A28-17O

    Phi Kapp Psi

  • Box A28-17O

    Philadelphia - Land Document

  • Box A28-17O

    Philibert, Helene

  • Box A28-17O


  • Box A28-17O


  • Box A28-17O

    Photographing - Copyright

  • Box A28-17O

    Photographic Correspondence

  • Box A28-17O

    Photographic Department - Annual Report 1941-1942

  • Box A28-17O

    Photographic Equipment

  • Box A28-17O

    Photo Orders 1976-1977

  • Box A28-17P

    Photo Orders 1971-1975

  • Box A28-17P

    Photographic Orders

  • Box A28-17P

    Photographic Restoration

  • Box A28-17P

    Photographs - Motion Pictures

  • Box A28-17P

    Photography - Misc.

  • Box A28-17Q

    Photoduplication 1985-1986

  • Box A28-17Q

    Photography - Misc.

  • Box A28-17Q

    Photographing - Reading Machines

  • Box A28-17Q

    Photolab - Correspondence

  • Box A28-17Q

    Photography - Film (see also Microfilm)

  • Box A28-17Q

    Photostats - Ordered by Harvard

  • Box A28-17Q


  • Box A28-17Q

    Pickett, Gen. George

  • Box A28-17Q

    Piedmont Female Institute

  • Box A28-17R

    Pierson, Roscoe M.

  • Box A28-17R

    Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity

  • Box A28-17R

    Pike Manuscripts

  • Box A28-17R

    Pillow, Randolph

  • Box A28-17R


  • Box A28-17R

    Piper Letterbook

  • Box A28-17R

    Pittman, R. Carter

  • Box A28-17R

    Pitts, S.E.

  • Box A28-17R

    Pittsburg, University of

  • Box A28-17R


  • Box A28-17R

    Plowden, R.C.

  • Box A28-17R

    Plunkett, Moss A.

  • Box A28-17R


  • Box A28-17R

    Pocahontas Bell

  • Box A28-17R

    Poe, Edgar Allan

  • Box A28-17R

    Poe - Barrett Gift

  • Box A28-17R

    Poe - Ingram Letters 1985-1987

  • Box A28-17S

    Publications Agreements

  • Box A28-17S

    Publicity 1985-1987

  • Box A28-17S

    Public Record Office (1961- )

  • Box A28-17S

    Purchases 1984

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe - Bibliography of Edgar Allan Poe by Heartman and Canny

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe - Biographies

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe - Books

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe - Bulwer

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe Checklist - Revised Edition

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe - Concordance

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe - Contemporary Appearances of Poe's Tales

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe - Cryptography

  • Box A28-17T

    Poe, Edgar Allan (see also Varner, John; Leisy, Ernest 1935-1967

  • Box A28-18A

    Poe, Edgar Allan 1968-1982

  • Box A28-18A

    Poe, Edgar Allan 1988

  • Box A28-18A

    Poe, Elizabeth Arnold

  • Box A28-18A

    Poe - Gravely Correspondence

  • Box A28-18A

    Poe - Hoax

  • Box A28-18B

    Poe, Edgar Allan 1988

  • Box A28-18B

    Poe - Ingram Letters

  • Box A28-18B

    Poe - Ingram Papers 1988-1989

  • Box A28-18B

    Poe Letters - Checklist of Letters to and from Poe

  • Box A28-18B

    Poe - Letters

  • Box A28-18B

    Poe - Mabbott's Works

  • Box A28-18C

    Poe - Manuscripts

  • Box A28-18C

    Poe - Misc.

  • Box A28-18C

    Poe - Persius

  • Box A28-18C

    Poe - Ostrom, John Ward

  • Box A28-18C

    Poe - Portraits

  • Box A28-18C

    Poe - Reading

  • Box A28-18C

    Poe - Reviews

  • Box A28-18C

    Poe, Mrs. Richmond

  • Box A28-18D

    Poe - The Spectacles

  • Box A28-18D

    Poe - Stella Daguerreotype

  • Box A28-18D

    Poe - Tales

  • Box A28-18D

    Poe - Mrs. Whitman

  • Box A28-18D

    Poe - Zolnay Bust

  • Box A28-18D

    Poetry Society of Virginia

  • Box A28-18D

    Poff, Richard H.

  • Box A28-18D

    Poindexter, E.H.

  • Box A28-18D

    Poindexter, Miles / - Papers 1939-1980

  • Box A28-18D

    Poindexter, Miles / - Papers 1985-1989

  • Box A28-18E

    Pound, Ezra 1950-1969

  • Box A28-18E

    Pound, Ezra 1978-1987

  • Box A28-18E

    Policy Statements - Loan from Collections

  • Box A28-18E

    Policy Statements - Out of date copies

  • Box A28-18E

    Policy Statements - Researcher use - Jefferson / Faulkner Manuscripts

  • Box A28-18E

    Policies 1961-1987

  • Box A28-18E

    Polk, Charles Peale

  • Box A28-18E

    Poll Tax Lists - Virginia

  • Box A28-18E

    Pollard, E.A.

  • Box A28-18E

    Pollard, Mrs. John Garland, Jr.

  • Box A28-18E

    Pollock Family Papers

  • Box A28-18E

    Pollock, Herbert C.

  • Box A28-18E

    Polster, Philip

  • Box A28-18E

    Poole, Ernest

  • Box A28-18E

    Poplar Forest

  • Box A28-18E

    Porter, Charles W., III (and wife)

  • Box A28-18E

    Porter, Katherine Anne

  • Box A28-18E

    Porter, William Sidney

  • Box A28-18E


  • Box A28-18E

    Post, Henry

  • Box A28-18E

    Potter, Beatrix

  • Box A28-18F

    Pound, Ezra 1970-1984

  • Box A28-18F

    Pound, Ezra 1989

  • Box A28-18F

    Powell, B.E.

  • Box A28-18F

    Powell, John / Johnson, Roy H.

  • Box A28-18F

    Powell, John 1960-1989

  • Box A28-18F

    Powell, Lawrence Clark (see also Steinbeck)

  • Box A28-18F

    Powell, Thomas

  • Box A28-18F

    Powers, Hiram

  • Box A28-18F

    Powys Family

  • Box A28-18F

    Pratt, Harry Rogers

  • Box A28-18F

    Pratt, John Lee

  • Box A28-18F

    Prentis, William (see also Virginia Imprints - Petersburg)

  • Box A28-18F

    Presbyterian Church Records

  • Box A28-18F

    Presbyterian Synod

  • Box A28-18F


  • Box A28-18G

    Presgraves, James

  • Box A28-18G

    Presidential Papers

  • Box A28-18G

    President's Office Files - Index

  • Box A28-18G

    Preston Family

  • Box A28-18G

    Preston, John

  • Box A28-18G

    Preston, Nelly C. (see also Jefferson Letters )

  • Box A28-18G

    Preston Papers

  • Box A28-18G

    Preston-Radford Papers

  • Box A28-18G

    Preston, William / Preston, James P.

  • Box A28-18G

    Price, J.M.

  • Box A28-18G

    Price, Richard

  • Box A28-18G

    Priestley, Joseph

  • Box A28-18G

    Prieur, William Lee

  • Box A28-18G

    Prince Edward County

  • Box A28-18G

    Princeton University

  • Box A28-18G


  • Box A28-18G

    Prints (see also Sturgis, Samuel)

  • Box A28-18G

    Printing Services Department

  • Box A28-18G

    Saint-Memin Print - Orders

  • Box A28-18G

    Prior, Matthew

  • Box A28-18H

    Processing Costs 1981-1985

  • Box A28-18H

    Processing Costs 1988-1989

  • Box A28-18H

    Processing Manual

  • Box A28-18H


  • Box A28-18H

    Pryor, Mrs. Roger

  • Box A28-18I

    Publication Agreements 1989

  • Box A28-18I

    Publications and Research

  • Box A28-18I

    Publications Committee

  • Box A28-18I


  • Box A28-18I

    Publisher's Weekly

  • Box A28-18I

    Pugh, Lamont

  • Box A28-18I

    Purchases 1983

  • Box A28-18I

    Purchases 1985-1990

  • Box A28-18I

    Pyle, Howard

  • Box A28-18J

    Q misc.

  • Box A28-18J

    Quaritch, Bernard

  • Box A28-18J

    Quenzel, Carrol

  • Box A28-18J

    Quesnay de Beaurepaire

  • Box A28-18J

    Questionnaires 1980-1985

  • Box A28-18K

    R misc. 1939-1959

  • Box A28-18L

    Questionnaires 1970-1979

  • Box A28-18L

    Quinby, Jane

  • Box A28-18L

    Quinby Papers

  • Box A28-18L


  • Box A28-18L

    Quitman, John A.

  • Box A28-18L

    Quixote, Don

  • Box A28-18L

    R Misc. 1970-1989

  • Box A28-18L

    Rawson, Susanna H. (1989- )

  • Box A28-18M

    R Misc. 1960-1969

  • Box A28-18M

    Rachel, W.M.E.

  • Box A28-18M

    Radcliffe, Ann

  • Box A28-18M


  • Box A28-18M

    Raleigh, Sir Walter

  • Box A28-18M

    Ramsdell, Charles W.

  • Box A28-18M

    Randall Family

  • Box A28-18M

    Randall, David

  • Box A28-18M

    Randall, Henry S.

  • Box A28-18M

    Randolph, Ann Cary / Nancy

  • Box A28-18M

    Randolph, Cornelia J.

  • Box A28-18M

    Edgehill-Randolph 1962-1957

  • Box A28-18M

    Randolph, Edmund

  • Box A28-18M

    Randolph Family Papers

  • Box A28-18N

    Randolph, John 1946-1989

  • Box A28-18N

    Randolph, Martha Jefferson

  • Box A28-18N

    Randolph, Thomas Jefferson

  • Box A28-18N

    Randolph, Thomas Mann

  • Box A28-18N

    Randolph - Bleecker Letters

  • Box A28-18N

    Randolph-Macon Woman's College

  • Box A28-18N

    Rare Books and Manuscripts - Construction

  • Box A28-18N

    Raven Society 1956-1959

  • Box A28-18O

    Raven Society 1954-1955

  • Box A28-18O


  • Box A28-18O

    Reading Room - Joint Special Collections

  • Box A28-18O

    Records Management

  • Box A28-18O

    Recordings Available ca. 1955 at University of Virginia

  • Box A28-18O

    Redman, William Henry

  • Box A28-18O

    Reed Family Papers

  • Box A28-18O

    Reed, Walter 1940-1960

  • Box A28-18O

    Reed, Walter (1965- )

  • Box A28-18P

    Reed, Walter - Lists

  • Box A28-18P

    Reese, George H.

  • Box A28-18P

    Reese, Lizette Woodworth

  • Box A28-18P

    Reibach, H.I.

  • Box A28-18P

    Reichner, Herbert

  • Box A28-18P

    Reid, Richard J.

  • Box A28-18P

    Reither, John

  • Box A28-18P


  • Box A28-18P

    Renaissance News (see also Early English Books)

  • Box A28-18P

    Rendell, Kenneth W.

  • Box A28-18P

    Repair Orders - Correspondence (1967- )

  • Box A28-18P

    Repair Order - Fund 1964-1965

  • Box A28-18P

    Repair Order (future) for Barbour Papers

  • Box A28-18P

    Repair Order Lists Returned 1967-1975

  • Box A28-18Q

    Repair Order Lists Returned 1954-1966

  • Box A28-18Q

    Report on Historical Collections - Index from 1st to 10th 1930-1940

  • Box A28-18Q

    Reports (Annual) of Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts

  • Box A28-18Q

    Report on Historical Collections - Eighth Annual 1937-1938

  • Box A28-18Q

    Report on Historical Collections - Ninth Annual 1938-1939

  • Box A28-18Q

    Report on Historical Collections - Tenth Annual 1939-1940

  • Box A28-18R

    Report on Historical Collections - Eleventh Annual 1940-1941

  • Box A28-18R

    Report on Historical Collections - Twelfth Annual 1941-1942

  • Box A28-18R

    Report on Historical Collections - Thirteenth Annual 1942-1943

  • Box A28-18R

    Report on Historical Collections - Fourteenth Annual 1943-1944

  • Box A28-18R

    Report on Historical Collections - Fifteenth Annual 1944-1945

  • Box A28-18R

    Report on Historical Collections - 16th & 17th Annual

  • Box A28-18R

    Report on Historical Collections - 18th Annual

  • Box A28-18R

    Reports - Annual Reports on Historical Collections - General

  • Box A28-18R

    Report to Librarian 1967 Dec.

  • Box A28-18S

    Research Projects - Colonial History

  • Box A28-18S

    Restrictions - Memoranda About

  • Box A28-18S

    R.S.V.P. - Retired Senior Volunteer Program

  • Box A28-18S

    Reviews and Lists

  • Box A28-18S

    Revolutionary Period Diaries

  • Box A28-18S

    Revolutionary War

  • Box A28-18S

    Revolutionary War in Virginia

  • Box A28-18S

    Reynolds, James

  • Box A28-18S

    Rice, Howard C.

  • Box A28-18S

    Richards, L. Adolph

  • Box A28-18S

    Richards, Gertrude R.B.

  • Box A28-18S

    Richardson, Eudora Ramsay

  • Box A28-18S

    Richmond News Leader

  • Box A28-18S

    Ricks, James Hoge

  • Box A28-18S

    Riddick Family

  • Box A28-18S

    Riggle, J.B.

  • Box A28-18S

    Riley, Edward M.

  • Box A28-18S

    Riley, Mrs. Melville / Riley, Melville T., Sr.

  • Box A28-18S

    Rind, William / Rind, James

  • Box A28-18S

    Ripley, Alexandra 1984-1989

  • Box A28-18S

    Rives, Amelie

  • Box A28-18S

    Rives Family Papers

  • Box A28-18S

    Rives Papers

  • Box A28-18S

    Rives, William Cabell

  • Box A28-18S

    Roane, Spencer

  • Box A28-18S

    Roanoke (see also Stone; Moore, R.; Hanes, L.; Stokes; Hanco*ck, J.)

  • Box A28-18S

    Roanoke College

  • Box A28-18S

    Roanoke Times

  • Box A28-18S

    Robbins, Edwin H.

  • Box A28-18S

    Roberts, E. Graham 1948-1952

  • Box A28-18S

    Roberts, John Alexander

  • Box A28-18S

    Roberts, Joseph Kent

  • Box A28-18S

    Roberts, Ruby A.

  • Box A28-18S

    Robertson, Frances

  • Box A28-18S

    Robertson, A. Willis

  • Box A28-18T

    Robinson, Edwin Arlington

  • Box A28-18T

    Robinson, W. Stitt

  • Box A28-18T

    Robinson, William H., Ltd.

  • Box A28-18T

    Rockbridge Maps

  • Box A28-18T

    Rockefeller Foundation

  • Box A28-18T

    Rodick, B.C.

  • Box A28-18T

    Roe, Edward Payson

  • Box A28-18T

    Rogers, Bruce

  • Box A28-18T

    Rogers, John C.

  • Box A28-18T

    Rogers, William Barton

  • Box A28-18T

    Rolfe Acknowledgements

  • Box A28-18T

    Rolfe, John

  • Box A28-18T

    Rolfe, John - Will

  • Box A28-18T

    Rolfe Manuscripts

  • Box A29-9A

    Romaine, Dr. Mason

  • Box A29-9A


  • Box A29-9A

    Rose, Robert

  • Box A29-9A

    Rosenbach Company (see also Fleming, John F.) (1939- )

  • Box A29-9A

    Rosenberg, Dr. Ralph

  • Box A29-9A

    Rosenberger, Francis Coleman

  • Box A29-9A

    Rosenwald, Lessing

  • Box A29-9A


  • Box A29-9A

    Rosser, Barbara - Estate of 1984-1987

  • Box A29-9A

    Rosser, Thomas Lafayette

  • Box A29-9A


  • Box A29-9A

    Rotunda - restoration (see also University of Virginia - Restoration)

  • Box A29-9B

    Rotunda Restoration Fund - Payroll & Purchases

  • Box A29-9B

    Rouleau, Fred

  • Box A29-9B

    Rouse, Parke

  • Box A29-9B

    Rowson, Susanna H.

  • Box A29-9B

    Royall, Ann

  • Box A29-9B

    Royce, W.H.

  • Box A29-9B

    Rubin, Louis D.

  • Box A29-9B

    Rucker, Mrs. Walton

  • Box A29-9B

    Rudd, Hughes

  • Box A29-9B


  • Box A29-9B


  • Box A29-9B

    Ruffner, Alvin F.

  • Box A29-9B

    Ruffner, J.P.

  • Box A29-9B

    Ruffner, William Henry

  • Box A29-9B

    Rules and Regulations - for the use of manuscripts

  • Box A29-9B

    Rumbough, Constance

  • Box A29-9B

    Rummel, Richard

  • Box A29-9B

    Rumsey, James (see also Washington, George; Sydnor, Mrs. Garland)

  • Box A29-9B

    Runk, B.F.D.

  • Box A29-9B

    Rush, Dr. Benjamin (see also Jefferson - Papers of)

  • Box A29-9B

    Rush, N. Orwin

  • Box A29-9B

    Rush, Richard

  • Box A29-9B

    Rushton, Peters

  • Box A29-9B

    Rushton, William J.

  • Box A29-9B

    Russell County - Newspapers

  • Box A29-9C

    Russell, John J.

  • Box A29-9C

    Rutherford, John C. - Papers

  • Box A29-9C

    Rutman, Darrett B.

  • Box A29-9C

    Ryan, Father Abram J.

  • Box A29-9C

    Ryan, Thomas Fortune

  • Box A29-9C

    Ryland, Charles H.

  • Box A29-9C


  • Box A29-9C

    Ryskamp, John H.

  • Box A29-9C

    S Misc. 1930-1953

  • Box A29-9D

    S Misc. 1954-1974

  • Box A29-9D

    S Misc. 1988-1989

  • Box A29-9E

    S Misc. 1975-1980

  • Box A29-9E

    S Misc. 1982-1987

  • Box A29-9F

    S.A.A. - Institutional Evaluation

  • Box A29-9F

    Sabine Hall

  • Box A29-9F

    Sadleir-Black Collection (see also Black, Robert)

  • Box A29-9F

    St. George's Parish

  • Box A29-9F

    St. John's

  • Box A29-9F

    Saint Memin

  • Box A29-9F

    Salem Virginia

  • Box A29-9F

    Sanborn, Franklin B.

  • Box A29-9F

    Sandburg, Carl

  • Box A29-9F

    Sanders, H.O.

  • Box A29-9F

    Sanders, Williams

  • Box A29-9F

    Sandys (see also Davis, Richard Beale)

  • Box A29-9F

    Sandys Family

  • Box A29-9F

    Sandys, George

  • Box A29-9F

    Santayana Collection

  • Box A29-9G

    Santayana, George

  • Box A29-9G

    Sargent, Winthrop

  • Box A29-9G

    Savage, A.D.

  • Box A29-9G

    Savage, Louise

  • Box A29-9G

    Scheide (died 1942)

  • Box A29-9G

    Schele de Vere

  • Box A29-9G

    Schlesinger, A.M.

  • Box A29-9G

    Scholarly Resources, Inc. 1989-1990

  • Box A29-9G

    Schoolcraft, Henry R. (see also McGregor Advisory Committee)

  • Box A29-9G


  • Box A29-9G

    Science Fiction

  • Box A29-9G

    Scopes, John E.

  • Box A29-9G

    Scotland - Records of

  • Box A29-9G

    Scott, Hugh

  • Box A29-9G

    Scott Collection - Exhibit and Dinner

  • Box A29-9G

    Scott, Sir Walter Raleigh

  • Box A29-9G

    Scott, Winfield Townley

  • Box A29-9G

    Scruggs, Philip Lightfoot

  • Box A29-9G

    Security Copies of Microfilm

  • Box A29-9H

    Seal - University of Virginia

  • Box A29-9H

    Seddon, James A.

  • Box A29-9H

    Seibel, Fred O.

  • Box A29-9H

    Seibel, Fred O. - Cartoons

  • Box A29-9H

    Semmes, Thomas

  • Box A29-9H


  • Box A29-9H


  • Box A29-9H

    Sesquicentennial Exhibit - Manuscripts Division

  • Box A29-9H

    Sessler, Charles

  • Box A29-9H

    Settle, Mary Lee

  • Box A29-9H

    Seven Society

  • Box A29-9H

    Seven Gables Bookshop

  • Box A29-9H

    Seward Forest

  • Box A29-9H

    Shackelford Family Papers

  • Box A29-9H

    Shackelford, George Green

  • Box A29-9I

    Shackelford, George Green

  • Box A29-9I


  • Box A29-9I


  • Box A29-9I

    Shakespeare - Pavier Quartos

  • Box A29-9I

    Shannon, Edgar F.

  • Box A29-9I

    Shapiro, S.R.

  • Box A29-9I

    Sharitt, J.L.

  • Box A29-9I

    Shaw, Albert

  • Box A29-9I

    Shaw, George Bernard

  • Box A29-9I

    Shea, Vincent

  • Box A29-9I


  • Box A29-9I

    Shelley, Fred

  • Box A29-9I

    Shelton Family

  • Box A29-9I

    Shelton, Margaret A. - MSS #10630

  • Box A29-9I

    Shepard, Sam

  • Box A29-9I

    Shepherd, Susie V.

  • Box A29-9I

    Shepherd, Thomas

  • Box A29-9I

    Shepperson, A.B.

  • Box A29-9I

    Shipp, Barnard - Library

  • Box A29-9I

    Shirley Plantation

  • Box A29-9J

    Short, Christopher

  • Box A29-9J

    Short, William

  • Box A29-9J

    Short Title Catalogue

  • Box A29-9J

    Showalter, Jerry

  • Box A29-9J

    Siamese Twins

  • Box A29-9J

    Sign-Up Sheet - Word Processor 1984-1985

  • Box A29-9J


  • Box A29-9J

    Silverfish Control

  • Box A29-9J

    Silver, Rollo

  • Box A29-9J

    Silvette, Dr. Herbert

  • Box A29-9J

    Simms, William Gilmore

  • Box A29-9J

    Simpson, Robert Smith

  • Box A29-9J

    Sims, Mrs. A.W.

  • Box A29-9J

    Sinclair, Upton

  • Box A29-9J

    Sioussat, St. George L. (see also Library of congress - Manuscripts)

  • Box A29-9J

    Sitwell, Edith

  • Box A29-9J

    Sizer, Theodore

  • Box A29-9J

    Skipwith Papers

  • Box A29-9J

    Slagle, Kathryn L. (see also Cobb, Mrs. Clarence)

  • Box A29-9J

    Slaughter Family Papers / Slaughter, Jane C. / Slaughter, William A.

  • Box A29-9K

    Slavery & Slave Trade

  • Box A29-9K

    Slaughter, Capt. Philip

  • Box A29-9K

    Slemp, C. Bascom

  • Box A29-9K

    Slide Show - Manuscripts Dept.

  • Box A29-9K

    Small, Miriam R.

  • Box A29-9K

    Small, Sydney

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Charles Alphonso

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Charles W.

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Gen. Daniel

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Edmund L.R.

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Mrs. Edward Nelson

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Elizabeth Oakes

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Forrest

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Glenn Curtis

  • Box A29-9K

    Smith, Howard W.

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Howard W.

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Howard W. - Appraisal of papers

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, John

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Nellie S.

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Mrs. Edward Nelson 1985-1987

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Peter

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Rixey

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Roy

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Russell

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Seba

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Gen. Samuel

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Snell

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Thomas Adams (see also Dictionary of American Biography)

  • Box A29-9L

    Smith, Gov. William

  • Box A29-9L

    Smithsonian Institution

  • Box A29-9L

    Snavely, Tipton R.

  • Box A29-9L

    Snoddy, L.B.

  • Box A29-9L

    Society for the Propagation of the Gospel

  • Box A29-9L

    Society of American Archivists

  • Box A29-9L

    Sons of the American Revolution - Thomas Jefferson Chapter 1988

  • Box A29-9L

    Spong, William 1988

  • Box A29-9M

    Paper - Samples

  • Box A29-9M

    Paper - Rag Stock - Samples

  • Box A29-9M

    Society of American Archivists 1956-1981

  • Box A29-9M

    Paper - Samples

  • Box A29-9M

    Paper - Rag Stock - Samples

  • Box A29-9N

    Society of American Archivists 1956-1981

  • Box A29-9N

    Society of American Archivists - Committee on

  • Box A29-9N


  • Box A29-9N

    Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia

  • Box A29-9N

    Solar Screen Corporation

  • Box A29-9N

    Somerville, Lila

  • Box A29-9N

    Sondley Library

  • Box A29-9N

    Sons of the American Revolution 1984-1987

  • Box A29-9N

    South Africa

  • Box A29-9N

    South American Material

  • Box A29-9N

    South Atlantic M.L.A.

  • Box A29-9N

    South Carolina

  • Box A29-9N

    South Carolina - Secession Ord.

  • Box A29-9N

    South Carolina University

  • Box A29-9O

    Southall, Dr. James P.C.

  • Box A29-9O

    Southeastern Library Association

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Books Competition

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Historical Assn.

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Historical Assn. - Journal of Southern History

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Historical Assn. - Joint Session w/ Amer. Hist. Assn. 1944

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Historical Societies & Libraries

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Humanities Conference

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Library Service

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Railway System

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Society for Philosophy & Psychology

  • Box A29-9O

    Southern Welding & Machine Co.

  • Box A29-9O

    Southwest Virginia - Bibliography

  • Box A29-9O

    Sowerby, Millicent

  • Box A29-9O


  • Box A29-9O


  • Box A29-9O

    Sparrow, Carroll Mason

  • Box A29-9O

    Special Collections Building

  • Box A29-9O

    Special Collections Building - Potential Donors

  • Box A29-9O

    Special Collections Building - Building Plans

  • Box A29-9P

    Special Collections Lib. - Correspondence

  • Box A29-9P

    Special Collections - Reports on Mss submitted to Ash's Subject

  • Box A29-9P


  • Box A29-9P

    Spencer, Anne

  • Box A29-9P

    Spencer Bibliography

  • Box A29-9P

    Spencer, Herbert

  • Box A29-9P

    Spilman, Louis

  • Box A29-9P

    Spivey, Herman E.

  • Box A29-9P

    Spong, William

  • Box A29-9P

    Sposito, Paul

  • Box A29-9P

    Spotswood (see also American Autograph shop; Stettinius)

  • Box A29-9P


  • Box A29-9P

    Stamp and Coin Exhibition 1956

  • Box A29-9P


  • Box A29-9P


  • Box A29-9P

    Stanford University Libraries

  • Box A29-9P

    Staples, Abraham P.

  • Box A29-9P

    Star of Seville

  • Box A29-9P

    State Documents

  • Box A29-9P

    State Documents - Problems

  • Box A29-9P

    Statistics - Report to Provost 1984

  • Box A29-9P

    Stead, William Force

  • Box A29-9P

    Steadman, Rev. Melvin Lee, Jr.

  • Box A29-9P

    Stearns, Florence Dickinson

  • Box A29-9P

    Steele, Oliver

  • Box A29-9P

    Stefansson Library

  • Box A29-9P

    Steinbeck, John

  • Box A29-9Q

    Stenhause, Mrs. John W. (see also Nourse)

  • Box A29-9Q

    Stephens, Alexander H.

  • Box A29-9Q

    Stephens Press

  • Box A29-9Q

    Steptoe, James

  • Box A29-9Q

    Sterling, George

  • Box A29-9Q

    Stern, Madeleine (see also Russell, John)

  • Box A29-9Q


  • Box A29-9Q

    Stettinius, E.R. - Misc.

  • Box A29-9Q

    Stettinius, E.R. - Completed Applications (alphabetical A - B)

  • Box A29-9R

    Stettinius, E.R. - Completed Applications (alphabetical C - R)

  • Box A29-9S

    Stettinius, E.R. - Applications (alphabetical A - Z)

  • Box A29-9T

    Stettinius, E.R. - Completed Applications (alphabetical S - Z)

  • Box A29-9T

    Stettinius, E.R. - Misc. 1983-1987

  • Box A29-9T

    Stettinius, E.R. - Misc. 1989

  • Box A29-9T

    Steuben, Baron von F.

  • Box A29-9T

    Stevens, Henry, Son & Stiles

  • Box A29-9T

    Stevens, Wallace

  • Box A29-9T

    Stevenson, Adlai

  • Box A29-9T

    Stevenson, Andrew

  • Box A29-9T

    Stevenson, Robert Louis

  • Box A29-9T


  • Box A29-9T

    Stilwell, Mrs. Joseph W.

  • Box A29-9T

    Stivers, R.E.

  • Box A29-9T

    Stocker, Arthur E.

  • Box A29-9T

    Stocking, Robert

  • Box A29-10A

    Stockton, Frank

  • Box A29-10A

    Stoddard, Charles Warren

  • Box A29-10A

    Stokes, William E.

  • Box A29-10A

    Stone, Mrs. Brandon O.

  • Box A29-10A

    Stone, Edward - Bookplate

  • Box A29-10A

    Stone, Edward - Exhibit

  • Box A29-10A

    Stone Printing & Manufacturing Co.

  • Box A29-10A

    Stone, Edward - Library

  • Box A29-10A

    Stone, Edward

  • Box A29-10A

    Stoneham, Louis H.

  • Box A29-10A

    Storm, Colton (see also american Book-Prices; Virginia - Currency)

  • Box A29-10A

    Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  • Box A29-10A

    Strauss, Herbert A.

  • Box A29-10A

    Streeter Railroad Collection 1949

  • Box A29-10B

    Streeter, Thomas W. 1941-1967

  • Box A29-10B

    Strickler Family

  • Box A29-10B

    Stringfellow, F.B.

  • Box A29-10B

    Strode, Aubrey

  • Box A29-10B

    Stuart, Alexander H.H. (see also Stuart-Baldwin Papers)

  • Box A29-10B

    Stuart, J.E.B.

  • Box A29-10B

    Stuart-Baldwin Papers

  • Box A29-10B

    Stuart Family Papers

  • Box A29-10B

    Stuart Hall Library

  • Box A29-10B

    Stuart, Mr. & Mrs. William A.

  • Box A29-10B

    Stubbs, Kendon L.

  • Box A29-10B

    Student Assistants

  • Box A29-10B

    Student Assistants - Payroll

  • Box A29-10B

    Suffolk Virginia

  • Box A29-10B


  • Box A29-10B

    Summers, Andrew R.

  • Box A29-10C

    Summers Family Papers

  • Box A29-10C

    Summers, Lewis Preston

  • Box A29-10C

    Supergirls / Jessup, Claudia

  • Box A29-10C

    Superscope Library of the Spoken Word

  • Box A29-10C

    Supervisory Development Plan

  • Box A29-10C


  • Box A29-10C

    Supreme Court

  • Box A29-10C

    Surplus Property - Sale of 1980-1981

  • Box A29-10C

    Swan Papers

  • Box A29-10C

    Swanson, Claude

  • Box A29-10C

    Sweeney, William B.

  • Box A29-10C

    Sweet Briar

  • Box A29-10C


  • Box A29-10C

    Swem, Earl Gregg, Library

  • Box A29-10C


  • Box A29-10C

    Switzer, G. Fred / Applications (see also Byrd - Applications)

  • Box A29-10C

    Syme, Ronald

  • Box A29-10C

    Symons, Arthur

  • Box A29-10D

    T misc. c. 1933-1967

  • Box A29-10D

    T misc. 1940-1989

  • Box A29-10D

    Talbot Family / Bible

  • Box A29-10D

    Talbott, Frank, Jr.

  • Box A29-10D

    Talley, Mrs. E.A. (Mabel)

  • Box A29-10D

    Tanasoca, Donald

  • Box A29-10D

    Tape Recorder

  • Box A29-10E

    Tarkington, Booth

  • Box A29-10E


  • Box A29-10E

    Tate, Allen

  • Box A29-10E

    Tate, Vernon D.

  • Box A29-10E


  • Box A29-10E

    Tax & Tax Reform Act

  • Box A29-10E

    Tayloe Family Papers

  • Box A29-10E

    Tayloe Papers

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Charles Elisha

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Creed

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor Family Papers

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , George K.

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Harry B.

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Henry

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Henry C. (see also Rolfe, John)

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Henry M.

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Olivia A. (see also Edgehill-Randolph Papers / MSS #8682)

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Olivia #1 (see also MSS #5533)

  • Box A29-10E

    Taylor , Olivia #2 (see also MSS #8937)

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , John (of Caroline)

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Mary P.

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Maxwell D.

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Olivia A. / Edgehill-Randolph Papers

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Peter

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Raleigh

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Richard P.

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Robert H.

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Robert G.

  • Box A29-10F

    Taylor , Tazewell

  • Box A29-10G

    Tazewell Family Papers

  • Box A29-10G

    Tazewell, John P. (see also MSS #10009)

  • Box A29-10G

    Tekes, Captain (see also Phillips, Horace E.)

  • Box A29-10G


  • Box A29-10G

    Telephone Bills 1990-1991

  • Box A29-10G

    Television Archives

  • Box A29-10G

    Temperature & Humidity Records

  • Box A29-10G

    Tennessee Archives

  • Box A29-10G

    Tennessee Imprints & Copyrights etc.

  • Box A29-

    Tennis, Le Grand

  • Box A29-10G

    Tennyson, Alfred Lord

  • Box A29-10G

    Terrell-Carr Family Papers

  • Box A29-10G

    Tetley, Gerard

  • Box A29-10H

    Thank-you's 1988-1989

  • Box A29-10H

    Tucker-Smith-Harrison Papers

  • Box A29-10H

    Tunstall, Robert B. 1930-1955

  • Box A29-10H

    Tunstall, Mrs. Robert B.

  • Box A29-10H

    Tunstall Bequest 1988-1989

  • Box A29-10H

    Turnbull, Robert J. (see also Jackson, Stuart)

  • Box A29-10H

    Turner, Charles W.

  • Box A29-10H

    Turner, Fleming

  • Box A29-10H

    Turner, Nancy Byrd

  • Box A29-10H

    Turner, Nat

  • Box A29-10H

    Turpin, Edna

  • Box A29-10H

    Tusing, Henry

  • Box A29-10H

    Tuttle, Stephen

  • Box A29-10H

    Tutwiler, Henry

  • Box A29-10H

    Twin Oaks Community

  • Box A29-10H

    Twyman Family Papers

  • Box A29-10H

    Tyler, James Hoge

  • Box A29-10H

    Tyler, Pres. John

  • Box A29-10H

    John Tyler Peace Conference

  • Box A29-10H

    Tyler, Lyon G.

  • Box A29-10I

    Thackeray, William M.

  • Box A29-10I

    Thalhimer, Morton G.

  • Box A29-10I

    Thank-you's 1974-1984

  • Box A29-10I

    Theft - Memorial Hall 1981

  • Box A29-10I

    Theft - Lists of Missing Items

  • Box A29-10I

    Theses & Dissertations 1982-1984

  • Box A29-10J

    Theses & Dissertations 1961-1981

  • Box A29-10J

    Theses & Dissertations - Procedure 1969

  • Box A29-10J

    Theses & Dissertations n.d.

  • Box A29-10J

    Theses & Dissertations 1986-1989

  • Box A29-10K

    Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation - Exhibit etc.

  • Box A29-10K

    Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation

  • Box A29-10K

    Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation - Fund Records

  • Box A29-10K

    Thomas, Alsen Franklin

  • Box A29-10K

    Thomas, Dylan

  • Box A29-10K

    Thomas, William H.B.

  • Box A29-10K

    Thompson, Edwin A.

  • Box A29-10K

    Thompson, Mrs. John Ford

  • Box A29-10L

    Thompson, John Reuben

  • Box A29-10L

    Thompson, Lawrence

  • Box A29-10L

    Thompson, Maurice

  • Box A29-10L

    Thoreau, Henry David

  • Box A29-10L

    Thornton Map (see also Verner, Coolie)

  • Box A29-10L

    Thompson, Randall

  • Box A29-10L

    Thornton, William

  • Box A29-10L

    Thorup, Oscar A.

  • Box A29-10L

    Thurber, James

  • Box A29-10L

    Thurlow, Constance E. 1950

  • Box A29-10L

    Tiddeman, Mark

  • Box A29-10L

    Timberlake Family

  • Box A29-10M

    Tinker / Tinker, William

  • Box A29-10M


  • Box A29-10M

    Todd Family

  • Box A29-10M


  • Box A29-10M

    Toklas, Alice B.

  • Box A29-10M

    Toler, Mrs. John M.

  • Box A29-10M

    Toole, John

  • Box A29-10M

    Toole, Jon

  • Box A29-10M

    Torrence, Clayton

  • Box A29-10M


  • Box A29-10M

    Towles Family Papers

  • Box A29-10M

    Townes, S. Halcott

  • Box A29-10M

    Toy, Crawford Howell

  • Box A29-10M

    Transmittal Forms - Completed 1981-1984

  • Box A29-10M

    Transmittal Forms 1987-1991

  • Box A29-10M

    Transmittals 1990

  • Box A29-10N

    Transmittal Forms 1985-1986

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Clendenning

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Lindemann

  • Box A29-10N

    Transportation of Poor to Virginia

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Berkeley

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Cole

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Freudenberg

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Hull

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Johnson

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Jordan

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Kern

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - McGehee

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Plunkett

  • Box A29-10N

    Travel Vouchers - Smith

  • Box A29-10O

    Travel Vouchers - Tanner

  • Box A29-10O

    Trigg, Mrs.William

  • Box A29-10O

    Trimble, Kelly

  • Box A29-10O

    Trist, Nicholas Philip

  • Box A29-10O

    Trist, Nicholas 1988

  • Box A29-10O

    Trollope, Anthony

  • Box A29-10O

    Trout, Dr. Hugh H.

  • Box A29-10O

    Trout, P.H.

  • Box A29-10O

    Trudeau, Gary

  • Box A29-10O

    Truman, Harry S.

  • Box A29-10O

    Tuck, William M.

  • Box A29-10O

    Tucker, Bishop Beverley

  • Box A29-10O

    Tucker Family

  • Box A29-10O

    Tucker, George

  • Box A29-10O

    Tucker, Henry St. George

  • Box A29-10O

    Tucker, J.B.

  • Box A29-10O

    Tucker, Nathaniel B.

  • Box A29-10P

    U Misc. 1940-1989

  • Box A29-10P

    Ulster County Gazette

  • Box A29-10P

    Underwood Family Papers

  • Box A29-10P

    Union League

  • Box A29-10P

    University of Virginia - Alumni Association 1989-1990

  • Box A29-10P

    University of Virginia - Photos 1989

  • Box A29-10P

    United Book Display

  • Box A29-10P

    U.S. - Senate

  • Box A29-10P

    United Daughters of the Confederacy

  • Box A29-10P

    United Virginia Bank - Records - Richmond

  • Box A29-10P

    University Microfilms 1961-1969

  • Box A29-10P

    University Microfilms - Shipping Notices

  • Box A29-10P

    University Publications of America 1986-1988

  • Box A29-10Q

    University of Virginia - Misc.

  • Box A29-10Q

    University of Virginia - Alumni Association

  • Box A29-10Q

    University of Virginia - Archives & Records

  • Box A29-10Q

    University of Virginia - Art Objects - Inventory

  • Box A29-10Q

    University of Virginia - Photos & Prints 1985-1987

  • Box A29-10Q

    University of Virginia - Board of Visitors

  • Box A29-10Q

    University of Virginia - Board of Visitors - Minutes Index

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Brooks Museum

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Buildings

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Buildings & Grounds

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Bursar's Office

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Chapel

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Corks & Curls

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Degrees

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Encyclopedia Brit.

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Engineering English

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Faculty

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Faculty Minutes Index

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Grant Applications

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Graphic Communications

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Grievance Procedures

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Honor System

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Housing

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Housekeeping

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Information Services

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Institute of Government

  • Box A29-10R

    University of Virginia - Institute of Public Affairs

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Jefferson Society

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Libel Show

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Library - Stack Addition

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Manuscripts

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Matriculation Books

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Medical Library

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Medical School

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Medical School, Class of 1876-1877

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Office of Sponsored Programs

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Parking

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Pavilions

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Personnel Department

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Physics

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Post Office

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Photos 1988

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Prints & Photos 1961-1984

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Presidents

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Printing Office

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Radio & TV Recording Center

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Records Committee

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Rectors & Visitors

  • Box A29-10S

    University of Virginia - Registrar's Office

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Rights & Powers of Deans

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Rotunda Restoration

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - School of Architecture

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Seal

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Self-Study

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Sesquicentennial

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Matriculation Records

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Students 1971

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Students (alphabetical A - Z)

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Transportation Department

  • Box A29-10T

    University of Virginia - Varsity Club

  • Box A29-10T

    Untermeyer, Louis

  • Box A29-10T

    Unton, Sir Henry - Diary

  • Box A29-10T

    Upper Appomattox Company

  • Box A29-10T

    Utah Genealogical Society

  • Box A29-11A

    Virginia State Library

  • Box A29-11A

    Virginia - Supplemental Retirement

  • Box A29-11A

    Virginia - Supreme Court of Appeals

  • Box A29-11A

    Virginia - Theses & Dissertations

  • Box A29-11A

    University of Virginia - Library - 1828 Catalogue

  • Box A29-11B

    V Misc.

  • Box A29-11B

    Vaughan, Joseph L. 1989-1990

  • Box A29-11B

    Vaamonde, Joseph H.

  • Box A29-11B

    Vail, R.W.G.

  • Box A29-11B


  • Box A29-11B

    Valentine, Mrs. V.

  • Box A29-11B

    Valentine Museum

  • Box A29-11C

    Van Buren, Martin

  • Box A29-11C

    Vance, John T.

  • Box A29-11C

    Van Loon, Gerard Willem

  • Box A29-11C

    Van Patten, Nathan

  • Box A29-11C

    Van Schreeven, William J.

  • Box A29-11C

    Vari-Typer (see also Walke, Verna)

  • Box A29-11C

    Varner, John

  • Box A29-11D

    Vaughan, Charles Richard

  • Box A29-11D

    Vaughan, Joseph L.

  • Box A29-11D

    V.C.R.P. - Computerizing the index

  • Box A29-11D


  • Box A29-11D


  • Box A29-11D

    Verner, Coolie (see also English Pilot; Thornton Map)

  • Box A29-11D

    Vernon Expedition

  • Box A29-11D


  • Box A29-11D

    Ventilation - Air Filters

  • Box A29-11D

    Ventilation - Fans

  • Box A29-11D

    Via, Vera Viola

  • Box A29-11E

    Victorius Evolution

  • Box A29-11E

    Victorius, Paul B. (see also Darwin, Charles)

  • Box A29-11E

    Vining, Rutledge

  • Box A29-11E

    Virginia -Virginia (see also Old Dominion)

  • Box A29-11E

    Virginia Academy of Science

  • Box A29-11E

    Virginia - Advisory Legislative Council

  • Box A29-11E

    Virginia - Attorney General - Rep.

  • Box A29-11E

    Virginia - Authors

  • Box A29-11E

    Virginia - Authors - SAMLA

  • Box A29-11E

    Virginia - Board of Public Works

  • Box A29-11E

    Virginia Cavalcade

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia - Civil War Commission

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia Colonial Records Project - Agent's Memos - New Series

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia Colonial Records Project

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia Colonial Records Project - Correspondence 1975-1984

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia Colonial Records Project - Correspondence 1980-1982

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia Colonial Records Project - Correspondence 1980-1987

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia Colonial Records Project - Editor's Monthly Reports

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia Colonial Records Project - Microfilm Supplies

  • Box A29-11F

    Virginia Colonial Records Project - Minutes - New Committee 1971

  • Box A29-11F

    V.C.R.P. - Wills - Report on

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Colonial Records Project 1988-1989

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - Committee on Library Development

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - Committees for Public Schools (see also MSS #7783; #9145)

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - Communitarians

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Company

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Conference Annual

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Council on Human Relations

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - County Courts & Records

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - Currency

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - 18th Century

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - 18th Century - Research

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Folklore Society

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Gazette

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Gazette - Daybooks

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Gazette & General Advertiser

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia Genealogical Society

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - Government Documents

  • Box A29-11G

    Virginia - Governors

  • Box A29-11H

    Virginia - History (1989- )

  • Box A29-11H

    Virginia History Federation

  • Box A29-11H

    Virginia Historic Landmarks Commission

  • Box A29-11H

    Virginia Historical Society 1955-1965

  • Box A29-11I

    Virginia Historical Society 1950-1966

  • Box A29-11I

    Virginia Historical Society - Building Committee

  • Box A29-11I

    Virginia Historical Society - Executive Committee 1958-1963

  • Box A29-11J

    Virginia Historical Society - Executive Committee 1953-1957

  • Box A29-11J

    Virginia Historical Society - Library Committee

  • Box A29-11J

    Virginia Historical Society - Publ. Committee -

  • Box A29-11J


  • Box A29-11J

    Virginia Historical Society - Publ. Committee - Minutes

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia Independence Bicentennial Commission

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia - Index of Virginia Bibliography

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia - Laws (see also Hemphill, W. Edwin)

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia - Libraries & Manuscripts - Clipping File

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia Library Association 1937-1973

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia Library Association - Protective Committee

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia Magazine of History and Biography

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia Military Institute

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia Music Festival

  • Box A29-11K

    Virginia - Newspapers

  • Box A29-11L

    Virginia - Colonial Records Survey / Lester Cappon (alphabetical)

  • Box A29-11M

    Newspaper Project

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia Nurses Association

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia Oral History Association

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia Philosophical Association

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia Place-Name Society

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia Polytechnic Institute

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia - Public Libraries

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia Quarterly Review

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia Room - Records

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia Spectator

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia State Chamber of Commerce

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia - State Documents

  • Box A29-11M

    Virginia State Library & Archives 1989

  • Box A29-11N

    Virginia State Library & Archives 1988

  • Box A29-11N

    Virginia 350th Anniversary Commission

  • Box A29-11N

    Virginia Women's Cultural History Project

  • Box A29-11N

    Virginia - Works Progress Administration Program (WPA)

  • Box A29-11N

    Virginia Writer's Project (see also Clemons, Harry)

  • Box A29-11N


  • Box A29-11N

    Virginian Librarian

  • Box A29-11N


  • Box A29-11N

    Von Mises, Ludwig

  • Box A29-11N

    W Misc. 1924-1939 & n.d.

  • Box A29-11O

    W Misc. 1940-1953

  • Box A29-11P

    W Misc. 1954-1975

  • Box A29-11Q

    W Misc. 1976-1986

  • Box A29-11R

    W Misc. 1987-1989

  • Box A29-11R

    Wade, William

  • Box A29-11R

    Wagstaff, David

  • Box A29-11R

    Walbridge, Earle

  • Box A29-11R

    Waldman, Adele

  • Box A29-11R

    Walke, Isaac

  • Box A29-11R

    Walke, Verna

  • Box A29-11R

    Walker, Curtis H.

  • Box A29-11R

    Walker, James - Diaries

  • Box A29-11R

    Walker, Thomas

  • Box A29-11R

    Walker, Thomas - Journal

  • Box A29-11R

    Wall, Elizabeth Baskerville

  • Box A29-11R

    Wallace, A.D.

  • Box A29-11R

    Wallace Family Papers

  • Box A29-11R

    Wallace, George

  • Box A29-11R

    Wallace, George S.

  • Box A29-11R

    Wallace, Lew

  • Box A29-11R

    Waller, George Platt

  • Box A29-11S

    Walne, Peter

  • Box A29-11S

    Walpole Society 1953-1955

  • Box A29-11S

    Walsh, Robert, Jr.

  • Box A29-11S

    Walters Art Gallery

  • Box A29-11S

    Walton, H.A. (see also Hobbes)

  • Box A29-11S

    Walton Indian Artifact Collection

  • Box A29-11S

    Wang, Zhi-fu 1987-1990

  • Box A29-11S

    Warburton, Clark

  • Box A29-11S

    Ward, Artemus

  • Box A29-11S

    Ward Family Papers

  • Box A29-11S

    Ward, Mrs. Humphrey

  • Box A29-11S

    Ward, Mary Dearing

  • Box A29-11S

    Waring, Mrs. Thomas R.

  • Box A29-11S

    Warren, Robert Penn

  • Box A29-11S

    Warner, John 1977-1988

  • Box A29-11T

    Warren, Mr. & Mrs. Walker P.

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington & Lee University

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington, Booker T.

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington, Bushrod

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington County Historical Society

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington - Exhibit (1981- )

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington, George

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington, George - Papers of

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington, George - Commission for Richard H. Greaton

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington, Mrs. George

  • Box A29-11T

    Washington, George - Mt. Vernon Ladies' Association

  • Box A29-11T


  • Box A29-12A

    Watson, Mrs. E.A.

  • Box A29-12A

    Watson, Edwin M.

  • Box A29-12A

    Watson Family

  • Box A29-12A

    Watts, James

  • Box A29-12A

    Watts, Texie P.

  • Box A29-12A


  • Box A29-12A

    Wayland Family

  • Box A29-12A

    Wayland, John W. / Wayland, Francis

  • Box A29-12A


  • Box A29-12A

    Webb, Robert H.

  • Box A29-12A


  • Box A29-12A

    Webster, Daniel

  • Box A29-12A

    Weddell, Alexander W.

  • Box A29-12A

    Weedon, George

  • Box A29-12A

    Weedon, William S.

  • Box A29-12A

    Welch, Ella

  • Box A29-12A

    Welford Family Papers / Hamilton, John Bland

  • Box A29-12A

    Wellek, Rene

  • Box A29-12B

    Wellford, B.R.

  • Box A29-12B

    Wellford, Dabney

  • Box A29-12B

    Wells, Gabriel

  • Box A29-12B

    Wells, H.G.

  • Box A29-12B

    Wertenbaker, Charles

  • Box A29-12B

    WV - West Virginia

  • Box A29-12B

    WV - Imprints

  • Box A29-12B

    West Virginia University

  • Box A29-12B

    Westmoreland County

  • Box A29-12B

    Weston, Harold

  • Box A29-12B


  • Box A29-12B

    Whale, Theophilus

  • Box A29-12B

    Wharton, Edith

  • Box A29-12B

    Wheeler-Bennett, John

  • Box A29-12B

    Whipple, Howard G.

  • Box A29-12B

    White - DeBry Paintings - Andrew's Book

  • Box A29-12B

    White, John - Drawings (see also Peabody Institute)

  • Box A29-12B

    White Family Papers 1985-1988

  • Box A29-12B

    Wilkinson, Winston 1942-1988

  • Box A29-12C

    White, Mrs. Mildred

  • Box A29-12C

    White, Orland E.

  • Box A29-12C

    White Family Papers

  • Box A29-12C

    Whitehead, Robert

  • Box A29-12C

    Whitehead, Mrs. Floyd Kincaid

  • Box A29-12C

    Whitehill, Walter Muir

  • Box A29-12C

    Whitman, Walt 1954-1989

  • Box A29-12C

    Whittet, Robert McLean

  • Box A29-12D

    Whittier, John Greenleaf

  • Box A29-12D

    Whittle, John

  • Box A29-12D

    Whittle, John S.

  • Box A29-12D

    Whitty Collection

  • Box A29-12D

    Who Knows - and What

  • Box A29-12D

    Wickham, Henry T.

  • Box A29-12D

    Wickham, John

  • Box A29-12D

    Wickham, Littleton

  • Box A29-12D

    Wigmore, F. Marion

  • Box A29-12D

    Wilde, Richard Henry

  • Box A29-12D

    Wilder, Thornton

  • Box A29-12D

    Wiley, B.I.

  • Box A29-12D

    Wiley, Keith B.

  • Box A29-12D

    Wilkes, H.E.

  • Box A29-12D

    Wilkins, R.S.

  • Box A29-12D

    Willey, Basil

  • Box A29-12D

    William & Mary

  • Box A29-12D

    William & Mary Quarterly

  • Box A29-12D

    William Byrd Press

  • Box A29-12E

    Williams, George W.

  • Box A29-12E

    Williams, Harris H.

  • Box A29-12E

    Williams, John Skelton

  • Box A29-12E

    Williams, Murat W.

  • Box A29-12E

    Williams, Murat

  • Box A29-12E

    Williams, Philip

  • Box A29-12E

    Williams, Tennessee

  • Box A29-12E

    Williams, William Carlos

  • Box A29-12E

    Williamsburg Virginia

  • Box A29-12E

    Willis, Edward F.

  • Box A29-12E

    Willis, Edward Jones

  • Box A29-12E

    Willis, Nathaniel P.

  • Box A29-12E

    Wilson, Howard

  • Box A29-12E

    Wilson, James Southall

  • Box A29-12E

    Wilson, Susan Colston

  • Box A29-12E

    Wilson, William S.

  • Box A29-12E

    Wilson, Woodrow 1987

  • Box A29-12F

    Wilson, Woodrow 1941-1984

  • Box A29-12F

    Wilson, Woodrow - Birthplace

  • Box A29-12F

    Woodrow Wilson School

  • Box A29-12F

    Winchester Virginia - Imprints

  • Box A29-12F

    Winchester Virginia

  • Box A29-12F

    Wing, Donald

  • Box A29-12F

    Wing Short-Title Catalogue

  • Box A29-12F

    Winterthur Museum

  • Box A29-12F


  • Box A29-12F

    Wirt, William

  • Box A29-12F

    Wisconsin State Historical Society

  • Box A29-12F

    Wise, Henry A.

  • Box A29-12F

    Wise, J.C.

  • Box A29-12F

    Wise, John S.

  • Box A29-12G

    Wiseman, Robert W.

  • Box A29-12G

    Wolf, Edwin

  • Box A29-12G

    Wolfe, Thomas

  • Box A29-12G

    Woman's Christian Temperance Union

  • Box A29-12G

    Women - History

  • Box A29-12G

    Women - Literature

  • Box A29-12G

    Women - Politics

  • Box A29-12G

    Wood, Frederick T.

  • Box A29-12G

    Wood, James

  • Box A29-12G

    Wood, Mrs. Waddy B.

  • Box A29-12G

    Woods, Captain Micajah

  • Box A29-12G

    Woods, Rev. Edgar

  • Box A29-12G

    Woods, William R.

  • Box A29-12G

    Wordsworth, William

  • Box A29-12G

    Work-Study Program

  • Box A29-12G

    Works Project Administration - WPA Folklore

  • Box A29-12G

    World in Books

  • Box A29-12G

    World Turned Upside Down (see also Adair, Douglas)

  • Box A29-12G

    World War II

  • Box A29-12G

    World's Fair

  • Box A29-12G

    Wormeley Papers / Williams, J. Chauncey

  • Box A29-12G


  • Box A29-12H


  • Box A29-12H

    Wranek, William H.

  • Box A29-12H

    Wright, David McCord

  • Box A29-12H

    Wright, Esmond

  • Box A29-12H

    Wright, Louis B.

  • Box A29-12H

    Wright, Lyle H.

  • Box A29-12H

    Wright, Phineas

  • Box A29-12H

    Wright, Porter

  • Box A29-12H

    Wright, Quincy

  • Box A29-12H

    Wright, Willard H.

  • Box A29-12H

    Wroth, Lawrence C.

  • Box A29-12H

    Wroth, Lawrence C. - "The Chief End of Book Madness"

  • Box A29-12H


  • Box A29-12H

    Wust, Klaus G.

  • Box A29-12I

    Wyatt Family Papers

  • Box A29-12I

    Wyatt, Walter

  • Box A29-12I

    Wykeham, Martin

  • Box A29-12I

    Wylie, Elinor

  • Box A29-12I

    Wyllie, John Cook - Address Book

  • Box A29-12I

    Wyllie, John Cook - Personal

  • Box A29-12I

    Wyllie, John Cook - Editorials & Obituaries

  • Box A29-12I

    Wyllie, Mabel - Bib. Soc. Hon. Sec.

  • Box A29-12I

    Wyllie, Mrs. Thomas

  • Box A29-12I

    Wythe, George

  • Box A29-12I

    X and Y Misc.

  • Box A29-12J

    Yalden-Thompson, David

  • Box A29-12J

    Yale University Library

  • Box A29-12J

    Yarbrough, Mrs. W. McChesney

  • Box A29-12J

    Yates, Charles

  • Box A29-12J

    Yeats, William B.

  • Box A29-12J

    Yellow Fever

  • Box A29-12J

    Yoe, John H.

  • Box A29-12J

    York Diocesan Registry

  • Box A29-12J

    Young, Benjamin

  • Box A29-12J

    Young, Mrs. Karl

  • Box A29-12J

    Young, Stark

  • Box A29-12J

    Younger, Edward

  • Box A29-12J


  • Box A29-12J


  • Box A29-12J

    Z Misc.

  • Box A29-12J

    Zehmer, George B.

  • Box A29-12J

    Zolnay, Julian

  • Box A29-12J

    Z Misc. 1983-1987

  • Box A29-12J

    X-Y-Z Misc. 1981-1987

  • Box A29-12J

    X-Y-Z Misc. 1990-1991

  • Patron Collection Request Slips

    • Box A29-12L

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1963 Jul - 1970 Mar


    • Box A29-12M

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1970 Apr - 1970 Sep


    • Box A29-12N

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1970 Oct - 1971 May


    • Box A29-12O

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1971 Jun - 1971 Sep


    • Box A29-12P

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1971 Oct - 1971 Feb


    • Box A29-12Q

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1972 Mar - 1972 Jun


    • Box A29-12R

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1972 Jul - 1972 Sep


    • Box A29-12S

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1972 Oct - 1972 Dec


    • Box A29-12T

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1973 Jan - 1973 Mar


    • Box A29-13A

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1973 Apr - 1973 Jun


    • Box A29-13B

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1973 Jun - 1973 Sep


    • Box A29-13C

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1973 Oct - 1974 Feb


    • Box A29-13D

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1974 Mar - 1974 May


    • Box A29-13E

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1974 Jun - 1974 Aug


    • Box A29-13F

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1974 Sep - 1975 Feb


    • Box A29-13G

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1975 Mar - 1976 Mar


    • Box A29-13H

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1976 Apr - 1976 Jun


    • Box A29-13H

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1975 Mar - 1976 Jun

      alphabetical box 1

    • Box A29-13I

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1975 Mar - 1976 Jun

      alphabetical box 2

    • Box A29-13Q

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1976 Jul - 1977 Jun


    • Box A29-13R

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1976 Jul - 1977 Jun


    • Box A29-13S

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1977 Jul - 1978 Jun


    • Box A29-13T

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1977 Jul - 1978 Jun


    • Box A29-14A

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1978 Jul - 1979 Jun


    • Box A29-14B

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1978 Jul - 1979 Jun


    • Box A29-14F

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1979 Jul - 1980 Jun


    • Box A29-14G

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1979 Jul - 1980 Jun


    • Box A29-14H

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1980 Jul - 1981 Jun


    • Box A29-14I

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1980 Jul - 1981 Jun


    • Box A29-14J

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1981 Jul - 1982 Jun


    • Box A29-14K

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1981 Jul - 1982 Jun


    • Box A29-14N

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1982 Jul - 1983 Jun


    • Box A29-14O

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1982 Jul - 1983 Jun


    • Box A29-14P

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1983 Jul - 1984 Jun


    • Box A29-14Q

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1983 Jul - 1984 Jun


    • Box A29-14T

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1984 Jul - 1985 Jun


    • Box A29-15A

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1984 Jul - 1985 Jun


    • Box A29-15D

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1985 Jul - 1986 Jun


    • Box A29-15E

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1985 Jul - 1986 Jun


    • Box A29-15G

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1986 Jul - 1987 Jun


    • Box A29-15H

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1986 Jul - 1987 Jun


    • Box A29-15J

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1987 Jun - 1988 Jun


    • Box A29-15K

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1987 Jun - 1988 Jun


    • Box A29-15N

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1988 Jul - 1989 Jun


    • Box A29-15O

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1988 Jul - 1989 Jun


    • Box A29-15S

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1989 Jul - 1990 Jun


    • Box A29-15T

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1989 Jul - 1990 Jun


    • Box A29-16D

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1990 Jul - 1991 Jun


    • Box A29-16E

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1990 Jul - 1991 Jun


    • Box A29-16J

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1991 Jul - 1992 Jun


    • Box A29-16K

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1991 Jul - 1992 Jun


    • Box A29-16Q

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1992 Jul - 1993 Jun


    • Box A29-16R

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1992 Jul - 1993 Jun


    • Box A29-17C

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1993 Jul - 1994 Jun


    • Box A29-17D

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1993 Jul - 1994 Jun


    • Box A29-17H

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1994 Jul - 1995 Jun


    • Box A29-17I

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1994 Jul 1995 Jun


    • Box A29-17M

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1995 Jul - 1996 Feb


    • Box A29-17N

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1996 Mar - 1996 Jun


    • Box A29-17N

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1995 Jul - 1996 Jun

      alphabetical A - D

    • Box A29-17O

      Patron Collection Request Slips 1995 Jul - 1996 Jun

      alphabetical E - Z

  • Patron Registrations

    • Box A29-13J

      Patron Registrations 1976 Jul - 1979 Jun

      alphabetical A - B

    • Box A29-13K

      Patron Registrations 1976 Jul - 1979 Jun

      alphabetical C - E

    • Box A29-13L

      Patron Registrations 1976 Jul - 1979 Jun

      alphabetical F - H

    • Box A29-13M

      Patron Registrations 1976 Jul - 1979 Jun

      alphabetical I - L

    • Box A29-13N

      Patron Registrations 1976 Jul - 1979 Jun

      alphabetical M - O

    • Box A29-13O

      Patron Registrations 1976 Jul - 1979 Jun

      alphabetical P - Smi

    • Box A29-13P

      Patron Registrations 1976 Jul - 1979 Jun

      alphabetical Smo - Z

    • Box A29-14C

      Patron Registrations 1979 Aug - 1982 Jun

      alphabetical A - G

    • Box A29-14D

      Patron Registrations 1979 Aug - 1982 Jun

      alphabetical H - O

    • Box A29-14E

      Patron Registrations 1979 Aug - 1982 Jun

      alphabetical P - Z

    • Box A29-14L

      Patron Registrations 1982 Jul - 1983 Jun

      alphabetical A - Z

    • Box A29-14M

      Patron Registrations 1983 Jul - 1984 Jun

      alphabetical A - Z

    • Box A29-14R

      Patron Registrations 1984 Jul - 1985 Jun

      alphabetical A - G

    • Box A29-14S

      Patron Registrations 1984 Jul - 1985 Jun

      alphabetical H - Z

    • Box A29-15B

      Patron Registrations 1985 Jul - 1986 Jun

      alphabetical A - Poch

    • Box A29-15C

      Patron Registrations 1985 Jul 1986 Jun

      alphabetical Pow - Z

    • Box A29-15F

      Patron Registrations 1986 Jul - 1987 Jun

      alphabetical A - Z

    • Box A29-15I

      Patron Registrations 1987 Jul 1988 Jun

      alphabetical A - Z

    • Box A29-15L

      Patron Registrations 1988 Jul - 1989 Jun

      alphabetical A - K

    • Box A29-15M

      Patron Registrations 1988 Jul - 1989 Jun

      alphabetical L - Z

    • Box A29-15P

      Patron Registrations 1989 Jul - 1990 Jun

      alphabetical A - F

    • Box A29-15Q

      Patron Registrations 1989 Jul - 1990 Jun

      alphabetical G - M

    • Box A29-15R

      Patron Registrations 1989 Jul - 1990 Jun

      alphabetical N - Z

    • Box A29-16A

      Patron Registrations 1990 Jul - 1991 Jun

      alphabetical A - F

    • Box A29-16B

      Patron Registrations 1990 Jul - 1991 Jun

      alphabetical G - M

    • Box A29-16C

      Patron Registrations 1990 Jul - 1991 Jun

      alphabetical N - Z

    • Box A29-16F

      Patron Registrations 1991 Jul - 1992 Jun

      alphabetical A - D

    • Box A29-16G

      Patron Registrations 1991 Jul - 1992 Jun

      alphabetical E - J

    • Box A29-16H

      Patron Registrations 1991 Jul - 1992 Jun

      alphabetical K - Q

    • Box A29-16I

      Patron Registrations 1991 Jul - 1992 Jun

      alphabetical R - Z

    • Box A29-16L

      Patron Registrations 1992 Jul - 1993 Jun

      alphabetical A - C

    • Box A29-16M

      Patron Registrations 1992 Jul - 1993 Jun

      alphabetical D - He

    • Box A29-16N

      Patron Registrations 1992 Jul - 1993 Jun

      alphabetical Hi - Mc

    • Box A29-16O

      Patron Registrations 1992 Jul - 1993 Jun

      alphabetical M - R

    • Box A29-16P

      Patron Registrations 1992 Jul - 1993 Jun

      alphabetical S - Z

    • Box A29-16S

      Patron Registrations 1993 Jul - 1994 Jun

      alphabetical A - E

    • Box A29-16T

      Patron Registrations 1993 Jul - 1994 Jun

      alphabetical F - L

    • Box A29-17A

      Patron Registrations 1993 Jul - 1994 Jun

      alphabetical M - R

    • Box A29-17B

      Patron Registrations 1993 Jul - 1994 Jun

      alphabetical S - Z

    • Box A29-17E

      Patron Registrations 1994 Jul - 1995 Jun

      alphabetical A - G

    • Box A29-17F

      Patron Registrations 1994 Jul - 1995 Jun

      alphabetical H - O

    • Box A29-17G

      Patron Registrations 1994 Jul - 1995 Jun

      alphabetical P - Z

    • Box A29-17J

      Patron Registrations 1995 Jul - 1996 Jun

      alphabetical A - F

    • Box A29-17K

      Patron Registrations 1995 Jul - 1996 Jun

      alphabetical G - O

    • Box A29-17L

      Patron Registrations 1995 Jul - 1996 Jun

      alphabetical P - Z

  • Patron Daily Logbooks (Sign-in Books)

    • Box A29-17P

      Patron Daily Logbooks (sign-in books) 1975 May - 1980 Jun

    • Box A29-17Q

      Patron Daily Logbooks (sign-in books) 1980 Jul - 1985 Jun

    • Box A29-17R

      Patron Daily Logbooks (sign-in books) 1985 Jul - 1990 Jun

    • Box A29-17S

      Patron Daily Logbooks (sign-in books) 1990 Jul - 1993 Jun

    • Box A29-17T

      Patron Daily Logbooks (sign-in books) 1993 Jul - 1996 Jun

  • Correspondence Files of Special Collections, University of Virginia Library  
         1931-1990s (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Greg O'Connell

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6414

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

    Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Greg O'Connell

    Birthday: 1992-01-10

    Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

    Phone: +2614651609714

    Job: Education Developer

    Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

    Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.